Nest Building Together Village & Country Homes Specialists To discuss your moving requirements call us now on 01622 858241. T: 01622 858241 E: A: 1 The Square, Lenham, Kent ME17 2PH W: S W E E N E Y TO D D BARBER SHOP OAPS BOYS TO 16 MEN £5 £6 £7 MON-FRI WEDNESDAY SATURDAY 9-6 CLOSED 8-3 2 nd SUNDAY 10-1 OF THE MONTH TRADITIONAL & MODERN HAIRSTYLES THE CORNERHOUSE, LENHAM VILLAGE SQUARE 07734950329 NOW WITH 3 BARBERS This space available for a colour advert Cost: £130.00 for a year Call Peter Brown for details 01622 851075 + LEE HOLLAND CeMap Your Local Independent Mortgage Adviser --------------------------------------------------------------------- y Home movers y Re-mortgages y First time buyers Buy-to-let property investors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friendly, professional, tailor-made service Call for a free consultation: 01622 859540 Cookery Corner Harrietsham Network Anzac Biscuits Harrietsham Fish Scheme Who’s Who These iconic biscuits were allegedly originally made to send to the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) serving in Gallipoli. The Gallipoli Campaign started on 25th April 1915. Fish Scheme Organising secretary - Marjorie Darby 5 Court Lodge Cottages, Harrietsham ME17 1AT Telephone 850657 E-mail 85g porridge oats 85g desiccated coconut 100g plain flour 100g caster sugar 100g butter, plus extra butter for greasing 1 tbsp golden syrup 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda Chairman - Roger Kelly The Burlington Suite, Colesdane, Stede Hill, Harrietsham ME17 1NP Telephone 853803 E-mail Heat oven to 180OC/fan 160OC/gas 4. Put the oats, coconut, flour and sugar in a bowl. Melt the butter in a small pan and stir in the golden syrup. Add the bicarbonate of soda to 2 tbsp boiling water, then stir into the golden syrup and butter mixture. Network Magazine Editor - Rosi Taylor 3 Downlands, Harrietsham ME17 1LE Telephone 851701 E-mail Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and pour in the butter and golden syrup mixture. Stir gently to incorporate the dry ingredients. Associate editor - Rod Martenstyn 6 Chippendayle Drive, Harrietsham ME17 1AD Tel. 07958 956938 E-mail Put dessertspoonfuls of the mixture on to buttered baking sheets, about 2.5cm/1in apart to allow room for spreading. Bake in batches for 8 -10 mins until golden. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Please... We love to hear from you so please send us your articles, letters, photos, poems, anecdotes etc. Full contact details can be found on p. 3. The Editor Treasurer - Michael Gear Little Hatch, Ashford Road, Harrietsham ME17 1AJ Telephone 859410 E-mail Advertising manager - Peter Brown Bassetts, Ashford Road , Harrietsham ME17 1JR Telephone 851075 E-mail Distribution manager - Jackie Bevan Faygate, Ashford Road, Lenham ME17 2DA Telephone 859310 Visit our website: Visit our website: Harrietsham Network is published by the Harrietsham Fish Scheme. Whilst every effort is made to include as wide a variety of information as possible each month, the editor reserves the right not to publish, or to edit, any item. Letters sent anonymously will not be considered. Any opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the officers or committee of the Fish Scheme. The publication of an advertisement does not constitute an endorsement. No reproduction allowed in any form without written consent. No flyers or inserts to be sent to the printers for inclusion in the magazine direct or without the editor’s prior consent. 50 Network magazine May 2015 deadlines: The deadline for advertisements for the May issue will be MID-DAY on FRIDAY 3rd April 2015. Please send your contributions to the advertising manager’s address above. The deadline for editorial copy for the May issue will be MID-DAY on FRIDAY 10th April 2015. Please send your contributions to: or direct to the editor, Rosi Taylor, at the address above. You may also leave them at Salon 62 in West Street please mark them for The Editor. Thank you. 3 2SHQLQJ+RXUV 0RQ6DWDPWRSP 6XQGD\VSPWRSP ĞƐŝŐŶ - ŚŽŝĐĞͲ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ ĞƐŝŐŶ -zŽƵƌŬŝƚĐŚĞŶĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚĂƌŽƵŶĚLJŽƵĂŶĚLJŽƵƌŶĞĞĚƐ͘ ŚŽŝĐĞ-&ƌŽŵ,ŽďƐƚŽŬŶŽďƐǁĞŚĂǀĞƐŽŵĞƚŚŝŶŐĨŽƌ ĞǀĞƌLJŽŶĞ͘ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ- tĞƉƌŝĚĞŽƵƌƐĞůǀĞƐŽŶŐŽŽĚŽůĚĨĂƐŚŝŽŶĞĚ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐĞƌǀŝĐĞĂŶĚǁŝƚŚĂůůǁŽƌŬƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůůLJ ƉƌŽũĞĐƚŵĂŶĂŐĞĚ͕LJŽƵŚĂǀĞŶŽƚŚŝŶŐƚŽǁŽƌƌLJĂďŽƵƚ͘ tĞƚĂŬĞĐĂƌĞŽĨĞǀĞƌLJƚŚŝŶŐ͘ ^ŚŽǁƌŽŽŵͲϬϭϮϯϯϳϱϲϰϬϭ tǁǁ͘ƚŚĞŬĞŶƚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ Copy deadlines for May 2015 issue: Advertising: Friday 3 April 2015 Editorial: Friday 10 April 2015 Black & white advertising rates: 1 box £5.00 per month £42.00 for 12 months 2 boxes £10.00 per month £84.00 for 12 months 3 boxes £13.50 per month £122.00 for 12 months 4 boxes £17.00 per month £162.00 for 12 months Half page £25.00 per month £240.00 for 12 months Whole page £35.00 per month £350.00 for 12 months Colour adverts also accepted SALON 62 Friendly & Professional Salon Offering all services Colouring, Cutting, Styling, Wedding Packages & Hair Extensions Colour Tuesdays 10 % off By appointment – with this advert minimum 2 boxes For rates and details please call PeterBrown on 01622 851075 or email: Food Served Every Day 0RQ7XHV:HGV 12.30 pm to 9 pm 7KXUVGD\VSPWRSP Restaurant closed at 8 for Quiz (food available in Bar area) )UL6DW 12.30 pm to 9.30 pm 6XQGD\V 12.30 pm to 7 pm Carvery 12.30 pm to 5 pm Open Tuesday to Saturday 62A West Street, Harrietsham Tel: 01622 858276 6SHFLDO2FFDVLRQV Come and have a look Book our restaurant area Buffets available or sit down meals See staff for details 1HZWR:HGQHVGD\V Fish & Chips £6.95 eat in or takeaway 6 pm—8 pm :HVW6WUHHW+DUULHWVKDP :ZZWKHURHEXFNLQQKDUU\FRXN (0DLOWKHURHEXFN#RXWORRNFRP IRU LUNCH MENU NOW AVAILABLE Pub grub menu Seniors and lunch meal deals A la carte menu 7KXUVGD\V come and join our quiz All welcome £2 per person Including complimentary snacks 8.30 pm start Harrietsham Network April 2015 Lenham Swimming Club Contents Back in the swim of things! Clubs and Societies Wives’ Group Gardening Society Harrietsham in Bloom History Society Pins and Needles Short Mat Bowls 60+ Young at Heart Len Valley Hub Club Cricket Club 100 Club Whist Club Harrietsham Sports Association 13 16 15 11 15 9 13 15 13 15 9 Churches Local church contact details Anglican services Christian message Church decorating for Easter Men’s Breakfast Ladies’ Breakfast Messy Church 18 19 20 21 21 21 22 Good News - only two months until the pool opens for another season! The pool will be open on a Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Saturday/Sunday for the whole family as always. We are still hoping to have lane swimming for adults on a Tuesday after the family session and then again on a Friday evening and hope to encourage some new swimmers (of all abilities) along to these. The Club has come up with some new ideas too so just ‘like’ our Lenham Swimming Club facebook page to keep up to date with the latest developments. We plan to offer the following swimming sessions: 6.00 – 7.30pm 7.45 – 8.30pm 7.00 – 8.30pm 2.30 – 4.00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Tuesday – Adult Lane Swimming Friday – Adult Lane Swimming Saturday and Sunday More Good News! Our membership charges and admission fees remain unchanged as follows: Membership Fee Adult - £5.00 Child - £3.00 Charge per Swimming Session Members Non-Members £2.50 £3.50 £1.50p £2.50 Dates for your dairy: 10th May - Pool Clean Up day - from 8.30am, so put on some old clothes and Sunday come and give us a hand. We would be very grateful for your help. Saturday 30th May – Pool Opening Day. As always we are looking for volunteers to help out at the Club; both life guarding/watching the pool or taking the money/tuck shop. All training provided. We had lots of new help last year. Some are unable to continue this year so if you know anyone who might be interested, please ask them to get in touch. If you are one of the parents who like coming up with your children, why not help at the same time? Contact 01622 859174, email or visit our facebook page. Chris Hills Chairman 48 Information pages Harrietsham day by day Village organisations Diary 25 26 & 27 28 Features Recipe Parish Council news Harrietsham Times Stede Court Estate Walks New commuter service Letter Audley Care awards Lenham Swimming Club 50 40 - 44 30 - 31 34 38 22 44 48 Event information HIB/Macmillan Quiz Heart of Kent Hospice events Film Friday Ploughman’s, Pimms, Pickles and Plant Sale May Fayre 60’s Night Lenham Festival Pilgrims Way Artists’ Show 5 16 32 36 35 35 35 35 33 Janetta Sams Kentish Oak Furniture Makers House for Rent If I can help you with any matter relating to the Borough, please contact me on: Made-to-measure Traditional and Modern Furniture Hand-made by Skilled Craftsmen in Harrietsham Borough Councillor 01622 859412 07891901831 OVENGLEAM Cleaning Company Specialist in Cleaning Your Oven Removing: FAT, GREASE & BURNT ON CARBON Caustic Free Cleaning Materials Tel: 01233 634993 or 07903 819906 Independent family run business Member of association of Approved Oven Cleaners KITCHENS SOLID SURFACE WORKTOPS TABLES & CHAIRS DRESSERS & SIDEBOARDS BOOKCASES BEDROOM FURNITURE HOME OFFICE &2))((7$%/(67981,76 (Examples of our work can been seen on our website) Unit 5 Station Road Harrietsham Maidstone ME17 1JA Telephone Sheila or Mike on: 01622 851212 Email: OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY R J MOSS LTD ŽŵĞƐƟĐͬŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůͬ/ŶƚĞƌŝŽƌͬdžƚĞƌŝŽƌ WĂŝŶƟŶŐΘĞĐŽƌĂƟŶŐʹtĂůůƉĂƉĞƌŝŶŐʹWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJDĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ One year old two bed, two bathroom, garage & parking References & deposit required Ideally long term rental Call: 07850 302508 STONEBRIDGE ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTS AND TAX SUPPORT FOR THE SELF EMPLOYED AND SMALL BUSINESS Tel: 01622 851542 01233 840373 D.SKINNER * Landscape & Gardeningg Contractor * Contra actor * * Fencing Contractor eet 91 Eyhorne Street Stre Hollingbourne Maidstone Kent >>Z/,Z&KZ&Z^d/Dd d>͗ϬϭϳϵϱϰϴϬϲϰϳDK/>͗ϬϳϵϳϰϴϭϱϭϮϰ D/>͗ƌũŵŽƐƐůƚĚΛƐŬLJ͘ĐŽŵ t͗ǁǁǁ͘ƌũŵŽƐƐůƚĚ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ Beaubray Caterers Offering traditional food for every occasion at the venue of your choice since 1970 hot and cold buffets ~ hot sit-down meals bbq’s ~ carverys ~ weddings marquee receptions club dinners and presentation nights Christmas ~ christenings ~ funerals Maidstone 01622 763269 Free winter check on roofs Roofing repairs Ridge and hips checked T ((01622)) 880535 Tel: The Red Lion - Lenham incorporating Nicole’s Outside Bar & Catering All Functions Catered For Weddings - Anniversaries - Birthdays - Corporate Events Hot & Cold Buffets - BBQ's - Hog Roast - A La Carte Fully Licensed Professional Bar A reliable & friendly service and a job to be proud of with over 20 years experience D FLISHER ROOFING For More Information Or Quotation Please Contact: Nicole Telephone 01622 858531 or 07766 057621 Email: Moss cleaned off roofs Gutters and window frames cleaned Chimneys re-pointed Call Dave for a quote: 01622 850659 or 07941 324286 PIGGY’S HAIR DESIGNS Affordable hairdressing in the comfort of your own home 24 years Salon Experience DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL Plastering - including over existing Artex Rendering Patch Repairs Insurance Work Lath and Plaster Lime Plastering and Rendering New Stud Work and Ceilings Painting and Decorating, Interior and Exterior For free advice and estimates please call Contact Sarah on: 07545 460270 Andy Rookledge Tel: 01622 844727 Mob: 07793888980 email: Harrietsham Network April 2015 Dementia From the Editor Following on from last month’s article.... We thought others may benefit from our experience with Mum (Dot). When we looked after mum we found that the problem wasn’t about there not being enough information, it was about finding out what specific help we needed to care for Mum. We were extremely lucky to find Tracy, our Admiral nurse, who was without doubt our best contact. The Admiral nurses do a wonderful job in helping the carers care. She helped access services and also helped facilitate the assessments needed, and that emotional support which is vital. They can be found either by visiting the dementia uk website or ring direct on 0845 257 9406. As I write this, the Fish Scheme has just held its AGM - at which I announced I will be standing down as editor at the end of this year. Someone asked me what I would do then, to which my response was “Miss it like crazy”, but I think it’s the right decision, both for the magazine and probably for me too. I only expected to be doing the job for about three years and it will be five, and as I’ve enjoyed it so much I think it would be greedy to keep it for myself any longer! Contact details were obtained from the doctors surgery who were outstanding in the way they helped us. It was not obvious to us because we knew how Mum was, but in order to be helped we needed a number of assessments along the way. All took a time,and were necessary but a frustration for Mum. It did not occur to us to apply for a power of attorney until it was too late and it could not be obtained. The information regarding the power of attorney can be found on various websites eg Age Uk. The POA can be temporary or long-lasting but is best obtained whilst the person has the capacity to make that decision. So we would recommend people to at least investigate it. Care homes: Finally when we did look around at what was potentially offered can we suggest a visit, not just looking at websites. Try and get a recommendation from a friend as to the care residents receive. I visited one in the town and was less than satisfied that Mum would receive the care I wanted for her. In the care home where Mum is now, the staff are careful to keep calm, and I am amazed at the patience and love they show for their residents. Through often difficult times they offer residents the respect and dignity that they rightfully deserve. Additionally good care homes support the relatives and whilst the guilt families feel at the beginning isn’t prevented, we have found that knowing Mum is being cared for 24/7, we can visit her and have the good times we can with her. Coming soon in Harrietsham... Ballet, Tap and Freestyle dance classes for 3-11 year olds. Visit our website to find out more about us: 46 So, the hunt is on for a new editor, or editors; if you’d like to know more, please get in touch for a chat (email or tel. 851701). If you’re new to the village don’t think you couldn’t do it, a fresh pair of eyes could be just what’s needed (and it’s a great way of getting to know people). In the magazine this month we have news of several new activities in the village: Harrietsham Sports Association (p. 9), a new commuter service to London by coach (p. 38) and something called Baby Sensory for parents/ carers and babies (p. 29), plus of course updates on existing organisations. News too of Lenham Swimming Club, the Pilgrims Way Artists’ Show, the Big Lunch and the North Downs Walk - which must mean that spring is well and truly here and summer cannot be far behind! Last month I asked readers if they could explain the names of any of the streets in the village and two have very kindly responded - but sadly, due to pressure of space, I have to hold their contributions over till next month! Rosi Taylor ROTARY CLUB OF THE WEALD OF KENT 30th ANNIVERSARY CANCER RESEARCH UK The NORTH DOWNS WALK 3,6 or 9 Mile Route SUNDAY 21st June 2015 Start/finish Harrietsham Village Hall ME17 1AP 7 Heather’s Chiropody Surgery A.W. AUTOREPAIRS - S. L. MOTORS We are an independent business offering reliable motor repairs and servicing We provide the highest standard of service which includes: t a printed estimate before we start any job, using only parts of equivalent quality to those originally fitted t a complete record of all jobs carried out and advice on work which may shortly become necessary SERVICING & MECHANICAL REPAIRS BODYWORK l WELDING COMPUTER TUNING l PARTS SALES PRIVATE CARS l LIGHT COMMERCIALS FREE ESTIMATES l FREE DELIVERY MoTs & MoT If you think we can help PREPARATION you're welcome to call in or phone UNIT 4, HARRIETSHAM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, STATION ROAD, HARRIETSHAM Tel: 01622 859580 Doddington Place Gardens A Wonderful Family Day Out please contact Spring Events – open from 15th March 2015 Birds of Prey Flying Demonstrations at 3 pm - Sundays and Bank Holidays 5th & 6th April – Easter Hunt & Family Fun 3rd & 4th May – The Great Outdoors: Have A Go Falconry, Bushcraft & Archery 6th May – Head Gardener Tour 12 pm 20th May – Chelsea Fringe: Floristry Talk at 11.15 am 24th & 25th May – Jazz In The Gardens 27th May – Chelsea Fringe: Sweet Pea Talk at 11.15 am Tea Room serving lunches, delicious home-made cakes and cream teas Open Sundays, Wednesdays & Bank Holidays from 11 am to 5 pm Peter Brown Harrietsham Primary School West Street Harrietsham Every Tuesday 7.30 pm Ray Luckhurst Harrietsham Slimming World 07747114511 01622 853880. Tel for appointment: 01622 850376 The Brown Barn, Bull Hill, Lenham Heath, ME17 Vehicle recovery & repair Bodywork Paintwork MoT welding Insurance work Transport & Recovery on Unit 1, Station Road, Harrietsham 01622 8851075 Mobile: 07882056227 Email: Web: Admission Adults £6 and Children £2 Telephone 01795 886101 Love life Love Slimming World TO ADVERTISE IN “NETWORK” Enjoy the ten acre landscaped gardens including a woodland garden and rock garden in all their spring splendour Know you’re amazing Surgical Chiropodist Member of the Association of Chiropodists & Podiatrists HPC Registered. G.C.S.Ch. M.Inst. Ch.P., M.F.S.Ch. Harrietsham Network Cont. from p. 42 Planning Decisions – Granted by MBC 14/0828/CASL – Land South of Ashford Road Erection of 117 dwellings and 298m2 food retail store with access, open space and associated works (Wording amended to: The redevelopment of land south of Ashford Road for residential development comprising the erection of 113/114 dwellings, internal access road, landscaped public open space, a LAP, a convenience store and highways works to Ashford Road.) 14/506462/FULL – 11 Cricketers Close Erection of first floor extension, single storey extension, first floor rear extension and replacement roof to conservatory Planning Decisions – Refused by MBC 14/506661/FULL – The Pines, West Street Proposed games room and flat roof link to existing swimming pool Audley Care Bearsted Recognised In Annual Awards Audley Care Bearsted has won Care Branch of the Year at Audley Retirement Villages’ annual ceremony, which recognises outstanding contributions across its luxury retirement villages. The award was given to the care team for its consistently outstanding service and the glowing feedback the entire team consistently receives. Marta Gesikowska, Personal Care Assistant at Audley Care Bearsted, has also been named as ‘Care Star of the Year’ award, receiving the award for consistent excellence in her role. This included her work within the luxury retirement villages at Audley Mote House in Bearsted and Audley Willicombe Park in Royal Tunbridge Wells. Marta said, “I’m so proud to have been given the award. I love working at Audley; it’s a really great community to be a part of. The variety of the work I do and people I’ve met have made my job really rewarding.” Audley’s Annual Awards recognise Audley employees who consistently go above and beyond their day-to-day role. Marta was especially praised for being so flexible and willing to help out across villages and departments. Nick Sanderson, CEO of Audley Retirement Villages commented: “We’re incredibly proud of what has been achieved at Audley Care Bearsted. Our owners are united in their praise of the team and what has been achieved over the last year. Our staff obviously play a huge role in this and Marta is the perfect example of this; she’s always willing to help and tackle any challenge she faces.” 