Lord of Life Lutheran Church 1143 N. 26th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 Phone (701)223-2986 Fax (701)223-2987 www.lordoflifebismarck.org LORD OF LIFE MISSION STATEMENT KNOW Christ, GROW in Christ, and GO as Christ to the world. May 2015 WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sundays: 8:30 & 11:00 am Wednesdays: 6:15 pm May 24 Summer Worship Begins – 9:30 am only LORD OF LIFE CLERGY: Pastor Nadine Lehr (Mondays off) Pastor Larry Giese (Fridays off) STAFF: Youth & Family Director - Janie Hague Children’s & Family Ministry Coordinator - Cassie Theurer Office Manager - Chelsey Riepl Office Assistant - Linda Simmons Custodian - Brad Terry LORD OF LIFE OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm The Office will be closed from 12:00 – 1:00 pm Monday – Friday May 26 – Summer Hours Begin Monday - Friday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm LOL WEBSITE & E-MAIL www.lordoflifebismarck.org lordoflife@midconetwork.com Answering machine is available evenings and weekends when office is not staffed. Page | 1 Family Meal May 13th, 2015 5:00 pm Summer Worship Schedule Begins Sunday, May 24 9:30 am Sunday Worship 6:15 pm Wednesday Worship Senior Sunday May 17, 2015 And Senior Wednesday May 20, 2015 Upcoming Events in May - May 13th – Family Meal - May 16th – Family Service Project - May 17th – Senior Sunday Camp of the Cross Newsletter The Camp of the Cross newsletter can now be read as a link off the Lord of Life website or by going directly to the Camp of the Cross website - www.campofthecross.com Largos from Larry “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42 Pentecost is coming, and it is coming soon. Lent has come and gone. Easter is soon giving way to the long green season of Pentecost. I love this time of year. The sun wakes me in the morning through my bedroom window. It is like God’s wake-up alarm each day, “Hey Larry, WAKE UP!” God’s snooze alarm doesn’t work anymore. I recently came across an article written several years ago. This phrase was within the article written about the prodigal son, I am a child of God’s household. Greatness is my birthright. I am constantly within God’s new creation by grace, becoming in the image of my prodigal Father. So what to do with this? Globally, you are aware as well as I am of the turmoil in the Middle East. It is appalling when one notes the enormous numbers of people who starve to death or die from preventable disease every day in Africa. There is still a lost airliner somewhere in the ocean. Closer to home, I wonder how the 2015 legislative assembly will impact our lives in North Dakota. Locally, we have survived a wild fire just south of Bismarck. Thankfully there was no loss of life or serious property damage. Lord of Life is on the edge of the wedding season and summer activities. Youth are preparing for graduation from high school. Some are preparing for their affirmation of baptism through summer mentorship. Some are preparing for VBS and outdoor camp. Some among us are ill and need our constant prayers. Faith and life centered in Biblical teaching, fellowship, worship, and prayer. These marks of the early church, the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, worship, and prayer are also ours as well! These are the strength of the church which belongs to each of us as members of the body of Christ, promised through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. This is our hope in trying days and times and days of rejoicing, “He is risen!” Now its Pentecost! The call is out to live in the grace of God’s love and tell the story—of Jesus and his love. What will we say? Embrace the days given unto us. Stand up and receive the day with out-stretched arms. Hold the day as you would hold a new-born baby. Greet the day as you would welcome a long awaited friend or family member at the airport or bus depot. It is much more than marking off a square on a page of paper on your wall. It is being a part of community. It is a call to live! It is connection—grace and forgiveness, life and salvation. Each day is a dazzling experience of God’s household dressed in time. The richness becomes ours as we are engaged in reading Scripture, Christian community, and daily prayer. Blessings for the journey! In Christ’s service, Pastor Larry Page | 2 Pastoral Acts First Communion – Maundy Thursday, April 2nd, 2015 McKenna J. Geiger Cameron J. Hintz Taylor Ann Johnson Kiefer Scott