MAY 2015 IN THIS ISSUE Pilgrims Way Artists Neighbourhood Plan HOKH Family Festival Summer Exhibition. Voice your opinion! Bluebell Walk, 3rd May. 11th-14th June. SEE PAGE 6 SEE PAGE 14 SEE PAGE 24 SEE PAGE 29 PAGE 2 MAY 2015 Welcome to the May edition of the Lenham Focus. I’m stepping into James’ shoes for this month’s edition while he is on holiday. Annie Drylie Stand In Editor @lenhamfocus 01622 850608 editorialslf@gmail. com Spring is finally here and as I walk around Lenham I notice how beautiful the daffodils look. This is a great chance to take advantage of the lovely weather and support local events, which include the Heart of Kent Hospice Bluebell Walk on 3rd May. Also this month is the Pilgrims Way Artists Summer exhibition, which runs from the 15th to the 25th May. This is a great event with a number of very talented artists exhibiting their work at the beautiful Tithe Barn. all the family. Please see the enclosed article for more details. Lenham Family Festival runs from 11th to 14th June with a Family Fun day on 13th at Lenham Community Centre, which promises to be great entertainment for Last but not least, we have a new format. We hope you like it and look forward to hearing your views at As always, we have some interesting articles for you. The Neighbourhood Plan article asks you to register your views on future housing development, which you can do by completing a straw poll at the Tithe Barn on 7th May. This really is a good opportunity to make your views known on future development in Lenham. Editorial: James Collett 01622 850608 | Distribution: Gez Clark 07784 447200 Social: Jemma Cockell, Liz Webb Advertising: Annie Drylie 07956 629772 | Proofing: Jayne Hewish, Katy Bennett Overviewer: Margo McFarlane Finance: Mark Dunbar 07808863227 | Interviews: Jim Myers Printed by: Gemini Print Welcome Focus is Distributed by Volunteers to: Lenham Village, Lenham Heath, Platts Heath, Sandway, West Street, Woodside Green and Warren Street. V17 E5 Volume 17 Edition 5 (May 2015) Circulation 2000 Copy Deadline: 5pm 7th of the preceding month. Please leave copy at 24 Maidstone Road, or contact us. For ‘Out of Town’ Readers Distribution: Lenham Community Centre, Chequers Fish Bar, Lenham Post Office, Len Valley Newsagents and Harrietsham Post Office. Published by Lenham Focus Lenham Focus is published by the Lenham Focus Team. Any opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not the publishers. Every care is taken in compiling the contents of the magazine to ensure that they are correct and accurate at the time of printing and the publishers accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions. The publication of advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the publishers. Authors of articles and advertisements in Focus take full responsibility to ensure they obtain any prior permission for use of copyright materials. Advertising Rates (May 2015) Advertising Guidelines WxH 61x45mm 61x92mm 123x92mm 123x185mm 194x281mm 1/16 Page (Formerly 1/8) 1/8 Page (Formerly 1/4) 1/4 Page (Formerly 1/2) 1/2 Page (Formerly Full Page) Full Page (New with this edition) Inside Cover 1/2 Page Inside Cover Full Page Outside Back Cover £13 £21 £38 £69 £125 £89 £145 £176 1/16 Page (Formerly 1/8) 1/8 Page (Formerly 1/4) 1/4 Page (Formerly 1/2) 1/2 Page (Formerly Full Page) Full Page (New with this edition) Front Cover (available once a year per advertiser) £200 We require adverts to be submitted in high resolution (300dpi) PDF format in the appropriate size. Print & Deliver Single Sided A5 Insert Double Sided A5 Insert £250 £275 Advert Formats If artwork is not supplied as a PDF we cannot guarantee the correct reproduction of the advert. Online Advertising The Lenham Focus will be be launching a new website. Advertisers will be able to place adverts and be listed on the site similar to the primrose pages. Contact us for more details. Creative Team CR A FT S COU RSE 24 FROMpp £ Photography: Andy Flood Andy has been providing photography to the focus since the launch of the new design. Consistently he has provided amazing shots, especially the front covers. Check out his Flickr Photostream! 35132157@N04/ Paint it, Cover it, Love it! Join the furniture up-cycling revolution! Turn your old furniture into a work of art with our Annie Sloan Chalk PaintTM Workshops. Distressing z Two Toned Aged Look z Guilding Craquelure z Stencilling z Basic upholstery Courses are run by Annie Sloan trained experts and include ALL materials and a delicious lunch in the Café! Full & Half Day Courses available. See website for full details. Gifts vouchers available. Design: FALCON We design brands and digital experiences that strategically connect people and companies for clients across the world from our studio in the heart of Kent. If you’d like to get in touch, give us a bell on 01233 624664 or send us a message at Alternatively visit our hip and happenin’ website at: CALL 01622 844 590 TO BOOK YOUR PLACE Craft Courses include: Candle Making, Soap Making & Roman Blinds. Lilypie Café, Georgian House, Warmlake Road, Chart Sutton, Maidstone, Kent ME17 3RP LilypieCafe @lilypiecafe Lenham Parish Council PAGE 4 LPC @lenhamfocus MAY 2015 V17 E5 A brief report of the Lenham Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 1st April 7.30pm at the Community Centre. The Community Warden, Martin Sherwood, has been working with the Clerk to bring to the attention of the dog warden, working at Maidstone Borough Council environmental services, the on-going socially unacceptable problem with the minority of dog owners who allow their pets to foul the footpaths and not clear up afterwards. The problem is particularly bad on the path to the primary school, along Robins Avenue and Robins Close. Parents are quite rightly concerned that pupils of both the primary school and nursery are at risk of being contaminated. The law is quite plain and simple, it is illegal to allow dogs to foul the footpaths and penalties for not clearing up the mess are enforceable by the dog warden. Conclusive evidence of owners who do not clear up after their animals will lead to such penalties being applied. The MBC dog warden will visit the area and issues penalties. Please keep the parish clean and tidy and pick up after your pet. The neighbourhood plan is making steady progress and has been presented to MBC as a draft version one, early in April. Copies of the plan will be available to read in the Library and surrounding businesses as well as being available on the LPC and Save Lenham websites. Nomination papers for the local election on May 7th will be delivered to MBC by the Clerk on April 7th. The Annual Parish meeting following the elections will be held on Wednesday 13th May. This is the first meeting of the new parish council and roles and positions will be decided at this meeting. The BMX skate park equipment will be repaired and repainted as part of the on-going maintenance programme of the facility. Ham Lane play area repairs will be undertaken to ensure the equipment is up to risk assessment standards. Maidstone Road car park will be cleared, gullies swept, vegetation cut back and old damaged posts removed. This is the second stage of the overall improvements the parish council are undertaking. The drains have already been cleared and the lighting in the car park will be upgraded, following which the white lining will be reinstated. It is hoped to have the works completed within the next few months. It was agreed to grant £100 to the Lenham Family Festival to help towards the costs of staging the popular event. Quotes for the upgrading of the CCTV system will be considered and a schedule of suggested works presented to the new parish council following the May elections. The solar panels for the Community Centre should be delivered within the next month. Any queries please contact the Clerk. Margo McFarlane 01622 859682 Dates for your Diary Keep up-to-date with the latest goings on in and around Lenham. 2 May Len Valley Churches Ladies Breakfast, Dog & Bear 8.30am A chance to enjoy a cooked or continental breakfast, meet new friends and listen to an inspiring speaker. To book your places please ring or email the church office on 850604 or MAY ‘15 11 to 14 June Lenham Family Festival with a Family day on nearer to the event. Please also see Clubs & Societies section for various events in May. Saturday 13 June 12 noon to 9pm at Lenham Community Centre. Please see event schedule (p29) and for more up to date listings and times War Time Revue Songs sketches, jokes old and new at Lenham Community Centre 7.45pm. Tickets £8.00 available from Len Valley News. 3 May Heart of Kent Hospice Bluebell Walk The walk starts at Harrietsham Village Hall. Registration opens at 8.30 a.m. Entry is £10.00 per adult and £3.00 per child or £25.00 per family of two adults and 3 children. See or e-mail 7 May Election Day at Lenham Community Centre Neighbourhood Plan Straw Poll at Tithe Barn - 7am to 10pm 15 to 25 May Pilgrims Way Artists Annual exhibition at Tithe Barn 10am to 6pm daily (exhibition closes at 4pm on the last day). Entrance and car park are free. Thirty local artists, potters and sculptors will be exhibiting over 350 works.The featured artist will be Peter Robson. Illustrated exhibition guide £1 with a free draw ticket for an original painting by Kaidy Lewis. 