Date Event Location, time and contact details Tues 24 Mar Glamorgan Spring Bay Council 5 pm Monthly Council Meeting Coles Bay. Thur 26 Mar 10 Days Festival 7 pm ― "Swamp Juice" Shadow Puppet Show Swansea Town Hall, entry charge $10 child, $20 members & conc. $25 adult $55 family of four. Tickets available from Bear Crafts or at the door. Fri 27 Mar International Inner Wheel District A80 6 pm Women are invited to an information evening regarding the formation of an Inner Wheel Club on the East Coast at Barkmill Tavern and Bakery. Susan Deane A80 District Chairman 0419 392 072 or Shirley Allen 0418 333 950 Fri 27 Mar STUFIT 7.30pm at the Swansea Town Hall Call Steve Mob:0438 060 047 Sat 28 Mar El Son Entero Free ‗CubAus‘ workshop for the Swansea and Triabunna School students and then the performance of a free concert on the Seafest stage. Triabunna Wharf Sat 28 Mar Swansea Swans Football Club 1 pm Practice Match Vs Huonville FC at the Swansea Reserve Sat 28 Mar 10 Days Festival 7.30 pm "Alzheimer Symphony" Swansea Town Hall, entry charge Adult $30 Member/Conc. $25 Supper and discussion to follow. Tickets available at the door. Sat 4th April Swansea Community Market 10 am - 1pm Easter Sat market Supported by Barkmill Tavern & Bakery Swansea Town Hall Sat 4th April Swansea Lions Club 10.30 am-2 pm Easter Saturday BBQ up near the Town Hall Editor: Bill Fry Advertising Coordinator: Jenny Whittaker Advertising, Stories & Copy Deadline: strictly 12 noon Friday Advertisements costing $20 or less must be paid in cash at the Centre before publication Phone: 6257 8806 Fax: 6257 8053 Postal Address: P.O. Box 308 Swansea 7190 Email:—articles, letters and photographs welcome! Website: Facebook: Printed by Swansea Online Access Centre Opening hours: Monday 9 am - 3 pm; Tuesday 10 am to 3 pm; Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm; Thursday 10 am - 3 pm; Friday 9 am to 1 pm. Public Holidays by prior arrangement. Meals on Wheels Wed 25 Mar A Boyers Thur 26 Mar R & C Campbell Fri 27 Mar P English & H Ford Mon 30 Mar J & P Hardcastle Tues 31 Mar S Kean & D Barden Disclaimer: The Editorial team reserves the right to print any material which is designed to benefit or be of interest to the local community. Consequently, all views or opinions expressed in material published are solely those of the writer of that material and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinions of any persons associated with Great Oyster Bay Community News, the Swansea Online Access Centre or Linc Tasmania. The editorial team also reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any material that may be deemed damaging, misleading or detrimental to our organisation or community. Please refer to our Editorial and Advertising policies which are located on our website Care until release of orphaned wildlife including Wombats, Eastern Grey kangaroos (Foresters), Bennetts & Pademelon wallabies & Tasmanian Devil rescue. Phone Marcia at Bayview Bush Babies on 0448 714 419. For advice or care of birds phone Sherryl Lyn on 0427 796 096. Collection of bee swarms, please phone Marcia on 0448 714 419. Please phone pest control for wasps. For a safe snake relocation service throughout the municipality. Phone Bruce Press on 0400 502 403. Easy Relaxation for Mind and Body Every Thursday in Orford 1pm at the Orford Community Hall. Contact Nadine Ozols, Program Coordinator, 6257 9126 Swansea Branch CWA meets 2nd Wednesday of the month. New members always welcome. Craft days alternate months. Contact 6257 8947 for details. Spring Bay Walkers have a regular walking calendar of many interesting local walks. Contact Cath Willmot on 6257 1096. Qigong 9.15am and exercise class 11.15am both on Monday at Swansea Golf Club until further notice. Cranbrook Craft Group Every Wednesday 10.30 am at Cranbrook Hall. Cranbrook Contact Edith 6257 8116 Swansea Community Garden meets on the first Saturday of the month. Contact Cynthia on 6256 4738. Your local SES is looking for volunteers. If you are interested, want to know more or just want to come and have a look. Your local unit is also on the hunt for your old unwanted vehicles, if you have got one that