44 April 2015 Harrietsham Sports Association • • • • Do you belong to a sports club in Harrietsham? Would you like to see more access to sports facilities in the village? Are you thinking of setting up a new sports club for use by the people of Harrietsham? Would you like to become part of an organisation whose aim is to see more sports facilities and clubs in Harrietsham for the wider village community to use and be a part of? If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then the re-established Harrietsham Sports Association (HSA) would like to hear from you. The HSA will be undertaking a sports project for the community, and over the next few months we will be asking the views of the people of Harrietsham (young, old, male, female, able, disabled) on the sports facilities and clubs they would like to have access to in the village. One of the aims of HSA is to have a new sports facility built on the Booth Field, to be used by several sports and recreation clubs. The views of the people of Harrietsham will help drive the project. If you would like to get involved with the HSA, either as a representative of your sports club, or as someone who wants to actively be part of an organisation which will strive to bring more sports facilities and sporting access in the village, then please email or contact me on 07958 956938 to find out more. We look forward to hearing from you. Please follow us on Twitter on @HarrietsSport . Rod Martenstyn Short Mat Bowls Club February and games against Lenham. On Thursday 12th we played host and with home advantage we took the game by 92-36. A few days later and on Tuesday 17th the return game. Knowing your own mats it was Lenham’s revenge and they won this time by 41-30 points. Honours even. March now and Marden came to us on Thursday 5th. Our usual happy evening and as I said knowing your own mats we emerged winners by 6854 points. This was compensation for our earlier loss to them by 1 point!. Hollingbourne will be our next visitors later in the month. More on this game in next month’s report, as will be the result of the outcome as 10 members go to Bournemouth for a week of bowling competitions. Rusty 9 Harrietsham Computers + Computer problems? +Virus attack? + Need an upgrade, repair or new machine? + Want help with networking, wireless networks, or broadband? + Machine running slowly? Or just want help to get the best out of your computer? For local, friendly, experienced help and advice, call Mike Cuerden on 01622 859442 or 07963 020092 HOUSEKEEPING All aspects of housekeeping and gardening undertaken REPAIRS To TV, VIDEO & MICROWAVE OVENS (01622) 683784 PEST CONTROL SERVICES ALL PEST PROBLEMS DEALT WITH INCLUDING: RATS, MICE AND WASPS AMY MCLAUGHLIN 01622 884774 or 07761 559744 REMOVED DISCREET AND PROMPT SERVICE FULLY INSURED CONTACT ANDY PINK JMK QUALIFIED FRENCH TEACHER Electrics Southeast Ltd Available for: Private Tuition, all levels from beginners to A Level. Conversation Holiday French Translations Part P Registered Fully Insured Jeff King Mob: 07969 343036 Tel: 01233 630589 SEASONED LOGS SUITABLE FOR ALL TYPES OF FIRES/WOOD BURNERS Kiln dried, the best for Wood Burners All from local coppiced woodlands can be delivered or collected Telephone: 077 333 28715 Call: Chantal Miette on 01622 859597 Sandhurst Farm Forge B&B Sandhurst Farm Forge Seed Road, Newnham Faversham, Kent ME9 0NE Bed and Breakfast on a Working Forge. A converted Stable Block. Non-Smoking, Centrally heated, en-suite rooms. Tel: 01795 886854 e-mail: !7#/524 &5.%2!,$)2%#4/23 34 West Street Open: Monday - Saturday 0ROP7EST#OE,TD Evenings Please phone Brian Osmer on We are an experienced and reliable cleaning and home maintenance business. Our clients can choose from a daily, weekly, fortnightly or one off cleaning service ranging from general domestic cleaning to site washing/ironing and provisions shopping to holiday house checks and garden or window box maintenance. We also provide an ‘at home’ care service for the housebound, elderly and your pets! We are a small and dedicated team and we pride ourselves in our efficient, honest and friendly service. 07813 030 527/01622 851562 HARRIETSHAM CLUB 9OURLOCALPRIVATELYOWNEDBUSINESSOFFERINGTHEHIGHESTSTANDARDOF CAREANDFACILITIESTOTHOSEFAMILIESWESERVE ^ 7EAREALWAYSABLETOVISITYOUATHOMETOGENTLYGUIDEYOUTOWARDS MAKINGTHERIGHTCHOICEOFFUNERALARRANGEMENTS ^ 7EOFFERPRENEEDADVICEANDAREABLETOGIVEHELPFULGUIDANCE REGARDING'OLDEN#HARTER @4HE)NDEPENDENT7AY&UNERAL0LAN ^ 7EALSOGIVEYOUGUIDANCEONANYMONUMENTALWORK 0LEASETELEPHONEIFYOUFEELWEMAYBEABLETOHELPYOU INANYASPECTOFOURWORK ^ (EADCORN2OAD'RAFTY'REEN -AIDSTONE-%!0 4ELEPHONE %MAILENQUIRIES AWCOURTCOM WWWAWCOURTCOM Snooker & Pool Tables New Members Welcome Ɣ Just call in or telephone 850893 Ɣ PARRISH Painting & Decorating For all your decorating needs A friendly, reliable service at competitive rates. Qualified & fully insured. For a free no obligation quotation please call Mark on 01622 741606 or 07967 190588 Lenham Ballet School Thorneloeȱ&ȱCo.ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱ ȱȱ Anȱindependentȱfamilyȱpracticeȱprovidingȱaȱfriendly,ȱ highȱqualityȱpersonalȱserviceȱtailoredȱtoȱyourȱspecificȱneed.ȱ R.A.D. & I.S.T.D. Registered ȱ Ballet Tap Jazz ȱSpecialistsȱin:ȱ ȱ ȱ Tel: (01622) 850329 TAXI SERVICE VILLAGE CARS Private Hire Reliable service Lenham & surrounding villages Tel: 07770 725129 or 07769 780149 x Willsȱ x ResidentialȱConveyancing x EstateȱAdministrationȱ x CommercialȱConveyancing x Trustsȱ&ȱTaxationȱ x ReȬmortgagingȱ x LastingȱPowersȱofȱAttorneyȱ x EquityȱReleaseȱȱ x CourtȱofȱProtectionȱ x BuyȬtoȬLetȱ 01622ȱ859ȱ416ȱȱȱ 22ȱHighȱStreet,ȱLenham,ȱKentȱME17ȱ2QDȱ ȱ AuthorisedȱandȱregulatedȱbyȱtheȱSolicitorsȱRegulationȱAuthorityȱ RegisteredȱNumberȱ70429ȱ Harrietsham Network Cont. from p. 40 MA/14/0208 – Tongs Meadow, West Street Erection of 105 dwellings with area of public open space, associated landscaping, provision of new access from West Street and associated works HPC Recommendation: Refusal TA/0204/13 – 6 Friars Close, Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane Tree Preservation Order application: TPO No.10 of 2003: an application for consent to remove secondary branch of 1 lower limb of 1No. Oak and to reduce 1 branch by one third of 1No. Oak where overhanging adjacent caravan, and to remove dead wood from both trees HPC Recommendation: No objection TA/0219/13 – 5 Abbotts Way, Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane Tree Preservation Order application: TPO No.10 of 2003: an application for consent to cut back crown of 1No. Oak to give a clearance of 2m over the adjacent caravan HPC Recommendation: No objection TA/0220/13 – 18 Knights Walk, Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane Tree Preservation Order application: TPO No.10 of 2003: an application for consent to cut back 3 branches to a length of 1m and 1 branch to a length of 2m of 1No. Beech HPC Recommendation: No objection TA/0221/13 – 6 Miller Close, Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane Tree Preservation Order application: TPO No.10 of 2003: an application for consent to cut back branches of 1No. Oak to clear adjacent caravan by 1.5m HPC Recommendation: No objection 14/500422/TPO/CASL – Rivendell, Ashford Road Deadwooding and crown thinning to all trees covered by TPO, no more than 15% in each case HPC Recommendation: Approval 14/500696/AMRCON/KAAL – Oakland Place, Greenway Forstal Remove conditions 1 and 2 of MA/07/2332 (change of use of agricultural land to residential for gypsy family and stationing of one mobile and one touring caravan) with a condition which reads “The site shall not be occupied by any persons other than gypsies and travellers as defined in Annex 1 of Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (Department for communities and local guidance). Vary condition 3 to allow no more than 4 caravans (2 static and 2 touring caravans) to be stationed on the sites at anytime HPC Recommendation: Refusal 14/505991/TPO – Alegria, 6 Baldwin’s Place Tree Preservation Order application for consent to crown lift to a maximum height of three metres above ground level and reduce radius to a maximum of three metres from the property maintaining symmetry 1 no. Oak tree HPC Recommendation: Approval Cont. on p. 44 42 April 2015 Harrietsham History Society On the 23rd February we held a workshop evening when the 22 members helped to sort out some of the things we have accumulated over the past year. Enid Betts surprised us by bringing along lots more maps, papers and photographs to add to our data base. We are very grateful to everyone who helped and to Barbara Harris who very kindly volunteered to enter new information onto our spreadsheet. We still have lots of things to sort out and to catalogue and would appreciate more help if anyone has some time to spare. We did really well with sorting out Parish Magazines which we collected from the Priest’s room at the Church but are missing quite a lot of copies, we will put a list of these on our website in the hope that people may have some tucked away that we could have or copy. We do have a complete set of the Network Magazines from 1970 up to the present day. With regards to our War Memorial fundraising events, arrangements are in full swing for our dance on Saturday 9th May to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of VE Day. Dancing will be to the Beverley Big Band sound and a Fish & Chip Supper is included in the £17.50 ticket price. This is a ticket only event so please get your tickets as soon as possible to avoid missing out on what should be a very enjoyable evening; they can be purchased from any member of the History Society Committee. Our next meeting on Monday 20th April is our AGM which will be a good opportunity to find out more about the Society and our programme for the year which includes some really good speakers and a guided tour in Faversham. Membership is just £12.00 a year and visitors are always welcome to attend our meetings for just £3.00. Further information and contact details are on our website at Peter Brown Remix We would like to thank all the businesses at Station Road that have supported the Remix youth club, tincluding: Streeks Transport and Recovery; Classic Car Services; AL Recovery; and Kent Oak and Pine. This funding has allowed our Rhythmix tutor to continue to give her time to the youngsters who are working on preparing a musical play. The young people have grown enormously in their self esteem and confidence and it is great to see them working as a team caring and helping each other in so many ways. Janetta Sams 11 Denwood Activate Body & Soul is a £1m state of art fitness facility situated at Swadelands School which is open to the public in the mornings, evenings & at the weekend. t"JSDPOEJUJPOFEHZNXJUI-JGF'JUOFTT¥TUSFOHUIBOE DBSEJPWBTDVMBSFRVJQNFOU t/PDPOUSBDUTNFNCFSTIJQPOBNPOUIMZSPMMJOHCBTJT XJUIQSJDFTTUBSUJOHGSPNb QFSNPOUI t'MPPEMJU("MM8FBUIFS1JUDIBWBJMBCMFGPSQVCMJDIJSF t4QPSUT)BMMTVJUBCMFGPS'PPUCBMM#BTLFUCBMM#BENJOUPO /FUCBMMFUDBWBJMBCMFGPSQVCMJDIJSF t"JSDPOEJUJPOFEEBODFöUOFTTDMBTTTUVEJP BWBJMBCMFGPSIJSF Pop in today and let us help you achieve your fitness goals "DUJWBUF)BN-BOF-FOIBN.BJETUPOF.& 2+ XXXTXBEFMBOETLFOUTDIVLBDUJWBUF BDUJWBUF!TXBEFMBOETLFOUTDIVL S.I. PARR PAINTING & DECORATING Qualified Decorator 30 years experience Interior & Exterior Estimates Free No VAT 9 High Street, Lenham, ME17 2QD 01622 858318 Open Monday to Saturday 9 am - 9 pm and 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday Tel: (01233) 756676 (01622) 859458 We hold a range of over 200 wines, 25 local ales, 20 champagnes, lots of rare and unusual spirits as well as cigars, ice, soft drinks and ice cream Carpenter/ Builder Lots of great gift ideas Est. 30 years Loft Conversions/Extensions Property maintenance, including doors, windows, roofs, flooring, soffits & fascias etc. For a Free Estimate please call Geoff Brown on:- 01622 859703 Garden Products Ltd Manufacturers to the Trade & Public Fencing - Trellis - Planters - Gates Aggregates - Ironmongery Sheds - Summerhouses - Gazebos Children’s Playhouses - Garden Offices Car Ports - Field Shelters - Stables Bespoke Garden Buildings Kiln dried ash logs and kindling now available Unit 6 Harrietsham Depot Station Road ME17 1JA Tel: 01622 320380 email: Eat in or take away NEED HELP? Traditional Fish and Chips Pies Chicken Southern Fried Chicken Kebabs Kids’ Meals Burgers Savouries Sauces Drinks Breakfast & fresh ground coffee from 8.00 am With: Minor chores Tidying Filling forms Dealing with authorities Or just a chat Call Sarah Monday to Friday 8.00 am - 2.00 pm and 4.30 pm - 10.30 pm Saturday 8.00 am - 10.30 pm Sunday 11.00 am = 9.00 pm 07545 460270 Holiday Villa to rent including bespoke gift hampers, large champagne range, chocolates and local homemade fudge. Supermarket beating prices on many of our champagnes including Laurent Perrier Rose birdcage gift pack . . . perfect gift for that special person Partnered with Lenham Village Store, in the Square Open 8 am - 8 pm Mon - Thurs 8 am - 9 pm Fri and Sat 10 am - 6 pm Sunday 01622 858255 Established 5 years in village The CHEQUERS The Square Lenham Kent ME17 2PH Telephone 01622 850878 Algarve, Portugal Sleeps 6, Private Pool. Rates from £500 pw (2 persons) Telephone: 01622 850412 Email: April 2015 Parish Council News Elections 2015 As residents will be aware, the general election takes place on the 7th May and the elections for the Parish Council will also be held on the same day. If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, please forward your details to the Clerk and these will be held on file until the nomination forms are forwarded by Maidstone Borough Council. The Clerk will then be able to send out the relevant paperwork that will need to be completed. Please register your interest by either sending an email to or by post to 16 Merivale Grove, Walderslade, Chatham Kent ME5 8HP. The deadline for registering to vote in this year’s general election is the 20th April. You can register on-line through the government’s ‘’ portal, by post (downloading the relevant forms from the portal) or you can contact the electoral Registrations Officer at Maidstone Borough Council on 01622 602000. Temporary Road Closure – Hook Lane Hook Lane will be closed for up to 5 days from Monday 13th April in order for Southern Gas Networks to lay a new gas supply. Annual Parish Council Meeting The Annual Parish Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 29th April at 8.00pm in the Ambrose Hall, following the usual monthly meeting at 6.30pm. PCSO Dave Rowley will be speaking about a new Kent Police initiative called Country Eye. There will also be presentations from some of the Organisations within Harrietsham. Amanda Broadhurst, Parish Clerk Tel.850089 / Planning (From Feburary meeting) Planning Decisions – Outstanding with MBC MA/09/0450 – Mill House, Fairbourne Lane Listed buildings consent for the erection of a single storey rear extension to provide a conservatory and lobby area and relocation of existing internal staircase to original position. HPC Recommendation: Approval MA/11/1393 – Station Yard, Station Road An application for discharge of conditions relating to MA/08/0497 (Change if use of existing tram shed to light industrial (B1) with first floor extension and new roof and erection of two light industrial (B1) units) being details of condition 3 – boundary treatments and condition 4 - landscaping HPC Recommendation: Refusal MA/12/1783 – Oaklea, Forstal Lane Change of use of land involving the stationing of a mobile home to create a separate residential use to provide care for the occupant of Oaklea HPC Recommendation: Approval, Subject to Conditions Cont. on p. 42 40 Harrietsham Cricket Club 100 Club Results of the March draw First Prize £50 Share No 116 Second Prize £23 Share No 96 Third Prize £15 Share No 185 Fourth Prize £10 Share No 183 Mrs M Darby Mr B Smith Mr B Puthor Mr U Ijaz Bill Hubble Harrietsham Wives Group A good turnout for our meeting in March when Mr. Dennis Chambers treated us to a talk on “Pluckley – Kent’s most haunted village?” Not only Kent’s, but arguably England’s most haunted village too, as it lays claim to no fewer than 12 ghosts, including The Highwayman of Fright Corner, the Schoolmaster, and the Watercress Woman, to name but three. Dennis is knowledgeable on the subject and an engaging speaker so the evening proved popular. Members were shocked and saddened though to hear of the sudden and unexpected death of one of their number, Christine McNamara, who had been a member for many years. She will be much missed, and our thoughts are with her family at this time. The April meeting is on Wednesday 1st April (8pm in the Booth Hall) when Barbara Stevens will speak on “The Trials and Tribulations of a Public Speaker”. Having heard Barbara speak on other occasions, we have high hopes! For more information on Harrietsham Wives Group please ring Barbara Kelly on 853803 or me on 851701. Rosi Taylor Young At Heart 60+ Easter is almost upon us and the days are lighter with spring flowers popping up all over the place. It makes you feel good and certainly puts a smile on my face - hope it makes you feel that way as well. We have Jerry playing and singing for us this month which is a real treat to look forward to. The time and place is Thursday 16th April, 2.00 - 4.00pm at Lenham Community Centre. We look forward to seeing you all. If you require a lift please phone Jenny Lloyd on 01622 859208. Many thanks to our helpers. Martin, Sue, Olive, Jackie, Jenny and Nina 13 A.D. Pink PARKWOOD TROUT FARM ELECTRICAL Goddington Lane Harrietsham For delicious fresh trout & a range of smoked foods. FARM SHOP Open to the Public Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sunday 8 am till dusk. Tel: (01622) 859302 CARPETS & VINYLS SUPPLY & FITTING SERVICE WITH HOME SELECTION OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ALAN POULTON 01622 843019 Hand in hand we learn and together we achieve An established, term time only setting catering for up to 26 children aged from 2-5 years. Meeting the individual needs of all children in our care lies at the heart of our ethos. We believe that children’s early care and education is most important in helping to shape their lives. We work with you and your child in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. For further information about Harrietsham Pre-School please call Sam Bragg during school hours on: 01622 851819 or email: or visit our website: Tel: 01622 884774 or 07761 559744 01622 880028 Dine with the loveliest view in the world or email TO ADVERTISE IN “NETWORK” Telephone: please contact 01622 631717 or 07806 912 345 Web: Satellite Freesat Sky HD TV Wall Mounting R&P Aerial Service Aerials Tel: 07748 278291 Peter Brown on 01622 851075 For personal attention to detail... Orchids Fine Food For All Occasions We can help organise: Business Lunches - Dinner Parties - Funerals Cocktail Parties - Receptions & ơ Tel: (01622) 859761 Mobile: 07776 401405 Sharon Prior From a standard install to hidden cables Free initial visit Foot Health PracƟƟoner Mrs Afsaneh Smith MCFHP, MAFHP Hubbards Farm, Lenham Heath 07506 376264 / 01622 853640 Flexible surgery hours Home visits Call us today! NICEIC Part P Domestic Installer Digital Freeview FM Radio DAB Radio GREENER GARDENS RouƟne Chiropody DiabeƟc Foot Care Fungal Treatment Corns & Calluses Verruca Treatment In Growing Toenails Competitive Pricing, Fully Insured, Reliable, Professional, Trustworthy Available to do: Household Cleans, End of Tenancy Cleans, New Builds Office: Hollingbourne Maidstone Kent Securely set within Harrietsham C of E Primary School we provide a safe and stimulating physical environment providing challenging, play-based activities with qualified staff and a personal keyworker. ALAN GRIFFITHS Gardens beautifully maintained, herbaceous borders, shrubs and lawns. All types of domestic electrical installations undertaken From full rewires to single sockets garden and security lighting Fully insured Domestic Cleaning :H&OHDQ6R<RX'RQ W+DYH7R At The Great British Kitchen, our aim is to cook the best traditional ingredients as simply as possible, letting the quality of the produce and the magnificent view across the Castle’s moat speak for themselves. The Great British Kitchen is open for bookings from 7pm. Free parking is available, please use the Broomfield Road entrance from the A20. 