CLIPPINGS Newsletter of the Quad City Bonsai Club June 2015 Vol 24 Issue 6 Let‘s Just Come Together Grafting Techniques Upcoming Events by Phil Raz G rafting: Sat. June 13th Grafting Use to introduce a branch, or root, where it is needed. A free graft is when a cutting, or scion, is placed on the host tree. A Thread graft, or scion, is placed through a hole in the host tree. An Approach graft, or scion, is pinned against the edge of the host tree. Sat June 27th Open Workshop / Open Topics It should be noted that the approach and thread grafting techniques utilizes a scion that is still attached and is not separated from its donor until it is has successfully been grafted. Thus making these techniques a much safer than free grafting. Unless your bonsai is well developed and requires on a minor addition, an option to grafting is simply to hard prune your bonsai to promote back budding and new growth. Tools Used For Grafting 1) Scalpel or Exacto knife 2) Branch cutters 3) Long nose pliers 4) 5) Rubber hammer Damp sphagnum moss 6) 7) Grafting tape / electrical tape / green floral tape Small plastic bags 8) 9) Wire or twist ties Drill (Continued on page 2) 1 Guidelines 1) Use healthy trees for both the host and scion. 2) When using the free graft method, keep humidity high for scion by inclosing in a plastic bag. 3) Keep newly grafted bonsai out of direct sunlight and strong winds. 4) Keep the scion and host material to the same species. 5) To gain experience, I would suggest practicing on Maples and Ficus because of their vigorous growth and superior healing abilities. 6) Even after the graft has fully taken, it will be many years before the scion is held strongly in place by the new wood, cambium and bark. Types of Grafting 1) Free Graft The scion to be attached should have anywhere from 2 to 6 leaves. Cut the part of the scion into a ―V‖ shape. Cut the host tree where the scion is to be inserted just inside the cambium layer a little longer than the ―V‖ made on the scion. Insert the scion into the opening match the cambium layers of each. Re-seal the cut but wrapping with plastic tape, floral tape or electrical tape. To keep the humidity up during the healing process, place a small, damp, piece of sphagnum moss inside a plastic bag. Place the bag over the scion and closing it with a twist tie. 2) Thread Graft Thread grafting is by far the easiest way to attach a new branch or root to the host where one is missing. This process entails drilling a hole through the trunk of the host tree and the scion is then threaded through the hole. As the scion and the trunk continue to grow, the cambium layers are eventually fusing together. Advantage 1) One of the few ways the graft could fail is by separating the scion from the donor too early before the graft has fully taken. 2) If done correctly, the wound is minimal and hard to detect. Disadvantage 1) Thread grafting is not suitable for conifers species due to the defoliation of the scion that is required. Timing Since thread grafts could take up to 2 years to take, I would carry out process before the new bud swell and open. This would allow for the smallest possible hole to be drilled, no defoliation and the maximum amount of time for (Continued on page 3) 2 the scion to grow in the first year. Process 1) Prepare the scion to be grafted by allowing a number of long shoots (used as the scion) to develop. The scion can be from the same or different tree of the same species. Candidates will be long and pliable enough to be bent over and threaded through the trunk. 2) Once the final candidate has been selected, take care to snip off all leaves and petioles from the scion. Take care not to tear the leaves off the branch for this could cause damage to the tiny buds in the leaf axils. If you perform the graft before this years bud bread, you can skip this step. 3) Drill a hole through the trunk, at a slight angle, from the exit (where the scion with exit the tree) to entry (where the scion will enter the tree). 4) Start with the smallest drill bit as possible for the scion to pass through. You can always increase the drill bit until the scion can safely pass. Too small of hole could cause hark to the scion and the new buds. Too large of hole will increase the time for the graft to successfully take. 5) Once the scion has been carefully inserted through the hole, position the scion so that a bud is close to the exit hole. This will provide for a short first internodes. 6) Finally, seal with cut paste. 3) Approach In approach grafting, the scion is pinned against the edge of the wood (bark and cambium layer) until such time that the scion grafts (or merges) to the cambium wood of the host tree. Advantage 1) The primary advantages of approach grafting is that the foliage does not need to be removed from the scion. This makes it suitable for coniferous species such as Pines and Junipers. 2) Approach grafts are also easier to apply in situations where the diameter of the scion‘s wood makes drilling a hole difficult or impossible. 3) Several approach grafts can be applied close together since the trunk does not have to be drilled. Disadvantage 1) Approach grafts are not as ‗clean‘ as thread grafts. 2) Approach grafts are dependent upon the tree species having a thick cambium layer and strong healing characteristics. 3) If the graft does not take, you can be left with nasty visible scar. Timing (Continued on page 4) 3 Approach grafts should be carried out early in the growing season allowing ample time for the wound to heal. Species To Use Use approach grafts for species with thick cambium/bark. Species to consider are: Elms, Ficus, Maples, Pines, Spruce, Cedar and Larch. Process 1) Identify where the new branch is intended to 'emerge' from the trunk and mark this area with a marker. 