Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services to McCoy Water Supply Corporation Issued Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Engineering Firm Statement of Qualifications Due to McCoy WSC by 12:00 Noon, Central Daylight Time (CDT) on Friday, July 31, 2015 Mr. Gene Camargo, General Manager McCoy Water Supply Corporation 2125 FM 541 McCoy, Texas 78113 Questions Due to McCoy WSC: Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 5:00 p.m. CDT McCoy WSC provided By: Wednesday, July 1, 2015, 5:00 p.m. CDT; posted on Projected Selection Date: Thursday, September 10, 2015 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MCCOY WSC 1.0 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 1.1 General Information The MCCOY WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION (McCoy WSC or Corporation) in Atascosa County, Texas requests the submission of Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) for engineering support, associated with water system management and improvements serving McCoy WSC. This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) solicits information that will enable McCoy WSC to determine the highest qualified Engineering Firm that may provide professional engineering services for the Corporation. 1.2 Intent The intent of McCoy WSC is to hire an Engineering Firm to provide support and advice. The selection will take place through a two-step procurement process, with formal advertising and direct solicitation. McCoy WSC will evaluate all Respondent SOQs in Step One and may conduct interviews with short-listed Respondents in Step Two. At the conclusion of either Step One or Step Two of this process, McCoy WSC will rank candidates by order of highest qualifications and attempt to negotiate a fair and reasonable rate contract with the highest qualified Engineering Firm. If unable to negotiate a mutually acceptable contract, McCoy WSC will terminate negotiations with the highest qualified Engineering Firm and begin negotiating with the next highest qualified candidate. If necessary, McCoy WSC will repeat these steps until an acceptable contract is obtained. Complete procedures for procuring the Engineering Services are presented in Section 2.0 of this RFQ. McCoy WSC reserves the right to reject any and all SOQs received in response to this RFQ. McCoy WSC reserves the right to short list respondents and base final selection rankings on personal interviews. McCoy WSC reserves the right to conduct new services selection procedures for current and/or future needs. 1.3 Standards The selection of a service provider and award of a contract may be contingent upon the funding and approval through the McCoy WSC Board of Directors. Fees provided for in contracts or agreements shall be reasonable. McCoy WSC shall consider fees to be reasonable if they are not in excess of those ordinarily charged by the profession as a whole for similar work when state and federal financing is not involved. McCoy WSC will negotiate for procurement of professional services, whereby competitors' qualifications are evaluated and the most qualified competitor is selected, subject to negotiations of fair and reasonable compensation. 1.4 Schedule and Submittal Deadline The engineering services contract is anticipated to be awarded Thursday, September 10, 2015. The anticipated overall duration of this service contract is two years with a tentative starting date of Monday, November 2, 2015. The contract may be extended at the mutual agreement of the parties. The SOQ Package (See Section 2.2) must be submitted to the McCoy WSC by 12:00 Noon, CDT on Friday, July 31, 2015. See Section 2.3 for mailing or delivery instructions. Page 2 of 10 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MCCOY WSC 1.5 Public Record All data and information submitted by the Engineering Firms in response to this RFQ shall become public information, as provided by the Texas Open Records Act, Texas Government Code Sections 552.001 - 552.026. McCoy WSC does not assume responsibility for asserting legal arguments for confidentiality on behalf of the Engineering Firm. 1.6 Cost of Preparing SOQ Package Costs for preparing the SOQ Package and any subsequent materials or presentations shall be the sole responsibility of the prospective Engineering Firm. 1.7 Scope of Services The Selected Engineering Firm shall provide timely and professional written opinions and responses to McCoy WSC requests as well as timely and professional billing documents. It is the intent of this RFQ that a consistent quality of services is provided for all of McCoy WSC engineering requirements. The proposed various needs, at the McCoy WSC's determination and schedule, for the period of service may include, but are not limited to, the following: Engineering work required for McCoy WSC system compliance, development and improvement; engineering evaluations of matters under consideration by the McCoy WSC Board of Directors; assess future growth; and any other relevant matters to the operation and maintenance of McCoy WSC’s infrastructure. 