Latest Bulletin - Maranatha Church

Welcome to
Maranatha Church
6553 Portsmouth Rd.,
Nanaimo, BC V9V 1A3
Phone: 250-390-2152
Fax: 250-390-2168
Hours: Mon-Fri 9-4:30
If you would like to meet with one of our
pastors, please call or e-mail them to
make an appointment.
Maranatha Church:
Pastor Barry Hansen
250.390.2152 ext.102
Assistant Pastor - Karen Jordan
Office Administrator - Jony Pearson
250.390.2152 ext.100
On Eagle’s Wings Church:
Rodger Schmidt
Pastor’s Corner:
Followers of Jesus are called to live and love generously. This phrase has a
pleasant ring to it but what does it really mean?
To “love” generously means to allow the love of God to flow through you towards all people. This includes the people you like and agree with but it also
includes those you are at odds with. Jesus set the bar VERY high when he
said that we’re to even love our enemies. Of course, a love like that is unnatural, which is why we need the love of God in our hearts to accomplish it.
To “live” generously means to allow the generous Spirit of God to overflow
through your life in service to and for the benefit of others—friends and
strangers alike. Such generous living includes our time, resources, words,
actions, and God-given abilities. It is a life of self-sacrifice but also one that
Jesus said is the most fulfilling and rewarding life that we can experience on
this side of heaven. And in the same way that generous loving is unnatural,
so is generous living because humans by nature are prone towards
I know many people who believe in Jesus and endeavour to follow him and
his ways but struggle in the area of generous living. A quick glimpse at how
they spend their time and money reveals a disconnection between what they
believe and how they live. This isn’t a statement of judgement but merely an
observation of reality. The sad truth is that they think they’re living the best life
possible when in fact they have settled for a poor substitute that will never
satisfy them—God will not allow his children to experience satisfaction in life
apart from walking in his ways, which involve both loving and living
A place of receiving,
restoring, and releasing...
So where are you in this regard? If you drew a line with one end marked “very
generous” and the other end marked “very selfish,” where would you place
yourself? Now invite the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and move you up the
scale towards the place called “abundant life.”
Learning to love and live more generously alongside you,
Pastor Barry
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Pre-Service Prayer: 9:30-9:50am in Room 201
Family Worship Service: 10:00am
Sermon: Pastor Barry Hansen
“God’s everlasting love"
Sunday School: dismissed during the service.
 Supervised Nursery: (Ages 0-2) in Room 102
 Preschool (Ages 3-4) in Room 101
 Kindergarten to Grade 2 in Room 103
 Grades (3-5) in Room 202 (upstairs)
Note: Room 100 is available for nursing mothers of young children with piped-in
audio of the service.
Please join us for a cup of coffee in the foyer after the service. All are welcome!
Watchman on the Wall Prayer Hour: — Room 103, 4-5pm
Sunday Night Men - The Brotherhood —7:30 – 9pm in Room 103
Open to all men 18+ that want to connect, fellowship and pray with & for other
men. Further info, please contact Dave Rowett,
This Week:
Women's Connection—Tuesdays, 7-9pm, Room 103. For women of all
ages seeking friendship, encouragement, and real stories of life and faith.
Contact Lainya Rowett for more info: or
Coffee Connection — Wednesdays, 10-11am, Room 103
Amplify—Senior Youth, Grades 8-12, Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00pm,
Room 103. For info please contact Garrett Beisel, 250.751.5301 or
Awaken—Junior Youth, Grades 5-7, Fridays, 7-9pm. For info please
contact Stephanie Dueck, 250.739.0805 or
 Additional info on the bulletin boards in the gym hallway.
Summer Student Job Opportunities
We have once again been blessed with a federal government grant to hire to
hire two full-time summer students. Perhaps you know someone who qualifies
for the job and would be interested.
The jobs involve working with children in the church and community. Both positions are 40 hours/week and begin on June 21 and run for 10 weeks until August 30. To qualify, the applicant must have a social insurance number, be at
least 16 years old, and is a full-time student who will be returning to full-time
studies in the fall. High school, college, and university students are all eligible.
Interested applicants should contact Pastor Barry directly and submit a resume
as soon as possible. or 250.390.2152
"Planning Your Final Wishes" Brechin United Church (1998 Estevan Rd.)
An important four-week free series. These will take place Tuesday evenings,
7-8:30 p.m. on April 14, 21, 28 and May 5. The expert speakers will provide
information and guidance for "end of life" planning for yourself or others close to
April 28 - Ron Whyte (Funeral Director, First Memorial Funeral Services) Information on the scope of services to assist with planning in preparation for and
after death.
April 28 - Sally Bullas (Minister of Brechin United Church) Exploring ways and
means of celebrating life with a memorial or other service of remembrance.
May 5 - Darren Colyn (Spiritual Health Practitioner and Chaplain at
NRGH). Focus on faith perspective and what he has witnessed about preparing ourselves for death. Admission Free
Prayer Chain
If you have a request for prayer, a
praise report, or if you would like to
be a part of the Prayer Chain, please
contact Kathy Ford at 250.758.2792
Please use only spill-proof beverage
containers in the Sanctuary.
A Donation Station is located
outside in the foyer, where donations
and / or payments to the church can
be made. The machine accepts debit
cards only.
Sunday Sermons may be accessed
on our website at or ordered
from the Sound Technician at the
Sound Booth. CDs that are picked up
in person are free-of-charge.
Flooring Project