Issue 20 - Great Oyster Bay Community News

The undefeated under 12s
The season has kicked off, and the boys and girls are training hard and giving it their all on game day.
Under 12’s have started the season on the right foot yet to be defeated, after six games. Two of our Swansea lads
are part of the team, Dylan Golder and Dylan Jones.
Under 8’s skill and ability is really starting to grow with a great concept of the game. We have one Swansea boy as
part of the team, Liam Quinn.
Auskick kids are braving the cold and attending on a Thursday night at Triabunna, and putting their newly learnt
skills to the test on home games by having a go.
The coaches, committee, parents and community members are what make these clubs happen. Well done to all
that are getting out there and giving it a go so these kids can play football.
This weekend’s games were Triabunna Under 8's at Triabunna vs Richmond White, a great game with skill and
team work coming together brilliantly, with this team of kids. Triabunna under 12's won at Triabunna vs
Richmond please see back page for scores.
Auskick kids were out in full force for their game, even the frost didn't keep them away!
Another home game this weekend at Triabunna, . Auskickers will kick off at 10.00. Under 8's kick off at 10.45
against Lindisfarne Diggers, Under 12's kick off at 12.00 against Dodges Ferry Melissa Quinn Secretary TJFC
Location, time and contact details
Tues 26 May
Glamorgan Spring Bay Council 5 pm Monthly council meeting at Swansea Town Hall.
Sun 31 May
Swansea RSL Sub Branch AGM 2 pm at the club rooms
Sun 31 May
Cranbrook Harvest Function
Thurs 4 June
Swansea Hall Committee AGM Swansea Town Hall
Fri 5 June
Tasmanian Theatre Company
7 pm Swansea Town Hall ―Smile Smile Smile‖ Iain Lang on
0418 872 745.
Sat 6th June
Swansea Community Market
10 - 1 Swansea Town Hall Queens Birthday weekend
Sun 7 June
Tasmanian Theatre Company
2.30 pm Buckland Community Hall ―Smile Smile Smile ―Iain Lang
on 0418 872 745.
Tues 9 June
The Imitation Game
7 pm $5 Orford Odeon at the Orford Golf Club
3 pm Gala Kirk Church Service followed by drinks and nibbles BYO
drinks and nibbles to share Jennie Amos 0417 034 597 Pat Greenhill
0488 578 282
Sat 13th June Swansea Community Market
10 - 1 Swansea Town Hall supported by Barkmill Tavern Monthly
Sun 21 June
Swansea Bowls Club AGM
11 am at the Swansea Bowls Club
Sat 29 June
Fund Raiser for May Shaw
6 pm for 6.30 pm Hangi Swansea RSL Clubrooms
Editor: Bill Fry
Advertising Coordinator: Jenny Whittaker
Advertising, Stories & Copy Deadline: strictly 12 noon Friday
Advertisements costing $20 or less must be paid in cash at the Centre before publication
Phone: 6257 8806 Fax: 6257 8053 Postal Address: P.O. Box 308 Swansea 7190
Email:—articles, letters and photographs welcome!
Disclaimer: The Editorial team reserves the right to print any material which is designed to benefit or be
of interest to the local community. Consequently, all views or opinions expressed in material published are
solely those of the writer of that material and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinions of any persons
associated with Great Oyster Bay Community News, the Swansea Online Access Centre or Linc Tasmania.
The editorial team also reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any material that may be deemed
damaging, misleading or detrimental to our organisation or community. Please refer to our Editorial and
Advertising policies which are located on our website
Wed 27 May A Boyers
Thu 28 May R & C Campbell
Fri 29 May
J Ayres
Mon 1 Jun
N Hickey
Tues 2 Jun
J Whittaker
Care until release of orphaned
wildlife including Wombats, Eastern
Grey kangaroos (Foresters), Bennetts &
Pademelon wallabies & Tasmanian Devil
rescue. Phone Marcia at Bayview Bush
Babies on 0448 714 419.
