For a small town, (Pop. 597; 2011 census) Swansea punches well above its weight. Over the last month our town can be proud of some achievements of four of our young townsfolk. First on April 18th against Bothwell, Tom Darke played his 200th Game for Swansea Swans Football Club. Whilst this is not uncommon in local football, it is a prerequisite for a player Life Membership of the Swans. The team helped Tom celebrate with a win. Congratulations Tom. The second achiever was Damian Graham, who came second in an Australian wide competition. I shall allow Damian‘s employer Vermeys Meats to tell the story. “ Congratulations to our apprentice Damien! Today he came second in a Butcher’s Apprenticeship Competition in Perth, Western Australia. Competing against apprentices from around Australia, he was judged on his skills, the variety and scope of meat dishes he could prepare in a short period of time AND he had to cook a restaurant quality meal for four!” Congratulations Damian. The other two achievers are students at the Swansea Primary School WELL DONE TYLER JONES For a small rural school our students do us proud in all sporting achievements. Tyler Jones was selected for the Southern Primary Schools Team to compete at the State Athletic Carnival in Launceston. Tyler came first in the Grade 3 100m. WELL DONE TO HIRUSHA ARIYASINGHE Hirusha was selected as the top student at Swansea Primary School in the 2014 State-wide Literacy and Numeracy Monitoring Program. Hirusha was presented with a certificate from the Minister of Education to recognise his achievements at an afternoon tea on Monday at New Town High. On Behalf of all the residents of Swansea, I offer my congratulations to these high achievers. Well Done Bill Fry Date Event Location, time and contact details Tues 12 May Swansea Probus Club 10 am Monthly meeting and BBQ Swansea Golf Club New members welcome more info secretary 0411 203 223 Tues 12 May Mothers Day Musical 7 pm Jersey Boys Orford Odeon Orford Golf Club Wed 13 May Music and Meditation 3pm All Saints Church all welcome 6257 8755 Thur 14 May Swansea Garden Club 2pm. May Shaw Health & Wellbeing Centre. FOM Flowering Shrub New members welcome Linda Camus 6257 8855 (sec) Fri 15 May Coast Guard Freycinet 7 pm Terry Charlton Room at the Boatshed. Visitors and new members welcome. Bill Fry, Admin Officer: 0400 329 973 Mon 18 May Australian Hearing Bus 10 -2 Health & Wellbeing centre May Shaw Free hearing Check. No Appointment necessary Fri 22 May STUFIT 7.30 pm Swansea Town Hall. Steve 0438 060 047 Tues 26 May Glamorgan Spring Bay Council 5 pm Monthly council meeting at Swansea Town Hall. Agenda items by 15th May. Mon 4 June Swansea Hall Committee AGM Swansea Town Hall Editor: Bill Fry Advertising Coordinator: Jenny Whittaker Advertising, Stories & Copy Deadline: strictly 12 noon Friday Advertisements costing $20 or less must be paid in cash at the Centre before publication Phone: 6257 8806 Fax: 6257 8053 Postal Address: P.O. Box 308 Swansea 7190 Email:—articles, letters and photographs welcome! Website: Facebook: Printed by Swansea Online Access Centre Opening hours: Monday 10 am - 3 pm; Tuesday 10 am to 3 pm; Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm; Thursday 10 am - 3 pm; Friday 9 am to 1 pm; Public Holidays by prior arrangement Disclaimer: The Editorial team reserves the right to print any material which is designed to benefit or be of interest to the local community. Consequently, all views or opinions expressed in material published are solely those of the writer of that material and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinions of any persons associated with Great Oyster Bay Community News, the Swansea Online Access Centre or Linc Tasmania. The editorial team also reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any material that may be deemed damaging, misleading or detrimental to our organisation or community. Please refer to our Editorial and Advertising policies which are located on our website Wed 13 May J & C Johnstone Thu 14 May B & B Digney Fri 15 May S Siepen Mon 18 May J Austwick Tues 19 May S Kean & L Barden Care until release of orphaned wildlife including Wombats, Eastern Grey kangaroos (Foresters), Bennetts & Pademelon wallabies & Tasmanian Devil rescue. Phone Marcia at Bayview Bush Babies on 0448 714 419. For advice or care of birds phone Sherryl