LEBANESE COURSE ON 6-7-8 November 2013 HILTON HABTOOR HOTEL BEIRUT CME credits www.lscardio.org Free registration REVASCULARIZATION It is my great pleasure to invite you to attend the Lebanese Course of Revascularization, which will be held in Beirut, Lebanon, November 6-7-8, 2013. This course is designed to join our experience, to expose new data obtained from international trials and research concerning coronary and vascular revascularization and to discuss the promising therapies in this field of cardiovascular medicine. The scientific forum will include live case transmissions, plenary sessions, joint sessions with international societies of cardiology and symposia. With hope of seeing all of you in our Course Nicolas Moussallem President Lebanese Society of Cardiology Claude Semaan Chairman Lebanese Course on Revascularization LCR Committee: Abdallah Rebeiz Co - chairman Marc Abboud Fadi Abou Jaoude Georges Badaoui Sobhi Dada Nabil Chacha Paul Charbel Mhammad Dbouk Michel Fatouch Georges Ghanem Talal Hammoud Omar Hamwi Antoine Ibrahim Samer Kabbani Mohammad Kalekech Walid Khoury Ali Kowayess Malek Mohammad Walid Mouawad Antoine Nasrallah Hassan Nabha Bassam Samad Antoine Sarkis Marcel Sokhn Walid Tarcha Samer Tawm LSC Board Committee: Nicolas Moussallem President Samir Arnaout Immediate Past President Sobhi Dada President – Elect Joseph Haddad General Secretary Claude Semaan Chairman, Interventional W.G. Georges Saade Treasurer Hadi Skouri Chairman, Heart Failure W.G. Members: Georges Saade Chairman, CVD Prevention W.G. Mahmoud Abbas Tony Abdel Massih Rabih Dandashi Jean Kehdi Ali Kouwayes Ghassan Kiwan Chairman, Echocardiography & Imaging W.G. Walid Gharzuddin Chairman, Echo website Antoine Kosseifi Chairman, Arrhythmia & Pacing Young Cardiologists Group: Fadi Abou Jaoudeh Bashir Allam Mark Abboud LSC Registries Committee: Wael Chalak Fouad Farhat Nadim Timani Int’l Communication Committee: Georges Saade Coordinator LCR Faculty: Khalid Al Faraidy – KSA Walid Alami – Lebanon Walid Ahmar – Australia Paul Barragan – France Jeroen Bax – The Netherlands Didier Blanchard – France Alain Cribier – France Philippe Commeau – France Ziad Dahdouh – Lebanon Helene Eltchaninof – France Habib Gamra – Tunisia Georges Ghanem – Lebanon Ziad Ghazzal – Lebanon Matthieu Godin – France Gilles Grollier – France Stefan Hoffman – Germany Maroun Karam - Lebanon Michel Komajda – France Jean Labastie – France Samih Lawand – Lebanon Mohamed Loutfi – Egypt Joe Maalouf – USA Gilles Montalescot – France Nicolas Moussallem – Lebanon Marie-Claude Morice – France Carlos Saade – Lebanon Mohamed Sadaka – Egypt Claude Semaan – Lebanon Mohamed Sobhy – Egypt William Wijns – Belgium 13h00 14h30 - 16h00 Registration open CardioAlex Session Z.Ghazzal, J.Haddad, N.Moussallem Chairmans: Left Main Disease Mohamed Loutfi Multivessel Disease with diabetes Mohamed Sadaka Primary PCI Mohamed Sobhy Eli Lilly & Boehringer Ingelheim Alliance Satellite Symposium 16h00 - 16h45 An update on DPP-IV Inhibitors in the management of type 2 diabetes Sami Azar Moderators: S.Arnaout, T.Abdel Massih 16h45 - 17h30 Coffee Break 17h30 - 18h15 Astrazeneca Satellite Symposium 18h30 - 20h00 Opening Lecture & Ceremony Updates on Oral Antiplatelets; Redefining the Standard of Care in ACS Sunil V. Rao Cardiology in the XXI st century: Challenges and Perspectives Michel Komajda 20h00 Cocktail Reception 08h45- 10h30 PCI Trend in 2013 M.Abboud Chairman: C.Abdallah, A.Aoun, H.Gamra, G.Ghanem, O.Hamoui, Panelists: S.Hoffman, S.Tawm 09h00 - 09h15 New directions in DES Ziad Ghazzal 09h15 - 09h30 What should we know on PCI of bifurcation lesions in 2013 Habib Gamra 09h30 - 10h15 Bifurcational stenting in primary PCI STEMI Stenting of ecstatic vessels in primary PCI Walid Ahmar Video conference from Melbourne 10h15 –10h30 D.E.A.M.S. Current Status of an innovative concept, 3rd Generation DES: The Bridge to DREAMS Stefan Hoffman 10h30 - 10h45 Coffee Break Techniques for a