All positions are voluntary and unpaid. Applications

Students on Boards and Commissions
2015-2016 Application
If you live in the City of Boise and you have an interest in learning how
the city works, this is the perfect opportunity to experience, explore, and
gain valuable understanding of your city government at work. We invite
you to share the student perspective on a board or commission that makes
decisions on how the City operates, spends money, and provides the best
possible services to the community. Visit
to learn about each board and commission.
Please type or fill out the application by hand in blue or black ink. Use additional paper if
necessary. Cover letter and resume are encouraged.
Name: _________________________________________________________ Date: _________
Middle Initial
School: ________________________________________________ Grade in Fall2015:_______
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Zip Code
Email Address: __________________________________________ Phone #: _______________
Why are you applying to serve on a board or commission for the City of Boise?
What do you consider your strongest trait and how will this trait help you as a student
What personal traits would you like to see yourself build over the next year?
Please list your top three choices of City of Boise Boards and Commissions and why you would
like to serve on each.
All positions are voluntary and unpaid. Applications are due May 1, 2015.
Send to Sandy Musser via: City of Boise, P.O. Box 500, Boise, Idaho 83701 OR email OR fax 384-4420