Ten Days is bringing the world to Tasmania‘s shores in March 2015 for the state‘s highly acclaimed biennial multi-arts festival – now known as the Tasmanian International Arts Festival. The festival program offers a diverse selection of theatre, dance, music, comedy and visual arts to appeal to Ten Days‘ many audiences. International performances include Dementia 13, The Cardinals, Rising, El Son Entero and the first ever Australian appearance of Bolivia‘s Teatro de los Andes, delivering a unique reinterpretation of Shakespeare‘s Hamlet. This international line-up will be supported by an abundance of creativity from Tasmanian artists and companies including Terrapin Puppet Theatre, Stompin and Big hART Inc. The world-renowned Spiegeltent, presented in association with Strut and Fret, will also return to Hobart as part of the 2015 Tasmanian International Arts Festival, for 25 days of dazzling entertainment and fun for all ages. The travelling entertainment salon was a smash hit with Tasmanian crowds in March last year and will be back at Princes Wharf No. 1 forecourt from 5-29 March 2015. More than 150 international, national and Tasmanian performers will showcase a unique and exciting array of comedy, cabaret, music, circus, burlesque and acrobatic performances as well as family friendly fun not to be missed. Tasmanian audiences are sure to be delighted by the return of 2014 favourite La Soirée who, along with renowned Australian company Circa and their show Beyond, will headline the Spiegeltent program. In a Tasmanian first a selection of Spiegeltent performers will also be stepping out of the tent to astound audiences in Launceston, Devonport and Burnie as part of the festival‘s Spiegel Sideshow program. WHAT: Tasmanian International Arts Festival (20-29 March 2015) Spiegeltent season (5-29 March 2015) WHERE: A range of stunning locations across Tasmania COST: Various prices including a range of free events INFO/TICKETS: Visit tendays.org.au or phone (03) 6210 5777 For more information, or to request an interview or festival images/vision: Lucinda Szczypior, Font PR, 0438 280 486 or lucindas@fontpr.com.au Date Event Location, time and contact details Thur 12th Feb Swansea Garden Club 12 Noon AGM at the Camus‘ Francis St. Followed by a BBQ Lunch FOM Rose Linda Camus (Sec) 6257 8855 Fri 13th Feb Swansea Primary School Back to School BBQ All welcome. Any enquiries please phone Melissa on 62578 126 Fri 13th Feb STUFIT 7.30 pm Swansea Town Hall Sat 14th Feb Swansea Community Market 10 am - 1 pm Swansea Town Hall Sun 15th Feb United Church 9 am Church Service St Andrews Swansea Rev Dennis Cousins Sun 15th Feb United Church 3 pm United Church members‘ meeting in St Andrews Church Tue 17th Feb Swansea Pensioners Association 2 pm Bingo & Meeting at the Church Hall L Hend Sec 0413 727 156 Thur 19th Feb The Orford Odeon Doors open 7 pm for 7.30 pm ―The Grand Seduction‖ at the Orford Bowls Club $5 Fri 20th Feb Swansea Bowls Club 6 pm for 6.30 pm Aussie Trivia Night Bowls Club 0467 020 423 Fri 20th Feb Freycinet Coast Guard 1900 at the Terry Charlton Room Boat shed New members welcome Bill Fry 0400 329 973 Fri 20th Feb Swansea Golf Club 7.30 pm AGM at the golf club Wed 25th Feb 6.30 pm AGM and dinner Barkmill Tavern ICPA Editor: Bill Fry Advertising Coordinator: Jenny Whittaker Advertising, Stories & Copy Deadline: strictly 12 noon Friday Advertisements costing $20 or less must be paid in cash at the Centre before publication Phone: 6257 8806 Fax: 6257 8053 Postal Address: P.O. Box 308 Swansea 7190 Email: gobcnews@gmail.com—articles, letters and photographs welcome! Website: www.gobcnews.weebly.