May 2015 Community 16th Great Year! Magazine delivered FREE to homes in Belton, Burgh Castle, Fritton, St. Olaves & Browston and available FREE through outlets in Bradwell & Somerleyton VOL 16 - 02 Delivered MONTHLY FREE CHARITY FUNDRAISERS MAKE PRESENTATIONS elton Charity Fundraisers celebrated a third years B success when they presented over £2500 worth of cheques to local groups and organisations at the John Green Institute April Coffee morning. The group which is the successor to the Friends of the JGI runs the Mammoth sales at the JGI, a charity stall at each monthly coffee morning, attends the New Road craft fairs and runs the monthly quiz sheets. In 2014 the total raised was £2825, adding this to all previous activity with the stall and quiz over almost 10 years well over £21000.00 has been donated to a wide range of groups. This years beneficiaries who received their cheques from chairman Jack Fuller, were The JGI Trustees (£500), Ist. Belton Guides (£375) Belton W.I. (£300), Belton Lunch Club (£100), 221 Squadron ATC (£200), Belton Art Group (£100), Belton Church Youth Groups (£200), The East Coast Hospice (£400) and Caister Volunteer Lifeboat (£400). The photo shows members of “The Fundraisers” and representatives of all the beneficiaries with their cheques. The Fundraisers are always seeking items for their stalls, anything except clothes and mains electrical items, please call 01493 780776 ( we can collect locally). Now offering carpet cleaning TO ADVERTISE IN VILLAGE VOICE RING 01493 780776 Village Voice - May 2015 PRODUCE & CRAFT SHOW ll last months “Village Voice” delivered to properties in A Belton, Browston, Burgh Castle, Fritton and St. Olaves had a copy of this years Belton and Lothingland Produce and Crafts Show schedule enclosed. This years event, our 25th, is at the JGI, Belton on Sunday June 28th and residents of all the above parishes are invited to enter along with members of clubs based at venues in the same area. Classes are very similar to last year, there are the usual revisions in the photography and children’s sections, we have retained the home made wine for a second year plus all our regular sections with a few slight modifications, please get planning now and come to the JGI on June 28th. If you have any questions please ring 01493 780776 or e-mail, Also if you misplace your schedule it is also on the “Village Show” page of the Belton web site at www. Copies are also available in the JGI, Burgh Castle post Office and Belton Pet and Hardware. Passover Meal in Belton Church PASSOVER MEAL AT BELTON REFUSE COLLECTION CHANGES O n Maundy Thursday evening 2nd April a great time was had by all who attended the Passover meal at All Saints Church Belton. are two bank Holidays in May, on Mondays the 4th and Twillhere 25th, in each case all bin collections (grey, green and garden) be one day late, no collections on the Mondays and the Friday rounds collected on the respective Saturdays. Rev. Rosie Bunn presided over the traditional events of the Passover, with all taking part in the various rituals, prayers and songs that would have taken place during the Jewish celebration. Following this a wonderful meal was enjoyed. A big thanks to Rosie and her great team for an evening to reflect on and remember. Moorlands KS1 GARAGE SERVICES Unit 7, Hewitt Road, Gapton Hall Industrial Estate, Great Yarmouth NR31 0NN 01493 717878 FREE up & Pick off drop Moorlands KS2 MOORLANDS PRIMARY ACADEMY Primary Academy finished the Spring Term with Moorlands an Easter Eggstraviganza organised by the PTA. FREE stic o n g Dia in plug As well as stalls and competitions for parents at the end of school the children were invited to take part in Easter Bonnet, colouring, writing and crafts competitions, the pictures show the winners in Key stages 1 and 2 with some of their entries. Thank you to The Rev Rosie Bunn and Brian Swan for judging the entries. 2 Village Voice - May 2015 VILLAGE VOICE MAY 2015 This Magazine is a Community Enterprise professionally printed by Blackwell Print - but written, edited & delivered free - entirely by volunteers. After printing costs, any profits from the Magazine are paid out in the form of grants to community organisations & groups in our circulation area. The Magazine Board is elected each year at the Belton with Browston Annual Parish Meeting. HOW TO CONTACT US : Brian Swan - Editor Skelmorlie, Butt Lane, Burgh Castle, Great Yarmouth, NR31 9PU Tel (01493) 780776 Mobile 07796 982 259 ADVERTISING Martin Roche 07787 157283 Bill Richmond (01493) 780822 e mails to or call Brian 07796 982259 DELIVERY Brian Swan - (01493) 780776 YOUR VILLAGE VOICE ELECTIONS 2015 s we should all know by now it is parliamentary election day A on Thursday May 7th, locally as well as the Great Yarmouth Constituency there are also elections for the Borough Council and irstly a reminder, grant Favailable application forms are still for local clubs and local Parish Councils. Lothingland Ward of the Borough Council (this covers Belton, Burgh Castle, Fritton and St. Olaves.) There are four candidates Matthew Dinsdale (UKIP), Brian Lawn (Conservative), Tracey White (Green) and Chris Williamson (Labour). groups, but must be returned by May 15th, the usual basis, please apply and we will share out the total of £1000.00 amongst qualifying applicants (contact details in column 1 of this page), any questions – do you qualify - please give us a call. Burgh Castle Parish - There are seven candidates for the seven seats therefore no election required, they are Trevor Austin, Helen Dacruz, Eric Foster, Trevor Greenacre, Robert Grimmer, Peter Nichols and John Rudrum. Belton with Browston - 11 candidates for the 13 seats , no election and the council can co-opt two further members to bring it up to full strength, the 11 are Nathan Brown, Ben Burgess, Lesley Chalmers, Barbara Clark, Michael Graystone, Margaret Greenacre, Lee Staff, Peter Nichols, John Rudrum, Brian Swan and Ian Walpole. Did you fall for it – our usual April Fool article appeared last month, we have had a few comments and questions some seemed to be quite convinced it was all true!! sorry to disappoint you. Fritton & St. Olaves – Here 10 candidates to fill the 10 seats, they are Stannas Bellaby, Fiona Cowan, Margaret Johnson, Allan Mendum, Christopher Nash, Keith Nunn, Jill Rose, Dennis Sewell, Peter Storey and Douglas Youngs. We are now preparing the June Edition, due out around May 26/27th , please get your news, articles and pictures in by noon on May 14th, also its the same deadline if you would like to advertise with us, full contact details in the editorial box on this page. PARISH COUNCIL WEB SITE reminder that Belton with Browston Parish Council A documents and contact details for all councillors are on our new web site along with the agenda for the next meeting and previous sets of approved minutes, just visit We put a notice on page two last month asking for help with Village Voice – so far no responses, its a case of we really do need help to continue … you have ta little time to spare each month …....... ? Dispensing Quality Dispensing Quality Dispensing Dispensing Quality Jhoots Pharmacy - Belton Printed by Blackwell Print, Charles Street, Great Yarmouth NR30 3LA DELIVERS – A special thank you to Debra and Paul Smith who have delivered near We welcome your news, views the Kings Head for 15 years, letters, articles & photographs for unfortunately they are on the publication. No anonymous letters, move – this means is there articles or comments are accepted anybody in the old part of St. for publication Should you have Johns Road, Orchard, Farman a comment or a complaint about Close area who could deliver Village Voice - or would like our for us, it takes under an hour a month and the Village Voices Ethical Publication Policy - please will be brought to you!! If you write to Ernie Tuxford, Chairman of please call 01493 the Village Voice Berea, 7b Hall Belton Pet &Board, Hardware New can 1/8thhelp MONO 780776. Lane, Oulton, Lowestoft NR32 3AT. Jhoots Pharmacy Jhoots Pharmacy - Belton Jhoots Pharmacy - Belton Jhoots Pharmacy has unfortunately had to close their pharmacy in Belton Village due to being evicted from their current premises due to proposed at St John Road, Belton, N31 9JT by the Jhootsredevelopment Pharmacyhas has unfortunately had to toGreat closeYarmouth, their pharmacy pharmacy in Belton Jhoots Pharmacy unfortunately had close their in Belton landlord. Jhoots Pharmacy hasfrom unfortunately hadpremises to close theirtopharmacy Villagecurrent due to being evicted their current due proposedin Belton Village dueVillage to being from theirfrom current due to proposed dueStevicted to being evicted theirpremises current premises proposed redevelopment John Road, Belton, Great Yarmouth, N31 9JT 9JTdue by to the redevelopment atatapplied St John Road, Belton, Great Yarmouth, N31 by the Jhoots have for relocation in the village howeverYarmouth, this has been redevelopment at St John Road, Belton, Great N31 9JT by the current landlord. against. We will endeavour to go through the pharmacy appeal current appealed landlord. current landlord. process to get your community pharmacy back in your village as soon as we Jhoots have applied for relocation in all theposted villageon however this hasthe been Jhoots Pharmacy will keep you the progress Jhoots can. have applied for relocation in the village this and has this been Jhoots have for relocation in thehowever village however anticipated reopening of your village pharmacy through Village Voice. appealed against. We applied will endeavour to go through the pharmacy appealhas been appealed against. We will endeavour to go through the pharmacy appeal appeal appealed against. We will endeavour to go through the pharmacy process to get your community pharmacy back in your village as soon as we processYour to process get yourJhoots pharmacy back in your village as soon as we tocommunity getPharmacy yourkeep community in progress your village soon as we nearest is in Great Yarmouth -back 114the Regent Road, Great can. Jhoots Pharmacy will you allpharmacy posted on andasthe can. Jhoots Pharmacy will you all posted the 858 progress and Yarmouth, NorfolkPharmacy NR30keep 2AB,will telephone number 01493 can the and the can. Jhoots keep you allon posted on703. theWe progress anticipated reopening of your village pharmacy through Village Voice. process your current prescriptions from this branch and deliver toVoice. your door.Voice. If anticipated reopening of your village pharmacy through Village anticipated reopening of your village pharmacy through Village this is not suitable for you and you need the face to face interaction from a Your nearest Jhoots Pharmacy is in Great Yarmouth that - 114 Regent Road,are Great community pharmacy, your nearest two pharmacies offer services Your nearest Jhoots Pharmacy is in Great - 01493 114canRegent Road, Your nearest Jhoots Pharmacy isYarmouth innumber Great Yarmouth - 114 Regent Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR30 2AB, telephone 858 703. WeGreat can listed below: Yarmouth, Norfolk NR30 2AB,NR30 telephone number 01493 858 We can Yarmouth, Norfolk 2AB,this telephone number 01493 703. process your current prescriptions from branch and deliver to703. your858 door. If We can your from this and to your process your current prescriptions from thisthe branch and deliver todeliver your If Pharmacy, Church Lane, Bradwell, Great Yarmouth NR31 8QW door. Tel: this isLloyds notprocess suitable for2current you andprescriptions you need face tobranch face interaction from a door. If this is not foryou youneed andpharmacies you need to the face to face interaction this is not suitable forsuitable you the face face from 01493 602401 community pharmacy, yourand nearest two that caninteraction offer services area from a Pharmacy, pharmacy, Mill Lane, Bradwell, NR31 8HS 01493 603573 community your nearest twoTel: pharmacies that can offerare services are community pharmacy, your nearest two pharmacies that can offer services listedCo-Op below: listed below: listed below: Belton PET & HARDWARE Once again, we apologise for this unforeseen setback and will work extremely Lloydshard Pharmacy, 2 pharmacy Church Lane, Great Yarmouth NR31 8QW Tel: to get your inBradwell, theLane, village. Lloyds Pharmacy, 2back Church Bradwell, Great Yarmouth NR31 Lloyds 2 Church Lane, Bradwell, Great Yarmouth NR31 8QW Tel:8QW Tel: 01493Pharmacy, 602401 01493 602401 01493 602401 Co-Op Pharmacy, Mill Lane, Bradwell, NR31 8HS Tel: 01493 603573 Co-Op Pharmacy, Mill Lane, NR31 Bradwell, 8HS Tel: 01493 603573 Co-Op Pharmacy, Mill Lane, Bradwell, 8HS NR31 Tel: 01493 603573 Cards – Wrapping Paper - Stationery Gardening Supplies Electrical – Decorating – Brooms & Brushes Wild Bird Seeds – Pet Foods Coal – Paraffin – Timber Agents for Clean & Dry (Dry cleaning) Once again, we apologise for this unforeseen setback and will work extremely Once again, we for apologise forvillage. this unforeseen setback and will work extremely Once we apologise thisinunforeseen setback and will work extremely hardagain, to get your pharmacy back the get your back pharmacy in the village. hard to get hard your to pharmacy in theback village. Open 8.30am to 5.30pm Mon to Sat. 6 Bell Lane, Belton Tel. 780250 www. j hoo ts pharma cy. co. uk 3 Village Voice - May 2015 WORKING LIFE STORIES OF OLDER PEOPLE IN NORFOLK ISEArchive is a voluntary, oral history group which W records the working life stories of older people from all over Norfolk. REV ROSIE WRITES.... know about you but Iwasdon’t by the time that Parliament dissolved and the election WISEArchive recognises that it’s vitally important to record the history of individual working lives. Through such stories, we can understand the huge social, economic and technical changes that occur in our society over time. If we don’t record these stories now, valuable and important memories are lost to us forever. Since 2005 WISEArchive has gathered many fascinating stories including those of former employees of some of Norfolk’s major companies. So if you would like to share your working life story please get in touch. race began, full-steam ahead, I was already fed up with the electioneering that had been going on for what seemed forever and the party politics with all the sides trying to get one over on the other. I don’t want to hear all the negatives, the sniping, and the blaming; I want to hear what each party stands for, how they plan to make a difference both locally and in the nation and to hear about the people (and their values) so that I can reflect on some of the social, political and spiritual challenges facing our nation today and make an informed choice on Polling Day. I believe it is a very important time in our history; the country is in significant debt; we are struggling as we continue to live beyond our means; changes have been made to benefits and we see a greater reliance on foodbanks for people in need; and there remain some very difficult decisions ahead for the government (whichever party or coalition has the upper hand after 7th May 2015) Living in a democracy we have our part to play; we have a cross that counts. So, if you are feeling like I was, let me encourage you to try to see through the bravado of electioneering to what the parties are really saying (and how they are going to pay for their promises!) and consider Your memories will go on the WISEArchive website along with many others that you can already read there. All the recordings go into the Sound Archive of the Norfolk Record Office. It is also possible to either email WISEArchive a written copy of your story or place it on the website. Old photographs and photographs of memorabilia are always welcome. If you would like to tell your story, obtain further details about WISEArchive or perhaps consider volunteering as a WISEArchive interviewer, please contact:, email or Tel. 07413 445780. ART EXHIBITION Broadlanders Art Club Spring Exhibition is on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May from 10am -5pm daily at the Methodist Church Hall, Lowestoft Road, Gorleston. Refreshments available, Free Admission. JEWELEX THE GORLESTON JEWELLERS 5 CHURCH LANE, GORLESTON (OPPOSIT E LLOY DS BA N K) WE DESPERATELY NEED TO BUY OLD JEWELLERY, OLD COINS, MEDALS, OLD WATCHES & CLOCKS, ANY GOLD OR SILVER SCRAP! TOP PRICES – INSTANT CASH PAID YOUNG AT HEART oung at Hearters hope Y everyone enjoyed celebrating Easter and now look forward to lighter, warmer, brighter days. In April we enjoyed a fish and chip lunch as well as the usual weekly coffee mornings and monthly communion service. QUALITY WATCH BATTERIES £5.00 Clock & watch repairs Mechanical, Quartz, Kinetics. JEWELLERY REPAIRS On May 12th we look forward to a hand bell ringing demonstration with (maybe) participation and in June afternoon tea. In the months to come we plan to visit Cherry Lane, enjoy a meal out, share in the Parish Garden Party and in September enjoy a boat trip together. We have a large selection of jewellery, New, Vintage & Antique – at amazing prices OPEN 1.00pm – 5.00 pm MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY Tel. 01493 444443 4 the person who is standing to elect you, as an individual; their character, their beliefs, concerns and passions. In February, the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham James, wrote to all the churches encouraging us to engage in the issues of society as well as acts of service; and to consider the challenges of politics without placing upon government wholly unrealistic expectations because every government is imperfect. Bishop James’ letter introduced a longer letter/document from the House of Bishops which was to facilitate some thinking and questioning from a Christian perspective. If you are interested this document can be found at www.churchofengland. org/media/2170230/ whoismyneighbour-pages.pdf Locally, the churches