Spring Edition 2015

Guzz Gazette
W e b
S i t e :
w w w . d e v o n p o r t - c o m m a n d - f i e l d g u n . c o . u k
Devonport Field Gun Association
R e g .
c h a r i t y
N o . 1 1 4 6 9 7 1
“ n i l
n i s i
o p t i m a ”
P a t r o n s :
Spring, Issue 2 , 2015
Mission Statement and Objectives
1. To disseminate the origin and history of the
Royal Navy Command Field Gun competition
by setting up, maintaining and developing a
Heritage Centre at Crownhill Fort. Particular
reference will be made to the naval field gun
in the context of the Boer War and Britain’s
activities in Southern Africa.
2. To use the heritage centre to display and
conserve the field gun equipment,
memorabilia, photographs and artwork.
The relocated, and most recently renovated,
Heritage Centre Field Gun Museum is now ready to
be visited & viewed. Thanks to a dedicated team of
regular ‘Ship’s Cleaning Party’ led by Rear Admiral
Mike Thomas (pictured). The team, who attend each
Wednesday, have dedicated many months of
attention to the modernised presentation and ‘new
look’ of our past history & artefacts which are
displayed in chronological order finishing in today’s
current RNRM Field Gun section. It also
encapsulates our involvement with our Junior Field
Gun Initiative which we have introduced to schools
and our Charity events which take place within the
community. In celebration of our new display we are
having a grand opening day, Monday 18th May 2015, which will be attended by The Lord Mayor
of Plymouth, dignitaries, sponsors, RNRM Field Gun Crew & School Junior Field Gun Crews
displays along with families, association members & supporters. So mark the following date in
your diaries:
Grand Opening Day May 18th 2015 - 11am
3. To make the Heritage Centre freely
accessible to the
public, and the local
Plymouth community in particular, in
pursuance of Objective 1.
4. To give presentations, stage exhibitions
and give demonstrations for the local
community in pursuance of Objective 1.
5. To maintain a position as a centre for naval
field gun technical advice, practical support
and encouragement freely available to all who
continue all forms of field gun competition:
particularly youth groups.
6. To forge and maintain working links with
other related heritage organisations and
7. To be the leading association to foster and
support the fraternity of former Command
field gunners and those who practise other
forms of field gun competition.
8. To raise funds:
a. In support of these objectives.
b. For recognised naval and military charities.
c. To give aid and support to former
Command field gunners who find themselves
in distressed circumstances.
Inside this issue:
Contact Guzz Gazette Editor Email: dfgawebmaster@btinternet.com
Post: GG Editor, 60 Polmear Parc, Par, PL24 2AU
South Dartmoor Community College, at Ashburton, held a Boer War/Field Gun two day STEM
Lesson Event which covered all sorts of matters that occurred during the Boer War. It involved
students producing foods similar to that which was provided to the troops, making gunpowder,
discussing it’s History and the Naval participation
in it. Over two days 247 students took part in doing
a ‘Run Out’ with junior FG equipment, where the
boys competed against the girls. Winners of each
run out were able to fire our real 12 pounder ‘Big’
gun which was situated near by.
An eventful period for all the students and a good
exercise for our association’s JFG Initiative. The
college reports that their problem with low flying
seagulls over the school diminished those two days!
Guzz Gazette
Current Board
Lt. Cdr. Brian Meadows
Dave Worrall
Company Secretary:
Brian O’Hara
Honorary Treasurer:
Mike Cheetham
Membership Secretary:
Victor (Barney) Barnett
Fund Raising & Museum
Fred Pearce
Project Coordinator
Elwyn Clark
Planning Manager:
Cdr. Charles
Crichton OBE RN
Web Site Administrator
Gazette Newsletter:
Chairman’s Lynch In
Hi Everyone,
Another successful year for the Association
with the accounts looking healthy and going
forward with strength and objective.
However, the continuation of the Devonport
Field Gun Association is wholly dependant
upon YOU, the members!
Membership renewal has been a big
problem this year for our Membership
Secretary, Barney. Standing Orders, Direct
Debits & membership payments are the
individual’s (member’s) responsibility. If
membership payment is not received, or
actioned correctly, then massive problems
and time is spent chasing members for their
subs. So please renew your memberships on
a regular basis and ease the pressure on
Barney (He doesn’t receive payment for his
diligence & commitment) Direct Debit
Mandate Forms can be downloaded from
our web site, please check with your bank
that your payment is set up correctly, with
your reference and that it is paid in the
month of January which lightens the burden
on both Membership Sec. & Treasurer.
Please renew memberships if you have let
them lapse or you made a cash payment for
your first and last payment. And whenever
you have the opportunity please get others
to join as we have ‘Supporter’ membership.
We need Subs. to maintain our Heritage
Dave Dace
Our school field gun project is working well
with support from the Salvation Army
(Workshop) and the Probation Service
supplying preparation & assembly workers
when they are available. Out 10 (ten) Junior
Field Gun Units have been produced, as
stipulated within our Grant permit, and the
latest unit is going to the Royal Marine
Cadets Corps in Stonehouse with costs
provided by the HMS Ganges Association. A
generous gift which will generate field
gunning in other RMCCs.
A Charity Dinner is being held prior to the
reunion weekend on May 29th. The
fundamental reason for this evening is to
thank all the organisations, sponsors etc.
that have helped us over the last two years
and beyond that. Please do not
underestimate the importance of this dinner
as it is imperative that we show thanks &
gratitude to our kind benefactors who
contribute greatly to keeping our Charity
alive. (Please contact Brian O’Hara for
Charity Dinner places & details, book soon)
We are also looking forward to a new
‘experimental’ Buffet/Supper to be held at
Plymouth Albion Corporate facility at
Brickfields for our Reunion evening which is
a less formal event.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in the
very near future.