For advice or care of birds phone Sherryl
Lyn on 0427 796 096.
Collection of bee swarms, please phone
Marcia on 0448 714 419. Please phone
pest control for wasps.
For a safe snake relocation service
throughout the municipality. Phone
Bruce Press on 0400 502 403.
Easy Relaxation for Mind and
Body Every Thursday in Orford 1pm at
the Orford Community Hall. Contact
Nadine Ozols, Program Coordinator,
6257 9126
Swansea Branch CWA meets
2nd Wednesday of the month. New
members always welcome. Craft days
alternate months. Contact 6257 8947 for
Spring Bay Walkers have a regular
walking calendar of many interesting
local walks. Contact Cath Willmot on
6257 1096.
Qigong 9.15 am and exercise class
11.15 am both Monday at Swansea Golf
Club until further notice.
Cranbrook Craft Group Every
Wednesday 10.30 am at Cranbrook Hall.
Cranbrook Contact Edith
6257 8116
Swansea Community Garden meets
on the first Saturday of the month.
Contact Cynthia on
6256 4738.
Book Discussion Group at the
Swansea Library. We meet on the fourth
Thursday in the month. Keep reading
and bring along the book you are
currently reading. Contact Deirdre Monk
on 6257 8584.
Your local SES is looking for
volunteers. If you are interested, want
End of Harvest We are holding
an ―End of Harvest‖ church
to know more or just want to come and
service at Gala Kirk on Sunday,
have a look. Your local unit is also on the May 31st 2015 at 3pm. We are
hunt for your old unwanted vehicles, if
following the service with drinks
you have got one that you would like to
at the Cranbrook Hall. All
donate to the unit for training purposes,
welcome! We are endeavouring to
please let us know, we can even arrange
maintain the spirit of the
pickup. Contact us at
Cranbrook Community and keep or ring Kelvin
both community places in use.
on 0418 376 129
This will be a great way for us to
celebrate the end of our grape
The Swansea Social Croquet and
harvest with our community. We
Boules are continuing to meet on
Fridays from 11 am to 1.30 pm weather would appreciate it if you could
permitting. Please phone Deirdre Monk
bring a bottle of wine, fruit juice
62578584 for details and venue
or a plate of nibbles to share.
Jennie Amos 0417 034 597 Pat
Greenhill 0488 578 282
Swansea Community Market
supported by Barkmill Bakery &
The Orford Odeon 7 pm
Tavern second Saturday of the month Tuesday 9th June ―The Imitation
at Swansea Town Hall 10 am - 1 pm
Game‖ $5 at the Orford Golf
Next month’s market is on 6th and
13th June
Tasmanian Theatre Company
Music and Meditation 3pm
7 pm 5th June Swansea Town Hall
Wednesdays All Saints Church A cuppa
― Smile Smile Smile‖ Iain Lang
will be supplied after the session in the
0418 872 745.
church hall. All welcome 6257 8755
Community Transport East Coast
the phone number for the office has
changed to 6372 4415. A diversion will
be in place until July but please make
note of the number.
Swansea Hall Committee
(section 24 Council Committee)
Annual General Meeting
& expression of interest notice for
Community members to join committee
or to attend the meeting.
Thursday 4th June
11am Swansea Town Hall
General report
Financial report
Election of Office bearers
Chairman, Sec/Treasurer
and 4 Committee Members
General Business
RSVP or for enquiries contact
Martin Crawford 0429 323366
Swansea RSL Sub Branch Inc.
AGM 2 pm 31st May at the
Tasmanian Theatre Company
2.30 pm Sunday 7th June
Buckland Community Hall
―Smile Smile Smile‖ Iain Lang
0418 872 745.
Swansea Bowls Club AGM
11 am 21st June at the bowls
Swansea RSL Sat 27 June
Fundraiser Hangi for May Shaw
Health Centre
Haphazards Art Group 10.30 3 fortnightly meeting All Saints
Church Hall next meeting 8 June
Nora 6257 8407
Glamorgan Spring Bay Council
5 pm monthly meeting Swansea
Town Hall.