Johnson Brackston Adrik Kemmet Cami M. Laib Brooks K. Marchant Emily M. Wahl Jakob Isaak Weippert Luke D. Welk Baptisms Rheet Charles Seamands, son of Eric & Maggie Seamands, on April 12, 2015 Funerals Ruby Block on March 26, 2015 Yvonne D Erb on April 22, 2015 Memorials 11 General Memorials – In memory of Sandra McLachlan Quilters Memorial – In memory of Ruby Block General Memorial – In memory of Jim & Yvonne Erb Baptism Class Are you planning a baptism between May and August? A baptism class for parents will be held on Saturday, May 9th, at 9:30 am, in the conference room. This class is strongly recommended for anyone preparing to baptize a child. Sign up at the Information Desk. There will also be a combined class for June, July, and August, on Saturday, June 13nd, at 9:30 am. Bible Study Opportunities (Guests and new members always welcome!) MEN'S SATURDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY continues to meet every Saturday at 8:30 am at the church. WOMEN'S TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY meets at 9:30 am on May 12th. WOMEN'S SATURDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY meets at 8:00 am on May 9th. We would like to invite the women to the May 9th Bible Study at 8:00 am. Pastor Nadine will lead us in a discussion about The Church: Transforming and Reforming Life & Faith. Diane, Joan, Janell, Linda, Sue, Ginny, Barb, and Sheryl Both groups will be winding up the year with the last study in this series about transforming and reforming the church. Using the south door will be most convenient. The Tuesday group voted to give their offering of $75.00 to Janie and the youth going to Detroit to use to purchase diapers for low income folks whose babies cannot go to day care without diapers. Without day care, the mothers can't work. Adult Education Thanks to all who participated in Adult Education this spring. Plans are underway to provide great opportunities for learning this fall. A special thanks to adult education leaders for their diligence in preparations this past year. The fall season of adult education begins September 20th. See you there! Page | 3 David Ramsey’s series, “Financial Peace University,” is coming back this fall. Watch the newsletter and bulletin for dates and times. The revised series is nine weeks in duration rather than thirteen. Please call Pastor Larry if you are interested, 223-2986. th th Piecemakers Mondays, May 4 and 18 and Tuesdays May 5th and 19th are the final days for quilting before the summer break. A good turnout will ensure that many quilts can be assembled. There is plenty of work to be done. Hours are 6:30-9:00 pm on Monday evenings and 9:30 am-3:00 pm on Tuesdays. Young-At-Hearts The fourth Tuesday, May 26th, will be the final gathering of this group of senior citizens until fall. Dave and Marian Ellefson will be hosting for a potluck picnic and Dave will present the program. Please watch the bulletins later in May for more details. Lutheran World Relief There has been a wonderful response in April of bath towels and hand towels and some soap. Many, many thanks to the congregation for your generous donations to this very worthy project. The kits make such a difference to those who have had to abandon their homes! Garage sales have already begun, so if you happen to notice those selling baby clothes, please consider getting some gently used baby blankets, sleepers without feet, socks, and hooded sweater-shirts or sweaters. Also caps if there aren't hoods. Sizes needed are newborn to 24 months. More 4 ounce bars of mild soap will also be needed. These may be left in the "old" kitchen. Lutheran University Scholarship Graduating 2015 seniors of Lord of Life who are planning to attend a Lutheran College or University in the Fall of 2015 are eligible for the Congregation Scholarship provided through the Parish Education Team. It is a scholarship of $1,000. Student(s) applying should direct a letter to the Parish Education Team or Pastor Larry with the following information: School Attending, major area of study, brief description of your faith journey. Application deadline is June 15, 2015. If no applications are received, presently enrolled students will be considered upon notifying the Parish Education Team or Pastor Larry after June 15 and before July 15, 2015. Summer Worship & Office Hours May 24 (Memorial Weekend) begins our summer worship schedule. We will have one worship service at 9:30 am on