The Messenger June, 2015 Volume 21, Issue 6 NEWSINSIDE: Session: Actions Reports&Reminders WorshipVolunteers CoffeeHourSchedule MaplewoodHappenings: MarthaCircle DeaconNews VBSReminder NurserySchedule More: Children’sChurch CongratstoGrads SpecialPrayerConcerns FYI: VIPCalendarDates MissionsTyphoonReport PraisesforDads MusicalNotes ChurchLife ComingEvents Celebrate/Commemorate CalendarofEvents TheSeasonoftheSpirit Haveyoueverheardtheexpression,“Welivewherewelook”?OurLord said it a different way, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” What we give our attention to, what we place our loyalty in, where we spend our time and money, that is where we will live our lives. We live wherewelook.Morethanthat,theplacewelivewillhaveitseffectonus. For us as Jesus' followers, the truth is pretty much the same: We live where we look! That's why Jesus told us to love the Lord with all heart, soul,mindandstrength.Whatwetreasure,whereweplaceourfocusin eachoftheseareasofourlives,willaffectus.Wepursuewhatwetreasure. Rather than a threat, however, this principle holds great promise for us as God's children in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. Notice what Paul told the Corinthians: For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord — who is the Spirit — makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). From Our PASTOR Paul promised the Corinthians, and at the same time promised you and me, that if Christ is our focus, if Jesus has our heart and we focus upon him,thentheHolySpiritgivesusthefreedomandpowertobecomelike Jesusalittlemoreeachday Paul says something similar to the believers in the churches of Galatia whenhetalksaboutthefruitoftheSpirit.Therearethingsthatnaturally happen in the physical world and in a similar way, there are "Spirit‐ natural" things that happen for those who have the Holy Spirit living insidethem:webegintotakeonthecharacterandcompassionofJesusby displayinginourlivestheSpirit'sfruit: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self‐control; against such things thereisnolaw(Galatians5:22‐23). Continued... The Maplewood MISSION STATEMENT: TO KNOW CHRIST and TO MAKE HIM KNOWN By LEADING People to a Saving Faith in Jesus Christ, NURTURING and EQUIPPING People in the Faith, Love and Knowledge of Jesus Christ, DEPLOYING People in Servant Ministries to the Rest of the World. STAFF & CONTACTS PASTOR: Steve LaSor 724-836-3784 CHURCH OFFICE: Diane Dale 724-834-4960 MUSIC DIRECTOR: Jim Overly Elders & Committees: Christian Education David Hileman,Chair Donna Costelnock, CoChair Church Life Carol Limegrover, Chair Jean Gleditsch, Co-Chair Finance John Potts, Chair Membership Bob Rymer, Chair Katy Doran, Co-Chair Missions Bob Bereit, Chair Personnel To Be Determined Property Ray McAteer, Chair Allan Neville, Co-Chair Worship Mike Cerilli, Chair Arlene Troster, Co-Chair Clerk of Session Mary Jane Myers Deacons Chair Marie LaSor Treasurer Arlene Troster Financial Secretary Roy Myers Webmaster Bob Bereit Messenger Staff Katy Doran Marie LaSor From the Pastor continued . . .. These are the character qualities of Jesus! The Spirit is at work to make us more like Jesus To say that we live where we look is a spiritual reality — a promise given to us by Paul that is assured by the presence of the Spirit. However, we determine how much of this transformation by the Spirit happens in us. Where we focus and what we treasure owns our heart and sets the direction for our lives. We live where we look! As we come to the end of our regular church calendar and enter the summer months, I want to say again what I’ve been saying all year to our Sunday Adult class, let's focus upon Jesus! Let's unleash the Spirit's power of transformation most of us who love Jesus desperately seek in our lives. Summer is not a time to take a vacation from our faith! My prayer for you, and I hope your prayer for me, is that Jesus can become real to you and be seen in you a little more each day. The Holy Spirit is at work to help this transformation happen. We just need to keep our focus on Christ…because we live where we look! The Spirit of the Lord be upon you!! In Christ! Steve News from Session Actions approved by Session in May: 1. ACTION: to transfer Bernard Heartjens membership, with regret, to Westminster Presbyterian Church 2. ACTION: to accept the bid from Raimondo Construction contingent on receiving the Byers Trust money. Reports & Reminders Worship: June 6 and August 8 there will be special musical programs at Maplewood. Finance: They are looking for someone to help Arlene as Assistant Treasurer. Church Life: They are looking for ways to save money for the Christmas dinner. Missions: American Cancer Society will be running a Relay for Life on June 6 and 7. Local churches will staff a