Saturday 6th June
1 Day Only
18 Franklin Street, Swansea
Open 7 Days 9-5
6257 8091
Support your local businesses
“Word” or “Publisher” Copy by 12 Noon Fridays.
Letters and articles most welcome.
Pictures with articles make for more pleasant reading.
Meals on Wheels
A community service available to anyone who
would love a meal delivered to their home,
ongoing or temporary. Cost $8.60 for a two
course meal
Please send by email to or drop in to the
Swansea Online Access Centre
Monday , Tuesday and Thursday 10 am - 3 pm
Wednesday 9 am—3 pm Friday 9 am - 1 pm
Will open on Public Holidays by prior Appointment.
Come in and enjoy the cozy fire on a cold Tasmanian Winter night!
2 course $55
3 course $70
2 & 3 courses include a glass of sparkling wine
Lunch 12 pm – 2 pm
Dinner from 5 pm
2 course $30
3 course $35
*Bookings are essential
mobile number: 0407527542
office number: +61 3 6257 8131
Letters to the Editor
Councillor Britt Steiner
Chicken Tikka Masala – see why it’s so popular in India
Nort Indian style Beef curry – served hot or mild – your choice
Chilli Lamb – a dish for coinsurers of spices – yummy too.
Kerala Seafood – an s/east Indian specialty
Lentil & Spinach – a great combination & a healthy choice
All meals served with Basmati Rice – add Roti bread – Cucumber
Raiita – or fresh made Papadams & NEW- Mango Lassi, a
smoothie style yoghurt based delight
9 am Saturday
30th May
Lot 67 Cambria
Dolphin Sands
TV and FM Antennas
Satellite TV
AV and Home
Theatre installations
Qualified technicians
0423 315 808
Dear Editor, congratulations to Cr Britt
Steiner for her frank comments about her
perceptions concerning the behaviour of some
Councillors around the Board table..
However, one becomes rather weary of vague,
non-specific accusations of prejudice. If an
elitist culture does exist, I would like to see
those persons publicly named. How are we,
the ratepayers, to judge the accuracy of
personal opinion? How do we know that our
worthy Mayor Michael Kent, has no part in
this alleged conspiracy to pervert the course
of good local governance? May Glamorgan
'fair' well, & fare well! On a level playing field.
Pat Crawshaw
Dear Editor, as a business owner in Swansea,
I read with dismay and some relief the letter to
the editor from Councillor Britt Steiner to the
Great Oyster Bay Community News. I state
―relief‖ as those of us who have any interest in
seeing the East Coast thrive and prosper
would have heard the rumours circulating
throughout the region regarding the
dysfunctional council. to have it verified by a
councillor made taking some action all the
more imperative.
Surely the question must be: ―Why would a
person stand for election for local government
to represent the community and hopefully
make a difference, when in reality only do so
to ensure personal vendettas and agendas can
be delivered in an open and very public
forum?‖ I voted to ensure we had a cohesive
council whose interest would best serve us,
not tear us apart and put us on the road to
amalgamation. Is this the behaviour of selfless
adults or indulgent children?
The biggest question in local government
currently centres on the probable
amalgamations. Most thinking members of the
community realise it is only a case of when,
not if, given the costs of managing so many
local government regions. Why would GSBC
councillors want to take the lead in handing
our municipality over to the state when we
have previously been in the forefront in
resource sharing until it was voted down by
the current council? Certainly does not seem
to make sense to take such a backward step.
I commend Britt on her bravery and
obvious commitment to the role she has
undertaken- to represent us to the best of her
ability and as part of a team, working with
Management and allowing Management to
fulfil the roles they were employed to do. Bob
Moore Swansea Service Centre.
More Letters Page 11
For Sale
We are holding an ―End of Harvest‖
church service at Gala Kirk on Sunday,
May 31st 2015 at 3 pm.
