April 2015 - McDonough Presbyterian Church

MPC News
McDonough Presbyterian Church
April 2015
Rev. Dr. Olin McBride
Rev. Rachael Knoll
Associate Pastor
Destiny Williams
Dir. of Youth Ministry
Elizabeth Davis
Dir. of Children’s
Julie Garcia
Dir. of Children’s Choir
Jason Montague
Director of Music
Jane Robinson - Organist
Wes Shannon - Pianist
Jay Fisher- Clerk
Brian Andrews
Juliet Ashman
Rick Berry
Ginger Irby
Bill Lacy
Warren Nesbit
Lewis Robinson
Angie Ross
Eddy Smith
Cara Welch
Mary Katherine Laverty
From Olin...
What brought Christ to the Cross?
Whatever else is to be made of it, everyone feels that the
Cross stands out as a hideous tragedy, a dreadful fact...upon
our human records.
“They have crucified the Lord of Glory!” gasps St. Paul in
horror. And as often as it comes in sight of Calvary, the heart
of humankind echoes that shuddering cry, staring incredulously at what can’t be true, yet there it really is!
Maundy Thursday
Communion Service
Thursday, April 2 7 p.m.
How did it happen, this appalling thing! What sudden orgy of
insanity overwhelmed for one mad day the kindly human nature that we know so well, and swept it headlong into this?
Yet the last haunting terror of it is that it was brought about by
ordinary mortals like ourselves.”
Easter Sunrise Service
on the Square
Sunday, April 5 7a.m.
McDonough Square
Olin is preaching
Good Friday Cantata
Friday, April 3 7 p.m.
Easter Sunday
Regular Worship
Choir at both services
8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
June 22nd-26th
9am to 12:00
4yr olds to 5th grade
Eddy Crumbley - Moderator
Wade Burch
Catherine Engelbracht
Chazz Gable
Todd Harvey
Patrick Healy
Cheryl Joyner
Penni Laverty
Tim Peters
Ray Snider
Jill Stroud
Debbie Withers
Charles Wimer (Youth)
Dig In:
Real People, Real Places, God’s Story
Children will go on a Biblical archaeological dig to explore the people, places, and times
of the Bible.
Volunteers are Needed!
Please contact Elizabeth Davis, Angie Ross, or Kelli Elliott.
Online registration will start April 12
MPC News
April 2015
Saturday, April 11 at 8 a.m.
In the Old Kitchen and Fellowship Hall
Can you help with coffee fellowship?
I will make the coffee if a family, or any
small group would bring donuts one Sunday this summer. Contact Chazz Gable
for more information. Thank you!
The Annie Ola Sudderth Circle will
meet on Tuesday, April 21 at 1:00 in the
Kitchen Classroom. We hope to see all of
our members there. Any questions call
Saving Grace Circle will meet at the
home of Nola Crane on April 9th at 6
p.m. instead of 5 p.m.
Early Risers Circle meets Thursday,
April 30 at 8 a.m. in the Chapel.
Sew Comfy Pillow Ministry
We will meet on Tuesday, April 14 at
6:30 p.m. Join us to make mastectomy
pillows for women recovering from cancer surgery. No sewing skills necessary. Contact Debra Brown (770-8208710) or Lynn Lowrey (770-468-1478)
for information.
AARP Drivers Safety Class
The AARP Smart Driver class will be
held in the Good News Sunday School
Classroom on Friday, April 10 from 9
a.m. until noon. The cost is $15 for
AARP members and $20 for nonmembers. If you have questions or would
like to enroll, contact Bob Williams at
GO-GO’S Senior Adults (55+)
On April 16 we will be going
to the Zoo and the Cyclorama.
Watch the weekly bulletin for more details.
Thank You
Nicci and I would like to thank our church friends during our time of loss. We feel
extremely fortunate to have such a strong bond with our church family. Your
thoughts, prayers, cards, and support were truly a blessing.
Tim & Nicci Peters
Dear Christian Friends,
Your response to me and my family during our time of bereavement following
the death of my mother were indeed a blessing.
The cards, phone calls, donations to church funds and your hugs were a
source of peace and comfort I cherish my place beside you in this church
Thank You,
Paul Seckinger
Nearly 30 Days have passed since we celebrated the Life, Passing & “Going Home”
of our Father, Dee D. McLain, on February 28th. The out pouring of Love, Sympathy
and Well Wishes to Dorothy & I and our Family was greatly appreciated, strengthen
us, brought us great comfort and tears of joy. Tears of Joy for Dad because he is now
with our Lord! Our hearts are heavy but lifted up and made whole with your prayers
and kind thoughts. Couple that with my personal thanks to everyone for their kind
thoughts and well wishes during my recovery from surgery during all this you realize
what a wonderful home and “family” you have at McDonough Presbyterian.
We cannot thank you enough but we pray that God continues his Graces & Mercies
upon all of you!
Love Mark & Dorothy McLain
Work Day - Saturday, April 25
We will put finishing touches on a new construction. If you can help, please contact
Tim Peters or Patrick Healy.