01622 767777 Installation and service of all types of digital TV and radio reception We are a family run business established in 1970 Call for free advice and free estimates Quality Decorating at a fair & competitive price Fully insured & references available Free estimates & advice on colour schemes from a professional you can trust Tel/Fax: 01622 737225 Mobile: 07816 149502 email: Harrietsham Network April 2015 Harrietsham Whist Club Local Coach operator Buzzlines has introduced a new commuter service for the villages along the A20 between Ashford and Hollingbourne. The coach picks up on the A20 at Hothfield and Charing before calling at Lenham Square. It then continues to Harrietsham and makes a final stop on the A20 at Hollingbourne before proceeding straight to North Greenwich where it connects with the Jubilee Line. Morning services leave between 06.35 from Hothfield and 06.53 from Hollingbourne, and arrive into North Greenwich at 08:00. The evening service then leaves North Greenwich at 18.00 and is timed to commence its drop-offs at Hollingbourne at 19.10. Buzzlines has operated a service between Ashford and Central London for more than 20 years and this new service for the A20 corridor is one of three new routes operating out of Folkestone and Ashford. The Company’s Operations Director Nigel Busbridge emphasises the comfort factor. “We put executive coaches on our commuter routes so our customers are assured of a comfortable journey with plenty of legroom and at-seat wi-fi connection – and of course our commuters get to know each other so we can certainly claim to have “arranged” some strong friendships and even one or two marriages!” Annual season tickets for the new service cost £2,950, and Buzzlines anticipate that this will typically save commuters between £1,000 and £2,000 against the cost of an equivalent rail commute. Further savings may be possible if commuters live close enough to the coach route to be able to leave their cars at home; or if they choose to take a bicycle in the luggage hold of the coach so that they can avoid an underground connection once they arrive in London. And you can even try the service free for a week! Buzzlines stress that travellers don’t have to take season tickets. Quite a few users of their current services out of Ashford work part-time in London and part-time at home, and are well suited by day return prices of just £20 £23. Buzzlines Chief Executive Lynn Woods thinks the appeal of the commuter coach option is a question of horses for courses. “We don’t claim to be able to compete with the versatility of the trains, but if people are travelling to set working hours and are heading to a part of London that is well-suited to the Jubilee Line connection at the O2, we may well be able to save them time as well as money.”, tel. 01303 261870 38 37 people competed at the March whist drive and the winners were Jennifer Amor and Reg Fullager. The next whist drive is on Friday 10th April 7.30pm at the Village Hall. Michael Gear Pins and Needles Well, another new member joined us in March and there is another in the offing when she is able to get to one of our meetings so that’s good! We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 3 Downlands between 2pm and 5pm (come and go any time, you’re very welcome to stay for the whole 3 hours but you don’t have to) to do our knitting / crochet / cross-stitch etc while generally putting the world to rights. All very gentle stuff! So our next meeting is on Tuesday 7th April. If you’d like to come along I’d be delighted to hear from you, just give me a ring first so I know to expect you. Rosi Taylor, 851701 Len Valley Community Hub Club As it is Easter this month we thought it would be nice if some of you came in your Easter bonnets. You don’t have to but I’m sure the rest of us would appreciate them. We have a Mr Roy Carey coming to talk on ‘Images of Maidstone’. We meet on Thursday 2nd April at Lenham Social Club, 2.00 4.00pm. Hope you can make it and we look forward to seeing you all. Thank you for all your support and thanks to the staff behind the bar. Martin, John, Jenny and Nina Harrietsham in Bloom Volunteers Spring has finally arrived with daffodils, snowdrops and crocus giving a good show. Thank you to everyone who’s offered to help wth dead-heading the daffodils. Unfortunately our planter outside Kent Cosmetics was very badly damaged by a lorry and has had to be removed and replaced with a new one; many thanks to Tony Bell for providing a replacement and to the maintenance team for helping to site it. Cont. on p. 16 15 Harrietsham Network Cont. from p. 15 We would welcome anyone who would like to join us as a volunteer and to help look after our planters in any way they can, please contact our Chairman, Andrew Rogers, on 01622 859352, for further details of tasks involved. Please support us at our Quiz Night on Saturday 25th April in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support and Harrietsham in Bloom, please see details below. Audrey Joy HARRIETSHAM IN BLOOM QUIZ NIGHT 7.30pm, Saturday 25th April Harrietsham Village Hall in aid of Harrietsham in Bloom and MacMillan Cancer Support £8 per person (includes Ploughman’s supper and soft drinks) To book a table please contact Peter Bowler 01622 851295 or 07831 147656 Audley Care. For care that’s wrapped around you. Harrietsham Gardening Society The speaker at our February meeting, Alexander Hunt, gave a very interesting talk on Potash Farm which is situated between Sevenoaks and Tonbridge where they have 30 Acres of Cob and Walnut trees producing approximately 1½ - 2 tons of nuts per acre. Members were surprised at the number and variety of products produced from cobnuts, some of which Alexander had brought with him; more information can be found on his company’s website Our members-only Spring Show was held the week after the deadline for this magazine, but the results from this will be available on our website by the time you read this. Our show committee has been working on the schedule for the village annual show which is on Saturday 5th September and have decided on the categories for the photographic section; these are: • A close-up colour photograph of a flower • A colour photograph of a landscape Cont. on p. 17 16 Everyone has differing care needs – you can have as little or as much as you want – our homecare is tailored around your needs. You may just want: s A hand with cleaning, ironing and preparing meals s Long term, short term or emergency care s A little help and company whilst recovering from illness s Assistance with getting up and going to bed, whatever the time s Someone to go shopping with you or for you, or to collect prescriptions s A little companionship or someone to accompany you to appointments Remember you don’t have to change your routine just to make things easier for us. It’s the other way around. For confidential and completely free advice call Audley Care Bearsted Branch Manager Libby Webb on: 01622 633101 April 2015 REMIX & FISH SCHEME FRIDAY FILM CLUB HARRIETSHAM VILLAGE HALL FRIDAY 17TH APRIL 2015 Cont. from p. 16 • A black and white photograph, any subject • A humorous photograph • A colour photograph of a pest - the good, bad or the ugly • A photograph of a local building, and • A colour photograph taken at one of the Society’s trips 2015 (members only). Hopefully this will give all you budding photographers plenty of time to take some really good photos and take part. The meeting on Tuesday 21st April is a talk by Alison Marsden on ‘Making the most of a small garden’ and on Saturday 25th April we will be travelling to Wakehurst Place in West Sussex for our first outing of the year. There are still places available for this day out, if you would be interested in joining us please contact Marjorie Darby on 850657. Afternoon Matinee organised by Harrietsham Fish Scheme. Doors open at 2pm for refreshments, prompt 2.15 start Mr Turner Cert 12A, Running Time 150 mins Yearly membership of the society is £10.00 and details of how to join can be found on our website and our noticeboard inside the village hall. Our website has some useful links to other societies and suppliers which can be found by clicking on the ‘Links’ tab on the left hand side of the home page. Peter Brown An exploration of the last quarter century of the great, if eccentric, British painter J.M.W. Turner's life. Starring Timothy Spall Admission £3 for members; U18 need to be accompanied by an adult. Contact Marjorie on 850657 if you require transport. Gardening Tips for April 7.50pm for refreshments, prompt 8pm start. Pride Cert 15, Running Time 119 mins U.K. gay activists work to help miners during their lengthy strike of the National Union of Mineworkers in the summer of 1984. Admission £3 for members; U18 need to be accompanied by an adult. Contact Janetta Sams on 859412 or email With the improving weather it is all go in the garden. We have finished all the clearing up and are now busy planting all the clear areas with new plants either grown from seed, or selected from the 1000s now in stock at the local garden centre/nursery. Don’t rush to plant out those tender summer bedding or vegetable plants as the weather can still be unpredictable. Slugs will already be around, keep an eye out for emerging perennials as they like the nice new tender shoots. Protect with crushed shell or potting grit or use one of the many chemical treatments; some child/wildlife friendly options are available. Don’t forget to stake perennials before they get too big. Vegetable seeds and plants are still popular and space is no excuse. Many can be grown in containers, but don’t get too ambitious. Just plant enough that you can cope with and make regular small sowings rather than one large amount. If you want something different, try sowing some Crown Prince Squash. It produces blue pumpkins that keep all winter and taste excellent roasted. Stephen Morris See 17 Harrietsham Network Local Churches Parish Church of St John the Baptist Priest in Charge: Rev’d Dr Richard Venn, The Vicarage, Old Ashford Road, Lenham, ME17 2PX 858195. Associate Priest based in Harrietsham: Rev Millie Hart The Rectory, Church Road, Harrietsham ME17 1AP 297296 Available Wednesday - Sunday Benefice office: tel. 850604. Email Answerphone when office not manned. For details of services see p 19 Church of the Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church Rectory Lane, off East Street, Harrietsham Parish Priest: Fr. Geoffrey Pointer Deacon: Rev Cyril Durbin, 736100 Mass every Sunday at 8.45am and Wednesday at 10.00am Holydays Mass 7pm St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church Button Lane, Bearsted 736100 Confessions, Saturday 5- 5.30pm Saturday Evening Mass 6pm Sunday Mass 10.30am Weekday Mass generally Monday 7pm and Tuesday and Friday 10am Holydays Mass 10am and 8pm United Reformed Church Week Street, Maidstone Minister: Rev. Andrew Royal Sunday Service at 10.30am with creche. No evening service 01622 686053 Jubilee Church, Maidstone - Whole church: Sundays at 10am and 6pm at Jubilee Auditorium, Upper Stone Street ME15 6HD Admin Office: 01622 673754 - Len Valley Zone meets: 7.30pm on Thursday evenings in Lenham and Harrietsham Please contact 07900 284662 for details Baptist Church Knightrider Street, Maidstone Minister: Bill Miller Office: 01622 686013 Sunday Services at 10.30am with creche, and at 6.30pm Bearsted and Thurnham Methodist Church, Bearsted (next to Station) Minister: Rev Clifford Newman 45 St. Lukes Avenue, Maidstone. ME14 5AN Tel 752895 Sunday Service at 10.30am April 2015 Ploughmans, Pimms, Pickles and Plant Sale Harrietsham May Fayre Organised by the Parent Teacher & Friends Association of Harrietsham CofE Primary School Saturday 16th May 12noon - 4pm Thursday 14th May, 12.00 – 15.00 at Faygate, Ashford Road, Lenham In aid of the JPK Sussex Project Ticket/Donation at £1O each available from: Jackie Bevan (01622 859310) N.B. Excellent bedding plants and home-made pickles and preserves will be available at reasonable prices. The same nursery as last year will be supplying the plants to my house. Tickets are limited so please reserve them now to avoid disappointment. Jackie Bevan * coconut shy * * fairground * * pony rides * * BBQ * * beer tent * * ice creams * * tea room * * stalls * * music * * maypole * * country dancing * Details from Susie Jack 07812 555585 Lenham Family Festival 60’s Night 11th-14th June Friday 29th May, 8 - 11pm St. John the Baptist Church Harrietsham Chicory Tip Family day on Saturday 13th June Entry by ticket only 12 noon - 9pm at Lenham Community Centre £10 each Contact Mark on 01622 850006 For details contact Janetta 01622 859412 Registered Charity Number 296645 18 35 Registered Charity in England and Wales 1089464 Registered Charity Number 1039651 Harrietsham Network April 2015 Stede Court Estate Walks Len Valley Churches Service Times Stede Court Estate Farm is the land that lies to the north of the Pilgrims Way between Stede Hill and Marley Road that has for many years been open to visitors to enjoy. As quite a few residents of Harrietsham will know, back in 1992 I planted some 10,000 trees and created a number of grass paddocks with the tremendous assistance of both the Forestry Commission and the Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS). At that time the land was opened to the public under ‘permissive access’ for the quiet enjoyment of the walks, the young woodlands and the views over Harrietsham. Over the years the scheme has proven a great success with many locals and walkers enjoying the winding paths through the growing woods. Wednesday 1st April 9.30am Lenham: Holy Communion In 2012 I withdrew the land from the Countryside Stewardship Scheme but still allowed public access to continue. Sadly, after all this time, I have decided to put the land on the market and because of that I am afraid that the public access will have to come to an end in May at which point the gates will be closed. Plenty of notice will be given on signs at the three entry points. Thursday 2nd April 7.30pm Harrietsham: Maundy Thursday service Friday 3rd April – Good Friday 10.00am Messy Church at Harrietsham Church 2.00pm Services in all four churches “An hour at The Cross” Sunday 5th April – Easter Sunday 9.30am Lenham: Breakfast service 9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Easter Celebration with Communion 9.30am Harrietsham: Easter Celebration with Communion 10.45am Ulcombe: Easter Celebration with Communion 11.00am Lenham: Easter Celebration with Communion I am selling the 28 acres of sloping land from the top of the hill down to The Pilgrims Way. The reason is that as I get older I am finding it increasingly difficult, and costly, to maintain this part of the farm. The 28 acres will go on general sale in the near future, either as a whole or as two 14 acre lots, and the details of the sale and maps of the plots can be viewed on Sunday 12th April 8.00am Lenham: Holy Communion (Prayer Book) 9.30am Lenham: Breakfast Service 9.30am Harrietsham: Holy Communion 10.45am Ulcombe: Holy Communion 11.00am Lenham: Morning Worship 3.30pm Boughton Malherbe: Evensong May I thank all of the people who have used the land over the years for taking such good care of it and I hope that it may even be purchased by an organisation that would reopen it to the public at some time in the future. If anyone has such a body in mind or is interested in the land, which is best suited to equestrian use or maybe even a vineyard, do please contact me by email at or ring me on 07831 210123. Thank you. Brian Henslow, Stede Court Estate Sunday 19th April 9.30am Lenham: Breakfast Service 9.30am Harrietsham: Morning Worship 9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Holy Communion 10.45am Ulcombe: Morning Worship 11.00am Lenham: Holy Communion Harrietsham Village Hall The AGM will be held on Wednesday 13th May at 7.30pm in the Booth Hall and we hope as many people as possible will join us to meet over a glass of wine. Over the past year a number of committee members have either moved away or had to stand down for other reasons so we are looking for new members with the enthusiasm to take the hall forward. Tony Taylor, Chairman - tel. 851701 34 Saturday 25th April 8.00am Dog & Bear, Lenham: Men’s breakfast 5.00pm Harrietsham: Prayer and Praise Sunday 26th April 8.00am Lenham: Holy Communion (Prayer Book) 9.30am Harrietsham: Holy Communion 9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Family Worship 10.45am Ulcombe: Holy Communion 11.00am Lenham: Family Worship 19 Christian Message April 2015 In a month’s time we will be going to the polls to elect a new government. No, I am not going to tell you which way to vote. But I am going to say that it’s time for us all to engage with politics and community. The Church of England bishops got themselves into hot water with the government (again) last month by publishing a letter pleading for a fresh way of thinking. Of course, there were howls of rage from the politicians: “Keep out of politics – stick to saving souls.” Sadly, our politicians just show their own ignorance and naiviety when they speak like that. The church should be about so much more than “saving souls”. Jesus – showing us what God is like – had a lot to say about the political and religious leaders of his day. It was by no means complimentary! He had a passion for downtrodden, ordinary people. He – like God – longed for justice and right-living, for peace and love to be the marks of society, not greed, self-importance, power, lust and selfishness. Jesus’ message was one of being right with God; but equally about the importance of living right and loving our neighbour (whoever they are, whatever they look like) as much as we love ourselves. Whatever our politics, it’s important that our voice is heard. Many will say “What’s the point? Politicians are all the same.” Let’s not tarnish everyone with the same brush and let’s bring some hope and vision back into our national life. The bishops’ letter suggests that we are in danger of being a “society of strangers”, rather than a “community of communities”. We can strengthen our community by voting, by getting involved, by helping those around us, by looking out for each other. We can develop our gifts of hospitality by befriending our neighbours; we can learn to be generous with time, money and talents. Our four churches, for example, are raising money year on year to provide fresh water boreholes for four villages in Zambia. Girls can now get an education instead of trudging miles each day to fetch water from dirty wells. They, too, are our neighbours. There is always hope. Even in the most desperate of times, we can hope, and we can be part of the path to a better society, a community of communities. The message of Easter is one of hope. Out of Jesus’ death comes new life and that new life brings hope and the power to do right. I will be voting. I hope everyone will. And I will be praying for our community, our country and our world as we face the continued pressures that affect us. Rev. Dick Venn THE PILGRIMS WAY ARTISTS Invite you to their 18TH ANNUAL SUMMER EXHIBITION in Lenham village 14C Tithe Barn Kent ME17 2QD FRIDAY 15th MAY TO BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY 25th MAY 2015 10am to 6pm daily - entrance & car parking free. (Exhibition closes 4pm on 25th May) 30 local artists, potters and sculptors exhibiting over 350 works Featured Artist Peter Robson Illustrated Exhibition Guide £1 With free draw ticket for an original painting by Kaidy Lewis ________________________ ARTISTS DEMONSTRATING SATURDAY 16th MAY & WEDNESDAY 20th MAY 6PM TO 9PM Please come and meet the artists at their easels and discuss their work ___________________________________________________________________ MEMBERS CRAFT IN THE ADJOINING COBBLED BARN FRIDAY 22nd to SUNDAY 24th MAY JEWELLERY – CERAMICS – GLASS – WOODWORK - FABRIC Yvonne Bonham – Member email: Tel: 01233 770425 2015 Exhibition supported by Lark Insurance 20 33 Harrietsham Network April 2015 Heart of Kent Hospice Fundraising Church Decorating For Easter Cyclo Sportive, Sunday 26th April A 100km timed cycle through the Heart of Kent Countryside starting from East Malling Research , Kiln Barn Road, Ditton ,Maidstone ME19 6BB This will take place on Saturday 4th April from 8.30am onwards. The Heart of Kent Hospice challenges you to join its cycle of care. Riders are challenged to achieve a certain time based on age and gender. Two shorter routes are also available at 65km or 38km. Each route has its own feed station and is comprehensively signed. Details of each route can be found on the Heart of Kent Hospice website www. under the Cyclo Sportive heading in the Events section and you can also register to take part on this site at £35.00 per person for the 100Km ride and £30.00 for the shorter routes. Bookings can also be made by contacting Fundraising on 01622 790195 . Registration opens at 7.30am for the 100KM which starts at 8.30am and at 8.30am for the shorter routes with the ride beginning at 9.00am. Bluebell Walk, Sunday 3rd May 2015 The Heart of Kent Hospice invites you to join its new circular 6-mile route through the beautiful heart of Kent’s countryside when the bluebells are at their finest. The walk starts at Harrietsham Village Hall, ME17 1AP and is a perfect day out for all the family (including dogs!). At the end of the walk you will have an opportunity to visit our legendary cake stall and our new Heart of Kent Farmers Market where you can treat yourself to local produce from exceptional Kent suppliers. Hungry walkers will also be able to enjoy a reasonably priced hog roast prepared on the day by our own catering team. Registration opens at 8.30am on the day of the walk but advance booking is recommended to save time on the day. Please note that the latest start time is 11.00am. Ample free parking. Entry is £10.00 per adult, £3.00 per child, or £25.00 per family of two adults and 3 children. No minimum sponsorship. For further information or to book your place please contact fundraising on 01622 790195, visit our website or email I look forward to seeing all Guild members and any other persons who can come along and help to decorate the Church. Any gifts of flowers and greenery should be brought to the Church on Saturday, as early as possible, please. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available. Any donations to Rita Long. Rita Long, 01622 850863 Men’s Breakfast On the last Saturday of each month we meet at 8am to enjoy a Full English Breakfast in the function room of the Dog and Bear Hotel, Lenham and listen to a speaker. There are opportunities to ask questions, meet interesting people and talk informally. The cost is £8.50 for breakfast. Our forthcoming meetings will take place as follows: 25th April – Dr Peter LeFeuvre: ‘Revealing the Gospel through medicine’ 30th May – Alex Clark from The Family Trust, Maidstone. Title to be confirmed 27th June – to be confirmed If you would be interested in joining our group you would be most welcome. Please contact The Reverend Dick Venn for further information or to book on 01622 858195 or Len Valley Churches Ladies’ Breakfast Join us at The Dog and Bear, Lenham on Saturday May 2nd at 8.30 am A chance to enjoy a cooked or continental breakfast, meet new friends and listen to an inspiring speaker. This month it will be Sarah Montgomery, a doctor who has worked abroad in many different countries teaching family medicine and working in refugee camps. She has just reurned from Burkino Faso and India. To book your place please ring or email the church office on 850604 or 32 21 Harrietsham Volunteer Training Corps. (V.T.C.) In some cases, this has been right next to the primary school and the pre-school and children have had to be careful where they walk. This should not be the case and I personally have cleared away other people’s dogs’ mess to prevent the health hazard it poses to children. So could I please ask all dog owners to check your conscience and keep an eye on your dogs, especially if they are off lead and you cannot see where they are making their mess. Please make use of the bins that are in and around the village. Bagged dog poo can be put into any bin, not just dog poo bins. Toxocariasis is an infestation of humans, usually children, with the larvae of Toxocara canis, a small threadlike worm that resides in a dog’s intestine. Finally I would also like to acknowledge the dog owners in the village who do indeed ensure that their dogs’ mess is always cleared away after walks. A dog harbouring the small round worm causes large numbers of worm eggs in its faeces, which can then contaminate the soil. If the dogs’ mess is not picked up, this can potentially blind up to 100 children per year. Many thanks, Jodi Eeles 22 The list of brave volunteers from Harrietsham steadily grows. Mr. Blay of No.1 Alms-houses has another son, Charles J. Blay, who has joined the 4th London Royal Field Artillery. Reginald Watts the 5th Batt. Royal East Kent Regt. All major supermarkets sell bags of 100+ nappy sacks which can easily be used for dog poo bags and at less than 20 pence a pack, this is an affordable option. They also last a long time and are easy to stash away in coat pockets. Roll of Honour Grows Dear Dog Owners, I have been walking my dog in and around the village for nearly seven years and have noticed a growing problem with dogs’ mess that is not being cleared away by all dog owners. Apart from the health hazards, it is unsightly and doesn’t reflect pride in the village and respect for its residents. Mrs Buckingham will continue to be at Woodlands on Tuesday afternoons, from 2 to 3 to give out the work as more shirts, socks and pillow cases are urgently needed. Letter Mr. Hatch had invited several guests to meet them at Lenham including Major Mitchell, Lieut. Capell R.E., Second Lieut. Barnes and R.E. Reserves Etherington, Leach and Taylor plus four wounded convalescent soldiers. After justice had been done to the repast, Mr. Hatch gave the Royal Toast. Major Mitchell concluded the evening by proposing a toast to “The Harrietsham V.T.C.” Among the members of the V.T.C. present were Messers L.J.Clark, J.H.Matthews, R.W.Ivens, J.Baker, J. Hedges, R.Cutbush, F.Tidd, J.Cheeseman and W.Crump. Join us in a hunt through the churchyard to find some of the characters from the Easter story. What will the Roman soldier give you and what will he tell you? every week at Woodlands. Over 1150 garments have been sent from Harrietsham to the Maidstone Depot which has been distributed to various regiments, ships and also to families left in distress. In addition, 115 shirts and socks were given to men from Harrietsham. Easter Messy Church special at Harrietsham Church on Good Friday, April 3rd from 10.00am to 12.00 noon. Work-Party Continues Easter Messy Church hospitably entertained to dinner at the Dog and Bear Hotel, Lenham by Mr. James Hatch, one of the troop’s members. Assembling outside Harrietsham School, wearing their brassards, the members marched over to Lenham. Harrietsham School in the Top six with recent Examination Results News from April 1915 Harrietsham Network Saturday Freighter Service What you CAN’T take to the freighter • Bulky items • Commercial waste • Electrical items • Garden waste • Glass • Hazardous waste • Household waste • Paint tins and oil • Plasterboard • Windows Roll of Honour Grows During the winter the work party has met On Tuesday 13th April the V.T.C. (Also known as the Kent Fencibles) were Work-Party Continues Following a special meeting of the Special Constables held in Harrietsham School, with Mr. T. Clark J.P. occupying the chair, it was decided to form a Harrietsham branch of the Volunteer Training Corps and a large number of men gave in their names as desirous of joining. Colonel J. Campbell of Woodlands was appointed Commandant with Messers Gipps, J.H. Matthews, E.J.Miller, W.Betts and F. Barnes as committee members. Harrietsham School has again done well in the recent Church History Examination and is mentioned among the best six country schools, with five first classes, five second, and one third class. Margaret West has come out third in the Diocese, just missing a special prize, but mentioned for most commendable work. She and Muriel Collyer have been awarded an additional 2s. 6d. Harrietsham School in the Top six with recent Examination Results Harrietsham Volunteer Training Corps. (V.T.C.) News from April 1915 HARRIETSHAM TIMES April 2015 About the Freighter Service • Abusive behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated • Children must be kept away from the freighter at all times • Do not leave items on the pavement or road before or after the freighter visits, as this could be treated in the same way as fly-tipping • Freighter staff can refuse to accept items if they think they are hazardous or will cause damage to the vehicle or the public • Only freighter staff can load items into the vehicle • When it’s busy you may have to queue to hand over items For more information visit The next visit of the freighter will be on Saturday 18 April 2015. 9.30am to 10.10am 10.20am to 11.00am Church Lane Primary School Scrub Bash Thanks to all those who attended this event on Teer’s Meadow, can we thank Simon and Sally from the Mid Kent Downs Partnership, who not only supplied the expertise and tools but also the refreshments! It was hard work but much progress was made to improve the natural area. We have, we hope, assisted the birdlife and also increased the prospect of maintaining a healthy and vibrant insect population. In all it is a small step to maintain the field and we hope that later in the year we can revisit it with another work party. It was highly enjoyable and sociable and was a good way of meeting new friends. Janetta Sams, local coordinator 23 April 2015 Harrietsham Network Looking for Work Experience Coming to Harrietsham... I am currently in my second year of university at the ifs [Institute of Financial Services] University College studying Finance and Accounting for the Financial Services. I decided to study in London and stay at home as it was the best thing to do to support my family. I knew this was going to be a hard decision and the hours I spent travelling in my first semester really took it out of me. After adapting to commuting I now really enjoy it, I have certainly learnt the art of sleeping on trains! Starting in April, Baby Sensory classes will be held in Harrietsham Village Hall on Friday mornings My university is quite unique, with only 18 students in my class and 10 classrooms. It is a very personal environment, I know all the receptionists, lecturers and support workers by name and they do too. They make me feel like an individual rather than just a name on a register. This was the selling point for me of the university. I have already studied modules in law, economics, financial and management accountancy and am looking forward to my module on tax and my dissertation next year. I am now nearing the end of my second year and am looking for some work experience within finance, accounting or admin companies and am asking the local community if they have anything available for me to put everything I have learnt into practice. I would be committed any time between July and October for as long as necessary. Please contact me on hayleyannebell@ if you have any opportunities for me. Hayley Bell Welcome to Harrietsham This month we extend a warm welcome to: • • • • • • Rosemary Kawoya with Patrick, Adron and Apollo (1 Parkfield Close) Laura and John Carr with Courtney, Lewis, Ethan and Isaac (2 Parkfield Close) Lee Cox, Nina Makuch and family (3 Parkfield Close) Gemma and Danny Bryant and family (4 Parkfield Close) Megan Bouffler with Leah, Riley and Rowan (6 Blackthorn Close) Jon and Jo Humphrey with Niamh and new baby Joshua (8 Shrubwood Close) We hope you all settle quickly in your new homes. Donation Thanks We are very grateful to Sally Brooks and Gladys Runnacles for their kind donations to the Fish Scheme. Michael Gear, Honorary Treasurer 24 The newborn’s brain is only a quarter of adult size, but by the end of the first year, it will have doubled in volume. This growth is largely due to the trillions of neural connections, which allow messages to be passed from one area of the brain to another. These connections are the direct result of events and experiences encountered from birth. Babies need stimulating experiences. An environment full of interesting sounds, sights, smells, tastes and textures builds and strengthens connections between brain cells, which ultimately shapes behaviour, memory, emotions, intelligence and other essential mental skills. The remarkable ability of the brain to make connections and to absorb information has provided Baby Sensory with a wonderful opportunity to encourage the learning and development of babies from birth. Classes give parents the chance to spend quality time with their babies, to interact warmly with them on a one-to-one level and to enjoy a wealth of rich sensory experiences: at Baby Sensory you can expect ..... Light shows, water play, baby signing, massage, music, puppets, parachutes, bubbles, baby whispering and much more! All activities are accompanied by useful information. This is important because parents need to know why and how they can lead their baby’s learning and development forwards in the most important year of their lives. For details of Baby Sensory classes in Harrietsham, m, please contact Sarah on 07786 448701, email or visit Baby Sensory Dartford, Gravesend and Meopham Tel: 07786 448701 Precious Early Learning for Babies The Big Lunch - Save the Date The Big Lunch this year will be on Sunday 7th June, at the Booth Field and the Village Hall, so make a date in your diaries and start looking out those picnic rugs and hampers! If you’d like to be involved in the planning for this event please give one of us a call. Liz Holland, tel.858081 Rosi Taylor, tel. 851701 29 April Diary Wed 1 8pm Harrietsham Wives, Booth Hall. ‘The Trials and Tribulations of a Public Speaker’ (T = termtime only) SUNDAY Tennis Club (May-Sept) 2.30pm Booth Field MONDAY Pre School Group Short Mat Bowls SJAB: Adults Brownie Guides Remix Project 9am - 2pm 2pm - 4.30pm 7pm - 9.15pm 5.45pm - 7.15pm 7.30pm - 9pm Primary School T Ambrose Hall HQ, Ham Lane, Lenham Booth Hall T Ambrose Hall TUESDAY Pre School Group Art Class (Adult Education) Beavers (age 6 - 8) Cub Scouts Tennis Club (May-Sept) Gardening Society (3rd Tues) Guides Lenham Youth Centre Bell Ringing Practice 9am - 2pm 2pm - 4.30pm 5.45pm - 7.15pm 6.30pm - 8pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 7.00pm - 8.45pm 7 - 9pm 7.30pm - 9pm Primary School T Booth Hall T Scout HQ,Station Road Lenham Primary School Booth Field Ambrose Hall Booth Hall T Swadelands T Bell Tower 9am - noon 10.30am - noon 10.35am 11.05am 11.25am 6pm - 7.30pm 6pm - 8pm 8pm - 10pm 8pm - 10pm 7.30pm Primary School T Booth Hall P.O.West Street Church Lane Almshouses Ambrose Hall HQ, Ham Lane, Lenham See magazine entry Ambrose Hall Booth Hall Thur 2 2 - 4pm Community Hub Club, Lenham Social Club Fri 3 10am - 12 12 noon Messy Church, Harrietsham Church Advertising deadline for May Network Tue 7 2 - 5pm ‘Pins and Needles’, 3 Downlands 5.45 for 6pm LVBA networking meeting, Holiday Inn, Hothfield Thur 9 2.00pm WI, Village Hall: ‘Plants for Health and Healing’ Fri 10 12 noon 7.30pm Editorial deadline for May Network Whist Club, Village Hall Mon 13 - Fri 17 Hook Lane - closed for up to 5 days Thur 16 Young at Heart, Lenham Community Centre 2 - 4pm Fri 17 2 for 2.15pm Film Friday: Mr. Turner (Cert 12A), Village Hall No Junior film in April (School Holidays) 7.50 for 8pm Film Friday: Pride (Cert 15), Village Hall Sat 18 9.30-10.10 Freighter visit: Church Lane 10.20-11.00 Freighter visit: Primary School, West Street Mon 20 7.30pm History Society AGM, school hall Tue 21 7.30pm Gardening Society, Village Hall Sat 25 8.00am 7.30pm Men’s Breakfast, Dog and Bear Gardening Society outing HIB/Macmillan quiz, Village Hall 6.30pm 8.00pm Parish Council meeting, Booth Hall Annual Parish Meeting, Ambrose Hall Wed 29 Looking Ahead May 3rd May 14th May 16th May 29th Harrietsham day by day Bluebell Walk Ploughmans, Pimms, Pickles and Plants Sale May Fayre, Booth Field 60’s Night, St. John the Baptist Church 28 WEDNESDAY Pre School Group Elevenses (2nd Wed) Mobile Library Karate Club St. J. A. Cadets (10-18 yrs) Wives Group (1st Wed) Badminton Club (Sept-May) Parish Council (last Wed) THURSDAY Pre School Group 9am - 2pm Baby & Toddler Group 9.30am - 11.30am Women’s Institute (2nd Thurs) 2.00pm Tennis Club (May-Sept) 6.30pm Explorers (Scouts) 7.15pm - 9.30pm Short Mat Bowls 7pm - 10pm Choir Practice 6.15pm Lenham Youth Centre 7 - 9pm Pub Quiz 8.30pm Primary School T Ambrose Hall T Booth Hall Booth Field Kingswood Scout HQ Ambrose Hall Parish Church Swadelands T Roebuck FRIDAY Pre School Group Coffee Morning Scouts 9am - 2pm 10am - noon 7.30pm - 9.30pm Primary School T Booth Hall Scout HQ,Station Road SATURDAY Rainbows 10am - 11.30am Booth Hall T T T T Local Directory Art Group Adult Education 0845 6065606 Baby and Toddler Group Co-Leader Emily 07752 319594 Badminton Chairman Geoff Lord 850934 Beaver Scouts Leader Duncan Keenan 07768 926654 Bell Ringers Ringing master Mr. J. Betts 859266 Steeple keeper Mr. K. Leach 851173 Bible Reading Fellowship Co-ordinator Mrs. J. Bevan 859310 Booth and Baldwin Charity Secretary email British Legion Poppy Appeal Organiser Mr. M. Bishop 850921 Brownie Guides Brown Owl Mrs. J. Burr 859494 Community Support PCSO John Boyd 101 Conservative Association Faversham office 01622 758053 Cricket Club Chairman Mr. A. Hubble 859692 Cub Scouts Leader Mrs. A. Seales 859829 Disability Group Chairman Mrs. S. Crouch 859613 Explorer Scouts Leader Mark Horlock 07789 226516 Family History Enquiries Mr. F. Long 850863 Flower Guild Parish Church Mrs. R. Long 850863 Friends of St. John The Baptist Church Chairman Mr. S. Morris 850948 Gardening Society Secretary Mrs. S. Mann 850041 Girl Guides Leader Mrs. S. Morris 850948 Golf - Bill’s Round for Charity Secretary Mr. R. Bevan 859310 Harrietsham in Bloom Chairman Mr. A. Rogers 859352 Harrietsham Club Secretary Mr. J. Stone 850893 Harrietsham History Society Chairman Mr. P. Brown 851075 Harrietsham Pre-School Manager Sam Bragg 851819 Chairperson Nick Sinclair Health Walks Organiser Ms. M. Darby 850657 Helpers Chairman Mr.T. Sams 859412 Karate Club Organiser Mr Lewin Tuckwell 07812 089304 April 2015 Kent Messenger roundabout pages Village correspondent Miss R. Sams 859412 Lenham Youth Centre Contact Toni Chincharo 07966 966090 Liberal Democrat Association Mr. David Naghi 07970 626829 PTFA (Harrietsham School) Chairman Mr. T. Griffiths 07793 240529, Rainbows Leader Ms. A. Thompson 850935 Remix Project Co-ordinator Mr.T. Sams 859412 Royal British Legion Branch Chairman Mr. Barry Wood 850702 / Rural Community Warden Mr. M. Sherwood 07977 981993 St John Ambulance Unit Manager, Cadets Mrs. D. Bond 01622 205452 Unit Manager, Adults Mr R Powell 01622 858364 / Scouts Group leader Mr. E. Seales 859829 Leader Mr. N. Still 859789 Short Mat Bowls Secretary Mr. B. Rust 859556 Swadelands School Head Mr. R. Baddeley 858267 Tennis Club Chairman Mr. A. Rogers 859352 Secretary Mrs. G. Thurgood 859482 Ulcombe Pre-school Chairperson Helen Leat 07511 658728 / Village Hall Chairman Mr. T. Taylor 851701 (Bookings: see p. 2) Whist Club Mr. G. Booth 859255 Wives Group Leader Mrs. B. Kelly 853803 Women’s Institute Secretary Mrs. J. Tabrett 859224 Public Services and Emergencies Doctors’ surgery (for either Lenham or Harrietsham) Dentist, Lenham Dentaline (out of hours emergency treatment) Hospitals: Maidstone, ME16 9QQ The Tunbridge Wells Hosptal, Pembury TN2 4QJ William Harvey Hospital, Ashford TN24 0LZ Councils: MP - Sir Hugh Robertson Kent County Council Maidstone Borough Council - all departments Harrietsham Parish Council - Parish Clerk Police: Emergencies only 999 Non-emergencies Samaritans, 48 Grecian Street, Maidstone Citizens Advice Bureau, 2 Bower Terrace, M/stone Childline KCC Children’s Social Services KCC Adults Social Services 01622 859204 or 858341 01622 858204 01634 890300 01622 729000 01892 823535 01233 633331 01622 758053 03000 41 41 41 01622 602000 01622 850089 101 01622 674444 01622 752420 0800 11 11 03000 41 11 11 03000 41 61 61 Local Directory Art Group Adult Education 0845 6065606 Baby and Toddler Group Co-Leader Emily 07752 319594 Badminton Chairman Geoff Lord 850934 Beaver Scouts Leader Duncan Keenan 07768 926654 Bell Ringers Ringing master Mr. J. Betts 859266 Steeple keeper Mr. K. Leach 851173 Bible Reading Fellowship Co-ordinator Mrs. J. Bevan 859310 Booth and Baldwin Charity Secretary email British Legion Poppy Appeal Organiser Mr. M. Bishop 850921 Brownie Guides Brown Owl Mrs. J. Burr 859494 Community Support PCSO