LMS Warrior Orchestra Handbook Welcome back for the 2014 – 2015 school year. This handbook gives you the relevant information, such as: supply list, rules, and other orchestra information. Classroom Expectations: 1) Good behavior is expected at all times. – Respect others, property, and yourself. No talking, whispering, plucking or playing during the tuning process. 2) Be prepared. – Be on time and bring your own materials to class daily, these are: - Instrument and bow - Rosin - Shoulder pad/end pin holder - Extra set of strings (optional) - 2 No. 2 Pencils with erasers - Music, book, and sheet music (replacement is $0.25 per sheet lost) - 1-inch black binder (it must be black, NO EXCEPTIONS) with sheet protectors 3) No cell phones, gum, candy, food, or drinks allowed – Violation of this district rule will result in a decreased grade in deportment. 4) Listen carefully and follow all directions – Do not be afraid to raise your hand and ask questions. 5) Practice a minimum of 30 minutes daily. 6) No long fingernails – they inhibit the proper playing of stringed instruments 7) Inform parent or guardian of any orchestra announcements pertaining to extra rehearsals and performances. 8) DO NOT talk, whisper, pluck or play out of turn. Orchestra is a class that requires listening, attention and patience. 9) Have fun learning and making music. Consequences: 1) Verbal warning and/or change of seat. 2) Conference with student and/or note sent home. 3) Parent contacted; if necessary, conference scheduled 4) Student will receive a U in deportment for grading period 5) Referral to the office; may occur immediately at director’s discretion. Cell phones and other electronic media found in use without prior authorization will be confiscated and taken to the office. Instrument Rental The instrument rental fee for the scholastic year is $45.00. Supplies of these instruments are very limited. Students wanting to rent school instruments must return their blue and yellow cards, with the rental fee before receiving the instrument. It is very much appreciated and encouraged for parents to rent from the local music store to allow availability for other students. ******WHETHER YOU RENT OR OWN YOUR OWN INSTRUMENT: It is the student’s responsibility to maintain and care for their instrument. Any instrument will be issued to the student in good, working order with a functional bow. If a student damages a school instrument, he or she may be monetarily responsible for the repair as stated in the EPISD rental agreement. If the student breaks a string, it is the student’s responsibility to purchase a replacement string within two days from the day that it breaks. Strings can be purchased at any local music store. A STUDENT GRADE MAY BE AFFECTED IF THE STUDENT IS WITHOUT A STRING OR A WORKING INSTRUMENT FOR MORE THAN TWO DAYS SINCE ORCHESTRA PARTICIPATION REQUIRES AN INSTRUMENT. INSTRUMENTS ARE REQUIRED BY SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 ***FIRST MATERIALS CHECK WILL BE Wednesday Sept. 10, 2014*** LMS Warrior Orchestra Handbook Care of Music Students are responsible for all music they receive. Music should be placed in sheet protectors within the student’s binder. Music should be kept in the binder at all times. Missing or damaged music will be replaced for a fine of 25 cents per page. Uniform This is the requisite uniform for all performances and the class photo, any student not adhering will be asked not to participate or perform, NO EXCEPTIONS. Jeans and tennis shoes are never allowed. Girls: - White, long-sleeve, button-down shirt* - Solid long black tie - Black slacks - Black nylons, tights, or socks - Black dress shoes** (1” heel acceptable) * No blouses! No polo shirts! ** No tennis shoes Boys: - White, long-sleeve, button-down shirt* - Solid long black tie - Black slacks - Solid black socks - Black dress shoes** Grading Daily Grade (40%) – bringing all materials binder, pencil, music, rosin, shoulder pad/rock stop, answering questions, in-class quizzes, handouts, after-school rehearsals, and notebook checks. Students will receive an 80 the first time they forget their instrument, and a 0 each time after that they do not bring their instrument to class. A conference will be requested after the third time. After-school rehearsals are required for periods closer to concert dates. These will be graded, but parents will receive communication well in advance to have time to prepare transportation and other arrangements. Extra rehearsals will begin daily from 3p – 4p Monday – Friday beginning September 2, 2014 Homework Grade (20%) - Students will be graded for returning letter receipts as part of their homework grade. Students are also graded on taking their instruments home daily to practice. Concerts/Playing Tests (40%) - Concerts are graded as tests, as they reflect the work done in class and after school rehearsals. Students will be expected to play in front of others for their playing tests. Students must receive a minimum of 90% on playing tests to be eligible for contest. Concert Attendance Excused absences for concerts are: 1) death in the family 2) approved school-sponsored activities, 3) religious holidays, 4) family emergency, and 5) personal illness. A minimum of 24 hours notice prior to the concert is required for the first three for an excused absence. The last two require a parent note with signature and date when the student returns to class. Students will be expected to complete an alternate assignment for their grade. Unexcused absences will result in a grade of ZERO; these are often caused by lack of communication with the director. Other examples of unexcused absences are, but not limited to: cutting class, unplanned transportation/no ride, birthday, wedding, etc celebrations, oversleeping/alarm did not go off, forgetting instrument, completely forgot, going on vacation, etc… LMS Warrior Orchestra Handbook Rehearsals and Concerts Extra Rehearsals: Throughout the course of the school year, the orchestra director WILL schedule extra rehearsals to help prepare the students for upcoming orchestra