Dave “Frankie” Worrall
Company Secretary’s Report
Social Secretary
Henry Cotton
Non Executive Directors:
Des O’Connor
Jeff Beer OBE
Samantha Morcumb
At the Board Meeting on 2nd October 2014, a discussion was held on whether to hold a
Reunion Dinner, as usual in 2015; or, as Henry Cotton proposed, to have a less formal
meal in the shape of a Buffet Supper. The benefits were:
a. A less formal event allowed more movement and interaction between tables.
b. It would be cheaper.
c. As it was a Reunion Weekend that is what the membership wanted.
The counter argument was that there was already interaction after the AGM, at St. Levens
and, yes, in a more formal setting at the Reunion Dinner. However, Henry had organised a
successful BBQ, towards the end of the year, so it was assumed that he had the ear of the
local membership and it was agreed that a buffet style function go ahead.
Having conceded that it was good for the membership not to have a formal dinner, during
the Reunion Weekend, at least in 2015, emphasis was placed on the fact that DFGA is
now a charity that is heavily dependent on maximising the goodwill and sponsorship
opportunities that our school mini-field gun programme provides.
Cont’d...next page
Page 2
Spring, Issue 2 , 2015
Company Secretary’s Report Cont’d…...
Also, as a charity, DFGA has a moral obligation to provide a public opportunity to thank
organisations that have provided us with facilities, such as the full-sized workshop that the
Salvation Army provide, and Sponsors’ who pay for expenses and make donations etc. After
further debate, it was decided that the best way to express our gratitude, as a charity, was to
hold a dinner in their honour, which is what the Ladies’ Night and Sponsors’ Dinner hopes to
achieve. As a measure of the charity’s reputation, within the Plymouth community, the Lord
Mayor of Plymouth has agreed to attend. While the Lord Mayor will honour us by attending
the Museum Opening Day, it is a signal honour for him to, also, agree to be our Honoured
Guest at the Ladies’ Night and Sponsors’ Dinner. This will, truly, be a Gala Evening and the
perfect opportunity for our membership to spoil their good ladies.
Brian O’Hara
Honorary Treasurer’s Report
In this issue I am pleased to report that last
year was a good one from a financial point of
view. Membership subscriptions amounted to
£4,199 which I understand is the highest to
date. Thank you, the members and Vic
Barnett our Membership Secretary for his
hard work in helping to achieve this total.
Museum donations amounted to £2415. This
helped to finance our new Heritage Centre at
Crownhill Fort which cost £1,565 in 2014. I
am absolutely sure that the members will be
extremely pleased and impressed with the
finished product. Those of you who have
signed up to ‘Gift Aid’ will be pleased to hear
that we received £1,337 from HMRC last year.
A very valuable source of income, and thank
you for your support. If you have not signed
up please do so, because we need money to
look after our Heritage and fund the
Associations activities. Another very pleasing
source of income is the sales of our Mini Field
Gun equipment to Schools and Cadet
Organisations. Last year we received £2,380.
However, now for the not so good news.
Everything comes at a price for we need to
generate sufficient income each year to meet
our essential running costs to maintain our
Museum, Heritage Centre and associated
equipment and gear. The total annual costs
for this are some £10,200 per year. This
includes Rent, Insurance, Business Rates,
Electricity and Heritage Centre Maintenance
costs. If you see from the sums above we
achieved this last year with just a little bit of
change to spare. Our Social Events were
self- financing and they turned a small profit.
We have made a good start to this year’s fund
raising with the income from Membership
Donations exceeding £3,185 at the end of
March, and several donations to the upkeep
of our Museum and Heritage Centre
amounting to £540. We have recently sold
completed Mini Field Guns and Limbers to
local Schools totalling £1,480.
The Run Gunner Run Charity Account stood
at £4,740 at the end of 2014. Our thanks to
everyone involved in achieving this amount of
money raised from the various fund raising
activities throughout last year. The Board has
recently approved a donation of £150 to the
HMS Hero’s Charity, one of £500 to the
Alabare Veterans Home in Plymouth. This
home caters to homeless ex-service personnel
helping them to re-integrate into the
community. £500 has also been donated to
the Plymouth Salvation Army who have
provided us with free use of their very well
kitted out workshop where the Mini Field
Guns are manufactured.
This brings me to the Grant of just over
£50,000 that we have received from the MOD
and Plymouth City Council to fund our
Schools Mini Field Gun Initiative. At the end
of March this year we have received £45,000
of this grant. With the grant we have not only
been able to manufacture Guns and Limbers
and the associated equipment such as drag
ropes etc. but also items to support our aims
and ambitions. These include a new Boxer
Van, a new purpose built trailer to transport
our Gun and Limber to Schools, County
Shows and Public Events such as the
Cornwall Armed Forces Day in June this year.
A new large tent to house our big screen TV,
memorabilia sales stock, an electrical
generator to power the TV showing Feld Gun
Runs at Earls Court and on the track in
Devonport. These are exciting times for our
Association, and your support both financially
and physically will be very welcome.
Mick Cheetham ‘A’ Crew No.3, 67 & 71
Page 3
Needs Your
Guzz Gazette
Membership Secretary’s Report
This year has been another difficult year, to date, trying to standardise Membership payment to the beginning of each New
Whilst it is recognised that quite a few Members have joined in the years gone by in “Mid” year, it is now necessary to collate all
Fees to be paid at the start of the year. To that end a Letter has recently been sent to all members on “Email” that have as yet
not renewed due to their mandate still being paid as they had joined. We stress that this is NOT the Members fault but a lack of
“Joining Communication” from the start and we sincerely hope that everyone will understand our need to ask Members to
carry out this small inconvenient change. This will also be sent to Members not on “Email” via post.
It has been made clear in the past that Memberships are due for renewal in each January, but this still leaves up to half of the
Association’s Membership at this time in a lapsed situation.