you would like to donate to the unit for training purposes, please let us know, we can even arrange pickup. Contact us at or ring Kelvin on 0418 376 129 Book Discussion Group at the Swansea Library. We meet on the fourth Thursday in the month, our next meeting will be 27th Mar at 10.30 am. Keep reading and bring along the book you are currently reading. Contact Deirdre Monk on 6257 8584. Swansea Ukulele and Folk Instrument Troupe (STUFIT) Next meeting is 7.30 pm at the Swansea Town Hall on Friday 27th Mar All Welcome. Call Steve Mob: 0438 060 047 for further info. Hazards Art Group 10.30 am - 3 pm 30th March at All Siants Church Hall the Noyes St Ph Nora 6257 8407 Swansea State Library has a new phone number 6257 8607. Please use this number for all enquiries regarding the library Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Monthly Meeting 5 pm 24th Mar at Coles Bay. El Son Entero wants to thank you all in the best way they know. The band is taking time off from their frantic tour schedule to make a special one-off visit to Triabunna for a free ‗CubAus‘ workshop for the Swansea and Triabunna School Students and then perform a free concert on the Seafest stage. Triabunna Wharf on Saturday 28th March 10 Day Festival ―Swamp Juice Shadow Puppet Show‖ 7 pm 26th Mar at the Swansea Town Hall, entry charge child $10 members and conc. $20 adult $25 family of four $55. Tickets available from Bear Crafts or at the door. ―Alzheimer Symphony‖ 7.30 pm Sat 28th Mar at the Swansea Town Hall, entry charge Adults $30 Members/conc $25. The performance will be followed by a light supper and discussion of the themes and issues contained within the play. Swansea Community Market supported by Barkmill Bakery & Tavern second Saturday of the month at Swansea Town Hall 10 am - 1 pm Next market is on 4th April Easter Sat and 11th April. Swansea Lions Club 10.30 am-2 pm Easter Saturday 4th April will be holding a BBQ up near the town hall on Easter Saturday BreastScreen Tasmania mobile bus will be in Swansea from 13th to 17th April at May Shaw and Bicheno from 20th to 24th April zt Bicheno Health Centre. Swansea Online Access Centre would like to thank all of the dedicated hard working volunteers and committee members who contribute to the efficient operation of the Centre and this newsletter.. And you, our readers, of this newsletter for it‘s continued success. We would like to invite volunteers to help in our canteen for the forth coming season. For further information please ring Lauren Gardam 0459 101 363 Practice Match 1 pm Sat 28 March Vs Huonville @ Swansea Recreation Ground Near new home for rent 2 bedrooms central Swansea. Reverse cycle air, 2 + off street parking spaces. Seeking long term tenants with references. $245 per week. Phone 0448 184 224 We would like to invite volunteers to help in our canteen for the forth coming season. For further information please ring Lauren Gardam 0459 101 363 Practice Match 1 pm Sat 28 March Vs Huonville @ Swansea Recreation Ground In my school, the brightest boys did math and physics, the less bright did physics and chemistry, and the least bright did biology. I wanted to do math and physics, but my father made me do chemistry because he thought there would be no jobs for mathematicians. Stephen Hawking The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. Ayn Rand Men are like wine - some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age. Pope John XXIII Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. Napoleon Bonaparte Sleep after toyle, port after stormie seas, Ease after warre, death after life, does greatly please. Joseph Conrad 3-12-1857 to 3-8- 1924 Central location, 2 bedrooms includes some furniture, fridge and washing machine. Contact 0419 390 736 Easter Saturday BBQ Swansea Lions Club will be holding a BBQ up near the town hall on Easter Saturday 10.30 am—2 pm Hope to see you there Saturday Markets weekly throughout summer 8 am - 1 pm Coles Bay Community Hall Harold Street Make sure you are there to experience the best of talented locals selling arts, crafts, fresh produce, showcasing live music and much more. If you are interested in holding a stall