performance/competition. THESE EXTRA REHEARSALS ARE MANDATORY AND GRADED. Students who miss extra rehearsals must have a parent contact me by phone or email, and also send in a signed written statement why the rehearsal was missed. After 2 missed rehearsals (excused or unexcused) the student will not be allowed to perform. Extra rehearsals will be from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eligibility: The state of a Texas requires by law that all students must have a passing grade of a 70 or above at the 6 week period and on the report card in all classes to be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities. If the student becomes ineligible, he/she will not be allowed to perform with the orchestra for competitions and field trips. Please be attentive to your child’s grade and ensure the child contacts their teachers to schedule tutoring for any class he/she may be struggling in. Performance and/or competitions: Orchestra students are required to attend mandatory performances and/or competitions during the course of the school year. These performances may be during school hours, after hours on a school night, or on the weekends. Some performances may require that the parent provide their child transportation to and from the performance. All performances are MANDATORY and GRADED, so please make arrangements to make sure your child is at the performance on time, and has a ride home at the end of the event. Mr. Jerome will inform the students and post the performance information in the orchestra room about a month before each scheduled performance or activity. Please be sure to communicate with your child to assure you receive information in a timely manner. All dates and letters sent home will be posted on the orchestra website. Performance Calendar* October 14, 2014.............................................................All-Region Violin Audition Round 1 October 18, 2014 .................................... All-Region Violin Round 2, Viola, Cello, Bass Audition November 13 – 15, 2014 .........................................................All-Region Clinics and Concert December 6, 2014................................................ Annual Stringathon @ Coronado High School December 10, 2014 .......... Lincoln Winter Concert feat. Herrera Elementary Beginners @ LMS Gym February 2015 .......................... Solo & Ensemble Festival @ Franklin High School 9th Grade Center March/April 2015 ............... Orchestra Concert and Sight-Reading Festival @ Coronado High School May 21, 2015 .................. Lincoln Spring Concert feat. Herrera Elementary Beginners @ LMS Gym *All dates subject to change ***Informational letters will be sent home prior to performances and events. The online performance calendar is continually updated.*** Fundraising All orchestra students will have the opportunity to fundraise to help with supplies and field trips. Fundraisers are NOT mandatory. We typically hold three fundraisers a year. The students will receive a letter stating what each fundraiser will cover. If a student chooses not to fundraise they will be charged the fees for the supplies and field trips that occur. Orchestra Parents As an orchestra parent, you are invited to attend all orchestra concerts. Your child will proudly see that you care and appreciate their hard work and dedication. Most concerts are completed within an hour. Your support will help all of us meet our goals toward developing better students and building an outstanding orchestra program! LMS Warrior Orchestra Handbook Seating System Each orchestra class is made up of a unique and interesting mix of students varying in ability. In this program, every student is important to the success of the orchestra. Competition creates a situation “when many persons must lose in order for a few to win a prized status.” The orchestra program aims to continue its tradition of replacing hostile competition between peers with teamwork. For this purpose, Advanced Placement Seating (APS) will be used. APS is a system followed by many college and professional orchestras. This system allows the orchestra to sound at its maximum efficiency by placing strong players all around the orchestra, not just in stands closest to the conductor. APS satisfies both the competitive and the non-competitive student. Strong players who want to play leadership roles in orchestra are given the opportunity to audition for section leader positions. Students who are happy to just be a part of the orchestra are seated in NONHIERARCHAL order in complementary pairs. Seating in complimentary pairs allows students to learn from each other. This seating system also makes use of rotational seating. ALL STANDS will rotate daily. This rotation will allow students to experience the different challenges of sitting in different areas in their section. At Lincoln Middle School, every student is given the opportunity to give a significant contribution to their group because their importance is not attached to a chair. Because our students understand that the success of each individual contributes to the success of the group, the students themselves foster an environment where they help each other succeed. I am looking forward to a great and musical 2014 – 2015! Orchestra website: Mr. Jerome’s email: LMS Phone Number: http://lmswarriororchestra.weebly.com pijerome@episd.org (915) 231 – 2180 Paul Jerome, Orchestra Director Dr Michael Warmack, Principal LMS Warrior Orchestra Handbook Agreement Please fill out, sign and return this portion to Mr. Jerome by Friday, August 29, 2014 BY SIGNING THIS FORM, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENT/PERFORMANCE ATTIRE INFORMATION LETTER, RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR ORCHESTRA, AND ORCHESTRA MATERIAL LIST. I have read and understood the information provided in the packet below, any questions will be addressed to the teacher during a conference period or via email. Parent Signature: Student’s Name: Phone: Parent E-mail: Date: / / 2014
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