We have therefore decided to ask all of those that have as yet not changed their Standing Order Mandate to please do so as soon
as possible by no later than the 1st May 2015. This in turn will allow us to ‘manage’ the Membership much better and also
there will be less chances of being overlooked for the many events planned this year and following years.
All of this follows a very difficult and sometimes near impossible task to rectify the mess that the Membership data was left in.
We have lost a large amount of Members due to the data not being kept up to date and we also have Members paying annually
where we have absolutely no information, or reference, of them other than an account number!
Please therefore understand the predicament we are in with our Membership information. This is slowly improving and
hopefully with this minor alteration will see us “Running” far better than we have in the past.
Many Thanks for your Help and Assistance in this.
Vic “Barney” Barnett DFG Association Membership Sec & Historian
A View from the Lower Deck
I fully support the Membership Secretary’s report above and add that now displayed on all Membership Forms is the type of payment which can be made and more importantly the
requirement to put a member’s reference on payment i.e. MEM with SURNAME & INITIAL. (this
has been displayed for over 2 yrs now) As discussed from the last Board meeting members
can now pay by Direct Debit Mandate, a method we now support. A mandate form can be
downloaded & printed from the ‘Your Page’ of our web site for it’s submission to our Treasurer.
If you do not have a computer & printer then please request one from me supplying a stamped
address return envelope (my details are on the bottom of the front page) I can also supply
Membership Forms to UPDATE your contact details, at the same time.
Now this is coming from a ‘ramp wash up’…...Some people think that by paying any time during each year is OK? Well in my
opinion it’s not! it’s unthoughtful, unsupportive and it is very inconvenient to the Membership Secretary and our Treasurer as
they have to keep records and pay certain bills regularly each year on behalf of you, the member, as they represent our
membership. If all memberships are paid in January it eases the work on our outgoing bills & payments, and more importantly,
lets us know if we have enough money to survive the year ahead as our charity has high rental overheads to pay each month of
each year. You might say to yourself “What difference does it make what month I pay”? A typical example is Joe Blogs pays 1st
membership at Twickers event in May 2011, he forgets or fails to pay again the following May 2012, Mem Sec chases, doesn’t get
response until February the year after 2013 then Blogs doesn’t pay until the September when ‘cornered’. And this is just not
Blogs, it’s about 30 or more persons in total this year, you’re looking at amounts of £450—£600 (double those figures if over 18
months goes by) not in our accounts at the beginning of each year and those amounts fluctuate over other months in the year &
the figures highlighted will not even pay one months rent of our heritage centre! We are a non profit making charity….. albeit
we had a covenant grant which is ring fenced by the council and only allows us to spend it only on things Junior FG/School
Sport initiative or associated to that initiative cause. A small core of dedicated members put hours in each week, voluntarily
with no payment, and your association relies on our members to pay their subs regularly so the legacy of Field Gun can live on
and be of use to our future generations, our children. We had the privileged, opportunity and enjoyment of being part of
Command Field Gun so let all members of our association pull together, at the same time (January, Subs Payment Month) and
keep the Oggie Spirit & Will alive...for all others to enjoy. Average membership for a under 65 year old is £1.60 a calendar
month...not half a pint these days, not a newspaper. £1.25 for pensioners over 65yrs.
Dave (Jan) Dace
‘What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is
‘It is a powerful practice to be generous when you are the one feeling in need’
Page 4
Spring, Issue 2 , 2015
Charity Fundraising Report
The funds raised to date for charity is now looking very healthy with a bank balance of around
£4892.00 all thanks going to the members who give their time for this valuable work. There
is more money information in our Treasurer’s report.
Things should start to move again when we attend schools this summer for their
‘Introduction’ to Junior Field Gun Sport where we follow up with our ‘March A Mile’
fundraising days etc.
A note for your diaries is the Saturday 18th July 2015
Drake Circus Shopping Mall, Charles Street
In anticipation of boosting our fund raising objective by meeting the wonderful community of
Plymouth. Come along, enjoy yourselves and help others. Meet around 8.30 finishing by 3pm
latest. It’s a good day where we meet the public and let them know who we are now! Let Fred
Pearce know that you are attending on email freddiepearce@blueyonder.co.uk or phone
01752202860. Or click on the RSVP button on our Web Site Calendar (1st Page Red Tag)
Fred Pearce
Doc Burns Report (Latest) —Derek Cousins
Hello Readers
Went to visit Doc and found him as well as can be expected. Had a panic
the other week as he had mis-placed his wedding ring. We turned the
place over, no could find, until a day later when it was dhobi time. It was
in his pillow. So he is happy. And he has two Oggies left !!! (from the ones
you sent him previously) If you want to contact Andy use his ex's wife email helen.burns@ntlworld.com just leave a message and Andy will pick
it up via a tablet he has in his flat. You might get a response.
Any of the Oggies were part of the RN Dancing Team (RNDT) They are
having a re-union in Pompey the week-end 29 May 2015 . I can let you know more when I do. I
have heard its all on facebook ??? I don't do that.
Regards Derek Cousins (Jan 2015) Many Thanks Derek
Webmaster’s & Gazette Editor’s Report
Hello Readers, I hope that you are all well and still feeding that ‘Mouse’. The web site appears to be running OK but I always
need articles, Dits Pictures etc. to display, so if you have anything at all please get them to me? The new web site being
produced for School & Youth Organisations Junior Field Gun Initiative participants has commenced but progress has been
delayed, due to work & domestic circumstances of the developer, but is still on course for it’s opening this year, summer
hopefully. JFG (Junior Field Gun) web pages will be aimed at promoting our initiative along with catering for Sponsors &
Businesses, giving support to them, along with site participation from our schools crews so that they can communicate/’Blog’
between each other. Both sites will cater for existing Command FGA members (interests with their field gunning days gone by)
and for those also interested in Junior Field Gun Sport Initiative, which will keep old from young, as such, if that is what the
individual wants, but also having easy (just a click on that ’fed’ mouse) access to each site should the viewer wish to, from one
to the other. This would mean that those who only like to keep in touch with ‘The Good Old Days’ may do so and that others
with an interest in new Junior FG Sport can view the Junior FG pages, if that’s what they wish, or view both. The new site will
be named Future Fit. A lot of investigation has been put into finding this name and advice sourced from the sales, corporate
businesses, government depts., fitness, military & other areas. It ties in to the current RN Logos/Tags of Fit to Fight Fit to
Live, and is in line with government fitness & dietary targets for the youth of today & the future.