in the Gorleston area have been joining together in St Andrew’s Church on Saturdays and Tuesdays throughout April to pray for these elections, and we had a hustings at the King’s Centre on the 24th April. The Bible teaches us to be positive and prayerfully take our responsibility seriously : “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”… (1 Timothy 2: 1 – 2.) It is difficult to know sometimes how to vote, but we do have a right to have our say and I would encourage you to get involved. Rev Rosie Bunn, Belton Rectory, Tel 01493 780210. We are very excited about a possible visit from Jane as she begins to slowly integrate back into the activities she enjoys with others after being very ill. We believe in May we will be able to say WELCOME BACK so watch this space. Please come and share with us in the Church Lounge any Tuesday from 10.00 till noon. We welcome both males and females for a drink, things to eat plus as much chatter as you wish. We aim to banish the lonely blues by offering friendship if you would like it, give us a try You’ll be surprised how warm & friendly we are. Look forward to seeing you. Village Voice - May 2015 SCOUTS NEWSPAPER COLLECTIONS TO THE EDITOR ...... B Burgh Castle Plant Sales. elton Scouts will be collecting newspapers in Belton on Saturday May 9th and then Saturday June 13th , please have papers outside properties by 8.45am. Please remember not to make the bundles or bags of papers too large as some of the helpers with the collections are young members of the group. Note that old telephone directories, glossy magazines and leaflets can be included in with your papers. The Scouts also collect any old mobile phones as well as the soft plastic bottle tops (those on milk bottles, drink bottles and similar) which are recycled by the Matthew Project who work with young people who have drug or alcohol problems. These can all be delivered to 15 Bracon Road, Belton, if you are putting bottle tops or anything else out at paper collection time please put these items into a separate bag as they all go to different locations. Sainsbury Active Kids Vouchers – The Scouts are now also collecting Sainsburys Active Kids vouchers- please deliver to 15 Bracon Road, Belton no later than May 10th 2015. If you have any enquiries about the local Scouts or the any of the above please ring (01493) 780965 For some years now, I and other family members have run a plant sale donating the proceeds to charity, usually Burgh Castle Church, everything is donated, we buy all the seeds, compost, trays etc. and no expenses are deducted. We were hoping to do the same this year but unfortunately there is a problem. We have loaned our large plastic/metal trays (15”x 24”) to people to carry plants home, trusting them to be returned. But not so, we are now very short. Most of them were supplied by the late Ronnie Beare and we have been unable replace them. Large trays are invaluable to us as they are used when hardening off plants, stacking them in the greenhouse at night 5/6 high. Cardboard boxes are no good when plants need to be watered. If anyone has any trays could you please return them to either me at 2 Coronation Terrace, Butt Lane or Brenda Coe at 11 Stepshort, Burgh Castle. Thank you for your cooperation, Maureen Grey MOBILE LIBRARY elton, Fritton and St. Olaves B now have a four weekly service on Wednesdays, there is no longer a service to Burgh Castle. Belton- The next dates are May 6th. and June 3rd with the following stops :- Aldersley (Station Road South) 1.50 – 2.05pm, The Tavern 2.10 – 2.20pm, Amhurst Gardens 2.25 – 2.35pm, opposite Dashwood Close 2.40 – 2.50pm, St Roberts Way 2.55 – 3.10pm and Moorlands School / Childrens Centre 3.15 - 4.05pm. Fritton and St. Olaves – Again its May 6th. and June 3rd.for the next visits, stopping at Priory Close, off Herringfleet Road, St. Olaves 10.30 – 10.40am and on New Road, Fritton (near the playground) 10.45 to 11.00am. 5 Village Voice - May 2015 ARCHIE VISITS WHITECHAPEL MARKET DOWN THE GARDEN PATH H ere are a few recommended Alpine and dwarf perennials and their requirements for healthy and long lasting growth. Top of the list is Pulsatilla vulgaris (Anemone pulsatilla) these are deciduous, clump forming, perennial wildflowers natives to the alpine meadows of Western Europe. The flowers come in Purple, Red, or White followed by showy, feathery white seed heads, the foliage is fern-like having silky, finely divided, pale green leaves that grows 10” high with a 12” spread. Pulsatillas need sun and any ordinary garden soil which is well drained. But they prefer gritty, humus rich soil so it is a good idea to add a generous amount of compost and grit or course sand at planting time. rchie was always at work and when A not working was with his girl friend Annie, none of this suited his mother Violet as she thought her boy could have been a policeman or, better still, a parson, she also disliked his absence from home. Contrary to Violet, Annie’s mother welcomed the idea of Archie and Annie being a couple and made Archie very welcome at her home. On Sunday Annie’s dad, Harry, would take the family to Whitechapel market in London’s East End where Archie spotted a leather bomber jacket in the window of a furriers, the shop was called Papa Flocka Fashions. After inspecting the jacket the shop owner asked them to call back in an hour so they wandered Whitechapel and on their return were greeted by the shop owner and Archie was presented with a beige leather bomber jacket for the princely sum of £15.00. He was over the moon and treasured the jacket for many years. Armeria maritime (Sea Thrift) is an excellent, easy plant to grow, in our sandy soils and is exceedingly hardy but prefers a sunny site. My favourite is the variety Nifty Thrifty (I like the name) whose plants form a low grassy mound of green and white-striped leaves, bearing short stems of bright pink pompom flowers in late spring, later changing to papery seed heads. Excellent in trough gardens. Trim off faded flowers to encourage repeat blooming if desired. One Sunday Archie and Annie’s family all piled into a rough old Vauxhall Victor car and all headed for Whitechapel, when they arrived Annie’s father draped a fake leopardskin coat over the front seat and left the keys in the ignition, they then went to the market and enjoyed salt beef sandwiches. The family returned home that day on the train from Liverpool Street, Archie wondered why they had not taken the car but said nothing, wondering about it later, Archie thought he knew the answer but he didn’t think people would want something to be stolen. For semi-shady areas then all the primulas are good. Primula veris (Cowslip) native to Europe and Primula vulgaris (Primrose) is one of our most familiar and attractive native wild flowers. This low carpeting perennial has pale yellow flowers with a deep yellow centers and used to be a common site in the hedgerows of Britain. Primula denticulata has distinctive large, spherical heads, composed of many neat, bell-shaped, tightly packed, golden-eyed florets on top of 10inch to 12inch stems. The flowers are pink, lilac or carminered and the leaves are finely toothed, slightly hairy, and deciduous dying down in the autumn. The following Sunday Archie, Annie and her father were on the road to Whitechapel in a brand new Datsun car, Annie’s dad was smoking a cigar and was dressed very smart, equalling Arthur Daley in every way. Helianthemum. (Rock or Sun Rose) From spring to mid-summer Golden Queen is a riot of colour with tissue like, bright yellow, saucer shaped flowers held above a carpet of small glossy dark green leaves. Helianthemum will thrive at the front of the border, in the rockery, on top of low walls, in containers, in fact almost anywhere with reasonable fertile, well drained soil and full sun. Plants should be trimmed back after flowering to help promote neat growth and prolong their life. These are just a few of our Alpine plants which make useful additions to our gardens be they large or small. “SPECIALS” AT VILLAGE GREEN CHILDRENS CENTRE Just some of the “One offs” specials and regular events at The Village Green Childrens Centre in Belton. They parked opposite Papa Flocka Fashions and there to Harry’s disappointment was the old Vauxhall, keys still in the ignition, the fur coat still draped over the seat, Harry was dumbfounded that the car was still there, his hopes of the insurance money gone. Archie was a young man brought up in a Christian household and would never have contemplated such dishonesty. In Archies experience in years to come dishonesty by others would be the downfall of many an honest man. Behaviour & Positive Parenting - 28th April & 5th May (1.00 -2.45pm) Support with understanding why children behave the way they do. Free. 3.00pm) A progression for people who have already completed Story Sacks, using video camera’s and film. Focusing on animation Food Hygiene - E-learning - Any day/time, between 8.30-4pm. Monday to Friday. First Aid - 12th & 19th May (1.00 -2.30pm) certificates on completion, creche available. Free. Maths & English Assessments -E-learning Any day/time, between 8.30-4pm. Monday to Friday. Story Sacks 2 Animation – Fridays April 14th - 3rd July (1.00- 6 Play & Weigh / Breastfeeding support – Every Monday (1.30 -3.30) Village Green Children’s Centre, Moorlands Way, Belton NR31 9PA Tel: 01493 789562 Fax: 01493 789563 To book or enquire about any of the above email emoxey2vrf@ or call 01493 789562. Village Voice - May 2015 FEEL GOOD FEET Mobile Foot Clinic Victoria Marshall Foot Health Practitioner S.A.C Dip FHPT S.A.C Dip FHPP Corns Callus Verrucas Ingrown toe nails Nail cutting Fungal infections Athlete’s foot M 07825 337233 T 01493 243052 Red Van Plumbing • All plumbing work undertaken (bathrooms, cisterns etc) • 24hr call-out • Drains unblocked (both small and large jobs welcome) FREE, no obligation quotes! The price we quote is the price you pay, NO hidden extras! Contact: 01493 780246 Mobile: 07955 524969 Rev 1/16th Mono advert Rodent Control RODENT & INSECT CONTROL Fast & Friendly Service Tel. 07754 090564 FOR CONTROL OF RATS, MICE, WASPS FLEAS No VAT to Pay 7 Village Voice - May 2015 WWW.BELTONWITHBROWSTON.NORFOLKPARISHES.GOV.UK/ COUNCIL MEETING – MARCH 17TH. T here were eleven Parish Councillors plus County Councillor Colin Aldred at the second March meeting of Belton with Browston Parish Council, John Rudrum was in the chair. The representative from the Community Payback scheme was unable to attend to give an outline of how the scheme works, he had suggested a daytime meeting but it was agreed to offer him the chance of attending one further meeting of the full council. Members noted the police security advice for the Bell Lane Field, it was agreed to circulate the full report to all members COUNCIL MEETING – APRIL 7TH. T en members of Belton with Browston Parish Council, County Councillor Colin Aldred, Borough Councillor Adrian Myers and two members of the public attended the April 9th meeting of Belton with Browston Parish Council, John Rudrum was in the chair. There was a request for more involvement with the community from the Council, it was explained that with elections in May no action would be taken till the new council was in place , however the Village Voice editor, Brian Swan, stated that he would again be asking all councillors to contribute profiles and that he would be publishing a full portfolio list with contact information when appointments are made although it was mentioned that current information is on parish notice boards at present. The clerk was asked to contact the A143 roadworks site management to ask when the roundabout area would be constructed and when the whole road would be open. Borough Councillor Myers stated that Belton sewage problems would be added to those in Fritton and Bradwell in a dossier he is preparing to hand and discuss the matter further at a future meeting. It was decided to take no further action for the time being on the mole problem on that field although it was agreed to contact the contractors to get the grass fully strimmed around the childrens play equipment fencing. Members were informed that the council was likely to get the full grant it had requested from the Norfolk County Council Parish Partnerships scheme towards the costs of two “Sam 2” speed warning signs which will be rotated around various locations in the village, this along with a grant of £1000.00 from the ward budget of borough councillor Adrian Myers means that the two units, with a data recording unit will cost under £2500.00 to bring into operation. COUNCIL DIARY he Belton and Browston Annual Parish Meeting will take place T(7.30pm). at New Road Sport & Leisure Centre on Wednesday April 29th Belton with Browston Parish Council meetings are also at the New Road Sport & Leisure Centre, Belton, the meeting on May 5th has been cancelled as it would have been only two days before the council comes up for election on May 7th. The Annual Parish Council Meeting is on Tuesday Mmay 19th (7.30pm) with the next regular council meeting on Tuesday June 2nd (also 7.30pm). All council meetings are open to the public and questions can be put to councillors during the first 15 minutes of each meeting (normally restricted to one question per member of the public present). The Parish Clerk, Kate Palmer is available at the same location on certain Wednesday mornings between 9.30 and 10.30am to meet with and take note of residents queries, the next dates will be on May 13th and 27th and then June 10th. If you wish to confirm that Kate will be available before visiting please ring 01493 602960. The clerk can also be contacted by e-mail beltonparish@yahoo. or in writing at 5 Middleton Gardens, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, NR31 7AE. to Anglian water. Members were informed that the council had been successful in its grant application for half the cost of the two SAM 2 speed warning sings from the County Council parish partnership scheme that they had applied for however it would be several weeks before the manufacturers could supply the units. The only new planning application was for a log cabin for a home beauty business to be sited in the front garden of 28 Station Road South, members were all against this considering it unsuitable for a residential location. Plans approved by the Borough Council were, The Manor House, Browston Lane, Browston additional room for carer – provided no extra building work. Linricia, New Road, single story extensions to front and side. 35 St. James Crescent – replacement garage with accommodation over – approved provided existing parking spaces retained and Holmside, St. Johns Road – provide second story to existing and build single story extension. At the request of the heath authorities members again confirmed their support for the pharmacy move to Station Road North and will yet again emphasise the need for the facility to remain in the village. Useful Contacts Belton Pharmacy (St Johns Road) NHS Medical Help Fast (Ex NHS Direct) James Paget Hospital Millwood Surgery (Bradwell) Falkland Surgery (Bradwell) Police Blocked Drain Water Supply Power Cut Gas Leak Telephone Lines Village Green Childrens Centre Moorlands Academy Ormiston Academy Rector (Belton & Burgh Castle) Norfolk County Council County Councillor Lothingland Breydon Gt. Yarmouth Bor. Council Gt. Yarmouth Bor. Council Gt. Yarmouth Bor. Council Borough Councillor Parish Clerk Belton/ Browston Parish Clerk Burgh Castle Parish Clerk Fritton/St. Olaves 8 01493 781745 111 SWITCHBOARD 01493 452452 APPOINTMENTS 01493 444484 ROSIE BUNN 01493 442233 101 0845 791 9155 0845 782 0999 0800 783 8838 0800 111 999 0800 023 2023 01493 789562 01493 780007 01493 662966 01493 780210 COUNTY HALL 0344 800 8020 COLIN ALDRED ALAN GREY SWITCHBOARD PLANNING ADRIAN MYERS 07919 386862 01493 601591 01493 856100 01493 846430 01493 846478 07434 362451 KATE PALMER 01493 602960 BRENDA HOSKINS 01493 440731 01493 488375 NON EMERGENCY ANGLIAN WATER ESSEX & SUFFOLKWATER U.K POWER NETWORKS NATIONAL GRID B.T. OPENREACH ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MS L CLARKE Village Voice - May 2015 QUIZ SHEET NEWS n the “Parts of The Body” quiz ICharity in April organised by Belton Fundraisers there was just one all correct entry, from Jane Easter from Belton who wins the £10.00 Boots Voucher. There were six entries with only one wrong answer (Cole & Gill families, Grace King, Mary Cubitt, A Bond, B Lawrence and Roger & Yvonne Baker). Quiz sheets are available LOCAL CRIME FIGURES he Southern Villages Safer Treported Neighbourhood Team have the following crimes for March for Belton and Burgh Castle. Belton Just one crime, a garage burglary in Dashwood Close. Burgh Castle. Here two crimes, criminal damage at Burgh Hall caravan site and the theft of a motor MARSH LANE, BELTON ollowing various enquiries Fobtained the Parish Council has the following information from The Rights Of Way Officer at Norfolk County Council concerning the maintenance and upkeep of Marsh Lane. “The maintenance of the route is the responsibility of both that of the County Council and anyone using the route in a private capacity (such as accessing ENTUA monthly during the winter period, the latest quiz - The Ground Harvest, is now on sale from Belton Pet and Hardware or Skelmorlie, Butt Lane, Burgh Castle. Alternatively please e-mail for an electronic copy. Entry is just £1.00 with a shopping voucher as the monthly prize. Entries need to be returned by Thursday May 7th. (This will be the last quiz before we take our Summer break). LOCAL BUS AND RAIL INFORMATION Norfolk Transport Users Association) is a voluntary EtheNTUA(East independent body which monitors bus and rail provision in East Norfolk Area. Please visit our web site uk/ ENTUA officers met with James Reeve, Abellio Greater Anglia on March 30th to discuss local rail matters. James is the