Sundays and our regular Wednesday worship at 6:15 pm. The office will be closed May 25th for Memorial Day. Summer office hours will begin May 26th. Hours will be Monday thru Friday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. The Sunday summer worship schedule and office hours will continue through Rally Day, September 13th. “Building On the Shores of Faith” After nearly a half–century legacy of faithful service, a key central facility at Camp of the Cross can no longer be used. Built to house and serve as a temporary dining and housing facility for the Garrison Dam construction workers in the early 1950’s and then moved to the Camp of the Cross property in 1955, the dining hall is in a state of irreversible deterioration. After much planning and a great beginning, the “Building on the Shores of Faith” campaign is now proceeding with much excitement. Once the $2.5 million goal is reached, a new dining, kitchen and meeting facility – The Fellowship Center – will become a reality. This new facility will encompass more than 8000 square feet, be located overlooking the lake with a sizable front deck and provide for multiple groups and as many 200 seated guests at one time. During services from April 26th to May 10th, we at Lord of Life will be learning more about this need and how we as individuals and families can help. Camp of the Cross provides a vital ministry to all ages within the congregations of western and central North Dakota and especially to our youth. Page | 4 Monthly Family Meal Begins Wednesday, May 13, 2015! Many of us bemoan the frantic pace of family life these days. With parents working full-time, children starting extracurricular activities at younger ages than ever before, and many organizations demanding bigger and bigger commitments of time and money from us, it’s very difficult simply to keep up, much less thrive. Our over-programmed lives take a toll on our health, our family ties, and our church community. Over and over again, the church staff hears this from our members: “I would love to be there, but I just don’t have the time” or “I wish I could live just one day without a to-do list.” Last year, the Western North Dakota Synod hosted a conference gathering where we discussed what people need from their congregations. And again, this same theme came up. People want their church to be a place set apart from the crazy schedules of the rest of the world. They hope to come here for a break from the frenetic pace and for a chance to connect meaningfully with others. And research underlines the same theme. Studies at both Harvard and Cornell Universities have revealed that families need together time, especially around a family meal. In fact, children who enjoy at least 4 meals each week with their families enjoy greater academic success, less obesity, less substance abuse, less attrition from college, and more flexibility in handling stress. Thus, we come to a new program at Lord of Life: the Monthly Family Meal. Beginning on Wednesday, May 13th, we will host a monthly meal on the second Wednesday of every month during the academic year. The meal will begin at 5:00 pm and will end promptly at 6:00 pm so families can attend worship at 6:15 pm, if they wish. The pastors will provide a very brief devotion or conversation starter at 5:30 pm. The first menu will include sliced ham, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, and ice cream sundaes. A free will offering will be taken, but no family is expected to provide more than $20 for their family meal, regardless of how large they may be. And this meal is for each and every one of us. You can be a Sunday worshipper and still come to dinner on Wednesday. You can be a single parent, a widow or widower, a traditional family with two parents and 2.5 kids – it makes no difference. We would like to honor this monthly time together as a time to build strong ties, not only between parents and children, but between church family members too. Please mark the date and come to the first meal in May. If this first meal works well, we will resume the schedule when school starts again in September. Any questions? Please call one of the pastors at 223-2986. Mother the Camp-Camp of the Cross Ministries The Evangelism Team of Lord of Life will be gathering donations for Camp of the Cross Ministries from Sunday, May 3rd - Wednesday May 13th, 2015. A place will be marked by the gathering space “column.” A listing of most