Lyn on 0427 796 096. Collection of bee swarms, please phone Marcia on 0448 714 419. Please phone pest control for wasps. For a safe snake relocation service throughout the municipality. Phone Bruce Press on 0400 502 403. Easy Relaxation for Mind and Body Every Thursday in Orford 1pm at the Orford Community Hall. Contact Nadine Ozols, Program Coordinator, 6257 9126 Swansea Branch CWA meets 2nd Wednesday of the month. New members always welcome. Craft days alternate months. Contact 6257 8947 for details. Spring Bay Walkers have a regular walking calendar of many interesting local walks. Contact Cath Willmot on 6257 1096. Qigong 9.15 am and exercise class 11.15 am both Monday at Swansea Golf Club until further notice. Cranbrook Craft Group Every Wednesday 10.30 am at Cranbrook Hall. Cranbrook Contact Edith 6257 8116 Swansea Community Garden meets on the first Saturday of the month. Contact Cynthia on 6256 4738. Swansea State Library has a new phone number 6257 8607. Please use this number for all enquiries regarding the library Book Discussion Group at the Swansea Library. We meet on the fourth Thursday in the month. Keep reading and bring along the book you are currently reading. Contact Deirdre Monk on 6257 8584. Your local SES is looking for volunteers. If you are interested, want to know more or just want to come and have a look. Your local unit is also on the hunt for your old unwanted vehicles, if you have got one that you would like to donate to the unit for training purposes, please let us know, we can even arrange pickup. Contact us at or ring Kelvin on 0418 376 129 The Swansea Social Croquet and Boules are continuing to meet on Fridays from 11 am to 1.30 pm weather permitting. Please phone Deirdre Monk 62578584 for details and venue information. Swansea Hall Committee (section 24 Council Committee) Annual General Meeting & expression of interest notice for Community members to join committee or to attend the meeting. Thursday 4th June 11am Swansea Town Hall General report Financial report Election of Office bearers Chairman, Sec/Treasurer and 4 Committee Members General Business RSVP or for enquiries contact Martin Crawford 0429 323366 Swansea Garden Club next meeting May 14th, 2pm. May Shaw Health & Wellbeing Centre. FOM Flowering Shrub New members welcome Linda Camus 6257 8855 (sec) Music and Meditation 3pm Wednesdays All Saints Church A cuppa will be supplied after the session in the church hall. All welcome 6257 8755 Barkmill Tavern and Bakery Due to refurbishment in the Bark Mill Kitchen area. Bistro Meals and Pizza will not be served from 5 pm Sunday 17th May until 5 pm Wednesday 20th May. Tavern, Bottle Shop, Bakery and Museum will be open as usual. Sorry for any inconvenience. Bark Mill Management. Community Transport East Coast the phone number for the office has changed to 6372 4415. A diversion will be in place until July but please make note of the number. Swansea Branch of CWA The winner of our Mothers‘ Day Cake Raffle was Anne Barden. Thank you all for your support Dorothy Lord President Haphazards Art Group 10 - 3 fortnightly meeting All Saints Church Hall next meeting 11 May Nora 6257 8407 Australian Hearing Bus 10 - 2 18th May Health & Wellbeing centre May Shaw No Appointment necessary 6282 0800 STUFIT 7.30 22May swansea Town Hall. Steve 0438 060 047 Swansea Community Market supported by Barkmill Bakery & Tavern second Saturday of the month at Swansea Town Hall 10 am - 1 pm Next month‘s market is on 13th June Come and join us at Piermont Restaurant this Wednesday for Italian night Pizza, pasta and other specialties available throughout the evening *Bookings are essential mobile number: 0407527542 office number: +61 3 6257 8131 ANZAC Service at May Shaw Thursday the 23rd of April Swansea Primary school travelled by bus to May Shaw Health Centre. The SRC welcomed everyone to the service and Meagan Pyke read the welcome to country. The grade six leaders read some facts about ANZAC day, then we sang the National Anthem and the song ‗And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda‘. Reverend Trevor Smith led the minutes silence and the Lords Prayer, then he passed it over to Dylan Golder and Samasha Ariyasinghe for the Ode. We sang ‗Count On Me‘ by Bruno Mars and then enjoyed some delicious morning tea. For morning tea we had a choice of orange or green water cordial and ANZAC biscuits of course. If we had any relatives in the health centre we were allowed to say a quick hello before going and waiting for the bus. By Swansea Primary SRC will visit the following location on between 10:00am – 2:00 pm Monday 18 May Health & Wellbeing Centre 39 Wellington St, Swansea We welcome members of the wider communities to attend on the day, with the exception of children. No appointment necessary! Come in and enjoy the cozy fire on a cold Tasmanian Winter night! 