Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #2 Lisbon, IA 52253 Lisbon United Methodist Church 200 East Market Street Lisbon, IA 52253 Address Correction Requested MAY 2015 From the Lisbon United Methodist Church Where People Find Hope in the Risen Christ Website: LISBONIOWAUMC.ORG Email: Worship Schedule Sunday School. . . . . . . . 8:30 am (Ages 2 through adult/ Sept - May) Sunday Worship . . . . . . 9:45 am Office Hours Mon - Fri. morning hours may vary Office Phone: 319/455-2000 Church Staff Pastor . . . . . . . . .. . Tom Mattson Music Director . .. . Paul Pleasant Secretary . . . . . . .. Dawn Morgan Webmaster………. Brad Miller From The Pastor's Desk: Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ! It is officially spring and all around us we see sights of new life. The green grass, that needs to be mowed so quickly, the budding flower trees and the other trees greening up with new leaves, flowers pushing through the ground, are all signs of new life. In the air we hear the sounds of the birds singing and building nests and with each song they remind us of a gracious and caring god who knows when a sparrow falls. Their songs lift our spirits and call us to sing. I hope that there is in your heart a song of praise to God. All of nature around us proclaims his presence and we should join in the proclamation. Jesus said that if the people would not praise Him the rocks and hills would cry out. We have just come through the Lenten Season and are in the Easter tide Season. We have remembered how Jesus willingly suffered the agony of the crucifixion to bring us to god the Father. He has paid with his blood the penalty for our sins and the sins of the world. He makes available to us peace with God and the promise of Heaven. Jesus not only died for us but He rose again for us to show us that there is new life available to each of us. We who were dead in trespasses and sins have new life. He showed us that there is victory over sin and over Satan through faith in Him. Christ desires to lead us out of the darkness of our sins into a new life of victory, joy and peace. Let us receive the message of hope. Let us trust in the promises of God that the new life of victory, hope and peace are available to us every day. Let us join with the chorus of nature to proclaim that God is alive and well. Let us ask Christ to enter our lives afresh today with a renewed sense of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit that we might walk in a deeper walk of faith. Let us ask the Lord to make evident in our lives the new life inside of our hearts. May the joyous news of the resurrection lift you and give you hope, joy and peace. God has done His part to reach us and it is now our choice to accept His gift or not. God Help us to not only accept His gift but to share that gift with others. Jan and I have enjoyed the birth of our new grandson, Chase, and have been able to spend some time with him and our daughter and son-in-law. What a wonderful blessing that has been. The time together seems to go by so quickly. It is amazing to see the changes in him in just two months. We thank god for the blessing that he has been to his parents and to us. With the coming of May we see many activities that are coming upon us. There are graduations to attend and preparations that need to be made as we get ready for the Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church that will be held the first part of June. There are many pages of legislation to read and this is a year when we vote for delegates to General and Jurisdictional conferences that will be held early in 2016. In addition there are plans that need to be made to celebrate the 175 anniversary of the Lisbon UMC. I look at my summer schedule and begin to shake my head at all the activities and plans that will require my time and attention. I am sure that all of you feel those same pressures. I ask you to keep your church and your church's ministry in your thoughts and prayers. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. There are many who are facing difficult challenges health wise, emotionally, and in their families. Some are still coping with the loss of loved ones and all need our prayers. Let us covenant together to pray for and with each other. Let us seek to worship together and to praise our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Yours in Christian love Pastor Tom Women in Christ Women in Christ met of Friday, April 10, 2015 and there were nine members present. The meeting opened with prayer, the UMW Purpose and roll call, where each person told who they would choose if they could have dinner with any athlete or coach currently playing for or employed by an Iowa team. Fred Hoiburg seemed to be the most popular. Carolyn Leaton was the hostess. Our mission project for next month will be to continue to bring food items for SELCC for general use or to be used in the after-school program. At the last report there were at least 20 children being served. Diane Miller will explore the needs of the Child Protection Center in Hiawatha, and Nancy Forbes will make phone calls to Waypoint to see if they have definite needs. Then the group will decide which group they want to choose to support this year. The