booth where relay participants can come for prayer. Maplewood will staff this on June 6 from 10-11 am. Property: JPS Landscaping of Irwin will do the lawn work. Task Force – Elder B. Rymer reported we received only one bid for the lift project and handicapped restrooms. The bid from Raimondo Construction is a total of $167,392. This bid is valid for 75 days and if we accept the bid the work will be complete in 90 days. Steve will contact John Scales about talking to the judge to get the funds from the Byers Trust. Christian Education – Pastor Steve read the letter regarding state required background checks he will be sending to all volunteers and personnel that work with children. Membership Committee - Elder B. Rymer reported they are checking with the University of Pittsburgh to see what kind of programs we could establish that would be attractive to their students. Next Session Meeting will be June 15, 2015 . WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS Communion Preparation: Cindy Conrath, Ron Shafer Communion Servers : Marie LaSor, Donna Anderson, Cindy Conrath, Donna Costelnock, Val & Ray McAteer Lay Reader: June 7, 14 – Sue Kramer June 21, 28 – Bob Bogert Greeters: June 7 – Jean Gleditsch, Evalinda Rose June 14, 28 – Cerilli Family Ushers: Bill Young, Ron Shafer Acolytes: June 7th - Maura Hileman June 14th - Rachel Rossi June 21st - Liam Hileman June 28th - Tyler Williams July 5th - Jonathan Bouknight Coffee Hour Schedule – 2015 June-Martha Circle July-Choir Aug-Church Picnic Sept-Worship Oct-Mission Nov-Christian Ed Maplewood Happenings MARTHA CIRCLE Our plans for the summer have been completed. 13 of our group enjoyed breakfast at Eat N’Park on May 20th. We missed our members who were either out of town, taking care of family or ill. We’ll have to go out to breakfast again in the near future. After a short business meeting we were given a handout explaining the meaning of Pentecost Sunday and Ordinary Days. On June 17th we will have our annual picnic at the home of Mary Lou Constable. Everyone is invited to join us and bring a friend and your favorite picnic food. Please let Mary Lou know if you plan to attend. On July 15th we will have a brunch at The Supper Club, Greensburg train station. More on this in a later bulletin. On August 28th we plan, as a group, to attend the Jeanne Robertson show at the Palace Theater in Greensburg. Jeanne Robertson is a professional speaker who specializes in hilarious humor based on her life experiences. Speaking to thousands of people annually, she utilizes her positively funny style to illustrate that a sense of humor is much more than a laughing matter. It is a strategy for success. All ladies of the church and a friend are invited to join us. Deacon News: The Deacon's next home communion will be on Sunday, June 7th. Please let Marie know if there is someone you would like to be included on our list. THANK YOU!! The revived Nursery has been a big success! A special Thank You to all the ladies who have volunteered to assist in this valiant mission. You are doing a wonderful job and it is most appreciated. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: JUNE NURSERY VOLUNTEERS Mark your calendars for Maplewood's Summer Splash 3!!! August 3rd August 6th. Adults and "older" youth please watch for sign-ups to volunteer! 7/05/15: Arlene Troster and Peggy Potts 7/12/15: Val McAteer and Susan Witt 7/19/15: Carol Limegrover, Donna Anderson, Bonnie Peebly 7/26/15: Christy Musgrove and Melissa Witt ________________________________________ 8/02/15: Carmella McCormick and Katy Doran More Happenings CHILDREN’S CHURCH VOLUNTEERS: Maplewood is now winding down with Sunday School and Children's Church for the summer. We would like to continue the Children's Church at the end of summer, so we would like to ask for your help. We know what a convenience it is to parents, and a great learning experience it is for the kids. Please help us in continuing this by volunteering. Contact Mike Cerilli at 724-961-2521, or at Thank you. High School Nicholas Rossi - Greensburg Salem Alexis Hileman - Penn Trafford Heidi Thorne – Latrobe College Autumn Limegrover - University of Pittsburgh Kimberly Casteel - Westmoreland Community College INSPECIALNEEDOFPRAYER Jo Foti Ruth Gordon Jim Frye Dave Gosser Pastor Steve’s parents Bill McBride Duane Miller Pat Marsh’s mother John Scales Susan Witt’s mother & uncle, Don Smeltzer New Additions in BOLD Several of your prayer requests have been removed. If you or your family member is still in need of prayer, please complete a Prayer request card (in pews), notify Katy Doran or leave a note in “The Messenger” box in the Church Office. Prayers for our Maplewood Church Leaders Prayers for our High School & College grads, our College Students