Week 4 - McAuley

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33-39 Capper Street (PO Box 453) Tumut
Phone 69472000 or Fax 69473771
Email: office.mcauley@cg.catholic.edu.au
From the Principal
Dear Parents
I would like to thank all those parents and grandparents
who not only a3ended but were very ac&vely involved in
running our Swimming Carnival last Friday. A great day
was had by students and staff and we beat the storm.
Wk 4, Thursday 19th February 2014
Opening School Mass
Grace Bowman and
proud mum Deb
Swim report inside
Schools benefit from parental involvement in all sorts
of ways. It can help to improve student achievements,
teacher morale and create valuable rela&onships
between teachers and parents.
Parents benefit from being a big part of their child's
educa&on, as well. Parents who are involved are be3er
prepared to help their children learn at home and have
more confidence as a parent. They have a be3er
understanding of how their child's school operates and
what educa&onal programs are used. Parents who get
involved in their children's educa&on also set a posi&ve
example for their children and demonstrate to them the
importance of educa&on.
Darcy Quinn and
mum Emma
Chloe Salmon
and mum Tina
Schools o6en play a key role in the community by
volunteering and taking part in important local
causes, such as charity fundraisers. Having community
involvement in schools helps students feel empowered
to take ac&ve roles as ci&zens in their local communi&es
by con&nuing volunteering even a6er leaving school.
Kind regards,
"Love cannot remain by itself —
Rod Li3le, Principal it has no meaning. Love has to be
put into ac on and that ac on is
Last Thursday
the McAuley
celebrated the
beginning of the
school year with
Mass. During this
Mass, the newly
elected leaders of
the school were inducted into our McAuley
Community. The newly elected school
captains welcomed our Kindergarten children
and other students who have joined our school
community. The many parents and friends
present, were also warmly welcomed.
Following the Mass, parents and our school
leaders joined with the staff for morning tea.
It was pleasing to see so many parents who
joined in our celebra&on and our morning tea.
McAuley is extremely proud of our student
leaders (full list over page) for 2015. Through
their example they will provide a model for
all students through Chris&an leadership and
service to our school.
Nanna Bruijns, Sam Phillips,
Mrs Kingwill and Mrs Turnbull
enjoy a lovely cuppa and
get-together a(er Mass.
- Mother Teresa
fàâwxÇà _xtwxÜá ECDH
Loving God, may we open our hearts and
minds to all that you call us to be.
May we strive to reach our poten al and
shine forth your glory in us. Amen.
- Anita Mason, Religious Educa&on Coord
Coming up this Week (Wk 4)
Friday 20th
School Banking Day
School Counsellor half day.
Western Region Swimming Carnival Boorowa
FREE Drum sessions from Yr 1-6
Saturday 21st:
Parish Mass 6pm presented by our SRC students
McAuley Winter Jacket orders are being taken now at Swans of Tumut.
Sizes 4-16 (kids) $65.00. Adult sizes S to XXXL $75.00. Orders close next Friday
so please call into the shop or phone 69476500 to order your child a jacket for
the cooler months.
Coming up next Week (Wk 5)
Monday 23rd:
Year 7 Immunisa&ons
Golf Championships
Tuesday 24th:
Mass Yr 7 – Blessing of the SRC Badges.
WR Swimming carnival (Alterna&ve date)
Blakeney Lodge visit by Yr 10.1
Sydney Swans visit K-6
Wednesday 25th:
Kindergarten Rest Day.
Kinder students have individual tes&ng.
Parents, please ring the school if you are
unsure of your allocated &me.
Primary AFL Trials in Wollongong.
Thursday 26th:
Primary Assembly presented by 5/6H—School
Hall at 2:30pm. All welcome.
Community Council Mee&ng 6pm.
Friday 27th:
School Banking Day
School WINTER JACKET orders close at Swans.
Canteen Roster Next Week
Mon 23rd:
Ewan Watkins and Ma3 White
Wed 25th:
Sam Phillips
Friday 27th: Amanda Su3on and Narissa Wa3s
Mon 23rd:
Leanne Adams
Wed 25th:
Leanne Adams
Friday 27th: Leanne Adams
A friendly reminder that our Facebook page is purely for informa&on only.
Please do not send messages or ask ques>ons via this page. Please email or
ring the school if you require any informa&on.
Parish Mass Saturday 6pm
As you would be aware, our school is responsible for presen&ng a Parish
Mass once a month where students par&cipate in the Mass in the areas of
readings, singing and the offertory procession.
This Saturday, 21st at 6 pm ALL of our SRC students for 2015 are invited to
present the Parish Mass in the Church. We would encourage all of the
students to make a special effort to par>cipate in this Mass. Please contact
the school office by Friday 20th February if your child is able to support this Mass
- Anita Mason , REC
through their a3endance. Thank you for your support.
Hamish Mason-Ellio3
School Captains
Alison Dean
Billy Skein
Vice Captains
Zara Burgess
Jordan Sanbrook
Primary Leaders
Natasha Cullinger
Tom Stewart
Primary Vice Leaders
Emily Mudie
Bailey Piper
Rhiana Plum - Lemon
Kristopher Foulkes
Grace Williams
Will Goode
Amy Dean
Paul Grove
Chloe Salmon
Darcy Quinn
Homework Due!
Year 8 English Autobiography due 2nd March.
Year 9 English Essay due and Edmodo ac&vi&es
due Wk 5, 26th Feb.
Year 10 English Deadly Unna essay and Edmodo
ac&vi&es due Wk 5, 23rd Feb.
