Week 4 - McAuley

`vTâÄxç Vtà{ÉÄ|v VxÇàÜtÄ fv{ÉÉÄ
33-39 Capper Street (PO Box 453)Tumut
Phone 69472000 or Fax 69473771
Email: office.mcauley@cg.catholic.edu.au
From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Do you remember the once popular
saying, “Curiosity killed the cat?”
Well in this week’s ar cle we are
Blakeney’s Joyce Walsh
exploring the very posi ve effects
enjoys the company of
that curiosity has on learning.
Kindergarten M girls,
Brain scans have found that when a
Una Skein Bruijns and
child’s curiosity is piqued, two
Pippa Malone.
things happen:
The brain is primed for
learning. This includes remembering unrelated informa on, because curiosity
puts the brain in a state that allows it to learn and retain any kind of informa on
like a vortex that sucks in what you are mo vated to learn, and also everything
around it. So if curiosity is aroused about something children are naturally
mo vated to learn, they’ll be be*er prepared to learn things that they would
normally consider boring or difficult.
Curiosity makes learning more rewarding. When curiosity is aroused, there’s
ac vity in the hippocampus (which deals with forming memories) and also in
the area of the brain that deals with reward and pleasure, releasing dopamine,
the feel-good chemical.
So telling children the answer before they’ve had a chance to explore it squashes the
chance for them to exercise their curiosity.
Rather than jumping straight to the answers, try to encourage your children to do their
own seeking.
Kind regards,
Wk 4, Term 2, Thursday 14th May, 2015
Mrs Blundell shares a story
with Saphira Maggs
June Oliver catching up
with Kindie student
Koden Perica.
Sa sfac on of one's curiosity is one of
the greatest sources of happiness!
Rodney Li*le, Principal.
Kindergarten visit
Blakeney Lodge
Una brightens the day
of Iris Lynch
‘Kindergarten M’ brought
sunshine to a cold day last
Tuesday when they visited
Blakeney Lodge!
Thomas Bond meets
up with long-term
Blakeney resident, Sket!
New friends,
Eellah Crane Hauraki and Joyce Walsh
Kinders Aidan Turnbull
and Reuben Phillips
with Mrs Nugent and
Mrs Nu*all
Student Rep Council Updates
Coming up this Week (Wk 4)
Friday 15th May;
School student banking.
Footsteps Dance Program commences
Saturday 16th May:
Please contact Elly Vanags if you can assist.
9:30am to 11am
THIS Sunday 17th:
WEEKEND—8am Mass in Church.
all welcome.
SRC Profiles!
This week we spotlight our
Year 3/4R Student Reps:
Kai & Jessie
Coming up next Week (Wk 5)
Monday 18th:
Secondary Assessments (Exams)
Tuesday 19th:
Blakeney Lodge visit by Year 1.2Kingwill
Secondary Assessments (Exams)
Wednesday 20th:
“Sounds of the Mountains” School News
approx. 9:45am.
Archdiocese X-Country Carnival. Best of luck to
students represen ng.
Thursday 21st:
Year 5/6 Mor mer Shield Carnival
Friday 22nd May:
School student banking.
K-6 Footsteps Dance Program con nues.
Bill Turner Cup—Tumut Bull Paddock.
Secondary League Tag (Girls) Wagga.
Canteen Roster Next Week
When did you commence at
McAuley? Term 2, Kindergarten 2012.
What is one of your favourite
school memories? Mee ng
all my new friends when I came
to McAuley in Term 2 of Kindy.
One thing you like about
Everyone is very happy and
so friendly!
One thing you would like to
see the SRC achieve this year?
Introduce more healthy op ons
in our school canteen!
Favourite Novel: Black Beauty
Interest and Hobbies: Music, singing and dancing.
What are your dreams for the future: To become an actress or a famous
When did you commence at McAuley? Kindergarten
What is one of your favourite school memories? When I got lots of friends.
One thing you like about McAuley? When it is peaceful.
One thing you would like to see the SRC achieve this year?
More fundraising.
Favourite Novel: Tom Gates’ Extra Special Treat. By Liz Pichon.
Interest and Hobbies: Soccer and reading.
What are your dreams for the future: It would be great to have lots of
new stuff to play with!
Mon 18th:
Ewan Watkins and Ma* White
Wed 20th:
Liz Aus n and Mary RaMery
Friday 22nd: Amanda Su*on and Narissa Wa*s
Mon 18th:
Leanne Adams
Wed 20th:
Leanne Adams
Friday 22nd: Leanne Adams
Our school canteen has now made available a small
container of peas, corn and carrots (with spoon) for
just 50 cents. This can be eaten as a healthy side
dish or enjoyed on its own. MulC grain bread is also
available when ordering sandwiches.
Homework Due Yrs 7
- Yr 9 Shakespeare ‘Fakebook’ due Wk 5, 21st May.
-All Yr 7-10 students are advised examinaCons will
be held NEXT WEEK 18th and 19th May.
School commences at 9am
We ask your support in ensuring your children
are at school on me everyday.
Please be Punctual
Believe Strive Achieve!