See the PTI’s web site, click & go to https://pdevportal.co.uk/physical_training
Future Fit name is a satellite branch of your association specifically catering for the youth of
Junior FG Sport. It is a, protected, brand name belonging to us so when you see this logo you will
know it is part of the association & our objectives. You will see it displayed on our van.
Jan Dace
Page 5
Guzz Gazette
Crossed the Bar
‘Taff’ William E. Coates — Obituary
William E. Coates – Taff to me – crossed the bar
at 8pm on 14th June 2014. I first met Taff in 1968,
when I moved my family into the St. Budeaux
married quarters, the year I first ran. Always a
community spirited man, who would do anything
to help someone out. He ran in 1956, but had so
many injuries that he was in and out of B Crew.
However, in subsequent years I would meet him
during the Reunion Weekend, or at public displays.
If he had been a stick of rock he would have had
DFG inside him from head to toe. In recent years
his health deteriorated and his daughter, Lynne,
wrote me a letter informing me that her Dad had
had a stroke on 31st March 2012, and was currently
in Mount Gould hospital in Plymouth. I sent Taff a
‘get well’ card and visited him in hospital, with
Norman Fookes, on our way down for a Board
Meeting. I’ve kept in touch with the family ever
since and visited him, early this year, in the Care
Home on Exmouth Road, Stoke. He seemed fine, at
the time; and, as the photograph shows – taken on
his birthday on 19th April – he looks the picture of
health. Regrettably, it was not to last. It was Lynne,
who sent me the photograph and sums up what the
visit meant to him:
‘Dad was so thrilled with the visit. He was very
surprised as we did not tell him that they were
going to be there. He loved his polo shirt but didn't
want to put it on as he is saving it for the reunion
in July. He was presented with 2 photo's & a
poster with the full history of the field gun. Before
everyone left they sang 'bread of Devon' & Dad sang so well. Dad was so over joyed it really made his day extra special.
All the family were with him & were very much taken aback by it all. Dad didn't stop talking all the time Elwyn, Fred,
Merv, Paddy & Dixie were there. In fact it was difficult to get a word in. Just the joy on Dad's face made it all worthwhile.
He spoke about it for days after.
Thank you so much to Elwyn, Fred, Merv, Paddy & Dixie for taking the time to wish an old gunner a happy birthday. One
he will remember for a long time. The pictures they presented to Dad have pride of place in Dad's room’.
It’s rare when one gets to know the family of an ex’ field gunner, but on this occasion I was very privileged to do just that. A
more loving family I have yet to meet. Taff was a lucky man, because he left us in the bosom of his caring family.
Brian O’Hara
What Year ?
Here’s a picture, newspaper cutting, of a
Navy Day Team from Devonport. We all
know one face amongst this ‘crew’ Cdr.
Charles Crichton OBE RN, our Planning
Manager, the big question is ‘In what year
was this Navy Days Team?’
Page 6
Spring, Issue 2 , 2015
Navy Training Corps Self Made Field Gun
Lapel Badges
“Have You Got
Your Badge”?
Only £3.50 each
New Field Gun that the Worcester Naval Training Corp have had made. This is their trial to
ensure it Fires ok and that the Breech works as it should. We do not have all details but it
appears to have been tested at HMS Flying Fox in Bristol.
See more about the Navy Training Corps on their web site:http://navytrainingcorps.co.uk/about/
New Hoist for Facilitating Easy Lifting of Gun Barrel
A new Hoist has been obtained to ease the lifting of barrel from carriage so the ‘Cleaning Party’ can do it without aggravating those old injuries. It is capable of lifting 2 Tons. This now
means that the barrel shall be Gleaming underneath as well as on topsides so we’ll be able to
see our toe caps now…….
2nd Boer War Naval
Brigade Sailor
Due to our Mini Field Guns & equipment production speeding up somewhat, we are
looking far a ’Room’ to keep, & store temporarily for short periods, finished products
in. It does not have to be big, but hold our equipment in sections until schools receive
them. The room does not have to have electricity but it must be free from damp &
humid conditions. We would wish to be able to secure it under lock & key.
We would prefer the Devonport area or adjacent to Devonport
If you, the reader knows of anywhere or anyone who can assist us then please
contact the editor.
Thank you for your kind attention to this Ad.
Page 7
Guzz Gazette
Back in 1968 I was working on the Fleet maintenance unit in
Devonport dockyard, living aboard HMS Tyne. Alongside us was
a tank landing ship where there was a set of weights, we would
train on the tank deck in the evenings. It was here that I met
Derby Allen and a field gunner who was about to leave the mob
and become a policeman. He encouraged us to train for the field
gun test. Derby and I trained together lifting weights and
running around St Budeaux. On the day of the test I turned up at
the parade ground in Drake wearing a boiler suit and a pair of
‘Pussers’ gym shoes as requested. I was a bit shocked to see
people wearing track suits covered in badges and fancy trainers. I thought I wouldn't stand a chance. As it turned out tracksuits and fancy badges don't help pass the field gun test. Derby
and I passed, after spending a week at Lympstone to thin the
numbers out, we joined the team in February 1969.
