With an increase in recreational scallop fishers on the water, it is

With an increase in recreational scallop fishers on the water, it is timely to
review the rules relating to the scallop fishery.
The recreational scallop season is open till the 31st July 2015. Anyone
fishing for scallops must hold a scallop licence. Scallops can only be taken
by hand, and only a licence holder can dive for scallops. You cannot take
scallops on behalf of another licence holder. Make sure you are aware of
the minimum size for the species you catch – get yourself a gauge from
any Service Tasmania outlet. A daily bag limit of 50 scallops applies (all
species combined). This is also your possession limit whilst on the water.
Only licensed fishers can possess scallops on the water. A possession limit of 100 scallops applies on land, or 3kgs
of scallop meat. Scallops can only be shucked at sea for immediate consumption, you must bring the shells ashore,
and they count toward your bag limit. Landing shucked scallop meat is prohibited. For more information refer to
the Recreational Sea Fishing Guide 2014-15.
Please dispose of scallop shells with your household rubbish collection. Throwing scallop waste and shells back
into the water can spread pests and diseases. Incidents of shells being dumped in roadside reserves are being
monitored. If you witness someone dumping rubbish call the Litter Hotline, 1300 135 51. Try to obtain a
registration of the vehicle or vessel.
If you wish to pass any information onto police regarding illegal fishing activities, you can contact your local police
station, call the non-urgent assistance line on 131 444, or report it via the Fishwatch number 0427 655 557.
Remember, buying and selling recreationally caught fish is illegal. Local and marine police regularly patrol the water
and boat ramps. Please do the right thing, and fish for the future. Senior Constable Leighton Riggall, Swansea Police
Location, time and contact details
Thurs 4 June Swansea Hall Committee AGM 11.am Swansea Town Hall
Fri 5 June
Tasmanian Theatre Company
7 pm Swansea Town Hall ―Smile Smile Smile‖ Iain Lang on
0418 872 745.
Sat 6th June
Swansea Community Market
10 - 1 Swansea Town Hall Queens Birthday weekend
Sun 7 June
Tasmanian Theatre Company
2.30 pm Buckland Community Hall ―Smile Smile Smile ―Iain Lang
on 0418 872 745.
Tues 9 June
Swansea Probus Club
10 am Monthly meeting and BBQ Swansea Golf Club New members
welcome more info secretary 0411 203 223
Tues 9 June
The Imitation Game
7 pm $5 Orford Odeon at the Orford Golf Club
Wed 10 June Glamorgan Spring Bay Little
6.30 pm AGM at the Barkmill All Welcome. Melissa Quinn
Sat 13th June Swansea Community Market
10 - 1 Swansea Town Hall supported by Barkmill Tavern Monthly
Fri 19 June
7.30 pm Swansea Town Hall. All welcome Steve 0438 600 047
Sun 21 June
Swansea Bowls Club AGM
11 am at the Swansea Bowls Club
Tues 23 June Glamorgan Spring Bay Council 5 pm Monthly council meeting at Triabunna Agenda items by 12
Editor: Bill Fry
Advertising Coordinator: Jenny Whittaker
Advertising, Stories & Copy Deadline: strictly 12 noon Friday
Advertisements costing $20 or less must be paid in cash at the Centre before publication
Phone: 6257 8806 Fax: 6257 8053 Postal Address: P.O. Box 308 Swansea 7190
Email: gobcnews@gmail.com—articles, letters and photographs welcome!
Website: www.gobcnews.weebly.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/greatoysterbaycommunitynews
Printed by Swansea Online Access Centre
Opening hours: Monday 9 am - 3 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10 am to 3 pm; Friday 10 am to 1 pm.
Public Holiday by Prior Arrangement
Meals on Wheels
Disclaimer: The Editorial team reserves the right to print any material which is designed to benefit or be of
interest to the local community. Consequently, all views or opinions expressed in material published are
solely those of the writer of that material and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinions of any persons
associated with Great Oyster Bay Community News, the Swansea Online Access Centre or Linc Tasmania.