17 May Len Valley Rose Service Len Valley Churches hold a service to remember all of those who have died in the previous years and whose funeral services we have been privileged to take part in. This year the service will be at St Mary’s Church at 3pm. The service is open to all. BALLROOM & LATIN CLASSES WEEKLY GROUP CLASSES £5/person Monday 5.45 - 6.45 : Children’s Ballroom & Latin (8-16yrs) 7.30 - 8.15 : Adult’s Ballroom & Latin (Beginners) GDC School of Dancing Lenham Dance Studios 8 Faversham Road Lenham Kent ME17 2PN Tel: 01622 850 800 Mob: 07831 718 628 Follow us: Twitter@GDCdancing Facebook/GDCSchoolofDancing 8.15 - 9.00 : Adult’s Ballroom & Latin (Intermediate) Wednesday 4.30 - 5.15 : Under 8’s Ballroom & Latin (4-8yrs) PLUS Wednesday Zumba Classes £5/person 8.15 - 9.00 : Zumba Fitness (12yrs+ only) Private lessons also available for individuals and couples, please contact the Studio for more information The Pilgrims Way Artists PAGE 6 MAY 2015 Invite you to their ANNUAL SUMMER EXHIBITION in the TITHE BARN on Friday, 15th May to Bank Holiday Monday, 25th May, 10am to 6pm daily (exhibition closes at 4pm on the last day). Entrance and car park are free. Thirty local artists, potters and sculptors will be exhibiting over 350 works. Featured artist will be Peter Robson. Illustrated exhibition guide £1 with a free draw ticket for an original painting by Kaidy Lewis. Artists’ Demonstration evenings are on Saturday, 16th May and Wednesday, 20th May from 6pm to 9pm. Please come and meet the artists at their easels and discuss their work. Members’ Craft Stalls in the adjoining cobbled barn on Friday, 22nd May to Sunday, 24th May. Jewellery – Ceramics – Glass – Woodwork - Fabric ART PILGRIMS WAY ARTISTS Invite you to their 18th Annual Summer Exhibition at the Tithe Barn, Lenham, Kent, ME17 2QD FRIDAY 15TH MAY-MONDAY 25TH MAY 2015 10am to 6pm DAILY - Entrance and Car Park FREE Closes 4pm 25th May Supported by Lark Insurance Artists Demonstrating: Saturday 16th May & Wednesday 20th May 6pm-9pm Come along and see the Artists at their easels and discuss their work. MEMBERS CRAFT STALLS 22nd-24th May 11am-4pm IN THE ADJOINING COBBLED BARN REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES Pilgrams Way @lenhamfocus We would like to thank our advertisers. Please help us show appreciation by supporting local businesses and services, their participation allows this magazine to come to you FREE of charge. Don’t forget to mention that you saw their advert in Lenham Focus. V17 E5 Want to take out an advert? Please refer to page 2 for contact details, rates and page 3 for advert dimensions. One Hundred Years Ago… by Amy Myers L enham was radically affected by the war at home as well as by what was happening on the war fronts. The Battle of Ypres was still raging on the Western Front with major gas attacks by the enemy and heavy losses. On the 9th however there was a resurgence of hope when the first of Kitchener’s New Army recruits left for the front, despite the bad news from Gallipoli and the horror of the sinking of the passenger ship Lusitania,. With many US casualties it looked likely that America might abandon its neutrality in the war, but that failed to happen. The big event on the home front in Lenham was the opening of VAD Detachment 134 at Stanfield House, under Dr John Temperley Grey, which had been in preparation since January. It could look after 35 patients, twenty of them at Stanfield House and another thirteen at the Foresters’ Hall, now the Lenham Social Club. Young women in the village, fired up by their brothers’ example in joining up, trained as VADs and joined Stanfield House, including Meg Woolley and later the new vicar’s wife Mrs Etherington. The new spinning and weaving initiative sponsored by Mrs Etherington’s husband was spurred on by the award of £15 by the Kent Education Committee as a start-up fee for the new classes. May also saw the Sunday School anniversary at the Congregational Chapel (until recently the United Reform Church). The ‘lucky’ children attended a service and tea, and were entertained by a violin solo and Mrs Foreman singing ‘Rock of Ages’. A far cry from today’s ‘Messy Church’ events. More fortunate were the young Edward Collins and Leslie Clark, who received prizes of £5 each from Lenham’s Foord Trust for their ‘diligence, good conduct in and out of school, and general proficiency’. There were many Clark families in Lenham in 1915, with many of them serving in the war. Young Leslie was probably the son of bricklayer Joshua, who was 37 and married to 32-year-old Emma. The family lived in Barefield Cottage, Lenham, and Leslie would have been 14 or 15 at the time of his prize – and with luck just too young to be called up. Thank You by Margo McFarlane D ear all, I would like to say THANK YOU for all your hard work and dedication in ensuring the Lenham NHP has made steady progress to date. Despite a quite tight time-line, we, as a team, have managed to fulfil the tasks required to produce the draft (version one) plan. From the inception of the plan by Lenham Parish Cllrs. aided by the excellent work of the HIVE teams, and the unwavering contribution made by the Save Lenham group, through to the steering group, with the professional advice from Designscape Consultancy and Arborvitae Landscape Planning Ltd. the plan has developed. Lotus Print and Design from Lenham Heath have always met the requests for the colourful posters and leaflets along with the actual plan booklet to be produced ASAP! The talented photographers in the village and the writing and proof reading team have supported the process throughout. Those who were involved in the housing survey and the production of the data from the survey excelled themselves. Once again, the call for helpers to ‘communicate’ the plan details was answered by the loyal Save Lenham ‘foot soldiers’ who are, as we speak, with the help of Cllrs. and residents, delivering leaflets and talking to parishioners about the plan and the aims of the group to produce the document. As always, the Community Centre team have assisted throughout and the Lenham Library, along with local businesses, have advertised the plan by allowing posters and indeed draft plan copies to be available for those who prefer to read a paper copy, the plan is also available on both the LPC and Save Lenham websites. Obviously, we still have more to do, so I hope you will carry on supporting the project....expect requests for assistance soon! On a personal note, I have had the pleasure of meeting new ‘like minded’ people, who share my passion to protect our wonderful village and vibrant community. Many thanks once more, your continued support is much appreciated. Regards Margo McFarlane (Clerk & RFO to Lenham Parish Council) Telephone 01622 859682 Do you like the new design? Let us know your comments by emailing rs n ie 30xper a Ye E ce Troubleshooting & Repair Installation, Setup & Networking Upgrades & Maintenance Need some advice? Get in touch! Fast & Friendly Service • No Call-Out Fee • Lenham Based £15 per ½ hour (min 1 hour) Call Mark 01622 859969 07867905522 Lenham Bowls Club by Trevor Green PAGE 8 MAY 2015 W ere you fascinated by the lawn bowls shown on TV from the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow last July? How would you like to have a go yourself and find out what it’s all about? We are a lively and successful local club (just over the parish boundary on the road into Lenham) and we are on the lookout for new members. You Lenham Cricket Club – Preview to 2015 Season Clubs & Soc. @lenhamfocus by Mat Revitt V17 E5 I t’s a new voice this year from Lenham Cricket Club. I would like to start by saying thank you to Nick for his accuracy and witty banter whilst updating everyone on the clubs achievements over the last few seasons. I am hoping not to disappoint and keep you all informed in a similar manner, maybe even entice some new players or supporters along. After another wet winter the teams are looking forward to starting a fixture filled season with Saturday league matches and Sunday friendlies. Weather permitting we kick the season off with a weekend of friendly games to ease us in slowly. By the time this goes to print our first weekend of matches will more than likely be complete, Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th, both Away. However our first home game is Saturday 9th May against New Ash Green. I will be updating you all in future magazine issues re: the outstanding performances or moments worth noting. Our fixtures cards are currently at the printers, but once available will be in various locations including the Dog & Bear and don’t have to know anything about the game – Tom, our County Qualified coach likes nothing better than showing new bowlers the ropes. And the club has bowls you may borrow until you decide to get your own. In addition to our excellent green we have a great clubhouse with good facilities, including a bar! Take a peek at the pictures on our Web site: www. If you decide it’s just what you’re looking for – friendly people, pleasant surroundings, useful exercise and a bit of social life – please get in touch. You will be made to feel most welcome. Have a word with Brian Fuller (Men’s Captain) or Lyn Fuller (Ladies’ Captain), both on 01622 851538 if you want a chat about what we can offer. Alternatively, contact Trevor Green (Club Secretary) on 01622 859642 who will be happy to answer any questions and arrange a visit. With the weather getting better and the outdoor season just starting, now would be the best time to get involved. So don’t put it off – pick up the phone today! Trevor Green, Club Secretary Red Lion. Our winter preparations have taken their usual format with nets being held on Monday evenings at Sutton Valence School and hopefully this warm up translates to lots of runs and wickets once we start playing. In March we started pre -season preparations on the ground, outfield and on the club house, all essential to keep the club going. These works will be ongoing every weekend up to season start and any volunteers will always be warmly welcomed. A big thank you from the club to everyone who has attended especially Tony, Jack and Nick who have spent many hours at the ground to ensure the wicket and facilities are in the best possible order. Last season we reported on our achievement in gaining promotion within the Invicta league. This year we are reporting that the league unfortunately folded and we are now looking forward to the new season within the KRCL league. So this will mean some familiar and some new teams on this year’s playing list. Good luck to the lads in the new league. The year’s cricket would be very difficult without our local support. A big thank you needs to go out to Brain and Anne Hogg at the Dog & Bear and to Tony Jansen at the White Horse, Sandway for sponsoring the club. One of the Lenham Cricket trademarks is also the wonderful teas supplied by our wonderful wives, girlfriends, mums, sisters, the Dog & Bear and the Red Lion. They have set the standards for which other teams are ranked against and Dave the Scorer takes the cake situation very seriously. You will find our teams in The Dog & Bear and The Red Lion after matches, socially celebrating either a good win or commiserating over a few needed refreshing drinks and partaking in any post game nibbles provided (thank you). There was a good turnout at our AGM in January, thank you to Lenham Social Club for hosting our meeting. This year we see a change in leadership for the Saturday side with Adrian Longley taking over the role as league team captain, he will be assisted by Jack Ambrose as his vice captain. There is no change to the Sunday line up with Dan Russell leading his merry crew, ably supported by vice skipper Nick Rutledge. In next month’s issue I will update you all on forthcoming events such as Presidents Day and Pixies Fun day, the dates of which will have been set out in the fixtures card. We will also have the first report on results and preview to the next few fixtures. Before signing off we would like to extend an invite to any new or old players interested in playing cricket or getting involved in the club to get in touch. The contacts are Adrian on 07961340312 or Dan on 07759959798 or Tom on 07725632955. Mat Revitt Lenham Surgery Tel: 858341 Mondays to Fridays 8:30am-6:30pm Closed 1-2pm Dispensary 8:30am-6:30pm Closed 12:30-2pm Urgent matters out of hours telephone. 