1 you live in a place with trafficjams? Do you know about any other environmentaI problems caused by cars? Do Kuy - ff.cad alout i To tatk abor very usefuI C CLIMÄTE ATASTROPHE? .4 H;* :?':ilil':' :TH ö'Jö:X tevets "sreenhouse gas' Rislng '' ilä*"J:*n'l'$ffi"il::: rl to disastrous chrnges id rLru leading world's climate' Cors lut t,t rbon lrlvel "".,rtrtionised "u.ria, whY'"ttryont Here's IT'S A In 'ro hj c h are chokt ng oli Eacll and lunR Jisease 'ire 2 ne."','. tt\^ 3 (/) They're ugty. They cause po[Lution. There are too many ofthem. They cause heaLth Problems. They're noisy. They're too expensive for ordinary peop[e. They're bad for wj[dLife. They contribute to climate change. They make peoPLe LazY. a list from information in the text. rittttre a tech nology, tsrouno^-t-'1 \'4r I 401) 000 tatt tt'u d'u tr T I rllu iJc I I L] I --- why do pe, Is it because ti of tra nsport - qua Lities? (Thir Do a su rvey in r choke not being able to breathe 7 Is it possib In groups, disc ruraI in the country (notthe city) threatening risking ctogging up blocking o congestion heavy traffic (= trafficjams) pottution things which fuet I :railt ure 6 damage the environment . gobbtes eats greediLy resources usefuI naturalthings (eg. metals, scrapped destroyed oiL) soil the earth in which Plants grow harmful danqerous (for peopte, animals or plants) p rovide goor it diffi (eg. expensi make petroI The article recommends "using your car Less". Which harmful effects are reduced 14ake the :::x;:i"::;::ii{;i,:l;;";::,i';"", Which five points about cars are made by the articte? in the boxes. Put a tjck a b c d e f g h i 5 lr nralL]. ufien' \t'ttng childrenlnost ot In the nal buildingthtt'tte.ns deirol otct >u Qt scr,tfPe'l suftctton Recentl: f own [ife. llr' wlltcL cds' soil with hönfulcher peoPle u,d"pcoPle thtt tl clamrtge or ot one ihrertening the health tt Since present perl destroY' mrterials end up in bumt, poisoning our LU ueu"' noor air qurlitY in t-urll rn rrve P repnal'/t 1 c th phrase or ot tano' WHÄTAWASTEI When cars al-e scrapPed' '' t3*'l: contnouror fities, md I major the uK' Since our finest ttikllife rcsenes causc C,rr fumes are the leadtng ^,rd Jioxidr fulltn t on poisonshuge 'uels to get arouncr' CHOKE! *mo es, $ uf.ttll the UK's t.routt"t **[iini#'-"ijli];t fot Over b e llo/' r- a Since w CARMAGEDDON ruet.at'" Making cars' Producrng prectctus up r',,itdins *nliur"t" roads gobbles ans cars har e tn the last hundred Yeffs' the way we P out Match o cut down thr (eg. 8 new tec The artrcle l more possibte ifyou do that? 9 ca s Who shoutd mpaign, or dc Key Langrra Look at this sentence from the article' In the last hundred years, cars have revolutionised the way we travel ' Totalkaboutaperiodofpasttimewhichcomesuptothepresent,WeUsethepresentperfect.Thisis in the environment' very usefuL when discussing modern technology, or changes 4 Match up these tjme phrases and clauses. Choose the best combinations' a0vertheLast300years.'.1..'theyhavedoneveryLittLefortheenvironment. horse' up Precious 2 " the car has replaced the b Since 1900... has developed dramaticaLLy' c Since the invention ofthe teLephone, ... 3 .'. the Internethas 4 "' technoLogy completeLy changed our [ives' d Since wortd teaders met at Rio, '., 5 "' communication has got cheaper and quicker' e Recently... 6 "' I've started cycling to work' f In the tåst two or three years..' CDs have replaced LPs. 5 riltthe gaps with a time a how to use a computer b Since ' the phrase or a clause using - I Learntphones popular. very become have mobile c present perfect. TaLk about In the last ten years technoLogy, or events in Your d I've become very-interested in "green" issues' e own [ife. . the ground or air. wlter and , a.alh ebour ir 6 Why Ao people Love cars so much? because they are convenient means oftransport - or do theY have other Is it qualities? (Think about car adverts.) Do a survey in your class to find out. 7 Is it possibLe to "use cars [ess"? In groups, discuss these ideas : o provide good pubLic transPort o make it difficuLt for car users metals, oi[) or plants) (eg. expensive Parking) o cut down the need forjourneYs (eg. new tech no[ogY) 8 The article tatks about damage to the environment even more possibLe soLutions to this problem. 9 Who shouLd solve these probLems - if we don't use cars much. Discuss one or governments or individuals? WouLd you ratherjoin a poLiticaL campaign, or do something aboutityourself, instead? n .ts fD fT zH 14 r4 d f?t 0a ul @ tune in 1{ p ul ul H 7^ kI 1{ g u 1 Ov< Before you Listen, think abouttropicalrainforests. Where are they? What are they tike? Why are they in the news? ttt- 2 Now fisten to Rebecca Walker, who has made severaI TV programmes about the destruction of the rainforests. Which ofthese sentences are true (T) 7 and which are false (F)? a The "candpy" of the forest b c d e m ea ns the tops of the trees. 25% of at[ animal and pLant species live in the rainforest. Th ere are more than 4,000 types of tree. We get medicines from plants in the rainforest. A f I sometimes T to te[ since 1945. The forest "breathes in" oxygen, Like humans. us whi 6,000 years t i n forest, an( L-l remains. Hov argument? 