John Boyd 101 Conservative Association Faversham office 01622 758053 Cricket Club Chairman Mr. A. Hubble 859692 Cub Scouts Leader Mrs. A. Seales 859829 Disability Group Chairman Mrs. S. Crouch 859613 Explorer Scouts Leader Mark Horlock 07789 226516 Family History Enquiries Mr. F. Long 850863 Flower Guild Parish Church Mrs. R. Long 850863 Friends of St. John The Baptist Church Chairman Mr. S. Morris 850948 Gardening Society Secretary Mrs. S. Mann 850041 Girl Guides Leader Mrs. S. Morris 850948 Golf - Bill’s Round for Charity Secretary Mr. R. Bevan 859310 Harrietsham in Bloom Chairman Mr. A. Rogers 859352 Harrietsham Club Secretary Mr. J. Stone 850893 Harrietsham History Society Chairman Mr. P. Brown 851075 Harrietsham Pre-School Manager Sam Bragg 851819 Chairperson Nick Sinclair Health Walks Organiser Ms. M. Darby 850657 Helpers Chairman Mr.T. Sams 859412 Karate Club Organiser Mr Lewin Tuckwell 07812 089304 April 2015 Kent Messenger roundabout pages Village correspondent Miss R. Sams 859412 Lenham Youth Centre Contact Toni Chincharo 07966 966090 Liberal Democrat Association Mr. David Naghi 07970 626829 PTFA (Harrietsham School) Chairman Mr. T. Griffiths 07793 240529, Rainbows Leader Ms. A. Thompson 850935 Remix Project Co-ordinator Mr.T. Sams 859412 Royal British Legion Branch Chairman Mr. Barry Wood 850702 / Rural Community Warden Mr. M. Sherwood 07977 981993 St John Ambulance Unit Manager, Cadets Mrs. D. Bond 01622 205452 Unit Manager, Adults Mr R Powell 01622 858364 / Scouts Group leader Mr. E. Seales 859829 Leader Mr. N. Still 859789 Short Mat Bowls Secretary Mr. B. Rust 859556 Swadelands School Head Mr. R. Baddeley 858267 Tennis Club Chairman Mr. A. Rogers 859352 Secretary Mrs. G. Thurgood 859482 Ulcombe Pre-school Chairperson Helen Leat 07511 658728 / Village Hall Chairman Mr. T. Taylor 851701 (Bookings: see p. 2) Whist Club Mr. G. Booth 859255 Wives Group Leader Mrs. B. Kelly 853803 Women’s Institute Secretary Mrs. J. Tabrett 859224 Public Services and Emergencies Doctors’ surgery (for either Lenham or Harrietsham) Dentist, Lenham Dentaline (out of hours emergency treatment) Hospitals: Maidstone, ME16 9QQ The Tunbridge Wells Hosptal, Pembury TN2 4QJ William Harvey Hospital, Ashford TN24 0LZ Councils: MP - Sir Hugh Robertson Kent County Council Maidstone Borough Council - all departments Harrietsham Parish Council - Parish Clerk Police: Emergencies only 999 Non-emergencies Samaritans, 48 Grecian Street, Maidstone Citizens Advice Bureau, 2 Bower Terrace, M/stone Childline KCC Children’s Social Services KCC Adults Social Services 01622 859204 or 858341 01622 858204 01634 890300 01622 729000 01892 823535 01233 633331 01622 758053 03000 41 41 41 01622 602000 01622 850089 101 01622 674444 01622 752420 0800 11 11 03000 41 11 11 03000 41 61 61 April Diary Wed 1 8pm Harrietsham Wives, Booth Hall. ‘The Trials and Tribulations of a Public Speaker’ (T = termtime only) SUNDAY Tennis Club (May-Sept) 2.30pm Booth Field MONDAY Pre School Group Short Mat Bowls SJAB: Adults Brownie Guides Remix Project 9am - 2pm 2pm - 4.30pm 7pm - 9.15pm 5.45pm - 7.15pm 7.30pm - 9pm Primary School T Ambrose Hall HQ, Ham Lane, Lenham Booth Hall T Ambrose Hall TUESDAY Pre School Group Art Class (Adult Education) Beavers (age 6 - 8) Cub Scouts Tennis Club (May-Sept) Gardening Society (3rd Tues) Guides Lenham Youth Centre Bell Ringing Practice 9am - 2pm 2pm - 4.30pm 5.45pm - 7.15pm 6.30pm - 8pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 7.00pm - 8.45pm 7 - 9pm 7.30pm - 9pm Primary School T Booth Hall T Scout HQ,Station Road Lenham Primary School Booth Field Ambrose Hall Booth Hall T Swadelands T Bell Tower 9am - noon 10.30am - noon 10.35am 11.05am 11.25am 6pm - 7.30pm 6pm - 8pm 8pm - 10pm 8pm - 10pm 7.30pm Primary School T Booth Hall P.O.West Street Church Lane Almshouses Ambrose Hall HQ, Ham Lane, Lenham See magazine entry Ambrose Hall Booth Hall Thur 2 2 - 4pm Community Hub Club, Lenham Social Club Fri 3 10am - 12 12 noon Messy Church, Harrietsham Church Advertising deadline for May Network Tue 7 2 - 5pm ‘Pins and Needles’, 3 Downlands 5.45 for 6pm LVBA networking meeting, Holiday Inn, Hothfield Thur 9 2.00pm WI, Village Hall: ‘Plants for Health and Healing’ Fri 10 12 noon 7.30pm Editorial deadline for May Network Whist Club, Village Hall Mon 13 - Fri 17 Hook Lane - closed for up to 5 days Thur 16 Young at Heart, Lenham Community Centre 2 - 4pm Fri 17 2 for 2.15pm Film Friday: Mr. Turner (Cert 12A), Village Hall No Junior film in April (School Holidays) 7.50 for 8pm Film Friday: Pride (Cert 15), Village Hall Sat 18 9.30-10.10 Freighter visit: Church Lane 10.20-11.00 Freighter visit: Primary School, West Street Mon 20 7.30pm History Society AGM, school hall Tue 21 7.30pm Gardening Society, Village Hall Sat 25 8.00am 7.30pm Men’s Breakfast, Dog and Bear Gardening Society outing HIB/Macmillan quiz, Village Hall 6.30pm 8.00pm Parish Council meeting, Booth Hall Annual Parish Meeting, Ambrose Hall Wed 29 Looking Ahead May 3rd May 14th May 16th May 29th Harrietsham day by day Bluebell Walk Ploughmans, Pimms, Pickles and Plants Sale May Fayre, Booth Field 60’s Night, St. John the Baptist Church 28 WEDNESDAY Pre School Group Elevenses (2nd Wed) Mobile Library Karate Club St. J. A. Cadets (10-18 yrs) Wives Group (1st Wed) Badminton Club (Sept-May) Parish Council (last Wed) THURSDAY Pre School Group 9am - 2pm Baby & Toddler Group 9.30am - 11.30am Women’s Institute (2nd Thurs) 2.00pm Tennis Club (May-Sept) 6.30pm Explorers (Scouts) 7.15pm - 9.30pm Short Mat Bowls 7pm - 10pm Choir Practice 6.15pm Lenham Youth Centre 7 - 9pm Pub Quiz 8.30pm Primary School T Ambrose Hall T Booth Hall Booth Field Kingswood Scout HQ Ambrose Hall Parish Church Swadelands T Roebuck FRIDAY Pre School Group Coffee Morning Scouts 9am - 2pm 10am - noon 7.30pm - 9.30pm Primary School T Booth Hall Scout HQ,Station Road SATURDAY Rainbows 10am - 11.30am Booth Hall T T T T April 2015 Harrietsham Network Looking for Work Experience Coming to Harrietsham... I am currently in my second year of university at the ifs [Institute of Financial Services] University College studying Finance and Accounting for the Financial Services. I decided to study in London and stay at home as it was the best thing to do to support my family. I knew this was going to be a hard decision and the hours I spent travelling in my first semester really took it out of me. After adapting to commuting I now really enjoy it, I have certainly learnt the art of sleeping on trains! Starting in April, Baby Sensory classes will be held in Harrietsham Village Hall on Friday mornings My university is quite unique, with only 18 students in my class and 10 classrooms. It is a very personal environment, I know all the receptionists, lecturers and support workers by name and they do too. They make me feel like an individual rather than just a name on a register. This was the selling point for me of the university. I have already studied modules in law, economics, financial and management accountancy and am looking forward to my module on tax and my dissertation next year. I am now nearing the end of my second year and am looking for some work experience within finance, accounting or admin companies and am asking the local community if they have anything available for me to put everything I have learnt into practice. I would be committed any time between July and October for as long as necessary. Please contact me on hayleyannebell@ if you have any opportunities for me. Hayley Bell Welcome to Harrietsham This month we extend a warm welcome to: • • • • • • Rosemary Kawoya with Patrick, Adron and Apollo (1 Parkfield Close) Laura and John Carr with Courtney, Lewis, Ethan and Isaac (2 Parkfield Close) Lee Cox, Nina Makuch and family (3 Parkfield Close) Gemma and Danny Bryant and family (4 Parkfield Close) Megan Bouffler with Leah, Riley and Rowan (6 Blackthorn Close) Jon and Jo Humphrey with Niamh and new baby Joshua (8 Shrubwood Close) We hope you all settle quickly in your new homes. Donation Thanks We are very grateful to Sally Brooks and Gladys Runnacles for their kind donations to the Fish Scheme. Michael Gear, Honorary Treasurer 24 The newborn’s brain is only a quarter of adult size, but by the end of the first year, it will have doubled in volume. This growth is largely due to the trillions of neural connections, which allow messages to be passed from one area of the brain to another. These connections are the direct result of events and experiences encountered from birth. Babies need stimulating experiences. An environment full of interesting sounds, sights, smells, tastes and textures builds and strengthens connections between brain cells, which ultimately shapes behaviour, memory, emotions, intelligence and other essential mental skills. The remarkable ability of the brain to make connections and to absorb information has provided Baby Sensory with a wonderful opportunity to encourage the learning and development of babies from birth. Classes give parents the chance to spend quality time with their babies, to interact warmly with them on a one-to-one level and to enjoy a wealth of rich sensory experiences: at Baby Sensory you can expect ..... Light shows, water play, baby signing, massage, music, puppets, parachutes, bubbles, baby whispering and much more! All activities are accompanied by useful information. This is important because parents need to know why and how they can lead their baby’s learning and development forwards in the most important year of their lives. For details of Baby Sensory classes in Harrietsham, m, please contact Sarah on 07786 448701, email or visit Baby Sensory Dartford, Gravesend and Meopham Tel: 07786 448701 Precious Early Learning for Babies The Big Lunch - Save the Date The Big Lunch this year will be on Sunday 7th June, at the Booth Field and the Village Hall, so make a date in your diaries and start looking out those picnic rugs and hampers! If you’d like to be involved in the planning for this event please give one of us a call. Liz Holland, tel.858081 Rosi Taylor, tel. 851701 29 HARRIETSHAM TIMES News from April 1915 Harrietsham School in the Top six with recent Examination Results Harrietsham Volunteer Training Corps. (V.T.C.) Harrietsham School has again done well in the recent Church History Examination and is mentioned among the best six country schools, with five first classes, five second, and one third class. Margaret West has come out third in the Diocese, just missing a special prize, but mentioned for most commendable work. She and Muriel Collyer have been awarded an additional 2s. 6d. Work-Party Continues Following a special meeting of the Special Constables held in Harrietsham School, with Mr. T. Clark J.P. occupying the chair, it was decided to form a Harrietsham branch of the Volunteer Training Corps and a large number of men gave in their names as desirous of joining. Colonel J. Campbell of Woodlands was appointed Commandant with Messers Gipps, J.H. Matthews, E.J.Miller, W.Betts and F. Barnes as committee members. During the winter the work party has met On Tuesday 13th April the V.T.C. (Also known as the Kent Fencibles) were Saturday Freighter Service What you CAN’T take to the freighter • Bulky items • Commercial waste • Electrical items • Garden waste • Glass • Hazardous waste • Household waste • Paint tins and oil • Plasterboard • Windows 23 April 2015 Church Lane Primary School Thanks to all those who attended this event on Teer’s Meadow, can we thank Simon and Sally from the Mid Kent Downs Partnership, who not only supplied the expertise and tools but also the refreshments! It was hard work but much progress was made to improve the natural area. We have, we hope, assisted the birdlife and also increased the prospect of maintaining a healthy and vibrant insect population. In all it is a small step to maintain the field and we hope that later in the year we can revisit it with another work party. It was highly enjoyable and sociable and was a good way of meeting new friends. Janetta Sams, local coordinator Scrub Bash 9.30am to 10.10am 10.20am to 11.00am The next visit of the freighter will be on Saturday 18 April 2015. For more information visit • • About the Freighter Service • Abusive behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated • Children must be kept away from the freighter at all times • Do not leave items on the pavement or road before or after the freighter visits, as this could be treated in the same way as fly-tipping • Freighter staff can refuse to accept items if they think they are hazardous or will cause damage to the vehicle or the public Only freighter staff can load items into the vehicle When it’s busy you may have to queue to hand over items Roll of Honour Grows Harrietsham Network All major supermarkets sell bags of 100+ nappy sacks which can easily be used for dog poo bags and at less than 20 pence a pack, this is an affordable option. They also last a long time and are easy to stash away in coat pockets. Apart from the health hazards, it is unsightly and doesn’t reflect pride in the village and respect for its residents. Easter Messy Church Easter Messy Church special at Harrietsham Church on Good Friday, April 3rd from 10.00am to 12.00 noon. Join us in a hunt through the churchyard to find some of the characters from the Easter story. What will the Roman soldier give you and what will he tell you? Letter Dear Dog Owners, I have been walking my dog in and around the village for nearly seven years and have noticed a growing problem with dogs’ mess that is not being cleared away by all dog owners. In some cases, this has been right next to the primary school and the pre-school and children have had to be careful where they walk. This should not be the case and I personally have cleared away other people’s dogs’ mess to prevent the health hazard it poses to children. Toxocariasis is an infestation of humans, usually children, with the larvae of Toxocara canis, a small threadlike worm that resides in a dog’s intestine. A dog harbouring the small round worm causes large numbers of worm eggs in its faeces, which can then contaminate the soil. If the dogs’ mess is not picked up, this can potentially blind up to 100 children per year. 22 So could I please ask all dog owners to check your conscience and keep an eye on your dogs, especially if they are off lead and you cannot see where they are making their mess. Please make use of the bins that are in and around the village. Bagged dog poo can be put into any bin, not just dog poo bins. Jodi Eeles Finally I would also like to acknowledge the dog owners in the village who do indeed ensure that their dogs’ mess is always cleared away after walks. Many thanks, Mrs Buckingham will continue to be at Woodlands on Tuesday afternoons, from 2 to 3 to give out the work as more shirts, socks and pillow cases are urgently needed. Roll of Honour Grows The list of brave volunteers from Harrietsham steadily grows. Mr. Blay of No.1 Alms-houses has another son, Charles J. Blay, who has joined the 4th London Royal Field Artillery. Reginald Watts the 5th Batt. Royal East Kent Regt. Mr. Hatch had invited several guests to meet them at Lenham including Major Mitchell, Lieut. Capell R.E., Second Lieut. Barnes and R.E. Reserves Etherington, Leach and Taylor plus four wounded convalescent soldiers. After justice had been done to the repast, Mr. Hatch gave the Royal Toast. Major Mitchell concluded the evening by proposing a toast to “The Harrietsham V.T.C.” Among the members of the V.T.C. present were Messers L.J.Clark, J.H.Matthews, R.W.Ivens, J.Baker, J. Hedges, R.Cutbush, F.Tidd, J.Cheeseman and W.Crump. Harrietsham School in the Top six with recent Examination Results Harrietsham Volunteer Training Corps. (V.T.C.) every week at Woodlands. Over 1150 garments have been sent from Harrietsham to the Maidstone Depot which has been distributed to various regiments, ships and also to families left in distress. In addition, 115 shirts and socks were given to men from Harrietsham. hospitably entertained to dinner at the Dog and Bear Hotel, Lenham by Mr. James Hatch, one of the troop’s members. Assembling outside Harrietsham School, wearing their brassards, the members marched over to Lenham. News from April 1915 Work-Party Continues Harrietsham Network April 2015 Heart of Kent Hospice Fundraising Church Decorating For Easter Cyclo Sportive, Sunday 26th April A 100km timed cycle through the Heart of Kent Countryside starting from East Malling Research , Kiln Barn Road, Ditton ,Maidstone ME19 6BB This will take place on Saturday 4th April from 8.30am onwards. The Heart of Kent Hospice challenges you to join its cycle of care. Riders are challenged to achieve a certain time based on age and gender. Two shorter routes are also available at 65km or 38km. Each route has its own feed station and is comprehensively signed. Details of each route can be found on the Heart of Kent Hospice website www. under the Cyclo Sportive heading in the Events section and you can also register to take part on this site at £35.00 per person for the 100Km ride and £30.00 for the shorter routes. Bookings can also be made by contacting Fundraising on 01622 790195 . Registration opens at 7.30am for the 100KM which starts at 8.30am and at 8.30am for the shorter routes with the ride beginning at 9.00am. Bluebell Walk, Sunday 3rd May 2015 The Heart of Kent Hospice invites you to join its new circular 6-mile route through the beautiful heart of Kent’s countryside when the bluebells are at their finest. The walk starts at Harrietsham Village Hall, ME17 1AP and is a perfect day out for all the family (including dogs!). At the end of the walk you will have an opportunity to visit our legendary cake stall and our new Heart of Kent Farmers Market where you can treat yourself to local produce from exceptional Kent suppliers. Hungry walkers will also be able to enjoy a reasonably priced hog roast prepared on the day by our own catering team. Registration opens at 8.30am on the day of the walk but advance booking is recommended to save time on the day. Please note that the latest start time is 11.00am. Ample free parking. Entry is £10.00 per adult, £3.00 per child, or £25.00 per family of two adults and 3 children. No minimum sponsorship. For further information or to book your place please contact fundraising on 01622 790195, visit our website or email I look forward to seeing all Guild members and any other persons who can come along and help to decorate the Church. Any gifts of flowers and greenery should be brought to the Church on Saturday, as early as possible, please. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available. Any donations to Rita Long. Rita Long, 01622 850863 Men’s Breakfast On the last Saturday of each month we meet at 8am to enjoy a Full English Breakfast in the function room of the Dog and Bear Hotel, Lenham and listen to a speaker. There are opportunities to ask questions, meet interesting people and talk informally. The cost is £8.50 for breakfast. Our forthcoming meetings will take place as follows: 25th April – Dr Peter LeFeuvre: ‘Revealing the Gospel through medicine’ 30th May – Alex Clark from The Family Trust, Maidstone. Title to be confirmed 27th June – to be confirmed If you would be interested in joining our group you would be most welcome. Please contact The Reverend Dick Venn for further information or to book on 01622 858195 or Len Valley Churches Ladies’ Breakfast Join us at The Dog and Bear, Lenham on Saturday May 2nd at 8.30 am A chance to enjoy a cooked or continental breakfast, meet new friends and listen to an inspiring speaker. This month it will be Sarah Montgomery, a doctor who has worked abroad in many different countries teaching family medicine and working in refugee camps. She has just reurned from Burkino Faso and India. To book your place please ring or email the church office on 850604 or 32 21 Christian Message April 2015 In a month’s time we will be going to the polls to elect a new government. No, I am not going to tell you which way to vote. But I am going to say that it’s time for us all to engage with politics and community. The Church of England bishops got themselves into hot water with the government (again) last month by publishing a letter pleading for a fresh way of thinking. Of course, there were howls of rage from the politicians: “Keep out of politics – stick to saving souls.” Sadly, our politicians just show their own ignorance and naiviety when they speak like that. The church should be about so much more than “saving souls”. Jesus – showing us what God is like – had a lot to say about the political and religious leaders of his day. It was by no means complimentary! He had a passion for downtrodden, ordinary people. He – like God – longed for justice and right-living, for peace and love to be the marks of society, not greed, self-importance, power, lust and selfishness. Jesus’ message was one of being right with God; but equally about the importance of living right and loving our neighbour (whoever they are, whatever they look like) as much as we love ourselves. Whatever our politics, it’s important that our voice is heard. Many will say “What’s the point? Politicians are all the same.” Let’s not tarnish everyone with the same brush and let’s bring some hope and vision back into our national life. The bishops’ letter suggests that we are in danger of being a “society of strangers”, rather than a “community of communities”. We can strengthen our community by voting, by getting involved, by helping those around us, by looking out for each other. We can develop our gifts of hospitality by befriending our neighbours; we can learn to be generous with time, money and talents. Our four churches, for example, are raising money year on year to provide fresh water boreholes for four villages in Zambia. Girls can now get an education instead of trudging miles each day to fetch water from dirty wells. They, too, are our neighbours. There is always hope. Even in the most desperate of times, we can hope, and we can be part of the path to a better society, a community of communities. The message of Easter is one of hope. Out of Jesus’ death comes new life and that new life brings hope and the power to do right. I will be voting. I hope everyone will. And I will be praying for our community, our country and our world as we face the continued pressures that affect us. Rev. Dick Venn THE PILGRIMS WAY ARTISTS Invite you to their 18TH ANNUAL SUMMER EXHIBITION in Lenham village 14C Tithe Barn Kent ME17 2QD FRIDAY 15th MAY TO BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY 25th MAY 2015 10am to 6pm daily - entrance & car parking free. (Exhibition closes 4pm on 25th May) 30 local artists, potters and sculptors exhibiting over 350 works Featured Artist Peter Robson Illustrated Exhibition Guide £1 With free draw ticket for an original painting by Kaidy Lewis ________________________ ARTISTS DEMONSTRATING SATURDAY 16th MAY & WEDNESDAY 20th MAY 6PM TO 9PM Please come and meet the artists at their easels and discuss their work ___________________________________________________________________ MEMBERS CRAFT IN THE ADJOINING COBBLED BARN FRIDAY 22nd to SUNDAY 24th MAY JEWELLERY – CERAMICS – GLASS – WOODWORK - FABRIC Yvonne Bonham – Member email: Tel: 01233 770425 2015 Exhibition supported by Lark Insurance 20 33 Harrietsham Network April 2015 Stede Court Estate Walks Len Valley Churches Service Times Stede Court Estate Farm is the land that lies to the north of the Pilgrims Way between Stede Hill and Marley Road that has for many years been open to visitors to enjoy. As quite a few residents of Harrietsham will know, back in 1992 I planted some 10,000 trees and created a number of grass paddocks with the tremendous assistance of both the Forestry Commission and the Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS). At that time the land was opened to the public under ‘permissive access’ for the quiet enjoyment of the walks, the young woodlands and the views over Harrietsham. Over the years the scheme has proven a great success with many locals and walkers enjoying the winding paths through the growing woods. Wednesday 1st April 9.30am Lenham: Holy Communion In 2012 I withdrew the land from the Countryside Stewardship Scheme but still allowed public access to continue. Sadly, after all this time, I have decided to put the land on the market and because of that I am afraid that the public access will have to come to an end in May at which point the gates will be closed. Plenty of notice will be given on signs at the three entry points. Thursday 2nd April 7.30pm Harrietsham: Maundy Thursday service Friday 3rd April – Good Friday 10.00am Messy Church at Harrietsham Church 2.00pm Services in all four churches “An hour at The Cross” Sunday 5th April – Easter Sunday 9.30am Lenham: Breakfast service 9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Easter Celebration with Communion 9.30am Harrietsham: Easter Celebration with Communion 10.45am Ulcombe: Easter Celebration with Communion 11.00am Lenham: Easter Celebration with Communion I am selling the 28 acres of sloping land from the top of the hill down to The Pilgrims Way. The reason is that as I get older I am finding it increasingly difficult, and costly, to maintain this part of the farm. The 28 acres will go on general sale in the near future, either as a whole or as two 14 acre lots, and the details of the sale and maps of the plots can be viewed on Sunday 12th April 8.00am Lenham: Holy Communion (Prayer Book) 9.30am Lenham: Breakfast Service 9.30am Harrietsham: Holy Communion 10.45am Ulcombe: Holy Communion 11.00am Lenham: Morning Worship 3.30pm Boughton Malherbe: Evensong May I thank all of the people who have used the land over the years for taking such good care of it and I hope that it may even be purchased by an organisation that would reopen it to the public at some time in the future. If anyone has such a body in mind or is interested in the land, which is best suited to equestrian use or maybe even a vineyard, do please contact me by email at or ring me on 07831 210123. Thank you. Brian Henslow, Stede Court Estate Sunday 19th April 9.30am Lenham: Breakfast Service 9.30am Harrietsham: Morning Worship 9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Holy Communion 10.45am Ulcombe: Morning Worship 11.00am Lenham: Holy Communion Harrietsham Village Hall The AGM will be held on Wednesday 13th May at 7.30pm in the Booth Hall and we hope as many people as possible will join us to meet over a glass of wine. Over the past year a number of committee members have either moved away or had to stand down for other reasons so we are looking for new members with the enthusiasm to take the hall forward. Tony Taylor, Chairman - tel. 851701 34 Saturday 25th April 8.00am Dog & Bear, Lenham: Men’s breakfast 5.00pm Harrietsham: Prayer and Praise Sunday 26th April 8.00am Lenham: Holy Communion (Prayer Book) 9.30am Harrietsham: Holy Communion 9.30am Boughton Malherbe: Family Worship 10.45am Ulcombe: Holy Communion 11.00am Lenham: Family Worship 19 Harrietsham Network Local Churches Parish Church of St John the Baptist Priest in Charge: Rev’d Dr Richard Venn, The Vicarage, Old Ashford Road, Lenham, ME17 2PX 858195. Associate Priest based in Harrietsham: Rev Millie Hart The Rectory, Church Road, Harrietsham ME17 1AP 297296 Available Wednesday - Sunday Benefice office: tel. 850604. Email Answerphone when office not manned. For details of services see p 19 Church of the Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church Rectory Lane, off East Street, Harrietsham Parish Priest: Fr. Geoffrey Pointer Deacon: Rev Cyril Durbin, 736100 Mass every Sunday at 8.45am and Wednesday at 10.00am Holydays Mass 7pm St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church Button Lane, Bearsted 736100 Confessions, Saturday 5- 5.30pm Saturday Evening Mass 6pm Sunday Mass 10.30am Weekday Mass generally Monday 7pm and Tuesday and Friday 10am Holydays Mass 10am and 8pm United Reformed Church Week Street, Maidstone Minister: Rev. Andrew Royal Sunday Service at 10.30am with creche. No evening service 01622 686053 Jubilee Church, Maidstone - Whole church: Sundays at 10am and 6pm at Jubilee Auditorium, Upper Stone Street ME15 6HD Admin Office: 01622 673754 - Len Valley Zone meets: 7.30pm on Thursday evenings in Lenham and Harrietsham Please contact 07900 284662 for details Baptist Church Knightrider Street, Maidstone Minister: Bill Miller Office: 01622 686013 Sunday Services at 10.30am with creche, and at 6.30pm Bearsted and Thurnham Methodist Church, Bearsted (next to Station) Minister: Rev Clifford Newman 45 St. Lukes Avenue, Maidstone. ME14 5AN Tel 752895 Sunday Service at 10.30am April 2015 Ploughmans, Pimms, Pickles and Plant Sale Harrietsham May Fayre Organised by the Parent Teacher & Friends Association of Harrietsham CofE Primary School Saturday 16th May 12noon - 4pm Thursday 14th May, 12.00 – 15.00 at Faygate, Ashford Road, Lenham In aid of the JPK Sussex Project Ticket/Donation at £1O each available from: Jackie Bevan (01622 859310) N.B. Excellent bedding plants and home-made pickles and preserves will be available at reasonable prices. The same nursery as last year will be supplying the plants to my house. Tickets are limited so please reserve them now to avoid disappointment. Jackie Bevan * coconut shy * * fairground * * pony rides * * BBQ * * beer tent * * ice creams * * tea room * * stalls * * music * * maypole * * country dancing * Details from Susie Jack 07812 555585 Lenham Family Festival 60’s Night 11th-14th June Friday 29th May, 8 - 11pm St. John the Baptist Church Harrietsham Chicory Tip Family day on Saturday 13th June Entry by ticket only 12 noon - 9pm at Lenham Community Centre £10 each Contact Mark on 01622 850006 For details contact Janetta 01622 859412 Registered Charity Number 296645 18 35 Registered Charity in England and Wales 1089464 Registered Charity Number 1039651 April 2015 REMIX & FISH SCHEME FRIDAY FILM CLUB HARRIETSHAM VILLAGE HALL FRIDAY 17TH APRIL 2015 Cont. from p. 16 • A black and white photograph, any subject • A humorous photograph • A colour photograph of a pest - the good, bad or the ugly • A photograph of a local building, and • A colour photograph taken at one of the Society’s trips 2015 (members only). Hopefully this will give all you budding photographers plenty of time to take some really good photos and take part. The meeting on Tuesday 21st April is a talk by Alison Marsden on ‘Making the most of a small garden’ and on Saturday 25th April we will be travelling to Wakehurst Place in West Sussex for our first outing of the year. There are still places available for this day out, if you would be interested in joining us please contact Marjorie Darby on 850657. Afternoon Matinee organised by Harrietsham Fish Scheme. Doors open at 2pm for refreshments, prompt 2.15 start Mr Turner Cert 12A, Running Time 150 mins Yearly membership of the society is £10.00 and details of how to join can be found on our website and our noticeboard inside the village hall. Our website has some useful links to other societies and suppliers which can be found by clicking on the ‘Links’ tab on the left hand side of the home page. Peter Brown An exploration of the last quarter century of the great, if eccentric, British painter J.M.W. Turner's life. Starring Timothy Spall Admission £3 for members; U18 need to be accompanied by an adult. Contact Marjorie on 850657 if you require transport. Gardening Tips for April 7.50pm for refreshments, prompt 8pm start. Pride Cert 15, Running Time 119 mins U.K. gay activists work to help miners during their lengthy strike of the National Union of Mineworkers in the summer of 1984. Admission £3 for members; U18 need to be accompanied by an adult. Contact Janetta Sams on 859412 or email With the improving weather it is all go in the garden. We have finished all the clearing up and are now busy planting all the clear areas with new plants either grown from seed, or selected from the 1000s now in stock at the local garden centre/nursery. Don’t rush to plant out those tender summer bedding or vegetable plants as the weather can still be unpredictable. Slugs will already be around, keep an eye out for emerging perennials as they like the nice new tender shoots. Protect with crushed shell or potting grit or use one of the many chemical treatments; some child/wildlife friendly options are available. Don’t forget to stake perennials before they get too big. Vegetable seeds and plants are still popular and space is no excuse. Many can be grown in containers, but don’t get too ambitious. Just plant enough that you can cope with and make regular small sowings rather than one large amount. If you want something different, try sowing some Crown Prince Squash. It produces blue pumpkins that keep all winter and taste excellent roasted. Stephen Morris See 17 Harrietsham Network Cont. from p. 15 We would welcome anyone who would like to join us as a volunteer and to help look after our planters in any way they can, please contact our Chairman, Andrew Rogers, on 01622 859352, for further details of tasks involved. Please support us at our Quiz Night on Saturday 25th April in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support and Harrietsham in Bloom, please see details below. Audrey Joy HARRIETSHAM IN BLOOM QUIZ NIGHT 7.30pm, Saturday 25th April Harrietsham Village Hall in aid of Harrietsham in Bloom and MacMillan Cancer Support £8 per person (includes Ploughman’s supper and soft drinks) To book a table please contact Peter Bowler 01622 851295 or 07831 147656 Audley Care. For care that’s wrapped around you. Harrietsham Gardening Society The speaker at our February meeting, Alexander Hunt, gave a very interesting talk on Potash Farm which is situated between Sevenoaks and Tonbridge where they have 30 Acres of Cob and Walnut trees producing approximately 1½ - 2 tons of nuts per acre. Members were surprised at the number and variety of products produced from cobnuts, some of which Alexander had brought with him; more information can be found on his company’s website Our members-only Spring Show was held the week after the deadline for this magazine, but the results from this will be available on our website by the time you read this. Our show committee has been working on the schedule for the village annual show which is on Saturday 5th September and have decided on the categories for the photographic section; these are: • A close-up colour photograph of a flower • A colour photograph of a landscape Cont. on p. 17 16 Everyone has differing care needs – you can have as little or as much as you want – our homecare is tailored around your needs. You may just want: s A hand with cleaning, ironing and preparing meals s Long term, short term or emergency care s A little help and company whilst recovering from illness s Assistance with getting up and going to bed, whatever the time s Someone to go shopping with you or for you, or to collect prescriptions s A little companionship or someone to accompany you to appointments Remember you don’t have to change your routine just to make things easier for us. It’s the other way around. For confidential and completely free advice call Audley Care Bearsted Branch Manager Libby Webb on: 01622 633101 Harrietsham Network April 2015 Harrietsham Whist Club Local Coach operator Buzzlines has introduced a new commuter service for the villages along the A20 between Ashford and Hollingbourne. The coach picks up on the A20 at Hothfield and Charing before calling at Lenham Square. It then continues to Harrietsham and makes a final stop on the A20 at Hollingbourne before proceeding straight to North Greenwich where it connects with the Jubilee Line. Morning services leave between 06.35 from Hothfield and 06.53 from Hollingbourne, and arrive into North Greenwich at 08:00. The evening service then leaves North Greenwich at 18.00 and is timed to commence its drop-offs at Hollingbourne at 19.10. Buzzlines has operated a service between Ashford and Central London for more than 20 years and this new service for the A20 corridor is one of three new routes operating out of Folkestone and Ashford. The Company’s Operations Director Nigel Busbridge emphasises the comfort factor. “We put executive coaches on our commuter routes so our customers are assured of a comfortable journey with plenty of legroom and at-seat wi-fi connection – and of course our commuters get to know each other so we can certainly claim to have “arranged” some strong friendships and even one or two marriages!” Annual season tickets for the new service cost £2,950, and Buzzlines anticipate that this will typically save commuters between £1,000 and £2,000 against the cost of an equivalent rail commute. Further savings may be possible if commuters live close enough to the coach route to be able to leave their cars at home; or if they choose to take a bicycle in the luggage hold of the coach so that they can avoid an underground connection once they arrive in London. And you can even try the service free for a week! Buzzlines stress that travellers don’t have to take season tickets. Quite a few users of their current services out of Ashford work part-time in London and part-time at home, and are well suited by day return prices of just £20 £23. Buzzlines Chief Executive Lynn Woods thinks the appeal of the commuter coach option is a question of horses for courses. “We don’t claim to be able to compete with the versatility of the trains, but if people are travelling to set working hours and are heading to a part of London that is well-suited to the Jubilee Line connection at the O2, we may well be able to save them time as well as money.”, tel. 01303 261870 38 37 people competed at the March whist drive and the winners were Jennifer Amor and Reg Fullager. The next whist drive is on Friday 10th April 7.30pm at the Village Hall. Michael Gear Pins and Needles Well, another new member joined us in March and there is another in the offing when she is able to get to one of our meetings so that’s good! We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 3 Downlands between 2pm and 5pm (come and go any time, you’re very welcome to stay for the whole 3 hours but you don’t have to) to do our knitting / crochet / cross-stitch etc while generally putting the world to rights. All very gentle stuff! So our next meeting is on Tuesday 7th April. If you’d like to come along I’d be delighted to hear from you, just give me a ring first so I know to expect you. Rosi Taylor, 851701 Len Valley Community Hub Club As it is Easter this month we thought it would be nice if some of you came in your Easter bonnets. You don’t have to but I’m sure the rest of us would appreciate them. We have a Mr Roy Carey coming to talk on ‘Images of Maidstone’. We meet on Thursday 2nd April at Lenham Social Club, 2.00 4.00pm. Hope you can make it and we look forward to seeing you all. Thank you for all your support and thanks to the staff behind the bar. Martin, John, Jenny and Nina Harrietsham in Bloom Volunteers Spring has finally arrived with daffodils, snowdrops and crocus giving a good show. Thank you to everyone who’s offered to help wth dead-heading the daffodils. Unfortunately our planter outside Kent Cosmetics was very badly damaged by a lorry and has had to be removed and replaced with a new one; many thanks to Tony Bell for providing a replacement and to the maintenance team for helping to site it. Cont. on p. 16 15 A.D. Pink PARKWOOD TROUT FARM ELECTRICAL Goddington Lane Harrietsham For delicious fresh trout & a range of smoked foods. FARM SHOP Open to the Public Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sunday 8 am till dusk. Tel: (01622) 859302 CARPETS & VINYLS SUPPLY & FITTING SERVICE WITH HOME SELECTION OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ALAN POULTON 01622 843019 Hand in hand we learn and together we achieve An established, term time only setting catering for up to 26 children aged from 2-5 years. Meeting the individual needs of all children in our care lies at the heart of our ethos. We believe that children’s early care and education is most important in helping to shape their lives. We work with you and your child in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. For further information about Harrietsham Pre-School please call Sam Bragg during school hours on: 01622 851819 or email: or visit our website: Tel: 01622 884774 or 07761 559744 01622 880028 Dine with the loveliest view in the world or email TO ADVERTISE IN “NETWORK” Telephone: please contact 01622 631717 or 07806 912 345 Web: Satellite Freesat Sky HD TV Wall Mounting R&P Aerial Service Aerials Tel: 07748 278291 Peter Brown on 01622 851075 For personal attention to detail... Orchids Fine Food For All Occasions We can help organise: Business Lunches - Dinner Parties - Funerals Cocktail Parties - Receptions & ơ Tel: (01622) 859761 Mobile: 07776 401405 Sharon Prior From a standard install to hidden cables Free initial visit Foot Health PracƟƟoner Mrs Afsaneh Smith MCFHP, MAFHP Hubbards Farm, Lenham Heath 07506 376264 / 01622 853640 Flexible surgery hours Home visits Call us today! NICEIC Part P Domestic Installer Digital Freeview FM Radio DAB Radio GREENER GARDENS RouƟne Chiropody DiabeƟc Foot Care Fungal Treatment Corns & Calluses Verruca Treatment In Growing Toenails Competitive Pricing, Fully Insured, Reliable, Professional, Trustworthy Available to do: Household Cleans, End of Tenancy Cleans, New Builds Office: Hollingbourne Maidstone Kent Securely set within Harrietsham C of E Primary School we provide a safe and stimulating physical environment providing challenging, play-based activities with qualified staff and a personal keyworker. ALAN GRIFFITHS Gardens beautifully maintained, herbaceous borders, shrubs and lawns. All types of domestic electrical installations undertaken From full rewires to single sockets garden and security lighting Fully insured Domestic Cleaning :H&OHDQ6R<RX'RQ W+DYH7R At The Great British Kitchen, our aim is to cook the best traditional ingredients as simply as possible, letting the quality of the produce and the magnificent view across the Castle’s moat speak for themselves. The Great British Kitchen is open for bookings from 7pm. Free parking is available, please use the Broomfield Road entrance from the A20. 