0845 1450121 (6-6.30pm only) IC24. 111 (from 6.30pm) Lenham Gardening Society by Keith Varney O ur members enjoyed a very informative talk by Helen Silk at our March meeting, her talk was about butterflies and wild flowers native to Kent, the talk was superbly illustrated by some wonderful pictures. Our May speaker will be MR G Bareham whose talk is entitled ‘Every Picture Tells a Story’. Hmm sounds interesting? Don’t forget that our June meeting has been put back by one day to Friday 19th. Our speaker will be Steve Bradley from BBC Radio Kent Garden Show. So please make a note in your diary and bring a friend if you like. We have completed our review of members’ wishes concerning outings and the following have been arranged; May 12th Nymans followed by a stopover at Hastings for a dip and Fish & Chips (not included), tickets available from Pat on 859084, will cost £12 if you are a member of the NT, £23 if you are a non-NT member. Non LGS members will be £14 & £25 respectively. Coach leaves Lenham Square at 9.30 sharp. July 21st Secret gardens, tickets available at the May meeting £12 including Cream Tea (£17 non members). Likely start 2.00pm. August 18th Penshurst £18 including cream tea, details to follow. Tickets available at June meeting. As you can see we have arranged some varied and interesting trips for you all, so please support your Society and sign up for them. Happy Gardening Keith Chair LGS Lenham Heritage by Lesley Feakes PAGE 10 Clubs & Soc. @lenhamfocus MAY 2015 V17 E5 S ometime ago someone in the village said “Oh we do not have a History group” amazed I replied “Whatever do you mean, of course we do!” Now we have the newly named Lenham Heritage group covering all aspects of history ancient & modern and all things that should command peoples’ concern with our environment. On 25th March 2015 we had an evening talk from Ross Lane on the ancient footings of two shops found by Canterbury Archaeological Trust under where the ironmongers once stood. It was a very good & interesting talk …but how many people attended? Just 9! Fortunately Ross says he can return next year with an even more detailed account and many of the items found, I just hope people can generate more interest! April 29th there is a HISTORY talk by Bronwen Sadler, (retired chairman of Kent History Fed) on W. Wilberforce and the Slave Trade. I only hope the people of Lenham show enough interest to attend that also! But I now ask you, how many of you are really interested in Lenham? You all make grumblings when proposed housing affects you directly but who is really interested in our history, our heritage, and our unique centre of Kent and the importance of Lenham throughout history? In Dec 2010 I took these photos of the pond area in the snow, the first of which was printed on the front cover of Focus. “Where is that” several people asked me. The woodland is the wet woodland developers propose to destroy for the sake of (hopefully) making money, yet it is a wildlife haven. The Stour was not always called the Stour, it was once the Aeshe (from aescet = ash tree ?) Hence Aeshford was so named and perhaps Lenham was Essetesham, corrupted to East Lenham? Why destroy an enormously beautiful historic piece of our wildlife heritage for the sake of “executive” housing when the area could be improved and enjoyed as a splendid asset to the entire village? Has there been any string pulling? Why did MBC and LVPC not insist on a Watching Brief for the Groom Way development? The known Roman ditch was extremely important and I sincerely thank David Tomlinson of Coombs for allowing us in to investigate. But KCC and archaeologists in Kent could not believe that a Watching Brief was not officially asked for! Kent Downs Trust and other groups are very concerned re any buildings proposed across the pond area. The Roman finds indicate a Roman Bath House somewhere in the vicinity. They can be associated with temples. So where was the temple honouring the river gods …or maybe it’s even more than that; could have been early Christian shrine ….. Glebe Land belongs to the Church …churches were built on springs ….the water of life! Apparently the developers have now bought the land from the family that previously owned it and are all set to go ahead. Even if planning is given I predict that they will struggle to make a profit. Why? Because our findings at Groom Square indicate archaeology is present and the spring of an important river will have Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman sacred features. AND the land is waterlogged! If important archaeology is there, the cost of preserving all the wooden, cloth and basketry items is enormous! Archaeologists get excited but developers get depressed as profit flies out the window! Wetland has no difficulties for building so I am told they just sink piles …oh? And how does one know what the piles are ramming through? Roman pavements? Porticos? Hidden Forthcoming Events 9 May Quiz & Chips Night 16 May Ska Band (Skadekat) 18 May Mixed Darts Competition Bingo: every Tuesday and Sunday Night Quiz Night: first Tuesday of every month New members always welcome, apply to club Members and Guests Only. All events start at 8pm. in mud structures are very difficult to discern, one needs a Karsche jet wash on hand! Careful trenches and surveys are needed before any construction goes ahead. Why destroy this area when there are so many other areas available for housing? I only hope the Gods of the Len Valley Community Hub Club river stir themselves, 12cm of rain on the Downs will soon show where the lake should be and where the water meadows still are, and where houses should not be built! When I took the photos a most unusual wader took off from the swamp and silently flew out across H ello to all our members old and new. It’s wonderful to see so many come and enjoy our afternoons. Please take note we are meeting on Thursday 14/05/2015 at the Social Club 2.00-4.00pm. We are Court meadow. Most unusual flying habit, a Pratincole …the spirit of the Stour and the Temple of Aqua Esse? Lesley Feakes 850275 or email hopefully having a quiz so thinking caps on. The change of day is due to the election on May 07/05/15. June we will be back to the first Thursday in the month. Hope to see you all Thursday 14/05/15. Our thanks to the bar staff. Martin, John, Jenny and Nina Heather’s for men & women Heather’s Chiropody Surgery At The Great British Kitchen, our aim is to cook the best traditional ingredients as simply as possible, letting the quality of the produce and the magnificent view across the Castle’s moat speak for themselves. The Great British Kitchen is open for bookings from 7pm. Free parking is available, please use the Broomfield Road entrance from the A20. 01622 767777 HPC Registered G.C.S.Ch., M.Inst.Ch.P., M.F.S.Ch. 01622 850376 The Brown Barn, Bull Hill, Lenham Heath, Kent, ME17 2JA off the A20. Lenham W.I Report by Gill Simes PAGE 12 MAY 2015 I n my last report I promised to tell you all about our March talk. We were expecting to hear about ‘American Heiresses’, but due to a bit of confusion in communications we actually had a talk about ‘Queen Victoria’s Uncles’, equally fascinating. Judging by the number of illegitimate offspring produced by these royal gentlemen it is surprising that there are not hundreds @lenhamfocus S WE ENE Y TOD D B ARB ER S HOP OAPS BOYS TO 16 MEN £6 £7 £8 MON-FRI WEDNESDAY SATURDAY 9-6 CLOSED 8-3 2 nd SUNDAY 10-1 OF THE MONTH TRADITIONAL & MODERN HAIRSTYLES Clubs & Soc. THE CORNERHOUSE, LENHAM VILLAGE SQUARE V17 E5 07734950329 NOW WITH 3 BARBERS of candidates to take over the throne of England!! It also explains to a certain extent the well documented, strict morality and prudishness of the Victorian reign, a direct contrast to the depravity and debauchery of the previous era. Our April speaker Is Ian Porter on ‘Suffragettes’ and in May we have our A.G.M. Our June Speaker is Paul Beard on ‘Barnardo’s’. Several of our members attended the Annual Council Meeting of West Kent Federation on March 25th.We heard a talk by Julie Summers, the author of ‘Jambusters’, a book about the W.I. during World War Two. This has been dramatised and will be beginning as a major drama series on ITV within the next few weeks called ‘Home Fires’ and produced by the makers of Foyle’s War. The other speaker was Mandy Hickson, the first female Tornado pilot in the R.A.F. Since retirement she has made a career of giving motivational talks and this was truly inspirational and interesting. The current catchphrase for the W.I. is; ‘INSPIRING WOMEN’ and these two ladies were amazing examples of this!! Gill Simes Young At Heart 60+ H i everyone hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the sunshine. I can’t believe it’s May already. 