UMW treasurer gave a report about the Soup Luncheon final profits, with $373.00 being added to the treasury. A discussion was held about the possibility of having some sort of food booth for the RAGBRAI "pass-through" next July, but no decision was made. We will continue exploring this idea next month. We also discussed ideas about how the UMW could participate in the 175th Anniversary of the church, which will come up next August. Our next meeting will be on Friday, May 8, with Marge Wood as the hostess and Kathy Jamison as the teacher. The roll call question is: "More than any other, what item do you lack that has you thinking that perhaps you have fallen well behind the Joneses?" The business meeting adjourned and Bev Achey led a group discussion of the first chapter in our new book. It was titled "Wise Up", and we explored the differences between being "smart" and being "wise". They are not the same. PLEASE PUT THESE UPCOMING DATES ON YOUR CALENDARS....... June 20.......City Wide Garage Sales/Food Booth/Bake Sale: NOTE: We are adding something new this year. We will have our own "church" garage sales and the proceeds will go to the stained glass window fund or any other church fund you would like your proceeds to go to. June 25.......June Invitational- THIS IS NEW: 1:30pm, Thursday afternoon September 10....UMW East Central District Annual Meeting in Iowa City-St. Mark's Church November 14.....Vendor Fair-Bake Sale Contact Wendy Johnson 319-551-1428 if questions. SCS - We are starting a new study series with Jan as our Leader this month, meeting time 7:00 pm on May 19th with Bobbi bringing dessert and Dawn in charge of snacks and drinks new comers are always welcome!!! (so are oldsters!) Thank You!! What a very nice surprise I had at our Sunday, April 26th church service! I was surprised by a very nice reading by Kathy Jamison announcing that the United Methodist Women's 2015 Special Mission Recognition pin and flowers were being awarded to me! Thank you to all of the Lisbon United Methodist Women for honoring me this year. It is a great honor and I will wear the pin proudly. Thank you, Barbara Dolan PRAYER REQUESTS: Here are the friends and family that have been hospitalized or are in need of prayers: Nancy Rottman, Nick Brus, Marsha Heims, Mike Haselbusch, Lisa Miller, Diane Miller, Brian Kruse, Scotty Rose, Wanita Beasmore, Teri Cesserio, Gary Forbes, Lenore Jones, Matthew Mills, Teri Bagby, Bob Cribbs, Janet Bennet, Carolyn Oler, Bruce Alger, Tracy Schmidt’s Mom, Maxine Havill, Elizabeth Reichers, Bill Feuss, Mary Viter, Trisha Bagensto, Mary Gunn, Tiffany Coppess, Carole Frazee, Ed Vanous, David Rottman, Kara Clark, Amanda Meeker, Stella Mae Easker, Lee Rose, Mary Alice Caraway, Dianne Krebs, Trisha Waltz, Mardelle Kennay, Marsha Heims, Jennifer Mullen, Brad Thumma, LeRoy Powelka, Colleen Rosberg, Neil Marshall, Tex Clay, Colleen Williams, Pat Sterner, Eli Eismann, Mildred Sperry, Bob Rottman, Denise Hanna Bennett, Marcia Reiff, Michael Beitling. The Gradwell’s; The McCloys and the families of Steve Cook, Karen Fordyce, Arlo Whitman, Jerry Schenk and Mike Curcio. Congratulation to the High School Graduates from our church family… sorry if we missed anyone. Linda Chen Brock Givens Seth Hill Carter Luck Katie Montgomery Hannah Woltman Benton Frey Danielle Heiken Ryan Light Jake Masters Kendra Schmidt ATTENTION!!!!! SO FAR OUR CHURCH DIRECTORY CONSISTS OF 22 FAMILIES Please send the photo you would like to see in the directory for your family to us digitally or send or drop by a copy to the church office so we can begin the process. If you would like to have someone take your family picture, send an email so we can make that arrangement. The sooner we have this accomplished the sooner we can get started. We have two volunteers that are willing to help with design and putting the directory together! At this point design and form are a mystery so if you have input be sure and email the church office. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR COOPERATION! 1 May Anniversary Roland & Libbie Rottman 2 Shane & Brianna Sizer 3 6 7 Lance & Jennie Zerbe Brian and Amy Hall Kasey and Sarah Lange 10 14 Darin and Kate Williams Brad & Sharee Lind Kassidy & Ashley Kruse Acolytes – Second graders through middle schoolers please be sure and volunteer on the Sunday’s you attend DON”T FORGET TO RING THE BELL!!!! MAY BIRTHDAYS 1 Gravis Alger 17 2 3 Brian Stoneking Roxann Alger 18 19 4 Meghan McAndrew Shea Stamp 20 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 Roger Dolan Mitchell McAndrew Wayne Masters 21 22 23 Jacque Morningstar Lynnlee Caspers Dustin Mallie Grace Mallie Kelly Jo Anderson Steve Boyer Brynnley Fuller Blake Jamison John Randall Bruce Heiken Kate Mallie Andrea Cossolotto Matthew McAndrew Kyle Stoneking Lorie Savage Leila Mayhew Beth Cubbage Jacob Parker Quinn Stamp 24 Austin Kleinmeyer Jay Pike Cole Butteris Sally Weston Pat Schenk Cathy Whitman Alyson Smith Ralph Jordan Katelyn McKone Ava Cossolotto Mackenzie Speed Michael Hall Rick Wiersema Carolyn Reiling Derrick Gaiser 27 28 Jean Light Brandon Pleasant Tyson Williams Neil Bieber Jessica Miller Caleb Whitman Fred Griffiths Michelle Huenecke Baily Caspers Rebecca Wiersema Janet Bennett 30 Dan Boggs 31 Chase