RUISHTON VILLAGE HALL NEWSLETTER MARCH 2015 VILLAGE HALL MONTHLY DRAW JANUARY £25 No 85 Katie Minall, Thornhams, Henlade £10 No 26 Mrs B Jolly Fermain, Bushy Cross Lane £5 No 164 Mrs S Collins, 16 Lawn Meadow JUMBLE SALE Thanks to all who gave jumble and helped at the very successful sale we held at the end of January. £536 was made for Village Hall funds. Our next sale will be on May 2nd. The March BINGO will be on Wednesday 11th. Doors open at 7pm and its EYES DOWN at 7.30pm. The SNOWBALL is now £80. The March WHIST DRIVE is on Wednesday 25th. Doors open at 7pm and play commences at 7.30pm Our next VILLAGE HALL QUIZ will be on Saturday March 7th at 7.30pm so start getting those brains in gear when we will be once again pleased to welcome Mike Marshall as our quiz master. Mike is great at entertaining us with unexpected topics so come and find out what he has up his sleeve for us this time. £2 per person tables of up to 4. There is usually the odd person willing to make up a team if you are unable to get a foursome. RUISHTON CARPET BOWLS CLUB NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. We meet at RUISHTON VILLAGE HALL every Tuesday Evening from 7pm & 9pm and Friday Afternoon between 2pm & 4pm. You can come along, and have a trial play as a guest for a small fee of £2 for each 2 hour session, for up to 4 weeks, after which time an annual membership fee of £6 will be required, which also entitles you to a smaller fee of £1.50 per 2 hour session. Come along on your own, or with a friend, and give it a try, we are a friendly social group who will make you welcome. For further information phone Mavis Skeggs 442427 (Treasurer) or Derek Garrett 442876 (Chairman) The MARCH HEALTH WALKS. The Health walks for March will be on Wed March 4th starting from Creech Canal car park at 10.30 am and Wed March 18th starting from Ruishton Village hall car park at 10.30am. Walks are up to 1.5 hours in duration. Dogs are welcome but must be kept on leads. For more information please ring Pat Pike on 442609 or Andy Smith on 444815 . Ruishton Church continues to need more knitted / crocheted flowers for its contribution to the Taunton Arts Festival. Join us at the next In Stitches @ St Georges workshop / coffee morning which will be 10 am – 12 noon on Saturday March 21st in the Church meeting room. Do a few extra crocheted flowers for the Flower Show competition see below! Do you enjoy arranging fresh flowers. Ruishton Church is inviting you to a workshop led by Mrs Michelle Weaver on Saturday 14th March 10am – 12noon in the church meeting room. There will be a charge of £5 which will cover the cost of flowers and oasis etc. Please ring Muriel (443019) to book a place. RUISHTON PHONE BOX: Do you use it? If so then let the Parish Council Clerk know as it may well be taken away. FLOWER SHOW – 18th July IMPORTANT NEWS! Planning for this year’s Flower Show is well underway and exciting new classes have been introduced. The Handicrafts section has been given a major make over this year and we now have the following new classes; A knitted hot water bottle cover, three crochet flowers, a tie-dye Tee shirt, a needle felted item, a piece of hand-made jewellery and a machine sewn apron or pinny, also two new photography subjects; Down on the farm and Reflections. We also have new class in this year’s Vegetable section - Mangetout Peas. Plus there are new cake recipes and an exciting theme for scarecrows which we will tell you about in the next newsletters. We are running the popular ‘Potato in a bucket class again, and this year we have a supply of early cropping seed potatoes – or you can grow your own variety. Seed potatoes can be obtained from Lilian or Mike (13 Lawn Meadow) 10p each, this also covers your entry fee. L Marshall (Secretary) For all bookings and enquiries regarding the Village Hall, please contact Chris on 07958574905 ALL ITEMS FOR THE APRIL 2015 newsletter should be delivered to the Editor, Liz Harper, Marl Bank, Bushy Cross Lane, Ruishton (443369) NO LATER THAN Saturday 14th March 2015, or e-mail LADIES COFFEE CLUB We meet this month on Monday 9th March at 2.30pm at Margaret (King)’s house. Sally McEwen 442733. RATS (Ruishton Artists in TexStyles) We are a group of craft enthusiasts who work with fabric and thread. We are now meeting on the 3rd Mon of each month 10.00a.m. - 3.00p.m. in the VH committee room. For more information about our regular meetings ring Rosemary (442039). TAUNTON & DISTRICT FRIENDSHIP CLUB We are a club offering a wide range of social activities for the over 50s. Next meeting Thursday 19th March. For further information contact Sally (442733). RUISHTON BOOK CLUB A small group in the village have started a book club. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month from 3.30 - 5 pm at each other's houses and talk about a book we have all read. We all enjoyed reading The Gallery of Vanished Husbands by Natasha Solomons, and found the insights into the culture of Jewish family life and the world of art fascinating. The characters were very credible and the story flowed and was easy to read. As a group we find we are enjoying our reading much more and are reading a wider range of books than we used to. Our next book is The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton. Enquiries about joining the Book Club can be made to Viv Streeter tel: 443103. Taunton Amateur Country Winemakers Circle meet in the committee room at the Village Hall on the 2nd Tuesday . For further information please contact Peter on 251110 or Jean on 256265) THE RUISHTON INN Tel:442285 Book Now for Mother’s Day Sunday 15th March. 2 or 3 Course meal Menus available from the pub or on the Website 23 Newlands Crescent Ruishton Taunton TA3 5LA Mobile : 07971236756 or 01823 443046 Don't Forget our Take Away Fish 'n' chips £5.00 ? Quiz Night every Wednesday at 9.00 Free entry ? CASK MARQUE REAL ALES NICOLE PERRET D.O.,M.R.O. REGISTERED OSTEOPATH Blackbrook Pavilion, Taunton 01823 33 34 35 Phillip Greenslade Handyman Painting & Decorating General Maintenance in your home and garden 01823 442971 RUISHTON GUIDING Rainbows have been learning about colours during this half term; all over the world there are Rainbows and they all wear a different colour for their uniforms. They looked at each one and where in the world they were. Brownies have started working on the badges in the new Brownie Adventure handbook. They had a visit from a Policeman with his car. They spent an evening learning how to knit so they can add knitted flowers to the display in Ruishton Church later in the year. They have also made and taken part in the Christingle service at Ruishton church and also in the Valentines/Thinking Day Service. They ended the half term cooking Chinese food and celebrating Chinese New Year. Guides have done their Craft badge over the last few weeks and finished the term going swimming. All units enjoyed the CARDs Pantomime during half term. The Policing team that cover the Ruishton area are as follows: PS 2631 - Huw Jenkins – 07889 657890 PC 1146 - Maria Jennings – 07889 658000 PCSO 8784 - Lynsey Gamblin – 07889 655212 PCSO 9981 – Steve Chapman – 07889 655196 If it is an emergency and you need an immediate response please telephone 999. If you wish to report a crime or for any non emergency calls please telephone 101. Please do not report crimes on officers’ mobile phones. 2 If you wish to put your daughter's name on any of the waiting lists please contact: Guides Cath Ellis (442398), Brownies Cathy Jones (443160), Rainbows Cath Ellis (442398) Taunton Mobile Library calls at Dinhams Farm Corner once every 4 weeks from 9.15 to 9.30. Next visit Wednesday April 22nd. The next visit at Ivy House is on Friday 20th March from 2.55 to 3.10 Items for Sale 50p a line 1. Office chair, black leather effect, with arms. Gas lift, swivel, tilt, adjustable. Good condition. £15. 01823-442374 2. Yamaha Portatone electronic keyboard PSR-195 complete with stand and stool. Excellent condition. £40 Tel:442037 3. Mirror glass with glass surround 100cmx30cm nearly new, £20 ono, some bathroom accessories: towel rail, glass shelf with dolphin supports, round mirror (30cm diameter) , job lot £15 ono. Tel: 442737 KJB Fellowship will be holding services in the meeting room at RUISHTON VILLAGE HALL on certain Sundays each month at 11:00 a.m. Starting March 7th. Alex Bowler, who founded the fellowship says, "We would like to invite you to come along to our services so you can have the opportunity to hear the best news in the world - the gospel of Jesus Christ - and find out what God says to us in his Holy Bible! For further information and dates of services please see the church website: S.W.Flooring Stephen White WOODLANDS PRE-SCHOOL at Ruishton Primary School Floor layer: carpet, vinyl, wood and laminate, safety flooring. Supplied and fitted. 