Serving God’s people with hope. Sunday Worship Services 8am & 10am, 9am Sunday School & Youth Devo! of the Lord Lakes W e have so much in the works right now at Lord of the Lakes – and so much to celebrate! Our youth are gearing up for their summer mission trip to Steubenville, OH, and should be incredibly proud of the service they led a few weeks back. Seeing these kids invest in their spiritual lives in this way is amazing, and I want to thank Courtney and our leaders for the love and time they devote to helping our kids grow as people and Christians. God Bless Moms: Mother’s Day We’re thrilled to welcome Simple Hope (already happened by the time of publication) back to our church, the musical is coming up, and so is our family outing to the Timber Rattlers game. This is only the beginning of what promises to be a fun and exciting summer! “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. . . . A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. As our community grows, I’m reminded of Paul’s words in the book of Romans about rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn. This is the church's purpose. We will all inevitably go through great times and not-so-great times in our lives, and God designed the church to partner with us in life. To be there as a support system. With warm-weather months right around the corner (we hope! It’s snowing outside right now in late April!), I’m offering a personal request to continue to make church a priority even as other things compete for that time on Sunday mornings. Your presence matters! So often we can think things “aren’t a big deal,” but our community is only as strong as its members. Please know I am here for you – to help, to serve, to listen, to come alongside – as you rejoice and mourn. God does not want us to go through life alone. This is what Lord of the Lakes is all about. Pastor Kevin Proverbs 30: 25-30 Annual Meeting: May 3rd Time: 11am (potluck lunch) Dear Pastor Kevin, Jill and Members of Lord of the Lakes, What a wonderful day it was for us to share the sermon with your congregation. We are always humbled at your warm welcome, prayers for continued strength and support for furthering God's kingdom through Simple Hope. There are truly no words to describe how very very blessed we feel to be able to share the work that God has asked of us with your church. We know that God's plan is above and beyond our plan. We are all being led by the Holy Spirit and you can see that happening in your church. We look forward to each day we move forward together. Our hope and prayer is to continue to spread God's word to more and more people. If you wish to connect us with other churches that may have an interest in learning about our mission/story - we encourage you to share our mission. Again, we humbly thank you - YOUR church is ALIVE with the HOLY SPIRIT and it is so exciting to be a partner with Lord of the Lakes! Blessings and peace, Pam and Karen Lord of the Lakes Pastor Kevin Phone: (920) 582-2622 1 Church Email: Office hours: Mon—Thursday, 8am-3pm HEAD & HEART Youth News May 2015 What’s up in Youth Group, you ask? April was a month designated mostly to preparing for the youth service! In middle school youth group we went over different parts that make up a worship service and discussed how to define worship. They learned that worship does not only have to mean a church service on a Sunday morning, but could be praising Jesus by singing in your car, spending time in prayer or anything that is a response to God. What’s going on in May… May 13 is middle school Youth Group May 20 is high school Youth Group May 27 is high school Youth Group ~ all are 6pm-8pm {Every Sunday at 9am is Devo & Donuts} Congratulations to our 2015 Graduates! Nick Barikmo Hunter Rosendahl Molly Templin * Courtney says: be nice to your siblings Graduate Recognition Sunday May 24, both services. Sunday School News Last day of Sunday School is May 17. Children will meet in their classrooms and then join as a group to play games and enjoy an end of the year celebration. NOTE FROM THE OFFICE: If you had your picture taken We are looking for you! That's right, you! Teachers are needed to teach Sunday School next school year. We will meet in August when next school year gets closer. Please contact Sarah Walsh 920-410-2516 or if you are interested. Please take time to join into a class this school year to see just how rewarding it is to teach our youth. Lessons are scripted and the youth are so enjoyable to be with. Please consider joining the Sunday School team. Sarah Walsh for the church photo directory, please