2 course $55 3 course $70 2 & 3 courses include a glass of sparkling wine Lunch 12 pm – 2 pm Dinner from 5 pm 2 course $30 3 course $35 *Bookings are essential mobile number: 0407527542 office number: +61 3 6257 8131 On Thursday 30 April a morning tea was held at the Swansea Golf Club for Meals on Wheels volunteers and recipients. The President, Jack Hardcastle, said what a wonderful job volunteers do in Australia. Volunteering doesn't happen anywhere else in the world like it does here, with 34% of Australians doing volunteer work of some sort. This added $42 million to Australia's economy. He added that meals on wheels commenced in Hobart in 1955 and currently has 37 branches with 1500 volunteers Above left Group Photo of Attendees. Right (l - r) Gwen Bryan, Anne Breadmore, Jack Hardcastle and Dot Barden. Left Jack Hardcastle and Dot Barden ―Word‖ or ―Publisher‖ Copy by 12 Noon Fridays. Silver Tiffany Bracelet with Pearl Attached Sentimental Value Phone H Griggs 0419 353 680 Letters and articles most welcome. Pictures with articles make for more pleasant reading. Please send by email to Swansea Primary School Association Trivia Night Around the World in 80 questions Saturday 29th of August 2015 Swansea Primary School Swan Hall Great Mother’s Day Gift Girls Night Out Pamper Evening, Fashion Parade, Jewellery, Hand Massages and so much more or drop in to the Swansea Online Access Centre Monday 10 am - 3 pm Tuesday 10 am -3 pm Wednesday 9 am—3 pm Thursday 10 am—3 pm Friday 9 am - 1 pm Thursday the 14 of May 2015 Will open on Public Holidays by prior Appointment. From 6pm Please note change of hours for Piermont th Tickets on Sale at Swansea Primary School term 2 SWANSEA SCHOOL COMMUNITY WEAR WINGS FOR MENTAL HEALTH Currently one in four young Australians is suffering from a mental health condition. To support the mental health and wellbeing of our students Swansea Primary School has become a Kidsmatter school. KidsMatter is funded by the Australian Government and Beyondblue and is a partnership between education and health sectors. This program was officially launched at the primary school last term by Principal Jennie Amos, Doctor Camilla Byrne, Community Youth Worker Meagan Harvey and School Chaplain Elise Wells. KidsMatter focuses on the promotion of wellbeing, the prevention of mental disorders and aims to achieve greater support for students with mental health problems and their families. KidsMatter has been shown to significantly improve the mental health and wellbeing of students, the quality of school work and the ability of parents, carers and teachers to help children deal with problems. We look forward to seeing the benefits of this program in the Swansea community. Friday & Saturday nights (plus our full seafood menu) This week Mango Chicken – smooth and fruity – always a treat Beef Madras – a traditional favorite mild to hot as preferred Spicy roasted lamb - authentic in style & delicious Fish Bedun – a seafood curry with delicate herbs and spices Pumpkin Kirata – a great vegetarian choice and so moorish OYSTER BAY SEAFOOD 62578998 EAT IN OR TAKE OUT Come in for your blood pressure check at the pharmacy Carpet & Lounge Suite Cleaning Turbo Tile & Grout Cleaning Flood Emergency Callouts High Pressure Cleaning Fire & Smoke Damage Cleanup Mattress Sanitising Exterior House Cleaning Covering Bicheno, Coles Bay, Swansea, Orford and Triabunna areas Truck Mounted Machine STEPHEN BRIGGS Owner/Operator Box 378 Prospect TAS 7250 I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826) Bistro is CLOSED Until further notice Do not forget Friday night spins and members‘ draw Phone: 6257 8188 Swansea lions Club would like to announce our new members Lorraine and Michael Webb and Tameka Pyke we are so pleased to have you guys join us . VETERINARY CLINICS IN BICHENO Dr Jeff Parsons consults in Bicheno every Tuesday afternoon. Please