AAUW Boise Area Branch http://boise-id.aauw.net MAY 2015 Newsletter Editor: Carol Stirling SAVE THE DATE Annual Luncheon Saturday, May 9, 11am, Chateau Lemmon, 5516 Hill Rd., Boise Movie Group, Sunday, May 10, 12:40 pm, The Flicks, 615 W Fulton, Boise Happy Hour, Thursday, May 14, 5 pm, New York Richi’s, 5865 N Glenwood, Boise Bridge Group Wednesday, May 20, 12:30 pm, Kay Hamilton, 1349 W Garfield , Boise Book Group, Sunday, May 17, 2 pm, The Cabin (downstairs), 801 S Capitol Blvd., Boise Daytimer’s Thursday, May 28, 11:30 am, Foothills Learning Center 4650 N 36th, Boise MAY BIRTHDAYS 05/02 Amie Bruggerman 05/13 Penny Stanard 05/14 Cathy Downs 05/15 Susan Logan 05/15 Sarah McFeely 05/16 Judy Secrist 05/17 Janice Foster 05/19 Twila Gallaher 05/21 Wendy Barrington 05/23 Ileen Bunce 05/26 Andy Gibson 05/26 Linda Kahn 05/26 Sally Norton 05/30 Stephanie Canning DRINK UP!!! The Basque Market is generously donating $1.00 to the Branch for every drink purchased at the Spring Luncheon cash bar. Basque and Spanish $6.00 wines and $5.00 beer were be available. The funds support special projects. President's Corner Our luncheon and silent auction on May 9, 2015, mark the unofficial end of another year of branch membership engagement and involvement. Here are some highlights: Membership continues to grow - we've added 25 new members this year. Fundraising efforts continue to be successful - in 2014, the combined proceeds from our three fundraisers (garage sale, holiday greens sale, and silent auction) set a record. Branch members of the Statehouse Lobby Corps attended hearings, provided testimony, and regularly contacted legislators during the recently-concluded legislative session. More than forty members and guests attended the branchsponsored Un-Happy Hour on April 14 commemorating Equal Pay Day. I am very proud of what our branch achieved this year and know we will continue to build on those achievements in the coming year. I am excited about the plentiful possibilities. The branch board will work hard to develop and provide programs and activities that will enhance your membership experience and get you involved! Annual Luncheon We asked a sister member, “What do we want to put in the Newsletter about the annual luncheon?” The response was, “Bring appetites, money for the auction, and expect to have fun!” Well said. The luncheon cost is $25.00. Please send checks made out to AAUW Boise Area Branch, Inc., to Mary Slaughter, 1112 E Hays, Boise, 83712. We must have the checks by May 1, the deadline for final count based on the caterer’s need to finalize food preparations. Chateau Lemmon was built by Warren and Judy Lemmon to hold family events; they occasionally rent to others. The by Julie Custer Here are some glimpses for next year: A new venue for our monthly meetings - The Riverside Hotel. A special public event sponsored by our branch and AAUW Idaho, tentatively titled "Forum on Issues Impacting Women and Children in Idaho" with keynote speaker Lisa Maatz. A series of compelling programs developed from ideas submitted by members on the recent branch survey. I hope to see many of you at our Spring Luncheon and Silent Auction next Saturday! by Andy Gibson and Mary Slaughter Chateau has extended glass windows on three of the four sides, overlooks the valley below Hill Road, and boasts a full kitchen, brick BBQ oven, and large balconies with overhangs where we will hold the auction. Warren, a member of the Lemmon Family Band, will entertain us on the guitar during lunch. A number of novel items have been donated for the auction, including several fun opportunities for sharing camaraderie. For example, you can bid on an enchanting Happy Hour for six with skyline views of the city (picture on right). If you have received the invitation and have not yet responded, please say “yes” and send in your money! This is going to be a fun event and worthwhile fund-raiser for our AAUW Branch! SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS If you are donating an item to the silent auction, please have the item to Kay Reed by Saturday, May 2. You can reach Kay at 830-4452 or kay1951reed@gmail.com. . 2 AAUW Boise Area Branch Book Group by Lee Hipsher AAUW Book Group meets at 2:00 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month at the Cabin, 801 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise. Guests are welcome! Interest Groups Book Group: Lee Hipsher leehipsher45@gmail.com Bridge Group: Dena Duncan denad@mindspring.com Craftastiks: Juli Sinclair julisinclair@yahoo.com Daytimers' Group: Dena Duncan denad@mindspring.com Dinner Group: Noreen Pusey pusey2@hotmail.com Games Group: Kathy Scott kascott1088@msn.com Great Decisions: Carolyn Lunstrum cblunstrum@cableone.net Happy Hour: Kathy Scott kascott1088@msn.com Gayle Wilde gwilde@cableone.net Movie Group: Susannah Price joelaprice@cableone.net and flowering of the arts in our Boise community. Presenter: Carolyn Lunstrum Next meeting: Sunday, May 17 ATTENTION ALL PAST AND PRESENT BOOK CLUB MEMBERS In The Blue Doorknob, Rita Rodriguez