pick up your copy. Parents: you will be receiving a Sunday School survey soon. We would really appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes to fill it out and return it to the office. Thanks! Busy Hands in May We are using our hands tying quilts for the Lutheran World Relief & Day by Day Warming Shelter this month. Feel free to join us on: Tuesday, May 12 & 26 at 9am. “Things I’d be willing to help with at Church” 2 Did you have a chance to complete your Time and Talent sheet? We are doing the T&Ts in spring this year vs. in fall like last year. So if you would like to update your preference, please complete and return to church. Thank you so much for all that you do! Attendance: 2015 March 29 177 April 5 341 April 12 178 April 19 212 April 26 195 You are cordially invited to our annual spring church cleaning day: May 17th at 11am Prayer Requests Prayer is a crucial part of our faith lives and support of each other. Please contact the church office or Pastor Kevin to add your request to the prayer chain. All concerns on the prayer chain are kept confidential. Pastor Kevin “A place of refuge in a troubled world” Pastor’s Ministry - April As of the end of January our Operating Budget Total Net Loss Fiscal Year-to-Date (April 1—Mar 31) is ($14,625) Please sign up on the easel Meetings 4 Funeral attendance 1 Spiritual advising 5 Bible Studies 4 Home/Hospital visits 9 Baptism 2 We have been very fortunate this past month to enjoy our Youth services, our blessed Easter worship and breakfast fellowship. Our guests, Simple Hope, were able to speak to us about our fellow Tanzanian friends and their struggles. AND, a new graduate of the Synod Lay Ministry School, Jody Kell– congratulations! This all makes for one awesome month in our ministry to our Lord. Alleuajah. Blessings on your baptism! Congratulations to the Chad and Sarah Unmuth family on the baptism of Coleman Robert. Special Musical Congratulation to the Brian and Carissa Reese family on the baptism of Bryson Gordon. May 17th at both Services! Whistle Stop The Winneconne Area Community Foundation is holding an awareness event: Sunday, May 17 from 11a-2p. Enjoy a free lunch, music, visit of the museum buildings and learn about the Foundation— make a difference in our community. May Birthdays (70 and over) Russ Graunke, May 2 Judy Wright, May 5 Tom Zillges, May 23 God’s Blessings to you! Please mark your calendar for Thursday, May 7th, and bring a friend to the Community Meal, hosted by Lord of the Lakes Church. The meal will be served from 5:30-7:00 pm in the First Presbyterian Fellowship Hall at 32 S Third Avenue. At 6:15 pm, Officer Justin Schmick will speak about working together as a community & program updates throughout the Winnebago County area. Come for good food, fellowship, music and information. All are welcome. If you are able to help out with the food part of this community event, please contact the office & watch the kiosk for a3sign up. Thank you, Pastor Kevin The sun is shining and the flowers are blooming! Time to get your yard in shape! Try some Zillges Materials scrip cards! We also have Menard's, The Home Depot, and Fleet Farm to get the tools you need to get the job done. Also, with graduation time around the corner, remember to use grocery scrip cards for your party and cookout supplies. Scrip cards also make great graduation gifts! Every SCRIP gift card ordered through church will help fund our mission of serving others. Tammy Wright, 920.836.3007, ELCA delegation hears ‘harrowing’ stories of migrant minors "Gang violence (in these Central American countries) is very pervasive. If you don't comply, death is certain and swift," said the Rev. Stephen Bouman, executive director of ELCA Congregational and Synodical Mission. He and other ELCA leaders visited Central American to hear first-hand accounts from families and are now urging the church to continue its assistance and its work toward immigration reform. See -and-Events/7731. Serbia, Bosnia: ELCA aid provides for long-term recovery The ELCA continues to provide humanitarian support for the more than 3 million people affected by the May 2014 cyclone that hit Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lutheran Disaster Response has disbursed more than $400,000 to assist in the relief and recovery efforts. ELCA supports projects that sustain families and communities worldwide The ELCA contributed $3.3 million in 2014 to Lutheran World Relief to fund 28 projects in 14 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, projects that include agricultural production and food security, income