The first few weeks were hard with a lot of scratches, cuts and
aching muscles, but after Easter leave we had all recovered and I had the best time of my naval service with a great bunch of
lads. I left the mob in 1970 and became a policeman. I married and had a family, and became very busy pursuing my new life.
However, I never forgot Devonport field gun crew. I went to watch the team at Earls Court with my son when he was of school
age. Merv Cooper was the PTI on that occasion and had been on the 69 crew with me. Time flies - my son retires as a Chief this
March 2015, having done 23 years in the R.N. I became a member of Devonport Field Gun Association and had every intention
of attending the reunions. Unfortunately though, in March 2005 we discovered that my wife had breast cancer. I looked after
her for five years until she sadly died in 2010.
I eventually attended the Devonport Field Gun barbecue in September 2014, having travelled down from Lincolnshire. There
were a few 1969 lads there including Derby Allen, all of us a lot older but as friendly and as daft as ever. I got chatting to Ray
Mowatt; a Geordie like me who had been on the crew a few years after me. Once he had wormed out my history and found out
that I was single, he told me that it was fate that after 45 years I should turn up at this barbecue. He told me that a friend of his
had a mother who had lost her husband also to cancer. He had promised to find her a nice man and that he had selected me. He
said that she was drop dead gorgeous, and that if he got her to come would I speak to her. I told him that I wasn't looking for
anyone and that I am not rude but of course I would speak to her. After some persuasion and suffering from a few nerves, Judy
turned up at the barbecue and we were introduced. He was right. She is drop dead gorgeous, we got on like a house on fire.
The day after the barbecue I was travelling to Scotland to move my boat. I called in to see her on the Sunday morning and she
told me that she was going to Sicily the following week, alone, to light a candle in memory of her departed husband, Mike. They
had stopped in Sicily on a cruise and had promised to return and explore the place. Judy asked me if I would like to come with
her. I immediately went on line and booked my ticket. I then drove to Scotland to move the boat. Unfortunately 20 miles from
my destination my clutch went and I was transported back to Lincolnshire by the AA. I travelled by train to Plymouth the
following weekend to meet Judy. We then travelled to Gatwick and flew to Taomina in Sicily. We had been texting each other
day and night all week, I knew this was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I bought a Ruby engagement ring
in Sicily and proposed to her on the beach two weeks after we had met, she accepted.
We are getting married in Cornwall on the 23rd of May this year. I now live in Plymouth with Judy, I have let my house in
Lincolnshire out to my Grandson. My yacht is still in Scotland and hopefully I will get her moved at Easter. I attend the Field
gun museum up at Crownhill Fort on a Wednesday whenever I can. I have my Devonport T shirts and sweatshirts and a ready
made circle of friends as well as my lovely fiancée and her gorgeous family. We are all older but as enthusiastic as ever, its like
being back on the mess deck with all the dit's and the mickey-taking. I just have to get used to being George again after 46 years
of being Brian.
So, Ray was right about fate. He will of course be an honoured guest at our wedding. I don't think I was the best member of the
Field Gun team, but I know that the determination and tenacity instilled in me by my time on the crew has been one of the
greatest assets of my life. I didn't expect to find love at 67 years of age, but we field gunners never give up on life.
Brian (‘George’) Tyerman
Page 8
Spring, Issue 2 , 2015
Gala Evening
The Moorland Garden Hotel, Yelverton
DFGA has decided to celebrate a very successful year of introducing Junior Field Gun into over 20 schools
and organisations, by combining our annual Reunion Dinner with a desire to thank our Patrons and
Sponsors for the support they have given our Junior Field Gun initiative, during the last 12 months. At
the same time DFGA wishes to give members, their families and friends a ’Special’ opportunity to once
again experience the Reunion spirit of comradeship on a special evening, in a very exclusive setting.
During the meal a Quartet will provide live music and a well known individual will entertain us with an
after dinner speech. Dress code is Black tie with Miniature medals. All members wishing to wear their FG
Blazers are encouraged to do so.
Guests arrive through the Mayflower Bar
(1) Roasted red pepper soup with garlic croutons
entrance. The Mayflower Bar will be open for
the purchase of drinks on an individual basis. (2) Pressed ham hock terrine with piccalilli, thyme toast,
dressed leaves.
Arrangements will be made for hosts to provide
drinks for guests.
(3) Roast sirloin of beef with a fondant potato and rich red
All seated in the Ballroom for dinner.
wine sauce.
Commander Crichton to act as “Mess President” (4) Pan roasted chicken supreme, creamed potatoes and
and to propose the “Loyal Toast”.
mushroom Madeira sauce.
Approximately: “Comfort” break.
(5) Roast butternut squash and sage risotto with toasted
pine nuts and Parmigiano-Reggiano.
Address by the Chairman -5 mins.
Guest speaker- 15 mins.
(6) Glazed lemon tart with blackcurrant sorbet.
Dinner-complete. Vacate Ballroom.
(7) Chocolate pot with vanilla ice cream and langue's de
cat. Tea and coffee.
Cash bar and discussions.
House red and white wine approx. £17 per bottle.
Evening complete.
Phone: 02084286251
Mobile: 078280426468
Email: brian.ohara@hotmail.co.uk
The Secretary, 38 The Hoe, Carpenders Park, Watford, WD19 5AY
Members and partners £25.00 (subsidised).
(includes 2 glasses of wine per head)
Non-members £35.00 per person.
(host drink on arrival)
Page 9
Guzz Gazette
Reunion Weekend 2015
Friday 3rd July
Classic Golf Event at China Fleet Club , Saltash. ‘Trilby Hat’ themed day.
Please contact Henry Cotton for details on Mobile Phone: 07900577399.