The editorial team also reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any material that may be deemed
Wed 3 June
N Hickey
Thur 4 June
B & D Lord
Fri 5 June
Mon 8 June
T Gray &
J Cotton
Tues 9 June
J & P Hardcastle
Care until release of orphaned
wildlife including Wombats, Eastern
Grey kangaroos (Foresters), Bennetts
& Pademelon wallabies & Tasmanian
Devil rescue. Phone Marcia at
Bayview Bush Babies on
0448 714 419.
For advice or care of birds phone
Sherryl Lyn on 0427 796 096.
Collection of bee swarms, please
phone Marcia on 0448 714 419.
Please phone pest control for wasps.
For a safe snake relocation service
throughout the municipality. Phone
Bruce Press on 0400 502 403.
Easy Relaxation for Mind and
Body Every Thursday in Orford 1pm at
Your local SES is looking for
volunteers. If you are interested, want
to know more or just want to come and
have a look. Your local unit is also on the
hunt for your old unwanted vehicles, if
you have got one that you would like to
donate to the unit for training purposes,
please let us know, we can even arrange
pickup. Contact us at
swanseases@gmail.com or ring Kelvin
on 0418 376 129 www.swanseases.weebly.com
Book Discussion Group at the
Swansea Library. We meet on the fourth
Thursday in the month, our next meeting
will be 25th June at 10.30 am. Keep
reading and bring along the book you are
currently reading. Contact Deirdre Monk
on 6257 8584.
the Orford Community Hall.
Contact Nadine Ozols, Program
Coordinator, 6257 9126
Swansea Community Market
supported by Barkmill Bakery &
Tavern second Saturday of the month
at Swansea Town Hall 10 am - 1 pm
Next market is on 6th & 13th June .
Swansea Branch CWA meets
Community Transport East Coast
2nd Wednesday of the month. New
members always welcome. Craft days
alternate months. Contact 6257 8947 for
the phone number for the office has
changed to 6372 4415 . A diversion will
be in place until July but please make
note of the number.
Spring Bay Walkers have a regular
Swansea Hall Committee
(section 24 Council Committee)
AGM & expression of interest notice
for Community members to join
committee or to attend the meeting.
Thursday 4th June
11am Swansea Town Hall
General report
Financial report
Election of Office bearers
Chairman, Sec/Treasurer
and 4 Committee Members
General Business
RSVP or for enquiries contact
Martin Crawford 0429 323366
walking calendar of many interesting
local walks. Contact Cath Willmot on
6257 1096.
Qigong 9.15am and exercise class
11.15am both on Monday at Swansea
Golf Club until further notice.
Cranbrook Craft Group Every
Wednesday 10.30 am at Cranbrook Hall.
Cranbrook Contact Edith 6257 8116
Swansea Community Garden meets
on the first Saturday of the month.
Contact Cynthia on 6256 4738.
The Swansea Social Croquet and
Boules on Fridays between 11 am and 2
pm. Weather permitting Please contact
Deirdre Monk 6257 8584.
Tasmanian Theatre Company
7 pm 6th June Swansea Town Hall ―
Smile Smile Smile‖ Iain Lang 0418
872 745.
Swansea Probus Club 10 am 9th
June monthly meeting and bbq
Swansea Golf Club Secretary
0411 203 223
Tasmanian Theatre Company
2.30 pm 7th June Buckland
Community Hall ― Smile Smile
Smile‖ Iain Lang 0418 872 745.
The Orford Odeon 7 pm
Tuesday 9th June ―The Imitation
Game‖ $5 at the Orford Golf
Glamorgan Spring Bay Little
Athletics AGM 6.30 pm 10th
June at the Barkmill All welcome
Melissa Quinn Secretary
Swansea Bowls Club AGM
11 am 21st June at the bowls
Swansea RSL Sat 27 June
Fundraiser Hungi for May Shaw
Health Centre
Haphazards Art Group 10.30 3 fortnightly meeting All Saints
Church Hall next meeting 22 June
Nora 6257 8407
Glamorgan Spring Bay Council
5 pm Tues 23 June monthly
meeting at Triabunna. Agenda
items by 12th June.