Customer Services Manager for rail services in Norfolk. ENTUA were disappointed to hear that the two direct trains each way between Great Yarmouth and London Liverpool Street on Summer Saturdays would not be operating this year. The main reasons being that 1) over the past two years the Class 47 locos (hired from DRS) were subject to constant failures with the subsequent cancellation of the through-train, often at short notice, and 2) the low take-up of passengers for these nine coach trains. However to compensate for the lack of through-trains Abellio Greater Anglia recognise that there is still substantial demand on Summer Saturdays for additional seats between Great Yarmouth and Norwich and will therefore be providing four additional trains each way. These trains will be shorter than the nine coach through-trains and will consist of three Mark 2 coaches top and tailed (a locomotive at each end) with two Class 37`4 locos also hired from DRS. Class 37 locos, although 50-60 years old, are more reliable than the Class 47s. The four trains each way are additional to the regular Summer Saturday timetable and will operate from 23rd May-5th September, 2015 and will run fast (no stops) from Great Yarmouth to Norwich via Reedham. The departure times from Great Yarmouth are 0947,1114,1255 and 1455. The departure times from Norwich, again running non-stop, to Great Yarmouth via Reedham are 0906,1025,1218 and 1418. Abellio Greater Anglia are confident that these trains will provide a more dependable service between Great Yarmouth and Norwich even though it means passengers for London Liverpool Street will always have to change at Norwich. vehicle from the Breydon Water site, that crime was detected and the vehicle found. The local Policing priority was confirmed at the March SNAP meeting as The Bell Lane playing field in Belton, the next SNAP meeting for the Southern Villages will be at the JGI, Belton on Thursday June 18th (7pm) Please note that with the transfer to another area of PCSO Steve Dent the only dedicated officers for the Southern Villages will be PC 174 Steve Hughes and PCSO 8424 Laura Allen. private property or fields). Norfolk County Council has the responsibility to maintain the route for the public users of the route i.e. those on foot only. If the route is being used by others in a private capacity and damage is caused by that private use that causes a problem for pedestrians, then those private users should repair the route so that it is suitable for the public to use. Norfolk County Council is not responsible for maintaining the route for vehicles.” During the seven weeks of the Summer season, Abellio Greater Anglia experiences its busiest times on Fridays and Mondays in what they call the holiday camp changeover days. Again Abellio plan to strengthen services at certain times on Mondays and Fridays to cope with increase in passenger numbers. One example is the 1117 ex Great Yarmouth to Norwich via Acle. It is planned to run a non-stop train via Reedham to Norwich leaving Great Yarmouth just before the scheduled 1117 departure. In total there will be four additional train movements in each direction on Summer Mondays and Fridays. “VILLAGE VOICE” HELP REQUIRED Tony Grice. The “Village Voice” board is currently seeking more help to ensure that your copy comes out on time every month. NORFOLK CONSTABULARY 1) We need a volunteer prepared to spend a few hours early each month to contact businesses to bring in a some new advertisers as this revenue is needed to cover our printing costs. 2) We also need somebody with good computer skills who could take an interest in “Village Voice” and be prepared to step in at short notice if our editor is unable to produce an edition or two for any unforeseen reason. Team contact details - Southern Villages Safer Neighbourhood Team, covering Belton, Browston, Burgh Castle, Fritton, Hopton and St. Olaves. NON EMERGENCY TEL NO: 101 EMAIL: WEBSITE: - use this to gain access to POLICE DIRECT REGISTRATION For further information please contact the chairman Ernie Tuxford on 01502 539546 or editor, Brian Swan on 01493 780776 or e-mail 9 The Southern Villages team are:SERGEANT - Clive Jermy 3476 BEAT MANAGER - PC Steve Hughes 174 PCSO Laura Allen 8424 Please feel free to contact the team regarding anything from crime prevention advice to reporting suspicious behaviour. We also offer a property marking service if needed. Village Voice - May 2015 EVENTS AT NEW ROAD SPORT & LEISURE CENTRE BELTON CRICKET CLUB GT. YARMOUTH STROKE GROUP Bookings Tel Marion (01493) 780080 or Peter (01493) 780703 BELTON BOWMEN Belton Bowmen move to the New Road Sports Field at Belton from Monday May 25th, and then every Monday evening. Before this they have sessions at Wroughton School on Monday evenings. Details for both Wroughton School Taking a leaf out of the England team’s unusual and unproductive strategy by lulling the opposition into over-confidence, Belton travelled the short distance down the A12 to the Denes Oval to take on Lowestoft in a pre-season friendly on Sunday April 12. There were a few positives. Adam Savoury started the season with a nice 58 and he got some support from Alec Toll (18) and Cameron Nichols (14). Unfortunately, noone else reached double figures and Belton could only muster a meagre 131 runs in 35 overs. The home side had no real problems reaching the target in only 25 overs with Belton only able to take one wicket. We have moved and now meet at the New Road Sport & Leisure Centre on Thursday’s between 2.00 and 4.00pm for information . Contact Sue Casey, group organiser on 01493 781846 . and then outside at the New Road field are as follows. all ages and abilities welcome Juniors/family 6pm-7pm (£3.50 per session). Adults Club 7pm-9pm (or Sunset when outside) (£5 per session) any enquiries Tel Duncan (01493) 780418 or just turn up on a Monday evening. Our next friendly is on Sunday 26th April vs Topcroft at Topcroft. Belton CC continue their season of indoor net training on Fridays at Lynn Grove High School Sports Hall at 19:30. These hour and a half sessions only cost £3 and continue every Friday until 24 April. You do not have to be a Belton member – all cricketers are welcome to attend in order to prepare for the new season! i-moveFreely or Nordic walking sessions depending on the weather conditions from 10.30 to 11.30am, MONDAY ACTIVITY MORNINGS The cost £ 2.50 covers 45 mins exercise and refreshments, should you have any concerns please raise them with Sallyann. These exercise classes run at the New Road Sport & Leisure Centre on Monday mornings:- Belton Activity group would like to send best wishes to those who are recovering from illness or operations; we hope to see you back soon. We also welcome our new members to the group and hope you enjoy exercising with us. Chair Based Exercise sessions 9.30 to 10.30am, aim to improve daily functional actions; by strengthening important muscles groups though gentle movement. Regular exercise improves circulation and increases daily activity levels. Seated exercise can increase your confidence and improve your Posture, balance and coordination for performing daily activities essential to living. Gavin Moar, our Level Two coach, has been working with the girl’s teams at Lynn Grove High School to develop their bowling skills in preparation for a tournament they are participating in at the UEA. The Belton 100 Club is seeking subscribers for the new season. It costs just £20 a year and big prizes are on offer. Details from Wally Ladmore (01493 722424) or check out the link on our website www. This is an excellent way to support your local club. Your contacts at Belton CC are: Mal Kauffman (07748 271896); Richard Ashling (07908 or Adam 1/8th 185690) Crafts & BootsSavoury advert (07889 362236). Date for your diary - June is Learn to Nordic Walk Month. Come along to New Road on Monday 1st June at 11.30 to find out more........... Please contact Sallyann to find out how the sessions can improve your health & fitness. Call 07599 044 806 Sallyann email ‘PILATES’ WITH HAYLEY There are two weekly Pilates classes for beginner and intermediate level at the Premier Room, New Road Sport & Leisure Centre, Belton, on Monday evenings the times are :-6.00 - 7.00pm & 7.05 – 8.05pm Pilates targets the deep postural muscles, building strength from the inside out, rebalancing the body and bringing it into correct alignment. It helps to reshape your body, which will become longer, leaner and more toned. It will also improve your posture, achieving the perfect balance between strength and flexibility and it is a great way to relieve unwanted stress and tension. Hayley limits her class size to twelve members in each group but currently has a few vacancies in both Belton sessions. All mats and equipment supplied. To book call her on 07767 864568 or e-mail hayley@ Men welcome at all classes !!!!! Hayley also runs the following classes :Hopton Village Hall - Mondays 10.00am - 11.00 am. Lound Village Hall Wednesdays 11.15am – 12.15pm. And is also in the process of starting new groups in several other local villages, please contact her (see above) for full details. Hayley PILATES’ forBody pageControl 10Teacher (height approx Certified 1/8th THE PREMIER ROOM New Road Sports & Leisure Centre - Belton New Road Sport & Leisure Centre, Belton Available For Hire Day and Evenings For Functions, Parties, Corporate & Business Events. Childrens Parties from £35.00 Wednesday May 20th Then - June 17th, July 15th 10.00am – 2.00pm - Safe secure environment Full Kitchen Facilities. Ample Parking. Easy Access (Stallholders arrive from 8.30) CRAFT FAIR / CAR BOOTS Inside for crafts – Please book Outside - No booking required PRICES FROZEN - Rates from £7.00 per hour Tables/ boots £6.00 To book 01493 780703 / 780776 or e-mail For Booking Enquiries... Call Marion: (01493) 780080, Peter (01493) 780703 or Email: 10 Village Voice - May 2015 BOHEMIANS F.C. ohemians FC was formed B to enable players at all levels to have access to football activities, from youth through to adult teams. Achieving our aim and maintaining our FA’s Charter Standard Development Club status very difficult at times. All our coaches are volunteers who give up many hours of their own time to enable both young people and adults the opportunity to be active in an environment where they can develop and remain active. Our aim has always been to get as many people playing football as possible with volunteers that are both qualified and trained. Running a football team at any age can be a testing time for our volunteers, who through dedication, commitment and self-sacrifice manage to create an environment where all players can continue to develop. We have many volunteers within the club who may not necessarily manage/coach a team for us, but work just as hard behind the scenes selling tea’s and coffee’s at the tuck shop, website managers, fund raisers and team assistants. Without all of our volunteers working together the club would not function. Let us not forget those families of our volunteers who also give up valuable family time to enable our club to run, it isn’t just an hour here or there, it can be up to 10 hours a week just to run a team. We then have our club secretary, treasurer and welfare officers to thank, without them we would not have a club. As a Development Club we try and assist local Junior Schools as much as possible, we have three club school links which are with Moorlands, Hillside and Woodlands Schools. Due to work commitments we have only managed to have a coach go into Moorlands this year to give the pupils the opportunity of an after school football activity with no cost to parents or the school. This season the club registered 16 teams with Norfolk County FA, 11 youth teams and 5 adult teams. Of the 11 youth teams one was a girls U16 side playing in the Norfolk Women’s & Girls Football League. The other youth teams played within the Norfolk & Suffolk youth League. It is not always possible to get sufficient girls to join the club to register more girls’ teams, we therefore have some girls playing in the boys teams. Of our 5 adult teams we had an 11-a-side ladies team for the second season playing in the Norfolk Women’s and Girls Football League, and 2 men’s teams in both the Great Yarmouth & District Football League and the Great Yarmouth Sunday League. Our 2 Under 9 boys teams played in the development league, both having successful seasons. Development leagues do not have league tables as results should not be published so it can be difficult to judge how they have performed. However, all the players have made great steps this season as the teams performances have got steadily better. These teams also entered the Under 9 Futsal activity also organised by the N&SYL. We registered 2 teams in the Under 10 boy’s league. Yet again this is a development league with no league table published. Both these teams have trained very well all season with some very pleasing performances on match days. Both teams play some wonderful football, with focus firmly on enjoyment and team spirit. Our 3 teams that entered into the boys Under 11 leagues had to cope with the introduction of the ‘off side rule’ and a bigger pitch. This also meant playing in bigger goals which makes the goal keeper’s task even harder. It is within this age group that we have our first medal winners. The Comets came a very creditable 2nd place in Division 1, being one of two teams who scored 3 or more goals against the League winners. The Galaxy team came runners up in Division 2, one of two teams that managed to get any points when playing the league winners. Both Comets and Galaxy entered the Futsal league with the Comets winning it and Galaxy coming a very creditable 4th place. The third team at this age group, the Meteors, have had a very mixed season playing in Division 4. Early on in the season their coach/manager had to step down due to other commitments which left the club in a bit of a pickle. Trying to get a qualified volunteer that is willing to commit to running a team is not easy. Thankfully one of the parents has taken over the team towards the end of the season giving the players some stability. This seasons Under 13 boys team have had another successful year after being put into Division 1. A group of players that support each other at all times, playing some wonderful football. This season has been very testing for the boys at times but they managed to finish mid table against some very strong opposition that have always been in the top division. They ended the season on a high note by winning the U13 Shield competition in the final at Emerald Park. Our U15’s and U16’s have both struggled this season in their respective competitions. Both teams, for the second year running, lost a lot of players at the end of last season to teams in higher divisions. Both team managers managed to recruit some more players over the summer to get sufficient players to enter their leagues. This is not an easy task at these age groups as many players are set in where they think they should play, leaving the managers to shuffle the teams about each week to accommodate individual players. Our Under 16’s girls’ team have had a tremendous season. They finished 2nd in there league, being the only team to take points of the league winners all season (4). They narrowly lost to Sprowston in the cup 1-0 as well. This team also had to recruit additional players during the summer, managing to get sufficient players to enter the league on dead line day. 4 of this team represent Norfolk County FA at U16 level and have played against Tottenham, Charlton and Peterborough FC teams. The ladies team, in only their second season at 11-a-side, hope to finish 5th in Division 2 this year. With 2 games to play they aim to beat there points tally of last season which they have already equalled. This is the first season where the club has had men’s reserve sides for both Saturday and Sunday football. Due to the lack of teams entering in the GY&DFL Saturday 11 competition this season, both teams had to play in the same league. The first team will finish the season in a very creditable 3rd place behind two established sides, and the reserves hoping to finish 11th. The reserves have struggled with some long term injuries to players in key positions this season but hope to prove themselves next season with some stronger performances. A marvellous achievement for both teams. Our Sunday teams have also had good seasons. The first team have established themselves over the last few seasons as a team hard to beat and yet again proved this. Finishing in the top 4 again this season and reaching both the Knock Out Cup and League Cup semi-finals losing to Windmill on both occasions. In their first season the Sunday Reserves played in League 2 finishing 7th. A great first season fir this team. All our adult sides have players from the U16 teams from two seasons ago playing in them, with 80% of last season’s U17 boys team remaining with the club to play adult football. This was the aim of our club when it was formed 11 years ago, to encourage young people to participate in a sporting activity and to continue that into their adulthood. Next season we hope to have a girl’s team at Under 14’s and encourage our Under 16 girls team to form a Ladies reserves side. Some of this season’s Under 16 boys and girls are already representing the club at adult level and doing very well. We have a soccer school at New Road on Saturday mornings 10am – 11am which is open to any youth player aged 6-10, girls and boys. This doesn’t mean that older children are not welcome. If your child wants to play football come along on a Saturday morning and meet us. We are always looking for adult volunteers to assist with the running of the club, if you would like to find out more of how you can become involved come along on a Saturday morning and speak