phone 6376 1577 for an appointment or veterinary advice. On behalf of the Swansea RSL sub-branch committee, I would like to take a brief opportunity to thank the Swansea community for the incredible support demonstrated on ANZAC Day. We were humbled by your collective efforts in helping us to commemorate the Centenary of ANZAC; and the service and sacrifice of Australians in all wars and conflicts. In particular, the Committee would like to make special mention of those many businesses and individuals who contributed to the day behind the scenes. Without your valued support and contribution, the services and subsequent social activities would not have been possible. As the Centenary is now behind us, the sub-branch looks forward to marking the next chapter in Australia‘s proud military history. Once again, a sincere thank you to all. Lest we forget.. Combined Garage Sale Meals on Wheels Two bedroom flat in central location part furnished, available for lease. Contact 0419 390 736 Swansea Paint & Panel 36 Franklin Street Swansea For all your spray painting & smash repair needs. Insurance work & detailing . Scott on 0497 928 482 A community service available to anyone who would love a meal delivered to their home, ongoing or temporary. Cost $8.60 for a two course meal Phone 6257 8108 Saturday 16th May 9 am—3 pm ―Belmont‖ 14106 Tasman Highway (6.5 km from Barkmill) Antiques, Furniture. Kitchenware, Garden Pots and More. ACCOUNTANT & TAX AGENT Simon P. Clark Chartered Accountant “I come to you” Visiting Swansea the 4th Thursday of each month 26th MAY For an appointment please call Ph: 6391 3007 FIG BEAUTY SERVICE Visits the Health & Wellbeing Centre, May Shaw Every Tuesday Slashing of Blocks Waxing, tinting, manicures & pedicures, facials, gel nails/toes Relaxation massage Phone Sally 0400 837 984 Richard Lane OPTOMETRIST Ca Ca Visiting Bicheno Fri.5 June 7 f r app nt nt Swansea Sat. 6 June 7 f r app nt VETERINARY CLINICS IN SWANSEA Dr. Phillip Holmes will be visiting Swansea from 11 am onwards. MAY 13 and 27. Please phone 6269 2323 for an appointment or veterinary advice. nt Swansea - Bicheno - Coles Bay Ph: Rodney Breadmore 0418 513 973 or 6257 8434 16 Runner (8) 17 Spin in the air (4) 18 Believing in equal rights and opportunities (11) Down 1 Fashion of dress (4) 2 Crash helmet (slang) (4,3) 3 Untidy (5) 4 Temperance (8) 5 New York City (3,3,5) 6 Recklessness (11) 10 Decisive — grave (8) 12 Badly treated but uncomplaining person (7) 15 German beer mug (5) 17 Prevent from succeeding (4) Last weeks solution Across 5 Sum of recognised accomplishments (5,6) 7 Type of plant used in medicine (4) 8 Be sceptical about (8) 9 Motor-racing track (7) 11 Abnormally high body temperature (5) 13 Legally acceptable (5) 14 Imitator (7) S P A L I E N O R S W I M M I I M I T A E C A N A L S T S U I T R I R E S C U S S 5 3 8 1 7 2 4 6 9 7 1 2 6 9 4 8 5 3 9 4 6 5 3 8 2 1 7 T B S A N H N I N G R S T E E S S P E A J L E N F O W I E S W L H 8 6 9 4 5 1 7 3 2 1 7 3 9 2 6 5 4 8 4 2 5 3 8 7 1 9 6 S D C H O R O M U N I T T N S S A Y N N U T S E R C E D V Y E D E N S S 2 5 4 7 6 9 3 8 1 3 9 7 8 1 5 6 2 4 6 8 1 2 4 3 9 7 5 Swansea Golf Club Report Saturday 9th May 2015 Eleven couples entered the Club‘s Mixed Foursome Championship and it was very pleasing that the event was well supported. Apart from the competitive element, the championships turned out to be a most enjoyable social occasion. Congratulations to Malcolm Sinclair and Angela Barden who are this year‘s champions with a score of 87. Max Hall and Sally Siepen were equal runners up with Tim and Laurinda Bond with a score of 89. Jane Brain and Jim Miley filled 3rd position. Congratulations to all who took part in the very enjoyable and successful event. The winner of the Stableford competition was John Quinn with 35 points and Chris Weeding was runner up with 32. Nearest to the pin winners were Jack Hardcastle and Val Kemp. The Club hopes to be well represented at FOBS this coming Saturday at Bicheno. Members are strongly urged to turn up and support this event. 