We are following the service
with drinks at the Cranbrook
Mowers, Catchers, Blades,
Starter Cords,
MTD Cutting Bars,
Husqvana Cutting Bars
All welcome!
B/S Starter Motors, Air Filters,
We are endeavouring to maintain the
spirit of the Cranbrook Community and
keep both community places in use.
Oil Filters
This will be a great way for
us to celebrate the end of
our grape harvest with our
We would appreciate if you
could bring a bottle of
wine or fruit juice and a
plate of nibbles to share.
Jennie Amos 0417 034 597
Pat Greenhill 0488 578 282
Around the World in 80 questions
Saturday 29th of August 2015
Swansea Primary School Swan Hall
Tickets on Sale at Swansea Primary School
Offers Accepted
Ph 6257 8506
For Sale
1 King Single Bed Black Metal
Phone 0409 578 066
"Thanks for
the cards
and phone
calls after
my nasty
fall on an
acorn. Only
a twisted
From Little
1 King Single Matt . New
1 Single Silver Metal Bed
1 Single Matt. Near New
1 Heater IXL 6.5 kw
Make an offer
Ph 0429 347 283
For Sale
1995 Kia Rocta SX 2184cc Diesel
Soft top, Roll Bar, Mag Wheels,
Tow Bar, Driving Lights, Alloy
Bull Bar, 5 speed Manual, Fully
Serviced, Kenwood CD/Stereo,
Great Condition, 6 months Rego,
Only 130,000 Kms
$4,750 ph 0419 102 963
Carpet & Lounge Suite Cleaning
Turbo Tile & Grout Cleaning
Flood Emergency Callouts
High Pressure Cleaning
Fire & Smoke Damage Cleanup
Mattress Sanitising
Exterior House Cleaning
Covering Bicheno, Coles Bay,
Swansea, Orford and Triabunna areas
Truck Mounted Machine
Box 378 Prospect TAS 7250
AGM 2 pm Sunday 31st May at the club rooms
Winter Trading Hours
Monday and Tuesday Closed
Wednesday and Thursday open 3 pm
Friday Saturday and Sunday open 11
Bistro open May 29th 5.30—8 2 course meal $20 Kids Meal
Thank you for the continued support of our advertisers.
Please consider supporting us - we are a local not for profit
community organisation run by volunteers.
Help us to continue to provide free local news to our
Fundraising Hingi for May Shaw Health Centre Sat 29th June
6 pm for 6.30 pm
Do not forget Friday night spins and members’ draw
Dr Jeff Parsons consults
in Bicheno every Tuesday
afternoon. Please phone
6376 1577 for an
appointment or veterinary
Two bedroom flat
in central location part
furnished, available for
Swansea Paint & Panel
36 Franklin Street Swansea
For all your spray painting &
smash repair needs. Insurance
work & detailing .
Scott on
0497 928 482
Workers of all lands unite. The
philosophers have only
interpreted the world in various
ways; the point is to change it.
Karl Marx
15.5.1818 - 14.3.1883
Simon P. Clark
Chartered Accountant
“I come to you”
Visiting Swansea the
4th Thursday of each month
26th MAY
For an appointment please call
Ph: 6391 3007
Visits the Health & Wellbeing
Centre, May Shaw
Every Tuesday
Waxing, tinting, manicures &
pedicures, facials, gel nails/toes
Relaxation massage
Phone Sally 0400 837 984
Dr. Phillip Holmes will be visiting
Swansea from 11 am onwards. May
27. Please phone 6269 2323 for an
appointment or veterinary advice.
Slashing of Blocks
Swansea - Bicheno - Coles Bay
Ph: Rodney Breadmore
0418 513 973
or 6257 8434
Richard Lane
Visiting Bicheno Fri.5 June
f r app nt nt
Swansea Sat. 6 June
f r app nt
To give real service you must add
something which cannot be
bought or measured with money,
and that is sincerity and integrity.