2015 has gone by in a flash. This month we are having a fashion show. The clothes are all from Bonmarche and 2 or 3 of us will be sashaying down the room to show how they look when on. We have done this several times now and it is always a lot of fun. The meeting is on Thursday 21/05/15 at the Community Centre 2.00-4.00pm. We look forward to seeing you there. A big thank you to all who make these afternoons fun and interesting. If you require a lift please phone Jenny on 01622 859208. Martin, Sue, Olive, Jackie, Jenny and Nina Royal British Legion Women’s Section by Enid La Plain T here is no meeting this month but we shall be meeting on the 28th May for our Annual Lunch. Details from Eve on 858478. We are hoping for many members to come and we shall have an excellent afternoon. Enid La Plain Computer Solutions - No Callout Charge Pick up the phone before you pick up the hammer. Data Recovery 1-1 Tuition Internet / Email Setup PC / Laptop Repair Laptop Screen Replacement Wireless Printer + Network Setup Virus Removal Refurbished PC + Laptop Sales 7 Days a week 8am-9pm. No Callout Charge 01622 850462 | Our Dear friend Nobby 1929-2014 AC COMPUTERS Pick up the phone before you pick up the hammer EST 2003 by Richard Powell N orbury Colbran or as we all knew him Nobby was a much loved character within the Lenham Community and his passing leaves a space in the lives of all who knew him. Nobby was involved in many organisations in Lenham but he is probably best known for being a member of the British Legion and Lenham St John’s Ambulance for about 55 years; I had the pleasure of attending his Laurel Leaf award given for over 52 years’ service to St John’s. To honour his memory his friends and family have purchased a six foot oak bench which is going to be placed outside the Osborne Room at the Lenham Community Centre. On Saturday May 16th we are having a service to bless Nobby’s bench, everyone who knew Nobby is welcome at Lenham Community Centre from 4pm with the blessing taking place at quarter past four. Richard Powell Unit Manager-Adults Lenham Division St Johns Ambulance SPARKLES Domestic & Commercial Window Cleaning Pure Hot Water Fed Pole Technology Conservatory Cleaning - Fascia/Cladding Cleaning Solar Panels • Gutter Cleaning System Tel: 07856 110682 Web: The Lenham Neighbourhood Plan PAGE 14 @lenhamfocus MAY 2015 by Neighbourhood Plan Team W hat’s it all about? Since November 2011, local communities have had new powers to have a say in the future of their village by uniting in the preparation of a neighbourhood plan. Lenham Parish Council have been involved in the preparation of such a plan for Lenham, which has now reached its next draft stage. Once a final version has been approved, it can be submitted to Maidstone Borough Council who, provided that more than 50% of the village residents who vote in the referendum have voted to approve it, are legally bound to take note of its contents. Come along on 7th May to the Tithe Barn between 7am and 10pm where you can register your views in a straw poll on the current draft of the plan in order that the parish council can be as sure as is possible that the plan as it currently stands reflects a majority village opinion. Copies of the now published draft plan can be read in the library, the Community Centre, a number of the village shops, and on both the Lenham Parish Council and the SaveLenham websites. What have we been doing? We’ve been working as a HIVE. There have been busy volunteer bees in their hundreds gathering your views on Lenham’s Housing, Infrastructure, the importance of Village Life, and Economy. This huge community effort has also involved five public consultation meetings, an incredible amount of committee meetings and heavy administration. All this has resulted in this current draft plan. Why are we doing all this? Maidstone is our local planning authority, but their 2014 draft plan has not yet been accepted by the planning inspectorate, which has resulted in the large numbers of development applications that have now been submitted. Lenham Parish Council and a large concerned local group are therefore opposing some of the 20 building proposals that have been published in the last year. Our Neighbourhood Plan will enable us to challenge the place, number and quality of new houses. Before we can finalise the plan we need to know your opinions on: EDMED LTD Warming Homes Throughout KentWARMING Since 1917 HOMES THROUGHOUT KENT SINCE 1917 NH Plan Bespoke service professionally managed from design STOVES, to WOOD BURNING completion. SUPPLY ONLY OR INSTALLATION. Chimney Sweeping BESPOKE SERVICE PROFESSIONALLY MANAGED FROM DESIGN TO COMPLETION. CHIMNEY SWEEPING 01622 260515 | 07976 688437 V17 E5 Visit our showroom Newington Ind Est, Newington, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 7NU What areas you think should be protected from development and what type of houses we want built in Lenham. What parking facilities and extra infrastructure is needed to cope with development and how our current and future traffic problems should be addressed. Where are we going? After 7th May we will meet with Maidstone Borough Council to discuss further. Will this Neighbourhood Plan stop development? The answer is not necessarily, because a certain amount of new housing is to be expected but the Plan could stop the destruction of our local landscape and heritage as well as pointing the way for more natural growth, which is the way the village has dealt with development in the past. There are no plans at present for new offices or manufacturing in the village which would create enough new jobs to absorb an enormous increase in the numbers of residents, or for the additional infrastructure to support them. What can you do? Read the new draft plan in one of the venues mentioned above or just come along on Election Day, 7th May, to the outside booth at the Tithe Barn and read it there, discuss it and record your opinions. Neighbourhood Plan Team Date 07/05/15 Where Tithe Barn Thursday 7th May Election day by Peter Bailey ”In a democracy, every citizen should have the right to vote.” The diary:Monday 31 March, dissolution of Parliament Our MP, Hugh, will not be standing for re-election. Our UKIP Borough Councilor, Eddie, stands for parliament in Maidstone. Lenham Parish Council Chairman, along with 2 long standing councilors, will not be standing for election. Security and Electrical Services So, what are our alternatives? l Alarm systems l CCTV l PAT testing l Fire alarms l Automated gates l Video/audio entry systems l Existing systems maintained & repaired l All electrical work undertaken l Domestic & Commercial installations At Parish Council level, to encourage some keen and energetic people to stand for election. LPC requires 13 representatives and in recent years not one has been elected by common vote due to lack of volunteers. If more than 13 candidates stand then we are able to vote in the election in May? on es ti in s For those who believe in democracy it, surely, is a time to participate! Bu Quite clearly this is a time for our community to say what it wants in the clearest possible way, in the ballot box! EY MEMBER At Borough Council level, we will miss the energy, enthusiasm and hard work of Eddie, irrespective of our politics. We are now required to vote for the person best suited to represent our community? At National level, with a huge Conservative majority in the constituency, we have been presented with an Oxford graduate/ Management Consultant with absolutely no knowledge of the area as a substitute for Sir Hugh!!! We have to make our opinions very clear! V AM A LL LE N H l Part P certified l Free quotes l Fully insured l 24 hr Call out s Assoc ia Cybereye Security Marcus Shephard 01622 858 612 or 07821 776 334 L����� V������ S���� Lottery • Tobacco • Off-Licence • Groceries For a warm welcome come and see us at the square! Mon - Thurs 8am - 6 pm Fri & Sat 8am - 9pm Sunday 10am - 6pm COMPUTING FOR BEGINNERS One to One Computer and iPad Training in your own home. Also Computer, iPad and Printer Setup Contact Lynn for more details 01622 745654 Maureen’s Florist by Jim Myers PAGE 16 Maureen’s Flor.. @lenhamfocus MAY 2015 V17 E5 M aureen’s Florist, run by Maureen and James Bell, has been brightening our high street since 1997. In addition to flowers the shop provides a very handy dry cleaning, laundry and shoe repair agency. Maureen and James had previously operated one-half of the shop, which was originally run by Carol Wickham as a haberdashery and wool shop. Maureen ran their business initially alone, and James joined her in 2000 when he retired from his job in the transport/delivery industry. Maureen describes her affinity with flowers: ‘I started my working life as a BT telephonist, but always loved flowers, so I retrained in my 30s to be a florist. I have worked in several very busy town centre shops, but prefer being in Lenham with its friendly atmosphere, getting to know our customers, supplying flowers for their family weddings, births, anniversaries, etc., and also the sadder occasions when a loved one dies, and flowers are the last gift given as a tribute. As well as normal sprays and wreaths, we are sometimes asked to make personalised floral tributes like cars, dominoes and football shirts. We’ve even made a copy of the ‘Red Lion’ sign and several pints of beer for the pub when they lose a favourite customer. My favourite flowers are freesia and roses, mainly for the perfume.’ Maureen’s connection with Lenham commerce goes back to the days when her father owned the Corner House at the end of the Limes and ran a greengrocery there for many years, taking over from Mrs Bellamy. Maureen and James were married in 1970 at St Mary’s Church. Their reception was held in the old Village Hall (and was catered by the Red Lion). In addition to running the shop, Maureen and James have family responsibilities as well. Their twin sons have two daughters each and live locally, which makes it easy to call on the grandparents for baby-sitting! Oh yes, we must mention the real star of the shop – Sophie, the chocolate coloured Paul Grant Roofing Contractors All aspects of roofing work undertaken. Listed Building Specialist Strip / Re-tile / Kent Peg / Slating / Leadwork 35 years experience All work fully guaranteed For a free quotation and friendly advice on any roofing matter. Office: 01622 850855 Mobile: 07850740637 Card payments accepted Labrador. People come in just to pay their respects and often bring offerings of food or bones to please her. Len Valley Churches Service Times Saturday 2nd May 8.30am Dog & Bear, Lenham: Ladies Breakfast Sunday 3rd May 9.30am Lenham: Breakfast service 9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Holy Communion (Prayer Book) 10.45am Ulcombe: Family Worship 11.00am Lenham: Holy Communion 3.30pm Harrietsham: Growing in Faith Together (GIFT Family Worship) Domestic Cleaning We clean so you don’t have to! Competitive Pricing Fully Insured Reliable Professional Trustworthy Available to do: Household Cleans End of Tenancy Cleans New Builds Office: Hollingbourne, Maidstone, Kent 01622 880028 Saturday 9th May 4.00pm Messy Church – UlcombeChurch Sunday 10th May 8.00am 9.30am 9.30am 10.45am 11.00am 6.30pm Lenham: Holy Communion (Prayer Book) Lenham:Breakfast Service Harrietsham: Holy Communion Ulcombe: Holy Communion Lenham: Morning Worship Boughton Malherbe: Evensong Family Breakfast Service SHORT INFORMAL SERVICE SUNDAYS AT 9.30am St Mary’s Church, Lenham FOR EVERYONE! WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU! Sunday 17th May 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 10.45am 11.00am 3.00pm Lenham: Breakfast Service Harrietsham: Morning Worship Boughton Malherbe: Holy Communion Ulcombe: Morning Worship Lenham: Holy Communion Lenham: Rose Service Sunday 24th May 8.00am 9.30am 9.30am 10.45am 11.00am Lenham: Holy Communion (Prayer Book) Harrietsham: Holy Communion Boughton Malherbe: Family Worship Ulcombe: Holy Communion Lenham: Family Worship