9.30 for 10 am. COMING EVENTS: Wednesday 13th May: Ladies ‗Charity Day. Chicken run to start at 2.30 PM Thursday 14th May: East Coast Veterans @ Bicheno. Stableford. Saturday 16th May: FOBS at Bicheno. Members are asked to make a special effort to participate. Friday 22nd May: Farmers‘ Day Swansea. Saturday 23 rd May: Club Foursome Championships. Reminder to organise partners. Entry Forms for the East Coast Open are available at the club house. The Bowls Club Annual Dinner and Presentation Night will be held on Friday 15th May at 7 pm 2 course buffet at Waterloo Inn. All members and friends welcome. RSVP 62578 200 or 0427 688 016 The Annual general meeting will be held at the clubhouse on Sunday 21 June at 11am. Could all members make an effort to attend. Swansea 8.5.53 Defeated by Campbell Town 18.16.come124 Goals J Brown 3, R Flynn, M Evans 2, J Franklin 1. Best J Brown, J Franklin, M Brown, R Flynn, R Smedley, H Dunbabin. Upcoming events Sat 19th May No Game. A Golf Day will be held at ―Royal‖ Swansea Golf Club. 12.00 noon followed by a BBQ and refreshments at the sheds All Supporters Welcome Sat 26th May Swansea vs Oatlands 1.30 pm @ Swansea Devil’s Corner Lookout Dear Editor , Thank you for the opportunity to provide an update on our plans for the Devil‘s Corner Cellar Door. As many people will be aware we have been operating our current cellar door on Sherbourne Rd for just over two years. In that time we have enjoyed tremendous support from locals, as well as from interstate and international visitors. We have also learnt a lot about what travellers are looking for when they drive through the East Coast. The first thing nearly all our visitors comment on is the view. Many thousands of photos have been taken from the deck at the cellar door looking down to Moulting Lagoon and the Hazards or from guests strolling up the hill past our cellar door to get a higher view. A great many of our guests have enjoyed the wines we provide for tasting and during their visit they regularly ask where they can get a cup of coffee or something to eat in the area. With all this in mind we felt that the next stage of our cellar door needed to address some of these needs and as a result the idea of the Lookout was born. Our plans for the Cellar Door and Lookout have been on display at our current cellar door for the past month and show that we intend to build a Lookout in three parts. Firstly there will be an entrance/foyer area that will showcase information and visuals about the local flora, fauna and history. A second area will open towards Moulting Lagoon and allow visitors to sit and enjoy the view of the Hazards, while the third element, the tower, will provide another viewing angle for those people wishing to climb the tower. In this way we are aiming to provide a range of viewing experience for all ages and physical capabilities. The road and 20 vehicle car park for the Lookout will provide a safe and easily navigated driving experience. If they choose guests can walk the 50 metres from the Lookout car park to the cellar door to taste some wine or have a coffee and some food. We have no intention to charge for access to the Lookout, which will incorporate public toilets, or suggest that people must visit our Cellar Door Rather our intent for this new Cellar Door and Lookout is to be just that, a relaxed Cellar Door open from 10am to 5pm, offering wine, a range of food offerings and a great view. There are lawns, hay bales and balls for kids to let off steam and rugs to lie on. We will continue having local musicians play their music on selected afternoons and will also again play host to free events such as the Festival of Voices ―Unplugged‖ concert and the picnic after the Bicheno Festival. We plan to further upgrade our toilet facilities; will offer fresh water to re-fill drink bottles and bins for visitors to leave their rubbish. In essence we believe the Devil‘s Corner Cellar Door and Lookout can only add to the visitor experience of the East Coast providing a way to enjoy the local food, wines and views all in one location. Any decisions on the future of the existing lookout on Cherry Tree Hill have always been the responsibility of the Council and the Department of State Growth. As always there is an open invitation to view the drawings for the planned Cellar Door and Lookout at our existing Devil‘s Corner Cellar Door on Sherbourne Rd. Regards Will Adkins Marketing Manager Brown Brothers Tasmania. Swansea Development Plan Dear Editor The Swansea golf course and adjacent sports grounds are one the best assets of this town. Any housing development would be entirely inappropriate, it should be on the land assigned