Prayers for our local, national and world leaders, our armed forces and their families Prayers for our persecuted Christian brothers & sisters world-wide Prayers for our missionary families, the Carlsons & the Saldis FYI and More VIP Calendar Dates: Every Friday, 7:00AM, Men’s Study Breakfast, Eat’n Park Every Wednesday, 10:15AM, Women’s Book Club Every Sunday, 10:00AM, Prayer Ministry (Summer Schedule) 1st Committees: Christian Ed, Church Life 2nd & 16th Women in Stitches th 6 Food Bank Distribution Committees: Mission, Finance, Property 8h 9th Committee: Membership th 15 Session Meets 16st Personal Money Matters, 1:00PM 27th Food Bank Collection 29th Deacons SPRING CHOIR DINNER: All choir members who have not signed up for the June 12th dinner should do so before June 7th. We will be gathering at Rizzo’s in Crabtree at 6:30PM and we will choose from their menu. If you plan to attend, please sign up in Jim’s office. MISSIONS: TYPHOON REPORT FROM THE CARLSONS: Hi Bob, Thanks for writing. Yes, we are doing fine now. Things have been quite hectic since category 5 Tropical Cyclone Pam ripped through Vanuatu March13. There was incredible devastation. The building we were staying in suffered some damage and one of our other guest houses lost the roof and much of the furniture inside was damaged. But we have a work team from Wycliffe Australia in Vanuatu this week working on repairs. The local people we worked with on Tanna took a really hard hit. Almost all the bamboo/thatch houses were knocked down or blown away. But praise God, there was very little loss of life. Now the people are replanting and rebuilding. The destroyed gardens are their primary concern. Various governments and aid agencies came in right away to help get things moving in the right direction. I think it will be a long time before schools and churches are rebuilt though. So much remains to be done. I am thinking that most if not all of the Bible and MegaVoice players we had distributed would have been destroyed. But some of the undistributed books and players are still safe and ready to give out to people. We just got into Los Angeles today, and we'll be in Pennsylvania on Wed. We'll be here until at least July, and then return to Vanuatu. We would love to come down and share at the church sometime in June or July if you would like. Just let me know. Thank you to all of you at Maplewood for your support and prayers. Greg Praises for Fathers Silent Strong Dad Special Hero He never looks for praises He's never one to boast He just goes on quietly working For those he loves the most His dreams are seldom spoken His wants are very few And most of the time his worries Will go unspoken too He's there.... A firm foundation Through all our storms of life A sturdy hand to hold to In times of stress and strife A true friend we can turn to When times are good or bad One of our greatest blessings, The man that we call Dad. When I was a baby, you would hold me in your arms. I felt the love and tenderness, keeping me safe from harm. I would look up into your eyes, and all the love I would see. How did I get so lucky, you were the dad chosen for me. There is something special about a father's love. Seems it was sent to me from someplace up above. Our love is everlasting, I just wanted you to know. That you're my special hero and I wanted to tell you so. In Memory Of My Dad If I could write a story It would be the greatest ever told Of a kind and loving father Who had a heart of gold If could write a million pages But still be unable to say, just how Much I love and miss him Every single day I will remember all he taught me I'm hurt but won't be sad Because he'll send me down the answers And he'll always be MY DAD Sources: Family Friend Poems MUSICAL NOTES from JIM I'm writing this at the tail end of the National Worship Leader Conference in Centreville, VA, where I had the blessing of hearing a panel discussion and attending 2 breakout workshops led by Bill and Gloria Gaither. I'm going to share some of the wisdom they shared with us. I hope it inspires and challenges you as much as it did me. *How do we balance the old and the new? How and why does a hymn or praise and worship song "stick"? Is there a way to determine and/or forecast that? *Information can be transmitted virtually instantaneously these days...but how many of us actually have anything worth saying and sharing? *Fires - like campfires, firepits, chimineas, and barbecues - draw people to them. If you don't build a fire, they won't come. (In the local church, how do you build an inviting fire?) *We can't fight AND harmonize at the same time. (Remember the school board members in the musical "The Music Man"? Ice cream. "Ladies, you will never see these 4 men without each other again.") *It's not