01823 442705 or 07841 611369 Tel: 01823 412883 A-2-B with Sandie Minibus Hire. 16 and 29 seaters available for parties, pub and Club outings, Sport venues, airport runs etc. Tel:01823 443487 Good selection of birthday and special occasion cards Available. Don’t forget the birds at this time of year nuts etc. available in shop. Maths Tuition Need some help with your GCSE or AS/A Maths. Reasonable rates (first lesson free) Ring Liz on 01823 443369 or email HAIRLINES Tel:442337 Open 9am-5.30pm (Lunch time closing) Save going into town, bring us your dry cleaning. Good parking OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8.00AM TO 3.00PM For information contact 01823 444302 BEAUTIFUL HAIR...NATURALLY COLOUR, PERM OR JUST A TRIM EVERYONE WELCOME WE USE ORGANIC AND NATURAL PRODUCTS IN ALL OUR HAIRDRESSING SERVICES WHERE POSSIBLE MARY is OUR BEAUTICIAN ring the Salon for DATES For an appointment call 443528 Parking by kind permission of ‘The Ruishton Inn’ 3. HELEN KEMP VETERINARY SERVICES WANTED – RECORD COLLECTIONS - QUALITY VINYL RECORDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Telephone MAX on (01823) 444007 COMPANION ANIMAL PRACTICE AT ST GILES KENNELS Helen and her friendly team – here because we love animals and care about their owners Surgery Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 9am-6pm Telephone – 01823 490190 St Giles Kennels, Newport Road Wrantage, Nr Taunton, TA3 6DJ 24 hour cover provided AVON Cher’s Mobile Hairdressing Cheryl Brooks Tel: 01823 330526 Mobile: 0777 3865963 A Unisex Hairdresser for all ages & occasions At competitive prices Groves Electrical Services Creech St Michael Domestic and Commercial Napit Part P Registered - Full Scope Free estimates Call out available Contact Paul Groves 07796903447 Or 01823 442295 If you would like an AVON brochure. Please contact: Mrs Natalie Pike 35 Newlands Rd, Ruishton Mobile 07903194226 and Home 01823 443870. Rc RON CULL CARPET FITTER 23 Queens Down Creech St Michael,TA3 5QY Tel: 443522 Mob: 07971881671 Russell James Carpentry & Joinery Lockton Plumbing & Heating All New Clients 10% Off Matthew Lockton Taunton Tel: 07846 989 935 Phoenix cards All Aspects Including Contemporary Traditional & Bespoke Qualified Professional Affordable Free Quotes & Advice Tel: 01278 457200/07917 247965 7 Blake Mill Bus Pk Bridgwater TA6 5LT CARDS PAPER BOWS Need a card in a hurry? Or maybe you like to have a selection in your cupboard? I have Birthday, Baby, Wedding and other cards in stock. Also gorgeous gift wrap, ribbon, colouring charts, notelets and much more! Phone me or pop in. Cards start at £0.75. Natalie Pike, Independent Phoenix Trader. 35 Newlands Road Ruishton ( next door to school). Phone 01823 443 870 or 07903 194226 Taunton Mobile Foot Care For the professional treatment of Corns•Callus•Cracked Heels Athletes Foot•Nail Trimming Fungal & Thickened Nails Contact Bethan On 01823 442705 or 07989 046024 Treatment in the comfort of your own home Lady Domestic Cleaner Honest, hardworking, reliable Let me put the sparkle back in your home! References available Call Melanie on: 075132 53080 4 RUISHTON AND THORNFALCON PARISH COUNCIL FLOOD GATES AT DINHAMS BUNGALOWS After nearly two years TDBC has finally agreed to fund the flood gates for four of Dinhams Bungalows. The delay has been caused by changeover of staff and loss of paperwork by Taunton Deane. They will ensure that both front and back doors are fitted with floodgates and the work is completed in a reasonable time-scale. RED TELEPHONE BOX IN THE VILLAGE OF RUISHTON It has come to the Council’s attention that BT is proposing to remove this kiosk. BT are reviewing boxes nationwide and when they had finished a review in a particular district they would send the information to the Local District Council for their comments but BT will still make the decision about the boxes’ removal. BT said that the Council could adopt the box for a £1 and then they would leave it in place but take the phone away. The Council has contacted Taunton Deane to ask if the Council could be fully consulted when they are contacted by BT. The Council would like to ask our parishioners if they ever use this kiosk and if you have any thoughts on whether the council should adopt the kiosk. Please send your comments to the Clerk, Heather Bryant – contact details below. TRANSPARENCY CODE FOR SMALLER COUNCILS UNDER £25,000 TURNOVER Smaller Councils are struggling with lack of information and instruction from Central Government in regard to this new legislation. It has come to light that smaller Councils will not be exempt from Audit until 2017/18 and will have to carry on with the current system as well as the Transparency Code from April 2015. The Agendas and associated papers will be posted on the website as from next month and will be taken off the web site when the draft minutes are published (within a month of a meeting) unless the Council is informed of a different time-scale. The various documents in regard to the financial year end will be posted by 1 July in any one year. EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL The meeting was attended by Brendan Cleere, Taunton Deane Director of