Caitlin Brewis
Darren Torio
Mackenzi Woodward
Jake Crane
Year 5
Charlo3e Colhoun
Kurt Torio
Lillian Holtorf
Liam Buckley
Lily Webb
Kai Skein-Bruijns
3/4 R
Enjoying their recess break—
Milla, Abbey, Lily and Darcie
Jessie Ra6ery
Chisholm Captains
Jarrod Reynolds and Bethany McNamara
Chisholm Vice Captains
Tom Salmon and Annabel Dean
MacKillop Captains:
Jayden Kent and Jaimee McQuellin
MacKillop Vice Captains:
Tom Boxall and Sarah Oriel
Therry Captains
Billy Spackman and Grace Bowman
Therry Vice Captains
Isaac Gray and Georgia Goode
Helping the wider community!
Tom’s—Boxall, Salmon & Stewart!
Johnny Holz
“We wanted to thank the McAuley Community for allowing Aaron Russell
and Jayden Kent to assist at the St Mary's Batlow/ St Joseph's Adelong,
Swimming Carnival. The boys were a fantas&c help on the day and assisted
by stepping in as &me keepers when needed, errand runners as well as
assis&ng our younger students in the pool. Aaron and Jayden were well
mannered, polite and helpful and a credit to your school and their
families. Thank you from everyone at St
Mary's and St Joseph’s Schools”.
Swim Carnival Success
Amelia HasseG
Archdiocese Sport Trials
Students from both campuses are trialling for various sports
Archdiocese teams. Tom Stewart, Tom Salmon and Tom Boxall
all trialled for Cricket while Johnny Holz trialled for Tennis —
all had a wonderful day and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
The boys all displayed great skills , confidence, determina&on
and sportsmanship but were unsuccessful in making the teams
on this occasion.
Year 6’s Amelia HasseG trialled for the pres&gious Basketball
team and was successful in gaining selec&on to the team.
Amelia is a talented athlete and the school is very proud of her
efforts and sportsmanship quali&es.
Many thanks to parents who transported the 3 Toms, Johnny &
Amelia to Young last week. Your support is much appreciated.
Secondary boys Bailey Piper, Harry and Billy Skein will all
represent McAuley in the Archdiocese Golfing Championships at
Catalina on Monday. We wish the boys well in their endeavours
to gain further selec&on.
- Maree Stewart, Sports Coordinator.
Our enthusias&c, par&cipa&on-packed day
at the Pool was fantas&c! A big thanks
to our parents for their overwhelming
Jayden and Aaron
support. Many parents took &me off work
to &me-keep, judge etc. I do thank you for
your con&nued support as without it,
the carnival would be difficult to hold.
Congratula&ons to all students for their
wonderful par&cipa&on and house spirit.
This Friday 23 students will be travelling to
Boorowa to the Primary Western Region
Swimming Carnival. We wish them all well.
Our Secondary students will travel to
Goulburn on Friday 6th March for their next
level of compe&&on.
Special congratula>ons to our Age Champions as follows:
8 Yrs:
Xavier Henderson,
Jaida Smith, Kieara Clarke & Sophie Dean
9 Yrs: Kai Skein Bruijns and Liam Buckley
Olivia Smith , Charlo3e Kelly
and Chloe Turnbull
10 Yrs Callum Dean and Jack Stewart
Jordyn Ryan and Amelia Grant
11 Yrs: Jobe Gentle and Callum Keenan
Lillian Holtorf and Charlo3e Colhoun
12 Yrs: Jacob Griffiths, John Holz, Jack McQuellin and Yuhann Cameron Pani
Emily Mudie and Annabel Dean
12 Yrs: Moriah Olsen and Jorja Muir
13 Yrs: Harrison Symons and Darcy Brennan
Caitlin Mudie and Lily Carroll
14 Yrs: Bryce Hall and Harry Skein
Piper Duck and Amy Dean
15 Yrs: Jack Baron, James Goode and Flynn Piper Bye
Ashley van Rijswijk and Brooke Day
16 Yrs: Billy Skein and Lachlan Anderson
Alison Dean
17 Yrs: Jaimee McQuellin.
Do an hour of
physical activity
Children need at least 60
minutes of ac&vity each day.
Children are not going to have
enough physical ac&vity while
at school. Families can plan
extra ac&vity into their lives
to make up the difference.
Yr 7 gets active
outdoors at Borambola!
Our Year 7 students swapped desks and
computers for fresh air and fun last week
when they visited Borambola Sport and
Recrea&on Centre.
The group of students a3ended as part
of their orienta&on to secondary school.
The day ac&ve outdoor learning program
included kayaking, archery, swimming,
rock climbing, as well as evening ac&vi&es that aimed at developing teamwork
and communica&on. The adventurous
ac&vi&es were certainly a lot of fun,
but they also provided a significant
educa&onal advantage. The program was
a great opportunity for the kids to get to
know each other outside the formal
classroom, as well as to challenge their
abili&es and prac&ce ini&a&ve, teamwork
and communica&on.
Once they had returned from the three
days of geUng to know their peers the
Year 7 students elected their SRC
representa&ves for 2015.
A really great >me was had by all.
Selwyn’s RADS program provides a challenging environment for children to
improve while exploring the whole mountain. Children from the age of seven
and with intermediate skiing or boarding ability and above are able to join our
exci&ng and rewarding ski and snowboard training program, run by qualified
coaches from the Selwyn Snow-sports School. RADS is conducted over 12 days
consis&ng of two 2hr training sessions per day. Training &mes are 10am-12pm
and 1pm-3pm. Cost: $621 or casual rates available
Dates: 28th June, 29th June, 30th June, 5th July, 6th July, 7th July, 12th July, 19th July,
26th July, 2nd August, 9th August, 16th August
If you require further informa>on or want to register please contact the
friendly staff on 02 6454 9488.