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/greatoysterbaycommunitynews Printed by Swansea Online Access Centre Opening hours: Monday & Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm Tuesday & Thursday 10 am to 3 pm, Friday 9 am to 1 pm Meals on Wheels Wed 11 Feb J & C Johston Thurs 12 Feb B & B Digney Fri 13 Feb M&K Mason Mon 16 Feb J Austwick Tues 17 Feb S Kean & D Barden Disclaimer: The Editorial team reserves the right to print any material which is designed to benefit or be of interest to the local community. Consequently, all views or opinions expressed in material published are solely those of the writer of that material and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinions of any persons associated with Great Oyster Bay Community News, the Swansea Online Access Centre or Linc Tasmania. The editorial team also reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any material that may be deemed damaging, misleading or detrimental to our organisation or community. Please refer to our Editorial and Advertising policies which are located on our website www.gobcnews.weebly.com www.bom.gov.au/australia/meteye Care until release of orphaned wildlife including Wombats, Eastern Grey kangaroos (Foresters), Bennetts & Pademelon wallabies & Tasmanian Devil rescue. Phone Marcia at Bayview Bush Babies on 0448 714 419. For advice or care of birds phone Sherryl Lyn on 0427 796 096. Collection of bee swarms, please phone Marcia on 0448 714 419. Please phone pest control for wasps. Reptile Rescue Tasmania supported by Glamorgan Spring Bay Council provides a safe snake relocation service throughout the municipality. Phone Bruce Press on 0400 502 403. Easy Relaxation for Mind and Body Every Thursday in Swansea 9.30am at the Health and Wellbeing Centre. Every Thursday in Orford 1pm at the Orford Community Hall. Contact Nadine on 6257 8114 Swansea Branch CWA meets 2nd Wednesday of the month. New members always welcome. Craft days alternate months. Contact 6257 8947 for details. Spring Bay Walkers have a regular walking calendar of many interesting local walks. Contact Cath Willmot on 6257 1096. Qigong 9.15am and exercise class 11.15am both on Monday at Swansea Golf Club until further notice. Cranbrook Craft Group Every Wednesday 10.30 am at Cranbrook Hall. Cranbrook Contact Edith 6257 8116 Swansea Community Garden meets on the first Saturday of the month. Contact Cynthia on 6256 4738. Your local SES is looking for volunteers. If you are interested, want to know more or just want to come and have a look. Your local unit is also on the hunt for your old unwanted vehicles, if you have got one that you would like to donate to the unit for training purposes, please let us know, we can even arrange pickup. Contact us at swanseases@gmail.com or ring Kelvin on 0418 376 129 www.swansea-ses.weebly.com Book Discussion Group at the Swansea Library. We meet on the fourth Thursday in the month, our next meeting will be 27th Feb at 10.30 am. Keep reading and bring along the book you are currently reading. Contact Deirdre Monk on 6257 8584. The Swansea Social Croquet and Boules on Fridays between 11 am and 2 pm. Phone Deirdre Monk 6257 8584 for details of venue and other information about the day. Glamorgan Spring Bay Little Athletics Please note the new starting time for Sunday mornings is 9 am at the Swansea Recreation Ground. Swansea Primary School Friday 13th February Back to School Family BBQ All Welcome Any enquiries please phone Melissa on 62578 126 Swansea Garden Club 12 noon Thursday 12th Feb AGM at the Camus‘ Francis Street followed by a BBQ lunch FOM Rose Linda Camus (Sec) 6257 8855 Swansea Community Market sponsored by Barkmill Bakery & Tavern second Saturday of the month at Swansea Town Hall 10 am - 1 pm Next months market is on 14th February. United Church 9 am Sun 15th Feb. church service @ St Andrews Swansea. 3 pm United Church members‘ meeting in St Andrews Swansea Pensioners Assoc. 