needed supplies for food, kitchen supplies, housekeeping, office, crafts, program needs, and site is available at the information desk. Please take one with you today! Lutheran Social Services (LSS) Senior Companion Program LSS senior companion program is hoping to establish a station site at Lord of Life for senior companion volunteers who would be visiting Bismarck and Burleigh County residents in their homes. A component of this program is a station (Lord of Life Church) where volunteer visitors could meet and debrief visitations. What the program is looking for is a station supervisor to do this. The Volunteerism team has been looking for this person, but has not located one yet. Please call Sonja Mickelson, LSS Senior Companion Coordinator, 701-8387800 for more in depth information and a job description. Directory Pictures Photos will be taken in October: Tuesday-Friday – October 6th – 9th 2:00-9:00 pm, Saturday October 10th – 10:00 am – 4:30 pm, Thursday – Friday – October 15th – 16th – 2:00 pm – 9:00 pm, and Saturday October 17th 10:00 am – 4:30 pm. If a family has a college student leaving or if people will not be around in October two days in July have been set aside for pictures: Tuesday – Wednesday – July 28th-29th – 2:00 – 9:00 pm. Look forward to more in depth information in upcoming newsletters. Page | 5 Born of Wind and Fire Pentecost Sunday, May 24th, 2015 – 9:30 am When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:1–4 Although Easter may seem to have passed long ago, we are technically still within the Easter season. Before Jesus was crucified he promised his disciples that he would be raised from the dead and that when he ascended to his Father, he would send them the Holy Spirit. After that first Easter Sunday, the disciples went to Jerusalem and waited for the promise to be fulfilled. And sure enough, 40 days later, they were gathered together and the Holy Spirit arrived with wind and fire. The church was born that day. Easter ended and Pentecost became the official birthday of the church. This year we will celebrate Pentecost in grand style on Sunday, May 24th, at one worship service at 9:30 am. Remembering the wind and fire, we will dress up our sanctuary in red geraniums, multicolored ribbon chandeliers waving in the “wind,” a processional with some of our youth carrying “fire” in the form of dancing ribbons, and much more. We invite you to wear RED on this special day. We will thank God for giving us the church and the promise of his power. Come and enjoy this special celebration! Cozy Comfort Ministry The Cozy Comfort group is not meeting during the summer months, although some work is being done at home. We will resume meetings again in September. We are a group who knits or crochets prayer shawls and are always happy to welcome a newcomer to the group. If you are interested, but don’t know how to knit or crochet, we would be happy to help you get started. If you can’t make the meetings but want to knit or crochet prayer shawls on your own, that will work too. If you have questions about joining the group or about the Cozy Comfort ministry, please contact Deb Knudsen at 224-9150. If you know of someone who could use a prayer shawl, please contact one of the pastors through the church office or Coralyn Hoovestol at 255-1401. There is no charge for the shawls and a person does not have to belong to Lord of Life to receive a shawl Dear Lord of Life Council and Congregation, I am resigning as President of Lord of Life effective May 1. In the two-and-a-half years since I agreed to serve on the Executive Team, there have been both personal and professional changes in my life, as is not uncommon. Some changes have happened in the last two months, after our annual meeting. Due to these changes, which I am happy to share are positive, I will be moving out of state in early summer. Sheryl Terry will become your next President, as was your intent when you elected her to the Executive Team in 2014; however, she is transitioning to President a little earlier than anticipated. Her excellent leadership skills will ensure a smooth transition. My sincere thanks to her and the rest of the Executive Team for making this adjustment. I appreciate your support and kindness as I served on the Executive Team, and extend my thanks to the excellent people I have been able to work with on the Teams and Council during my tenure. I wish you all continued growth in faith and in service to God. