Romeo High School Cheerleading Tryout Packet + Information 2015-2016 Sideline and Competitive Season 1. Tryout clinics are MANDATORY for all students who wish to tryout. They begin Monday May 18th, Wednesday May 20th 5:30-8:30. The OFFICIAL TRYOUT will be May 21st 5:30 to 8:30 the clinic and tryout will be held in the RHS Café. 2. Each Student Must have 3 teachers complete the evaluation forms (attached) and have her teacher return the evaluation to the Athletic Office Cheer mailbox, no later than the last day of school (this means Tuesday June 9th) **CHECK DATE** The teacher evaluations must go to your current English and Math teacher along with one other teacher. Students currently in cheer may give one of their evaluations to their coach. Cheerleaders are NOT to turn these forms in for their teacher. They are confidential. 3. Turn information sheets (Cheerleader Information Card and Personal Skills Evaluation) along with your latest report card, progress report, or parent portal report into the Athletic Office or coaches. 4. Students who made a team will be notified by EMAIL. Please be sure the email address and current phone number on the information sheet is correct. Notifications and information will be sent to the student & parents email. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE CHEERLEADING INFORMATION CARD IS LEGIBLE. Please make sure all information is turned in on time. It is important that the coaches have all the information prior to tryouts to asses each student who wishes to tryout. Tryout Procedure Information 2015-2016 Sideline and Competitive Season Romeo High School The Romeo High School Cheer Program is recognized as a sport activity. Cheerleaders are athletes with special talents, which include gymnastics and tumbling. All members of the cheer team compete in local, district, regional, and state competitions as well as perform the duties of crowd leading at a wide variety of sporting leadership, and commitment to their studies. This program is not for the fainthearted; it is demanding both in time and talent and each student is expected to maintain the highest GPA she is capable of. All cheerleaders must maintain a minimum CUMULATIVE GPA of 2.0, preferably with no grade lower than a C. (Anything lower than a C grade will result in tutoring and a signature sheet that will be given to coaches weekly) The information packet you have is designed to provide the necessary information needed to participate in cheer tryouts. If you have any questions or need clarification on any item please ask a coach or the athletic office PRIOR to tryouts. **EACH STUDENT MUST HAVE A PHYSICAL, DATED AFTER APRIL 15. (Returning cheerleaders as well) COMPLETED AND ON FILE AT THE SCHOOL. This is for student and parent protection as well as a school rule. Cheerleading is a highly specialized and demanding physical activity, each student’s safety is a top priority. NO PHYSICAL NO TRYOUT We will have two squads: Varsity & Junior Varsity. Varsity squad is composted of student’s grade 9-12. We will select students depending upon the results of tryouts. Alternates will also be chosen at the discretion of the coach. To be considered for a spot on Varsity we ask that you have these skills: Back handspring, walkovers (front and back), triple splitz along with sharp motions and facials. Junior Varsity cheer is for 9-11th grade only. We will select students depending on results of tryouts. NO specific skills will be needed (at this time) to be considered for a spot on JV. (We would like all to have walkovers front and back but this is not mandatory). If the need is available a freshman team could be put together and this will be 9th grade students only. No skills are needed to be considered. Freshman may be considered for varsity or junior varsity but the student must demonstrate exceptional talent and maturity. Cheerleaders may “play up” or “play down” depending on the need of each team. As a cheerleader it will be MANDATORY for you to attend weekly tumbling classes that will be held each week at Romeo High School. The coaching staff are certified instructors. It is imperative that our cheerleaders learn tumbling skills on the mats they are competing on and not a spring floor so they will be prepared to compete. Everyone in cheer must plan on practices after school these could be right after school, evenings, weekends, etc. We work around the coaches schedule. These are MANDATORY all work schedules, doctors appointments, haircuts, homework, and other events must be planned around cheer schedule. Football games, competitions, basketball games, community service, fundraising and other events are also MANDATORY. Failure to attend practice or assigned events will result in benching and/or possible removal from the Cheerleading team ALL CLINICS AND CAMPS ARE MANDATORY. *It is suggested that outside tumbling practice/classes be taken once a week. This is in addition to the already mandated tumble through RHS. Something to Remember… The Pain of Commitment Commitment can be painful… indeed, it is in the possibility for pain that commitment finds its meaning and its power. Of what value would commitment be if it did not have its price? Choose your commitments wisely. Expect painful times. Be ready to make sacrifices. Be ready to see it through. Build Something Great. Cheerleader Information Card RHS Cheer Team Tryouts 2015-1016 Sideline/Competitive Season (please make sure your writing is legible) Name:__________________________________________________________________ DOB_________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:_______________________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian(s)_______________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Work: __________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Cell: ____________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Work: __________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Cell: ____________________________________________________________________ Student Cell:__________________________________________________________________________________ (Student will receive text message along with group messages from coaches) Parent or Guardian Email:___________________________________________________________________ Student Email: _______________________________________________________________________________ Team(s) that you would like to considered for (circle all that apply) Varsity Cheer JV Cheer **Social Media is an import part of communication for our athletes. Along with communication, we monitor each cheerleader social media page(s) to make sure that they are following the rules and guidelines expected from a Romeo Cheerleader. Facebook username: ________________________________________________________________________ Twitter username: ___________________________________________________________________________ Instagram username: _______________________________________________________________________ Follow us for up to date info: Facebook : Romeo Cheer Twitter: Cheer Romeo Instagram: RomeoCheerleading Romeo High School Cheerleading Personal Skill Evaluation Name: ____________________________________________________Grade 2015/2016 school year_____________ Do you have any cheerleading experience? (please circle) YES NO If yes, How many years? ____________ what program_______________________________________ Please circle the gymnastic skills that you are able to preform proficiently (meaning you are able to do the skill on a COMPETITION mat BY YOURSELF.) if you circle it, you will be asked to demonstrate the skill at tryouts: Back Walkover Forward Walkover Back Handspring Forward Handspring Standing Back Tuck Roundoff Back Handspring Roundoff Back Tuck Round off Chartwheel List any Running Tumbling combinations you have: _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any other advanced tumbling skills at which you are proficient?_______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Would you like to be considered for a (circle all that apply) Base Flyer Backspot If you circled base, were you a main base, secondary base or both?_____________________ What stunts have you preformed and what was your position?_________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Besides cheerleading or athletic skills, what qualities or skills could you add to a Romeo High School Cheer Team? __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anything you would like the coaches to know about you?_______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Romeo High School Cheerleading 2015-2016 Teacher Evaluation Form Cheerleader Candidate Name:______________________________________________________________ Evaluator Name and Class:__________________________________________________________________ Teachers: It is the mission of the cheerleading program at Romeo to select athletes that exemplify the highest moral, academic, and athletic standards. The cheerleading schedule is very demanding. We practice 5 to 6 days a week, every week. We tend to sometimes have issues with grades and dependability the last few seasons and wish you to be open and honest for the benefit of this applicant and other counting on this student’s accountability to the team. We thank you for taking the time, to provide an honest evaluation of this candidate. Please place this evaluation in a signed and sealed envelope or fold and staple or tape for confidentiality and return to the Cheerleading Box in the Athletic Office. THANK YOU Rating Scale: 5- Excellent, outstanding 2- Fair, needs a lot of work, definitely lacking 4 – Very good, superior 1- Poor, inadequate, totally unacceptable 3- Average, good , could be better 0 – Unattempted 0 1 2 3 4 5 Attendance (skips class, tardy, number of absences) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Capability of leadership 0 1 2 3 4 5 Dependable and responsible (turns in assignments on time, has materials) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Self- discipline and motivation 0 1 2 3 4 5 General attitude and disposition 0 1 2 3 4 5 Ability to accept constructive criticism 0 1 2 3 4 5 Ability to work well in groups and with a variety of students 0 1 2 3 4 5 Good representative for RHS ________/40 possible points Any additional comments or concerns about this candidate?____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________________ Date:____________________________ Romeo High School Cheerleading 2015-2016 Sideline and Competitive Cheerleading Application and Results Agreement Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ DOB_______________________Accademic grade 2015/2016 school year_____________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian’s Full Name _____________________________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian’s Full Name _____________________________________________________ TRYOUT AGGREMENT: I/We have read the guidelines for the Romeo High School Cheerleading tryouts and have discussed it implications with my/our student. I/We consent to having my/our daughter try out for the Cheer Team(s) and to meet all tryout requirements. I/We have reviewed our student’s academic performance and the required time commitment required for the Romeo High School Cheerleading program. I/We believe that my/our student would be able to participate in Cheer, and still successfully achieve a satisfactory GPA. I/We have read, understand, and agree to meet all of the responsibilities of time and effort as outlined in the Romeo High School Cheerleading Expectations and Guidelines. My/Our student has no health problems that would be aggravated or make her unable to participate in all cheerleading requirements and activities, including, but not limited to: lifting, basing, flying, tumbling, jumping, running, and conditioning. I/We have read the financial requirements for Romeo Sideline/Competitive Cheerleading and agree to fulfill the applied obligations. Financial requirements are non-refundable and to be made to Romeo High School by check, or credit card. I will make a payment plan or make payment in full on Tryout Day. RESULTS AGREEMENT: I/We understand and accept the tryout process and its requirements for the RHS Cheer Team(s). I/We have discussed the tryout process and its implications with my/our student and have prepared my/our student for any and all placement decisions. I/We accept that all decisions of placement and acceptance on the RHS Cheer Team are final. I/We accept that the Romeo Cheer Coaches make all decisions of team size and individual team placement. ________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature ________________________ Date ________________________________________________________ Student Signature ________________________ Date
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