AGM at Devonport Services RFC
The Annual General Meeting will start at 1830hrs in Devonport Services RFC. Should you wish to voice any topic for
discussion, or notice, please inform our Company Secretary, Brian O’Hara email: brian.ohara@hotmail.com, prior to
that day so that it can be shown in the agenda. There will be a ‘Tot Time’ after the meeting with Tatty Oggies & a Karaoke.
Saturday 4th July
St Levans Inn Bash
Our usual bash at lunchtime where many members & other gunners meet to catch up with Dits over
a drink. As usual field gun videos, a Tot Time if you’re lucky & the annual raffle with quality prizes. Food will be supplied by
Paul, the landlord.
Please attempt to supply a Raffle Prize as it appears that the ’same members’ are doing it each year. If you have a quality prize,
or bottle, please donate it to our worthy cause, it will be very much appreciated as we are aiming to keep good quality prizes
down to a number of 10 for future raffles.
Evening Supper Buffet Disco Karaoke
The Evening Dinner & Dance has been changed to a Evening Supper Buffet, which is hoped to be a more relaxed atmosphere
which has been requested by some members, last year. It will be held in the Midas Suite at Plymouth Albion RFC, Damerel
Close, Plymouth. Dress is Smart Casuals (No Jeans or ‘T’ Shirts!). There is car parking in the Madden Rd. Car Park and people
will be able to leave their car overnight if they so wish? Be there 7pm for 8.00pm start, bar closing at 1am. During the evening
there will be a Disco and Karaoke with a fund raising “Slide a Pound” bottle challenge with many spirit bottles to be won.
Fieldgun DVDs are to be shown. Tickets are £18, per person. Drinks are paid for by diners’ at the bar, including wines, The
menu is a Cold Buffet of assorted meats, salmon, salad etc. Dessert is Chocolate or Lemon Torte, Cheese Boards. Bar Tabs &
Wine Lists will be made available. Tickets must be purchased by 6th June 2015. Maximum numbers 200, tickets
will be issued on a first come first served basis. Tickets will be sent out by post in a pre stamped self addressed
envelope, supplied by you, on receipt of your cheque made payable to DFGA. Send all booking details and
cheques to Henry Cotton 33 Sycamore Drive, Torpoint, Cornwall, PL11 2NA. Phone: 07900577399.
Tickets Required?
Members Names
Guests Names
Guests Names
PLEASE NOTE: Time & Details of Church Service to be announced in very near future by Fred Pearce Tel: 01752 202860
CHURCH SERVICE—START 1030 SUNDAY 5th JULY (Details Req’d for HMS Drake security & entry)
Full Name (s)
Vehicle Details-Make-Colour-Index Number
Page 10
Spring, Issue 2 , 2015
This prestigious annual event will be held at
The China Fleet Country Club, Saltash, Cornwall
Friday, 3rd July 2015, commencing at 1000 hrs.
It is open to all Devonport Field Gunners and Association members (see note 2). The theme for this competition is
Trilby Hats , anyone not in the ‘rig of the day’ will forfeit FOUR (4) Stapleford points and a fine of £5.00 which will
be donated to the field gun charity fund. Numbers are limited to 40, therefore entries will be on a first come first
served Basis.
The format for the day will be, as follows:
0930 All players meet in the lounge bar for registration and refreshments.
All players muster at the 1st Tee for group photograph.
Tee off in groups of 3 or 4 (pending numbers), at ten (10) minute intervals.
Prize Giving ceremony.
On Completion depart China Fleet Club for A.G.M. to be held at Devonport Services RFC at 1830hrs.
The event will be an individual Stableford Competition, played off the yellow tees. ¾ handicap, with a maximum
handicap of 28
Note 1. The player who accrues the most points will be the overall winner.
Prizes for: Best DFGA Member-Perpetual
Trophy - Runner-up - Nearest the pin - Longest drive – Twos – Trilby
Hat. Last years winner, John Anderson, please bring the cup with you, engraved and polished.
The cost of the day’s golf will be: £25 (£20 for golf, £5 for prizes) Full Members £5.00 only. As this is an association
golf day no concessions are available.
As this Competition is self-funding and no cost is borne by the Association, the event is open to all ex-Field Gunners,
Staff and Supporters, etc. So if you know of anyone who would like to play, please pass on these details. This is a
great opportunity to make new acquaintances, meet old friends and to recruit new Association Members. If anyone
would like to donate a prize on the day, it will be greatly appreciated.
Note 2. This is a DFGA event, but it is open to guests. Guests’ entries will only be accepted if the 40 spaces are not
taken up by DFGA Members, by the closing date.
Note 3. If you are available to play, please forward the attached entry form by 1st June 2015 at the very latest!
Henry Cotton
Twickers Army V Navy Rugby 2015
April 15),
A luxury 53 seat coach will depart from Bretonside Bus Station, Plymouth, to the Richmond Inn Hotel at
1200 on Friday 8th May 2015. Returning to Plymouth lunchtime Sunday 10th May.
Page 11
Guzz Gazette
HMS Drake Partnership—Signed, Sealed and Delivering
Delivering both ways. Our new Partnership with
HMS Drake, it’s ships company & Field Gun
Crew has begun keenly with vigour and
commitment being shown from all sides.
The Drake Armoury team have been very busy
refurbishing, maintaining & cleaning their WO &
SR Mess Field Gun and it’s Limber, the limber
returned by us last month, for display & keeping
in their Mess. The Trophy cabinet has also been
strengthened & refurbished to new. The team are
always accommodating and supporting in our
joint ventures. The images show the barrel being
taken in through Mess door and the gun in situ
on top landing above stairway. A big Thank You
to the Armoury team from all of our association
for the brilliant job you have done. (The WO &
SR Mess are always looking for new members so
if you’re interested please contact Martin
Preston, their Treasurer for details. Tel|: 01752
555822 or email: martin.preston@mod.uk
There’s always a warm welcome at the Armoury
for DFGA members but remember? You need passes to enter Drake!