captures the extraordinary life and spirit of artist Cornelia Hart Farrer, a founder of the Boise Art Museum and Art in the Park. This work, filled with Cornelia’s paintings and story, brings to life the birth We’re currently creating a database of all the books we’ve read throughout the years. I have 85 books from 2010 to the present. Do any of you have listings from previous years? Please bring them to the May luncheon. Your lists will be returned or you can email them to be at leeshipsher45@gmail.com. Thank you so much! Daytimers’ Group by Dena Duncan Bridge Group The Daytimers group will be visiting the Ruth Melichar Bird Center, and the Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center on Thursday, May 28th. We will meet first at the Ruth Melichar Bird Center, 4650 N. 36th Street, in Boise at 11:30AM. This is a rescue facility for injured and abandoned or lost baby birds. We will then proceed to the Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, located at 3188 Sunset Peak Rd. for a 12:30PM tour for identifying the most common birds seen in the Hulls Gulch area. To reach this facility, take 8th St. north to the end of the pavement, then proceed 1/3rd mile farther. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Twila Gallaher, by e-mail, tkgboise@cableone.net, or call her at 297-7596. Movie Group by Susannah Price The group will meet at Flicks Theater on Capitol Blvd on May 10 to see Desert Dancer at 12:40. Members should watch their group email if they are signed up for the film group if there is a schedule change. If Desert Dancer is no longer showing on that date, our group will attend the first show of the day for 5 Flights Up. If you have questions, you may reach Susannah at joelaprice@cableone.net or call 362-9013. The bridge group will meet on Wednesday, May 20th at 12:30PM at the home of Kay Hamilton, 1349 W. Garfield in Boise. If you plan to play, please RSVP to Kay, e-mail ekjudge@aol.com, or by calling her, 345-3658. AAUW Boise Area Branch Dues OH Yes, Dues! by Kay Hamilton Just another friendly reminder that the $76 renewal amount is due by June 30. Membership committee members will help the Finance Officer collect dues at the May luncheon; and then make personal contact with those members who have not either paid in person or via mail by June 20th. New members who have joined since January are currently paid until June of 2016. If you bring new members, they can pay their $44 fee any time before June 30; please be sure they get and fill out an application. Also, remember that national AAUW offers a program for recent college graduates called "Give a Grad a Gift." If you have a relative or friend who is a recent graduate (within the past two years) please consider giving the person this gift as an introduction to our vibrant AAUW organization. Public Policy by Gayle Wilde The April happenings important to our public policy were adjournment of the Idaho Legislature and our Equal Pay Day Unhappy Hour. I’m betting they will have to call a special session because of the child support bill which the House committee did not pass late the night they adjourned. Thanks to Kathy Haley and her helpers for the Equal Pay Day observation at the Riverside. If you haven’t already done so, please write our federal legislators (addresses in the back of our Branch yearbook) asking them to support the recently introduced Paycheck Fairness Bill. We must keep the pressure on. district. Every vote counts, and every hour of time volunteered counts. We need to get more women elected in legislative positions, particularly in Idaho. If your legislators are supportive of AAUW political priorities, you can work for a candidate in another Equal Pay Day Un-Happy Hour by Kathy Haley Thank you to the 30 branch members that attended our event at the Riverside on April 14. We (along with the 10 community members who joined us) enjoyed an evening of good eats, a friendly bartender and helpful staff, enjoyable company and enlightening speakers. I mailed off 38 postcards signed at the event to Senators Risch and Crapo urging them to support the Paycheck Fairness Act. There’s still time to urge Congress to act this year! Simply copy and paste the link below into your Internet browser to visit the AAUW Action Network Two-Minute Activist page. PLEASE TAKE ACTION TODAY – it only takes a couple of minutes! http://salsa4.salsalabs.com /o/50796/p/dia/action3/co mmon/public/?action_KEY =13741&killorg=True. Of course, special thanks goes to all who contributed to the evening’s success: Lee Hipsher, Kris Hooker, Julie Custer, Andy Gibson, Mary Slaughter, Gayle Wilde, Sylvia Chariton, Kathy Scott, Pat Alpine, Stephanie Hoffman, Woodina Livingston, Pauline Irish and Rep. Ilana Rubel. Your efforts were much appreciated. 