to one of our volunteers. (Adults must be prepared to have a DRC check completed to become a club volunteer) BOHEMIANS YOUTH U11’s - With two teams in the first division and one in the fourth, the U11’s are looking for new players for next season, 2015-16, boys/girls of all abilities are welcome, they must be in school year 6 or 7 from this coming September. Training takes place at New Road, Belton, every Wednesday 6.30-7.30, and Saturdays 9.30-11.00. In the first instance please contact Richard 07415 381656. U 7’s & U8’s. - Saturday Soccer Club continues to run at New Road for this age group, 10.00-11.30. U13’s. - The team won the Shield Final at Emerald Park, 3-1 after extra time playing against Bungay Town, well done to all concerned. Bohemians 2014-15 presentation night takes place at Ocean Rooms, Gorleston on Saturday May 30th. Village Voice - May 2015 ST. ANDREWS FESTIVAL “STRICTLY” COMES TO YARMOUTH n Thursday and Friday May 28th/29th (7.30pm) at St Georges O Theatre stars of “Strictly Come Dancing” Camilla Dallerup and Ian Waite will be performing An evening with... with song, Performers Displayed Considerable Talents at Festival Awards’ Evening Deputy Mayor, Councillor Mary Coleman was accompanied TSt. hebyAndrew’s her husband, Counsellor Barry Coleman to the Gorleston Competitive Festival’s Recital and Bircham Finals’ dance and stories from the show in what promises to be a great night. Tickets are £22.50 for adults and £19.50 for concessions and can be booked by calling the box office on 01493 331484 or online at Evening on Saturday 21st March at the Chapter House. The Adjudicators for the evening’s competitions were Elaine Smith and Philip Aldred. The evening began with the Intermediate Recital Winner, Connor Hargreaves playing his winning entry of three pieces on the piano. GO WILD AT NWT BARTON BROAD The Bircham Award of Festival Musician of the Year is held annually in memory of William Bircham, benefactor of the Festival and a prominent local music teacher for several years. The Bircham Finalists were – Catherine McCardel (violin), Akshaya Khurana (recorder), Ernest Blas (classical guitar), Beth Harrison (flute), Megan Storer (flute), Beth Harrison (piano), and Archit Lal (recorder). unday 10 May 2015 (11am to 4pm), meet at Barton Turf Adventure Spacked Centre, Staithe Road, Barton Turf, NR12 8AZ. Join us for a fun family day of walks, boat trips, craft activities, pond dipping, minibeast hunting and much, much more. Go Wild at NWT Barton Broad is also home to the North Norfolk Worm Charming Championships. So why not see how many worms you can charm out of the ground? Free entry (small charge for some activities e.g. boat trips, bird boxes and worm charming). Refreshments available. Three Finalists contested the Senior Recital Award given annually in memory of David Balfour, former Headmaster of the Hospital School and for many years a member of the St. Andrew’s Church Choir. They were – Joseph Joel (classical guitar), Megan Storer (flute), and Helen Pye (violin).The Adjudicators gave feedback to all the contestants and announced Megan Storer to be the recipient of both awards so Elaine and Philip presented her with the trophies, monetary prizes and certificates. No need to book, just turn-up and join in. If you have any questions about this event please contact Norfolk Wildlife Trust on 01603 625540. CYCLISTS – BELLS PLEASE !! Tom Foster, Festival co-ordinator, presented the Audience’s Easter Egg prize to Joseph Joel, Councillor Mary Coleman presented Trophies and certificates to Connor Hargreaves (Intermediate Recital Award), Beth Harrison (Galliard Senior Piano), Ernest Blas (Bircham Guitar), Akshaya Khurana (Senior Recorder), Catherine McCardel (Galliard Senior Strings), and Megan Storer (Senior Woodwind). The Harold Taylor Memorial Trophy, which is given annually to the competitor who has entered several different disciplines throughout the Festival achieving high grades, was won by Beth Harrison. ould cyclists please be aware of the need to use bells to C warn pedestrians and others that they are about, especially when coming from behind, we hear of various instances of “near misses” from the silent riders from behind. This is particularly important in areas such as Bell Lane and New Road where cyclists and walkers mix on the same section of pathway. Parents, please make sure that your childrens cycles have bells fitted and encourage their use. Councillor Mary Coleman thanked all the performers and their accompanists for a wonderful evening’s music, also their parents who had supported them and the committee who had organised everything. She presented Margaret Jermany, Festival Chairman, with a flower arrangement from the committee. GRANTS – YOUR LAST CHANCE Margaret concluded the evening’s events by giving her own vote of thanks to the special guests and to everyone who had been involved in the organisation of this year’s Festival. She emphasised that it was very much a team effort and said she was very appreciative of the support given to her by all the members of the committee. your application is getting short as completed forms need to be returned by May 15th.. ocal clubs and groups (those based in Belton, Burgh Castle, L£1000.00 Fritton and St Olaves) are reminded that Village Voice has to donate between you this year and the time for making For an application form or to discuss the subject further contact the Village Voice on 01493 780776 or e-mail COFFEE MORNING Belton church youth groups are holding a coffee morning and table top sale in All Saints Church, Belton on Saturday May 16th (10.30am) everyone welcome. KEEP IT LEGAL £50 MIN - £500 PAID Friendly Caring Professional Team Putting Your Pet First for most scrap cars, MOT failures & accident damaged vehicles. We are currently breaking over 500 vehicles for spares. We are fully licensed & have been ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS WA FROST VEHICLE DISMANTLERS New Road, Norton Subcourse NR14 6SB Find us on the B1140, 1/2 mile Beccles side of Reedham Ferry For prompt collection & spares Tel: 01508 548994 Mob: 07850 418998 12 Village Voice - May 2015 BELTON F.C. s the season draws to a conclusion the hope for silverware is A still on. An appearance in the H.A Holmes League cup final on Friday 17th April against Catfield (again) will be our final chance. Unfortunately we went down in the Wiltshire cup final on Easter Monday despite a good strong performance for an hour. An injury time goal in the first half broke the deadlock and after a penalty plus a season ending injury to Adam Hogg, the lads ran out of steam and momentum. We are however confident that after this disappointing result we will ready ourselves to go again. The league campaign looks to be petering out and will more than likely end with us finishing second to guess who? Correct if you answered Catfield. A very good season for us and especially the young players from the village who have shown great drive and effort. Belton 0ver 50-60’s at The Pier BELTON OVER 50/60’S The club are still awaiting news on our request to join the Anglian Combination league. Hopefully over the coming months we will be able to report good news on this front. T he photo shows club members on their first outing of the year when 35 of them visited the Pier Hotel at Gorleston and enjoyed a first class 3 course meal. For more information on the club we welcome you to view our website. The Club meets every Tuesday afternoon (2.00pm) at the JGI, we have a healthy membership but new members are very welcome. The afternoon starts with Bingo followed by a cuppa, then we either play cards, Rumikub, Scrabble, Dominoes or you can just have a chat. Entry is only £1 and we have outings, go out to lunch and have theatre visits. Any enquiries please ring Norma on (01493) 780447 The club was thrilled last month after our report in the village voice led to over 2700 hits on the site in one day! We have had some excellent feedback and as requested,now have a designated YouTube channel featuring a playlist of music tracks and highlights from some games. We hope to share any news on local events or celebrations via our site so if you want to look and see if we can do anything for you then check us out on Alternatively you can contact us by email TELL YOUR FRIENDS Pete Village Voice is on the web at !! WINDOWS DOORS CONSERVATORIES FACIAS GUTTERING GARAGE DOORS BI FOLD DOORS FRENCH DOORS 13 Village Voice - May 2015 people how to start off on a bike properly and practised signalling and had a slow race to ensure that balance was correct. We made a mock road up on the playground to do the signalling. 1ST BELTON SCOUTS Beavers - ne of the young leaders O told the Beavers about a current space mission as part of the Beavers Space activity badge and part of the young leaders missions that need to be completed as part of their own young leader training. Belton Scouts at cookery contest The beavers had great fun just before Easter taking part in teams in an Easter egg hunt, the eggs where hidden both inside and outside the scout HQ. They then made chocolate rice crispy cakes with chocolate eggs on the top. CALDECOTT HALL GOLF TOURAMENT reminder that the deadline for entries for the “2nd Oaklands A Charity Waltz” Golf Tournament at Caldecott Hall on Sunday MAY 10th is Wednesday, May 6th. The tee off is at 10 am - Four Some of the new Beavers have done their promise hands and discussed the promise that they are going to make. They have gone home to do five good turns, which they will tell their fellow Beavers all about in the new term. players per team. For Caldecott Members - £10 per person (including bar meal), Non-members - £20 per person (including bar meal). For further details and team entries please contact: Jamie on 07766 204 431 or Ian on 07887 640 385, (please leave a contact phone number for your team when entering). ALL WELCOME ! - Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd teams, prizes for par three nearest the pin, longest drive, charity raffle and more. In aid of the Harry Miller Fund, Harry is a 2 year old with many, many problems, full details available from the organisers. Cubs - We also did some work on the shelter box charity. We found out a little about them and then we played a game with a dice to actually pack a shelter box. Each item represented a number on the dice and when they had completed that they needed to roll a double 6 to get a tent put it up and then place the equipment in the tent. They had to work as a team to do this and did this amazingly well, the leaders were very pleased with the outcome of the task and the progress being made !!! Scouts A team from Belton Scouts recently took part in the East Norfolk District cooking competition held this year at Bradwell Scout Hut. The theme this year was “five nations” to coincide with the rugby event. The Scouts chose an Italian main course of meatballs with a hidden vegetable tomato sauce served with spaghetti and Parmesan cheese. They followed this with “5 Nations cheeses”, a cheese from Italy, France, England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland served with Scottish oatcakes. In the last two weeks before Easter, the Cubs have been working towards their Cyclist They were questioned by badge and their global the judges on various things ree, impartial and confidential advice and guidance on a challenge, We met up at including health and hygiene range of money and/or debt issues is being offered at the Moorlands School and did and allergies and judged on Village Bike GreenShop Children’s Belton by a representative the cycling proficiency part presentation, taste and also Electric New Centre, 1/8th COLOUR from D.I.A.L on Thursday afternoons (1.00 – 3.00pm) the of the badge. We started how well they washed up!! next visits are on April 30th, May 28th, June 25th and July bypossibly checkingthicken tyres and then Please can you remove some of the space from bottom of advert & border a bitWell done to Harry R, Harry S, 30th, for more information call 01493 789562 or e-mail pumping up if required. We Jack and Tyler. then showed the young MONEY & DEBT ADVICE F THE ELECTRIC BIKE SHOP ‘Cycling made easy’ We are an established, specialist Electric Bike shop. Stocking major brand bikes including Raleigh, Freego Wisper and Batribike. Workshop for servicing and repairs. Cytech qualified technician. Come and visit us for a test ride. Unit 16, Longs Business Park, Englands Lane, Gorleston, NR31 6NE Tel 01493 603388 Web: Email: 14 Village Voice - May 2015 ONE WORLD – ONE BREATH Global Healing event on Gorleston Cliffs Worldwide Tai Chi and Qigong Day is celebrating Tandheitsit’sannual 16th anniversary on Sunday 10th May starting at 10am also the Tai Chi Qigong Centres 19th year. SIMMONS EDECO APPRENTICESHIP e are pleased and proud to announce that this years W successful Edeco apprenticeship winner is Scott Moore. All three finalists conducted themselves admirably All are welcome to join this special event when Tai Chi is practised round the world at the same time, skipping through time zones. Be part of this 24 hour historic event. Come along and see the Tai Chi Qigong Centre celebrate this special day. Onlookers are more than welcome to join in on Gorleston Cliffs and Beach, opposite Bridge Road. throughout the whole process, but the managers at Simmons felt Scott had the edge over the others. The candidates had to write a letter of application, conduct a presentation at the Simmons Edeco site to the managers, and then answer questions in a formal interview. Meet the team and chat to the Principal Instructors Colin and Mitzi Orr. The event starts at 9.30am for 10am, look out for the Tai Chi Centre banner. To find out more visit our website at: or telephone 01493 789992. TH E Scott now begins his apprenticeship, three days a week at College on a Mechanical Engineering course and two days at the Simmons Edeco site and he will be paid for his efforts! Scott follows last years apprentice, Brodie Brown, the annual apprenticeship opportunity is exclusively available to year 11 students at Ormiston Venture Academy and the search is already on for next year. RANCnH ue sic Ve u M y r t n Cou The Plaze Suite Burgh Hall Leisure Lords Lane, Burgh Castle Norfolk NR31 9EP LARGE DANCE FLOOR BAR & FOOD AVAILABLE JOIN US AT THIS EXCITING VENUE Exercises in progress EXERCISE EXTRAVAGANZA Next Event uffolk & Norfolk exercise groups met at New Road Sports Ssession Centre, Belton on March 30th, for the biggest exercise held by Sallyann at up4fitness to raise funds for 3 Friday 29th May Dave Whitmore Charities. 3 months of practice and preparations for 29 people aged 24 to 93 came together for seated exercise with resistance bands, which helps to strengthen bones and muscles and improve flexibility for everyday life. 8.00pm till 11.30pm Admission £5 Line Dancers Welcome The £105 raised will be split between Diabetes UK, Cancer Research UK and The Heart foundation. So successful, an invitation to have a similar event later in the year south of Lowestoft was suggested. If you would like to know more about how this type of exercise can improve your health contact Sallyann 07599044806. for details call 01493 781007 SUNRISE DOWSERS n Saturday 21st February, Sunrise Dowsers hosted a Nite O at the Races, at the White Hart Inn, Hopton In aid of the Sandra Chapman Suite at the JPH, although not as well attended as our usual race nites, it was still a great evening and everyone enjoyed the electric atmosphere and superb food put on by Dean and his crew. Under New Management Michael And His Team Welcomes All Customers Old And New Look Out For Exciting Events During The Season It all came together well and we made a staggering £600.00 on the night. After expenses and food we donated £300 to the centre,the remainder going to our funds. OPEN Tuesday To Saturday Noon To 10.00pm Sundays Noon To 6.00pm Thank you everyone who came and supported us, and The White Hart team for wonderful food and service as always. Brian Howard (Chairman). 