2 pm 17th Feb. Meeting and Bingo At the Church Hall. New members welcome L Hend phone 0413 727 156 Swansea Ukulele and Folk Instrument Troupe (STUFIT) Next meeting is 7.30 pm at the Swansea Town Hall on Friday 13th Feb All Welcome. Call Steve Mob: 0438060047 for further info. AUSSIE TRIVIA NIGHT At the Swansea Bowls Club Friday 20 February 6.30 for 7 pm start 6 people per team @ $10 pp. Includes light supper Singles entry welcome Best Aussie costume prize. lucky door prize and more. Tickets available at both IGA stores. Get a team together for a fun night. Enq 0467020423 Coast Guard Freycinet next meeting 1900 Hrs Friday 20th Feb Terry Charlton Room at the Boatshed Visitors and new members welcome. Bill Fry, Admin Officer: 0400 329 973 www.coastguardfreycinet.com.au Swansea Golf Club Inc 7.30 pm AGM 20th February. At the golf club United Church 9 am Sun 15th Feb. church service @ St Andrews Swansea. 3 pm United Church members‘ meeting in St Andrews. ICPA AGM and dinner 6.30 pm 25th Feb Barkmill Tavern Swansea Primary School Association AGM Monday 2nd of March at 7pm To be held at Swansea Primary School. All are welcome National Youth Week is the largest celebration of young people in Australia. Thousands of young people aged 12-25 from across Australia are involved in NYW each year. This year NYW will be from the 10th - 19th April. NYW is for young people, by young people. Six young people from Glamorgan Spring Bay and Break O‘Day have worked together with Meaghan from Healthy Together Bicheno – Buckland and Simon from the Break O‘Day Council to make sure NYW is the best it can possibly be for the youth of the municipalities. To make the planned event possible, we needed to receive a grant. Which we successfully did! The grant of $5000 came from the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC). Other financial contributors include; Break O‘Day Council, Healthy Together – Bicheno to Buckland and Glamorgan Spring Bay Council. The organised event will be on Saturday the 11th of April, at Coles Bay. There‘ll be buses to and from the event from both ends of the East Coast. The activities will be; kayaking, mountain biking, abseiling and a Freycinet walk. Best of all it will be FREE for all participants! The theme of NYW is ‗It starts with us‘. Throughout the day there will be footage being captured to make a movie, including some action footage as well as some interviews to uncover the ideas and beliefs of the young people on the East Coast. Keep an eye out for more information in the coming months! Jemma Clark. National Youth Week in Tasmania is coordinated by Communities, Sport and Recreation Tasmania (CSRT) in the Department of Premier and Cabinet. (DPAC) Saturday Markets weekly throughout summer 8 am - 1 pm Coles Bay Community Hall Harold Street Make sure you are there to experience the best of talented locals selling arts, crafts, fresh produce, showcasing live music and much more. If you are interested in holding a stall at this excituing event please call Bec 0407 251 095 or Laura 0428 469 642 SEE YOU THERE All Saints Parish Council Sub Committee has decided not to apply for a grant from the current Round 30 of the Tasmanian Community Fund. Instead it will focus on the next Round 31 which opens in July 2015. The reason for this is that time restraints have proved to be quite difficult for members of the sub committee to get all the information together at this busy time of the year. Fundraising is continuing with sales of the CD ―Our Hymns, Our Heritage‖ at the Australia Day celebrations and also proceeds from the raffle continue to boost the Restoration A/c. All money raised is in our Restoration Account and will be spent on the church building in due course. The CDs are still being sold so if you would like one contact Jenny and David Lathwell 62578755 or Gloria Willis 62578258. The winners of the raffle held at the Australia Day celebrations were: 1st prize – crocheted rug – Cheryle Hodgetts; 2nd