01622 767777 Installation and service of all types of digital TV and radio reception We are a family run business established in 1970 Call for free advice and free estimates Quality Decorating at a fair & competitive price Fully insured & references available Free estimates & advice on colour schemes from a professional you can trust Tel/Fax: 01622 737225 Mobile: 07816 149502 email: April 2015 Parish Council News Elections 2015 As residents will be aware, the general election takes place on the 7th May and the elections for the Parish Council will also be held on the same day. If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, please forward your details to the Clerk and these will be held on file until the nomination forms are forwarded by Maidstone Borough Council. The Clerk will then be able to send out the relevant paperwork that will need to be completed. Please register your interest by either sending an email to or by post to 16 Merivale Grove, Walderslade, Chatham Kent ME5 8HP. The deadline for registering to vote in this year’s general election is the 20th April. You can register on-line through the government’s ‘’ portal, by post (downloading the relevant forms from the portal) or you can contact the electoral Registrations Officer at Maidstone Borough Council on 01622 602000. Temporary Road Closure – Hook Lane Hook Lane will be closed for up to 5 days from Monday 13th April in order for Southern Gas Networks to lay a new gas supply. Annual Parish Council Meeting The Annual Parish Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 29th April at 8.00pm in the Ambrose Hall, following the usual monthly meeting at 6.30pm. PCSO Dave Rowley will be speaking about a new Kent Police initiative called Country Eye. There will also be presentations from some of the Organisations within Harrietsham. Amanda Broadhurst, Parish Clerk Tel.850089 / Planning (From Feburary meeting) Planning Decisions – Outstanding with MBC MA/09/0450 – Mill House, Fairbourne Lane Listed buildings consent for the erection of a single storey rear extension to provide a conservatory and lobby area and relocation of existing internal staircase to original position. HPC Recommendation: Approval MA/11/1393 – Station Yard, Station Road An application for discharge of conditions relating to MA/08/0497 (Change if use of existing tram shed to light industrial (B1) with first floor extension and new roof and erection of two light industrial (B1) units) being details of condition 3 – boundary treatments and condition 4 - landscaping HPC Recommendation: Refusal MA/12/1783 – Oaklea, Forstal Lane Change of use of land involving the stationing of a mobile home to create a separate residential use to provide care for the occupant of Oaklea HPC Recommendation: Approval, Subject to Conditions Cont. on p. 42 40 Harrietsham Cricket Club 100 Club Results of the March draw First Prize £50 Share No 116 Second Prize £23 Share No 96 Third Prize £15 Share No 185 Fourth Prize £10 Share No 183 Mrs M Darby Mr B Smith Mr B Puthor Mr U Ijaz Bill Hubble Harrietsham Wives Group A good turnout for our meeting in March when Mr. Dennis Chambers treated us to a talk on “Pluckley – Kent’s most haunted village?” Not only Kent’s, but arguably England’s most haunted village too, as it lays claim to no fewer than 12 ghosts, including The Highwayman of Fright Corner, the Schoolmaster, and the Watercress Woman, to name but three. Dennis is knowledgeable on the subject and an engaging speaker so the evening proved popular. Members were shocked and saddened though to hear of the sudden and unexpected death of one of their number, Christine McNamara, who had been a member for many years. She will be much missed, and our thoughts are with her family at this time. The April meeting is on Wednesday 1st April (8pm in the Booth Hall) when Barbara Stevens will speak on “The Trials and Tribulations of a Public Speaker”. Having heard Barbara speak on other occasions, we have high hopes! For more information on Harrietsham Wives Group please ring Barbara Kelly on 853803 or me on 851701. Rosi Taylor Young At Heart 60+ Easter is almost upon us and the days are lighter with spring flowers popping up all over the place. It makes you feel good and certainly puts a smile on my face - hope it makes you feel that way as well. We have Jerry playing and singing for us this month which is a real treat to look forward to. The time and place is Thursday 16th April, 2.00 - 4.00pm at Lenham Community Centre. We look forward to seeing you all. If you require a lift please phone Jenny Lloyd on 01622 859208. Many thanks to our helpers. Martin, Sue, Olive, Jackie, Jenny and Nina 13 Denwood Activate Body & Soul is a £1m state of art fitness facility situated at Swadelands School which is open to the public in the mornings, evenings & at the weekend. t"JSDPOEJUJPOFEHZNXJUI-JGF'JUOFTT¥TUSFOHUIBOE DBSEJPWBTDVMBSFRVJQNFOU t/PDPOUSBDUTNFNCFSTIJQPOBNPOUIMZSPMMJOHCBTJT XJUIQSJDFTTUBSUJOHGSPNb QFSNPOUI t'MPPEMJU("MM8FBUIFS1JUDIBWBJMBCMFGPSQVCMJDIJSF t4QPSUT)BMMTVJUBCMFGPS'PPUCBMM#BTLFUCBMM#BENJOUPO /FUCBMMFUDBWBJMBCMFGPSQVCMJDIJSF t"JSDPOEJUJPOFEEBODFöUOFTTDMBTTTUVEJP BWBJMBCMFGPSIJSF Pop in today and let us help you achieve your fitness goals "DUJWBUF)BN-BOF-FOIBN.BJETUPOF.& 2+ XXXTXBEFMBOETLFOUTDIVLBDUJWBUF BDUJWBUF!TXBEFMBOETLFOUTDIVL S.I. PARR PAINTING & DECORATING Qualified Decorator 30 years experience Interior & Exterior Estimates Free No VAT 9 High Street, Lenham, ME17 2QD 01622 858318 Open Monday to Saturday 9 am - 9 pm and 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday Tel: (01233) 756676 (01622) 859458 We hold a range of over 200 wines, 25 local ales, 20 champagnes, lots of rare and unusual spirits as well as cigars, ice, soft drinks and ice cream Carpenter/ Builder Lots of great gift ideas Est. 30 years Loft Conversions/Extensions Property maintenance, including doors, windows, roofs, flooring, soffits & fascias etc. For a Free Estimate please call Geoff Brown on:- 01622 859703 Garden Products Ltd Manufacturers to the Trade & Public Fencing - Trellis - Planters - Gates Aggregates - Ironmongery Sheds - Summerhouses - Gazebos Children’s Playhouses - Garden Offices Car Ports - Field Shelters - Stables Bespoke Garden Buildings Kiln dried ash logs and kindling now available Unit 6 Harrietsham Depot Station Road ME17 1JA Tel: 01622 320380 email: Eat in or take away NEED HELP? Traditional Fish and Chips Pies Chicken Southern Fried Chicken Kebabs Kids’ Meals Burgers Savouries Sauces Drinks Breakfast & fresh ground coffee from 8.00 am With: Minor chores Tidying Filling forms Dealing with authorities Or just a chat Call Sarah Monday to Friday 8.00 am - 2.00 pm and 4.30 pm - 10.30 pm Saturday 8.00 am - 10.30 pm Sunday 11.00 am = 9.00 pm 07545 460270 Holiday Villa to rent including bespoke gift hampers, large champagne range, chocolates and local homemade fudge. Supermarket beating prices on many of our champagnes including Laurent Perrier Rose birdcage gift pack . . . perfect gift for that special person Partnered with Lenham Village Store, in the Square Open 8 am - 8 pm Mon - Thurs 8 am - 9 pm Fri and Sat 10 am - 6 pm Sunday 01622 858255 Established 5 years in village The CHEQUERS The Square Lenham Kent ME17 2PH Telephone 01622 850878 Algarve, Portugal Sleeps 6, Private Pool. Rates from £500 pw (2 persons) Telephone: 01622 850412 Email: Harrietsham Network Cont. from p. 40 MA/14/0208 – Tongs Meadow, West Street Erection of 105 dwellings with area of public open space, associated landscaping, provision of new access from West Street and associated works HPC Recommendation: Refusal TA/0204/13 – 6 Friars Close, Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane Tree Preservation Order application: TPO No.10 of 2003: an application for consent to remove secondary branch of 1 lower limb of 1No. Oak and to reduce 1 branch by one third of 1No. Oak where overhanging adjacent caravan, and to remove dead wood from both trees HPC Recommendation: No objection TA/0219/13 – 5 Abbotts Way, Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane Tree Preservation Order application: TPO No.10 of 2003: an application for consent to cut back crown of 1No. Oak to give a clearance of 2m over the adjacent caravan HPC Recommendation: No objection TA/0220/13 – 18 Knights Walk, Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane Tree Preservation Order application: TPO No.10 of 2003: an application for consent to cut back 3 branches to a length of 1m and 1 branch to a length of 2m of 1No. Beech HPC Recommendation: No objection TA/0221/13 – 6 Miller Close, Pilgrims Retreat, Hogbarn Lane Tree Preservation Order application: TPO No.10 of 2003: an application for consent to cut back branches of 1No. Oak to clear adjacent caravan by 1.5m HPC Recommendation: No objection 14/500422/TPO/CASL – Rivendell, Ashford Road Deadwooding and crown thinning to all trees covered by TPO, no more than 15% in each case HPC Recommendation: Approval 14/500696/AMRCON/KAAL – Oakland Place, Greenway Forstal Remove conditions 1 and 2 of MA/07/2332 (change of use of agricultural land to residential for gypsy family and stationing of one mobile and one touring caravan) with a condition which reads “The site shall not be occupied by any persons other than gypsies and travellers as defined in Annex 1 of Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (Department for communities and local guidance). Vary condition 3 to allow no more than 4 caravans (2 static and 2 touring caravans) to be stationed on the sites at anytime HPC Recommendation: Refusal 14/505991/TPO – Alegria, 6 Baldwin’s Place Tree Preservation Order application for consent to crown lift to a maximum height of three metres above ground level and reduce radius to a maximum of three metres from the property maintaining symmetry 1 no. Oak tree HPC Recommendation: Approval Cont. on p. 44 42 April 2015 Harrietsham History Society On the 23rd February we held a workshop evening when the 22 members helped to sort out some of the things we have accumulated over the past year. Enid Betts surprised us by bringing along lots more maps, papers and photographs to add to our data base. We are very grateful to everyone who helped and to Barbara Harris who very kindly volunteered to enter new information onto our spreadsheet. We still have lots of things to sort out and to catalogue and would appreciate more help if anyone has some time to spare. We did really well with sorting out Parish Magazines which we collected from the Priest’s room at the Church but are missing quite a lot of copies, we will put a list of these on our website in the hope that people may have some tucked away that we could have or copy. We do have a complete set of the Network Magazines from 1970 up to the present day. With regards to our War Memorial fundraising events, arrangements are in full swing for our dance on Saturday 9th May to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of VE Day. Dancing will be to the Beverley Big Band sound and a Fish & Chip Supper is included in the £17.50 ticket price. This is a ticket only event so please get your tickets as soon as possible to avoid missing out on what should be a very enjoyable evening; they can be purchased from any member of the History Society Committee. Our next meeting on Monday 20th April is our AGM which will be a good opportunity to find out more about the Society and our programme for the year which includes some really good speakers and a guided tour in Faversham. Membership is just £12.00 a year and visitors are always welcome to attend our meetings for just £3.00. Further information and contact details are on our website at Peter Brown Remix We would like to thank all the businesses at Station Road that have supported the Remix youth club, tincluding: Streeks Transport and Recovery; Classic Car Services; AL Recovery; and Kent Oak and Pine. This funding has allowed our Rhythmix tutor to continue to give her time to the youngsters who are working on preparing a musical play. The young people have grown enormously in their self esteem and confidence and it is great to see them working as a team caring and helping each other in so many ways. Janetta Sams 11 Harrietsham Computers + Computer problems? +Virus attack? + Need an upgrade, repair or new machine? + Want help with networking, wireless networks, or broadband? + Machine running slowly? Or just want help to get the best out of your computer? For local, friendly, experienced help and advice, call Mike Cuerden on 01622 859442 or 07963 020092 HOUSEKEEPING All aspects of housekeeping and gardening undertaken REPAIRS To TV, VIDEO & MICROWAVE OVENS (01622) 683784 PEST CONTROL SERVICES ALL PEST PROBLEMS DEALT WITH INCLUDING: RATS, MICE AND WASPS AMY MCLAUGHLIN 01622 884774 or 07761 559744 REMOVED DISCREET AND PROMPT SERVICE FULLY INSURED CONTACT ANDY PINK JMK QUALIFIED FRENCH TEACHER Electrics Southeast Ltd Available for: Private Tuition, all levels from beginners to A Level. Conversation Holiday French Translations Part P Registered Fully Insured Jeff King Mob: 07969 343036 Tel: 01233 630589 SEASONED LOGS SUITABLE FOR ALL TYPES OF FIRES/WOOD BURNERS Kiln dried, the best for Wood Burners All from local coppiced woodlands can be delivered or collected Telephone: 077 333 28715 Call: Chantal Miette on 01622 859597 Sandhurst Farm Forge B&B Sandhurst Farm Forge Seed Road, Newnham Faversham, Kent ME9 0NE Bed and Breakfast on a Working Forge. A converted Stable Block. Non-Smoking, Centrally heated, en-suite rooms. Tel: 01795 886854 e-mail: !7#/524 &5.%2!,$)2%#4/23 34 West Street Open: Monday - Saturday 0ROP7EST#OE,TD Evenings Please phone Brian Osmer on We are an experienced and reliable cleaning and home maintenance business. Our clients can choose from a daily, weekly, fortnightly or one off cleaning service ranging from general domestic cleaning to site washing/ironing and provisions shopping to holiday house checks and garden or window box maintenance. We also provide an ‘at home’ care service for the housebound, elderly and your pets! We are a small and dedicated team and we pride ourselves in our efficient, honest and friendly service. 07813 030 527/01622 851562 HARRIETSHAM CLUB 9OURLOCALPRIVATELYOWNEDBUSINESSOFFERINGTHEHIGHESTSTANDARDOF CAREANDFACILITIESTOTHOSEFAMILIESWESERVE ^ 7EAREALWAYSABLETOVISITYOUATHOMETOGENTLYGUIDEYOUTOWARDS MAKINGTHERIGHTCHOICEOFFUNERALARRANGEMENTS ^ 7EOFFERPRENEEDADVICEANDAREABLETOGIVEHELPFULGUIDANCE REGARDING'OLDEN#HARTER @4HE)NDEPENDENT7AY&UNERAL0LAN ^ 7EALSOGIVEYOUGUIDANCEONANYMONUMENTALWORK 0LEASETELEPHONEIFYOUFEELWEMAYBEABLETOHELPYOU INANYASPECTOFOURWORK ^ (EADCORN2OAD'RAFTY'REEN -AIDSTONE-%!0 4ELEPHONE %MAILENQUIRIES AWCOURTCOM WWWAWCOURTCOM Snooker & Pool Tables New Members Welcome Ɣ Just call in or telephone 850893 Ɣ PARRISH Painting & Decorating For all your decorating needs A friendly, reliable service at competitive rates. Qualified & fully insured. For a free no obligation quotation please call Mark on 01622 741606 or 07967 190588 Lenham Ballet School Thorneloeȱ&ȱCo.ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱ ȱȱ Anȱindependentȱfamilyȱpracticeȱprovidingȱaȱfriendly,ȱ highȱqualityȱpersonalȱserviceȱtailoredȱtoȱyourȱspecificȱneed.ȱ R.A.D. & I.S.T.D. Registered ȱ Ballet Tap Jazz ȱSpecialistsȱin:ȱ ȱ ȱ Tel: (01622) 850329 TAXI SERVICE VILLAGE CARS Private Hire Reliable service Lenham & surrounding villages Tel: 07770 725129 or 07769 780149 x Willsȱ x ResidentialȱConveyancing x EstateȱAdministrationȱ x CommercialȱConveyancing x Trustsȱ&ȱTaxationȱ x ReȬmortgagingȱ x LastingȱPowersȱofȱAttorneyȱ x EquityȱReleaseȱȱ x CourtȱofȱProtectionȱ x BuyȬtoȬLetȱ 01622ȱ859ȱ416ȱȱȱ 22ȱHighȱStreet,ȱLenham,ȱKentȱME17ȱ2QDȱ ȱ AuthorisedȱandȱregulatedȱbyȱtheȱSolicitorsȱRegulationȱAuthorityȱ RegisteredȱNumberȱ70429ȱ Harrietsham Network Cont. from p. 42 Planning Decisions – Granted by MBC 14/0828/CASL – Land South of Ashford Road Erection of 117 dwellings and 298m2 food retail store with access, open space and associated works (Wording amended to: The redevelopment of land south of Ashford Road for residential development comprising the erection of 113/114 dwellings, internal access road, landscaped public open space, a LAP, a convenience store and highways works to Ashford Road.) 14/506462/FULL – 11 Cricketers Close Erection of first floor extension, single storey extension, first floor rear extension and replacement roof to conservatory Planning Decisions – Refused by MBC 14/506661/FULL – The Pines, West Street Proposed games room and flat roof link to existing swimming pool Audley Care Bearsted Recognised In Annual Awards Audley Care Bearsted has won Care Branch of the Year at Audley Retirement Villages’ annual ceremony, which recognises outstanding contributions across its luxury retirement villages. The award was given to the care team for its consistently outstanding service and the glowing feedback the entire team consistently receives. Marta Gesikowska, Personal Care Assistant at Audley Care Bearsted, has also been named as ‘Care Star of the Year’ award, receiving the award for consistent excellence in her role. This included her work within the luxury retirement villages at Audley Mote House in Bearsted and Audley Willicombe Park in Royal Tunbridge Wells. Marta said, “I’m so proud to have been given the award. I love working at Audley; it’s a really great community to be a part of. The variety of the work I do and people I’ve met have made my job really rewarding.” Audley’s Annual Awards recognise Audley employees who consistently go above and beyond their day-to-day role. Marta was especially praised for being so flexible and willing to help out across villages and departments. Nick Sanderson, CEO of Audley Retirement Villages commented: “We’re incredibly proud of what has been achieved at Audley Care Bearsted. Our owners are united in their praise of the team and what has been achieved over the last year. Our staff obviously play a huge role in this and Marta is the perfect example of this; she’s always willing to help and tackle any challenge she faces.” 