STEWARTWEINBERG DAVID A. ROSENFEID WILLIAM A SOKOL BLYTHE MICKEl50N BARRY E. HINKLE JAMES J. WESSER ORRUIZ~KLIN ANTON MATTHEW J.6AUGER ASHLEY K, IKEDA . uNOAen~oww~oNes PATRICIA A. DAMS ALAN G. CROWIEV KRISTINA L HILLMAN .. EMILY P. RICH BRUCE A. HARLAND CONCEPCION E. LOZANO-BATISTA CAREN P. SENCER ANNE I. YEN KRISTINA M. 21NNEN JANNAH V. MANANSAIA MANUEL A. BOiGUES... KERIANNE R. STEELE •• GARY P. PROVENCHER EZEKIEL D. CARDER.... MONICA T. GUIZAR SHARON A. SEIDENSTEIN IISI R. DUNCAN WEINBERG7 ROGER & ROSENFELD A Professional Corporation ♦ /~ 1001 Marina Village Parkway, Su~le ZVD Alameda, CA 94501 TELEPHONE (510} 337-1001 FAX (510) 337-1023 JACOB J. WRITE SEAN D. GRAHAM JOLENE KRAMER STEPHANIE L. MARN• ANTHONY J. TUCG R08ERT E. SZYKOVJNY MICHAEL D. BURSTEIN ALEJANORO F. DELGADO MINSU D. LONGIARU ..... VWCENTA HARRINGTON, Ot Counsel PATRICIA M. GATES, OI Counsel ROBERTA D. PERKINS, Of Counsel NINA FENDEL, Ot Counsel TRACY 1. MAMGUY. Oi Counsel • Admitletl in Hawaii •• Also admitted In Nevada •.. glso admitted in Illinois •... q~so admitted in New York ••«• Also admittetl in New York and Michigan April 20, 2015 Regional Director National Labor Relations Board, Region 21 888 South Figueroa Street, 9th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017-5449 Re: WALMART Dear Regional Director: Enclosed is a Charge we are filing on behalf of OUR Walmart. This charge arises out of the we11-publicized decision by Walmart to suddenly close five stores on the pretext of a "plumbing" problem in each of the stores. Walmart's action was intended to target the Pico Rivera store, which has been the focal point of activity by Associates for better working conditions. This case warrants immediate relief under Section 1Q(j). Approximately 2200 Walmart Associates around the country have been thrown out of their jobs. Although Walmart has offered WARN Act payments, the employees are being asked to sign severance agreements in order to receive additional severance pay. Thus, Walmart is attempting to weed out many of the activists in the Pico Rivera store as well as the other stores who are subject to this sudden and wholly unexplained "closure" because of unexplained "plumbing problems." We are prepared to present a number of workers immediately to the Region who worked in the Pico Rivera store. They will describe the activity which has gone on in that store and elsewhere since at least 2012. The Region is already familiar with much of this because of Case 21-CA-10541, as well as other consolidated cases which are pending in various Regions or before various Administrative Law Judges. Please assign this immediately to a Board Agent who can begin taking statements in the next day or so. We will be presenting additional evidence in support of this. We expect that Walmart will come up with some pretextual argument that there was a "plumbing problem." No one in the City Administration of Pico Rivera was aware of any plumbing problem. No permits have been pulled or sought. This, in fact, is true of all five of the stores as far as we can tell. LOS ANGELES OFFICE 800 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1320 Los Angeles, CA 90017-2607 TEL 213.380.2344 FAX 213.443.5098 SACRAMENTO OFFICE 428 J Street, Suite 520 Sacramento, CA 95814-2341 TEL 916.443.6600 FAX 916.442.0244 HONOLULU OFFICE Union Plaza 1136 Union Mali, Suite 402 Honolulu, HI 96813-4500 TEL 808.528.8880 FAX 808.528.8881 Regional Director —Region 21 Apri120, 2015 Page 2 This appears to be wholly pretextual and was intended to punish the workers in the Pico Rivera stores as well as the other stores. The Board Agent should immediately contact me. Sincerely, t David A. Rosenfeld DARmc/kts Enclosure vsosoll FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C. 3512 INTERNET FORM NLRB-501 (2-08) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST EMPLOYER DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Case Date Filed INSTRUCTIONS: File an original with NLRB Regional Director for the Region in which the alleged unfair labor practice occurred or is occurring 1. EMPLOYER AGAINST WHOM CHARGE IS BROUGHT b. Tel. No. a. Name of Employer Walmart Stores, Inc. 4792734000 a Cell No. f. Fax No. e. Employer Representative d. Address (Street, city, state, and Z/P code) Doug Mcmillon 702 SW 8'" Street Bentonville AR 72716 g. e-Mail h. Numberofworkersemployed 1,000,000 plus .Identify principal product or service . Type of Establishment (factory, mine, who%safer, etc.) sales retail stores k. The above-named em to er has en a ed in and is en a in in unfair labor ractices within the meanin of section 8 a subsections 1 and (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a c%ar and concise statement of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) See Attachment 3. Full name of party filing charge (if labor organization, give ful( name, including local name and number) Organization United For Respect At Walmart b. Tel. No. 888-957-3773 4a. Address (Street and number, city, state, and ZiP code) P.O. Box 66536, Washingon D.C. 20036 c. Cell No. d. Fax No. e. e-Mail 2. 