Swansea Bowls Club 7 pm Tue
16th June Indoor bowls ta the
bowls club all welcome.
Music and Meditation 3 pm
Wednesdays All Saints Church all
welcome 6257 8755
Winter Trading Hours
Monday and Tuesday Closed
Wednesday and Thursday open 3 pm
Friday Saturday and Sunday open 11
Bistro open Fri 5th June for Dinner
Bistro open Sat 6th June for Lunch and Dinner
Fundraising Hungi for May Shaw Health Centre Sat 27th June
6 pm for 6.30 pm
Do not forget Friday night spins and members’ draw
Phone: 6257 8188
Thank you for the continued support
of our advertisers.
Please consider supporting us - we are a
local not for profit community
organisation run by volunteers. Help us to
continue to provide free local news to our
Paint &
36 Franklin
Dr Jeff Parsons consults in
Bicheno every Tuesday afternoon.
Please phone 6376 1577 for an
appointment or veterinary advice.
For all your
spray painting
& smash repair
Insurance work
& detailing
A community service available to anyone who would love a
meal delivered to their home, ongoing or temporary. Cost
$8.60 for a two course meal Phone 6257 8108
THE CLARE FAMILY wish to extend a very
special THANK YOU to the wonderful staff
at May Shaw Health Centre, Swansea for the
love and care given to our dear mother Jean
who passed away on 7th May. Mum lived out
her final years happily at May Shaw, enjoying
the companionship of staff and other
residents. She expressed to us on many
occasions how pleased she was to have come
to live there and how kind and caring
everyone was to her.. We will be forever
grateful to May Shaw staff for providing a
level of care that is, in our view, the gold
standard in Aged Care. We also wish to thank
Dr Andrew Grove and Dr Camilla Byrne for
their dedication and support in Mum’s care.
A final special thanks to those in the Swansea
community who volunteer their time to help
make May Shaw such a special place.
Our deepest gratitude and best wishes to you all from
Anne & Brian Dorman, Mary & Jeff Wright,
Ellen Porter, Frank & Louise Clare, Dennis Clare,
Ian Clare & Claire Dawson.
Antique pine
pedestal table
Hat stand $5,
Chair $20
6257 8096
9 am Sat 6th June
63 Tasman Highway
Collectables, Tools,
Lawn Mower, garden
Tools and more.
Two bedroom flat
in central location part furnished,
available for lease.
Would you like to help your
Community . You need to be
willing to attend regular training
seasons, enjoy working as part of a team, have a
reasonable fitness level and satisfy a pre-employment
You do not need a first aid certificate..
Want to find out more about becoming an
Ambulance volunteer? Come along to an
information session at our training rooms, on 9th
June at 4 pm Arnol Street Swansea
Have you got your entertainment book/app yet?
Entertainment Books 2015/2016
On sale at Swansea Primary School.
New this year, two books one is South and the
East Coast and one is North and the East Coast
Price $65.00
Saturday 6th June. Men’s Stroke.
N. Williams G. Williams P. Rainbird
T. Gray M. Skelly M. Lethborg
R. Dance R. Wright Mark Hall G. Read
D. Williams J. Lansky P. Calvert J. Street
S. Wright S. Linton M. Robinson M. Willett
B. Anderson F. Dowling P. Morris S. Longey
Max Hall L. Hall R. Smith K. Wadley
R. Dart D. Down R. Curran J. Hardcastle
J. Quinn G. Woods M. Woods M. Woolveridge
D. McPherson D. Hollingsworth M. Hollingsworth TBA
T. Bond M. Brittain T. Doyle G. Quarrell
J. Pyke M. Stubbs C. Matthews TBA
Saturday 6th June. Ladies’ Canadian Foursomes.
11.50 N. Hollingsworth-K. Calvert R. Linton-J. Hartill
12.00 L. Read –K. Dance A. Donaldson-S. Siepen
12.10 D. Sinclair-V. Kemp P.Hardcastle- A. Smith L. McKenna-Partner
Sunday 7th June. Ladies’ Stroke.