Healthy Canteen
TUMUT RSL CLUB—30th May 8pm $25
(Concession Cckets $20)
Kids under 16 FREE
Special Guest—Rory Phillips 3/4R Student
- CongratulaCons to the following students
8 yrs:
9 yrs:
10 yrs:
11 yrs:
12 yrs:
Billy Salmon and Dus n Hood
Reese Keenan and Phoebe Oag
Angus Williams and Liam Buckley
Joscelyn Crane Hauraki and Charlo*e Kelly
Ma*hew Mitchell and Callum Dean
Trinity Fox and Djanaya Brookman
Jobe Gentle and Clayton Perica
Natasha Cullinger and Amelia Hasse*
Tom Salmon and Jack McQuellin
Georgia Goode and Annabel Dean
12 yrs:
Jack Roche
Moriah Olsen and Jorja Muir
13 yrs:
Paul Grove and Dylan Piper Bye
Chelsea Angus and Samantha Taylor
14 yrs:
Angus Mason Ellio* and Will Goode
Piper Duck and Amy Dean
15 yrs:
Riley Green/Jayden Kent and James Goode
Maddie Wilson and Rhiana Plum Lemon/Monique Sturgess
16 yrs:
Jarrod Reynolds and Sam Hardwick/Hamish Mason Ellio*
Alison Dean and Temika Perica
17 yrs:
Jaimee McQuellin.
OVERALL POINT SCORE (from AthleCcs Carnival)
Therry 977
MacKillop 930
Chisholm 828
Therry takes out Athletics
cs Carnival!
Creative Arts
Sam & Lily
Last Wednesday Ms Greacen and four
students, Lily Oriel (Yr8), Samantha Taylor
(Yr 7), Maya SCles and Cody McLachlan (5/6
V) travelled to Young to begin an “Aspira ons”
Crea ve Arts Program developed by the
Australian Catholic University for GiMed and
Talented Crea ve Arts students across the
Archdiocese. The students were involved in a
drama workshop while Ms Greacen along
with other teachers were introduced to the
program as well as introduced to some
interes ng online resources.
The students will a*end various other days and be able to share their experiences
with their classmates along the way.
Lily and Samantha are shown in a drama acCvity involving taking turns
to `mirror' each other's acCons.
- Julie Greacen, Arts Coordinator
Kinder’s ever
ever--friendly, Hudson Manuel,
reminds us all of the need to wear a hat.
—No Hat, No Play
all year round
Working Bee
—School Garden
—THIS Saturday
Interested parents are invited to join Elly Vanags in a working bee in the Primary Campus Garden THIS Saturday from 9:30am to
11:30am. Please bring along hat, gardening tools eg: shovel, pick, wheelbarrow. Please let Elly know if you can aNend.
There are a list of jobs to do at the Primary Office if this day does not suit you. So if you have a spare hour or so at anyCme, please
know you are very welcome to come along and work in the garden. Call into the Primary Office or see Elly for details.
ALSO: If anyone has any ‘star-pickets’ (metal fence posts) they could donate to the Garden that would be great!
Mother’s Day Raffle & Stall
er s
THANK YOU to all families who sent in dona ons for our annual
Mother’s Day Stall last week. As usual, the response was just
amazing with many, many families sending in great giM items for
our K-6 children to purchase. The amount raised on the day was
$1044.00 which will go towards our on-going sea ng project.
Live Life Well @ School
Thank you again….
Marco &
HD SMART JEWELLERS (Renee & Peter Jones) for their most
generous dona on of the $200 giM voucher which was won by a
very excited Marco Grant (and his Pop!!). Just under $700 was
raised from this raffle. All funds will go towards SRC projects.
Selecting Delicious
Fresh Fruit & Veg!
Here are some Cps on
choosing the best fresh fruit and
vegetables for taste and
select fruit and vegetables that
feel firm, smell nice and look fresh
small or medium size fruit
make good choices for children
Thanks to all for your support!
choose vegetables that snap
rather than bend
avoid any fruit or vegetables that are limp,
split or feel spongy.
Community Events
FREE Asthma InformaCon Session
Next Wed 20th May from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Tumut RSL
Club. Arvo tea provided. More info from Skye Gray 69470871
or Judy Reid 0427 185 075.
A simple Act of Kindness
(and mindfulness) – Listening
(Informa on compiled by Lisa Armstrong-School Counselor)
“When you talk, you are only repea ng what you already know.
But if you listen you may learn something new”
- Dalai Lama
When listening to another person we are oMen there in body, but not fully
present. Very oMen, we are not focusing on listening to them; we are
FREE ParenCng your Child with ADHA
caught up in our own mind cha*er. We judge what they are saying,
3 session program. Wednesdays - 3rd, 10th, and 17th June.
mentally agreeing or disagreeing, or we think about what we want to say
Bookings essen al on 694728001. Mission Australia.
next. For some people, the art of conversa on is more like a compe on
10:30 to 2pm. OOSH Building, 173 Wynyard St. Tumut. where every story or anecdote has to be be*ered by the next one.
Others are simply too sidetracked with their next task to really engage
eHEADSPACE live info sessions
with another person.
For more info visit eheadspace.org.au/get-help/
Try using some of your me each day as an exercise in mindfulness.
Try it at work, or at your next social gathering, or with your kids.
Don’t just hear the words; really
listen to what they’re saying withYEAR 10 FUNDRAISER RAFFLE
out judgment or opinion.
Focus all of your a*en on on
Tickets just $1-00 each to win a NRL or Brumbies them. You’ll be amazed at the
Licenced Jersey of your choice.
power of listening; it’s an act of
love and kindness.
Money raised goes towards Year 10’s end of year
People appreciate it deeply when
excursion. Tickets are available from either school you truly listen to them. You will
office. Thanks so much for your support.
find that your interac ons become
more meaningful and oMen more
interes ng.
You may no ce that you are
retaining more informa on, and
you’ll also find that people will
listen to you more fully when you