44 April 2015 Harrietsham Sports Association • • • • Do you belong to a sports club in Harrietsham? Would you like to see more access to sports facilities in the village? Are you thinking of setting up a new sports club for use by the people of Harrietsham? Would you like to become part of an organisation whose aim is to see more sports facilities and clubs in Harrietsham for the wider village community to use and be a part of? If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then the re-established Harrietsham Sports Association (HSA) would like to hear from you. The HSA will be undertaking a sports project for the community, and over the next few months we will be asking the views of the people of Harrietsham (young, old, male, female, able, disabled) on the sports facilities and clubs they would like to have access to in the village. One of the aims of HSA is to have a new sports facility built on the Booth Field, to be used by several sports and recreation clubs. The views of the people of Harrietsham will help drive the project. If you would like to get involved with the HSA, either as a representative of your sports club, or as someone who wants to actively be part of an organisation which will strive to bring more sports facilities and sporting access in the village, then please email or contact me on 07958 956938 to find out more. We look forward to hearing from you. Please follow us on Twitter on @HarrietsSport . Rod Martenstyn Short Mat Bowls Club February and games against Lenham. On Thursday 12th we played host and with home advantage we took the game by 92-36. A few days later and on Tuesday 17th the return game. Knowing your own mats it was Lenham’s revenge and they won this time by 41-30 points. Honours even. March now and Marden came to us on Thursday 5th. Our usual happy evening and as I said knowing your own mats we emerged winners by 6854 points. This was compensation for our earlier loss to them by 1 point!. Hollingbourne will be our next visitors later in the month. More on this game in next month’s report, as will be the result of the outcome as 10 members go to Bournemouth for a week of bowling competitions. Rusty 9 Heather’s Chiropody Surgery A.W. AUTOREPAIRS - S. L. MOTORS We are an independent business offering reliable motor repairs and servicing We provide the highest standard of service which includes: t a printed estimate before we start any job, using only parts of equivalent quality to those originally fitted t a complete record of all jobs carried out and advice on work which may shortly become necessary SERVICING & MECHANICAL REPAIRS BODYWORK l WELDING COMPUTER TUNING l PARTS SALES PRIVATE CARS l LIGHT COMMERCIALS FREE ESTIMATES l FREE DELIVERY MoTs & MoT If you think we can help PREPARATION you're welcome to call in or phone UNIT 4, HARRIETSHAM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, STATION ROAD, HARRIETSHAM Tel: 01622 859580 Doddington Place Gardens A Wonderful Family Day Out please contact Spring Events – open from 15th March 2015 Birds of Prey Flying Demonstrations at 3 pm - Sundays and Bank Holidays 5th & 6th April – Easter Hunt & Family Fun 3rd & 4th May – The Great Outdoors: Have A Go Falconry, Bushcraft & Archery 6th May – Head Gardener Tour 12 pm 20th May – Chelsea Fringe: Floristry Talk at 11.15 am 24th & 25th May – Jazz In The Gardens 27th May – Chelsea Fringe: Sweet Pea Talk at 11.15 am Tea Room serving lunches, delicious home-made cakes and cream teas Open Sundays, Wednesdays & Bank Holidays from 11 am to 5 pm Peter Brown Harrietsham Primary School West Street Harrietsham Every Tuesday 7.30 pm Ray Luckhurst Harrietsham Slimming World 07747114511 01622 853880. Tel for appointment: 01622 850376 The Brown Barn, Bull Hill, Lenham Heath, ME17 Vehicle recovery & repair Bodywork Paintwork MoT welding Insurance work Transport & Recovery on Unit 1, Station Road, Harrietsham 01622 8851075 Mobile: 07882056227 Email: Web: Admission Adults £6 and Children £2 Telephone 01795 886101 Love life Love Slimming World TO ADVERTISE IN “NETWORK” Enjoy the ten acre landscaped gardens including a woodland garden and rock garden in all their spring splendour Know you’re amazing Surgical Chiropodist Member of the Association of Chiropodists & Podiatrists HPC Registered. G.C.S.Ch. M.Inst. Ch.P., M.F.S.Ch. Harrietsham Network April 2015 Dementia From the Editor Following on from last month’s article.... We thought others may benefit from our experience with Mum (Dot). When we looked after mum we found that the problem wasn’t about there not being enough information, it was about finding out what specific help we needed to care for Mum. We were extremely lucky to find Tracy, our Admiral nurse, who was without doubt our best contact. The Admiral nurses do a wonderful job in helping the carers care. She helped access services and also helped facilitate the assessments needed, and that emotional support which is vital. They can be found either by visiting the dementia uk website or ring direct on 0845 257 9406. As I write this, the Fish Scheme has just held its AGM - at which I announced I will be standing down as editor at the end of this year. Someone asked me what I would do then, to which my response was “Miss it like crazy”, but I think it’s the right decision, both for the magazine and probably for me too. I only expected to be doing the job for about three years and it will be five, and as I’ve enjoyed it so much I think it would be greedy to keep it for myself any longer! Contact details were obtained from the doctors surgery who were outstanding in the way they helped us. It was not obvious to us because we knew how Mum was, but in order to be helped we needed a number of assessments along the way. All took a time,and were necessary but a frustration for Mum. It did not occur to us to apply for a power of attorney until it was too late and it could not be obtained. The information regarding the power of attorney can be found on various websites eg Age Uk. The POA can be temporary or long-lasting but is best obtained whilst the person has the capacity to make that decision. So we would recommend people to at least investigate it. Care homes: Finally when we did look around at what was potentially offered can we suggest a visit, not just looking at websites. Try and get a recommendation from a friend as to the care residents receive. I visited one in the town and was less than satisfied that Mum would receive the care I wanted for her. In the care home where Mum is now, the staff are careful to keep calm, and I am amazed at the patience and love they show for their residents. Through often difficult times they offer residents the respect and dignity that they rightfully deserve. Additionally good care homes support the relatives and whilst the guilt families feel at the beginning isn’t prevented, we have found that knowing Mum is being cared for 24/7, we can visit her and have the good times we can with her. Coming soon in Harrietsham... Ballet, Tap and Freestyle dance classes for 3-11 year olds. Visit our website to find out more about us: 46 So, the hunt is on for a new editor, or editors; if you’d like to know more, please get in touch for a chat (email or tel. 851701). If you’re new to the village don’t think you couldn’t do it, a fresh pair of eyes could be just what’s needed (and it’s a great way of getting to know people). In the magazine this month we have news of several new activities in the village: Harrietsham Sports Association (p. 9), a new commuter service to London by coach (p. 38) and something called Baby Sensory for parents/ carers and babies (p. 29), plus of course updates on existing organisations. News too of Lenham Swimming Club, the Pilgrims Way Artists’ Show, the Big Lunch and the North Downs Walk - which must mean that spring is well and truly here and summer cannot be far behind! Last month I asked readers if they could explain the names of any of the streets in the village and two have very kindly responded - but sadly, due to pressure of space, I have to hold their contributions over till next month! Rosi Taylor ROTARY CLUB OF THE WEALD OF KENT 30th ANNIVERSARY CANCER RESEARCH UK The NORTH DOWNS WALK 3,6 or 9 Mile Route SUNDAY 21st June 2015 Start/finish Harrietsham Village Hall ME17 1AP 7 Janetta Sams Kentish Oak Furniture Makers House for Rent If I can help you with any matter relating to the Borough, please contact me on: Made-to-measure Traditional and Modern Furniture Hand-made by Skilled Craftsmen in Harrietsham Borough Councillor 01622 859412 07891901831 OVENGLEAM Cleaning Company Specialist in Cleaning Your Oven Removing: FAT, GREASE & BURNT ON CARBON Caustic Free Cleaning Materials Tel: 01233 634993 or 07903 819906 Independent family run business Member of association of Approved Oven Cleaners KITCHENS SOLID SURFACE WORKTOPS TABLES & CHAIRS DRESSERS & SIDEBOARDS BOOKCASES BEDROOM FURNITURE HOME OFFICE &2))((7$%/(67981,76 (Examples of our work can been seen on our website) Unit 5 Station Road Harrietsham Maidstone ME17 1JA Telephone Sheila or Mike on: 01622 851212 Email: OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY R J MOSS LTD ŽŵĞƐƟĐͬŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůͬ/ŶƚĞƌŝŽƌͬdžƚĞƌŝŽƌ WĂŝŶƟŶŐΘĞĐŽƌĂƟŶŐʹtĂůůƉĂƉĞƌŝŶŐʹWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJDĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ One year old two bed, two bathroom, garage & parking References & deposit required Ideally long term rental Call: 07850 302508 STONEBRIDGE ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTS AND TAX SUPPORT FOR THE SELF EMPLOYED AND SMALL BUSINESS Tel: 01622 851542 01233 840373 D.SKINNER * Landscape & Gardeningg Contractor * Contra actor * * Fencing Contractor eet 91 Eyhorne Street Stre Hollingbourne Maidstone Kent >>Z/,Z&KZ&Z^d/Dd d>͗ϬϭϳϵϱϰϴϬϲϰϳDK/>͗ϬϳϵϳϰϴϭϱϭϮϰ D/>͗ƌũŵŽƐƐůƚĚΛƐŬLJ͘ĐŽŵ t͗ǁǁǁ͘ƌũŵŽƐƐůƚĚ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ Beaubray Caterers Offering traditional food for every occasion at the venue of your choice since 1970 hot and cold buffets ~ hot sit-down meals bbq’s ~ carverys ~ weddings marquee receptions club dinners and presentation nights Christmas ~ christenings ~ funerals Maidstone 01622 763269 Free winter check on roofs Roofing repairs Ridge and hips checked T ((01622)) 880535 Tel: The Red Lion - Lenham incorporating Nicole’s Outside Bar & Catering All Functions Catered For Weddings - Anniversaries - Birthdays - Corporate Events Hot & Cold Buffets - BBQ's - Hog Roast - A La Carte Fully Licensed Professional Bar A reliable & friendly service and a job to be proud of with over 20 years experience D FLISHER ROOFING For More Information Or Quotation Please Contact: Nicole Telephone 01622 858531 or 07766 057621 Email: Moss cleaned off roofs Gutters and window frames cleaned Chimneys re-pointed Call Dave for a quote: 01622 850659 or 07941 324286 PIGGY’S HAIR DESIGNS Affordable hairdressing in the comfort of your own home 24 years Salon Experience DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL Plastering - including over existing Artex Rendering Patch Repairs Insurance Work Lath and Plaster Lime Plastering and Rendering New Stud Work and Ceilings Painting and Decorating, Interior and Exterior For free advice and estimates please call Contact Sarah on: 07545 460270 Andy Rookledge Tel: 01622 844727 Mob: 07793888980 email: Harrietsham Network April 2015 Lenham Swimming Club Contents Back in the swim of things! Clubs and Societies Wives’ Group Gardening Society Harrietsham in Bloom History Society Pins and Needles Short Mat Bowls 60+ Young at Heart Len Valley Hub Club Cricket Club 100 Club Whist Club Harrietsham Sports Association 13 16 15 11 15 9 13 15 13 15 9 Churches Local church contact details Anglican services Christian message Church decorating for Easter Men’s Breakfast Ladies’ Breakfast Messy Church 18 19 20 21 21 21 22 Good News - only two months until the pool opens for another season! The pool will be open on a Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Saturday/Sunday for the whole family as always. We are still hoping to have lane swimming for adults on a Tuesday after the family session and then again on a Friday evening and hope to encourage some new swimmers (of all abilities) along to these. The Club has come up with some new ideas too so just ‘like’ our Lenham Swimming Club facebook page to keep up to date with the latest developments. We plan to offer the following swimming sessions: 6.00 – 7.30pm 7.45 – 8.30pm 7.00 – 8.30pm 2.30 – 4.00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Tuesday – Adult Lane Swimming Friday – Adult Lane Swimming Saturday and Sunday More Good News! Our membership charges and admission fees remain unchanged as follows: Membership Fee Adult - £5.00 Child - £3.00 Charge per Swimming Session Members Non-Members £2.50 £3.50 £1.50p £2.50 Dates for your dairy: 10th May - Pool Clean Up day - from 8.30am, so put on some old clothes and Sunday come and give us a hand. We would be very grateful for your help. Saturday 30th May – Pool Opening Day. As always we are looking for volunteers to help out at the Club; both life guarding/watching the pool or taking the money/tuck shop. All training provided. We had lots of new help last year. Some are unable to continue this year so if you know anyone who might be interested, please ask them to get in touch. If you are one of the parents who like coming up with your children, why not help at the same time? Contact 01622 859174, email or visit our facebook page. Chris Hills Chairman 48 Information pages Harrietsham day by day Village organisations Diary 25 26 & 27 28 Features Recipe Parish Council news Harrietsham Times Stede Court Estate Walks New commuter service Letter Audley Care awards Lenham Swimming Club 50 40 - 44 30 - 31 34 38 22 44 48 Event information HIB/Macmillan Quiz Heart of Kent Hospice events Film Friday Ploughman’s, Pimms, Pickles and Plant Sale May Fayre 60’s Night Lenham Festival Pilgrims Way Artists’ Show 5 16 32 36 35 35 35 35 33 2SHQLQJ+RXUV 0RQ6DWDPWRSP 6XQGD\VSPWRSP ĞƐŝŐŶ - ŚŽŝĐĞͲ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ ĞƐŝŐŶ -zŽƵƌŬŝƚĐŚĞŶĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚĂƌŽƵŶĚLJŽƵĂŶĚLJŽƵƌŶĞĞĚƐ͘ ŚŽŝĐĞ-&ƌŽŵ,ŽďƐƚŽŬŶŽďƐǁĞŚĂǀĞƐŽŵĞƚŚŝŶŐĨŽƌ ĞǀĞƌLJŽŶĞ͘ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ- tĞƉƌŝĚĞŽƵƌƐĞůǀĞƐŽŶŐŽŽĚŽůĚĨĂƐŚŝŽŶĞĚ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐĞƌǀŝĐĞĂŶĚǁŝƚŚĂůůǁŽƌŬƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůůLJ ƉƌŽũĞĐƚŵĂŶĂŐĞĚ͕LJŽƵŚĂǀĞŶŽƚŚŝŶŐƚŽǁŽƌƌLJĂďŽƵƚ͘ tĞƚĂŬĞĐĂƌĞŽĨĞǀĞƌLJƚŚŝŶŐ͘ ^ŚŽǁƌŽŽŵͲϬϭϮϯϯϳϱϲϰϬϭ tǁǁ͘ƚŚĞŬĞŶƚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ Copy deadlines for May 2015 issue: Advertising: Friday 3 April 2015 Editorial: Friday 10 April 2015 Black & white advertising rates: 1 box £5.00 per month £42.00 for 12 months 2 boxes £10.00 per month £84.00 for 12 months 3 boxes £13.50 per month £122.00 for 12 months 4 boxes £17.00 per month £162.00 for 12 months Half page £25.00 per month £240.00 for 12 months Whole page £35.00 per month £350.00 for 12 months Colour adverts also accepted SALON 62 Friendly & Professional Salon Offering all services Colouring, Cutting, Styling, Wedding Packages & Hair Extensions Colour Tuesdays 10 % off By appointment – with this advert minimum 2 boxes For rates and details please call PeterBrown on 01622 851075 or email: Food Served Every Day 0RQ7XHV:HGV 12.30 pm to 9 pm 7KXUVGD\VSPWRSP Restaurant closed at 8 for Quiz (food available in Bar area) )UL6DW 12.30 pm to 9.30 pm 6XQGD\V 12.30 pm to 7 pm Carvery 12.30 pm to 5 pm Open Tuesday to Saturday 62A West Street, Harrietsham Tel: 01622 858276 6SHFLDO2FFDVLRQV Come and have a look Book our restaurant area Buffets available or sit down meals See staff for details 1HZWR:HGQHVGD\V Fish & Chips £6.95 eat in or takeaway 6 pm—8 pm :HVW6WUHHW+DUULHWVKDP :ZZWKHURHEXFNLQQKDUU\FRXN (0DLOWKHURHEXFN#RXWORRNFRP IRU LUNCH MENU NOW AVAILABLE Pub grub menu Seniors and lunch meal deals A la carte menu 7KXUVGD\V come and join our quiz All welcome £2 per person Including complimentary snacks 8.30 pm start Cookery Corner Harrietsham Network Anzac Biscuits Harrietsham Fish Scheme Who’s Who These iconic biscuits were allegedly originally made to send to the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) serving in Gallipoli. The Gallipoli Campaign started on 25th April 1915. Fish Scheme Organising secretary - Marjorie Darby 5 Court Lodge Cottages, Harrietsham ME17 1AT Telephone 850657 E-mail 85g porridge oats 85g desiccated coconut 100g plain flour 100g caster sugar 100g butter, plus extra butter for greasing 1 tbsp golden syrup 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda Chairman - Roger Kelly The Burlington Suite, Colesdane, Stede Hill, Harrietsham ME17 1NP Telephone 853803 E-mail Heat oven to 180OC/fan 160OC/gas 4. Put the oats, coconut, flour and sugar in a bowl. Melt the butter in a small pan and stir in the golden syrup. Add the bicarbonate of soda to 2 tbsp boiling water, then stir into the golden syrup and butter mixture. Network Magazine Editor - Rosi Taylor 3 Downlands, Harrietsham ME17 1LE Telephone 851701 E-mail Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and pour in the butter and golden syrup mixture. Stir gently to incorporate the dry ingredients. Associate editor - Rod Martenstyn 6 Chippendayle Drive, Harrietsham ME17 1AD Tel. 07958 956938 E-mail Put dessertspoonfuls of the mixture on to buttered baking sheets, about 2.5cm/1in apart to allow room for spreading. Bake in batches for 8 -10 mins until golden. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Please... We love to hear from you so please send us your articles, letters, photos, poems, anecdotes etc. Full contact details can be found on p. 3. The Editor Treasurer - Michael Gear Little Hatch, Ashford Road, Harrietsham ME17 1AJ Telephone 859410 E-mail Advertising manager - Peter Brown Bassetts, Ashford Road , Harrietsham ME17 1JR Telephone 851075 E-mail Distribution manager - Jackie Bevan Faygate, Ashford Road, Lenham ME17 2DA Telephone 859310 Visit our website: Visit our website: Harrietsham Network is published by the Harrietsham Fish Scheme. Whilst every effort is made to include as wide a variety of information as possible each month, the editor reserves the right not to publish, or to edit, any item. Letters sent anonymously will not be considered. Any opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the officers or committee of the Fish Scheme. The publication of an advertisement does not constitute an endorsement. No reproduction allowed in any form without written consent. No flyers or inserts to be sent to the printers for inclusion in the magazine direct or without the editor’s prior consent. 50 Network magazine May 2015 deadlines: The deadline for advertisements for the May issue will be MID-DAY on FRIDAY 3rd April 2015. Please send your contributions to the advertising manager’s address above. The deadline for editorial copy for the May issue will be MID-DAY on FRIDAY 10th April 2015. Please send your contributions to: or direct to the editor, Rosi Taylor, at the address above. You may also leave them at Salon 62 in West Street please mark them for The Editor. Thank you. 3 Nest Building Together Village & Country Homes Specialists To discuss your moving requirements call us now on 01622 858241. T: 01622 858241 E: A: 1 The Square, Lenham, Kent ME17 2PH W: S W E E N E Y TO D D BARBER SHOP OAPS BOYS TO 16 MEN £5 £6 £7 MON-FRI WEDNESDAY SATURDAY 9-6 CLOSED 8-3 2 nd SUNDAY 10-1 OF THE MONTH TRADITIONAL & MODERN HAIRSTYLES THE CORNERHOUSE, LENHAM VILLAGE SQUARE 07734950329 NOW WITH 3 BARBERS This space available for a colour advert Cost: £130.00 for a year Call Peter Brown for details 01622 851075 + LEE HOLLAND CeMap Your Local Independent Mortgage Adviser --------------------------------------------------------------------- y Home movers y Re-mortgages y First time buyers Buy-to-let property investors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friendly, professional, tailor-made service Call for a free consultation: 01622 859540 SAXON WARRIOR PHARMACY ,QWKHKHDUWRI/HQKDP9LOODJH6TXDUH7HO FOR ALL YOUR NHS PRESCRIPTIONS AND HEALTH ADVICE ƞȯɁɂȯȼȲƝȴȴȷȱȷȳȼɂƨɀȳɁȱɀȷȾɂȷȽȼƪȳȽɀȲȳɀȯȼȲƞɀȳȳƜȳȺȷɄȳɀɇ ZZZVD[RQZDUULRUSKDUPDF\FRP -!)$34/.% ,!.$3#!0%3 02/0%249 3%26)#%3,TD DISCOUNT * ONPRODUCTIONOFTHISADVERT *NOTTOBEUSEDIN CONJUNCTIONWITHANYOTHER OFFERS ,!.$3#!0).'- Drives, Patios, Pathways, Brick/Stone Walls, Block/Stone Paving, 7DUPDF'HFNLQJ)HQFLQJ7XU¿QJ3RQGV:DWHU)HDWXUHV*DUGHQ&OHDUDQFH 6KHGV6XPPHU3OD\+RXVH%DVHV7UHH6XUJHU\HWF "5),$).'7/2+3([WHQVLRQV3RUFKHV&RQVHUYDWRULHV*DUDJHV*URXQGZRUNV 5RR¿QJ39&:LQGRZV'RRUV6RI¿WV)DVFLDV)ORRU:DOO7LOLQJ'HFRUDWLQJHWF )8//<,1685(':25.*8$5$17(('9(5<352)(66,21$/)5,(1'/<6(59,&( 7RS4XDOLW\0DWHULDOV:RUNPDQVKLSIURPGHVLJQWRFRPSOHWLRQ)5(((67,0$7(6 4EL-OB %MAIDSTONELANDSCAPES LIVECOUK ,//+ 3OHDVHFKHFNRXUUHYLHZVDQGRWKHU companies you may use at WWWUKTCORG %STABLISHED$IRECTOR-0OTTER Printed by: Mulberry Graphic Design Ɣ The Workshop Ɣ Mulberry Barn Ɣ Rose Lane Ɣ Lenham Heath Ɣ KENT Tel: 01622 858777 - Email: Ɣ ME17 2JN
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