Growth and Development, Tim Burton, Assistant Director Planning & Environment, Councillors and 60 members of the public. Tim Burton and Brendan Cleere reported on the planning history of this development and the current situation on the proposed 25 hectares of Employment Land creating up to 4000 jobs. However, the transport issue needs to be resolved as there is no capacity with the current road structure and no easy access to the site. This proposal had to be been taken out of the Core Strategy 2015, however, TDBC propose that to take it forward as a separate plan. It is envisaged by Autumn 2015, there will be more detail and clarity and then TDBC will consult again. The timescale is proposed to be Examination in Public by September 2016 and adopted by December 2016. Tim Burton and Brendan Cleere answered many questions from the Councillors and the public. The Council will keep the Parish informed when the consultation period starts. DATE OF THE SCHEDULED MEETINGS FOR 2015 4.3.15 5.8.15 1.4.15 2.9.15 20.5.15 7.10.15 3.6.15 4.11.15 1.7.15 2.12.15 The 4th March meeting will be attended by representatives of Kijilstra, manufacturers of drainage systems who will give a presentation on their new operations at the former Tarmac site The Annual Parish Assembly will be held before the 1st April Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm. The purpose of the Assembly is to enable the registered electors to discuss parish affairs. The meeting is also an opportunity for the Parish Council to report on the activities over the last year. An elector may ask questions, comments on parish issues and propose and vote on resolutions, Council Meetings commence at 7.30pm (unless otherwise stated) and are held in Ruishton Village Hall. There is an opportunity at 7.30pm for the public to make comments or ask questions. A full set of minutes can be seen our website at Mrs Heather Bryant, Northay House, Northay, Chard. TA20 3DN. Tel: 01460 234770. Email: Ruishton Flood Committee Notice. As you may be aware Lipe Land and Cheats road suffered from flooding on January 15th. The Ruishton Flood Committee put Operation Gannex into place closing the roads until the flood water had subsided. Operation Gannex is a pilot scheme in this area set up to minimise risk to life and property in the event of localized flooding. You can follow Operation Gannex on Facebook/operation gannex to keep you upto-date with road closures. Ruishton Flood Committee is currently looking for volunteers to help deploy and retrieve the road closure signs in the event of local flooding. If you are able to help please contact Robert Powell; 07747086127 —————————————————————————————————————————————— New appointment System at Creech St Michael Medical Practice. A new Appointment System was started at the beginning of the year. We would like your opinion on how effective this has been in improving waiting times and appointment availability. Do let us know by informing one of the PPG, or by email or a note addressed to the PPG handed to Reception. Health Education Evening Due to the success of the first patients' education evening last October, we intend to run another on April 30th. Please tell us the subjects you would like included? We need your suggestions. We could include some cancers including prostate and breast cancer, including self examination. Other subjects might cover stress, nutrition, physical fitness, sugar diabetes, a little about asthma again; or any other subject you suggest. Patient information. Our PPG regularly ask for patients' opinions and attempt to gather them from a wide selection. At present one aspect we are looking at is what information you would find useful in the waiting room, and how you would like it to be made available? In future we want to afford a television monitor so that information is more interesting. However, at the moment we will provide a folder with information. What do you want included? The Patients' voice. From April 2015 all English Medical Practices are required to have a Patient Participation Group. Our Medical Centre established our group over three years ago. Patient's opinion of what is happening in the Practices and the NHS is now listened to carefully. From December 2014 all Practices have been seeking feedback through the Friends and Family Test. They have been asking "How likely are you to recommend our Practice to friends and family if they needed similar treatment?" They are required to report the results. Email: or leave a message at reception addressed to CMC PPG Tony Murray Chairman Tel 443510 ——————————————————————————————————————————————
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