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our shared mission in this capacity. God’s peace! Meredith Traeholt Page | 6 Youth and Family Sunday Morning Brunch All youth grades 7-12 are welcome to come to breakfast with Janie. We will meet at the church at 9:45 am on May 31st. We will go to breakfast at Krolls, please bring $10. We will have a devotional and some great food. Talk to Janie if you have any questions. Caramel Rolls Rolls will be on sale Sunday May 10th after the 8:30am service. Stop by for our famous rolls and a cup of coffee or juice. Free will offering will be taken, all proceeds benefit youth going on the mission trip. See you there! W.I.N.G.S. W.I.N.G.S. Sunday May 17th. This month will be at Sertoma Park. Meet at Lord of Life at 4:30 pm and we will carpool down to the Park. Please bring money for rides. After we are done at the park we will go to a shelter for more food and games. YOUTH GROUP ICE BLOCKING Meet at Lord of Life at 6:00 pm for Youth group on Sunday May 3rd to go Ice Blocking. Bring $5 and a towel, it is like sledding in the summer! Mission Trip Fundraiser! Youth who will be going on the Mission trip this summer are in need of your help! They will be selling candy bars starting Sunday April 26th until May 6th in the Narthex. Here is how it works: There will be Candy bars marked 1-100. You can pick out of a box of candy bars in your price range. If you pick candy bar number 50 that is how much you pay. Graduates’ Sunday Sunday, May 17th is Graduates’ Sunday, when we recognize the accomplishments of the graduating class of 2015. The 8:30 am and 11:00 am services on Sunday and the 6:15 pm service on Wednesday will be led by the senior class. Come and join us as we celebrate the achievements of our senior class. There will be a basket in the Fellowship Hall to collect cards for the seniors that are graduating this year. They are listed below: Jonathan Baker Nicholas Brosseau Elijah Gray Peyton Kringle Christian Ryberg Ben Suess Nash Binegar Joel Crane Hunter Hoffman Heidi Mastrud Allison Schroeder Tayler Wescom Claire Wiseman Sara Bolme Katelyn Ebach Cole Honeyman Brent Neuhardt Austin Streyle Mariah Wilson Warm congratulations, and good luck in your future adventures. Page | 7 Page | 8 Financial Stewardship News Below is an update of Lord of Life’s financial position for the end of March. The graph shows information in a 3dimensional bar chart display. The “front” bars show the year-to-date difference between giving and expenses for each month. The next bar is the monthly giving, followed by the monthly expenses. The bars at the rear of the graph show the cumulative year-to-date giving and expenses. The difference between the back two bars is the difference that is shown at the front. We’ve started 2015 off with a deficit of about $15,000. This compares to last year’s deficit of $95 at the end of March. Our envelope giving is $13,155 behind 2014 at this time. That’s an 8.8% decrease for the first 3 months of the year. Our expenses are about 1.5% more than last year. If we are diligent in honoring our stewardship commitments we should be able to reduce this gap and avoid the cash flow problems we have experienced during some past summers. An automatic giving program, such as Simply Giving, is a convenient way members can help assure that our giving is more equally distributed throughout the year. If you’d like to sign up for this, go to our web site www.lordoflifebismarck.org and click on “online donations”. Lenten Offering Report One reason that our “General Fund” giving may be lower this year is that we decided to dedicate our 2015 Lenten offerings to some very special projects to address hunger, sanitation and other pressing needs to save and enrich lives throughout the world. Your response was overwhelming! You generously donated $2,567 to Lutheran World Relief and $8,485 to the ELCA Hunger Appeal. Included in this is $1,302 that was raised by our children – their generosity will provide 26 goats to families in need. These gifts will have a significant impact on real people and will carry a message of compassion, mercy and Christ’s love for those in need. Thank you for generous gifts. Page | 9 The Stewardship Team will help keep the congregation informed of our financial status with regular communication throughout the year. Look for information in the newsletter and weekly bulletins. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact any of the team members. They are Keith Demke, Renae Gall, John Sandbakken, Larry Miller, Lee Kaldor and David Mayer. Lord of Life Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes April 14, 2015 I. Call To Order: President Meredith Traeholt called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II. Council Members Present: Meredith Traeholt - President, Sheryl Terry - Vice -President, Bob Salveson - Secretary, Jaci Strinden - Youth Ministry, Craig Nelson - Education, Shirley Klein Nominations, Renae Gall - Stewardship, Barbara Andrist - Worship and Music, Randy Axvig Property. III. Staff Members Present: Pastor Nadine Lehr, Pastor Larry Giese, Janie Hague - Youth Director, Cassie Theurer - Children and Family Ministry and Music Ministry Coordinator. IV. Devotions: Devotions were given by Bob Salveson. V. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the March 10, 2015, meeting were presented by Meredith Traeholt and read by council members. Jaci Stinden moved to approve the minutes without change. Seconded by Barbara Andrist. Motion carried. VI. Financial Report: Review of monthly envelope giving indicates that offerings are down $9,496.48 (compared to March 2014), and over-all offering is down $13,154.75 from the same time period in 2014. Year to date spending exceeded income by $4,218.39. Refinancing of the mortgage was reviewed. When the refinancing is completed, the new interest rate will be 4.09% vs. the current 5.17%. Renae Gall asked team liaisons to bring ideas about spending down their dedicated funds to the next council meeting. Pastor Nadine reports that our giving to Lutheran World Relief was $2,567.50 and our giving to the ELCA Hunger Appeal was $8,485.71. Renae Gall reported that there is a discrepancy in the monthly statement of our general checking account. She will contact other team members to determine the cause and amount of the discrepancy. Renae will report back to the council at the next meeting. VII. Congregational Statistics: President Meredith Traeholt reviewed the current membership statistics. Comparing membership -- confirmed members: 2014: 1086 2015: 804 Comparing worship attendance – monthly average per week: 2014: 440 2015: 405 Comparing worship attendance – Year-to-date average per week: 2014: 365 2015: 369 Page | 10 VIII. Team Reports: - Education Team Liaison, Craig Nelson, reported that Teacher Appreciation Day will be April 22 for Wednesday School teachers and May 10 for Sunday School teachers. Whole Family Church School is being offered on April 29 and May 17. Dates for Summer Bible School are set for June 21 – 25. Themes and curriculum are being decided. The new Safe Haven Policy is being addressed by Pastor Larry and being discussed with the Property Team. The goal is to have a policy in place by September or October 2015. - Nominations Team Liaison, Shirley Klein indicated there was no business that needed action by the council at this time. - Financial Stewardship Team Liaison, Renae Gall, reported that Keith Demke is staying in contact with Capital Credit Union regarding the refinancing of the church loan. He anticipates the papers will be available soon for signatures. Lenten offerings were higher than expected; therefore, we were able to forward extra funds to the ELCA to get credit for the Capital Campaign. - Property and Maintenance Team Liaison, Randy Axvig, discussed the possible placement of two benches outdoors in front of the church. Prices will be secured. The committee is considering using dedicated funds to purchase new furniture for the lobby. The committee is anticipating signing the work order for the new pew upholstery in July. Policy writing for the new Safe Haven program is being discussed. Examples are being gathered from other churches. The committee continues to discuss possible fund raising possibilities for a van for the church. - Evangelism Team Chair Liaison, Leslie Riepel reported the Family Meal would be held on May 13, stopped during the summer, and restarted in the fall. Missouri Slope has requested LOL’s assistance for the Relay for Life. Dennis Steele will contact them and report back to the committee. The second payment to Camp of the Cross was approved. - Volunteerism Team was represented by Pastor Larry. He noted that the Senior Companion Program continues to look for station supervisors. The program coordinator has people interested in these positions. Pastor Larry has also contacted members