generation and disaster risk reduction. March 30, 2015 Dear Congregation, We humbly thank you for your generous donation to purchase 330 life saving mosquito nets. Our February 2015 mission travelers were able to personally distribute most of these in the Lake Eyasi area. Thank you for providing this protection for the families in the “Bush” areas of Tanzania. They are unable to afford the nets on their own. They now sleep peacefully protected by their mosquito nets, and the love you have shared in Christ. Asante Sana! Karen Puhl and Pamela Schwalbach, Co-founders Simple Hope Volunteer at mercy medical Are you looking for a rewarding way to share your time and talents with others? Compassionate and competent volunteers enhance patient care. Volunteers must be at least 14 years old and willing to work approximately four hours per week. For more info, please contact us at 223-0225 or apply online at Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving Lord of the Lakes wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individuals and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. For more info, contact the office. Need Help? Don’t let stigma stand in your way. Call 2-1-1 Find resources for: suicidal thoughts, Alcohol/drug abuse, stress, depression, eating disorders, family counseling, anxiety, bipolar disorder and much more. No Health without Mental Health 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Intervention Help Line: 4 Oshkosh: 233-7707, Neenah: 722-7707 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Youth Group is on Wednesdays! 3 4 5 6 8 & 10am Worship 5:45pm Kid’s Bells 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:45pm Guitar band 9:00am Sunday School, Devo & Donuts, Coffee 11am Annual Meeting/ & potluck lunch 10 11 Mother’s Day 8 & 10am Worship 9am Busy Hands 9:00am Sunday School, Youth Devos, Coffee 17 12 18 9:00am: Sunday School end of year celebration, Youth devos, Coffee 11:00 Lunch & Spring Cleaning at church 19 25 8 & 10am Worship 9:00am: Youth devos, Coffee 11:00am Mission Trip Group Bldg 6:00pm HS Youth Group Office is closed 6:30pm Worship Team 1 2 7 8:30am Bible Study at the Fin 5:30pm We host the Community Meal (1st Presbyterian) 6:00pm Choir 8 11:00am Choir rehearsal 14 15 8:30am Bible Study at the Fin Synod Assembly Green Bay 21 9 Thank you representatives 16 11:00am Choir rehearsal 22 23 29 30 June 5 June 6 Celebrate Faith . . . At the ballpark! 7:05pm game Shop at the Thrift for Lord of the Lakes! 8:30am Bible Study at the Fin 6:30pm Youth Team 26 9am Busy Hands 9:00 Youth devos, coffee 31 20 Sat Shop the Thrift 10a-2pm 6:00pm Choir 7pm Council 8 & 10am Worship Veteran & Graduate Recognition 6:00pm Middle School Youth Grp 6:30pm Bldg & Grds 8 & 10am 11:30-1:30p Blood “Joseph” Worship clinic @ Mun.Cntr 24 13 Fri 27 6:00pm HS Youth Group Life Line Screening, Preventative Health event will be at Lord of the Lakes on Saturday, June 6. Flyers are available in the Gathering Area to register. 5 28 8:30am Bible Study at the Fin May Worship Assistants May Ushers 8:00am May 3 May Ushers 10:00am Chris* & Jim Rescheske Bruce Hergert, Daryl Ramlow 8:00am May 3 Annual Meeting Jim* and Debbie Williams Jody and Kevin Franz 10:00am Annual Meeting Reader Dave Klemp Greeters Victoria Waters, David Klemp Communion Klemps, Cindy Binder Coffee Kay & Jim Ruskaup*, Becky Jahnke, Tammy Wright (food) Reader Kathy Korus Greeters Andy & Holly Case Communion Kimberly Radtke May 10 8:00am May 10 10:00am Mother’s Day Mother’s Day Reader Marlin Greenfield Greeters Mark & Teri Henry Communion Keith Mustain, Joanne Dallmann Coffee Tami Barikmo*, Joanne & Bob Dallmann, Eleanor Helm (food) Reader tbd Greeters Tim & Anne Zillges Communion Cindy Hendren, Jan Olson May 17 May 17 8:00am “Joseph” musical Greeters Keith & Colleen Mustain Coffee Teri and Mark Henry*, Bonnie & Pat Murphy, Carrie & Mark Schuster (food) Greeters May 24 May 24 8:00am Memorial Day 10:00am “Joseph” musical Dennis and Gloria Cartwright 10:00am Memorial Day Reader Courtney Still Greeters Jane and Howard Beck Communion Joanne Dallmann, Janet Baumgart Coffee Dalene & Larry Paulson*, Autumn and Allen, Meridith Jaeger Reader Jan Faust Greeters Jill Templin, Barb Schultz Communion Jean Krans, Jeff Jahnke May 31 May 31 8:00am Reader Marge Kohl Greeters Val Wessel, Kay Ruskaup Communion Ray Zegers, Janet Baumgart Coffee Tammie Wallschlaeger*, Jan Olson, Chris & Tonya Forer 10:00am Reader Cindy Hendren Greeters Kay and Tom Lettau Communion Kimberly Radtke, Andrea Schell Celebrate Faith . . . At the Ballpark! Game Time: Friday, June 5th at 7:05pm