Better Vision J.Haddad Chairman: 10h45 - 12h45 A.Adhami, N.Chacha, Z.Dahdouh, M.Fatouch, M.Mhammad, Panelists: W.Wijns 10h45 – 11h30 11h30 - 11h45 11h45 - 12h00 LIVE TRANSMISSION from CLINIQUE DES FLEURS – Ollioules, France Role of Echo in the interventional laboratory Joe Maalouf PCI optimization, FFR William Wijns 12h00 - 12h15 Rotablator: Caen experience Ziad Dahdouh 12h15 – 12h45 LIVE TRANSMISSION from CLINIQUE DES FLEURS – Ollioules, France 13h00 – 13h45 Medtronic Satellite Symposium - Left Main and Bifurcation Stenting: an Advanced Operator’s Workshop - Renal Denervation Therapies: Current Evidence and Controversies William Wijns H.Dakik, O.Hamoui, N.Moussallem Moderators: 13h45 – 15h15 Lunch 15h15 - 16h00 Pharmacotherapy A.Sarkis Chairman: F.Abou Jaoudeh, F.Barakeh, S.Dada, M.Gebran, A.Kouwayes, Panelists: J.Maalouf, B.Samad 15h15 - 15h30 Pretreatment with P2Y12 antagonist in NSTEMI –ACS: Time for a change 15h30 - 15h45 Optimal drug treatment in primary PCI for STEMI Platelet function testing in left main disease Gilles Montalescot Gilles Montalescot 15h45 - 16h00 Clopidogrel in major vascular surgery Carlos Saade What ELSE in Cath.lab Chairman: A.Nasrallah 16h00 - 17h30 Panelists: C.Abou Charaf, W.Alami, A.Dirani, R.Fakhoury, H.Hojeij, T.Ibrahim, M.Riachi 16h00 - 16h15 Endovascular treatment of critical limb ischemia Walid Alami 16h15 - 16h30 Case Presentation Percutaneous repair of Posterobasal myocardial rupure Samih Lawand 16h30 - 16h45 Endovascular treatment by radiofrequency Jean Labastie 16h45 - 17h00 Efficacy and safety of percutaneous left atrial appendage closure in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation a single tertiary center experience Samih Lawand 17h00 – 17h30 Coffee Break 17h30 - 18h30 Eli Lilly Satellite Symposium Optimal use of antiplatelet therapy in ACS-PCI patients. Gilles Montalescot Moderator S.Arnaout 18h45 - 19h30 Heart Failure Management: SHIFTing the evidence into clinical practice Michel Komajda (This session is sponsored by an unrestricted grant from Les Laboratoires Servier) 09h00 - 10h00 Aortic Stenosis M.Dbouk Chairman: F.Abu Jaoude, E.Akouri, H.Dib, G.Grollier, P. Habib, P a nelists: T.Hammoud, W.Mouawad 09h00 – 09h15 TAVI and CAD: How best to proceed Georges Ghanem 09h15 - 09h30 Severe AS and LV dysfunction Didier Blanchard 09h30 - 09h45 Transcatheter Aortique valve implantation: Role of Echo Joe Maalouf 09h45 - 10h00 Role of aortic valvuloplasty in the era of TAVI Gilles Grollier 10h00 - 10h30 Coffee Break 10h30 - 13h00 TAVI Chairman: P.Charbel P a nelists: B.Asmar, G.Badawi, F.Bitar, B.Bou Khalil, H.Eltchaninoff, M-C.Morice 10h30 - 10h50 Focus on TAVI Helene Eltchaninoff 10h50 - 11h10 TAVI in Women Marie-Claude Morice 11h10 - 11h30 Surgical Aortic reparation Gebrine El Khoury 11h30 - 12h45 LIVE TRANSMISSION from CHU – Rouen, France 13h00 - 14h30 Lunch 14h30 - 15h15 How to Be Safe Chairman: N.Moussallem P a nelists: D.Blanchard, J.Chami, M.Hamadeh, R.Hobeika, W.Mouawad, G. Saade 14h30 - 14h45 Frailty patients in cardio-vascular interventions: how to assess, how to deal Didier Blanchard 14h45 - 15h00 DAPT duration after stenting : New Data Marie-Claude Morice 15h00 - 15h15 Myocardial perfusion as a tool for prognostic evaluation and risk stratification of patients with CAD Maroun Karam 15h15 - 15h30 Live case in the box Khaled Al Faraidy 15h30 - 16h00 Coffee Break 16h00 - 17h45 Workshop: Complex Situations in Cath lab Chairmans: Gilles Grollier, Mhammad Kalakech P a nelists: M.Abboud, F.Abu Jaoudeh, B.Alam, S.Dergham, G.Grollier 17h45 Closure remarks Claude Semaan LEBANESE SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY Congress scientific contact: diana.kazzaz@lscardio.org office@lscardio.org lsc@lscardio.org Tel/fax: +961 1 39 73 15 Mobile: +961 3 67 27 63 design: Rana Nasrallah, +961 3 718886 ranaenasrallah@gmail.com www.lscardio.org With the compliments of GREENMED CARE4HEALTH
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