prize – meat tray – Gloria Willis; and 3rd prize – Care Bear – Alison Quinn. A big thank you goes to those who donated the prizes. Upcoming event – a concert is being organised and will be held in the church on 28th February. This will be announced when arrangements are finalised. Gloria Willis, Secretary – All Saints Parish Council Thank you for the continued support of our advertisers. Please consider supporting us - we are a local not for profit community organisation run by volunteers. Help us to continue to provide free local news to our community! DISCOUNTED DE-SEXING FOR YOUR FEMALE DOG OR CAT!! We are once again offering the great low prices we offered during National Desexing month The Sprint Event is available to 14+ (Individual or Teams) What: TasNetworks Coles Bay Kids Challenge When: Saturday 14th February, approx 4pm last July! Where: Muirs Beach Coles Bay - Beach Swim then sand and grass run. Don‘t miss out!! It‘s only until the end of February 2015! Who: 7-13 year olds Please be a responsible pet owner and avoid ―littering‖! Have your female dog or cat desexed to avoid unwanted puppies and kittens! Cost: Free Don‘t miss out! Call us on 6376 1577 to arrange an appointment. Categories will depend on entry numbers but we have 50m swim/ 500m run, 100m swim/ 1km run, 200m swim/ 2km run options If you look over the years, the styles have changed - the clothes, the hair, the production, the approach to the songs. The icing to the cake has changed flavors. But if you really look at the cake itself, it's really the same. John Oates The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. Oprah Winfrey One friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim. Henry B. Adams “That’s All Folks” Mel Blanc Man of 1000 Voices 1908-1989 Explore the art of book binding in a one day workshop with Peter on Saturday 21st February at 9.30 am- 4.30 pm Making an Artist‘s - full bonded leather journal with French grooves, head caps, marbled end papers and gold decoration on the front with initials on Sunday 22nd February at 9.30 am-4.3 0 pm Peter is a respected bookbinder with 50 years experience. He has run bookshops in Yarragon for the last 15 years. His book binding ranges from Family Bibles, Colonial bindings, Magazine binding, Artists‘ folders, Albums of all sorts, Newspapers, Diary and Appointment Books, Simple Art pieces, Mountings, Journals and one offs including Family History short runs. The last workshops with Peter were booked out so register quickly to secure a place! Cost $115.00 per workshop which includes all materials and one personal book Morning & afternoon tea provided. BYO lunch or purchase locally To register or for more information ring Jane or Tom Teniswood at “Wind Song” on 62577583 or email windsong@skymesh.com.au February at 11 am‖ Springvale Vineyard ―SEAFOOD POP UP RESTAURANT‖ will be closed this weekend, the team from Springvale will be at the ―Festivale‖ food and wine event in Launceston. Cellar door will be open this weekend and the Restaurant will reopen on Wednesday the 18th of FOR ENQUIRES & GROUP BOOKINGS FOR THE RESTAURANT CALL DON MONK ON 0459 581 316 Artifakt hosted a double book launch last Saturday afternoon (31 Jan). A large crowd turned out to support local authors Pam Whitehead and Brett Martin. This was the latest in a series of very enjoyable weekend events put on by the Artifakt crew. Great music was supplied by Stuffit and their nukuleles and the crowd lingered for hours. The occasion also served as a farewell to Pam, who is moving south after becoming an important part of our little community. She will be missed and we all wish her and David well. Y‘all come back now… Brett Martin. Stuffit in full swing Brett and Pam hard at work signing copies of their books Pam Kim Dale launching Pam‘s ‖Saving the World in 5 Small Ways" Terri Hall (far left) launches