of our congregation about possible involvement with this program. - Worship and Music Team Liaison, Barbara Andrist, reported on the activities of Holy Week. The committee was extremely busy. Bell Choir recruitment has been completed and new members have been found. - Youth and Family Ministry Team Liaison, Jaci Strinden, reported meeting with Pastor Larry and addressing several areas: starting age and duration of confirmation training, Sunday opportunities for 6th – 12th grade students, youth surveys and retreats to garner ideas regarding new goals for this group. Jaci discussed plans for Graduation Day celebrations. IX. Pastoral/Staff Reports: - Pastor Nadine reported that attendance was good at Lenten and Easter services. She reviewed the donations by the ELCA. LOL met this requirement. - Pastor Larry says he has asked a LOL member for legal assistance in developing the Safe Haven Program and has a member who will coordinate this program. He also discussed the mentoring program for confirmation students in the fall. Page | 11 - Janie Hague reported that activities are being planned for Graduation Sunday. Cassie Theurer reported that she is busy introducing herself to church members, becoming involved in Vacation Bible School and the Whole Family Sunday School programs. X. New Business: - Meredith Traeholt reviewed a recent financial audit conducted by three congregational members. Two recommendations were made, they will be implemented. - Eichelle Messana resigned her position as the Office Manager at the end of April. She will be replaced by Chelsey Riepel. Linda Simmons will become the office assistant. Sheryl Terry moved to remove Eichelle Messana as a signatory on Capital Credit Union accounts effective May 1, 2015, and add Chelsey Riepl effective immediately. Seconded by Renae Gall. Motion carried. - Rally Day is scheduled for September 13, 2015. Meredith Traeholt read a letter to the council. She is resigning her position as LOL Church President and moving out of state. This is for positive personal and professional reasons. This will take effect May 1, 2015. The Executive Committee has begun working with the Nominations Team to fill the position of Secretary. As of May 1, Sheryl Terry will assume the responsibilities of Church President and Bob Salveson will become the Church Vice-President. The council wished Meredith well. Sheryl Terry gave her a card and gift card as a thank you for the two and one half years of services she has given to LOL during her work on the church council. XI. Adjourn with the Lord’s Prayer Meeting adjourned at 7:43 with the Lord’s Prayer. Next meeting will be on Tuesday May 12 at 7:00 P.M. Please note that the Minutes are not approved until voted on by the Council at the next month’s meeting. Respectfully submitted, Bob Salveson, Secretary Page | 12 May Service Group List May Leaders: Doug and Bev Doolittle (224-0785) Luverne & Bernice Albright Ruby Altringer Dallas & Beth Anderson Kent & Cindy Anderson Mike & Brenda Anderson Vern & Linda Anderson Levi & Bethany Andrist Steven & Barbara Andrist Randy & Susan Axvig Kathy & Mark Baerlocher Anita Baglien Rod & Rachelle Bakken Duane & Faye Barry Bob & Deb Bartosh Crystal Engel (741-7346) Chad & Marcey Bartosh Corey & Chrystal Bartuska Ellen Bartz Jason & Jaime Batke Ron & Terri Bear Laura Beaudoin Mike & Holly Beck Connie Beierle Nicole Bender Stanley & Lavina Benkendorf Charles & Margaret Bentz Gary & Pam Berreth Kathy & Arlo Bien Jenn Bina Helen Binegar Randy & Pam Binegar Janice Bitz Barry & Kelly Bjorklund Brad & Renell Block Ruby Block Keith & Tarri Blotter Bruce & Peggy Boe Lisa Boehm Shastity Boehm Dennis Boknecht Angie & Mike Bolme Wallace Bolte Roger & Claudia Boone 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 May Birthdays 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 Theodore Andrist Annika Carlson Lauren Krom Chad Bartosh Jaime Batke Blake Jeske Peyton Kringlie Shelly Morast Leone Stenberg Zachary Thurn Ronald Harmon Taya Johnson Aaron Reich Arlys Reiner David Kolding Collin Ledahl-Berger Alison Kaubisch Judy Dietrich Elliot Munson Allison Schroeder Michelle Wagner Jayce Bina Sydney Dollinger Brielle Hochhalter Brittany Puklich Jennifer Roth Jeffrey Boyd Brynn Crane Macy Crane Kimberli Norbeck Susan Feland Kylie Mundt Cassandra Rhone Walker Sabot Carly Crane Thacher Hochhalter Jeanette Heintz Sherrie Muse Arlois (Bud) Reiner John Sundeen Rod Bakken Larry Giese Lynelle