Saturday 30th May 8.00am Dog & Bear, Lenham: Men’s breakfast Saturday 30th May 5.00pm Harrietsham: Prayer and Praise Sunday 31st May Are you concerned about your local area? MAY 2015 YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU! Reduction in Local Government funding may see services you take for granted reduced in the future. Your Town or Parish Council could step in and fill the void in your community – to do this it will need your skills & enthusiasm Do you want to represent the views of local people? Do you want to contribute your business or personal skills and expertise? Are you passionate about services provided to your community? Become a Local Councillor: Make a difference 10.00am Joint Len Valley Churches Services at All Saints, Ulcombe Elections for Town & Parish Councils will be held in May 2015 If you would like to make a difference and be involved in shaping the future of the local community, why not stand for election? Produced by Kent, Sussex & Surrey Associations of Local Councils CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COUNCIL ON… Margo McFarlane (Clerk) 01622 859682 uk For more information Weekly & Regular Events PAGE 18 MAY 2015 Daily Activate Fitness Facilites Activate Sports Swadelands Monday St Johns Ambulance St Johns Hall, Ham Lane Badminton (Feathers) Bell Ring Monday Music Mayhem Parent & Toddlers Group Harr & Lenham Cubs Lenham Badminton Club Lenham Youth Club H/sham&Lenham Beavers St Johns Ambulance Lenham Youth Club Pilates classes Community Centre St Mary’s Church Community Centre Community Centre (8-11 years) Community Centre Swadelands Ham Lane Harrietsham Scout Hut Cadets (10-18) Swadelands Ham Lane Community Centre Messy Mums Babies + Toddlers Line Dancing LenARA Brownies 2nd Lenham Pilates classes Line Dancing Redbacks Explorer Scouts Guides 1st Lenham H/sham&Lenham Scouts Judo Club Lenham Youth Club St Mary’s Church Community Centre Lenham Primary Sch Community Centre St Edmunds Platts Hth Kingswood Scout Hut Community Centre Harrietsham Scout Hut Community Centre Swadelands Ham Lane Activate Sports Hall Swadelands Harrietsham Primary School St Mary’s Church see separate church services page 8am-5pm 9.30-11.30am 10.00-12.00noon Sunday Activate Fitness Facilites French Books for Children Tea/Coffee/Cakes Sunday Schools 2nd Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 1st Tuesday 1st Wednesday 4th Wednesday Last Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Thursday 3rd Thursday Last Saturday 2nd Sunday Derby & Joan Royal British Legion Lenham Valley Parish Council Meeting LenARA (active retired) Archaeology Club Reading Group Women’s Institute Lenham Gardening Soc. Len&Har. Disability Grp Lenham Country Market Lenham House Lenham Social Club Business Association Community Centre Community Centre Community Centre Lenham Library Community Centre Community Centre Lenham House The Village Square 2.00pm 8pm 6-8pm 7.30pm 2pm 7.30pm 4.45-5.45pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 10.30am 9-1.00pm Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Primose @lenhamfocus Friday Saturday Primrose Pages Accounting & Business Services Alarm Systems Architectural Services Barbers Builders/decorators Businss Consultant Butchers/Meat V17 E5 7am-8.30am & 5pm-9pm 4.30-6.00pm 7.00-9.15pm 8-10.00pm 7:30pm 10-11am 9.30-11.30am 6.30-8pm 8pm 7.00-9.30pm 6.00-8.00pm 7.00-9.30pm 7.00pm-8.00pm 8.30-9.30pm 10.30-12 Term 7.30-9.00pm 6.15-7.45pm 11.30-12.30pm 8pm 7.15-9.15pm 7.00-9.00pm 7.30-9.30pm 5.30-8.30pm 7.30-10.00pm Stonebridge Associates Cybereye Security Kent Design Studio Sweeney Todd Andy and Paul Apollo Elwood (Painter/decorators) KRS Building/decorating SR Interiors (painters/decorators) Stuttle Dyer (painters/decorators) Nick Posener G B Lister Snoad Farm 851542 858612 01580 230413 07734950329 850437 07808414965 01634308933 851126 737225 01233 840004 851931 858220 01795890700 Cafés Carpentry Carpets/Flooring Caterers Catteries Charted Surveyor Childminder Chimney Sweep Chip Shop Chiropody Cleaning/Housekeeping Computer Services Dance Electricians/Gas fitters Estate Agents Fitness Funeral Directors Gardeners Garages Grocers Hairdressers Hall Hire Handbags and Jewellery Landscaping Lawnmower Repairs Locksmiths Logs Martial Arts Newsagents Osteopathy Parish Council Pest Control Pharmacy Plumbers Pool Services Pubs Restaurant Roofing Schools Solicitors Taxi Tree Surgeons TV Aerials Veterinary Surgery Will Services Window Cleaning Lilypie Café Carpentry and General Building P Humpries Carpets direct Beaubray Caterers Organic Spirit Little Dene Boarding Cattery Inkstand cattery James Collett Debbie Brett Beth Pierson-Smith Invicta Chimney Sweep Chequers Fish Bar Heathers Chiropody Surgery Amy McLaughlin Phynix Domestic cleaning A.C. Computers Harrietsham Computers Lynn MS Computer services Lenham Ballet School GDC School of Dancing AD Pink Electrics Barrie Weston Contractor Electrical Solutions MGI Electrical Philip Jarvis Activate Body and Soul A W Court Just a Mow Mower Repairs Belmont Gardens Gowers Garage Lenham Village Store Phase Hairdressing Smarty’s Lenham Comm Centre Charing Heath Hall Immyblingy Ireland Landscapes Maidstone Landscapes and Paving Mowtastic A Short Seasoned Logs Tai Chi Len Valley news Graham Yates Bsc Ost (Hons) Lenham Parish Council A D Pink Pest Purge Saxon Warrior All Fix Plumbing Epic Plumbimg Pure Plumbing J W Engineering Services The White Horse Lenham Social Club Leeds Castle Carter Roofing R and D Roofing Paul Grant Roofing Lorenden Thornloe and Co. Arshed Mahmood Gez Clark Ambilly Tree Surgeons R & P TV Aerial services Harrietsham Vets Maidstone Wills and trusts Sparkles 01622 844590 850364 858719 01233714999 763269 434347 858510 859469 850608 01233714247 07809 249176 01622 632641 859878 850376 07813030527 880028 850462 859442 745654 859969 850329 850800 884774 01233712663 858794 850055 858241 853750 850840 859940 07989333145 01795 590243 858210 858255 850001 851150 853800 01233 713317 298129 844605 851222 07989 333145 07738658751 07733328715 07734108683 858262 01304379954 01622 859682 884774 842481 858287 851186 210298 769722 851713 859511 858890 767777 01795886084 858291 850855 01795590030 859416 07770725129 07784447200 859113 631717 858666 01580 292320 07856 110682 General/Social Numbers PAGE 20 Primrose @lenhamfocus MAY 2015 V17 E5 Badgers (St Johns Ambulance) Badminton Bowling Club Brownies (2nd Lenham) Drama Gardening Society Guides (1st Lenham) Lenham Badminton Club Lenham Heritage Lenham Nursery School Lenham Players Lenham Wanderers Lenham Social Club Harrietsham & Lenham Beavers Harrietsham and Lenham Scouts Harrietsham and Lenham Cubs Mother’s Union Pilates Classes Redback Explorer Scouts Royal British Legion St John Ambulance Women’s Institute St Edmunds Platts Heath Country Ways Quilters and stitchers Lenham Valley Business Association Mrs Manley Linda Bird Lyn Fuller Andrea French Gail Kelly Keith Varney Mrs J Thomsett Mrs Pat Abson Lesley Feakes Ami Rathmill Janet Moll Steve Campbell Club Events Duncan Keenan Nick Still Mrs A Seales Mrs J Thomsett Vivien Elcomb Mark Horlock Mr W Peter Mrs Bond Mrs C Toner Karen Yardley Jan Haines Alan Reading 01622 842603 01233 756762 01622 851538 01622 851646 01622 850671 01622 850228 01622 859009 01622 858561 01622 850275 07967 128056 01622 850747 01622 851022 01622 858890 07768 926654 01622 859789 01622 859829 01622 859009 01622 853887 07789 226516 01622 850520 01622 205452 01622 850048 01622 858208 01233 714699 01622 820841 Borough Councillors: Eddie Powell Janetta Sams (Roads, Pavements) 07885 813523 07891901831 / 859412 03000 418181 01622 602117 01732 847572 0800 776600 01622 842257 01622 859733 01622 679709 01622 853800 (am) 01622 858581 (pm) 01233 713317 01622 858341/859204 111 01622 851616 01622 859682 07772 226097 07870 252317 07977 981993 858195 297296 850604 Kent Highway Services Dog Warden Cat Protection Drugs Helpline Heaths Countryside Corridor Lenham Enhancement Ass. Lenham Country Market Lenham Community Centre Lenham Heath Parish Hall LenValley Practice Non-Emergency NHS Care Member of Parliament Parish Council Clerk Parish Police PCSO Police Constable Rural Community Warden Vicar Lost and Found FREE CALL Ruth Lovering Brian Llong Kevin Fitzsimons Margaret Mitchell Sharon Reed Doctors Surgery NHS Hugh Robertson MP Margo McFarlane Dave Rowley Brian Waghorne Martin Sherwood Rev Dr Dick Venn Rev Millie Hart Church Office Curtains to Corsets Curtains to corsets and almost anything else in between! Whether it's general alterations,soft furnishings, a sturdy shopping bag, saucy apron or even a coat for your discerning pooch. + + + + + + Residential Extensions Loft & Garage Conversions Self Build Projects Residential Housing Developments Building Refurbishment CAD Drafting + Code for Sustainable Homes + SAP Assessments + CALL OR EMAIL FOR A QUOTE OR A FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION + TEL: 01580 230 413 + EMAIL: Call Samantha on 07541 000969 for a chat or email Events at the Habit Hollingbourne Village Fete Saturday 13th June Come and see us at the Hollingbourne village fete, bar open all day and hog roast in the evening. Father’s Day Sunday 21st June Book early to avoid disappointment. 10/05/15 & 14/06/15 T H E D I R T Y H A B I T Upper Street, Hollingbourne, Kent ME17 1UW 01622 880 880 All this from one plumber! Bathroom Installations Drains & toilets serviced General domestic plumbing Leaking pipes Replacement taps Kitchen installations Repairs and installation Power Flushing Tiling Painting Decorating Odd jobs No job too small Fully insured FREE quotes No call out cost and friendly professional advice T: 01622 851186 M: 0791 438 0521 Christian message May by Helen Venn PAGE 22 MAY 2015 W ho do you follow on Twitter?Which football team do you support? Poldark, Wolf Hall or Game of Thrones? The Killing or The Bridge? Being a follower means being a fan. Wanting to know more, be part of the fan club. Being a follower implies a journey. Moving from A to B. It also implies change; new ways of thinking and doing. Peter was one of the first followers of Jesus. Jesus said to Andrew ‘Come and see’ and to Philip ‘Follow me.’ The first thing he said to Peter was ‘You’re a rock’ And the last thing he said was ‘Follow me.’ Perhaps Peter thought, “It’s not the same any more now that Jesus isn’t here in the flesh,”and “How can I follow someone I can’t see any longer?” Could one way be by remembering what he did and said, how he behaved and then modelling his life on that? Yes, but even more, by knowing the spirit of Jesus was present with him for the rest of his life. How can we follow someone we’ve never seen or met? Well, I might follow someone on Twitter who I’ve never met but that doesn’t stop me feeling I @lenhamfocus St Mary’s Church Flowers and Brass cleaning Church Flower and Brasscleaning Rota for May May 2nd/9th Mrs Porter and Mrs Barr May 16th/23rd Mrs Perks and Mrs La Plein May 24th Whitsunday May 30th/ June 6 Mrs Jones Brasscleaning for May Mrs Hopkins Thank you to all those who generously helped make the Church look so attractive for Easter. Sue Greenwood Len Valley Rose Service Church E V17 E5 ach year the Len Valley Churches hold a service to remember all of those who have died in the previous years and whose funeral services we have been privileged to take part in. This year the service will be at Lenham on May 17th at 3pm. We hold a short service with space to reflect on your loved one, to light a candle and place a rose. There are some simple prayers and words of comfort. Please feel free to join us whether your service was led by a minister from the Len Valley churches or not. The service is open to all. know them because I know their opinions, their comments, their passions. By reading what they say. How can we be followers of Jesus, nearly 2000 years after his death? Simple. By reading one of the accounts of his life. Start with Mark, one of the shortest and simplest. But even more than that, I’d say I’ve ‘seen’ and ‘met’ Jesus through reading the Bible, meeting people who are like him, and in prayer. Someone once said, “Following Jesus is all we do.” I rather like that! Does that make being a follower of Jesus, being a Christian, seem easy or hard? Very simple and at the same time very profound I’d say. But definitely worth giving it a go! Coffee and Cake at St Mary’s I s this the best kept secret in Lenham? Coffee and home made cake is served with a smile every Saturday morning from 10.00 to 12.00. Drop in for a chat; meet up with old friends or make new ones. Len Valley Churches Ladies’ Breakfast J oin us at The Dog and Bear, Lenham on Saturday May 2nd at 8.30 am. A chance to enjoy a cooked or continental breakfast, meet new friends and listen to an inspiring speaker. This month it will be Sarah Montgomery, a doctor who has worked abroad in many different countries, teaching family medicine and working in refugee camps. She has just reurned from Burkino Faso and India. To book your place please ring or email the church office on 850604 or churchoffice@lvb. Got an article or story that you’d like published? Email us at editorialslf@ Tai Chi Tai Chi Suitable for all ages, adaptable for most abilities. Suitable for all ages “Mentally and physically grounding. Adaptable for most abilities. The perfect antidote to the pace set by theand digital world” groundin “Mentally physically The perfect antidote centre to Lenham community theTuesdays pace set by the digital world” 5:30-6:30pm Classes starting in Lenham Starting 17th February 2015 For more information For more information Call Theresa : 07734108683 Contact Theresa 07734108683 ia MAIDS in es s Assoc Four of the Best . . . on You’re Invited ti on ti s Assoc H s s es Bu Bu in EY You’re Invited SOUT VA NE TO AM LL LE N H ia . . . invite you to a business networking meeting 27 May 2015 17:45 for 1800hrs until 20.00 hrs The Weald of Kent Golf Club Maidstone Road, Headcorn, Kent TN27 9PT Award winning business coach and #1 ranking author Andrew Priestley will present ‘Eight strategies to increase revenues and profits’. If your business could perform a lot better in the future then this will be an invaluable presentation. Andrew has performed hundreds of business strategies since 2008 and has a clear insight into why small to medium sized businesses under-perform and stall ... and importantly why they grow. You will find this fascinating as well as practical for your business. Andrew is a much sought after business speaker and not to be missed. You need not be a member of any of the business associations listed. To reserve your seat for this meeting which will include an opportunity to meet new people in your area please telephone your business association or 01622 820841. Further information is available from the related websites for Charing Business Association; Lenham Valley Business Association; Marden Business Forum and South Maidstone Business Association. Don’t miss it! Event organiser and presenter Alan Reading of Custom Marketing Resources 01622 820841 or 07802 820841 Bluebell Walk Sunday 3rd May 2015 PAGE 24 @lenhamfocus MAY 2015 T he Heart of Kent Hospice invites you to join its new circular 6 mile route through the beautiful heart of Kent’s countryside when the bluebells are at their finest. The walk starts at Harrietsham Village Hall, ME17 1LE and is a perfect day out for all the family (including dogs!). At the end of the walk you will have an opportunity to visit our legendary cake stall and our new Heart of Kent Farmers Market where you can treat yourself to local produce from exceptional Kent suppliers. Hungry walkers will also be able to enjoy a reasonably priced hog roast prepared on the day by our own catering team. Registration opens at 8.30 a.m. on the day of the walk but advance booking is recommended to save time on the day. Please note that the latest start time is 11.00 a.m. Ample free parking. No minimum sponsorship. Entry is £10.00 per adult £3.00 per child £25.00 per family of two adults and 3 children. For further information or to book your place please contact fundraising on 01622 790195, visit our website or e-mail HOKH Summer Recital V17 E5 In the Tithe Barn Lenham Saturday 20th June 2015 perform for us again this year. Yuki has played numerous concerts both in this country and others, and is widely acclaimed as being an artist of rare poetry, intensity and virtuosity. The children will perform at the start of the show and this will be followed by Yuki’s recital. The evening will start with a champagne and canapé reception. W She will be accompanying some of the children of Lenham Primary School who are rehearsing with their music teacher, Sam Diplock. Tickets will be available from Valerie Woollven 01622 850624 e are very pleased to tell you that Miss Yuki Negishi, the international pianist, has very kindly agreed to Lenham Wanderers by Mike Kingsman O What a unique season this is turning out to be for LENHAM WANDERERS TWO SENIOR SIDES, with both teams winning their respective Finals of the M&D Challenge Cup. The 1st Team took on fellow Premier Division LEEDS S.V. side and won with goals from JOE SMITH 2, HARRY JUDGE 1 & 1 from JOSH Story Time by Karen Gambrell W ould you like to share more stories with your children? Storytime is on every Monday afternoon, 2.15pm-2.45pm, in the children’s corner at Lenham Library. Following a recent re-launch Storytime is now run by the parents for all children, birth to pre-school, in Lenham and the surrounding villages. It remains free of charge. We would love to see you for half an hour of stories and nursery rhymes very soon. Why not take advantage and borrow some more stories to take home from the library’s excellent collection? Bookstart bear and the team look forward to meeting you! Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), Wills, prepaid funeral plans We come to you – ask for a free no obligation quote LPAs: These are essential – everyone should have one. If someone loses capacity the partner has to apply to the Court to manage things but it can take ages and cost £’000s. All this could be avoided with a LPA. Wills: Everyone needs one. It’ll take just 40 minutes of your time and we do the rest – why not include a Property Trust to help protect the value of your home? Prepaid funeral plans: “lock in” at today’s prices & will cover the funeral cost whenever it’s needed. Guaranteed acceptance. The most competitively priced plan available and the only one endorsed by the National Federation of Funeral Directors Maidstone Wills & Trusts Freephone 0800 612 7459 Low cost. Fully insured. Work underwritten by our legal team. Email: WALKER, giving them victory in a very exciting Final. The RESERVES, not to be out done by the 1st Team, beat DITTON MINORS by 2 goals to 1, the goals coming from Captain STUART WILSON + 1 OWN GOAL. The RESERVES followed up their success of last Season when they beat THE EARLY BIRD in the BENEVOLENT CUP FINAL. Lenham Wanderers Football Club is holding its Youth Teams Presentation day on Saturday 13th June at the William Pitt Field starting at midday. There will be games and plenty of fun for the younger children to join in and at 4pm the club will present the children from the teams of the Youth Development, U9’s and U10’s with trophies for all their hard work and commitment throughout the season. Please note the clubs AGM is on the 8th June at Lenham Social Club starting at 8pm. Everyone is welcome and it is a good opportunity for you to have you say about how our football club is run. Tempest Healthcare (Osteopath based in Lenham) PAGE 26 MAY 2015 T empest Healthcare is set in a stunning 14th century Georgian building in the heart of Lenham square. Clinic Owner Chris Tempest is excited to begin his new venture in the historic village, in a fully restored 14th century property. Practicing in osteopathic medicine but treating more than just your typical back pain! To include IBS, headaches, arthritic pain, sciatica, general aches and stiffness and much more…essentially helping the body revive itself! Chris Tempest practises across Kent & East Sussex & has chosen to set up a practice in Lenham following a recent relocation to the area. Lenham’s country life village community made it an easy choice when looking for new premises. He provides a variety of treatment styles (Cranial, Visceral & Structural Osteopathy) to suit a range of patients from newborns to the elderly… The building has been painstakingly restored keeping alive much of its character. The original features help provide the wow factor on arriving at Tempest Healthcare with its grand presence within the square. Inside, the abundance of architectural features are vast including a large brick open fire place, sash windows & impressive ceiling heights all original 14th century. The practice welcomes all new patients with a free impartial spinal health check, with opening times set to suit the busy lives we all lead with appointments start from early am to late pm & weekends… for more info visit www. or call 07749980096 or find us on Facebook. Midsummer Music @lenhamfocus Lenham Church Open Day Saturday July 18th 10am to 4.30pm Don’t miss this! St Mary’s is having a power-packed community day on July 18th! There are masses of activities for children and adults including: • • • • • • Music