8 ] ! what can destruction o a [ist ofideas 3 Look at the six points below. Rebecca mentions three ofthem. Which ones? Listen again and identifo them, and then explain each one. which are the 9 . . Here is a st or "green" iss is the most im choice to the beautv for visitors danger of climate change o fuLlof dangerous animaLs o good pLace to get wood o home of natjve Amerindian people . st tl lt We have Lost over haLfthe world's rainforests g ny pe down a[[you treatment for AIDS has been discovered in the rainforest. Ma tropicatcour rainforest. B . climate cha . acid rain . species in d . destruction important for medicalscience o . destruction pesticides a 1O It is sad w and they disapy Key Langua Look at this sentence from the tape. "We must stop now, or There are severaL forms which mean the same: "We must stop now; otherwise it will be too [ate." "We must stop now; if not, it witl be too [ate." "We must stop now; if we don't, "Ifwe don't stop now, it wi[[ 4 be it wi[[ be too [ate." too [ate." Can you remember a sentence from the tape which includes the word, otherwise? it wi[ be too late." 5 f a If we don't change our atlitude, there Rewrite these sentences cutting out and, using oth e rwi se/or. b c d e 'tCrite wi[[ be an ecologica I disaster. 11 -t-Design a T. Ifwe don'tsavethese animaLs, our about the ra'inf, green issue. gra ndchildren wi[L bla me us. If we don't use energy more carefulLy, poLlution wi[[ continue to increase. If we don't respectthe Earth, itwi[Ldie. If we don't thin k about the future, we won't have one. 12 Thin k ofa t that you know. inc[uding the pt that [ive there. t Where are they? 6 n .ts fr tr in Brazilwant to cut down the forest to make room for agricuLture. Tourists want to keep the forest so that they can see the wiLdtife. In groups, prepare the arguments on each side, and then talk about the issue in class. 7 Farmers in Britain think that countries shouLd preserve their Many peopte tropical z ninforest. But those countries jn Britain have cut down aIyour forest. You have no right to te[[ us what to do." ]t is true that sometimes say: "You H 6,000 years ago, Britain was covered c4 14 forest, and now only a tiny area remains. How do you feel about this in argument? 8 What can you do d to prevent the fr destruction of the rainforest? Make a ljst ofideas, then discuss and decide which are the most usefu[. 9 Here is a short 14 List of environmental or "green" issues. Which do you think js the most important? Exptain your choice to the class. ' . . . . . Which point in Question 9 goes with this picture? climate change - gtobal warming, or "the greenhouse effect" acid rain species in danger of extinction (eg. the rhino, the elephant, the tiger) destruction ofthe rainforest destruction of the countryside pesticides and other poLlution in food 10 Itissadwhenananimalorplantspeciesbecomesextinct.Butwedon'tfeel and fhey disappeared millions of yea rs ago. Does ng out 'f tlritc 11 about it Oesign a T-shjrt with a message about the rainforest or about another green issue. 12 think of a beautiful naturalplace thatyou know. Write a description, including the pLants and animaLs that Live there. it rea lly matter if we Lose a bad aboutthe dinosaurs few more species? - ?ages 58 - 6'1 Present perfect Second con 0n page 59 we saw how we can use the present perfect to talk about something which started in the past and continues'in the present. We use the present simpte to refer to situations now. compare: We use the seco atways expect tl Cor use in Bitain hos gtown dramaticolly over the plst 25 years. (present perfect) There ore now over 20 nilLion cars on If I Bitain's roods. (present sinpLe) won the (c0NDrTr( I The present perfect is formed by the ouxr liory verb have/hos + past participle Be careful - there are many irregular past participles! 1 In pairs, write the past participte of the fottowing Example: a need nce/c/ bbe c choose d stop e f g h ofthe main 1 wauld buy verb. (RESi Which tense do What do you nol verbs. bring wait tike 1 become 2 Here is a recent report on raiI trave[. In each sentence, choose the best tense for the verb: present perfect or present simple. Look at each p Example: Train use in Brilain decreoses/@@j@@@@ significantty over the past 20 years. Today many more people have/have had cars, and not as many use/hove used the train. The rail industry has a&o chonged/atso changes.Iwenly years ago there was onty one rail operator - now lhere are/hove been over 20. Although numbers of passengers go down/have gone down since 1980, fares rise/hove isen faster than i nflation. The situation that foces/h as faced the government today is very serious. 2 3 The word square below has eight words or terms from the unit on Green Issues (took at pages 58-61 you). See if you can find them. Can you remember what they mean? D N G R K U J R U E L K c 4 N G H T JR IE ES 50 TU BR DC WE ES KP Imagine it is the year 2100. Write a report on your country's traffic and public transport situation, and how it has changed over the past 100 years. Exampte: 0 c 5 N J H L 0 T 0 RP VB LN RL MR OV IM TP IO CF F A C i D R I l'r AM 5P WY BF YU ZM TE XS ZB NA to hetp Look at the sen Examp[e: 3 a If b I, t ir dt1 eIf fIf gIf hrf aIf brf clf drf eIf fif gIf Work in groups and three possibte Exam p[e: a 4/ 4t tt flc tra//it arolhn las aroun nrtl aor* ot,er ilc /osi'rritt,ry. for cxånpk. tlerc arc nou /00 ni//ron priuate tals ;h o/.r/ loa/s.. . Compare your questj Which group has the
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