at this exciting event please call Bec 0407 251 095 or Laura 0428 469 642 SEE YOU THERE On Saturday 21st March, Swansea Bowls Club hosted Chis Thomas from Cobram (VIC) Bowls Club as part of his record attempt to play at 800 bowls clubs throughout Australia in a year. Swansea was club number 657 and his worthy opponent was Swansea Bowls Club's youngest pennant player Dylan Jones. Chris has already played in NSW, VIC and QLD and from Tassie will continue on to WA and SA. As well attempting the record, he is raising funds for research into breast and prostate cancer. Chris is sponsored by the Australian Mens Shed Association and Fashion Club Wear who are covering all his travel costs. Thank you for the continued support of our advertisers. Please consider supporting us we are a local not for profit community organisation “Word” or “Publisher” Copy by 12 Noon Fridays. Letters and articles most welcome. Pictures with articles make for more pleasant reading. Please send by email to or drop in to the Swansea Online Access Centre Triumphant end to EPIC alternative Sydney to Hobart adventure – The Variety Cycle 2015 On Saturday 14th March, The Variety Cycle 2015 peloton cycled into the stunning seaport in Hobart to conclude their ambitious 15 day, 2,167 kilometre cycling adventure from Sydney to Hobart, for Aussie kids in need! This feel good physical challenge saw more than $670,000 raised (and counting) for Variety – the Children‘s Charity, with 100 participants including half of the Wild Oats Yacht crew and inspirational Paralympian, Michael Milton OAM traversing four states including NSW, ACT, VIC and TAS for the greater good. Event ambassador, Michael Milton OAM, cycled over 1000km from Sydney to Canberra and then from Launceston to Hobart to support Variety – the Children‘s Charity, which is a cause close to his heart. He has a first-hand understanding of how important it is to help kids face their challenges and realise their potential. Michael was a daily inspiration and made a significant contribution to the peloton‘s morale. Not the type to rest on their laurels, after winning the 2014 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, half of the Wild Oats crew including skipper Mark Richards, Iain Murray, and 13 time winner, Steve ‗Mothy‘ Jarvin signed on for this alternative Sydney to Hobart adventure which saw them trade the wind for pedal power for the greater good. The event‘s philanthropic founder, Christopher Mapp was also amongst the peloton who undertook the full journey, and is already looking forward to next year after completing the second annual The Variety Cycle. Tam Johnston, CEO of Variety - the Children‘s Charity NSW praised the fundraising efforts and fitness prowess of The Variety Cycle riders saying The event saw cycling novices, weekend warriors, elite athletes and recreational bicyclists alike do the 15 day Sydney to Hobart cycle (2167 KMS), an eight day Sydney to Melbourne or seven day Melbourne to Hobart option as well as the two day cycles (Sydney into Goulburn, Wangaratta into Melbourne, Devonport into Launceston or Swansea into Hobart). There was even a one day cycle from Sydney to Nowra. : Aimee Meredith, A Little Extra, 02 9999 0853, Our Community – Your Club Just some of the great reviews for ―SWAMP JUICE‖: Disco Our first event for 2015 so come along & Register At the Crusader Cabin, Swansea Friday 27th March 7 – 9pm Bring along your best dance moves & dance to the latest Hits Dress yourself up. Prizes for best dressed and craziest dance move. Lucky door prizes and dance games All children invited It‘s not too late to register $2 per child (pay on the night) Children under 6 years need to be supervised by parent/guardian Parent/ Guardians could you please provide a plate for supper All children need to be registered. Annual registration is $20 per child or $40 per family. Forms will be available on the night for those not yet registered. PCYC Positive Experiences for Young People Any questions contact Kelvin 0418 376 129 email or Facebook east coast crusadersers pcyc inc "Escape for an hour into a world of pure silliness and of pure joy" – Adelaide Advertiser "One of those