The weather may be cold and windy but it doesn`t stop the ladies

The weather may be cold and windy but it doesn’t stop the
ladies heading out for a night of pure indulgence and
pampering within our community. Thursday the 14th of May
Swansea Primary School Association held their Girls Night
Out at Piermont and what a night!
The room was buzzing with ladies from within our
community catching up enjoying a local wine, watching our
locally talented girls strut their stuff on the catwalk wrapped
in amazing outfits from Coastal, a huge thankyou to Kylie
and her team.
We are very lucky to be surrounded with very talented locals. Julie Nichols had ladies waiting for a therapeutic
hand massage, Rachael Bennett had all your hair care sorted, Lauren Gardam had feet waiting to be massaged &
Laura Scherer had great advice in regards to eyebrows and new makeup that has arrived at our local pharmacy.
Our pharmacy girls had all your blood pressure needs sorted. Katey John had a vast range of Arbonne makeup
with all the shades; we even had the pleasure of a local jewellery maker Hanna Woolley with all her goodies.
Once you combine all this talent and a great bunch of ladies it equals a fantastic evening.
The venue really does set the atmosphere and Chad and staff yet again
delivered amazing food throughout the evening.
The school association is a great bunch of mums working hard to support our
small rural school; the community members and businesses within our
municipality just keep supporting and donating for these events which is
fantastic. All proceeds from the evening are going towards the upgrade of our
softfall area in the Launching to Learning Playground Area. On the evening
we raised over $1500.00 Melissa Quinn Secretary
Location, time and contact details
Wed 20 May Music and Meditation
3pm All Saints Church all welcome 6257 8755
Fri 22 May
7.30 pm Swansea Town Hall. Steve 0438 060 047
Tues 26 May Glamorgan Spring Bay Council 5 pm Monthly council meeting at Swansea Town Hall.
Sun 31 May
Cranbrook Harvest Function
3 pm Gala Kirk Church Service followed by drinks and nibbles BYO
drinks and nibbles to share Jennie Amos 0417 034 597 Pat Greenhill
0488 578 282
Thurs 4 June Swansea Hall Committee AGM Swansea Town Hall
Fri 5 June
Tasmanian Theatre Company
7 pm Swansea Town Hall ―Smile Smile Smile‖ Iain Lang on
0418 872 745.
Sun 7 June
Tasmanian Theatre Company
2.30 pm Buckland Community Hall ―Smile Smile Smile ―Iain Lang
on 0418 872 745.
Tues 9 June
The Imitation Game
7 pm $5 Orford Odeon at the Orford Golf Club
Editor: Bill Fry
Advertising Coordinator: Jenny Whittaker
Advertising, Stories & Copy Deadline: strictly 12 noon Friday
Advertisements costing $20 or less must be paid in cash at the Centre before publication
Phone: 6257 8806 Fax: 6257 8053 Postal Address: P.O. Box 308 Swansea 7190
Email:—articles, letters and photographs welcome!
Printed by Swansea Online Access Centre
Opening hours: Monday 9 am - 3 pm; Tuesday 10 am to 3 pm; Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm; Thursday 10 am - 3 pm;
Friday 9 am to 1 pm. Public Holiday by Prior Arrangement
Meals on Wheels
Wed 20 May G Bryan & J
Thur 21 May G Olbury
Fri 22 May
P English &
H Ford
Mon 25 May A Breadmore
& L Dann
Tues 26 May A Quinn & L
Disclaimer: The Editorial team reserves the right to print any material which is designed to benefit or be of
interest to the local community. Consequently, all views or opinions expressed in material published are
solely those of the writer of that material and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinions of any persons
associated with Great Oyster Bay Community News, the Swansea Online Access Centre or Linc Tasmania.
The editorial team also reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any material that may be deemed
damaging, misleading or detrimental to our organisation or community. Please refer to our Editorial and
Advertising policies which are located on our website
Care until release of orphaned
wildlife including Wombats, Eastern
Grey kangaroos (Foresters), Bennetts
& Pademelon wallabies & Tasmanian
Devil rescue. Phone Marcia at
Bayview Bush Babies on
0448 714 419.
For advice or care of birds phone
Sherryl Lyn on 0427 796 096.
Collection of bee swarms, please
phone Marcia on 0448 714 419.
Please phone pest control for wasps.