Brett Martin‘s ―Marion" SPRING BAY DISTRICT NEWS 1950 >> 1954 SPRING BAY Read All About It DISTRICT Which local fisherman caught 106 dozen cod in 6 hours? What were the names of the district‘s teachers, bush nurses and ministers during the early fifties? Which Buckland farmer was considered an outstanding cricketer? The answers to all these questions are contained in a new book by Kath Fergusson in which she has compiled newspaper articles relating to the Spring Bay district of the early 1950 ‘s. 1950 »1954 Launched at the Lions Club‘s Australia Day function at Our Park, the volume is the result of many hours work collating items sourced from the Australian National Library‘s Trove project which involves the digitalisation of the nation‘s newspaper, mainly up to 1954 due to copyright provisions. A TREASURE TROVE OF NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS from Australian National Library Trove Website Compiled by K. M. Fergusson OAM Entitled ―Spring Bay District News 1950 >> 1954‖, over 400 pages of articles make fascinating reading with details revealed by the reporters of the day which give us a quite different view of the district‘s history and development, and its people. So if you want to find out when the towns were provided with water, or which team won the H. C. Millington trophy or whose birth was recorded for posterity, etc., copies are available from Kath on (03) 6257 1667 or at Gallery Artspace, Vicary Street. Enquiries and orders: Kath Fergusson (03) 6257 1667 PO Box 276 Orford 7190 email: kath_fergusson@bigpond.com Aussie Trivia Night NJ Headlam Plumbing At the Swansea Bowls Club on Friday 20th Feb 6.30 pm for 7 pm start. 6 people per team @ $10 per person. Single entry welcome. Light supper included. All domestic and commercial plumbing Best Aussie costume prize. Lucky door prize and more. Phone: 0400 508 154 Email: njheadlamplumbing@gmail.com Bistro is now open Wed—Sat Lunch 12 till 2 Wed—Sat Dinner 6 till 9 Sunday Fun Day Postponed until further notice Don‘t forget Friday night spins and Financial Members draw. For Sale Young Chooks $10 each Chay 0467 633 843 Pick Up Only Tickets available at both IGA stores. Geyt a team together for a fun night Swansea Paint & Panel 36 Franklin Street Swansea For all your spray painting & smash repair needs. Insurance work & detailing 0497928482 Swansea Ukulele and Folk Instrument Troupe (STUFIT) Next meeting is 7.30pm at the Swansea Town Hall on Friday the 13th Feb 2015. All Welcome. Call Steve Mob: 0438 060 047 for further info. For Sale Robin ISY 3.5 HP Rotary Hoe $180 0417 808 010 Garden Maintenance Experienced local gardener 4-8 hrs/wk Dianne 6257 8947 Free 2 person spa/ hot tub as is Pick up only 0402 907 449 For Sale VETERINARY CLINICS IN BICHENO 2 x 8.6 m Iron Stone guttering & brackets $60 pair 185 x 940 with alloy frame (slider) $60 2 x doors with frame & h/ ware ph 0409 578 100 6257 8105 Dr Jeff Parsons consults in Bicheno every Tuesday afternoon. Please phone 6376 1577 for an appointment or veterinary advice. “Word” or “Publisher” Copy by 12 Noon Fridays. Letters and articles most welcome. Pictures with articles make for more pleasant reading. Please send by email to gobcnews@gmail.com or drop in to the Swansea Online Access Centre Please note change of hours: Monday, Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm Tuesday, Thursday 10am - 3 pm Friday 9 am - 1 pm PERFECT PLACEMENT STONEWORK Tomorrows heritage today. Specializing in Restorations, Houses, Retaining Walls, Stairs, Garden Features, Paving & All Types of Stone Work Compare our work online at www.ppstonework.com.au Phone 0409 074 995 ACCOUNTANT & TAX AGENT Simon P. Clark Chartered Accountant “I come to you” Visiting Swansea the 4th Thursday of each month Mar 24 For an appointment please call Ph: 6391 3007 FIG BEAUTY SERVICE Visits the Health & Wellbeing