9.00 N. Hollingsworth K. Calvert M. Hollingsworth
9.10 K. Dance S. Siepen L. Street L. Read
9.20 L. McKenna J. Brain V. Kemp A. Smith
Sunday 7th June. Men’s Canadian Foursomes
J. McKenna-C. Weeding K. Wadley-M. Lethborg
G. Williams-N. Williams M. Skelly- R. Brougham
R. Wright-Mark Hall M. Hall-L. Hall
P. Rainbird-T. Gray R. Dance-G. Read
S. Wright-R. Curran D. Williams-C. Howell
J. Pyke- C. Matthews M. Stubbs-P. Donaldson
D. McPherson-E. Saville M & D Hollingsworth
T. Bond-S. Moore H. Edginton-M. Brittain
J. Lansky-P. Calvert S. Linton-M. Robinson T. Doyle-G. Quarrell.
R. Dart-J. Morris G. Woods-J.. Quinn R. Smith-M. Woolveridge
Monday 9th June Mixed Foursomes.
Assemble at the club 9.00 am. Post entries welcome. Draw to be made. Tee
off around 9.45.
Glamorgan Spring Bay Little
Athletics is needing your help.
As the 2014/15 season ends and
planning starts for the 2015/16
season. The committee would
like to say thanks to the
children/teenagers that
participated in a great season.
A huge thanks to the parents
as the commitment to give
up Sunday mornings is huge!
The club had a total of 17
members for the season, we
are hoping to be able to
grow on this number. Last
season we trialled holding some of our
meets as twilight meets, which seemed to
be well attended, more so than Sunday
mornings. Talking with parents they
preferred the twilight meets during the
week.at 5 pm .This can also include our
local high school students should they
wish to participate.
The committee feel that parents have held
back in the past on being involved as they
can’t commit to weekends, which we can
all understand as life is busy! The current
committee are suggesting the option to
change meets to a week night either
Wednesday or Thursday starting at 5 pm.
If this option is put into place, the season
would start early September, break for
Christmas and recommence in February
2016 for Term 1. All of the above are only
suggestions, but are suggestions worth
thinking of.
The committee are holding their annual
AGM at the Barkmill on Wednesday the
10th of June 2015 at 6.30 pm please come
and join us for a meal and a meeting or
just come to the meeting.
The current committee have worked hard
to keep this club going for the last 12
months and would hate to see it dissolve.
Many hands make light work so we are
asking for your support, come and help us
keep this club going it isn’t going to take
Our country children are great athletes and
always represent the club, school and
community above and beyond. A lot of
our children do take the skill and style with
them when heading to high school, so it is
proof that our small rural club is a
stepping stone to the bigger picture, of the
achievement outcomes that a lot of these
children carry on to do! Looking forward
to seeing you all at the AGM on the 10th
of June 2015 at the Barkmill Tavern at
6.30, please support this meeting, as we
are needing helpers! Melissa Quinn Secretary
For Sale
“Word” or “Publisher” Copy by 12
Noon Fridays.
Letters and articles most welcome.
Pictures with articles make for more
pleasant reading.
Mowers, Catchers, Blades,
Please send by email to
gobcnews@gmail.com or drop in to
Starter Cords,
the Swansea Online Access Centre
MTD Cutting Bars,
Husqvana Cutting Bars
B/S Starter Motors, Air Filters,
Oil Filters
Offers Accepted
Ph 6257 8506
For Sale
1 King Single Bed Black Metal
1 King Single Matt . New
1 Single Silver Metal Bed
1 Single Matt. Near New
1 Heater IXL 6.5 kw
Make an offer
Ph 0429 347 283
Distinguished actor,
loving husband and
Always in our hearts.
Peter Finch
28-9-1916 14-1-1977
Tasmanian Theatre Company will be bringing its latest
production ―Smile Smile Smile" to the Swansea Hall on Friday
5th June. The show celebrates the spirit of community in a small
country town in Tasmania as they cope with the impact of the
First World War on the community.