to sporting bodies. Council needs to be told by us citizens that we do not agree. The best way would be for the sports clubs to put together a petition, which could be placed in all appropriate venues, shops, etc. People should also write to Council, this august journal, and badger their elected representatives. Kevin Lange Councillor’s Opinion : My first six months on Council. Any views or opinions outlined in this letter are solely those of the author and in no way are claimed to represent the views of Council, The Mayor or Councillors. These are my own personal views and opinions as related to my experience. Upon being elected to council last year, I was eager to begin my responsibilities as both an individual councillor and as a member of a professional team. After serving six months I find the role as I envisaged it and as it is stated in the Department of Premier and Cabinet Local Government Division Handbook, to be far removed from the reality I face in the day to day contact with my fellow councillors. Letters to the Editor continued Page 14 Letters to the Editor continued from Page 13 instead of collaboration I find extreme divisions among councillors and indeed, professional relationships to be very hard to establish. instead of professional regard and respect I find a culture of blame, innuendo, disrespect and attack, particularly in regard to our General Manager. Instead of collective decision making I find disregard for protocols and processes, with councillors often overstepping the boundaries of their roles. Very little evidence of teamwork – consultation or discussion prior to undertaking actions that are clearly a collective decision. Instead of equality I find a distinct display of favoritism and bias toward certain councillors. I fear the consequences of continuing the current practices and behaviors and what this may mean for our future as a council and our municipality. We should be working as a professional team and bringing our collective experience, wisdom and skills to the table to enrich this council and our communities. This is after all what we were elected to do. What we have instead is a council so torn apart by personal vendettas and agendas that we are in danger of losing sight of the reason we are here. This has a devastating effect on us all. Should this continue there will be no winners, except perhaps higher tiers of government who can point the finger at our ineptitude and pitiful efforts at bringing about progressive changes that could build a strong local government sector, instead of our demise. I repeat, we appear to be ignorant to the consequences we are creating by continuing on this path of personal and professional persecution against certain councillors and staff. Let us be mature enough to get together and begin working as a team elected to do a job by the ratepayers of this municipal area. I want to fulfil my responsibilities as an elected member to Glamorgan Spring Bay Council to the best of my abilities and we need each other to do the same and act in the very best interests of our community. Britt Steiner Urgent. Please help your Regional Ambulance Service. In Triabunna, the local ambulance service comprises a crew of paramedic (a salaried officer) and volunteers. In Swansea, Bicheno and Coles Bay, the ambulance crews are all volunteers. Caseloads are increasing; new volunteer recruits are few. There are more volunteers retiring than there are new recruits to replace them. Your east coast communities urgently need another paramedic crew based in the district - particularly to support the Swansea, Bicheno and Coles Bay communities and to reduce the load on the Triabunna crew. It appears the only way to achieve this is by lobbying politicians. Please support your local ambulance service by contacting your local member or the minister to appeal for another paramedic on the east coast of Tasmania. Contact details for some relevant politicians are below:: Minister for Health The Honourable Michael Ferguson, Email: Members for Lyons in the House of Assembly (lower house) Guy Barnett Email: Rene Hidding Minister for Police and Emergency Email: David Llewellyn Email: Mark Shelton Email: Rebecca White Email: Federal Member for Lyons in the House of Representatives Eric Hutchinson MP Email Stevie Davenport
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