For a safe snake relocation service
throughout the municipality. Phone
Bruce Press on 0400 502 403.
Easy Relaxation for Mind and
Body Every Thursday in Orford 1pm at
the Orford Community Hall.
Contact Nadine Ozols, Program
Coordinator, 6257 9126
Swansea Branch CWA meets
Your local SES is looking for
volunteers. If you are interested, want
to know more or just want to come and
have a look. Your local unit is also on the
hunt for your old unwanted vehicles, if
you have got one that you would like to
donate to the unit for training purposes,
please let us know, we can even arrange
pickup. Contact us at or ring Kelvin
on 0418 376 129
Book Discussion Group at the
Swansea Library. We meet on the fourth
Thursday in the month, our next meeting
will be 28th May at 10.30 am. Keep
reading and bring along the book you are
currently reading. Contact Deirdre Monk
on 6257 8584.
Swansea Community Market
supported by Barkmill Bakery &
Tavern second Saturday of the month
at Swansea Town Hall 10 am - 1 pm
Next market is on 13th June .
2nd Wednesday of the month. New
members always welcome. Craft days
alternate months. Contact 6257 8947 for
Glamorgan Spring Bay Council
Monthly Meeting 5 pm 26th May
Swansea Agenda Items by 15th May
Spring Bay Walkers have a regular
Music and Meditation 3pm
Wednesdays All Saints Church all
welcome 6257 8755
walking calendar of many interesting
local walks. Contact Cath Willmot on
6257 1096.
Qigong 9.15am and exercise class
11.15am both on Monday at Swansea
Golf Club until further notice.
Cranbrook Craft Group Every
Wednesday 10.30 am at Cranbrook Hall.
Cranbrook Contact Edith 6257 8116
Swansea Community Garden meets
on the first Saturday of the month.
Contact Cynthia on 6256 4738.
The Swansea Social Croquet and
Boules on Fridays between 11 am and 2
pm. Weather permitting Please contact
Deirdre Monk 6257 8584.
Community Transport East Coast
the phone number for the office has
changed to 6372 4415 . A diversion will
be in place until July but please make
note of the number.
Swansea Ukulele and Folk
Instrument Troupe (STUFIT)
Next meeting is 7.30 pm at the
Swansea Town Hall on Friday 22nd
May All Welcome. Call Steve Mob:
0438 060 047 for further info.
Haphazards Art Group 10.30 - 3
fortnightly meeting All Saints
Church Hall next meeting 25th May
Nora 6257 8407
Swansea Hall Committee
(section 24 Council Committee)
AGM & expression of interest
notice for Community members
to join committee or to attend the
Thursday 4th June
11am Swansea Town Hall
General report
Financial report
Election of Office bearers
Chairman, Sec/Treasurer
and 4 Committee Members
General Business
RSVP or for enquiries contact
Martin Crawford 0429 323366
End of Harvest We are holding
an ―End of Harvest‖ church
service at Gala Kirk on Sunday,
May 31st 2015 at 3pm. We are
following the service with drinks
at the Cranbrook Hall. All
welcome! We are endeavouring to
maintain the spirit of the
Cranbrook Community and keep
both community places in use.
This will be a great way for us to
celebrate the end of our grape
harvest with our community. We
would appreciate it if you could
bring a bottle of wine, fruit juice
or a plate of nibbles to share.
Jennie Amos 0417 034 597 Pat
Greenhill 0488 578 282
The Orford Odeon 7 pm
Tuesday 9th June ―The Imitation
Game‖ $5 at the Orford Golf
Tasmanian Theatre Company
7 pm Swansea Town Hall ― Smile
Smile Smile‖ Iain Lang
0418 872 745.
Tasmanian Theatre Company
2.30 pm Buckland Community
Hall ― Smile Smile Smile‖ Iain
Lang 0418 872 745.
The Glamorgan Spring Bay Council has released the
draft Swansea and Coles Bay Township Structure Plan
for public comment.
The Structure Plan provides recommended actions
for land use, transport, built form and public spaces
for Swansea and Coles Bay (including Swanwick) over
the next 20 years.
The documents are available for viewing at the
Council Offices in Triabunna during office hours and
on Councils website at . The
Structure Plan is also available for viewing at the
Coles Bay Post Office and the Swansea Visitor
Centre. The feedback period is open until 19th June
Any person may provide feedback in relation to the
structure plans by 5.00pm on 19th June 2015 by email
( or letter addressed to
the General Manager.