Set in 1916, World War I is raging across Europe and thousands
of young men from the far-flung reaches of the Empire are
leaving home to join the fray. In Tasmania, Bernard Bailey’s
confidence is quickly eroding as three more of his travelling
vaudeville troupe desert him for the Western Front. As the
remnant band of entertainers straggle into a small East Coast
Tasmanian town, Bernard is sure his days as an impresario are
numbered and he’ll have to return to the grim life of selling
haberdashery in the city. It’s not until he encounters the
resilience, creativity and never-say-die attitude of the local
community that his dark clouds are turned inside out and his
visit to the sleepy town turns out to be the highlight of his
theatrical year. All over Australia communities held
entertainments to support the troops and this town is no
More than a play, this is a night of true variety entertainment, designed to transport you back to
the Tasmania of yesteryear. A larger-than-life event where professional actors and talented
locals roll up their sleeves and pitch in, to pack up your troubles and ―Smile Smile Smile".
Featuring Claire Dawson, Jeff Michel, Iain Lang and Katie Robertson and music of the period,
there will also be the opportunity for locals to become involved. For more information on how
to become a part of the show call Iain Lang on 0418 872 745.
Swansea Online Access Centre
would like to thank all of the dedicated hard working volunteers and
committee members who contribute to the efficient operation of
the Centre and this newsletter.. And you, our readers, of this
Phone 0409 578 066
Swansea Ukulele and Folk
Next meeting is 7.30
pm at the Swansea Town Hall on
Friday 19th June 2015. All Welcome.
Call Steve Mob: 0438 060 047 for
further info.
TV and FM Antennas
Satellite TV
AV and Home Theatre
Qualified technicians
0423 315 808
Swansea Online Access
is calling for volunteers to
help with the physical
running of the centre on a
day to day basis. If you would
like to volunteer please call
6257 8806.
We also require volunteers for
the Committee of
Management. No experience
is necessary
Friday & Saturday nights (plus our full
seafood menu)
This week
Butter Chicken – smooth and tender – always in
Beef Vindaloo – a traditional favorite mild to hot
as preferred
Rogan Josh – lamb at its very best and authentic
in style
Kiri Malu – a seafood specialty with delicate herbs
and spices
Mixed Vegetable Curry – a vegetarian choice and
so lightly spiced
Saturday 6th June
1 Day Only
18 Franklin Street, Swansea
Open 7 Days 9-5
6257 8091
Support your local businesses
All meals served with Basmati Rice – add Roti bread
– Cucumber Raiita – or fresh made Papadams &
NEW- Mango Lassi, a smoothie style yoghurt based
Wombat Mange Treatments taking place in Swansea
We are currently treating wombats with mange in different areas of Swansea. Mange is a terrible disease
that kills wombats which is extremely painful and deadly.
We are doing trials over the next twelve months so your assistance in keeping them safe would be really
appreciated. When wombats have mange their hearing and sight is badly impaired so their ability to hear a
vehicle approaching is nil so they are likely roadkill victims. If vehicles could slow to 50 and keep an eye
out for them all hours of the day and night when travelling along Swan River Road which is one treatment
site. A wombat in the early stages of treatment is living along that road. A dead patient would be
devastating to not only the wombat but these trials as a lot of time and energy goes into the treatment.
Wombats are a totally protected species so if you should come across a wombat with mange please do not
touch it or take matters into your own hands, phone Marcia on 0448714419. Even the ones that look like
death is not far away can be treated and cured.
A big thank you from the wombats
Tomorrows heritage today.
Specializing in Restorations,
Houses, Retaining Walls, Stairs,
Garden Features, Paving &
All Types of Stone Work
Compare our work online at
Phone 0409 074 995
Simon P. Clark
Chartered Accountant
“I come to you”
Visiting Swansea the
4th Thursday of each month
For an appointment please call
Ph: 6391 3007
I have never found a companion
that was so companionable as
solitude. We are for the most part
more lonely when we go abroad
among men than when we stay in
our chambers. A man thinking or
working is always alone, let him be
where he will. Henry David Thoreau
Slashing of Blocks
Swansea - Bicheno - Coles Bay
Visits the Health & Wellbeing
Centre, May Shaw
Ph: Rodney Breadmore
Every Tuesday
Waxing, tinting, manicures &
pedicures, facials, gel nails/toes
Relaxation massage
Phone Sally 0400 837 984
Richard Lane
June 23rd
Visiting Bicheno Fri. 5th June
Call 6375 1455 for appointment
Swansea Sat. 6th June
Call 6257 8114 for appointment
Dr. Phillip Holmes will be visiting
Swansea 10th & 24th June from 11am
onwards. Please phone 6269 2323 for an
appointment or veterinary advice.