MPCA is hosting our
3 annual “Touch–A-Truck” Event
The event will be held on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from
10am – 2pm in the church parking lot.
The preschool is reaching out to the church members to see if any of you have fun
vehicles that we can showcase at the event. These fun vehicles can be race cars,
riding lawn mowers, tow trucks, bobcats, RV’s, old cars, fancy new cars, dumptrucks, tractors, etc. If you have a vehicle that you would let us use that day please
contact Hillery Odum at the preschool (hodum@mpcacademy.com or 678-7095116) by April 13, 2015. We would like the vehicles here from 9 – 2 (arrive at 9,
starts at 10, over at 2). We would like you to come to the
event and stay with your vehicle but it is not required. We will
also give each volunteer a free hot dog lunch during the day.
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your support.
Kimberly Bowler - MPCA/Director
MPC News
April 2015
8:30 Service
April 5 Jay & Kevin Fisher
April 12 Kaye & Jerry Repp
April 19 Mary Plishker, Betty Meadows
April 26 Kay & Eddy Smith
11:00 Service
April 5 Wade & Judy Burch, Reid & Shelly Burch
April 12 Rodney & Kimberly Bowler, Dusty & Sophe Pope
April 19 Rick & Jewell Berry, Judy Coker, Bobbie Wingo
April 26 Elaine Hopkins, Deric Garcia
Tim Engelbracht, Debra Brown
Officers On-Call - April
Elder: Eddy Smith
April 5
April 12
April 19
April 26
Rollins Irby
Will Jones
Anna Williams
Deacon: Chazz Gable
Cross Bearer
Lauren Garcia
Christina Snider
Katie Rogers
Preston Burch
Open/Close Church
April 5
April 12
April 19
April 26
Kevin Fisher
Rodney Bowler
David Shedd
Rodney Bowler
Kevin Fisher
Bill Lacy
J.G. Humphries
Kevin Fisher
1 Danny Brown
1 Joanne Sullins
1 Preston Burch
2 Barbara Myers
2 Keith Crowe
3 Trevor Ashman
3 Rick Dubois
3 Jim Barlow
3 Warren Carver
3 Trey Babb
3 Caleb Welch
4 Caroline Rutledge
4 Lynn Lowrey
5 Ann Eldridge
5 John Portwood
6 Lewis Robinson
6 Bailey Snider
6 Eli Smith
6 Addison Okrutny
9 Ryan O'Neal
9 Jean Williams
11 Michael Wieland
11 Matt Kilgallen
11 Matthew Barlow
11 Emily Bowler
13 Bert Foster
13 Jim McBride
15 Dusty Pope
15 Molly Brown
15 Annsley Pharris
17 Warren Kinney
19 Lizzie Lithgow
19 Rita McGarity
19 Jennifer Braswell
19 Jessica Crawford
19 Nolan Crigger
19 Guy Ficker
20 Cynthia Teague
20 Pierce Davis
21 Jackie Moddle
21 Matt Lithgow
24 Erin Engelbracht
26 Judy Neal
27 Don Israel
27 Brad Morgan
27 Suzie Rogers
28 Julie Sargent
28 Haley Garcia
29 Celeste Crowe
30 Joe Pierce
30 Donann Holt
30 Daniel Safrit
No Wednesday night meal or programs on
April 1 or 8 due to Holy Week and Spring Break.
Wednesday night Bible study led by Olin resumes on Wednesday, April 15 following our meal. This class meets in the Kitchen
Class Room. We will meditate on the meaning of the Apostles’
Regular Programs Resume April 15
Dinner begins at 5:30
Children’s Activities, Adult & Youth Classes at 6:30
Adult Bible Study meets in the Kitchen Class Room.
Ladies Bible Study at 6:30 in the Conference Room.
Knitting Class meets in the Men’s Class Room
Dinner Menus:
April 15
Menu: Mary Hay Chicken, Vegetable, Salad, Rolls &
Prepared by: Early Risers Circle
April 22
MPCA Night
Menu: Taco Bar
April 29
McYouth Night
Menu: Hamburgers & Hot Dogs
All proceeds will go towards the Summer Montreat Trips.
MPC News
April 2015
Patty Mann
107 Crown Springs Dr
McDonough 30252
Joined March 1
Would you like to find out about Church happenings via text messaging. ACS has a feature similar
to Remind101. You have two ways to sign up.. you
can either sign up yourself (step by step instructions
are below) or you sign up on Wednesday and Sunday starting April 15.
MARCH 2015
ACS Texting Instruction
Login in to ACS using your Email and Password
Go to the Home tab and Click on My Profile
This will bring you to your contact information
Under Phone number find your Mobile number and click
the Pencil to Edit
Make sure your mobile number is correct
Click the box to receive text message and find your provider name
Click Submit
Membership year-end 2014
2015 losses
2015 gain
Current Membership
You will receive a confirmation text message, you will
need to confirm this by responding to the text message
“A legacy speaks not about how we died but
how we live. It speaks about the things that
move us in life, the things that matter to us. A
legacy is an expression of gratitude and
thanks to God for all that has been given and
enjoyed in life.”