Douglas Adams
The only thing worse than being
blind is having sight but no
vision. Helen Keller
20 Alleviated (5)
5 Publican's measuring device (5)
1 Morbid fear of open spaces (11)
21 Carmelite, for example (3)
6 Incessant (anag) (9)
9 Bedtime signal (6,3)
22 Lonely state (9)
7 Deep blue (11)
10 Bishop's jurisdiction (3)
24 Concur (3,3,2,3)
8 Interminable (5-6)
12 Without warning (3,2,4)
11 Cook in an oven (5)
13 Ground-breaking tool (7)
16 Aromatic culinary herb (7)
14 Sickness (6)
2 Silence (3)
17 On(to) dry land (6)
15 Raffish (6)
3 Turned (7)
19 Longest river in France (5)
18 Starlet (anag) (7)
Last weeks solution
4 Immediate (6)
23 Clinging plant (3)
More Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I have a good news for older Swansea walkers like me. A footpath has been built!!!! Yes a concrete
footpath I can actually walk on with safety . I am sick and tired of walking around this town in
either the gutter or the road.. The signs tell me to ― use the other footpath‖ , what other footpath??? With all the
building and other activities around this end of town it is very difficult to find anywhere safe to walk. Could the
council please continue their good works and make some more level and safe walking paths. I will be christening
the new footpath with a glass of bubbly and look forward to further paths being built. Deirdre Monk
Swansea Golf Club Report Saturday 23rd May 2015
Sally and Alison
Ricky and Gary
Daryl and Jim
The men’s and women’s foursome championships were held under ideal golfing conditions.
Women’s champions for 2015 are Alison Donaldson and Sally Siepen. The men’s championship was won by Ricky
Dance and Gary Read with Ricky Wright and Max Hall as runners up. Jim Miley and Darryl Down won the net
competition and finished third in the championship.
RESULTS Women: A. Donaldson Sally Siepen 88/63 K. Dance L. McKenna 101/70 D. Sinclair C. Franklin
123/88 Men: R. Dance G. Read 74/61 R. Wright Max Hall 77/66 D. Down J. Miley 80/58 C. Howell D. Williams
83/72 F. Dowling M. Willett 87/67 I. Wallace B. Skeggs 89/67 M. Sinclair P. Donaldson 94/70 C. Weeding J.
McKenna 95/69 R. Dart J. Morris 98/72
Thursday 28th May: East Coast Veterans @ St Marys. Stableford.
Saturday 30th May: 3 Person Ambrose. Sponsored by Statewide Independent Wholesalers Ltd.
Entry Forms for the East Coast Open are available at the club house.
All players, family and friends are invited to the Sunday evening smorgasbord dinner. $15.
1. A.GM 11 am 21st June at the bowls club. Nomination forms are available for members to collect from the wall at
the Swansea Bowls Club.
2. Swansea Bowls Club are having a working bee on Saturday 30th of May 2015 from 9 am until 11 am. Many hands
make light work any members that are able to help on the day it would be appreciated.
3. Swansea Bowls Club would like to invite any interested people or parties to come along and attend a fun evening
of indoor carpet bowls. Tuesday the 16th of June at 7 pm. All welcome any age invited. Come along and have a
great time meet new people and roll a bowl. We look forward to seeing you there.
Triabunna Junior Football Club
Swansea 5.7.37 lost to Oatlands 15.10.100 Goals: J
Brown, M Evans, R Smedley, A Priest, B Sweeney 1 each.
Best A Press, B Taylor, K Flynn, A Priest, B Sweeney, M
Next Match
Sat 30th May Swansea vs Peninsula 1.30 pm @ Swansea
Weekend Results 26/5/2015
Triabunna 50 def Richmond 27 Goals: Alex
Weeding 2, Ashton Condor, Jamie Devine, Jhye
Hitchens, Dylan Jones, Izaac Jackson 1 each. Best:
Dylan Jones, Ashton Condor, Alex Weeding, Dylan
Goulder, Tyler Whittaker, Anna Edwards.