2.0 INSTRUCTIONS AND PROCEDURES 2.1 SOQ Package Preparation The SOQ Package will include the following four (4) components and shall be numbered as shown: One Page Transmittal Letter. The letter shall provide the names, title, address (physical and mailing) and telephone number of the official contact and shall be numbered if more than one page. Statement Concerning Insurance. Confirmation that the Engineering Firm has in place general liability insurance, worker's compensation, and professional liability insurance. Statement Concerning Conflict of Interest. Those interests of the Engineering Firm that would impede with or interfere in the carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the position of a Professional Engineer are deemed conflicting. Utilize the attached Conflict of Interest Statement form. Qualifications Statement. Use the format in Section 3.0, Statement of Qualifications Format. No material shall be incorporated by reference only, nor should brochures, photos, or additional data be submitted. Any such material will not be considered in the evaluation process. The entire SOQ Package shall stand alone and include full responses to all RFQ instructions. The Qualification statement must not exceed 25 pages of 8 ½” X 11” paper. Note: If the Engineering Firm is a Joint Venture firm, then documentation of its incorporation may be requested. Page 3 of 10 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MCCOY WSC 2.2 Submitting the SOQ Package The Engineering Firm shall submit three (3) copies of the SOQ Package. SOQ Packages may be delivered by courier, U.S mail, or electronically via e-mail to Gene Camargo at No faxes will be accepted. If delivered by courier or U.S. mail, the SOQ Package should be in sealed envelopes which are clearly labeled and addressed as follows: CONFIDENTIAL: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ENCLOSED McCoy Water Supply Corporation 2125 FM 541 McCoy, Texas 78113 Regardless of submission method, the submission deadline for SOQs is no later than 12:00 p.m., CDT, Friday, July 31, 2015. 2.3 Evaluation Factors The following factors will be used in identifying the highest qualified Engineering Firm: The Engineering Firm's familiarity and previous project experience with water purveyors, including water supply corporations. Professional qualifications of the individual(s) (including subcontracted personnel) who will perform the work. The Engineering Firm's record and experience (including subcontractors) with Federal Funding agencies. The Engineering Firm's performance record and experience (including subcontractors) with similar type clients. The Engineering Firm's office locations. The Engineering Firm's insurability and status of current work related litigation or arbitration. The Engineering Firm's subcontractors, (if applicable). The Engineering Firm's anticipated workload during period of engagement and availability of personnel. The Engineering Firm’s hourly rate schedule. Mandatory Elements The Engineering Firm is independent and licensed to practice engineering in the State of Texas. The Engineering Firm has no conflict of interest with regard to any of the District’s key Staff or Directors. The Engineering Firm has adhered to the instructions in, and satisfied the requirements of, this RFQ. 2.5 Inquiries If any Engineering Firms have any questions or need any additional information to clarify the intent of this RFQ, submit questions or requests in writing as set forth in this Section. McCoy Page 4 of 10 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MCCOY WSC WSC will collect these questions and respond to all the RFQ Package holders in writing prior to evaluation. Engineering Firms should not attempt to contact any individual from the McCoy WSC other than in the form provided in this RFQ. Should any Engineering Firms find discrepancies in or omissions from the RFQ, or should the Engineering Firm be in doubt as to their meaning, the Engineering Firm shall notify Gene Camargo, the McCoy WSC General Manager. Engineering Firm requests for clarifications will be received in writing via email at no later than Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 5:00 p.m. CDT. Answers to all such requests will be given in writing by McCoy WSC to all prospective Engineering Firms by Wednesday, July 1, 2015, 5:00 p.m. CDT through postings on Oral explanations or instructions will not be binding. 2.6 Evaluation Process McCoy WSC may call upon anyone they deem necessary to assist with the evaluation. McCoy WSC may obtain information from references. McCoy WSC may contact the Engineering Firms for the purpose of obtaining additional information or clarification during the evaluation period. McCoy WSC will evaluate each SOQ Package received, in accordance with the factors in Section 2.4, based on the contents of the SOQ package, any subsequent written clarifications required, and reference information obtained. McCoy WSC may rank and determine the highest qualified Engineering Firm based solely upon the evaluation of the SOQ Package, any subsequent written clarifications required, and reference information obtained. If, based on the review of the SOQ Packages McCoy WSC deems it necessary to interview Engineering Firms in order to determine the highest qualified Engineering Firm, McCoy WSC may identify two or more Engineering Firms to be interviewed using the procedure in Section 2.7. 2.7 Interviews If interviews are conducted, McCoy WSC will develop a list of questions to be answered by each Engineering Firm interviewed, and provide additional instructions to be followed. McCoy WSC will rank and determine the highest qualified Engineering Firm upon completion of the interviews. 