throughout the day Bell Ringing Art/Crafts/Flower arranging History Trails for children and adults Bouncy Castle Beat the Goalie Shops, clubs, societies and businesses are being showcased inside the church. Enjoy delicious home- cooked food and refreshments throughout the day - coffee & cake, ploughman's lunch, tea and scones. Come and see this beautiful ancient church, the historic and Tempest modern core of Lenham’s life on July 18! You will enjoy it! V17 E5 Maidstone United Reformed Church, Week Street. Wednesdays from 3rd June to 29th July. Church opens from 12.30p.m. and music begins at 1.00p.m. 3rd June BEL CANTO – Brian White - bassbaritone & Kathryn Norman soprano 10th June THE TAMARISK STRING QUARTET rags & tangos by Joplin, Gershwin et al 17th June MARTIN HINDMARSH - tenor & JENNIFER WESTWOOD - mezzo soprano 24th June MAIDSTONE GRAMMAR SCHOOL 1st July FRIDAY’S MUSIC – recorder consort 8th July BRYAN GIPPS and RICHARD KEMP pianoforte duo 15th July MAIDSTONE GIRLS’ GRAMMAR SCHOOL 22nd July LAURENCE LONG - pianoforte 29th July JAYMEE COONJOBEEHARRY - flute & EDMUND WHITEHEAD - pianoforte Admission free & coffee is available. Retiring collection to be shared between Maidstone URC and Hi Kent OSTEOPATH Pest Control Services WASPS RATS MICE Helping relieve symptoms of: Back,Hip & Neck Pain Arthritis Sciatica Frozen shoulder Headaches Fibromyalgia & More… ! ! Same Day Service Contact A. Pink 01622 884774 07761559744 MR C. R. TEMPEST D.O. M.Ost. GOsC Registered Osteopath Late appointments available & Free parking No.8 The Square,Lenham, ME17 2PQ 07749 980096 Welcome to LENHAM PARISH COUNCIL Meetings are held at the Lenham Community Centre at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Parish Council first Wednesday of the month (except September) Planning Committee first Monday of the month (except Bank Holiday) Planning Committee third Wednesday of the month followed by Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. For more details contact the Parish Clerk 01622 859682 (during office hours) Book now for a delicious Vintage Tea 12.95 £15 pp or £ pp with fizz Come and enjoy a delicious selection of handmade cakes, scones and finger sandwiches, washed down with a pot of piping hot tea and served on our gorgeous vintage crockery! Booking Essential. Gift Vouchers available. CALL NOW TO BOOK 01622 844590 Lilypie Café, Georgian House, Warmlake Road, Chart Sutton, Maidstone, Kent ME17 3RP LilypieCafe @lilypiecafe Thank You Local Job in Charing Heath PAGE 28 MAY 2015 T I have a small business producing party dresses for girls aged 1 to 14 years for a shop in central London. I am looking for someone who can sew well to work on a very part time basis. If you are interested please contact Louise Hamlin-Wright on 01233 712868. Beauty Nails Contact Ping @lenhamfocus 07460 393777 by Appointment Parties welcome Cash only Lenham, Maidstone, Kent Beauty Nails Acrylic Tips Full Set In-fill French Manicure Single Nail Tip Take off & Full Set Take off Acrylic £23 £15 £13 £3 £28 £10 Pedicures will take off all hard skin on your heels and help to fix ingrowing toe nails. Overlay Full Set Manicure Pedicure Manicure & Pedicure Polish Change Nail Repairs £23 £10 £20 £30 £6 £2 each Shellac File & Paints File & Paint White Tips Manicure & Shellac Pedicure & Shellac Acrylic Fullset Acrylic Infuse Take off Fullset Take off Thank You Got an article or story that you’d like published? V17 E5 Email us at £20 £20 £25 £32 £33 £25 £40 £5 each he weather stayed fine and the volunteers who joined the Lenham Parish Council annual spring clean numbered forty four, ranging in ages from three to eighty three. It was a pleasure to welcome new faces to the regular team of village stalwarts who support the event and busy themselves improving the environment for parishioners to enjoy. A large area was covered including Sandway and Platts Heath along with Hubbards Hill and Warren Street. Maidstone Borough Council are very supportive of our clean-up campaign, they very helpfully deliver all the bags, gloves, high viz jackets and litter pickers to my home address and pick them up after the event, this year the very helpful chaps loaded the delivery straight into my car for me! It is a great shame that the William Pitt Field is particularly badly littered by regular users of the facilities, at least three large black sacks, as well as an abandoned tent were collected on the day. As always our local farmers used their open back vehicles to collect the debris from around the parish and deliver to the collection point outside the WCs in Maidstone Road, awaiting collection by MBC. There was fifty plus black bags and assorted road signs and car parts to be picked up. Lenham Enhancement Association volunteers led a team of willing helpers to clear the Ham Lane and A20 areas, which due to inconsiderate lorry drivers were particularly littered. The Sams and Mills families are regular attendees and their offspring always willingly join in a special mention to Robert and Daniel along with Sophie and Hannah. This year a new family came along and offered their support, welcome to the Coulling family, and thank you William and Annabelle for bringing mummy and daddy along with you, they were quite useful! The week-end before saw the team of volunteers cut back and tidy up the church yard, another regular event which helps to keep the village looking clean and tidy. So thank you to everyone who joined the spring clean your efforts are much appreciated, see you next year. Margo McFarlane Parish Clerk Lenham Family Festival 11th – 14th June. Laugh.Play.Sing.Dance … a celebration of fun for all the family. Come and join us, there is so much to see and do. W e want to ensure that your time with us is as enjoyable as possible for the whole family and at the same time raise much needed money for our chosen charities Alzheimer’s Society, Cancer Research UK and Demelza Hospice Care. Below is our current programme of events. A final event line up will follow in the June Focus edition, in leaflet form and on the website Event Schedule Thursday 11th Social Club: entertainment from Swadelands School for the Community Hub from 2pm to 4pm. Friday 12th Social Club: a musical mystery evening. Tithe Barn: we are finalising details for an event to take place within this historical and beautiful barn. Saturday 13th Fun Day at Lenham Community Centre from 12 noon till 9pm. Outside main stage The Invicta Ukulele Club - Ukulele and banjo music for all tastes Dirk Wickenden – Award-winning saxophonist SamsandSon - Our local favourites For the Kicks - A lively alternative rock band Nathan Hood - A vocal talent not to be missed Johanna Coulson - Singer and ukulele player extraordinaire Renegade - A young and upcoming rock/metal band Students from Creative Arts Academy (CAA) - Pure quality for your ears Blackshot 21 - Our headliners from 2014 are back! Inside the Community Centre Fred Thurnham - light organ music Charlie Hewish – junior magician Music Mayhem with Steph – music and entertainment for babies and toddlers Baby and Toddler group – arts and crafts GDC Dancing School Vivien Lawrence’s Ballet School The WI will provide delicious cakes, tea & coffee whilst you relax and enjoy the performances in the main hall. Outside the Community Centre Bouncy castles and fairground games. Various stalls including: The 60+ club (darts), Age Concern (bowl a pig), Guides (tombola), Pick a straw, Alpaca woollen products, Messy Church, Gardening Society, Kent Crafts, Greetings Cards and many more. and pianist John Summerfield will be giving a charity concert ‘Songs from the shows’ at 8pm at St. Mary’s church, Lenham. All venues are free of charge, donation to charities only. All contributors will be performing free of charge and funds raised will be donated to this year’s chosen charities: Cancer Research UK, Demelza Hospice Care for Children and The Alzheimer’s Society. There are no parking facilities (apart from disabled parking) on the Community Centre site in order to make the environment as childfriendly as possible. Please do not bring your car if you are within walking distance. Where is the Festival? Lenham Social Club, High Street ME17 2QB There will also be a selection of food stalls, including Guy the Butcher with Scouts providing a BBQ, White Horse at Sandway Hog Roast, Lenara Cakes, Sweets & Candy Floss, Ice Cream, Sandwiches. Lenham Social Club will be supplying a bar and, our very own town crier Gez Clark will be on the mic introducing acts throughout the day. Tithe Barn, Entrance from the High Street ME17 2QB Sunday 14th June The Square: Sixpenny Piece will play an acoustic mix of diverse styles with a rocky, folky heart during the Lenham Market. White Horse at Sandway, Lenham Heath Road ME17 2HY In addition on Saturday 20th June Hungarian soprano Andrea Turner Lenham Community Centre, Groom Way ME17 2QT Lenham Square/Lenham Market ME17 2PG St Mary’s Church,Church Square ME17 2PJ Stalls, acts and venues subject to change at committee’s discretion. We look forward to seeing you there. Lenham Festival Organising Group Prize Crossword ACROSS PAGE 30 Crossword @lenhamfocus MAY 2015 V17 E5 1. Lock keeper? (7) 5. They may well be under 1ac! (7) 9. War gone? Rest in. It changed for the following decade. (7,8) 10. A fruity woman. (5) 11. Open up once more on musical note. (9) 12. Submitting accounts of a play’s performance. (9) 14. Beta minus! How cute! (5) 15. Evidence of assessment. (5) 16. Boat round sides. This sort maybe. (9) 18. Reveller was once at sea, by the sound of it.