Centre, May Shaw Every Tuesday Waxing, tinting, manicures & pedicures, facials, gel nails/toes Relaxation massage Phone Sally 0400 837 984 VETERINARY CLINICS IN SWANSEA Dr. Phillip Holmes will be visiting Swansea No visit in Feb from 11am onwards. Please phone 6269 2323 for an appointment or veterinary advice. Slashing of Blocks Swansea - Bicheno - Coles Bay Ph: Rodney Breadmore 0418 513 973 Richard Lane OPTOMETRIST Visiting Bicheno Fri.6th Mar Call 6375 1455 for appointment Swansea Sat. 7th Mar Call 6257 8114 for appointment Ladies Fashions Sewing Services available Open Tues - Sat 10 am - 4 pm 10a Franklin Street - across from Vinnies Down 1 North African dish of crushed durum wheat (8) 2 Individual characteristics by which one is recognised (8) 4 Unique (3-3) 5 One indulging in pleasure and luxury, as described in Homer's Odyssey (5-5) 6 (Hit on the head with) a blunt weapon (4) 7 Salmon shade (4) 10 Lout — heavy boot (10) 12 Chain-driven toothed wheel (8) 13 Person doing porridge? (8) 16 Savage — vehement (6) 18 Open by a chink (4) 19 Likelihood (4) Across 1 Potato — token — golf shot (4) 3 Soccer tournament organised every four years by FIFA (5,3) 8 No longer pristine (4) 9 Discard (8) 11 Mollusc — leftish cut (anag) (10) 14 Higgledy-piggledy (6) 15 Slow up — basket (6) 17 Strident (10) 20 Riding breeches (8) 21 Related by blood (4) 22 Shy — set aside (8) 23 Brilliant performer? (4) would like to thank all of the dedicated hard working volunteers and committee members who contribute to the efficient operation of the Centre and this newsletter.. And you, our readers, of this newsletter for it‘s continued success. Sudoku Swansea Golf Club Report Saturday 7th February On Saturday we played a stroke comp for the monthly medal in very hot, but otherwise good, conditions for golf. Ricky Wright was in blistering form winning with an excellent 62/56. Runner up was the consistent Sally Siepen with 80/60. Balls down the line went to Pat Hardcastle 85/61 and Jim Miley 80/61. Ricky Wright also cleaned up the nearest the pins for men on 8/17 , & allcomers 7/16 ,Pat Hardcastle won the ladies 4/13, Murray (Maureen) Lethborg tried to claim the ladies prize hitting his tee shot to within 300mm of the pin. Other good scores came from John Mckenna 92/63, Malcolm Sinclair 89/66, John Cotton 79/66, Peter Donaldson 91/66, Barry Skeggs 84/66, Chris Weeding 91/66 C Weeding Coming Events 14th February Stableford 21st February Stroke sponsored by PIERMONT Reminder 20th February AGM at clubrooms 7.30 pm Annual Subs due end of February Medalist of medalist 2014 will be played for along with the next Monthly Medal 14th March. The contenders are Men Doug McKillop, Gary Read, Max Hall, Mike Willett, Karl Wadley, Daryl Down, Dale Williams, Jim Morris, Ricky Wright, Jim Miley. Ladies Pat Hardcastle, Kathy Dance, Sally Siepen, Jane Richardson, Louise McKenna Thursday Triples Day 1.30 for 2 pm Barefoot Bowls Wednesday Nights 6 pm for 6.30 pm. Season has restarted, come and have some fun. Form a team of three or just turn up and form a team with others. See you Wednesday Swansea Bowls Club. Pairs and Singles Championships to be played asap – see notice board Coming Events Quiz Night 20th February John Young Day 7th March This week Swansea 10/133 X. Stras 40, S Cowen 28 no, T Bryan 25 lost to Mt Pleasant 2/136 Upcoming games: 14th Feb Semi Final Swansea vs opponent not yet known @ Swansea 11.00 am A community service available to anyone who would love a meal delivered to their home, ongoing or temporary. Cost $8.60 for a two course meal Phone 6257 8108 Improve the management of type 2 diabetes Reduces hypertension (Lowers blood pressure) Reduces heart disease risk Reduce joint and back pain Increase your overall wellbeing To find out more come in and speak to us at the Pharmacy
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