Any enquiries should be directed to Winny Enniss on
62564777. David Metcalf General Manager
“Word” or “Publisher” Copy by 12 Noon Fridays.
Letters and articles most welcome.
Pictures with articles make for more pleasant
Please send by email to or
drop in to the Swansea Online Access Centre
Please note change of hours:
Monday Tuesday and Thursday 10am - 3 pm
Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm
Friday 9 am - 1 pm
Public Holidays by prior Appointment
Over the last 15 months, Mike Lee has been the online Access
Centre’s Wednesday Morning Volunteer. Unfortunately Mike has
now left the area and we would like to thank him for his diligence,
input and help he has given both to the centre, volunteers and our
clients. We wish Mike all the best in his future endeavours.
Since the beginning of this year we have had Gabrielle delivering
our newsletters to Triabunna and Orford. Unfortunately she is
unable to continue to do this into the foreseeable future and we
would like to also thank Gabrielle for her assistance in this area. We
are looking for a volunteer to take on this weekly task, which
involves taking the newsletter on a Tuesday to the two towns.
In the meantime we have Andy from Down and Back Deliveries
doing this service so if you have any courier requirements between
Hobart, Buckland, Orford, Triabunna and Swansea please use his
services . Bill Fry
Dear Editor, I refer to the recent brave and honest letter
to the editor by Councillor Britt Steiner, which offered her
personal view that behaviour by some elected Councillors
around the Council Board table, had been unacceptable,
not in the best interests of ratepayers (stakeholders) and
not in line with good governance for local government
If such a culture does exist, then I feel confident that our
Mayor Michael Kent will take a leadership role to ensure
that Councillors take stock of the situation and endeavour
to make the necessary changes which will allow Council
Members to respect the views of all Councillors, operate
in a manner acceptable to Local Government and
ratepayers expectations. It may not be easy on occasions
due to regular 4/4 voting on issues in an 8 elected
Council, but may be a prompt to recommend to the
Minister for Local Government that our Municipality
reverts to a 9 or 7 member Council in the future.
It is my personal view that our Municipality is fairing quite
well considering the very small income derived from our
ratepayer base. Sure, there is room for improvement, but
our finances have been very well managed for the past 810 years, each Town within our Municipality is looking tidy
and prosperous and there are signs on the horizon that
Council and Government are endeavouring to form
partnerships by investing in some infrastructure and
business opportunities for the future. Martin Crawford
Letters continued on page 6.
Swansea Online Access
Is calling for volunteers for
the Committee of
Management. No experience
is necessary. It is also calling
for an honorary chairperson
to lead the Committee of
Management, due to the
relocation of the incumbent
Thank you my treasured island
Of memories long ago
Through dimming eye, but thoughts still clear
Of skies serene, crisp clean air
O'er mountains swathed in snow
Of damp, dank forest
Misty glade
Dappled sunlight, filtered shade,
Soft green mosses peeping through
Crowned with jewels in morning dew.
Sheer towering cliff
Deep gorge beneath
Windswept hilltop
Patch of heath
Sparkling waters, calm, benign.
Yet within so little time
Can hurl, unfurl, relentlessly
Raging fury 'pon land and sea.
Though tiny avian still can hover
Seems no need to seek for cover
Soar with grace o'er wilds below
Such sweet memories - long ago.
Letters to the Editor continued from page 5
Thank you Councillor Steiner for your
recent letter to the editor on your perception
of the first 6 months in Council. To say it as
you honestly see it is a brave and responsible
thing to do. Well done and well said!
Perhaps now, the quieter, more considerate
elements within our Community will come
forward to create a stronger voice for
progress on the East Coast.
"Playing the man" is best kept within the
confines of the sports field. It achieves
nothing but enmity in the street.