5 Fielding position (6,3)
8 Flightless New Zealand bird (4)
9 Impertinent (8)
10 Scarcity (6)
11 Attack (6)
13 US space flight programme, 1961-72 (6)
15 Solidified lava used as an abrasive (6)
16 Relating to the clergy (8)
18 Necessity (4)
19 Eighty (9)
1 Timmy Tiptoes, for example (8)
2 Cease to exist (6)
3 Iran, formerly (6)
4 Grain ground to powder (4)
6 Large fleshy fruit (9)
7 Surrounded (9)
12 College for priests or rabbis (8)
14 Academy awards (6)
15 Royal residence (6)
17 Space (4)
Garage Sale
13 Shaw St Swansea not before 9
am on Saturday the 6th June. Odds and end
Swansea Golf Club News
Saturday May 30th Report
Tasmanian Independent Wholesalers.
Winners are grinners.
Twenty five members turned out for a very successful ambrose teams competition. Our generous sponsors for the
day were Statewide Independent Wholesalers Ltd. The club thanks and appreciates the support from statewide’s
David Lanham in conjunction with Greg and Jo Raspin. The very generous prizes and the wonderful afternoon tea
were very much appreciated. Despite the strong windy conditions members thoroughly enjoyed the social side of
the game.
Winners were John Quinn, Sally Fletcher, Jim Morris and Pat Hardcastle. Runners up were Dale Williams, Mike
Willett and Alison Smith. Chris Weeding, Val Kemp and Barry Skeggs finished in third position.
Nearest to the pin winners were Pat Hardcastle and Sally Fletcher.
June 6th, 7th & 8th: East Coast Open @ Swansea See draw page 6
Thursday 11th June: East Coast Veterans @ Swansea. Winter Cup
Saturday 13th June: Monthly Medal
Swansea Bowls Club News
1. A.GM 11 am 21st June at the bowls club. Nomination forms are available for members to collect from the wall at the
Swansea Bowls Club.
2. Swansea Bowls Club would like to invite any interested people or parties to come along and attend a fun evening of indoor
carpet bowls. Tuesday the 16th of June at 7 pm. All welcome any age invited. Come along and have a great time meet new
people and roll a bowl. We look forward to seeing you there.
Swansea Football Club News
Swansea 11.9.75 defeated Peninsula 5.13.43
Goals M Evans, T Woods 2, A Priest, J Negri, R
Flynn, J Brown, M Williamson, K Flynn, A Press 1
Best J Brown, J Franklin, R Williamson, M
Williamson, M Brown, A Cusick
The committee would like to thank those who
stepped in to help, Boof, Ricky Wright, Casey Pyke,
Vicki Wright, Tim Bond and Brendan Squires.
Coming event Sat 6th June Bothwell vs Swansea
1.30 pm @ Bothwell
Triabunna Junior Football Club
Weekend Results 30/5/2015
Triabunna Under 12’s Triabunna 5.7.37 def Dodges Ferry
3.6.24 Goals Jamie Devine, Izaac Jackson, Alex Weeding, Ryan
west, Tyler Wilton 1. Best Dylan Jones, Izaac Jackson, Tyler
Wilton, Georgia Alomes, Bryce Alomes, Jhye Hitchens.
Under 8’s played Lindisfarne Diggers at Triabunna, in freezing
conditions with wind and rain making the playing conditions
tricky these kids still went out and give it their best shot, well
done team
Auskicker’s had the winter woollies out and despite the cold
and windy conditions got in and had a great game.