shows that truly has to be seen to be believed!" – Toorak Times "Zany, ingenious, captivating and downright funny." – Rip It Up And SWAMP JUICE just had a storming season Off Broadway in New York City. (Dec 2014) and now we are coming to Swansea! "Breathtaking displays of shadow puppetry" - Theater Scene NY "Gets the audience screaming delightedly in their seats" Village Voice "Wondrous! An exceptional skill!" - The New York Times So come one, come all, bring the kids or the grandparents– it‘s for All ages! Tickets from Bear Cottage Crafts (or Ten Days) Adults $25 Children $10 Family of 4 $55 Concession / Member $20 Springvale Vineyard ―SEAFOOD POP UP RESTAURANT‖ Cellar open 7 days a week from 11am Restaurant will trade 7 days a week till after the Easter Holiday Break. For enquiries & Group bookings for the restaurant call Don Monk on 0459 581 316 Bistro is now open Wed—Sat Lunch 12 till 2 Wed—Sat Dinner 6 till 9 Sunday Fun Day Postponed until further notice Don‘t forget Friday night spins and Financial Members draw. Phone: 6257 8188 Next meeting is 7.30pm at the Swansea Town Hall on Friday 27th Mar 2015. All Welcome. Call Steve Mob: 0438 060 047 for further info. PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION 2015 The Glamorgan Spring Bay Council annual photography competition is open, with winning images to be used in Council‘s 2016 calendar. (All profits from the sale of the calendar are used for youth projects/activities.) Photographs must be taken within the Glamorgan Spring Bay municipal area and should capture the various landscapes, seasonal changes and diversity of the East Coast. The winning entry will receive $500 and five calendars and the photograph will feature on the cover and first page of the calendar. Another 11 entries will be chosen as main images and those entrants will receive some free copies of the calendar. Entry forms are available from Council‘s website or email A community service available to anyone who would love a meal delivered to their home, ongoing or temporary. Cost $8.60 for a two course meal Phone 6257 8108 Pest Controller Leon Dransfield 0407 299 215 Qualified, Licensed, and because I live locally, I can offer follow up treatment if required. For all your creepy crawly pests. Spiders, Ants, Fleas and Flies etc. Using environmentally friendly products. The competition closes on Friday, 29th May, 2015. Exercise bike Swansea Paint & Panel 36 Franklin Street Swansea For all your spray painting & smash repair needs. Insurance work & detailing 0497928482 VETERINARY CLINICS IN BICHENO Dr Jeff Parsons consults in Bicheno every Tuesday afternoon. Please phone 6376 1577 for an appointment or veterinary advice. Garage Sale 23 Shaw Street Sat 4th April 10 am Variety of Goods The Glamorgan Spring Bay Council NRM team is looking for casual employees to assist with weed control work. A current chemical users accreditation in line with DPIPWE requirements is mandatory for this position. Please contact Council‘s Natural Resources Manager on 0407 565 225 for more information. Suitable Seniors Ph 03 6257 8753 This will allow viewing etc. Swansea State Library Has a new phone number 62578607 Please use this number for all enquiries regarding the Library Who, after dropping the children at Swansea Primary School walked as far as Maria Street, then decided that the car was not needed at the school that day? It was retrieved for personal use. A small donation to a cancer charity will ensure my total silence. Bill Fry Editor PERFECT PLACEMENT STONEWORK Tomorrows heritage today. Specializing in Restorations, Houses, Retaining Walls, Stairs, Garden Features, Paving & All Types of Stone Work Compare our work online at Phone 0409 074 995 ACCOUNTANT & TAX AGENT Simon P. Clark Chartered Accountant “I come to you” Visiting Swansea the 4th Thursday of each month Mar 24 For an appointment please call Ph: 6391 3007 FIG BEAUTY SERVICE Visits the Health & Wellbeing Centre, May Shaw Every Tuesday Waxing, tinting, manicures & pedicures, facials, gel nails/toes Relaxation massage Phone Sally 0400 837 984 VETERINARY CLINICS IN SWANSEA Dr. Phillip Holmes will be visiting Swansea Apr 1st 15th 29th