E-Mail & Conference Room Tips & Tricks

Tips and Tricks
Great to know!
1. Booking a conference room in Outlook
2. Sending emails to a distribution list
3. Resetting rules in Outlook
4. Accessing email from a shared computer
5. Creating an email signature in OWA
6. Setting out-of-office assistant in OWA
7. Updating profile information
8. Adding a picture to your profile
9. Setting spell-check
10. Creating folders to organize your inbox
11. Creating a frequently used email group distribution list
12. Setting SPAM Filters
1) Booking a conference room in Outlook
Follow these simple steps to book rooms and add them into the calendar
when scheduling meetings...
Open Outlook and click the Calendar tab at the bottom right to enter your calendar mode.
To schedule a new meeting, click the icon on the top that reads New Meeting>Scheduling
Assistant>Add Rooms> find the room you are looking for by scrolling or entering the name
If you would like to check multiple rooms, you can enter them in as well.
1) Booking a conference room in Outlook con’t
Conference rooms bookable
by all employees
Conference rooms requiring
approval (through Outlook)
 Executive
 Main
 HR Training Room
 Human Resources
 SAP Project Site Rooms –
Fresh & Wave
Note: To book a conference room requiring approval, add it to the invite as you would any other
conference room. You will receive a confirmation when your request is approved.
2) Sending emails to a distribution list
In order to effectively merge the distribution lists between Earthbound
and WhiteWave, naming had to be adjusted. The following will show you
how to find frequently used distribution lists.
Begin by creating a new Email.
Click the To…. Box
The Offline Global Address List will appear. To find a distribution list that would have been
used prior to March 23rd, simply type EBF (space) > name of list
3) Resetting rules in Outlook
Unfortunately as part of the merging of emails, all previously assigned
“rules” will be deleted. Follow these steps to recreate a rule in Outlook…
From the main screen, select rules.
Follow the prompts to create the individual required. In the example below, we are
creating a rule that anytime an email comes from Rosie Pendygraft and contains the words
“Conference Room Tips and Tricks” it will be sent to me only.
4) Accessing Email from a shared computer
To access email from a shared computer
visit: mail.ebfarm.com
• Click Outlook Web Access
• Once selected, you will be routed to
the Microsoft Office 365 site
To access email from a computer away
from the network visit:
Once you enter your username
and either click tab or on the password
box, the system will pause and Redirect
you to the WhiteWave account.
4) Accessing Email from a shared computer con’t
The main screen will have the same functionality you are accustomed to,
the look will be a little different though.
Once you have logged onto OWA, your
main screen will appear.
To generate a new email, simply click
5) Create an email signature in OWA
Would you like to set an automatic signature for your email? If so, follow these
simple steps…
From your inbox, click on the gear
icon in top right corner of the main
screen > Automatic replies
Check the box that reads Options
Select Mail>Email signature
6) Setting out-of-office assistant in OWA
Planning to be out of the office for a period of time? Want to notify only internal
employees, only external contacts (or both)? Follow these steps to set your outof-office assistant…
From your inbox, click on the gear
icon in top right corner of the main
screen > Automatic replies
Check the box that reads Send
automatic replies and input text
below. When complete, click
7) Updating profile information
Information has been pre-loaded into your Outlook account. If you would
like to make any changes, simply update the About me.
Click the Avatar or picture icon in the topright corner. A drop down box will
appear. Click >About me
On the next screen, you can click >edit
your profile
8) Adding a picture to your profile
Adding a picture to your profile is a fun way to personalize your account!
To add a picture of yourself to the account:
1. From your inbox click on the avatar
image on the top right corner of the
2. A drop-down box will appear. Click
Change underneath the avatar
3. From the next screen, click the
document icon to browse the
directory for the image you would
like to upload.
4. Click
When selecting an image, keep
in mind the image used
represents WhiteWave Foods
and YOU. Please choose
9) Setting spell-check
Note: Outlook 2013 is not automatically configured to check the spelling of e-mail
To set the spell-check option in Outlook
2013 follow these steps:
From your inbox, right the FILE tab
on the top ribbon>Options>Mail
Check the box that reads Always
check spelling before sending
Note: Outlook’s spell-check feature will
wait until you click send to notify the user
of any spelling errors (i.e. words will not
be underlined and identified while typing)
10) Creating folders to organize your inbox
If you would like to create folders to organize your inbox in Outlook
2013, the steps are super easy.
To set-up folders within the inbox:
Right-click on Inbox>NewFolder…
Type the name of the new folder and
click enter
11) Creating a frequently used group email distribution
Do you have a need to send multiple emails to the same distribution list?
Follow these steps to create a personalized group distribution list
From your inbox, click the icon to the right of Quick
A pop-up box will appear. Click Team Email>New
Enter the name of the distribution list and click on
the To…
Enter the names of individuals to be included in the
group email>OK>Finish
When you are done, the name of the distribution
list will appear in the top ribbon. When you click on
that icon, an email box will open with all of the
recipients attached.
12) Setting Spam Filters
Do you want to set your spam filters to clean
up you inbox? If so, follow these steps:
From your inbox, right click on any
email>Junk>Junk E-mail Options.
The system is set up with No
Automatic Filtering. We recommend
clicking High.
12) Setting Spam Filters (con’t)
While in the spam filters box, you can add
rules for spam. For example, if you click
on the tabs at the top, you can allow for
emails to be received from certain
It is recommended to click the Safe
Senders tab and check the box that reads
Also trust e-mail from my Contacts.
*As a reminder, don’t forget to check your Junk
Email folder periodically to ensure email that you
need/want is not being categorized as junk. 17