(9) 21. Go on holiday. (5) 22. Perfect advice to a farmer whose straw is scattered. (5,2,2,1,5) 23. What an intellectual removes from his breakfast food before eating? (7) 24. Statement of the truth, somewhat pompously. (7) DOWN 1. Bear a grudge maybe for support held up by time. (7) 2. Roman clothing put on when eating? (7,8) 3. Quieter? Yes, and silent! (9) 4. Animal I greet lacking energy, for a change. (5) 5. Ow! Once gut digested this! (3,6) 6. Wander with topless fruit. (5) 7. She went for a Burton. (9,6) 8. Stops holding empty agreement processes. (7) 13. Protected yet detached. (9) 14. A heavyweight buzzer. (6,3) 15. Blow me! A change can be cut. (7) 17. Sounds like many but it just describes a membrane. (7) 19. Viewpoint measured by mathematician. (5) 20. Red, Spanish and on the bottle! (5) Last months Crossword solution. Last months winner: Toni Scrivener of Lenham Scarves • Silver Jewellery • Purses • Hair Accessories • Fashion Bags • Costume Jewellery • Occasion Bags • Fascinators The Red Lion - Lenham 01622 858531 Immyblingy A Traditional 14th Century Inn located in the Medieval Village of Lenham Home Cooked food served daily. Mon-Fri 12-2:30pm & 6-9pm Sat & Sun 12-9pm including bank holidays Senior Citizens Specials Hot Stone Dining Experience Traditional Log Fires Cask Marque Awarded Real Ales Function Room Available Monthly Quiz & Theme Nights Mobile Bars & Catering service available for hire bringing glamour to Lenham MON-SAT 9:30-5 Open Market Sundays Ofsted Registered Childminder based in Honywood Road, Lenham PACEY member. Very flexible hours. Free for 3 and 4 year old funding now available Please contact Beth on 07809 249176 / 01622 297499 50t%visit OFF firs Hair Advertise here for £13 per month. Email: 01622 298129 Nails Manicures & Pedicures OPI & Gellux Beauty Cut, Colour & Foils Facials, Massages, Waxing & more... Tanning Booth Gift Vouchers, Pamper Packages, theannexehairandbeautysalon Hen & Birthday Parties @At_The_Annexe 01622 842846 The Annexe, Georgian House, Warmlake Road, Chart Sutton, Maidstone, Kent ME17 3RP The New Lenham Focus by FALCON PAGE 32 New Focus @lenhamfocus MAY 2015 V17 E5 T he Focus has been roughly the same for the past 18 months. We felt that we wanted to freshen up the magazine yet still retain the feel that has been present since we took the design over. You’ll have probably noticed that the format has changed to A4, there were quite a few reasons behind this. Firstly, when laying out articles on an A5 page, you end up with either slightly too much space or slightly too little. You may have noticed this in previous editions where articles have sometimes spread across many pages whilst being cut up with adverts. Secondly, more space allows for more interesting editorial design. Rather than just a 2 column style we can make use of 1-3 columns mixing up the design slightly to be more appealing to read, similar to national newspapers. When making the changes we had consider the needs of our advertisers. Ultimately they make the magazine possible by advertising with us. We can now accommodate both portrait and landscape adverts, so advertisers have a lot more control over how their ad appears in the magazine. We also in the future want to lay out the magazine into sections allowing us to incorporate ads that are relevant to the articles. Lastly, as you may have seen in the front of the Focus, we have now introduced full A4 page adverts to make even more of an impact. In response to comments, we have darkened the text throughout the magazine. The typeface has also changed to Museo Sans and Museo Slab with a much higher weight to ease readability. As an added touch we have added 4 blocks to the front cover, giving you a snapshot into what’s in the magazine. We hope that you like the new format and design. It’s important to us that the Focus still feels like the Focus and that it is a change for the better. If you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at hey@madebyfalcon. or James at editorialslf@ - we’d love to hear your feedback! Monday Morning Mayhem! Sing, Dance and Play, the Music Mayhem Way! Music Mayhem is an established music group for babies, toddlers and pre-school children. We currently run sessions all over Kent, including Lenham, where we have been making Mayhem for over 2 years. From week commencing 20th April 2015, our Lenham session will now take place on Mondays (instead of Thursdays). Sessions continue in the Osborne Room at the Community Centre between 10am and 11am, with Steph. Unlike many other groups, we run in term time and holidays. We provide fun and education through music, movement and songs, in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Our 1 hour session includes singing a mixture of traditional and new songs, dancing, actions, musical instrument time, bubbles, as well as a well earned drink and biscuit! Key benefits: Sharing Coordination Listening skills Making friends Physical activity Learning actions Social interaction Confidence building Encourages self expression Learning new words and songs Developing new skills e.g. hopping, marching etc. The session costs £4 per child (£1 for each additional sibling) No need to book – we operate a 'play as you go' system! For more information, please contact Steph on 07894 160906 Visit our website: Follow us on Facebook: music mayhem children’s preschool music groups Greenman Solar have designed and installed over 400 solar arrays in Kent , with nearly 200 on Romney Marsh. Our reputation for quality of service, reliability and honesty are second to none. Don’t take our word for it, read what our customers have to say about us online. We will design and install the best solar array for you, at an unbeatable price. We don’t take a deposit, there will be no pressure to make a decision or sign anything and we fill in all of the paperwork needed to claim the Feed In Tariff for you. A typical 4kW, 16 panel system costs less than £7,000 fully installed, including VAT and scaffolding, there will be no extras. We only install the best modules and inverters (usually German). Court Lodge Manor, Kingsnorth, Ashford TN23 3JE Tel: 01233 612082, email:, website: Heart of Kent Hospice 10K Run PAGE 34 MAY 2015 J oin us for the second Brands Hatch chip-timed 10K run taking place entirely on the track of the world famous circuit. Over 550 runners took part last year and this year promises to be even bigger! The Hospice is also introducing a 2K Family Fun Run of one lap of the Indy Circuit which gives you a chance to experience the famous track whatever your ability or age. 10k @lenhamfocus The event takes place on Friday 12th June – 6 pm start for the Fun Run and 7 pm for the 10K with registration starting one hour prior to each event. V17 E5 The cost of entry is £20.00 per runner for the 10K (reduction to £18.00 for UKA members). The cost of the fun run is £5.00 per runner including children – children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. For further information or to book your place please visit our website , email or telephone 01622 790195. THE ST GEORGE'S DAY PLAYERS PROUDLY PRESENT a WAR TIME REVUE Songs, SKetches, jokes old and new! at Lenham Community Centre Saturday 2nd May 2015 at 7.45 Tickets £8.00 each From Len Valley News Or by Phoning 01622 853800 ( (Mornings only) Bring your own drinks and nibbles Len Valley Practice Exciting New Development! From Tuesday 4TH November we are commencing a free medication delivery service for our patients who are: •Housebound •MDS Patients •Under District Nursing Care •Requiring Dressings/B12s •Have serious difficulty in collecting medication Please direct any enquiries to our Dispensary Manager, Elaine Moles on (01622) 852 901 sh at Briti The Gre r Suppe n sociatio ries As inal Inju 2015 th May 15 ay Frid ting Sp Suppor Make the batte r matter Hold a Great Brit ish Fish and Chi p Supper to help rebuild lives afte r spinal cord inju ry. To request a fund raising pack: Call 0845 071 4350 Email fundrais ing@siafishandc Visit www.siafis k Registered Charity No 10540 97 raise Have fun and money for the SIA One Moment In Rhyme I was challenged to write a poem mentioning all 50 US states in just 24 lines, here is the result… 50 States in 24 Lines Iowa a Kentucky as a bet I could lose it I’ll squeeze in Rhode Island along with Massachusetts Alaska is cold, need a New Jersey and North Dakota Tennessee and Pennsylvania make up this verses’ quota Georgia could win this but do we Delaware? North and South Carolina are happy to share I’ll tell her about Wisconsin, Arkansas and Oklahoma And beautiful Vermont, from Alabama when I phone ‘er Hannah Montana and George Washington lend me a hand Through Nebraska, Louisiana and of course Maryland Through New York and New Mexico where if I can I’ll be phoning To tell her about Connecticut, Texas and Wyoming In Arizona’s Death Valley won’t need my South Dakota Will sail up the Mississippi, Kansas to Minnesota Roll the dice in Nevada and in Hawaii buy a new toy A surfboard for California but not Illinois I won’t rhyme Virginia and West Virginia that would be Maine Michigan and Missouri, I’m at it again Florida, Oregon and Colorado can cheer Ohio opens up a rhyme for New Hampshire Final verse of the poem so here we Idaho Squeeze in Indiana is the way to go That’s it they’re all in there, well 49 are so far So here comes the last one, good old Utah Bespoke poetry from One Moment In Rhyme – Email: TRIAL CALL FOR DETAILS FREE ANNUAL SEASON TICKET £2,550 – CHECK THE DIFFERENCE! FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT BUZZLINES ON 01303 261870 OR EMAIL COMMUTER@BUZZLINES.CO.UK From the beginning of March Buzzlines will introduce a new commuter coach service to connect the A20 corridor between Hothfield and Hollingbourne with the Jubilee Line at North Greenwich. The timetable is shown overleaf. Free trial seats will be available to new passengers from the inception of the service on 2nd March, capacity permitting. By using North Greenwich we avoid the Blackwall Tunnel and connect to the Jubilee Line for onward services into Canary Wharf (one stop) and the City and Westminster. Commuters heading for Canary Wharf and the City should also find their journey times substantially reduced. Even allowing for London Travelcard costs, commuters using these services will expect to save well over £1,000 annually against the costs of a rail commute. Commuters able to save car and parking expenses will find their savings climbing even higher. Bikes are accommodated at no charge and there is at-seat power and wifi. BUZZLINES ADDS NEW LONDON COMMUTER SERVICE FOR A20 CORRIDOR BETWEEN J9 AND J8 OF THE M20 SAVINGS TYPICALLY £1,000-£2000 vs RAIL COSTS CALLING ALL COMMUTERS MORNING 06:35 06:39 06:46 06:50 06:53 08:00 £2,550.00 £255.00 £90.00 £20.00 EVENING 19:29 19:25 19:18 19:14 19:10 18:00 There are heavily-discounted season ticket opportunities for one or two regular travellers who are happy to act as our on-board ticket managers and to help with marketing the service locally. The single-journey carnets are designed to help those working part-time or who split their weeks between working in London or at home. The validity of single-journey carnets is open-ended so this provides an especially economical alternative for occasional travellers to pre 10am day Travelcards. Prices will be reviewed annually and any inflationary increases will not exceed those applied to the equivalent rail journeys. Annual Season Ticket Monthly Season Ticket Carnet of 10 singles (one-way) Day ticket (single or return) PRICES FOR TRAVEL Hothfield A20 Charing A20 Lenham Square Harrietsham A20 Hollingbourne A20 N Greenwich Jubilee Line TIMETABLE FROM 2 MARCH 2015
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