15 Village Voice - May 2015 HELPING AT BURGH CASTLE ROMAN FORT Ragwort pulling ast year the hay at the Roman Fort was badly infested with Lis toxic ragwort - that pretty yellow flower which, unfortunately, to horses and other livestock, and makes the hay unusable. We can’t spray the ragwort because of the difficulty in effectively shutting off areas from the public, and because of the presence of other wildflowers we don’t want to kill. So this year the Norfolk Archaeological Trust is starting a programme of control by organising two ragwort pulling sessions, and we would really appreciate your help. Sunrise service Pulling the ragwort out before it has flowered is an effective way of reducing its spread. The Great Yarmouth and Norwich Green Gym teams will be supervising the sessions and will provide gloves, and instructions on how to safely pull up the weed. Even if you only have an hour to spare you would be very welcome - the more the merrier ! SUNRISE SERVICE t 6am on a fine crisp morning about 40 parishioners of Burgh A Castle and Belton made their way across the fields to the Roman Fort for the Annual Easter Sunrise Service. Standing at the east gate they witnessed the most wonderful sunrise, beginning with a thin pink glow on the horizon, gradually rising until at last there was this bright golden ball - the sun in all its glory. It soon faded but it had been a most awesome experience. The sessions will run on Tuesday June 2nd 1.00pm - 4.00pm, and Tuesday June 9th 10.15 - 15.00. Please meet us in the car park - or find us out on the Roman Fort site. Please note you must be aged 18 or over. The Revd Rosie Bunn led a service of Holy Communion, Maureen Grey and John Russell read the Easter Gospels and the hymns/ songs were accompanied by Derek Mill on the trumpet, DOROTHY COMES TO CHURCH! As usual the final hymn was “Thine be the glory”, sung with such gusto it probably could have been heard across the river at Berney Arms. Everyone then made their way back to the Village Hall where they enjoyed full English breakfast cooked by Trevor Greenacre and Tim Bunn. At 9.30am there was a second traditional Communion service in the church. Palm Sunday service Ttheheat Rector, Burgh Castle led by Revd. Rosie Bunn began on the triangle outside the church gates. After prayer and a reading from St. Luke, Dorothy, the donkey, led by her owners Trevor and Kara headed the procession into church. At first she was rather reluctant to enter, perhaps it was warmer outside! but did so and stayed by the font for the beginning of the service. Readings were given by Maureen, Margaret and John and as her talk Rosie gave three reflections on the entry into Jerusalem as seen through the eyes of Simon the Zealot, James and Matthew. BURGH CASTLE CHURCH Annual Parochial Church Meeting was held Sunday in Ttheheconjunction with a service of Holy Communion .Chaired by Rector Revd. Rosie Bunn the Annual PCC report and Accounts for 2014 were presented. Thanks to a major grant from English Heritage and a lot of hard work it had been a very rewarding year with plans for the first stage of restoration at last coming to fruition. These included repairs to the roofs of the north aisle, north side chancel, north aisle floor. some masonry and windows. There had been a wide variety of fund raising events for Restoration funds all of which were extremely well supported. The Rector and churchwardens will shortly be meeting the architects to discuss plans for the next stage. Grant applications for this will be made to the Heritage Lottery fund. Maureen Grey and Margaret Greenacre were re-appointed as churchwardens. Denise Albon, Trevor Austin, Carol Moser, Peter Moser, John Russell and Jan Snooks were elected as members of Parochial Church Council. Deluxe fashions new 1/8th Colour Bill Clarke eighth colour New Deluxe fashions Clothes made to order - For All Building & Handyman jobs Big or Small Full bathrooms & Kitchens, Garage Conversions Repairs & New Window & Door repairs , K-Rendering Bifold Doors, Patios, Decking, Painting, Carpentry, Roofing, Fully insured, reliable service-- If its not listed - Please ask Call 07462 593361 for a free, no obligation quote. Clothes, curtains etc. Made to measure Any repairs & alterations undertaken Tel Rody 01493 780766 or 07551 329065 16 Village Voice - May 2015 BURGH CASTLE PARISH COUNCIL CAT MICRO CHIPPING / NEUTERING F f you are a resident of Belton and need your cat micro chipped Icharity and neutered then we would like to see you. This is a joint event between RSPCA East Norfolk branch and Waveney our Parish Councillors, Borough Councillor Adrian Myers and ten members of the public attended Mondays meeting of Burgh Castle Parish Council, Trevor Greenacre was in the chair. cats protection at the Theatre in the Shrublands Youth and Adult Centre, Magdalen Way, Gorleston on Sunday 3rd May from 10.30 till 12.30. There were again concerns over the speed lorries from various local businesses are being driven at through the village and there were calls for a 20MPH limit in the Stepshort and Butt Lane area, it was agreed to write to major owners at the pit and the hatchery asking that they request their staff to keep speed to a voluntary 20MPH and ask them to display notices on site so that visiting drivers are aware of the problem. With the lack of footpaths and number of young children about the situation was considered to be “an accident waiting to happen”. Borough Councillor Myers agreed to write separately in support of the councils letters. Microchipping is available to everyone regardless of income for just a £3.00 donation. If you require the neutering vouchers your cat will need to be microchipped (so bring them along), you will need to be in receipt of housing or council tax benefit and show proof on the day. This is to help the people most in need and is the fairest way as it also helps working people on low incomes. For more information visit or email Members were informed that the council had been successful in getting 50% grant funding towards the cost of a a SAM2 flashing speed warning sign form the County Council Parish Partnership scheme and this would be in the parish soon. The chairman made it clear that the 6.5% increase in the Parish Councils share of the rates for 2015/16 was caused by various complicated calculations that the Borough Council have to do in dividing down the amount requested, the parish council will for the fourth year in succession only be receiving the same total amount from residents as in the previous year. The next meetings will be at the Village Hall on Monday May 11th, the Annual Parish meeting at 7.30pm, followed by the Annual Parish Council meeting at 8.00pm. BURGH CASTLE CHURCH RESTORATION FUND ! he 2nd round of the Restoration Programme starts on 7th May, Thopeful when Rector & Churchwardens meet with the architect. We are that the Lottery Heritage Fund will look favourably on our application. However local fund raising is now more important than ever if we are to achieve our dreams and have a restored, warm, welcoming building for the future. ! May will again see a Craft Fair at the Village Hall from 25 – 28th (Holiday Monday to Thursday) . Open from 10 – 4 every day, stalls will include, jewellery, crafts, cards, gifts, cakes and refreshments will be available every day. Please come to support us. (Donations of cakes can be taken to the village hall at any time during the fair). (Our thanks to everyone who supported the April Craft Fair, a marvellous £380 was raised for funds) Our monthly quiz in April was well attended and raised £86. Come along on May 1st 8pm at the Queens Head for a fun evening, teams of up to 6, £1 per person. May is going to be really busy, the main event being our evening with Keith Skipper and Ian Prettyman in church on May 9th (7.30pm). Tickets for this at £10.00 each are still available please come along for what promises to be a memorable occasion. On Sunday 24th May Empire Day, we are holding a “bring & share” tea party at the hall, 2 – 5pm, Trevor Austin is coming to “Reminisce”, there will be a Mystery Object and of course a raffle. A prize will be awarded for the best Red White and Blue outfit! Admission £5. To be sure of a place please book, but we will also have a few places on the door on the day. (Donations of food by 1.45 please). In all cases call Margaret on 01493 780126, Maureen on 01493 781747, Rosie on 01493 780210 or e-mail INSANITY INSANITY is a weekly fitness class at Burgh Castle Village Hall on Thursday evenings (6.00pm). INSANITY™ is a class, based on max interval training. This class will push you past your limits with athletic/plyometric drills mixed with intervals of strength, power, resistance, and core training. No equipment or weights needed. You don’t have to be in extreme shape– levels of each exercise are provided. Time to dig deep! The cost is £5.00 per session, for more information contact Gary 07557 306087, e-mail or visit www., FB ultimate fitness Norfolk. 17 Village Voice - May 2015 BELTON & BROWSTON ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 2015 New Road Sport & Leisure Centre Wednesday April 29th (7.30pm) - Everyone welcome Your chance to find out what is going on in Belton & Browston Sponsored Spring Walk on the 10th of May, choose to walk 6 or 10 miles around Acle for a great cause. Secondly- for the energeticthe East Anglian Dragon Boat Festival is returning to Oulton Broad on the 31st of May. with a team of 11 people to race you could join in on what is going to be a brilliant day. If you are not so energetic then come along for the ‘dry’ activities in Nicholas Everitt Park. FUNDRAISING IDEAS W hy not support the planned EAST COAST HOSPICE in one of the following ways in the next weeks or months For those with energetic dogs or a passion for walking, the Great Yarmouth Rotary Club are holding their 14th Annual For the Brave (or crazy) now is the time to sign up to take part in a sponsored skydive. Don’t worry it is in tandem with a CHARITY WEEKEND AT THE QUEENS HEAD professional sky-diver, and all for charity. ECH has its own day at Ellough Airport on the July 19th and welcomes everyone who would like to do something crazy for money. So far we have 6 people interested in doing the skydive, including a spritely 83 year old lady, so no excuses! Vicky Quantrill is making 2015 unforgettable by running the London Marathon in memory of her friend and fellow runner Richard Blake, it would be lovely if you could sponsor her via her Virgin Money Giving Page. (Search ‘Victoria Quantrill’ on, or start training for next year! THE LITTER PROBLEM here is a charity weekend at the Queens Head, Burgh Castle I TYarmouth on Saturday/Sunday May 2nd/3rd. Raising funds for the Great Gateway Club for adults with learning disabilities who To ALL Village Clubs are planning to take about 80 members on holiday to Butlins, Skegness. Please send your From midnight Friday to midnight on Saturday there will be club/group reports etc. to a sponsored 24 hour pool marathon and at the same time a the Parish Clerk prior to sponsored static exercise bike ride whilst on Sunday May 3rd Advert BurghorCastle the meeting handCraft in fairthere will be a charity auction commencing at 7.30pm, the evening ending with a raffle at about 9.00pm. With some very on the evening when you special lots, for more information please contact Ray on 07599 th NEW are 1/8 welcome to read 274208. them out. hope you all read the last month’s article on LITTER and thought how you can help to reduce it. It is still amazing how the roads into the village are still strewn with litter especially Beccles Road fast food wrappers and containers. Why are some too lazy to take it home and place it in a bin? Let’s have a litter free summer. Buckworth’s Garage Limited CRAFT FAIR BURGH CASTLE VILLAGE HALL Church Road, Burgh Castle Beccles Road, St. Olaves, Great Yarmouth, NR31 9HD MOT, Servicing, All Repairs, Batteries, Tyres, Exhausts. Pick Up And Delivery Service. Mon. – Thurs. MAY 25th - 28th Open Daily 10.00am – 4.00pm. Woodcraft – Pottery – Handicrafts – Gifts – Jewellery -Cards Etc. Refreshments available Proceeds to Burgh Castle Church Restoration Fund Telephone: 01493 488278 - Mobile: 07775 941 479 Email: BELTON GLASS Est. 1987 Plus a small selection of fabric for patchwork & quilting. 18 Village Voice - May 2015 VILLAGE VOICE TRADERS! The Advertisers listed in this directory support - Our Community & pay for Village Voice Magazine. These are advertisers who Are used and trusted by our Readers. PLEASE SUPPORT THEM Aerials Matt Warnes - 01493 661438 _________________________ Building & Decorating Etc. David Payne - 01493 781790 Bill Clark Bldg. - 07462 593361 Paul Williams Carpentry - 01493 781942 RWiR -Ray Ward - 01508 518256 K J Decorators – 07795 199574 JDA Plasterers – 07707 295489 _________________________ Care at Home Helping Hands – 0808 1801016 ________________________ Cars & Garages Repairs Buckworths Ltd - 01493 488278 SMS Autocare - 01493 662030 Grosvenor Car Sales - 01493 665903 Save N Drive - 01493 445744 Autotech – 01493 717878 Sparkle & Shine (Valet) – 07914 795080 _________________________ Carpets & Furniture Matt Sadler (Carpets) - 01493 443509 __________________________ Chimney Sweeps East Coast Chimney Sweep – 01493 718615 __________________________ Domestic Cleaning/ Windows Trusted Home Cleaning - 01493 888218 JC Cleaning – 07592 685738 ___________________________ Dressmaking/Alterations DeLuxe Fashions – 01493 780766 ____________________________ Electrician & Electrical Repairs Chris Youngs - 01493 441007 __________________________ Fencing Waveney Fencing – 01493 601537 __________________________ 780973 B Porter - 01493 663386 _______________________________ Room Hire & Functions/Meetings JGI (Bookings) - 01493 780822 Premier Room – 01493 780080 ________________________________ Rubbish & Waste Cleared Keil Barber - 01493 781903 GYBC - 01493 742142 ______________________________ Shops Etc Belton Pet & Hardware - 01493 780250 Harnser Knitting Yarns - 01493 652715 Jewelex – 01493 444443 Jhoots Pharmacy – 01493 781745 Electric Bike Co. - 01493 603388 ________________________________ Skip & Equipt. Hire /Aggregates E. E. Green - 01493 662069 Folkes Ltd - 01493 780274 _________________________________ Solicitors Norton Peskett – 01493 652204 _______________________________ Tree & Hedge Services R & R (Rick) - 01493 780348 _________________________________ Tuition Driving - Godbolts - 01502 732610 Woodwork – Peter – 01493 782408 Piano -Danielle Renforth 01493 298795 _________________________ Vehicles Collected & Scrapped W. A. Frost - 01508 548994 _________________________________ Vets & Pet Care The Vets Hospital - 01493 661833 _________________________________ Wedding Services / General Catering Primrose Brides - Dress Hire Weddings/ Proms - 01493 782428 The Cakemaker – 01493 488668 Fuel / Firewood Berry Oil – 01502 715599 ___________________________ Footcare Foot Health - Lisa - 07716 678899 Feel Good Feet - 07825 337233 __________________________ Gardening Etc Fritton Nurseries - 01493 484970 Rodent/Insect control – 07754 090564 __________________________ Glass & Windows Belton Glass - 01493 781454 HD Windows – 01493 290935 Innovate Property – 01493 742330 _____________________________ Hair & Beauty Reveal / Colours - 01493 650706 Robert Shropshire - 07946 333395 The Tulip Room - 07810 008235 ______________________________ Horse Riding/Stables Lakeside Riding Stables - 07747 464775 ______________________________ Plans Drawn TBD - 01493 781030 ______________________________ Plumbers Red Van Plumbing - 01493 780246 ______________________________ Removal Services/ Storage Alan Cook Removals - 01502 520631 ______________________________ Restaurants/ Pubs/Accommodation/ Entertainment Kingfisher Bar - 01493 782016 The Decoy Tavern – 01493 488277 The Kings Head - 01493 780205 The Ranch – 01493 781007 ______________________________ Roofs & Roofing Norfolk & Suffolk Roofing Ltd - 01493 COMMUNITY CAR SCHEME arch was a busier M month for journeys undertaken, drivers doing 32 trips in all. BUT once again due to work commitments, we are looking for someone to man our telephone. A mobile phone is provided and all that is required is that you take calls and match a driver to the journey requested. Support will be given to help you get started. Please consider giving up a small part of your time for a very worthy cause. Details from Margaret 780126, or by email mgreenacre532@, to book to use the scheme please call 07767 063 986. Keith Skipper, almost Quarter “THANK YOU” BURGH CASTLE PARISH CHURCH RESTORATION FUND I would like to thank the driver who stopped to help me when I fell on Bracon Road at teatime on Thursday 16 April. Your assistance was greatly appreciated. Dianna Keith Skipper and Ian Prettyman mardling with music in 1st BELTON GUIDES uides are currently working on their craft badge and Go G for It challenge badge, developing different art and craft techniques. They are also planning menus for a Come Dine With Burgh Castle Church Saturday May 9th (7.30pm) At Easter we donated Easter eggs for a tombola at the James Paget Hospital run by the BRAS team who raised £350.00 for breast cancer support. Also at Easter guides enjoyed one of their favourite activities making cream eggs into ‘Fantastical Creatures’ by adding chocolate buttons, mini mallows, icing, sprinkles and much more – anything goes really. If there’s chocolate involved we have a happy group of girls. Come and listen to Keiths traditional mardling in his beloved Norfolk dialect along with Ian who comes from Lowestoft and plays the melodian presenting some of his fishing and farming songs. Me challenge with each patrol cooking a two course meal for us all to taste and score their efforts. We are very grateful to have been one of the local groups to be presented with a cheque at the JGI on 11th April. The generous donation from Belton Charity Fundraisers of £375 will be a great help towards the cost of our weekend away at the Guide activity centre in Coltishall in May. A duo who have performed together many times Tickets £10.00 each on sale now from Margaret 01493 780126, Maureen 01493 781747 or Rosie 01493 780210 If your daughter is aged 10-14 and interested in fun and challenging activities we have some spaces available. We are a very friendly group and welcome new members. See for yourself, why not come along and spend an evening with us. Guides continue to meet each Tuesday at Burgh Castle Village Hall. Refreshments / Raffle 19 Village Voice - May 2015 GUIDE TO EVENTS IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES EVERY MONDAY Chair exercises (9.30am) & Nordic walking for Beginners or”I Move Freely” exercise- (10.30am) - New Road Sport and Leisure Centre - Supervised instruction Nordic Walking 07599 044806 Grasshopper Creche - 9.00am-11.30am .£9.00 per session. Children 3months to 2 years. Safe friendly fun. Belton Village Green Children Centre (01493) 789562 (Subsidies Available) Somerleyton Preschool – (9.30am-12.30pm) Somerleyton Village Hall – Children 2 1/2 to 5 years Small, friendly group - 01502 677568/07837 903344 Yoga - JGI (10.15-11.15am) Please bring your own mat or towel. Play, Weigh & Baby Groups - Belton Village Green Children Centre. every Monday 1.30pm-3pm.