singing the melody in unison, or all together, that makes the body function, but singing in parts. The local church, as well as the global body of Christ, needs to remember that, and appreciate and accept EVERYONE who makes up the body of Christ. *There's nothing wrong with "contemporary"...EVERYTHING has been contemporary at some point in time. We need to remember, though, that contemporary contains the word "temporary", and is relatively fleeting. *According to Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Los Angeles, "This is not about you." This is the opening sentence in his book The Purpose-Driven Life. So who is it about? It's about God, and it's about others. I'm going to leave you with a question that was generated from several workshops I attended this week, and I seriously want feedback from anyone who is a part of Maplewood, regardless of age, gender, or any other characteristic that might make you feel set apart from our music ministry: ??? HOW CAN I SERVE YOU??? I love y'all, and I'm looking forward to a fun-filled summer with our Summer Concert Series, Maplewood Follies: Christmas in July, VBS, and whatever else pops up throughout the next few months. God bless! = ) In Him, Jim CHURCH LIFE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please be sure to mark your calendar for the following upcoming events at Maplewood. Summer Concert Series presents: Brad Yoder with Special Guest, Jason Rafalak June 6, 2015 at 7:00 pm Coffee House in the fellowship hall. $5 at the door. Christmas in July – July 25 & 26 at 7:00 pm Jim Overly, Jamie DeRosa and Matt LaSor ‐ August 8 or 15th at 7:00 pm When: August 16 Where: Twin Lakes Pavillion 5 Time: 10:45 Service, Lunch at noon Bring your favorite covered dish to share SEPTEMBER – Dinner for SIX – watch the bulletin for sign ups in August Christmas Dinner When: December 20 Celebrate or Commemorate Do you have a birthday, anniversary, graduation or other special occasion to rejoice about? Are you remembering a loved one who has died? Are you joyful about God’s love? If so, share these events with others by placing flowers in our church for Sunday service. It’s very easy. Choose a date you wish to have flowers, fill out the form below and put in the church’s office. The rest will be taken care of for you. For $20.00, you can have fresh flowers for a service, a note in the bulletin to commemorate your special occasion and you can take the flowers home with you. If you do not want the flowers, the Deacons can deliver them to shut-ins. Detach and send to church office: M.U.P.C., 108 Woodland Road, Greensburg, PA 15601 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Name____________________________________________Phone________________ Date for flowers (Sunday)________________ Notice for bulletin to read: In honor of___________________________________________ OR: In memory of__________________________________________________________ I wish to (check one)_____take the flowers after the service _____let the Deacons deliver them to shut-ins --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June Celebrations 6…..Christen Tyner 15…Michelle Gordon 9…..Ron Shafer Ellen Thorne George Roth 17…Maura Hileman Roger McCormick Erin Thompson 10…Babe Pacienza Mike Troster 20…John Marsh 22…Maryann McCoy 11…James Fry Linda Paul 23…Adam Truxal 12…Coleman Brumley 25…Alexis Hileman 13…Bill Young 26…Audrey Reid 14…Rosemary Fry 29…Chris Rossi JUNE 2015 Sunday 31 9:30 AM Food Bank Collection 10:00 AM Prayer Group 10:45 AM Worship Service 12:00 PM Coffee Hour Monday 1 7:00 PM Christian Ed 7:00 PM Church Life Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 10:15 AM Women's Book Club 7:30 PM NAR-ANON Thursday 4 11:00 AM Presby 7:00 PM C.O.M Friday 5 7:00 AM Men's Study Breakfast Saturday 6 9:00 AM Food Bank 7:00 PM Yoder/Rafalak Concert 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Communion Sunday 10:00 AM Prayer Group 10:45 AM Worship Service 10:00 AM Prayer Group 10:45 AM Worship Service 7:00 PM Finance 7:00 PM Missions 7:00 PM Property 7:00 PM Session 2:00 PM Membership 10:15 AM Women's Book Club 7:30 PM NAR-ANON 9:30 AM Mental Health 7:00 AM Men's Study Breakfast 7:00 AM Men's Study Breakfast 11:00 AM Martha Circle Annual Picnic 7:30 PM NAR-ANON 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 1 2 3 4 7:00 PM Deacons 10:15 AM Women's Book Club 7:30 PM NAR-ANON 10:00 AM Presby 7:00 AM Men's Study Breakfast Father's Day 10:00 AM Prayer Group 10:45 AM Worship Service 12:00 PM Coffee Hour 28 9:30 AM Food Bank Collection 10:00 AM Prayer Group 10:45 AM Worship Service 10:15 AM Women's Book Club 7:30 PM NAR-ANON 11:00 AM Presby 7:00 PM C.O.M 7:00 AM Men's Study Breakfast Independence Day 9:00 AM Food Bank
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