Volume 44 • Issue 11 • Neighborhood council no. 15 • November 2014 YIPPIE-KI-YO-KI-YAY! IT’S ROUND-UP TIME AT HERITAGE HOUSE! JUST IN TIME FOR THE ANNUAL SOUP & CHILI COOK-OFF! The date is Thursday, November20th. . . So mark your calendar, put on your favorite western attire and come join the fun. *If you are offering a Soup or Chili entry, contact C.J. Anderton at 836-0209 so she knows how many entries to expect. Bring entry to the Heritage House dining room between 5:00 & 5:30 pm. * If you are coming to eat, bring $5.00 and come to the dining room around 6:00 pm. COOKS GET IN FREE!!! Eating begins around 6:30 pm after the judging. * The AMERICAN RHYTHM dancers will preform in the large Gathering Room after the meal. * The Heritage House Grand Old Opry dancers will close out the evening with a requested 'command performance' you won't want to miss. CALL C.J. ANDERTON AT 836-0209 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS. Thursday, December 4, 7 p.m. 602 N. Delaware Dr. Terry Morris and his wife, Ellen, will welcome us into their charming 1800s home for our "ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD CHRISTMAS PARTY" They will provide the beverage...We bring goodies to share Bryant School children will sing at 7:30 Then all will participate in our tradition of playing the bells *Enjoy tasty treats* *View themed Christmas Trees throughout the Victorian-era house* *Catch up with long-time friends* *Meet and welcome new neighbors* This promises to be a great beginning to the Holiday Season! THE REAL MCCOY 1 NOVEMBER 2014 President Barb Wiley jbwiley@comcast.net 836-3248 Vice– President Sharon Westermann 252-3746 Vice– President Jim Hannah 719-5583 Treasurer Linda Robinson 252-4486 Secretary Karen Beaver 500-1338 Leslie Sherman mccoynews@hotmail.com 885-2133 Patricia Green 833-4349 Roxanne Copridge Robinson 836-5766 Mailing Coordinator Sharon Westermann Gerd Buttgen 252-3746 836-5654 Beautification Award Jim Hannah 719-5583 Police Chair Bud Perrin 536-8543 Denise Sherman 252-7838 Newsletter Editor Advertising Coord. & Billing Reporters Block Watch Coordinator City Manager Rep. Jo Reimal 461-6044 Public Works and Environment Sharon Stewart 252-9827 Family Life Holly Milford 254-7415 Jay & Kathy Kane 797-1695 Heritage House Rep. Karen Astner 500-1338 Historian C.J. Anderton 836-0209 Joy Muir 591-7163 Luminaries Kevin & Ginny Williams 699-5547 Garage Sale Tomi & Bill Burgess 461-5627 Ira Anders 254-5865 Garden Tour Health Ice Cream Social McCoy Park Rep. Welcoming Committee Photographer CPRS Resoration Vicky Trussel 723-7610 Desiree Mueller 461-3608 Susan Rosenquist 224-2002 Jim Hannah 719-5583 Dennis Okerstrom 836-0757 "NIGHT OUT" REPORT McCoy Neighborhood was well represented at the "Night Out Against Crime." Our Crime Prevention Officers, Billy Pope and John Syme, had planned a special event for the whole city. They were joined by many of their fellow officers. Free hot dogs, chips, water and cookies were given to the many folks who attended the event. Numerous booths were set up and manned by folks who displayed their wares and gave out information about their organization. It is the hope of the police department that numerous "Block Watch Groups" will be organized and they made information available. Don't forget that our Block Watch Coordinator, Denise Sherman, is ready and anxious to assist you in organizing your block. Her number is 252-7838. Give her a call and let’s do our part in preventing and controlling crime in our neighborhood. THE REAL MCCOY 2 NOVEMBER 2014 McCoy Neighborhood Luminary Day on Dec 20th The holidays are just around the corner and so is our annual lighting of the Luminaries! I know there are many who are looking forward to having a huge number of luminaries lit in the McCoy neighborhood this year. Especially because 2 years ago we had an all-time high number for our luminaries, but if you remember last year we had an ice storm hit on luminary day. So not that many were lit last year. But I am sure the weather will cooperate with us this year as it has most every year. Our neighborhood looks so beautiful when we have many, many luminaries lit. The candle burning away inside that white sack held up by some sand. It is really an awesome sight when we have thousands going in our neighborhood! So please place you orders early so I can get all the materials to you before 12/20. Thank you!! You can call me at 405-6153 or e-mail your orders to me at kswvgw@comcast.net. The cost is 3 luminaries for a dollar. So thank you and Merry Christmas!! Kevin Williams 405-6153 kswvgw@comcast.net Sunday services 8:00 AM - Holly Communion 9:30 AM - Adult Education Wednesday service 6:00 PM - Healing Service & Communion Visit the Mustard Seed Thrift Shop Wednesday—Saturday From Noon—4:00 PM THE REAL MCCOY 3 NOVEMBER 2014 so We Al r! Delive THE REAL MCCOY 4 NOVEMBER 2014 2014 McCoy Neighborhood Good Neighbor Banquet Ace Club Servers Award recipients Paul Beaver (for Karen), Matt and Kate Beem, Pat Farnsworth, Teresa Keeling, and Sharon Westermann. Gary Robinson, Master of ceremonies. More Banquet photos on page 6... THE REAL MCCOY 5 NOVEMBER 2014 THE REAL MCCOY 6 NOVEMBER 2014 THE REAL MCCOY 7 NOVEMBER 2014 *THE MUSTARD SEED THRIFT SHOP* 401 N. Liberty Independence, MO 64050 816-252-4152 The new Fall and Winter fashions are here. Come in now for a great selection on men’s, women’s and children’s apparel! VHS tapes $0.50 each. Buy 2 get 1 FREE! Make it a must to visit THE MUSTARD SEED THRIFT SHOP often as the merchandise is always changing! Donations welcome during shop hours: Wednesday