3 4 AAUW Boise Area Branch Impact Scholars by Kathy Scott Our collaboration with Boise State's Impact Scholar program is moving in a new direction. When we first started working with the students, our involvement was limited to Christmas gifts, meals, and birthday cards. Branch volunteers wanted a closer relationship with these students to provide mentoring and many other supports as needed by the students. We began working on this in January, and in the short amount of time since then and now, two students have dropped out of school. The high dropout rate of former foster students is the primary reason we became involved in this program—to use our talents to support these students so they could and would stay in school! Currently we have four students in a mentoring relationship with AAUW Boise Area Branch members. If you are an Impact Scholar volunteer and did not get called upon to mentor, it is only because of the small number of students that responded to the offer of additional help. Branch History Has Gone Digital By Kathy Haley As your branch historian, I wanted to report to members that since January 2014 our archival system has gone digital. Although it’s difficult to let the hard-copy notebooks go away, due to storage limitations and other considerations, this is how our legacy will be preserved moving forward. Branch members and leaders are urged to send me any files you’d like to be saved as part of our digital branch record at haleykathy@gmail.com. Records are organized and sent to the Idaho Historical Society for safekeeping. We are new at this and learning as we go along. In the three weeks since we met with the students to initiate a higher level of support, we've already had issues surface. We are working as a team to resolve these issues in a way that benefits the students and is within the parameters of the support we are able to provide. If you have questions or comments, you may contact me (kascott1088@msn.com), Andy Gibson (jandygibson@gmail.com) or Mary Slaughter (macwslaugh@icehouse.net). AAUW Boise Area Branch Our New “Reservation” System by Julie Custer, Andy Gibson, and Mary Slaughter Our branch has sponsored events which require knowing how many members (and guests) are going to attend. The number of attendees determines how the meeting venue will be set up, how much food to provide, etc. We've tried various techniques in the past to contact members requesting their RSVP: e.g., personal email and snail mail. These techniques required manual follow-up: tracking responses, sending emails to non-respondents, etc. We've been looking for an online tool that could help "automate" these processes. Punchbowl.com is a powerful tool that does all the work! We used this tool to send your invitation to the May Luncheon and Silent Auction. The site tracks RSVPs and allows us to know, day by day, how many people plan to attend as well as the addition of guests they are bringing. Punchbowl.com also has the ability to send a reminder to nonresponders. at The Riverside Hotel. We will use Punchbowl.com to request your RSVP each month. More details about this process will be sent to you in the weeks ahead. If you do not RSVP on the Punchbowl.com May Luncheon invitation, but send in your money only, there may be a lag that may trigger a follow-up reminder. It is very helpful to us that you RSVP on the Punchbowl.com invitation, even if you do not plan to attend the event. Effective September 2015, all branch meetings and special events will be held A Golden Member by Kay Hamilton Yes, in April Janet Ward joined the Golden Girls club by maintaining her membership in AAUW for 50 years. Janet began her AAUW journey back in 1965 by joining the Blacksburg, VA chapter. She and husband Fritz lived in Virginia while he finished his graduate degree, and shortly thereafter they moved to Boise where he became a valued BSU faculty member. It is fitting for April (Earth Month) to be Janet's anniversary month because she has passionately worked within AAUW promoting programs and issues related to our earth and environment. Back in the 70s and 80s she lead the branch study group "This Beleaguered Earth," held the Environmental Chair for the state, and actively campaigned with our Eastern Idaho sisters to get the name of Saint Mary's Nipple changed to Saint Mary's Knoll. Of course she also served as State Legislative chair during this time period and spent many hours at the Idaho Statehouse lobbying for state kindergartens. The branch is proud to acknowledge and honor Janet's dedication and active participation in AAUW. We remind her that it is not over yet: the fat lady has not sung. Janet Ward 5 6 AAUW Boise Area Branch Newsletter Contributors Dena Duncan Kathy Haley Lee Hipshser Kay Reed Andy Gibson Branch Officers President Julie Custer jjcuster1947@hotmail.com Vice-Presidents, Programs Kris Hooker Susan Lamberson krishooker1209@gmail.com lakaage@sbcglobal.net Vice-President, Membership Kay Hamilton ekjudge@aol.com Secretary Dena Duncan denad@mindspring.com Finance Officer Kathy Scott kascott1088@msn.com Kay Hamilton Susannah Price Kathy Scott Welcome, New Members! The following women became members of our branch in April 2015: Carolyn Moore Susan Olszewski Mary Slaughter Gayle Wilde We are now 127 members strong!
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