Fellowship 500 A Trail Life USA Pinewood Derby Race Saturday, March 7, 2015 First Baptist Church Statesboro 108 North Main Street Statesboro, GA 30458 START TIME END TIME 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM - SCHEDULED EVENT Registration & Weigh-In Speed Race / Show Trophy Presentation Tagalong Race WE WILL ONLY RACE THE NUMBER OF CARS SIGNED UP DURING REGISTRATION. ALL DIVISIONS WILL RACE SIMILTANEOUSLY. AWARDS WILL BE BY DIVISION. ALL BOYS SHOULD BE IN UNIFORM AWARDS AND RECOGINITIONS: 1. The first, second, third and fourth place cars will receive a trophy for each division. 2. We will announce the winners of the show judging at the end of the race. We have 5 awards in the SHOW class: a. Best of Show - Most appealing car, best all around - eligible for District event b. Judges Favorite - Second most appealing c. Craftsman Award - Most work done by scout d. Best Design - Most original design e. Best Paint - Best or most original paint job 3. Group photos will be made at the end of the awards. PINEWOOD DERBY RACING RULES & SPECIFICATIONS 1. Participants must be registered with Trail Life and be on active status. An open race will be available for all family and friends who may wish to run a car directly after the awards ceremony. 2. Car Specifications A. All cars must be newly built for this event. Do not submit a car that has been previously used. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Only the axles, wheels, and body wood from the BSA kit are permitted. Other adornments ARE acceptable. C. Wheel bearing, washers, or bushings are prohibited. D. Wheels can be lightly sanded or filed to remove mold projection only, and cannot be otherwise altered. E. Only powdered graphite is permitted as wheel lubricant. F. Total width including wheel hub must no exceed 2 ¾ inches in total. G. The block of wood cannot be narrowed at the axle and the wheel axle slots cannot be changed. H. Total length must not exceed 7 inches total. It can be shorter, but the pre-cut axle slots cannot be moved. I. There is no height requirement other than the car must fit under the finish line. J. Total weight must not exceed 5 ounces total as weighed on the official race day scale. Every car will be weighed at registration and may be audited at any time during the races. K. Loose or taped materials are not permitted. Any added weight must be securely attached to car. L. Weights on the bottom of the car need to be recessed or it will drag on the raised strip on the track that runs between the car wheels. M. Nail for the wheels must be in the pre-cut slot provided. N. No “test runs” will be allowed prior to racing. O. All above requirements must be met even for “SHOW” cars. Prior to registration, racers will have an opportunity to give their cars to weigh their cars, apply graphite, and make any needed modifications to their vehicles. This will be the last time a parent will be allowed to touch the car until the racing is complete unless rule #7 comes into play. Registration and inspection will be held on a first come, first serve basis and car numbers will be assigned to cars in the order in which they are registered. All cars will be inspected to see if they comply with rules set forth in rule #2. After registration all cars must be placed in the “JUDGING AREA." The “JUDGING AREA” will be for the people who are determining the cars to be selected for the show awards. Adults only who do not have a scout racing in the group will do car judging. Separate forms will be provided for the judging so the boy's car number will only be known. The judges will select cars by number only. After cars have been judged, racing officials will move the cars to the “PIT AREA”, no lubrication or repairs can be made except as permitted by rule #7 below. Once in this area, they will remain in this area until they are eliminated from the race. Only race officials and scouts are allowed in the “PIT AREA.” If a car is disabled, the car may be repaired in the “GARAGE AREA” with the race officials supervising, but all repairs must be completed in 5 minutes or less. The race official will make the finial decision as to whether the car is still qualified to race. If a car leaves its designated lane and interferes with another car, the heat will be run again. However, if it leaves the track, leaves its lane, or has some object fall off and does not interfere with another car, the race will stand. All decisions by the appointed inspection committee and judges are final. Running Heats and Rounds 1. All of our racing is computer controlled. The track is fitted with electronic timers that are connected to a PC running GrandPrix Race Manager software. The boys' names will be entered into the computer during registration and the software will assign them a car number. 2. We will race using the Lane Rotation Method. Under this method, each car will run one time on each lane of the track. Heat schedules are constructed for random distribution of racers. This means that each car will race four times, once on each of the four lanes. 3. The computer tracks the time of each racer in each of the four races and keeps an average time for each car. 4. The winner of each division will be the car with the fastest average time. 5. All decisions of judges are final. REMEMBER THIS IS A COMPETITIVE EVENT. EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY PARENTS, SHOULD BE A GOOD SPORT.
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