Stoppler Matthew Strinden Douglas Tschetter Cameron Hintz Lila Humann Lori Ledahl Alex Woyen Kaiya Erp Cheryl Fuller Clay Moody Michael Bolme Ashley Kaiser Lonnie Moody Scott Lang Ava Francis Quincy Kuball Van Kuball Gerald Lux Michael Quintus Valerie Schroeder Elena Sorge Karen Sprynczynatyk Donna Geohring Miranda Hopfauf Kaleb Jeske Susan Bartosh Pat Klundt Julianna Fuhrman Betty Hastings Jill Steinle Jacquelyn Stromme Bethany Andrist Keith Dockter Stacy Opp Amber Kidwell Brooke Nelson Jesse Welk Nathan Froseth Garland Grosgebauer Slade Herfindahl Cassandra Quintus Kristen Haisley Morgan McDowall Denise Nelson Crist Pittenger Austin Folden Chaz Ohlsen Jeffery Rangen Aislynn Suess Owen Traeholt LaVonne Duppong Burnie Geohring Jeffrey Hoffer Linda Krueger Stephanie Goodin John Lippert Kristin Rosenau Julie Volk Chad Dockter Kellie Moldenhauer Rocksanne Peterson Mariah Wilson We are sorry if we have missed anyone this month. If your name has been missed, kindly report it to the church office so we can get your birth date for our records. Likewise, if we have printed your birthday and you do not wish to have it published in the newsletter, please let Chelsey, the church office manager, know. We will remove it for next year. Thank you! Evangelism Team Page | 13 May Volunteers (Sundays) May 3 8:30 & 11:00 am May 10 8:30 & 11:00 am May 17 8:30 & 11:00 am Assisting Ministers 8:30 Steve Andrist Mike Riepl Senior Sunday 11:00 Bruce Boe Sheryl Terry Senior Sunday Communion Assistants 8:30 Teresa & Rod McLachlan Ken & Gloria Snyder Deborah & Michael Burke 11:00 Renell Block & Sheryl Terry Ushers 8:30 11:00 May 24 9:30 am May 31 9:30 am Roxanne Gardner Barbara Andrist Judy & Marlin Mjelstad Lynelle Lepp & Terri Bear Gary & Diane Chepulis Gary & Diane Chepulis Marilyn Kesterke Marilyn Kesterke Larry & Pat Klundt Dave & Pat Goodin Keith & Beth Demke Gerry McLachlan and Bob Offerdahl Kathy and Dwite Gorder Carrie and Scott Streyle Beth and Keith Demke Stacy Opp Stacy Opp Stacy Opp Amanda Baerlocher Kalista Vetter Ben Mayer Hannah Klipfel KayDee Wescom Logan Kjos Marilyn Kesterke Marilyn Kesterke Becky Salveson Becky Salveson Nicholas Hornbacher Nicholas Hornbacher Blended Service Hallie Bakke Dustin Whitney Jewel Anderson Elliot Dockter Sydney Dollinger Kiera Bauer Cole Welk Help Needed! Nursery Coordinators/Workers Coordinator 8:30 11:00 Organists 8:30 11:00 Acolytes 8:30 11:00 May Volunteers (Wednesdays) May 13 6:15 pm May 20 6:15 pm May 27 6:15 pm Acolytes Claire Ryberg Kalista Vetter Landen Veil Brennen Kemmet Pianist/Organist Songleaders Tondi McGuire Marilyn Kesterke Janell Quinlan Tondi McGuire Marilyn Kesterke Janell Quinlan Page | 14 May 6 6:15 pm May 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study 3:30 pm Bergstrand/Walth Wedding 3 Youth Fundraiser 8:30 & 11:00 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 9:45 am Sr. Choir Rehearsal 5:30 pm Boy Scouts 6:00 pm Youth Group 6:45 pm: Bell Choir Rehearsal 4 6:30 pm Quilting 7:00 pm Property Team 5 9:00 am Staff Meeting 9:30 am Piecemakers 5:00 pm Evangelism Team Mtg 5:30 pm: Worship Team Mtg 6:30 pm New Comers Club 6:30 pm Volunteerism Team Mtg 7:00 pm Youth Team Mtg 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 7:30 pm Education Team Mtg 6 Youth Fundraiser 6:15 pm Worship 7:00 pm 6th Grade Confirmation Mtg 7 8 6:00 pm Stewardship Team Mtg 9 8:00 am Women’s Bible Study 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study 9:30 am Baptism Class 6:00 pm Caramel Roll Prep 10 Caramel Rolls! 8:30 & 11:00 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 11 12 9:00 am Staff Meeting 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 7:00 pm Council Mtg 13 5:00 pm Family Meal 6:15 pm Worship 14 15 16 8:00 am Family Service Project 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study 17 Senior Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 am Worship 9:45 am Whole Family Sunday School 5:00 pm WINGS 18 6:30 pm Quilting 19 9:00 am Staff Meeting 9:30 am Piecemakers 5:30 pm Care Ministries 6:00 pm: Boy Scouts 20 Newsletter Deadline 6:15 pm Worship 21 22 23 24 9:30 am Worship Pentecost wear Red! 25 Office Closed 26 Summer Office Hours Start 11:30 am Young at Hearts 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 27 6:15 pm Worship 28 29 30 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study 31 8:30 am MSLCC Breakfast 9:30 am Worship Page | 15 Sun
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