2.8 Notification of Selection The McCoy WSC will notify the most qualified Engineering Firm in writing. Upon notification of selection by McCoy WSC, the Corporation and Proposer will attempt to negotiate scope and extent of work to be performed, time for full performance, compensation, and other terms. Final selection of the successful Engineering Firm will be contingent upon approval of the McCoy WSC Board of Directors. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] Page 5 of 10 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MCCOY WSC 3.0 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS – FORMAT The information in the Engineering Firm's SOQ Package shall be presented either on these sheets or in the same order and sequence as outlined below. 3.1 Organization Describe the Engineering Firm's organization in accordance with the format below: General Firm Name: Address & Phone Number: Submittal is for: ___ Home Office or ___ Branch Office Year Firm Established: __________________________________ Former Firm Name(s): __________________________________ Type of Ownership: __________________________________ Name of Parent Company (if any): __________________________________ Name of Principals and Titles: o Principal Name: __________________________________ o Title: __________________________________ o Principal Name: __________________________________ o Title: __________________________________ Office Locations, Number of Personnel in each Office and Types of Disciplines in each Office. o Office Location: __________________________________ o Employees: ___________________________________ o Disciplines: ___________________________________ o Office Location: __________________________________ o Employees: ___________________________________ o Disciplines: ___________________________________ o Office Location: __________________________________ o Employees: ___________________________________ o Disciplines: ___________________________________ 3.2 Key Personnel 3.2.1 The Engineering Firm shall provide a resume for key personnel that will be assigned to McCoy WSC. The information for each individual must include the following: Name, Area(s) of Expertise, Years of Experience, and Professional Licenses(s). 3.3 Resource Utilization/Approach Workload Status Based on the Engineering Firm's current workload and staffing, indicating the current percentage of capacity at which the Engineering Firm is operating. Indicate the current backlog (if any) of key personnel assignments in months. Describe how the Engineering Firm works with owners during design and construction especially with respect to providing feedback; procedures and objectives for quality control. Page 6 of 10 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MCCOY WSC Provide information regarding the Engineering Firm’s proven ability to perform work in a timely manner to serve McCoy WSC’s needs. 3.4 Work History/References The Engineering Firm shall provide a brief history of the firm’s recent experience with similar Water Supply Corporation or other Water Purveyor clients. The history should be divided into small projects (less than $500,000 in construction or rehabilitation costs) and large projects (those with costs between $500,000 and $10,000,000). The work history should include detailed descriptions of projects successfully completed within the past five year. No more than three examples should be provided from each of the small and large categories. The name of the client, the client’s contact information, and responsible personnel from the firm should be provided. Preference in selecting projects for the Work History should be given to those projects that are 1) performed for a Water Supply Corporation/Water Purveyor, 2) involving area growth, and 3) in the local or similar area. 3.5 Claims/Performance/lnsurance/Bonding If the Engineering Firm is currently involved in litigation or arbitration based on its work, briefly describe the nature of the claim(s). If the Engineering Firm has ever been terminated from an assignment for nonperformance, please briefly explain. Is the Engineering Firm currently carrying General Liability, Workers Compensation and Professional Liability insurance, and will it continue to carry such insurance for the duration of the project? 3.6 Fair Share Policy Describe the Engineering Firm’s familiarity with the Fair Share Policy as described below. This SOQ and any subsequent contract is subject to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “fair share policy”, which includes EPA-approved “fair share goals” for Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) & Women Business Enterprise (WBE) firms in the Construction, Supplies, Equipment and Services procurement categories. EPA’s policy requires that applicants and prime contractors made a good faith effort to award a fair share of contracts, subcontracts, and procurements to SMWBE’s. Although EPA’s policy does not mandate that the fair share goals be achieved, it does require applicants and prime contractors to demonstrate use of the six affirmative steps. The current fair share goals for the State of Texas are as follows: CATEGORY MBE WBE Construction 12.94% 8.72% Supplies 9.68% 9.34% Equipment 7.12% 5.39% Services 10.84% 5.72% Equal Opportunity in Employment – All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap or national origin. Bidders on Page 7 of 10 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MCCOY WSC this work will be required to comply with the President’s Executive Order No. 11246, as amended by Executive Order 11375, and as supplemented in Department of Labor regulations. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program The Texas Water Development Board's (TWDB) Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs receive federal funds from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These funds are used to provide low interest rate loans to finance wastewater and drinking water capital projects. As a condition of federal grant awards, EPA regulations require that loan recipients (municipalities, towns, public water authorities, etc.) and sub-recipients (prime contractors and sub-contractors) make a "good faith effort" to award a fair share of work to DBE's who are Minority Business Enterprises (MBE's), and Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBE's) whenever procuring construction, supplies, services and equipment. The DBE Program is an outreach, education, and goal oriented program designed to increase the participation of DBE's in procurements funded by EPA assistance agreements. In addition, EPA regulations require evidence of the demonstration of the "Six Affirmative Steps" in trying to achieve the DBE participation goals. Six Good Faith Efforts 1. Ensure DBEs are made aware of contracting opportunities to the fullest extent practicable through outreach and recruitment activities. For Indian Tribal, state and local government recipients, this will include placing DBEs on solicitation lists and soliciting them whenever they are potential sources. 2. Make information on forthcoming opportunities available to DBEs and arrange time frames for contracts and establish delivery schedules, where the requirements permit, in a way that encourages and facilitates participation by DBEs in the competitive process. This includes, whenever possible, posting solicitations for bids or proposals for a minimum of 30 calendar days before the bid or proposal closing date. 3. Consider in the contracting process whether firms competing for large contracts could subcontract with DBEs. For Indian Tribal, state and local government recipients, this will include dividing total requirements, when economically feasible, into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by DBEs in the competitive process. 4. Encourage contracting with a consortium of DBEs when a contract is too large for one of these firms to handle individually. 5. Use the services and assistance of the Small Business Administration (SBE) and the Minority Business Development Agency of the Department of Commerce. 6. If the prime contractor awards subcontracts, require the prime contractor to take the above steps. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] Page 8 of 10 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MCCOY WSC 3.7 Submittal Shall Be Signed in Accordance With The Following Format: CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT I certify that the following statement is true with respect to the Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services for McCoy WSC of Atascosa County, Texas. 1. No principal or employee of this firm has offered or promised to pay or deliver directly or indirectly, any commission, political contribution, gift, favor, gratuity, benefit, or reward as an inducement to secure this assignment; 2. No employee, officer, or agent of McCoy WSC, or their immediate family members, has financial or other interest in this firm; 3. This firm will not engage in construction contracting or in the supply of goods, materials and/or equipment of the construction of any McCoy WSC project; 4. This firm is not associated or affiliated, either directly or indirectly, with firms, individuals, or commercial organizations that have a vested interest in McCoy WSC. _____________________________________________ Signed by Principal of Firm _____________________________________________ Name (Typed) _____________________________________________ Title (Type) [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] Page 9 of 10 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MCCOY WSC CERTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL The undersigned affirms that they are duly authorized to execute this Proposal, that this Proposal has not been prepared in collusion with any other Contractor, and that the contents of this Proposal have not been communicated to any other Contractor prior to the official opening. Signed By: __________________________________ Title:___________________________ Typed Name: ________________________________________________________________ Company Name: _____________________________________ Phone No._______________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________ P. O. Box or Street City State Zip Employer Identification Number: ________________________________________________ CORPORATE SEAL IF SUBMITTED BY A CORPORATION END OF REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO. 2015-01 Page 10 of 10
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