Morgan 25 26 175th Anniversary Plans Update Listed below are planned activities. BUT we still need someone to be in charge of the BEST BEARD contest it will involve taking pictures of contestants to post on their entry boxes to be judged by the people attending the celebration. Let Dawn know if you are interested in helping. Aug 2nd A special church service will be held inviting past members and pastors. We will have an all church potluck afterwards for folks to visit and get reacquainted. Katie and Megan are going to plan reenactments and open mic memory sharing times. If you have any letters or other memorabilia to share during this time please let them know. Deanna McAndrew is helping with the old fashion kid games. During the early afternoon the pies will be displayed indoors for the public to browse and choose which pies to bid on during the auction. Historical documents and pictures will also be displayed in the over flow room. At 3 pm community concert with the band AIRWAVE is set for August 2nd at 3:00 pm free popcorn and lemonade will be offered to all. Jackson Street will be blocked off for safety and access to the church. Pie Auction at 6:00 PM: The pies will go one display after the potluck on Aug 2nd and numbers and sign up sheets will be available during the concert with the Auction following directly after the concert with Auctioneer Ryan Crock. Penny is praying for 75 pies to be baked to auction off. She is ordering pans to be used for baking the pies so we know how many we can plan on and no one has to worry about getting their pans back! Any questions give Penny a call or email! WEDNESDAY AUGST 5th -We have our second activity in place David Tiball (Chris Wiskus brother) will be performing a concert on our organ and piano with hymns and their history on Wednesday evening. Chris and Linda Peiper are also planning a old fashion pot luck for all to get acquainted and socialize before the event. FELLOWSHIP – There will be no formal sign up sheets for fellowship during the summer; but if you would like to provide fellowship time AFTER CHURCH for a special celebration like birthday or anniversary or just free lance it please join in this great ministry with our village. Just be sure to announce it during informal minutes time so everyone is aware. Cleaning Assignments Please be generous with your time and pick a week or two; find a friend and split up the tasks per week, remember there is a great sound system you can use to praise and worship while you clean. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A WAY TO SERVE? HERE’S A GREAT OPPORTUNITY: NEEDED: SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT thank you to Jill Boyer for the years of service she has given to the Sunday School Superintendent job and all the work she and her crew have accomplished to add the 2 Sunday School rooms back into use and the restoration of the Superintendents office and all the materials that have been sorted through and saved. ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL will continue to meet May 3, 10 and 17th we will be in the Library on the 3rd and 10th. Remember it is United Methodist Church policy to have Safe Sanctuary Policies and criminal record checks reviewed on all teachers and helpers in Sunday School and Youth Group situations. SAVE THE DATE MAY 3RD 8:30 SUNDAY SCHOOL END OF YEAR PARTY IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL Sunday, May 31 2-4 pm Spring Open House at Cherry Ridge (everyone is invited) Everyone is invited to this event. Enjoy wine and hors d’ouevres during a progressive tour. You can listen to the sounds of Heart Consort Music. Enter your name in drawings held every 15 minutes! Sunday, May 31 -2-4 pm Spring Open House at Cherry Ridge (everyone is invited) Everyone is invited to this event. Enjoy wine and hors d’ouevres during a progressive tour. You can listen to the sounds of Heart Consort Music. Enter your name in drawings held every 15 minutes! July 26 – 30th VBS “EVEREST” Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power VOLUNTEERS May 3 Deena M May 10 Megan D May 17 Lisa M May 24 closed for summer! Nursery: Anyone wanting to help volunteer in nursery can contact Lisa Miller at ( or call her cell phone (319) 721-8756 remember high schools you can earn silver cord hours if you volunteer and work Ushers May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 Budde/Peters McAndrew/Bock Reiling/Schmidt Pleasant/Richardson Alger/Kruse Please contact Deena McAndrews at 319 310-3678 to fill in our Ushers Calendar Schedule or to swap weeks. Thanks! Do you have a heart for Lisbon school? Would you like to join with other women to pray for your children, grandchildren, the kids in our school? Please come to Moms in Prayer, which is a group that meets weekly to pray for our school kids, teachers and community. We use scripture to guide our prayers, and you are welcome to come even if praying in a group is out of your comfort zone. We meet at 6:30pm at the Lisbon United Methodist Church. Please contact Mary Morningstar with any questions: 319.743.8120 or You may find this is the best 90 minute investment of your week! For more information about Moms in Prayer International, go to A Pre-Service Fellowship For All Sundays 