MORANA MIHALJEVIĆ Marine Palaeoecology Lab, Gerhmann Building (Level 8), School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, St. Lucia QLD 4072, Australia T: +61 7 33659753, M: +61 410 840 042, EDUCATION 02/2011- 02/2015 PhD Candidate, The University of Queensland Thesis title: ‘The Eocene-Miocene evolution of coral reefs from the Central Indo-Pacific’ Supervisors: Prof. John Pandolfi & Dr. Kevin Welsh 01/2009 - 02/2010 MSc in Biology (Paleontology), The University of Zurich Supervisors: Prof. Marcelo Sánchez & Dr. Christian Klug 10/2004 - 12/2008 BSc in Biology, The University of Zurich 10/2003 - 09/2004 Biology undergraduate, The University of Zagreb RESEARCH INTEREST ‣ Evolutionary diversity patterns of marine invertebrates ‣ Taxonomy and phylogeny of marine invertebrates ‣ Biogeographical patterns in a macroevolutionary context PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 10/2014 - 12/2014 10/2014 - 12/2014 Post-doctoral Researcher ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies Research Assistant, Global Change Institute, The University of Queensland 09/2010 - 12/2010 Collection Assistant, Paleontological Institute and Museum, The University of Zurich 09/2009 - 06/2010 Museum Assistant - Visitor Centre, Paleontological Institute and Museum, The University of Zurich 05/2009 - 06/2009 Research Assistant, Institute for Zoology, Ecology Department, The University of Zurich 09/2008 - 12/2009 Research Assistant, Institute of plant science (Applied Entomology), The ETH Zurich 02/2008 - 07/2008 Research Assistant, Institute of plant science (Applied Entomology), The ETH Zurich Collection Assistant, Entomological collection, The ETH Zurich 10/2007 - 12/2007 02/2006 - 03/2006 Research Assistant, Zoological Museum, The University of Zurich TEACHING EXPERIENCE 02/2015 - 04/2015 Tutor, School Readiness and Primary School The Begin Bright Centre 10/2014 - 11/2014 Tutor, International Program for Stanford University, 1/3 The University of Queensland 3/2014 - 11/2014 Tutor, Australia's Marine Environment (MARS2005), The University of Queensland 3/2014 - 06/2014 Tutor, Marine Sciences Course (MARS2014), The University of Queensland 09/2013 - 11/2013 Tutor, Zoology (BIOL2204), The University of Queensland 03/2013 - present Tutor, Moreton Bay Research Station, The University of Queensland 03/2013 - 06/2013 09/2012 - 11/2012 Tutor, Marine Sciences Course (MARS2014), The University of Queensland Tutor, Evolution (BIOL2201), The University of Queensland 09/2012 - 11/2012 Tutor, Zoology (BIOL2204), The University of Queensland 01/2012 Tutor, Science Experience Event, The University of Queensland 03/2012 - 06/2012 Tutor, Marine Sciences Course (MARS2014), The University of Queensland 04/2006 - 05/2009 Tutor, Biodiversity of Invertebrates, The University of Zurich SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS OBTAINED 01/2013 05/2012 Southeast Asian Gateway Evolution Travel Grant School of Biological Sciences Conference Support Award for attending the 2nd International conference on Southeast Asian Gateway Evolution, Berlin 05/2012 School of Biological Sciences Conference Support Award for attending the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns 02/2011 - 08/2014 University of Queensland International Scholarship 10/2010 Third prize for oral presentation on 7th European Conference on Echinoderms, Goettingen 10/2009 Swiss Paleontological Society Travel Award for attending the 80. Annual Meeting of the Palaeontologischen Gesellschaft, Bonn Walter and Anne Marie Boveri Foundation Scholarship 09/2006 - 02/2010 MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES 03/2013 08/2012 2nd International Southeast Asian Gateway Evolution Meeting 14th International Echinoderm Conference, Brussels 07/2012 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns 10/2011 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies Symposium, Fremantle 08/2011 86th Annual Conference of the Australian Coral Reef Society, Sunshine Coast 10/2010 7th European Conference on Echinoderms, Goettingen 10/2009 80. Annual Meeting of the Palaeontologischen Gesellschaft, Bonn COURSES AND WORKSHOPS 04/2013 Social Media in Science Organized by: Science Media Space 02/2013 Communicating Science Organized by: ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies 08/2011 Coral Finder Workshop (coral taxonomy) Organized by: Russell Kelly and Australian Coral Reef Society 10/2010 “The ABCs of Guided tours in the Museum” Course Organized by: International council of Museums (ICOM), Switzerland 2/3 PUBLIC OUTREACH AND SERVICE 02/15 Organized a bi-annual conference of the Centre of Marine Sciences at the 11/14 - present University of Queensland Reviewer: PeerJ 10/14 - present Media officer of the UQ’s Centre for Marine Sciences Communications and Engagement Working Group 07/2013 - present Active member of the UQ’s Centre for Marine Sciences Communications and Engagement Working Group 2011 - 2012 Author of multiple popular science articles for the Associations for the promotion of biology and related sciences - and 2011 - present Designer and moderator of the Marine Palaeoecology website 2009 - 2010 Conducted over 30 guided tours through the Paleontological Institute and Museum, The University of Zurich 09/2010 Museum event: Fossil identification Paleontological Institute and Museum, The University of Zurich 05/2010 Constructed phylogeny puzzles used in museums guiding tours for children in the Zoological Museum, The University of Zurich 07/2010 Information board about marine Invertebrates, Jadrija (CRO) (self initiative) 11/2009 Museum talks for general public Paleontological Institute and Museum, The University of Zurich Museum Event: Night in a Museum Paleontological Institute and Museum, The University of Zurich 09/2009 09/2009 Exhibition Tree of Life - Darwin Year Event The University of Zurich 09/2009 Organized and conducted an exhibition about Echinoderms Paleontological Institute and Museum, The University of Zurich 07/2009 Information board about marine Invertebrates, Jadrija (CRO) 07/2008 Information board about marine Invertebrates, Jadrija (CRO) PAPERS IN PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS [3] Mihaljević, M., Renema, W., Welsh, K. J. & Pandolfi, J. M. 2014 Eocene-Miocene shallow-water carbonate platforms and increased habitat diversity in Sarawak, Malaysia. PALAIOS, 27(3): 378-391. [2] Mihaljević, M., Jerjen, I. & Smith, A. B. 2011 The test architecture of Clypeaster (Echinoidea, Clypeasteroida) and its phylogenetic significance. ZooTaxa,!2983: 21-38. [1] Mihaljević, M., Klug, C., Aguilera, O., Wyss, P., Lüthi, T. & Sánchez-Villagra, M. R. 2010 Palaeodiversity of Caribbean Echinoids Including New Material from the Venezuelan Neogene. Palaeontologia Electronica, 13(3), 13.3.20A. 3/3
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