On the 24th March the association conveyed
their Gun & Limber to the HMNB Devonport
where it was used to convey Commodore
Farrington, sat on the limber, from the Defiance
Building during part of his leaving ceremony.
We are always looking for ways of improving &
maintaining our excellent relationship within
this partnership so all ideas you may have to
assist us would be gratefully received. We are
also in there for the 2015 Field Gun Families Day
on Thursday 28th May which will be a ’Dog
Watches’ time of day event so keep you’re eyes on the calendar boards as all those who wish
to attend will have to get security clearance which takes a couple of weeks to get completed
prior to the day. David Dace
We need good quality Raffle Prizes for our Reunion weekend, Saturday’s at St Levans Inn’s ,
raffle which helps the association with it’s most needed funds.
If you have any good quality prizes to donate then we will be very pleased to accept them.
The members who repeatedly supply them each year need a change , as well as a break this
year. We are not complaining of prize quality but are attempting to have a regular raffle
event with a reduction of prizes aiming at about 12 good ones each year, which saves a lot of
time for the raffle organisers who like to socialise, along with others, whilst there.
Please be generous and donate a prize this year and make it a Special weekend to remember.
Many thanks for your kind attention to this sincere request.
Page 12
Spring, Issue 2 , 2015
Command 100 Golf Classic 2015
WEYMOUTH GOLF CLUB - Friday 25th September 2015
After the success of Command 100 golf day over the past several years at the China Fleet Golf
& Country Club, it is that time of the year for all Commands to meet again & this year it is at
the WEYMOUTH GOLF CLUB DORSET, so lets all participate in Command 100 Golf Classic.
This is a great event which brings so many old friends together to spin a few dits and have a
few wets.
The format for the day will be Stapleford ¾ handicap team event, going out in three balls
total number of points added together from the top TEN GOLFERS in each Command will be
the overall winners of the INTER COMMAND PERPETUAL TROPHY ( Maximum handicap
will be 24). Hopefully each command will have a MINIMUM of 10 players.
There will also be individual prizes 1st 2nd 3rd and nearest the pin.
REMEMBER NON GOLFERS, you can also have a great day, come along and jump in a
BUGGY and SUPPORT or BARRACK as much as you like. And the cost for your day will be
for the bacon bap & evening dinner £20 per person on the day, CASH ONLY!
Cost to GOLFERS for the day including the bacon bap & three course meal and prizes will be
£45 per person CASH ONLY on the day. Names & Handicaps to be forwarded by Tuesday 1 st
September 2015 to Fred Pearce. (Tel: 07516408625) This is in order for Fred to be able to
complete his listings well before the actual day.
Everyone to muster at 9.00 a.m. sharp in the Golf lounge 9.45 Photo Shot 10.00 a.m. first tee.
Travel Plans; - Share Cars + PETROL
Overnight Accommodation ; Premier Lodge in the Area, + Plenty of B/B Weymouth Area.
Any queries please contact Fred on email; freddiepearce@blueyonder.co.uk
Or Tel: 01752 202860
Non Playing Captain; Mr Henry Cotton .
Karaoke & Entertainments Officer; Mr Merv Cooper
Official Photographer: Mr Dave Dace.
Page 13
Guzz Gazette
Competition - Get Your Specs On - Picture Quiz
Our Illustrious Membership
Secretary (Barney) has ‘Promised’ a
prize of a Bottle of Bacardi
Rum to the person who can answer
all 8 Questions correctly:
What crew Badge is this?
What room & where is this?
What Ramp? Where is it?
Who’s Blazer Badge was this
& what year?
Who is with our Patron
Angela Rippon touring the
Devon countryside?
What year is this Royal
Tournament Program cover?
What is the name & type of
this gun?
What ‘Trophy’ is this, that
Colin Becerra ‘Wishes was
Page 14
Spring, Issue 2 , 2015
Schools & Youth Page - ‘Our Future Gunners’
South Dartmoor Community College had a Boer
War Stem Lesson Event which lasted over two whole
days. 247 students tried out junior field gun drill and
fired shots with our own ’Big Gun’. A great time was had
by all. Come on you other schools lets us know that you
wish to try such a Stem Lesson Event?
New Web Site for Junior Field Gun
Our Association is in the process of developing a new web site for the
viewing, use & enjoyment of all Junior Field Gun Crews of all schools. It
is named Future Fit & as can be seen by the logo displayed its all about
taking part, being a team and staying fit for your future. This web site
should be up & running during the summer and hopefully completed for
when you return to school after the summer holidays. On it you will be
able to converse with other crews, blogging, displaying your crews, and your own, articles,
pictures and more. There will be a running Competition & Trophy section to display winners
of competitions, news of crews progress and hopefully some web site games for you to
participate in. It will be ‘Your Web Site’ so we are expecting ‘You’ to contribute entries & data
for all to view & use for the development & future of the ‘Greatest’ ‘Newest’ Sport which is
’starting’ in your ’Part of Town’, Plymouth & the South West.
This will give existing crews an added advantage over other area’s of the country when it
spreads outside Plymouth & Devon……..as it already has into Torpoint, Cornwall, with
Carbeile Junior School. Along with the site we will introduce a ‘Twitter’ & ‘Facebook’ pages so
all the UK will know of your new team sport of which YOU can lead the way into the nationwide community. Get your class mates to join you now! If you’re viewing this on computer
view ‘Your’ Drill Book and get to know your drill well Click Here > Junior Field Gun Drill Book
It’s Arrived at Last!
Our new van has now
fitted out with
field gun pictorials & the
side has a, part, crew
Page 15
A ‘BIG’ Thank You to ‘All’ the children, their
teachers & their families.