thru Saturday, Noon – 4:00 p.m. *An Outreach Ministry of Trinity Episcopal Church “Bryant News” Beginning November 1st, Bryant will start collecting flip tops from aluminum cans once again for our annual service project for the Ronald MacDonald House. If you have any, please save them for us! You are welcome to drop them by our school office when you are out running errands. We will be making our presentation on December 19th. And as always, we continue collecting Box Tops for Education. You may bring those by the office as well. November Dates to Remember: 13th - Public PTA meeting in gym at 6:00 p.m./3rd Grade musical at 6:15 p.m. 17th - Book week the entire week (Nov 17-21) – BOOK FAIR Nov 20, 21, 24, 25 25th - VIP Breakfast – bring your grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, cousins, or “very important person” to see what we do here at Bryant 26-28 – No school – Thanksgiving vacation December Dates to Remember: 4th 5th Graders caroling at McCoy Neighborhood Christmas party th 9 5th Graders caroling at Bundschu Neighborhood Christmas party 11th - Public PTA meeting in gym at 6:00 p.m./5th Grade winter musical at 6:15 p.m. 19th - Community Service project presentation Christmas Vacation – December 20 through January 6 (teachers have meetings on January 5 & 6) Students return to class on Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Thank you neighbors, as always, for you kindness, and for your support! Bryant would not be what it is without you! Happy Thanksgiving! THE REAL MCCOY 8 NOVEMBER 2014 THE REAL MCCOY 9 NOVEMBER 2014 201 N Forest Independence, MO 64050 Phone: (816) 521 –5318 Joe_ketterlin@indep.k12.mo.us Let the West Side Help You Cater Your Next Event! *Receptions, Parties, & Celebrations *Club Meetings, In House Catering *Bereavement Dinners The West Side Café - - Your Neighborhood Destination Serving Breakfast and Lunch Monday—Friday, 7:30 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. THE REAL MCCOY 10 NOVEMBER 2014 CRIME CONCERNS MEETING REPORT Thanks to Fire Station #1 for hosting our October 8 meeting which addressed crime issues in general and crime reporting in particular. Also, a big thanks to Officers Pope and Syme for educating us. They shared the information that, up until now, the crime statistics have been somewhat misleading for the following reasons: 1. The police always follow up and document every crime which is called in. However, the old system did not allow them to report on the "disposition" of the case. Sometimes they turn out to be nothing or a crime of lesser degree than called in. This has made the statistics look more menacing. 2. In cases where someone has come into the police station to report a crime, the police station address (200 Memorial Dr.) has been listed as the location. The crimes actually would have happened somewhere else in the city and this made the police station appear to be a crime-ridden location. This happened at least 20 times in 2014. 3. Compounding the problem, some folks incorrectly assumed that 200 Memorial Dr. was the address of the bus stop across the street. This caused a serious concern about the safety of the bus stop. The bus stop address is 14010 E. Truman Road and very few crimes have occurred there. That location is covered by a surveillance camera which is monitored across the street at the police station. 4. Some of the descriptions of crimes have not been clearly stated and some of us do not know the meaning of certain terms. For instance, a simple assault was listed as child abuse, a nonviolent family offense was listed as an order of protection violation, and a drug equipment violation was listed as a suspicious person. These are among the reasons that a new reporting system is being adopted. It is Raidsonline.com Hopefully it is now in use. If not, it will be VERY soon. See related article describing its advantages. We trust that these clarifications will help all to better understand the crime situation in our area. New Crime Reporting System for Police Department Raidsonline.com is the new system which is being adopted by the Independence Police Department. Listed below are the advantages it offers. 1. It will map ACTUAL CRIMES, NOT INCIDENTS REPORTED TO DISPATCH at the time of the call. 2. It will map arrests 3. It has a mobile upload for both android and apple phone applications a. At first the crime information will upload 2 times a day but will later begin uploading 4 times a day for more accurate crime information b. Allows for mobile phone notification of crimes in your area c. Email will be sent directly to your phone based on notifications you set/crime specific. d. It allows for multiple settings for various crime notifications you desire. We trust this will be an improvement which we will all appreciate. THE REAL MCCOY 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Non– profit The Independence Plan for Neighborhood Councils, Inc. 700 N. Grand Avenue Independence, MO 64050 Organization U.S. Postage PAID Indep., MO Permit No. 30 Calendar of Events: Nov. 20th- Soup and Chili Cook-Off ( p. 1) Dec. 4th– Neighborhood Christmas Party (p. 1) Dec. 20th– Luminary Day (p. 3) Remax Elite 4243 NE Lakewood Way Lee’s Summit, Mo 64064 Office 816-373-8400 Cell 816-721-4048 ronvanfleet@remax.net Ronvanfleet.com Sundays 9:00a.m. - K.I.D.Z Street and Bible Study 10:00a.m. - Fellowship 10:30a.m. - Worship Service The FBC Office is open Monday thru Thursday, 7:30 am – 4:30 pm. Call 816-252-3377 for more information THE REAL MCCOY 12 NOVEMBER 2014
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