The letter from Councillor Steiner is a small,
but rallying call for some new thinking. I and
many others in the Community agree with
her thoughts, so let's make it happen! Best
regards, Sue Nettlefold
Ninki Wynne
Tasmanian Theatre Company will be bringing its latest production
―Smile Smile Smile" to the Swansea Hall on Friday 5th June. The
show celebrates the spirit of community in a small country town in
Tasmania as they cope with the impact of the First World War on the
Set in 1916, World War I is raging across Europe and thousands of
young men from the far-flung reaches of the Empire are leaving home
to join the fray. In Tasmania, Bernard Bailey’s confidence is quickly
eroding as three more of his travelling vaudeville troupe desert him for
the Western Front. As the remnant band of entertainers straggle into a
small East Coast Tasmanian town, Bernard is sure his days as an
impresario are numbered and he’ll have to return to the grim life of
selling haberdashery in the city. It’s not until he encounters the
resilience, creativity and never-say-die attitude of the local community
that his dark clouds are turned inside out and his visit to the sleepy
town turns out to be the highlight of his theatrical year. All over
Australia communities held entertainments to support the troops and
this town is no different.
More than a play, this is a night of true variety entertainment, designed
to transport you back to the Tasmania of yesteryear. A larger-than-life
event where professional actors and talented locals roll up their sleeves and pitch in, to pack up your troubles
and ―Smile Smile Smile".
Featuring Claire Dawson, Jeff Michel, Iain Lang and Katie Robertson and music of the period, there will also
be the opportunity for locals to become involved. For more information on how to become a part of the show
call Iain Lang on 0418 872 745.
would like to
thank all of
the dedicated
hard working
members who
contribute to
the efficient
operation of
the Centre
and this
And you, our
readers, of
this newsletter
for it’s
From an anonymous source
Swansea Ukulele
and Folk
Troupe (STUFIT)
Next meeting is 7.30 pm at the
Swansea Town Hall on Friday 22rd
TV and FM
Satellite TV
AV and Home
0423 315 808
On behalf of the Spring Vale Vineyard Pop Up Restaurant Team, I would like to take this opportunity to
personally thank the East Coast community for the fantastic support you gave our new business venture over the
16 weeks we operated the pop up restaurant this past summer and autumn season. Without your commitment to
spreading the word about the restaurant and what we offered we would not have enjoyed the success we had
during this period. We are planning to open again for the 2015-16 season in early October and we look forward to
offering the community and it's significant number of interstate and overseas visitors a valuable and memorable
dinning experience among the vines at Spring Vale Vineyard.
Best regards Don Monk M: 0459 581316
Come in and enjoy the cozy fire on a cold Tasmanian Winter night!
2 course $55
3 course $70
2 & 3 courses include a glass of sparkling wine
Lunch 12 pm – 2 pm
Dinner from 5 pm
2 course $30
3 course $35
*Bookings are essential
mobile number: 0407527542
office number: +61 3 6257 8131
Winter Operating Hours
Monday and Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday and Thursday Open at 3 pm
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11 am till Late.
Bistro is Closed until further notice
Don’t forget Friday night spins and
Financial Members draw.
Phone: 6257 8188
The Glamorgan Spring Bay Council annual photography
competition is open, with winning images to be used in
Council’s 2016 calendar. (All profits from the sale of the
calendar are used for youth projects/activities.)
Photographs must be taken within the Glamorgan Spring Bay
municipal area and should capture the various landscapes,
seasonal changes and diversity of the East Coast.
The winning entry will receive $500 and five calendars and the
photograph will feature on the cover and first page of the
calendar. Another 11 entries will be chosen as main images and
those entrants will receive some free copies of the calendar.
Entry forms are available from Council’s website or email
The competition closes on Friday, 29th May, 2015.
Paint &
36 Franklin
Dr Jeff Parsons consults in
Bicheno every Tuesday afternoon.
Please phone 6376 1577 for an
appointment or veterinary advice.
For all your
spray painting
& smash repair
Insurance work
& detailing
A community service available to anyone who would love a
meal delivered to their home, ongoing or temporary. Cost
$8.60 for a two course meal Phone 6257 8108
We are holding an ―End of Harvest‖ church
service at Gala Kirk on Sunday, May 31st 2015
at 3 pm.
We are following the service
with drinks at the Cranbrook
All welcome!
We are endeavouring to maintain
the spirit of the Cranbrook Community and
keep both community places in use.
This will be a great way for us to
celebrate the
end of our
grape harvest
with our
We would appreciate if you could bring a bottle
of wine or fruit juice and a plate of nibbles to
Jennie Amos 0417 034 597
Pat Greenhill 0488 578 282
Thank you for the continued support of our
Please consider supporting us - we are a local not for
profit community organisation run by volunteers. Help
us to continue to provide free local news to our
Two bedroom flat
in central location part furnished,
available for lease.
