A network of public, private and voluntary organisations in Swansea and South West Wales working together to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs WHAT? CUTTING CARBON AND SAVING MONEY 2010 2012 HOW? ACCESSING TRAINING AND INFORMATION Low Carbon Swansea has organised training on: Water Efficiency Low Carbon Finance Staff Engagement Cycle to Work Schemes District Heating Projects Waste Management Greening ICT ce plian & Com Energy Efficient Lighting ation l Legis Energy Management Tools Solar PV Installation Electric Vehicles WHO? NETWORKING AND SHARING EXPERIENCE Low Carbon Swansea partners in 2014 included: City & County of Swansea S&C Electric Europe Ltd ABMU Health Board Coastal Housing Group Morgan AM&T Grŵp Gwalia Cyf Coastal Housing Group Swansea University DVLA Natural Resources Wales Gower College Swansea HMP Swansea Prison Capgemini Wales Ambulance Service National Waterfront Museum Land Registry Wales Dwr ˆ Cymru Welsh Water Carbon Trust Wales University of Wales Trinity Saint David Family Housing Association HMCS Wales JOIN THE NETWORK AND SHARE THE SUCCESS Visit Low Carbon Swansea website: lowcarbonswansea.weebly.com Benefits of the Low Carbon Swansea Network lower your carbon emissions, save energy and reduce costs improve your efficiency, competitiveness and compliance access high quality training on low carbon technology and innovation network and share best practice with like-minded professionals access the latest information on events, training, funding and resources explore opportunities to collaborate in partnership projects demonstrate corporate social responsibility and gain recognition for positive action contribute to a better and more sustainable future for our city region LCS Training Programme 2015/16 The training programme comprises at least 4 events covering topics suggested by members. Each event will include opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing and case studies. June 2015: Ultra-low Emission Vehicles September 2015: Resource Efficient Wales Energy Toolkit December 2015: SMART Grid, SMART Cities, SMART Living March 2016: theme to be confirmed Topics covered in previous events may also be revisited (see list overleaf). How to Join the LCS Network To join the LCS network, there is a modest annual subscription of £400 which includes network membership and the LCS training programme. (Please note that membership runs from April to March but those joining between 1st January and 31st March receive full membership for the following year. Not-for-profit organisations and small businesses can apply for a reduced annual fee.) If you are interested in being a part of this successful and forward-thinking network, email your details to lcs@environmentcentre.org.uk or complete and return the form below. Low Carbon Swansea: Membership/Training Programme Subscription An expression of interest in joining the Low Carbon Swansea network from: Contact Name: Organisation: Address: Telephone:Email: Please send to: Low Carbon Swansea, The Environment Centre, Swansea SA1 1RY funded through membership and training subscriptions and managed by members with support from Swansea Environmental Forum.
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