MDCHS Cheer Squad 2015-16 Cheer Tryout Applications Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ New Student: First-time Freshman New Transfer student o Middle School or Transfer GPA:_______ Continuing students: Class standing (please circle one) FR SO JR SR Gender: M F MDCHS GPA: __________ Date of Birth: ____________ Contact Information: Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip Code: __________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________ Cheerleading Experience: High School/Parochial School:_____________________________________________________________ (Name of HS or Middle School, including city and state) # of years: ____________________ All-Star: ______________________________________________________________________________ # of years: ____________________ Tumbling: Standing back handspring 1-2 back handsprings Layout Standing back tuck 3 or more back handsprings Full Most difficult tumbling pass/other: ________________________________________________________ Stunting: (number from 1-7, 1 being most experience/position you prefer, 7 being least experience/ position you would least prefer) Main stunt position: Main Base Second Base Flyer Back spot Front spot Stunts you are able to perform: Liberty Heel Stretch Arabesque Half Full Extension Basket Toss Scorpion Other: _______________________ MDCHS Cheer Squad 2015-16 Cheer Tryout Applications Why do you want to be a part of the MDCHS Cheer Squad? What specific strengths can you contribute as a member of the MDCHS Cheer Squad? List any previous involvement experience(s) (on or off campus); including any leadership positions held: Check your three strongest characteristics and/or the roles you assume in a team situation: Calm Humor Peacemaker Organized Motivator Flexible Kind Encourager Leader Listener Sincere Communicator How did you hear about the 2015-16 MDCHS Cheer Squad tryouts? Friend: ____________________________________________________________ Website Fliers On Campus Other: _____________________________________________________________ MDCHS Cheer Squad 2015-16 Cheer Tryout Applications Items to include with this application: Head Shot Photo I certify that the above information is true. I understand that if this information is incorrect or incomplete I will be excluded from the tryout process. Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Parent Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Parent Contact Information: Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________ Please bring completed application to the tryouts scheduled for Saturday & Sunday, May 16th-17th @ Mater Dei Catholic High School
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