9:00-9:40am (Note the new time!) LUMC Lower Fellowship Hall Jump start your morning with an informal Fellowship in a coffeehouse setting! All are welcome! Come See the New Paint and furniture Did you know Kathy and Ben Jamison raked and moved gravel from the edges of the parking lots to fill in holes and muddy spots. Did you know – Jennie Zerbes has a new full time (paying) job and therefore is no longer the Church Treasurer, please thank her for volunteering for over 2 years of service at the church! Did you know- Stella Mae has a new pad.. her new address is 6325 Rockwell Dr Apt 101 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 she has kept her cell phone the same. Did you know – Did you know that Jim and Kristi Thomson have moved into their new home in Solon? We wish them well in their new church and home! Did you know - Our friend Vickie Parker is going on a mission trip to INDIA in July 19 – August 4! Did you know - The Non-denominational Youth Group meets on Wednesdays, at Grace Bible Church on the 1st and 3rd and at Lisbon United Methodist Church on the 2nd and 4th. Did you know - We have awesome volunteers who give rides to people that need extra help? MEDITATION: Scripture: 1 John 4: 7-11 Key memory verse: 1 John 4: 11 “ Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” We are living in uncertain times and the days are full of news reports that can cause us to be fearful and discouraged. We hear all of the bad news from not only our country but places all around the world. I am mindful of the people in Nepal who have just suffered a terrible earthquake killing thousands of people and devastating families and buildings. We hear of violence and demonstrations in the streets of many communities. Terrorism and terrorist threaten us at home and abroad. There is an unrest that we cannot escape. Those things can weigh heavily on our hearts and minds. They can cause us to question God and to let fear and discouragement take control of our lives. I want to share with you the good news. We cannot bury our heads in the sand and ignore the problems we see around us, but we can look to our God who is greater than all of our problems. When you boil down all the problems in the world it comes down to the problem of sin. The sinfulness of man is evident everywhere. But Romans 5:8 says “But God commended His love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:10 says “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.” God has reached out to us even when we were hurting and grieving Him. He has offered love, forgiveness, reconciliation, salvation, grace and mercy to us. Jesus calls us to “Not let your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid.” He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. But sometimes we have trouble seeing the evidence of that in the circumstances around us. He offers us encouragement in and through His word and those feelings of peace that passes understanding. He tells us that in this world we will have tribulation but to be of good cheer for He has overcome the world. He gives us many promises that are meant to help us in and through the days of uncertainty but it is easy to forget them. They are still available to us through faith in Jesus Christ. If we have been recipients of His love and grace, then we should seek to show that love and grace to others. If there is one thing that this world needs now more than anything else, it is love. Our times are riddled with cruelty, hatred, jealousy, and unrest. How we need to start loving one another. Love is not just warm feelings in your heart, it is a way of life, an act. The Bible tells us that God so loved the world that He acted. He gave us His only Son. For years, after foundling hospitals were established, doctors wondered why so many babies died without seeming to be ill. These babies, though deserted from birth, were well fed, clothed and warm. Even those who survived often failed to grow into mature adults who could give and receive love. Physicians were puzzled with this until they realized the great importance of love in maintaining life. Only as a child learns that he or she is loved will they, in turn, be able to care for others. It is God's great love for us that gives us the ability to love others. It is God's unconditional affection for us that gives us the security to, in turn, be able to care for others who are also unlovely. If God had not loved us while we were yet sinners, where could we have learned to love? He offers to place His love in our hearts as the fruit of the Spirit. That enables us to love as He loves. The certainty of God's love for us permits us, indeed causes us, to care for others. It follows then, that unless we love our brothers and sisters, they may never be able to fully understand God's much greater love. Prayer: Dear Father, help me to live in your love and to love others as you have loved me. Keep me close to your love and close to my neighbor. Equip me with your love for my human love is insufficient. But through your infinite love help me to love. In Jesus' name. Amen PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE MOVED OR WOULD LIKE TO GET YOUR NEWSLETTER BY E-MAIL.
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