(Health visitor & Nursery Nurse Attend on 1st &3rd Monday of each month). (01493) 789562 Baby Massage – (10.00 -11.30am) Belton Village Green Children’s Centre. FREE 6 week programme for parents & infants details (01493) 789562 / e-mail childrenscentre@moorlands. Bingo Night - John Green Institute (7.30pm) All welcome Projection Youth Worship Band – Belton Church (7.30 -9.00pm) Jean 07762 817454 Ring Craft - Training Dogs & Owners For the Show Ring. St. Olaves Village Hall, (8.00pm) Jane Thorpe (01502) 569243 Belton Bowmen – Wroughton School (for Winter) Juniors/ family 6pm-7pm (£3.50 per session) Adults Club 7pm-9pm/dusk (£5 per session) Tel Duncan (01493) 780418. Transferring to New Road field from May 25th. Pilates - Beginners/intermediate classes - ( 6.00 -7.00pm & 7.05 8.05pm) - New Road Sport & Leisure Centre - Tel Hayley on 07767 864568. EVERY TUESDAY Pilates Fitness - At the JGI (9am) A class to improve posture & gain core Strength. £4.50. Details - Lorrain - 07747 720139 Somerleyton Preschool – (9.30am-12.30pm) Somerleyton Village Hall – Children 2 1/2 to 5 years Small, friendly group - 01502 677568/07837 903344 Picassos Messy Play - (9.30 -10.45am) Bradwell Community Centre (organised by Village Green Childrens Centre). Zumba Dancing - JGI (10-15am) £4.00 Lorrain - 07747 720139 Young at Heart - (10.00am - Noon) Belton Church Annexe. Get together for the over 50’s (all welcome, church members or not) Belton Over 50s/60s. JGI. (2.00pm) Cards, Games, Bingo, Refreshments. 1st. Belton Guides - 6.45 -8.30 Burgh Castle Village Hall 07919620759 / (01493) 667311 Belton Badgers - Youngest section of St. John Ambulance. Meet 6pm -7pm at Compass Centre Term Times only. Boys & Girls Ages 5 - 10. Tel Carole (01493) 780418 Belton St. John Ambulance Cadets - Every Tuesday (Term Time) Compass Centre, Belton 6pm -7.15pm Boys & Girls 10-16 years. Tel Jackie (01493) 780619 St. Olaves Art Group- St. Olaves Village Hall (7.30pm). 07879 811229 EVERY WEDNESDAY Grasshopper Creche - (9.00am-11.30am) £9.00 per session, children 3 months to 2 years. Safe & friendly fun. Belton Village Green Childrens Centre (01493) 789562 (subsidies available) Somerleyton Preschool – (9.30am-12.30pm) Somerleyton Village Hall – Children 2 1/2 to 5 years Small, friendly group - 01502 677568/07837 903344 Drop In Coffee Morning - (10.30am-12 Noon) JGI. All Welcome Community Connexions - Fruit & Veg Van in Belton. The Fruit & Veg van will be parked at The Tavern for the sale of fresh food produce (11.45am-12.30pm) Belton Art Club - JGI. (2.00pm-4.00pm.) Arts,Crafts & Hobbies. Just Drop In or Tel. Jan Pitchers (01493) 488683. Slimming World (5.30 & 7.30pm) Kings Head Function Room Tel Ella 07796 263627. 3rd. Bradwell Rainbows (5.30 – 6.30pm) Burgh Castle Village hall (term time) Messy Church - Moorlands Academy (Term times 1st. Wed. of month only 6pm - 7.30pm) Rosie Bunn (01493) 780210 or Jean 07622 817454. Weight Watchers - JGI (sign in from 6.15pm, talk at 7.00pm) Tel Lisa 07546 023143 Tai Chi - at Cliff Park Junior School, Gorleston - Belton Based Group (01493) 789992 Meets 7pm -9pm www.taichi-qigong. EVERY THURSDAY Chatterboxes - ( 9.00am-10.30am ) Belton Village Green Children’s Centre (50p). (0 - 5 years)Fun activities assisting Communication, Language & & Literacy. All year round (01493) 789562 Somerleyton Preschool – (9.30am-12.30pm) Somerleyton Village Hall – Children 2 1/2 to 5 years Small, friendly group - 01502 677568/07837 903344 Gt. Yarmouth Stroke Group - (2.00-4.00pm) New Road Sport & Leis. Centre. 781846 NEW Rock Solid (Years three to six) - Belton Rectory Stables 5pm6pm (Ages 8 – 11 -Term Time) Tel. Jean: 07762 817454 Family Life Group - Church & annex (Term time 5.30pm 7.00pm) Rev. Bunn 780210 Insanity Fitness – (6.00pm) Burgh Castle Village Hall - 07557 306087 Hoop Fitness – (7.00pm) JGI – Fun to slim your waist. - 07747 720139 NEW Clubbercise – (8.00pm) JGI – Energetic fun dance fitness. 07747 720139 NEW Youth Group – Belton Church (7.30 -9.00) Exploring Christian youth & having fun Jean 07762 817454 EVERY FRIDAY Somerleyton Preschool – (9.30am-12.30pm) Somerleyton Village Hall – Children 2 1/2 to 5 years Small, friendly group - 01502 677568/07837 903344 Baby Bloom – (10.00 -11.30am) Belton Village Green Children’s Centre. FREE 6 week parenting group, looking at sleep routines, nutrition, weaning, baby massage, communication & safety (01493) 789562 / e-mail childrenscentre@moorlands.norfolk. Cornerstone - Open Youth Club – Belton Church (1st/15thMay & 5th/19th June. 7.30-9.00pm) For years 6/7/8 Jean: 07762 817454 The Hub - Open Youth Club – Belton Church (Dates/contact as Cornerstone) (7.30-9.00pm) For all of High School age. NOTE :- Belton Scouts (Beavers, Cubs & Scouts) - All meet in Belton weekly details on (01493) 780965 EVERY SUNDAY Pooch Paws Dog Training - St. Olaves Village Hall - (9.00am -Noon - one hour sessions) 07841 040171 St. Peter & St. Paul Church, Burgh Castle - (9.30am) Traditional Morning Prayer or Holy Communion All Saints Church, Belton - (10.30am) Modern Service Welcome to all. Activity group for children See full church service details below. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sun. Apr. 26th - (9.30am) Burgh Castle Church – Morning Prayer. Sun. Apr. 26th - (10.30am) Belton Church - Morning Celebration. Wed. Apr. 29th – (7.00pm) St. Olaves Village Hall - Quiz-n-Chips Night £3.50 Tel 488439. Wed. Apr. 29th. - (7.30pm) New Road Sport & Leisure Cent Belton and Browston Annual Parish Meeting. Thu. Apr. 30th - (1.00 -3.00pm) Village Green Childrens Cent. D.I.A.L Free debt/money advice Tel. 789562. Fri. May 1st - (7.00pm) Top of Hopton Cliffs - Digital Camera Club evening out . - Tel 780822. Fri. May 1st - (8.00pm) Burgh Castle Queens Head – Team quiz in aid of Church Restoration Funds (max 6 per team) 780126. Sat. May 2nd – (24 hours) Burgh Castle Queens Head – Sponsored Pool Marathon & cycle ride 07599 274208. Sun. May 3rd - (9.30am) Burgh Castle Church – Holy Communion. Sun. May 3rd - (10.30am) Belton Church - Morning Celebration. Sun. May 3rd – (7.30pm) Burgh Castle Queens Head -Charity Auction & Raffle G.Y. Gateway Club 07599 274208 Tue. May 5th - (11.00am) Belton Church – Traditional Holy Communion (Coffee from 10.00). Wed. May 6th – (10.30am) Burgh House Res. Home. - Holy Communion. Wed. May 6th - Mobile Library at Priory Close off Herringfleet Rd, St. Olaves (10.30 -10.40am), New Rd., Fritton, by Playing Field (10.45pm-11.00am) & Belton village from 1.50pm – times in article. Wed. May 6th - (6.00-7.30pm) Belton Church – Messy Church. Thurs. May 7th – (7.00am -10.00pm) Election Polling Day. Sat. May 9th - Belton Scouts collecting old newspapers in Belton only. Please leave outside your gate by 8.45am. Sat. May 9th - (10.00am - Noon) JGI - Monthly Coffee Morning. Sat. May 9th - (7.30pm) Burgh Castle Church – Keith Skipper & Ian Prettyman £10.00 01493 780126 (Restoration Fund) Sun. May 10th - (9.30am) Burgh Castle Church – Morning Prayer Sun. May 10th - (10.30am) Belton Church – Holy Communion Sun. May 10th – (6.30pm) Belton Church – Evening Celebration. Mon. May 11th - (7.30pm) Burgh Castle Village Hall - Burgh Castle Annual Parish Meeting. Mon. May 11th - (8.00pm) Burgh Castle Village Hall - Burgh Castle Annual Parish Council meeting Tue. May 12th & 19th.- (1.00-2.30pm) Village Green Childrens Centre – First Aid Course Tue. May 12th - (7.30pm) JGI - Belton W.I – “A Little Taste Of Ireland” with Gerry Morris. Tel 780822. Wed. May 13th - (9.30 -10.30am) New Road Sport & Leisure Cent - Belton with Browston Parish Clerks Surgery. Thu. May 14th - (Noon - 2.00pm). JGI -Belton Lunch Club - 2 course lunch £5.00 All Welcome. Bookings 781294 Fri. May 15th - (7.30pm) JGI – Team Quiz Evening - £5.00 per team of 4. Enquiries Tel. 781294 Sat. May 16th -(10.30am) Belton Church – Coffee Morning/ Table Top Sale - Belton Church Youth Groups. Sat. May 16th – (11.00am - 1.00pm) St. Olaves Village Hall – Mindfulness Health taster session. 07557 141869. Sun. May 17th - (9.30am) Burgh Castle Church – Holy Communion. Sun. May 17th - (10.30am) Belton Church – Cafe Church. Sun. May 17th. - (2.30pm) JGI – “The Victorian Farming Year” Illustrated talk with Stephen Pope non members welcome 780776. Tue. May 19th - (7.30pm) New Road Sport & Leisure Cent Belton With Browston Annual Parish Council meeting. Wed. May 20th - (10.00 - 2.00) New Road Sport Centre - Car Boot/Craft Fair Tel (01493) 780703. See advert. Sun. May 24th - (9.30am) Burgh Castle Church – Morning Prayer. Sun. May 24th - (10.30am) Belton Church – Holy Communion. Sun. May 24th. - (2.00pm) Burgh castle V/Hall – Bring & Share Tea Party £5.00 Tel 780126 Mon. May 25th – Thu May 28th - (10.00am -4.00pm daily) Burgh Castle V/Hall – Craft Fair Tel. 780126. Wed. May 27th - (9.30 -10.30am) New Road Sport & Leisure Cent - Belton with Browston Parish Clerks Surgery. Thu. May 28th - (1.00 -3.00pm) Village Green Childrens Cent. D.I.A.L Free debt/money advice Tel. 789562. Thu. May 28th – (7.30pm) Fritton Village Hall. - Fritton & St Olaves Annual Parish Council Meeting. Sun. May 31st. - (9.30am) Burgh Castle Church – Holy Communion. Sun. May 31st. - (10.30am) Belton Church - Morning Celebration/Youth Service. Tue. June 2nd - (11.00am) Belton Church – Traditional Holy Communion (Coffee from 10.00). Tue. June 2nd – (1.00-4.00pm) Roman Fort site – Ragwort pulling session – volunteers needed. See article Tue. June 2nd - (7.30pm) New Road Sport & Leisure Cent Belton With Browston Parish Council meeting. Wed. June 3rd – (10.30am) Burgh House Res. Home. - Holy Communion Wed. June 3rd - Mobile Library at Priory Close off Herringfleet Rd, St. Olaves (10.30 -10.40am), New Rd., Fritton, by Playing Field (10.45pm-11.00am) & Belton village from 1.50pm – times in article. Wed. June 3rd - (6.00-7.30pm) Belton Church – Messy Church. NEED TRANSPORT TO ACCESS AN EVENT OR APPOINTMENT? HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THE COMMUNITY CAR SCHEME? If you live in Belton/Browston/Burgh Castle /Fritton or St Olaves Call 07767 063 986 between 8.00am & 6.00pm Monday to Friday to book. The cost is only 45p per mile 20 Village Voice - May 2015 VILLAGE SMALLS It is free to advertise jobs, events, property or items for sale. Send details to Village Voice Smalls, “Skelmorlie” Butt Lane, Burgh Castle, Great Yarmouth, NR31 9PU, Tel 01493 780776 or Email by Noon on MAY 14th to appear in the JUNE issue. We will run your advert free for 3 issues but please let us know when it is sold - so we can remove it. (commercial entries charged at 25p per word) SITUATIONS VACANT/ WORK Voluntary Drivers required for Community Car Scheme local area Tel. 07767 063986 or e-mail mgreenacre@ WANTED Gentlemans gold pocket watch & chain for personal use (cash paid immediately) Tel 07873 175920. Motorhome 2 berth. Tel. 01493 663755. Sewing Machine in Good Working Order. Dont mind older type (Jones/Singer etc) Flat bed not vertical type. Tel. 01493 781382. Belton Charity Fundraisers welcome donations of Bric A Brac, Books, Jigsaws & toys (no mains electric items) for their fund raising stalls. Tel. Gloria 01493 780776 . Soft Toys to raise money for local charities. deliver to 34 Orwell Cresc. Belton, or Tel. 01493 782043 for collection. FOR SALE Hayter petrol mower – Jubilee 48 quantum £70 ONO Tel. 01493 780582. Solid Pine Bedroom suite, double bed frame (no mattress), triple wardrobe, double wardrobe, chest of draws & 2 bedside draw units, VGC £225 Tel. 01493 488439. Aluminium extending ladder, each ladder 18ft.approx. £20 ONO Tel. 01493 781050. ALL Super king size = Duvet. M & S. All Seasons, 9.0 tog plus 4.5 tog. Poly cotton covers with anti-allergy polyester filling. Little Used. £30 Memory foam mattress topper. John Lewis. 4.5 cm thick with one side massage sleep surface. Removable, washable cover. VGC. £40 Electric fleece underblanket, Homefront. Dual control, body & feet separate controls. As new. Can Del. £30 Tel. 07514 424276. 3 Beech country style kitchen chairs £15. Tel. 01493 780193. Canon AE1 SLM camera leather look hard case/ Cannon 50mm lens, 80-200m zoom lens, Tamron 24mm lens. Canon Tele X2 converter, Mirada flash, Canon flash. £250 OVNO Tel. 07788 408801. Table & 4 high back chairs VGC £50. Tel. 01493 663755. Metal sawhorse unused £5, Black & Decker trolley/sack barrow £3. Tel 01493 781050. 3 Antique style bronze finish wall lights, white glass shades. VGC. £10 ea. Antique style Bronze finish three arm ceiling light fitting with white glass shades.(matches wall lights) VGC. £15 Tel. 07514 424276. Long teak effect dressing table, 54ins wide 3 drawers each side. As new £80.00. Tel 01493 780193 Isabella Awning fits 23ft. Caravan. Used twice, Metal poles, cost £1000 - £650 ONO. Tel. 07858 916829 or 07729 954248. Cosina C1 SLR camera in case. C/w 35-70mm lens, 70200mm zoom lens, flash gun. All in suede case. £200 OVNO Tel. 07788 408801. Pride GoGo Elite Traveller mob. scooter. Max weight 18 stone. Red/Black. VGC. Complete with chargers, cover & seat bag. Can del. £300. Tel. 07514 424276. Corner leaded unit VGC £80 ONO Tel. 01493 663755. 2 Proteam Leisure, all terrain telescopic hiking sticks. As new. £10 each. Tel. 07514 424276. Pentax MZ250 SLR camera in case. C/w Pentax 49mm lens, Pentax 80-200mm lens. Vivitar flash Gun VGC. £200 OVNO Tel. 07788 408801. Large green material Gazebo with 2 sides (1 with window) As new. £100. Tel. 01493 780193. Sleeping bag. Kampa Sumptious. Jade. large 200 x 94 cms. Washable. Used once. £20. Two sleeping bags, Polywarm Leisure. 44oz/1247gm. Single size, can zip together. Blue/Cream. GC. £12 ea. Tel. 07514 424276. Round Patio Table 34in Diam. Green plastic, slot in legs £3.00 Tel. 01493 780776 (Proceeds to Belton Charity Fundraisers). Wheelchair – Excellent Cond. £60 Tel. 01493 667764 (Bradwell). Mahogany corner glass disp. cabinet immac. Cond. 80”h base 20”x 20”. V Good quality. Glass shelves & lighting. Cost £395.00 - £95 Tel. 07850 113821. 2 Green fabric swivel recliner chairs, wooden round base plus foot stools. £100 Tel 07774 823585. Electric Piano Full size. Good working order £230. Tel. 01493 789193. Laurel & Hardy 5 x 200ft. B/w Super 8 films in cases £5 each or £20 the lot. Tel. 01493 780253. Valor live fuel effect gas fire. Model 339 Heartbeat. New, B&Q Price £453 - £300 OVNO. Tel. 07788 408801. 2 Pairs mens pyjamas (XL) still in packs £10.00 the two, 2 Jackets (XL) £10 the two Tel. 01493 667764 (Bradwell). Mahogany illuminated glass display cabinet, exc. condition. Measures 48”h x 30”w x 17”d. Cost £480 Glass shelves, 2 draws £95.00 Telephone 07850 113821. David Payne decorators Paul Williams Kitchens & Carpentry Including Plumbing & Tiling Domestic Commercial Industrial LAKESIDE RIDING CENTRE Enjoy riding through the beautiful grounds of Fritton Lake. Warm, friendly atmosphere, all ages and experiences welcome 01493 781942 mobile 07889090288 “Focal Point” modern ebony wall mounted electric fire. Flame effect with stones 2 x 900/1000watt elements Cost £213.00. As new £60.00. Tel. 01493 780197. Dell Latitude laptop D505 XP, 1GB Ram, 60GB hard drive, New battery & charger. Office 2007, WiFi, 15” screen, Vipre Antivirus. Ready to go Bargain £95.00 Tel. 01493 780253. I phone 5 - White, 16GB, Used once, mint cond. £250.00. Tel. 07788 408801. Celebrity 2 seater recliner sofa cream patt. upholstery. Exc. Quality & condition. New £850.00 bargain £195.00 Tel. 07850 113821. Professional Party tents. Steel frame with roof/ side/ end covers To B.S. & Fire retardant (incl ground bars) 3x3m Cost £219.00 + ground bars used 3 times £150.00 ONO, 8x4m Cost £750 + bars new £500.00, 6x8m + bars used 3 times cost £1400.00 £900.00 ONO Tel. 07788 408801. Walking Sticks - job lot of 9. Various styles, some with ornate handles. £120.00. Tel. 01493 781094. Market Stalls - One heavy boxed metal frame , 12’ x 4’, incl. 6 wooden boards (4’ x 2’ each), tarpaulin and clips for the roof. £185.00 2nd similar, (no tarpaulin/clips) 4 wooden boards (4’ x 2’ each). £115.00 . Both suitable markets/ boot sales. Tel. 01493 781094. Burgh Castle Mug- St. Peter & Paul 1st. Edition. Rare £50.00. Tel 01493 781662. Mount Blanc Car Cycle carrier, suits hatchback (was on a Mk3 Mondeo) Hardly used VGC. £45.00. Tel. 01493 782448 or 07906 710758, 4 Dining room highback chairs Light wood legs/dark brown covering. Unused £75.00. Tel. 01493 781355. Painting & Decorating FREE QUOTES • Horse Riding • Pony Parties • Gift Vouchers Available for Trade & Domestic Customers Tel/Fax 01493 781790 Mobile 07748 987055 Email Call 07747 464775 WWW.CTMACE.WIX.COM/LAKESIDE Willow Lodge, High Road, Burgh Castle NR31 9QL 21 Complete Disco set-up Ready to go. Too much to list. £750.00. For details Tel. 01493 781007. Compatible Ink Cartridges for Canon Pixma iP3600/iP4600/ MP620/MP980 19x Black / 5x Yellow / 3x Magenta / 2x Cyan. All sealed with chips. £10.00. Tel. 01493 782448 or 07906 710758, Large box of key rings suit stall holder or collector. all good quality and different. £15.00 the box. Tel. 01493 781295. Caravan 2 step, sturdy - used twice £15.00. Caravan water carrier & handle £25.00 Tel. 01493 781355. Electric Tile Cutter and Stand, New Boxed unused. Clarke 600w. Cost £178.00 would accept offers in region of £100.00. Tel. 01493 781341 (Belton) Mobility Scooter - Shoprider Sovereign - Red. Adj. seat, arm rests, lights & many other features. Incl. battery charger & manual. Hardly used. VGC £325.00 Tel. 01493 781094. Ramp for Mob. Scooter/|Wheelchair. 6ft long, aluminium with black non-slip surface. Folds for easy storage/transportation. Instruction manual. Hardly used. VGC £125.00 Tel. 01493 781094. Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 Gearbox. Manual, came from a 2003/53 £65.00. Tel. 01493 782448 or 07906 710758, Girls Apollo cycle - suit 7 - 9 years. First class cond., used twice. £35.00 ovno. Tel/text 07765 407313. PLEASE REMEMBER TO LET US KNOW BY NOON ON THE 14th OF THE MONTH IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR ITEM REMOVED East Coast Chimney Sweep “When was yours last cleaned?” Certificates issued for all sweeps Wood-burning and multi-fuel stoves, open fires, Jetmasters, Oil and Gas boilers all swept Bird and Bird nest removal and stove servicing Full indemnity cover plus NACS member and accredited “Trusted Trader” with NCC Reliable, professional and local service 01493 718615 — 07876 804575 Village Voice - May 2015 EVENTS AT THE JOHN GREEN INSTITUTE MONTHLY COFFEE THURSDAY EVENING MORNING FITNESS AT THE JGI The John Green Institute BELTON & DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOC. We have just finished our financial year and the AGM will have taken place on April 26th, just before you get your Village Voice. If not already paid, membership is now due, still at £5.00 single or £10.00 for a family, membership forms are on the web at www. or call our treasurer on 01493 781133. Our March event was something different, History Beneath Your Feet when Graeme Simmonds spoke about various things that he had found along with items brought in by members of the audience. On Sunday May 17th (2.30pm) at the JGI have an illustrated talk “The Victorian Farming Year” presented by Stephen Pope. As usual there will be a raffle and teas/coffees will be available, admission is just £3.00 (members £2.00), new members and guests are always very welcome. We have a full schedule of monthly events through to the end of the year, details available at any of or meetings. As usual the Society welcomes any old documents and photographs which can be copied and returned to you and would like to direct you to our web site where there are various articles and a large gallery of old local photographs, this is at Our chairman, Ian Walker can also be contacted on 07887 640385. The next monthly Coffee Morning at the JGI is on Saturday May 9th. (10.00am - Noon), available between 10.00 and 11.00am as an additional item to tea/coffee is a bacon butty so why not have a late breakfast. There are two new fitness classes at the JGI on Thursday evenings Hoop Fitness (7.00 pm) This class is great fun and will help slim your waist.£4 plus £1 hula hoop hire. Clubbercise (8.00pm) An energetic fun class easy to follow dance fitness routines using glow sticks which is recommended to any one who loves dancing and music. £4 plus £1 for glow sticks. Admission is free and there is always a raffle for one of the village groups or a local charity, this month it is organised by the Produce and Crafts Show. Thank you to everybody who supported the April raffle which was organised by Belton Church Youth Groups, £123.00 was raised for their funds, it was good to see so many of the youth club members helping Jean on the morning. More details and to book these class phone Lorrain on 07747720139 . (please note no session on May 7th as the hall is not available) BELTON W.I. There is also the bargain stall full of items at ridiculously low prices, Belton Charity Fundraisers always welcome donations of goods to sell, anything small is considered, please note however that we cannot accept mains electrical items or clothing, please call Gloria on (01493) 780776 local collection of items can be arranged. Belton W.I. next meet on Tuesday 12th May at the JGI (7.30pm). The guest speaker for the evening is Mr Gerry Morris and his talk will be on “A Little Taste of Ireland”, The competition is for a favourite bowl and there will be the usual sales table. For any further information please ring Sue on 01493 780822. BINGO DONATION Bingo is played at the JGI every Monday evening (7.30pm) where sessions have been held for many, many years. DIGITAL CAMERA CLUB The next meeting will be on Friday 1st May. This will be an out evening to the cliffs at Hopton to shoot the new sea defences and coastline. Meet at the cliff end of Beach Road at 7pm. All are welcome no matter what level of photography you are at. Bring cameras, well charged batteries and a tripod. Also if you have some ND filters bring them along. In March the group were able to make their latest donation from the proceeds of the evenings when they announced that £500.00 had been sent to The East Anglian Air Ambulance. BELTON LUNCH CLUB Belton Lunch Club is next serving Lunch on Thursday 14th May (12.00pm - 2.00pm) at the JGI. Lunch served at 12.15pm. 2 two course for £5.00. Al dietary needs can be catered for. Please book your place at this friendly club by ringing Barbara on 781294. We look forward to seeing you there. If the weather is too unkind then we will meet at the JGI as usual. Call Bill on 780822 for details and further information or go on the web at www. and click on digital camera page. A confirmation of the evening will be posted on that page. THE JGI Belton Village Hall 46, Station Road South Great Facilities Great Hire Rates Great Kitchen Parking near-by Licensed for Music Can seat 70 people QUIZ NIGHT The next Belton Village Quiz Night will be on Friday 15th May at 7.30pm at the JGI. £5.00 for a team of up to four players. Great Prizes and raffle. Large Hall and/or Rear Meeting room available Ideal for Groups, Parties and Functions Disabled facilities and entry Come and join us and make up a team of friends/colleagues/ family or from your club or group. A warm welcome awaits all quizzers. For any further information please ring Barbara on 781294. For further information and hiring rates please contact Lin on 01493 781140 or Bill on 01493 780822 or go to BARN DANCE This will be at the JGI on Saturday June 6th (7.30pm) with Michael Ottaway, tickets (£5.00 each) which will include light refreshments, are now available from Barbara on 01493 781294 or Nora on 01493 780182 (please bring your own drinks) WEDNESDAY MORNING DROP IN Every Wednesday morning between 10.30 to 12 noon a friendly meeting of local people take place for coffee/tea and cake at the JGI, Station Road, Belton. All are welcomed to catch up on gossip and make new friends. It is a great way to find out what’s going on in the Village and around. We will always pass on any relevant information that is happening in the village that might affect you. Now that Spring is knocking on the door why not make an effort and come out on a Wednesday morning and find out WIFI AT THE JGI The JGI trustees are pleased to announce that the hall now has fast internet access which is available to all hall users. The wireless access code is posted on the internal notice board. Following this facility we will also offer to anyone in the village a low level help with their laptops or tablets and email and Internet access. If you would like to be part of this then please email or go onto the village web site www. where you will find information on the JGI page. Already we have had good interest , please contact us as above for any guidance. Bill Richmond (Trustee) ...... ALSO AT THE JGI YOGA - On Monday morning at 10.15am £2.50 per session. Please bring a floor mat and towel with you. Contact Wilma on 01493 780194. PILATES – This is on Tuesday mornings (9.00 -10.00 am) Suitable for men and woman of all ages and abilities . Pilates improves your posture, balance, flexibility and core strength £4.50 per person. Lorrain on 07747 720139. ZUMBA – Also on Tuesday mornings (10.15 -11.00am) Easy to follow calorie burning fitness class just £4.00 per person. Lorrain on 07747 720139. OVER 50/60’s - Every Tuesday Afternoon (2.00 – 4.00pm) Contact Norma on 01493 780447 WEIGHT WATCHERS Wednesdays from 6.15pm. 22 Meet Village Voice - May 2015 A SPRINGERS TAIL Harley’s Version just waved good bye to my Inew last brother to leave for his forever home. Now it was just my sister and I left, I knew I had a home to go to, but I am not sure why I had to wait to go there. I was now 10 weeks old and I understood I was the pick of the litter, I am descendent from nothing but champion stock, I have special markings on my coat and my nose. Everyone who came to look at us all said I was very handsome but each time they asked for me they were told I was spoken for, so how come I am still here and they have all gone? My sister was going to stay here forever but there has been a change of circumstances and she is now going to go to her forever home too. My brothers and sisters have all been leaving for the past two weeks. Suddenly I heard voices approaching our kennels, as soon as I heard her I knew it was my Mum coming to get me at last, well about time! She brought another lady with her to help her to drive or something but I knew straight away which was my Mum, and I trotted out to meet her and laid M A K E straight down on her feet, at long last she was here, and she had brought my older brother Lennie with her. I rolled on my back so she could see my lovely fat tummy and tickle it for me, I said hello nicely to my older brother so he would like me, and I was very nice and quiet on the way home while I sat on the other ladies lap, I think she was called Dorothy and she smelled of cats. I have never seen a cat but I was introduced to rabbits which I eat two of everyday. I am sure cat’s will taste just as good! it was just a matter of time. I have worked my magic on Dad now and he adores me, well who wouldn’t? Dad named me Harley Mum wasn’t so keen so I often hear her call me Barley but it is of no matter because I come to her whatever she calls me. I follow Lennie everywhere and I try to copy him but with more enthusiasm like he never goes far from Mum when we are out and every two minutes he runs back to her, stands on his hind legs and gives her a kiss and then carries on till he runs back to kiss her again, well I thought I would get in on the act, So I ran full pelt up to her leapt into the air and kissed Mum on the lips and nearly knocked her teeth out apparently it is better if I keep my two back legs on the ground like Lennie but I am just showing how good I am at jumping I can clear 6 foot easy good job I love where I live or I could just leap right over the gate. Soon as we arrived home Sylvie my adopted sister came to greet me, she brought me a toy and loved me straight away, I could tell she was bossy so I decided to work on that and become the boss I had already worked out Mum was a complete soft touch and Lennie was no better, Sylvie may be a harder nut to crack but my birth Mother was from Irish stock brought here just so I could be born and her Irish Shenanigans had rubbed off on me along with the magic to make everybody fall in love with me. My Dad didn’t really want me and that was something to do with why it had taken so long before I could go home. Of course Mum and me always knew I was going there Y O U R S Soon as I was able to go out safely after my injection’s I went camping to Yorkshire and I was really good except for eating my special bed that kept me warm, after that we went camping in Nottingham forest and Lennie’s and my cousin Barney joined us, he is sort of Sylvie’s boyfriend, Lennie and I look alike except A Beautiful Garden Fritton Plant Centre (Myhills) Possibly the widest range of patio & Bedding Plants in the area • Many new & unusual varieties grown on the nursery • Filled Hanging Baskets from £5.00 • Wide range Alpines, Perennials, Shrubs, Conifers, camellias, Azalea & Rhododendrons. • Soft fruit bushes including Blackberry, Gooseberry, Black/Red/White Currant, Raspberry “Autumn Bliss”, Strawberry. • 9 varieties of Tomato, 3 Cucumber, 2 Runner Bean, Courgettes, Beet, Broccoli, Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Marrow, Pea, Sweetcorn. • Levington Potting & Seed Compost, Growmore, Fish Blood & Bone, Poultry Manure (all in 10kg buckets – keeps better & cheaper than packets). Ericacaous Plant Food, Sulphate of Iron and Potash Etc. • All size pots, trays, hanging baskets, containers Etc. • Local grown Potatoes, Fruit & Veg. -stall open weekends. • Flea Market, Owl Sanctuary, Pet Centre. our colours are opposite we both have wonky faces I do have lots of big naughty spots which is why I am naughty sometimes. Barney looks like Lennie so I kept getting them muddled up because I was only 13 weeks old when we went camping. Mum and Dad bought me a lovely new bed for Christmas but I prefer theirs, I sleep right where my Mum wants to sleep but she keeps making me get in my own bed but I manage to sneak on their bed early in the morning and curl up into a tiny ball so they don’t notice me, Lennie won’t let me get in his bed but Sylvie is okay so when I can’t get in bed with Mum and Dad I sleep with Sylvie but I never go in my own bed. I make sure I have all the toys out all over the floor all day and night and we have a huge toy box which I empty as soon as they are all put back in and drop them all over the house. It was Lennie’s birthday a couple of weeks ago and I ended up with all his presents, I really landed on my feet and the extra two week wait to be picked up was well worth waiting for. Well that’s my story so far, please say hello to us when you see us about the village. Harley Barley. 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L ast month, my 70 year old mother acquired for herself an iPad and a working internet connection, this has likely doubled the internet bandwidth use of East Anglia. Rather short-sightedly, I was enthusiastic at the prospect of having such a tech-savvy mum. You see, we live over four hours away from each other and I rarely go home due to work commitments and she never visits Oxford due to an apparent inability to leave Norfolk more than twice a year. So I assumed that technology would be our saving grace: rather than having to use text, phone or pigeonpost to prevent her panicking about whether I’ve survived yet another night in the Oxfordwild, she would be able to email me. And since I – tragically sit on emails all day long our connection could be 24/7. She would even – horror of horrors! – be able to see what I’m up to on Facebook. You know what they say: a daily status keeps the mother away. And so it came to pass that last Sunday evening, for the first time ever, I sent my mother an email. Wetherspoon pubs because for some reason – not entirely known to me – that’s important. An hour went by with no reply, so I text her: Did you get my email? My dreams for our internet relationship were coming to fruition. She can see my pictures instantly, rather than waiting for me to dutifully print them off and send her copies of them six months after the event. I can take time to Skype, rather than sending laborious text messages about various details of my life which nobody but a mother could possibly be interested in. After another hour then finally she replies: No. I’m having trouble getting it up. I pick up the phone and call. You’re having trouble getting what up? The Email. That’s how she said it: she definite-articled ‘email’, and capitalised it, too, for good measure. Then two days ago I set up a Facebook account for her. I uploaded her profile picture and a cover picture, befriended her using my account and organised her privacy settings so that only her and I could see her profile while she muddles around it. After an agonising few minutes of instructions and patience, we finally managed to get her email application open. Yes, there was the email I’d previously sent. I directed her around the application a few times, making quite sure she wouldn’t spam the President and – wishing her a good night – hung up. I sat back and waited for the landslide of parental adoration of every corner of my social media profile to begin. Nothing. The next day she was ecstatic: she’d used her email again and this time she’d been using The Google. I messaged her : Did you get my previous email? You’ve a Facebook account – see the email I’ve sent. She’d managed to find where she was going on holiday and even identify some nearby to do with it? I explained that she should tap – with her finger – on the Facebook icon on her iPad homepage. I told her how to fill in her email and password and then what she could expect to see once the page loaded. Half an hour later, she phoned back. She couldn’t see anything! She didn’t understand! She can’t see me! It’s all blue! The conversation went on in riddles for quite some time. It was like that scene in Jurassic Park where the woman tries to get the park back online via walkie talkie. Except I wasn’t saved by a savage Raptor attack. I’m sure she’ll eventually get the hang of it. It may have taken us some time, but human beings did eventually evolve to get the hang of opposable thumbs. In the meantime, I’ll sit back and dream of the day she can – inevitably – ‘LIKE’ every damn status I post. I can’t wait. Rebecca Moore She phoned me back. What email... and what did she have HOPTON MEDIEVAL FAYRE TIAS TREASURES FAMILY FUN DAY his is at Hopton First School on Sunday August 30th with TYarmouth the usual fun, games and stalls, proceeds to The Great Preservation Trust and organisers The Sunrise t The Cliff Hotel Gorleston on 9th May 12.00pm – 5.00pm. A £1.50 per child which includes FREE entry into a competition to win a Party from MANTA Entertainments. Dowsing Group. Meet and Greet Princesses and Superheroes, Punch and Judy, Raffle and Tombola, Fun and Games. Stall bookings are now being accepted (£8 for a 3x3metre pitch) please call 01502 735765 or e-mail brianthedowser@ (sorry no car boots or catering).interest. Sweets, Popcorn and Candy Floss, Various Craft Stalls and LOTS more. Katey Aldred RVN, FdSc CBT, MAPDT (01204) 07841040171 Proceeds to Great Yarmouth and Waveney Mind in memory of Donna Carrigan known as Dee. For further information visit 24 Village Voice - May 2015 HOLISTIC HEALTH COLUMN MONICA PORTER ORGANIC IS BETTER FOR YOUR HEALTH organic is no longer considered a luxury as it Eis ating now on most supermarket shelves, due to the increasing demand for high quality food. A landmark paper in the British Journal of Nutrition concluded that organically grown crops contained significantly higher levels of antioxidants and lower levels of undesirable pesticides and cadmium – a toxic heavy metal. Furthermore, Newcastle University led a study into the nutritional content of organic foods which confirmed this. This peer reviewed scientific study is the most extensive comparative analysis of organic versus nonorganic foods ever undertaken and contrasted strikingly with some earlier papers which were based on smaller study samples. It is clear from these studies that: • Production methods affect quality. • Organic crops and foods have more anti-oxidants which help prevent disease and protect against cancer, diabetes and heart disease. For example, flavanones, a phyto-nutrient, were 69% higher in organic crops. • You reduce the toxic load on the body by using organic skin care products and eating organic food, giving your liver a helping hand in removing toxins from your body. • Pesticides were proven to be 4 times higher in non-organic crops. • Organic food tastes great too! It’s common sense – wellbalanced soils produce strong, healthy plants that become YOUNG PEOPLE AT BELTON CHURCH nourishing food for people and animals • Organic farmers work in harmony with nature, respecting the balance in a healthy ecosystem. n April 1st, the Messy Church O team welcomed more than 60 people into All Saints Church • Wildlife is encouraged by including forage crops, retaining hedge rows, wetlands, and other natural areas. for our ‘Messy Easter’ special; it was incredible to explore the Easter story with so many people, and very exciting to see some new faces. We had hot dogs and made the church porch into an Easter Garden, and ended with a lively rendition of ‘God’s Not Dead!’ - we are looking forward to 6th May when we will be back in Moorlands Academy, and learning about David and Goliath. If you’ve never been to Messy Church before, do join us - it’s for all generations to come and enjoy. • By going organic we support the small independent farmers which helps keep rural communities healthy. They can charge a fair price for their produce and make a fair living. • Natural health products have been grown organically for decades, producers recognising the need for the purest, highest quality product for maximum health and healing. The church youth group had a great trip to the Horstead Centre in Norwich on Easter Monday. They joined other young people from around Norfolk, as well as a group of Swedish young people who come from our ‘partner diocese’, Luela, in Sweden. The group did archery and the zip wire, then had a barbecue followed by a service lead by the Swedish young people. The evening concluded around the campfire, after a long but enjoyable day out. • The skin is the largest organ in the body and absorbs at least 60% of whatever is put onto it. Many skin care products have chemical additives which are harmful to our bodies – even expensive brands. This adds to the strain already inflicted on your liver, which has to detoxify your body. EXPERIMENT! Prove it for yourself by trying different things out – see it you like the taste of organic veg and fruit, or try organic skin care ranges on your precious skin. For example, in Diamond Life Holistic Centre we only stock Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic skin care products. Neal’s Yard has gone one step further and added organic essential oils and other healing constituents to make their products extra special for your skin – and they smell divine! The young people have also begun their fundraising for summer trips; a group will be going on a camping trip to the ‘Intents’ festival in Norwich at the end of May, and several of the youth will also be going to ‘New Wine’ in the summer with the church in August. The Belton Charity Fundraisers kick started the fundraising by presenting the young people with a cheque for £200, which we are all really grateful for. The youth and children also helped to run a raffle at the JGI coffee morning on April 11th which raised a further £123; thanks to Pleasurewood Hills and Reveal in Bradwell, as well as many friends and members of the congregation, for kindly Shop on line https:// diamondlife. Call Monica for Life Coaching on your Life Purpose – 01493 719424 email monica@ E.E. GREEN & SON donating prizes. The weekend’s fundraising concluded with a bacon and sausage sandwich sale at the church annual meeting, with meat being generously given for the cause by Fleetwood’s butchers in Gorleston, and bread rolls by the Co-op. More events are in the pipeline - watch this space! Cornerstone and The Hub will be open this month on 1st and 15th May, then on 5th and 19th June. We have a great time at the church on these Friday evenings; popcorn and games aplenty! Rock Solid continues to be popular, with lots of exciting things planned for the coming months, so if you know any children ages 8-11 who would like to join us on a Thursday evening between 5-6pm, they’d be very welcome! Cafe Church is scheduled for May 17th; it’s a laid back service with free breakfast and activities, along with some lively worship and a short talk. At the end of May, the church youth will be leading the service. Their previous service, on Palm Sunday, was excellent; the youth band ‘Projection’ lead the sung worship, others read from the Bible, and others still were involved in delivering talks and welcoming people to church. It’s a brilliant opportunity for our young people to develop their leadership skills and grow in confidence as well as get to know God better. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, or just fancy a chat about any aspect of the children’s and youth work at Belton Church, myself or Rev. Rosie Bunn would love to hear from you. Jean White Youth and Children’s Worker, All Saints Church, Belton 07762817454 / jean.white506@ gmailcom LOCKSMITHS & KEYSMITHS Making Your Home SAFE! EST. 1928 * Locks Supplied & Fitted * UPVC Door Lock Repairs * Keys Cut While You Wait * Call-Out Service Great Yarmouth 662069 / 600964 Lowestoft 537220 GRAB SERVICES Sand | Stone | Crushed Concrete Crushed Rubble | 1 Ton Bulk Bags Waste Bags | Skip Hire GWL Skip Hire: - Reduced rates for concrete / rubble & soil fill Dirt Cheap: - Special offer - Quality screeded top soil. 1-20 ton loads CALL TODAY! 25 GWL Security Ltd 10 Row 48, Gt. Yarmouth Norfolk NR30 1HU Tel/Fax: 01493 857434 Village Voice - May 2015 FRITTON & ST. OLAVES PARISH COUNCIL MINDFULNESS FOR HEALTH COURSE N ine parish councillors and borough councillor Adrian Myers attended the January 29th meeting of Fritton and St Olaves Parish Council. Free Taster Session Saturday 16th May 11.00am – 1.00pm No crimes were reported in Fritton for December or January,just three in St Olaves in December ( personal items from a property, theft of a golf buggy from a property – arrests and charges for this one, and theft from a public house. (Course starts June 4th) @ St Olaves Village Hall, Herringfleet Road, NR31 9HJ indfulness for Health involves a set of simple practices M that you can incorporate into daily life to relieve chronic pain and the suffering and stress of illness. Clinical trials show Again a large discussion on Fritton Woods car park, in principle the site manager is in agreement with the Community Payback unit clearing litter from the area. Parking congestion now the car park is closed is a problem with up to 22 cars parked outside the woods plus parking on fields, Councillor Myers is looking into obtaining signs asking that the road be kept clear and the Environmental Rangers are aware of increased fly tipping with a prosecution likely. that Mindfulness meditation can be as effective as prescription painkillers and can enhance the body’s natural healing systems. Mindfulness can also reduce the anxiety that arises from chronic pain and illness For some the condition may remain just as intensely unpleasant, but it is held within a bigger container of awareness, with kindness and acceptance rather than harsh rejection and resistance. The Dell pumping station was also discussed, Anglian Water stated that there had been engineering appraisals but more exploration is needed, they suggested that a letter needs to go to residents to discourage fats being put into the system as levels are higher than average, they also stated that routine maintenance had been increased, however members believed a larger tank capacity was needed to accommodate the water flow and Adrian Myers was preparing a dossier on the subject. The planning request for pontoons at St Olaves Marina had been discussed by the Broads Authority and rejected as a navigational danger. Planning permission had been granted for extensions at 2 Priory Road, St Olaves and revised plans for an extension and shed at Tiptree, New Road, Fritton. It was suggested that the old red phone box at Fritton should either be tidied up or removed, this had originally been purchased by the council for £1, it was agreed further discussion was needed. For more information contact Soo Strong 07557 141869 e-mail ST. OLAVES QUIZ & CHIPS ome and join us for a fun packed Quiz and Chips evening at C St Olaves Village Hall on Wednesday April 29th, with delicious chips being served at 7pm followed by a challenging general knowledge quiz at 7.30..Tickets available at a small cost of £3.50 per person with teams at a maximum of 6...licensed bar available throughout the evening... Tickets for a fantastic raffle also available on during the evening(raffle donations very welcome).. So come along and help us to raise those much needed funds for a much needed storage extension for the village hall... Tickets available please call 01493 488439..01493 488506...01493 488173. Members agreed a 2% increase in the parish rates precept for 2015/16, from £6370 to £6497 which would give a total income for the year of £7155 when all income is included. The Annual Parish Council meeting takes place in Fritton Village hall on Thursday, May 28th (7.30pm), please see elsewhere in this edition of Village Voice for details of how many people have come forward for the new council and of there will be an election on May 7th. The Home Care Specialists Do you need a Helping Hand? Our local care team has been providing award winning quality homecare since 1989. A family run company we offer you a one-to-one 24 hour live in care service that enables you or your loved one to remain at home with compassion and dignity by assisting with: personal care, companionship, errands and housekeeping. So if you are looking for an alternative to residential care or as a short term answer whilst recovering from illness or operation - then we’re here to help. To find out how we can help you, call: 0808 180 1016 or visit: 26 Village Voice - May 2015 MALCOLMS NATURE JOTTINGS PRACTICING TAI CHI & QIGONG IN A GROUP ay and June are my two favourite months of the year. A great M transformation is now taking place in the countryside, with many shades of green foliage appearing on trees and bushes I Black Headed Cardinal Beetle here are many reasons why we practice Tai Chi and Qigong. T Many benefits can be gained from practising both of these internal arts in a large or small group. look forward riding my bike, and taking bus rides to some of Norfolks lanes and Cardinal woods and record the world of nature with Black Headed Beetle my digital camera. On one level, it is simply good for us to be in company, to meet new people and, ideally, to share experiences. This is health enhancing in itself. On another level, when several people practice Tai Chi & Qigong together, they all benefit by sharing each other’s vital energy Qi, pronounced chee. This year I intend to photograph a variety of insects and beetles. One of which will be the handsome Black-headed Cardinal Beetle ( Pyrochroa coccinea) This beetle can be seen in hedgerows, Black Headed Cardinal Beetle woodland, and gardens, and often seen sunbathing on flowers. It is a predator, feeding on other insects, it has a small red head, a long black toothed antennae and black legs. Members in the class feeling low in energy or unwell can benefit from the Qi energy of those who are stronger at that moment in time. This does not mean that the stronger people are losing Qi to the weaker people; it is rather that the quality and quantity of energy in the class becomes balanced. Everyone, no matter what their Qi level is benefits and contributes by sharing their internal energy. Although it is better not to practice when you are either ill or emotionally upset, if you are just feeling tired or down, taking part in a class will always lift your energy and spirit. Thick Legged Flower Beetle I shall also be looking for the Thicklegged flower beetle (Oedemera noblis), the male of which has a pair of rear unmistakable swollen Thick Legged Beetle legs, though not theFlower female. They are both coloured a beautiful metallic green, visiting flowers to feed on pollen. beetle Thick Another Legged Flower Beetle found in May is the Wasp Beetle (Clytus arielis). This is a superb wasp mimic seen scuttling over tree trunks and vegetation tapping its antennae just like a wasp, visiting flowers for pollen beetle has the same and Wasp nectar,it warning colours as Wasps with black and yellow markings and orange/ brown legs, look out for it in your garden Wasp beetle- unlike a wasp it does not sting. Black Headed Cardinal Beetle In addition before going home we do exactly this; we share our internal energy to re energize and help heal each other, This is when the club forms a healing circle joining hands activating their laogong points positioned in the centre of the palms, in addition every other week we collectively do a Qi yell three times generated from the lower tantien, this disperses negative or too much yang energy. Almost all club members will agree holding hands and the Qi yell helps to calm and generate a great deal of internal energy before going home. Thick Legged Flower Beetle In general both Tai Chi & Qigong generate the flow of Qi throughout the body which is why learning Tai Chi and Qigong is a life long investment. If we can maintain a high level of internal energy it will in turn maintain a healthy immune system thereby helping to ward off physical and emotional imbalances of Yin and Yang. Wasp beetle My final beetle is black,and named The Devils Coach-horse Wasp beetle ( Ocypus olens) This large beetle can be found all over Britain, it is mainly nocturnal, but can sometimes be seen during the day under stones, loose bark or any other cover and running on paths. Both the beetle and larva are very fierce attacking anything which resists them and giving sharp bites they also hunt slugs, it is also called the Cocktail because when disturbed it raises its tail over its back in a defensive attitude. Colin & Mitzi Orr – TCQC Principal Instructors For our next beginners class please phone: 01493 789992 or visit our website at VILLAGE VOICE TRAVELS Malcolm Metcalf - Past President, …...Continuing our occasional series of your holiday pictures with “Village Voice”, this one is from Catherine MaceNeilson of Lakeside Riding Centre who claims that she only went as far as the NASA Space Centre at Houston, Texas, just wondering, Cat, did you really go on a much longer trip! Gt. Yarmouth Naturalist Society. Malcolm can be contacted on (01493) 661138 or by post at 43, Magdalen Way, Gorleston, Gt. Yarmouth, NR31 7BW. or e-mail ............... We do have another picture for next month, however if you are going away, especially to somewhere unusual, could you take a copy of Village Voice and get a picture for future use, or maybe you have a interesting story that we could use at some time, please let us know. • Are you getting the best from your system? • Want Sky on all your TVs? • Need extra TV points? • Want your TV wall mounted? Reliable, friendly service and honest advice. freeview, freesat, dab, fm, sky. No call out charge. Free signal test or system check. Call Matt on 01493 661438 or 07855 323887 We will do everything we can to exceed your expectations 27 BELTON VILLAGE WEB SITE www. emember the Village R web site is full of local information about clubs Jack Fuller, Friends Chairman (centre) with some of the JGI Hall Trustees DEFIBRILLATOR AT THE JGI t the JGI Saturday coffee morning on April A 11th the Trustees were presented with one of the latest automatic defibrillators for the hall. The past “Friends of the JGI” who had retained funds from before they transferred to the Belton Charity Fundraisers, purchased the latest ZOL plus AED for the hall through St John Ambulance This is a fantastic state of the art unit and if it was necessary to use it, anyone without further training could cope with confidence. It will talk you through everything you need to do to save a life. The unit will not allow itself to operate unless a casualty definitely has no heart beat so no harm can be done. If no shock is advised and CPR is called for it will talk to you and guide you through the process. Saying all this we will offer, through trainers, simple familiarisation sessions to anyone who would like to know more. This would be particularly beneficial to all leaders of clubs and groups who use the JGI. these will be organised over the coming weeks. We are exceedingly lucky to have this remarkable piece of equipment but hope it will never be used, but if it is then it could be a Life Saver. We say to all in the village it is there for all if the need arise. Contact any of the Trustees for further information or look on the village web site Bill Richmond No more trips to the tip! and groups that you can be part off. All contact names and times and places of activities taking place can also be found. There is also up to date information about the local road works with photos of progress. If you would like to add information about your activity or group please send it to or to Bill at 4 Nursery Close,Belton. Local business can also have a mention on the “Business Page”. for GY Let us collect your garden waste For an easy kerbside collection of all your leaves, twigs, grass cuttings, hedge trimmings and weeds, just join the local garden waste recycling scheme. A large garden needs a brown bin, call 01493 742142 for current charges and to order. Alternatively a pack of our new 75 litre garden waste bags could be just the job for a smaller garden, call 01493 742200 to purchase a pack of bags. PLEASE SEND YOUR NEWS/STORIES TO US - SEE CONTACT DETAILS ON PAGE 3
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