When you are courting a nice girl
an hour seems like a second. When
you sit on a red-hot cinder a
second seems like an hour. That's
relativity. Albert Einstein
I have six locks on my door all in a
row. When I go out, I lock every
other one. I figure no matter how
long somebody stands there
picking the locks, they are always
locking three. Elayne Booster
Simon P. Clark
Chartered Accountant
“I come to you”
Visiting Swansea the
4th Thursday of each month
For an appointment please call
Ph: 6391 3007
Ma loves Pa- Pa loves Women
Ma caught Pa with 2 in Swimmin
Here Lies Pa
Lawrence L Cook Jr.
29-10-1934 - 1-8-2004
Slashing of Blocks
Swansea - Bicheno - Coles Bay
Visits the Health & Wellbeing
Centre, May Shaw
Ph: Rodney Breadmore
Every Tuesday
Waxing, tinting, manicures &
pedicures, facials, gel nails/toes
Relaxation massage
Phone Sally 0400 837 984
Richard Lane
May 26th
Visiting Bicheno Fri. 5th June
Call 6375 1455 for appointment
Swansea Sat. 6th June
Call 6257 8114 for appointment
Dr. Phillip Holmes will be visiting
Swansea 27th May from 11am onwards.
Please phone 6269 2323 for an
appointment or veterinary advice.
1 Pulled repast (anag) — dessert (5,7)
9 Was unwell (5)
10 Anxiety (7)
11 One of seven deadly sins (4)
12 Person of exceptional importance and
reputation (8)
14 Scarcely (6)
15 Sudden total disaster (6)
18 Chinese language (8)
20 Genuine (4)
22 Marine animal (3,4)
23 Able to move and bend gracefully (5)
24 Acutely embarrassing (12)
2 Fuss (7)
3 Covers (4)
4 Corset (anag) (6)
5 Attempt to escape (3,3,2)
6 Clothe (5)
7 US dockers (12)
8 Accept unpleasant consequences of one's
actions (4,3,5)
13 Crying (like a lamb?) (8)
16 Withdraw — abrasion (7)
17 Small fish (6)
19 Armed services canteen (5)
21 Confused impression (4)
Swansea Golf Club News
Saturday May 16th Report
All Saturday fixtures are 11.00 am for 11.30 start unless stated otherwise
Freycinet, Orford, Bicheno and Swansea Clubs participated in a very successful and
enjoyable inter-club event hosted by the Bicheno Club. In the second round of the club competition, Bicheno
took out the top honours with 181 points, Swansea and Orford scored 177 and Freycinet finished with 164. After
the second round, the aggregate scores are very close with Freycinet leading on 351, Swansea one point behind
350, Orford 344 and Bicheno with 341
Mike Willet finished with 43 stableford points to be Swansea’s best performer and missed out on the overall prize
on a count back, runner up was Paul Morris on 40. Best ladies’ score for Swansea was carded by Sally Siepen on 35
points with Pat Hardcastle in second position.
Other respectable Swansea scores were carded by Dale Williams 36, Maurice Banks 35 and Fran Dowling 33.
Approximately 80 golfers participated in ideal weather conditions and Bicheno Club is to be congratulated on their
organization of the event and the weather.
Friday 22nd May: Farmers’ Day Swansea.
Saturday 23 rd May: Club Foursome Championships. A reminder to organise partners.
Thursday 28th May: East Coast Veterans @ St Marys. Stableford.
Saturday 30th May: 3 Person Ambrose
Entry Forms for the East Coast Open are available at the club house. Entries close 28th May.
Triabunna Junior Football Club
Weekend Results 17/5/2015
Triabunna Under 12’s vs Hobart at TCA Ground Triabunna 38 Hobart 17
Triabunna Under 8’s vs Richmond at Richmond Great game by Under 8’s (under 8’s don’t score)
Swansea Football Club News
No Game this Week
Coming events
Sat 22 May Swansea vs Oatlands 1.30 pm @ Swansea
Swansea Bowls Club News
The Annual general meeting will be held at the clubhouse on Sunday 21 June at 11am. Could all members make an effort to