What will your legacy say about you?
Actual YTD
Budget YTD
General Fund Receipts
Programs & Missions
Operating Expenses
Pmt on Long-term debt
Total Disbursements
Debt (Journey of Faith)
Long Term ($4,106.08 per
Short Term (Lightning Defender)
Total Debt
MPC News
April 2015
Wonderful Wednesday
No programs April 1st or April 8th but be here on April 15th for
Hungry Hungry Hippos! You don’t want to miss out on this fun
night! In our last weeks of this board game curriculum we will
play and learn from Jenga, Operation and more!
Children’s Chapel
We have enjoyed learning from the bible through acting out the
stories going along with the We Believe curriculum as well as
experiencing those stories through games and activities. Most
recently we discussed Jesus being a servant and washing his
disciples’ feet. After our discussion we took time to see how the
disciples felt by washing each other’s feet.
Acolyte and Cross Bearer
Cross Bearer robe is in the choir room closet along with the acolyte’s robes. Remember to take them back once worship has finished.
April 5 – Lauren Garcia
April 12 – Rollins Irby and Christina Snider
April 19 – Will Jones and Katie Rogers
April 26 – Anna Williams and Preston Burch
April 1- No McYouth (Holy Week)
April 8- No McYouth (Spring Break)
April 9- Coca Cola Fundraiser Pick up
April 12- Youth Council (noon)
Confirmation (4:30-6 pm)
April 15- McYouth (Youth Sunday Sign up)
April 19- Confirmation (Passion City Church Visit)
April 22- Confirmation Statements of Faith Due
April 25- All Day Youth Event
(Whitewater Rafting in Columbus)
April 26- HS Starbucks Sunday (9:30 am)
Confirmation (4:30-6 pm)
HS Sunday Night Live (5-6:15 pm)
April 29- Youth Wonderful Wednesday Fundraiser
The McYouth will be cooking Hamburgers and Hot
Dogs, French Fries, Cole Slaw and Dessert on Wednesday, April 29th.
All proceeds will go towards the Summer Montreat Trips.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is scheduled for the week of June 22nd –
26th! Please add this to your calendar and let Elizabeth know if
you would like to help in the planning leading up to the week or
as a volunteer the week of VBS. Once again our curriculum has
been created by our church members and we are excited to share
with our children.
The kitchen class hopes all will continue to support
"Robbie's Readers" with used books. We welcome
books that your children have outgrown. Another
resource is Good Will with a senior discount on
Tuesday. These books are greatly appreciated, as new teachers
This year’s theme…
build their classroom libraries to help some less fortunate children.
Dig In: Real Places, Real People, God’s Story
Children will go on a journey through “dig sites” to literally and These are young readers ages 5,6,7,and 8 years of age. Thank you
figuratively dig for artifacts and clues in the bible. Each day they for your help.
can expect to learn about different countries and event of the
bible that happened in Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Jericho and
Coca- Cola Fundraiser
*Registration will open April 12th and close May 31st. You can
register online through the church website.
If you ordered Coca Cola products from the
McYouth, those will be available for pick up
on April 9th from 10:30 am till 3 pm. If you
have any questions, please contact Destiny.
Got PLANS for this Summer…Do they include a week at Calvin Center?
Whether your child is in the first grade, fifth grade, a middle school student, or a senior high student, Calvin
Center summer programs have something for you. This summer Calvin Center is offering weekly sessions in
June. Programs this summer include opportunities for Day Camp, Elementary Adventure, Horse Camp, Adventure camps for Middle & High School students, and Senior High Leadership experiences. Open enrollment has
begun so you and your friends can now register. Register online at www.calvincenter.org. Brochures are available outside the
Anchor and in the Narthex.
McDonough Presbyterian Church
427 McGarity Rd., McDonough, GA 30252
Phone: 770-957-9890 Fax: 770-957-9904
E-mail: officemail@mcdonoughpresbyterian.com
Website: www.mcdonoughpresbyterian.com
“Serving Others
Beyond Sunday Morning”
Lent is coming to an end Relay for Life will soon be here!
Mark your calendar for Friday night, April
24th and watch for a signup sheet for our cookout at the MPC
campsite at Hampton High School . We will once again enjoy
the hamburgers, hot dogs, and sausages that our Grill Master Doug Laverty prepares! Join us at 5:30 and stay for the
Survivors' Lap at 7, followed by the team parade at 8 and luminary ceremony at 9. We hope you will stay and walk the
track with our team and celebrate the 30th anniversary of Relay for Life.
This year the closing ceremony will be at 2 AM, so we hope
to have lots of you stay as long as you can.
The Christian season of Lent is coming to a close
on Easter Sunday but let us not forget that the season of repentance never ends. Repentance is the
process by which we see ourselves, day by day, as
we really are: sinful, needy, dependent people. It is
the process by which we see
God as He is: awesome majestic
and holy.
Charles Colson