5. Full name of national or international labor organization of which it is an affiliate or constituent unit (to be filled in when charge is filed by a labor organization) 6. DECIARATiON Tel. No. 510 3377304 i declare that I have read the above charge and that the statements are true to the best of my knowledge Office, if 8ny, Cell No. David A Rosenfeld, Attorney for Fax No. 510 3371023 and belief. By (signatur of representative or pe Address: e) (PnnUtype name and title or once, if any) 1001 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 200, Alameda California Apfil 20, 2015 510 715 4218 e-Mail drosenfeldCu~unioncoun (date) WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitation of the information on this form is authorized by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. § 151 et seq. The principal use of the information is to assist the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in processing unfair labor practice and related proceedings or litigation. The routine uses for the information are fully set forth in the Federal Register, 71 Fed. Reg. 74942-43 (Dec. 13, 2006). The NLRB will further explain these uses upon request. Disclosure of this information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to supply the information will cause the NLRB to decline to invoke its processes. Attachment Statement of Basis of Charge and Request for Injunctive Relief Within the last week Walmart has suddenly closed the Pico Rivera store throwing over 500 Associates out of work. The Pico Rivera store. has been the center of concerted action by Associates to improve the wages and working conditions of all Walmart Associates around the country. The Pico Rivera store is where members of OUR Walmart first went on strike in 2012 against the company's illegal threats and retaliation. Associates from this store have participated in strikes, civil disobedience, worker delegations and talking to other Walmart Associates to improve the workplace. They have raised issues of scheduling, pay, benefits, part time work, unfair treatment and discrimination through out the country. Walmart has. claimed that there is a "plumbing issue" which caused it to suddenly close the store without warning. City officials in Pico Rivera say that nothing has been brought to their attention and no permits at all have .been sought for any work. Walmart has targeted this store because the Associates. have been. among themost active Associates around the country to improve working conditions In order to mask this, Walmart has closed 4 other stores making the same "plumbing" claim. Other local government officials have raised similar concerns that this is all pretextual. It is unheard of in the retail industry to close stores which are profitable just to fix".plumbing;' Walmart has refused to disdase the nature of the "plumbing" issue or to explain why it was necessary to close the store to fix "plumbing." This unprecedented "closure" to fix."plumbing' is .part of Walmart's overall national strategy to punish Associates who stand up and speak out for better working conditions. The General Counsel has already issued complaint in many other cases which are in various stages of litigation. One Administrative law Judge has recently issued a decision finding many violations. This is just another blatant example of unlawful retaliation which affects not only the over 500 Associates at Pico Rivera but the approximately 1700 more affected in other stores. Walmart has previously dosed a store. in retaliation for worker organizing: last year the Canadian Supreme Court ruled that Walmart had broken the law by dosing a store where workers had noted to form a union, The Charging Party request the Board seek immediate injunctive relief under Section 10(j) of the Act. The Board should seek injunctive relief compelling Walmart to rehire every one of the 2200 Associates who have been terminated in all 5 stores. Each one of the Associates should be reinstated to their own stores, alternatively transferred to other stores without loss of pay and paid by Walmart until reinstated in their own stores. 1/807992
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