Post-game: Fireworks - Kids Run the Bases - Concert Lord of the Lakes has Group Tickets for this event! So, sign up (kiosk) the family by May 3 or sooner the better! Group ticket price (Box Seats) $10.50/ person* Kids two & under are free if sitting on a lap. Coordinator: Betts 920-312-4655 and Jan 582-7691 *checks to “Lord of the Lakes” memo Ballpark Pray for our Council Jon Walsh, Pres 267-0872 Linda Zillges, Sec 680-5677 Marlin Greenfield 859-0009 Gail Gardner 379-9763 David Girard 716-4349 Dawn Barber 836-3990 Geoff Hendren, VP 209-1688 Neil Bjornstad 410-1918 Jerry Schultz 789-8014 6 A very special thank you to all of our dedicated Council members ~ both for our new Council members & for those whose term is ended. Our sincere gratitude for giving of your time for our church. Join the party at the Thrift . . . I would like to challenge the congregation to set aside four hours a couple of times a year and help out on a Saturday. As you may know, the first Saturday of each month Lord of the Lakes runs the store & we earn half of the proceeds from the days take. Even better than that, Month—2015 $ earned: we get to give back to the local community and those January $254.15 who are in need. May 2 (come shop) and June 6 February $335.03 (council works/congregation shops!) Please see the signup sheet on the kiosk. Any questions, please call March $522.82 Geoff, 920-209-1688 or Cindy 920-216-6943 April pending Because of your generosity, our church has financially given to the following this past year (12 months). Donations given: Mission Fundraising such as pizza, candy bar s, wash cloth sales Mission Benevolence Such as Donation/hour s wor ked at Thr ift/ Steakfeed Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Clinics—Free Sites: Winneconne Municipal Center 11:30am -1:30pm the 3rd Monday of every month & Anytime Fitness at 11:00am 1st Tuesday Why come? For your health! This is free, it’s done by qualified volunteer RN’s. $3,464.00 $6,886.00 Benevolence Giving Including Special Gifts, Wor ship, Memor ial, Adopt-a-Family, Back to School, Simple Hope Hunger Pack and Malaria Nets, WAAC, Steakfeed, Alligator Fund, LWR quilt fund, and Bibles $10,557.00 4% to East Central Synod Wisconsin $10,156.00 $2,100.00 Seminary Students Total $33,163.00 HELP WANTED! A long-time Lord of the Lakes church member said something kind of funny to me the other day. She said, “For a pastor, you don’t talk much about money.” That got me thinking a bit about why I generally leave the money topic alone. Here’s what I came up with: I don’t talk much about money because, in my heart of hearts, I believe God compels us to give. I believe the Holy Spirit works in us, opening our eyes and driving us to the needs of others. So today (and, admittedly, this is a bit out of character!), I’m presenting a need in our church. Your council and I have set a reasonable – actually, a very lean – budget for next year. If we want to continue doing the things of God well (meeting needs in our church community, our local community, and our world), it will cost money. So I am asking you to consider bumping up your giving just a bit. If we all give $15 more each month (in TV infomercial talk, that’s just $3.75 a week!), our need would be taken care of. If you can afford to give more than $15 per month, please do so to make up for those who cannot. As many of you know, I approach this topic because it truly is necessary for our church. We want to continue growing in the healthy ways God is leading us. My hope is that this simple plea will necessitate the funds and I won’t have to further pursue this topic! A HUGE and heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributes around here. Please see if you can increase $15 a month. If $15 a month isn’t possible for you, consider increasing what you currently give. We would gladly welcome your help. Thanks for your consideration, Pastor Kevin Please consider the option of electronic gifting. One less check to write out! It is very simple to start and easy to change. Contact Jill in the office (582-2622) or print the form from to start this way of giving on a regular basis. (for those already using Simply Giving, just contact Jill at to make your financial change– no form necessary) 7 Lord of the Lakes Church 6090 Harbour South Winneconne, WI 54986 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Winneconne WI 54986 Permit No. 27 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Please join us in Spring Cleaning on May 17 at 11am 8 Veteran Recognition Sunday: May 24 8am & 10am
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