Guzz Gazette
Polo Tops, Sweatshirts & Lined Jacket s for Sale
For any reader who needs a sweatshirt and/or a warm fleece lined jacket, with our
Devonport Field Gun Badge embroidered thereon, please contact Elwyn Clark. He can
supply these for the very reasonable price of: Sweatshirt £16- Fleece Lined Jacket £35
Email Elwyn for details on: elwynclark@elsden01.wanadoo.co.uk
Association Ties will be on sale soon for
£15 each
Orders to Editor please
The badge (magnified
here) is embroidered in
Dishwasher Proof.
As pointed out by a concerned Member
£7 each
Please accept our apologies for our clothes goods
being modelled by a Non-Association Member!
Contact Barney Barnett
Hopefully this matter will be rectified very
soon…..Please note Ray!
Jessie & Jane Owens — Notre Maison en France
Page 16
Spring, Issue 2 , 2015
(To the metre of “My Jenny Wren Bride”)
I’ve just been to a Field Gun reunion
I laughed till I very near died
For those that were wed
By the side of the bed
Was Viagra – a whole week’s, supply
I arrived fairly late on the Monday
Looking forward to the forthcoming days
To be greeted by the sight
of a stand-up fight
For one of the disabled bays
The attendees were mostly Guzz gunners
One Waffoo and two from Pompey
Some guests much bemused
by the idioms used
And young Ron who served from forty three
The week saw wall-to-wall sunshine
Torquay the sunniest and best
It put a spring in the step
Of the fittest, and yet
Put a hop in the limp of the rest
Every breakfast was lively and friendly
Belying a great many ills
Amongst all the chatter
The clatter on platters
Of statins and other such pills
The final dinner and accompanying sods’ opera
With shanties and verse fresh exhumed
Was both inspiring and moving
And steadily improving
Despite dementia and the alcohol consumed
At the end of the week there was sadness
Shipmates leaving by car and by train
The hope and the dream
That in twenty fifteen
We’d make up gear and then do it again
(Thanks Grumpy for helping keep the
memories alive)
Doc Pollard
Well if a Baboon can do it………………
Or is it Navy Seals training?
Three for the Price of Two
My wife is a sex object - every time I suggest sex she objects!
My mate Dave's always been the kind of bloke that gets stressed
over everything, but lately he doesn't seem like he's got a care in
the world.
"Why are you so laid back all of a sudden?" I asked him.
"I've hired a professional to worry about all my problems for
me," he replied. "Only costs me a grand a week."
"A grand a week? How the hell are you going to afford that?" I
"Don't know. That's his problem."
There are three stages in a man's sex life Tri-Weekly, Try Weekly, Try Weakly
A key worker in a Brewery fell in the vat holding 1,600 gallons
of Beer and drowned. The Director called on the widow to
commiserate with her. "Did he suffer at the end?" she asked.
"No" said the Director "He got out 4 times to go for a pee!"
Page 17
Devonport Field Gun Association
Crownhill Fort
Crownhill Fort Road
Our Association was originally formed to keep ex
command field gunners in contact with each other since
Phone: 02084286251
they ’Ran’ & from its demise in 1999, however over the
Mobile: 078280426468
past several years we have developed a different close tie
with the local community of Plymouth. When our Museum moved out of the Royal
Naval Dockyard, in Devonport in 2011, we set up a Heritage Centre, with Museum, at
Crownhill Fort, Crownhill, Plymouth. We also became a registered Charity. You will see
who and what we are, in this present day, by logging onto our website which shows our
commitment to the community, look on our News page in various posts. We are a
charity, formed to disseminate the Origin & History of Royal Naval Field Gun along
with other objectives. We encourage & support all forms of field gun competition within community particularly with Schools, Scouting & youth groups. We are presently
making & producing wooden mini field guns & limbers for use in inter competitions for
these groups which, will be used by Scout Cubs in their Annual Field Gun
Competitions. Primary & junior schools in Plymouth, have shown keen interest in this
competitive sport, which is a different, and new, form of ‘team’ sport from their usual
physical training curriculum. Morice Town School, Devonport, has practicing field gun
teams. We raise funds, for other designated charities, currently the Royal Navy & Royal
Marines Charity & Help For Heroes, and have been awarded a Covenant Grant of over
£50,000 for use in our Mini Field Gun Initiative. Funds are raised in usual ways as
well, but! we have one unique method solely devised by our association which we call
“March‐A‐Mile” where school children are sponsored by family & friends and ‘March A
Mile’, in a safeguarded area such as their school playing fields. We have raised over
£20,000.00 to date. (2014)
We’re on the Web www.devonport-command-fieldgun.co.uk
Communalization — Youth Field Gun—A Head’s Teachers Quote
On the face of it you
primary school, in this
era of the three Rs, to
have a gun run as a part
of the curriculum. You
may expect the relentless
demand for ever higher
standards, would narrow
and focus learning to the
n'th degree with a sharp
focus on grammar,
writing, reading and
maths. In reality schools
do prepare their pupils
thoroughly as is
possible, though this is
not to the exclusion of a
number of other crucial
aspects of school life.
Schools have to mirror
their position in society
and reflect the culture
in which they exist. It is
this broader context in
which gun running fits
the bill. It allows us to
connect with our local
marit im e
her ita ge;
enriches and brings to
life 'our history' and
supports 'our service
men, women and their
families' by participating in Armed Forces
Day and The Lord
Mayor's Day Parade. In
doing this we are
connection with our
future. It also supports
the raising of standards
team work, fitness,
emotional intelligence
and allows children to
enhance their selfesteem and confidence,
but that's
story…Head Teacher
Article for your Gazette?
Then submit it to the Editor, NOW!
Any businesses you know may sponsor
us or place us on their charity lists?
Do you ? any school or youth
organisation that wish to add Mini Field
Gun team sport to their curriculum?
Let your Gazette
Editor know