from 11am onwards. Please phone 6269 2323 for an appointment or veterinary advice. Slashing of Blocks Swansea - Bicheno - Coles Bay Ph: Rodney Breadmore 0418 513 973 Richard Lane Ladies Fashions OPTOMETRIST Visiting Bicheno Fri. 10th April Call 6375 1455 for appointment Swansea Sat. 11th April Call 6257 8114 for appointment Sewing Services available Open Tues - Sat 10 am - 4 pm 10a Franklin Street - across from Vinnies Enquires Marguerite 0432 128 170 Down 1 Offspring (5) 2 Sheer fabric of silk or rayon (7) 3 Grass — Swiss hero (4) 4 Triteness (8) 5 Woo (5) 6 Obnoxious (6) 11 Foreword (8) 12 Cantor (anag) (6) 13 Picture or statue of the Virgin Mary (7) 15 Plants of a particular region (5) 17 Ceasefire (5) 18 Vivacity (4) Sudoku Across 1 Consecutive (4-2-4) 7 Clear seasoned broth (8) 8 Language spoken by Muslims in Pakistan and India (4) 9 Heavy pudding — no good (4) 10 Army unit (7) 12 Awkward argument (11) 14 Short biographical sketch (7) 16 Prepare for publication (4) 19 Something that would be totally unacceptable (2-2) 20 Popular pot plant (8) 21 In direct confrontation (4-2-4) Swansea Golf Club Report Saturday 21st March All Saturday competitions 11.00 for 11.30 start unless stated otherwise. A very successful stableford competition sponsored by Francis Dowling was extremely well supported by thirty members. The ladies‘ division was won by Pat Hardcastle who continues her good form with 36 points; Louise McKenna was runner up and Sally Siepen finished in 3rd position. John Cotton scored 39 points to take out the winner‘s prize for the Division 1 Men; Dale Williams was a close second 38 points with Trent Gray filling 3rd place. Men‘s Division 2 was won by John McKenna With a score of 39 points: John Quinn 37 points in 2nd spot with Malcolm Sinclair and Ian Wallace equal 3rd. Nearest to the pin winners were John Cotton and Jim Miley. Fran Dowling (center) with the winners The very generous prizes were presented by Francis, and his contribution to the club was recognised and appreciated by all members present. RESULTS Ladies: P. Hardcastle 36 L. McKenna 35 S. Siepen 33 G. Foster 30 A. Smith 23 C. Franklin 23 Div.1 Men: J. Cotton 39 D. Williams 38 T. Gray 37 F. Dowling 36 D. McKillop K. Wadley 35 M. Lethborg 32 M. Hall 30 M. Woolveridge 25 J. Hardcastle 23 Div 2: Men: J. McKenna 39 J. Quinn 37 M. Sinclair I.Wallace 36 G. Miley 35 W. Cargill R. R.Dart 34 J. Miley 33 R. Bennett 31 P Donaldson D.Down M. Hall 30 J. Morris 39 M. Willett M. Woolveridge 25 J. Hardcastle 23. COMING EVENTS Thursday 26th March: East Coast Veterans @ Freycinet Ambrose Saturday 28th March: FOBS @ Freycinet 9 for 9.30 . Saturday 4th April: 2 person Ambrose; Sponsored by Bennett‘s Petroleum. On Sunday 22nd Mar five teams made up of 20 players along with their 3 emergencies from Swansea Bowls Club, headed to St Helens to play off in the East Coast Pennant grand final against St Mary's. The weather was a bit against them but the bowls were not. Swansea played a fantastic game with the final scores being Swansea 141 defeating St Mary's 101. Well done Swansea on your back to back East Coast pennant win. Swansea now take 3 teams to the state pennant in Hobart and we wish them all the very best. Thursday Triples Day 1.30 for 2 Swansea Bowls Club Barefoot Bowls Wednesday Nights 6 pm for 6.30 pm. Season has restarted. Come and have some fun. Form a team of three or just show up and form a team with others. Coming Events Good Friday Seafood Smorgasbord from 11 am. Meals 12 to 3 pm Adults $20 Child $15 Table Bookings 0427 688 016 Effects over 1 million men & women in Australia RISK FACTORS include : Your family history - Your Calcium & Vitamin D levels - Your Medical history: Corticosteroids – Low hormone levels – Thyroid conditions – Coeliac disease –Inflammatory bowel disease – rheumatoid arthritis – chronic liver or kidney disease – Breast cancer – Prostate cancer – epilepsy & some antidepressants. LIFESTYLE FACTORS include: Low levels of physical activity – Smoking – Excessive alcohol intake – Weight problems Check your risk factors with your doctor Information available at the Pharmacy
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