2) With a very sharp knife, cut through the bark and the cambium layers along the intended path of the graft. 3) Next, dig out a channel just large enough to accept the scion without damaging the bark of the scion itself. By making the channel deep enough, this will help produce a less visible and neater scar. 4) With any graft technique, it‘s important that the scion be firmly fixed into position. 5) This will help ensure the scion will not move or break or push away during healing process. 6) To secure the scion to the host tree, create 2 staples out of 1.5mm brass, copper or aluminum. One staple for inside the channel and one staple for outside the cut. Avoid using steel. I typically use copper or aluminum because that‘s what I use for wiring branches. 7) Mark 2 sets of 1.5mm pilot holes, one on each side of the scion, to receive each staple. Remove the scion and drill the pilot holes. Replace the scion and carefully hammered both staples in place, firmly securing the scion to the host tree. 8) Seal the entire graft with cut paste. 9) To encourage as much growth as possible on the exit side, remove all the leaves from the entry side of the graft. 4 Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye It’s Time for QCBC Elections—by Phil Raz It has been pointed out that we are way past time for having elections. I, myself cannot remember the last time this was done. According to the By-Laws the positions up for grabs are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Otherwise known as the Steering Committee. All other positions like Photographer, Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, and Program Director are appointed by the Steering Committee. If you are a club member in good standing and are interested in serving or want to nominate someone please feel free to do so. If you want to nominate yourself state which position you are interested in. If you are nominating someone else, again state which position and their name. Send to Maureen Wallner at The May and June newsletter will list the positions and nominated names. Nominations will end June 30th and a final ballet will be presented to the general membership in the July newsletter and voting will be at the August meeting (that date will be determined in the next month). Here is your chance to make a difference. Current positions and officers: President – Harry Wallner Vice President – Phil Raz Secretary – Maureen Wallner Treasurer – Jackie Raz CURRENT NOMINATIONS FOR NEW CLUB OFFICERS Office Position Nominations To Date: Club President Mike Harshman Vice President Phil Raz Secretary Jackie Raz Treasurer Pam Ohnemus Please note that per Harry, he and Maureen are dropping out of running. 5 What Just Happened? by Maureen Wallner Meeting notes from Saturday, May 16th meeting Only one meeting in May and not on ―the right‖ day, but it was a rewarding one with Mike, Irena, and Melissa Belmares, Mike Harshman, and Harry and me present. Irena and Mike whittled down a lovely Boston ivy for a root over lava rock and potted it in cream, looking forward to the reddish hue of leaves in fall. Mike H. trimmed up a trident maple. Harry shaped his Amur maple, what was left of it, a lovely branch and trunk after die-back. Club elections coming up were discussed, still tossing back and forth the best way to offer members a chance to vote for Steering Committee Officers come August. 6 2015 Program Lineup Join the Quad City Bonsai Club Meetings will be held at the Wallner‘s House unless otherwise noted Anyone interested in Bonsai is welcome to join the Quad City Bonsai Club. Meeting Date Topic June 13 Grafting June 27 Open Workshop / Open Topics July 11 Herbs as Bonsai July 25 Open Workshop / Open Topics August 8 T.B.D.—VOTING FOR OFFICERS Aug 14-16 Chicago Bonsai Show August 22 Open Workshop / Open Topics September 12 T.B.D. September26 Open Workshop / Open Topics October 10 T.B.D. October 24 Open Workshop / Open Topics Monthly club newsletters November 14 T.B.D. December Date T.B.D. for Annual Club Party An extensive and growing library of books, magazines and videos on a wide range of bonsai topics Access to club bonsai wire Interaction with a wonderful group of bonsai enthusiasts whose skills range from beginner to expert. ELECTIONS ARE COMING UP Don’t forget about the article about club elections coming up. Please make sure you take a look at it and get your nominations to Maureen so they can be included in the voting. Membership dues are very nominal: $20/yr individual, $25/yr family or $10/yr for under 16 years of age. Due in the month of January. The benefits of membership in the Quad City Bonsai Club include: Club Meetings (twice monthly during growing season) Educational programs and workshops Participation in special events such as collecting trips, bonsai displays and community programs. Club Librarian Michael Harshman has volunteered to become the club librarian. He will work towards updating and growing the club library which is a great resource for our club members. Some new books will be added to the club library very soon! 2014 Steering Committee Harry Wallner……... President / Photographer………… (309) 792-8048 Phillip Raz………….. Vice President / Program Director (309) 912-3600 Jackie Raz………….. Treasurer / Photographer………... (563) 264-6135 Maureen Wallner….. Secretary………………………….. (309) 792-8048 Pam Ohnemus……... Membership………………………. (563) 322-5219 Michael Harshman… Newsletter Editor / Webmaster…. (815) 379-9427 7 Quad City Bonsai Club Michael Harshman, Editor 503 Don Marquis Drive Walnut, IL 61376 815-379-9427 Showing Harry‘s Weigela before blooming in April meeting (top right) and what it looked like after it bloomed out during the May meeting (left) 8
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