The Collegiate Foundation Queen Ethelburga’s Chapter House ~ King’s Magna The College ~ The Faculty Thorpe Underwood Estate York YO26 9SS England Established: 1912 Tel: 01423 33 33 00 International Tel: + 44 1423 33 33 30 Email: Fax: 01423 33 33 10 International Fax: + 44 1423 33 33 10 Web: Collegiate Requirements Updated for September 2014 Please note all comments in these Guidance Notes relating to the Collegiate apply equally to any pupil enrolled by, or the responsibility of, The Collegiate Foundation Typical comments from parents include: ►“The quality and facilities are remarkable – the best I have ever seen and the staff are amazing.” ►“Our son loves sport and the new £16m Sports Centre is his dream come true.” ►“Our daughter has developed maturity, independence and is happy. She has made excellent academic progress.” ►“We chose Queen Ethelburga’s because it provides a fuller education, and for the academic reputation of the school.” ►“The boarding facilities are wonderful. My friend could not believe how good they were and said she wished she was back at school!” ►“Everyone was so friendly and helpful. My husband and I are happy. Our son and daughter are happy. They are both doing very well. What more could we want?” QUALITY INTERNATIONAL STUDY ABROAD NETWORK QE Collegiate accredited by the Number ~ 0873 QE Collegiate ~ member Independent Schools Association Educational Counselling Service QE Collegiate Accredited Member QECF member of the Boarding Schools’ Association BRITISH COUNCIL British Horse Society Approved Riding Establishment Aims We seek to provide an excellent and challenging education which is broadly Christian in ethos, although outward looking. We welcome students of whatever background, creed or race and of a range of abilities and aptitudes. We intend this education to enable students to go out well prepared to meet the demands of work, leisure and family and to make a positive contribution to society. We promote the Hill standard “to be the best that I can with the gifts that I have”. The hallmark of this education will be the instilling in all of our students the virtues of enthusiasm and curiosity, self-discipline and endeavour; courtesy, compassion and tolerance; the pursuit of excellence and service to others. Objectives ► To provide staff members who are dedicated to creating a happy, caring and safe environment, in which self-confidence can be built in all students and individual potential can be realised in whatever sphere. ► To provide the best possible environment in terms of buildings, facilities, grounds and equipment so that these aims can be achieved efficiently. ► To be as open and accessible as possible to parents by regarding education of the whole person as a partnership between school, parent and student. Equal Opportunites We believe that all students should have equal access to the curriculum. We are sensitive to, and supportive of, all students and successfully build upon all that each student brings to the school. We welcome students with a wide range of abilities, backgrounds, cultures and nationalities and help them to integrate and yet, at the same time, discover their own identities. Our Learning Development Unit helps students with many kinds of learning difficulties, chiefly dyslexia. An awareness of race and creed is an integral part of the curriculum. Both topics are taught within Personal Development. Form staff are sensitive to the needs of their charges, and the existence of policies on bullying and safeguarding act as a control within the school. The Pastoral Care Policy It is the policy of the school that the highest quality pastoral care is afforded to all students and that every member of academic and residential staff is considered to have pastoral responsibility for the students. The Principal and Heads are responsible for the welfare and well-being of the schools and their pupils. Major pastoral responsbility belongs to the Head of Pastoral and her team, Year Heads, Head of Boarding and House Staff. The Head of Boarding, Miss Ginger, is the Collegiate’s Child Protection Officer. All staff are required to have regular training on child protection procedures. Cultural Understanding Our community is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds and religions. We come from a Christian tradition, but we are open to ideas from all faiths and discuss them in school assemblies. Facilities can easily be made available for Muslim prayer, if required. We have the facility to provide Halal and Kosher food to those who require it. We also cater for many other dietary requirements on request. We have staff who speak fluent Mandarin, Russian, Polish, French, Spanish and German, which can be a comfort for those who do not have English as their first language. In addition to this we often mark important cultural festivals to increase awareness of the diversity of our heritages. Behaviour Policy We aim to treat our students with respect and expect to receive respect in return. High standards of behaviour amd academic performance are established through the aims of the Foundation and promoted through encouragement and reward. Sometimes firm measures have to be taken to promote the welfare of the individual or the students as a whole. A reprimand is often sufficient; more serious breaches of school rules and careless or neglected work may lead to a sanction appropriate to the misdemeanour, but these are counter-balanced by the recognition of good work, behaviour and acts of reliability through the issue of the much more numerous stars, vivo points, assessment and achievement certificates, appointment to positions of responsibility, and membership of the School Council and other community committees. Boarding Provision We intend to provide a supportive and caring environment for the boarders, in which each student can thrive as an individual and reach their potential. There will be the opportunity to acquire skills that will stand each student in good stead for the future, such as social skills, study skills, co-operation, concern for others, unselfish attitudes, tolerance, the ability to communicate effectively and to have self-confidence. We are a community of cultural and ethnic diversity within a Christian framework that promotes spiritual and moral values. Our Boarding Staff are well trained in pastoral care and child protection procedures. They are adaptable, calm and have a good sense of humour. They display high standards of professionalism, confidentiality, discretion and pastoral care. The relationship between the boarding staff and students is based on mutual respect and trust. The student needs to know that there are caring and reliable people to whom they can turn, who will listen objectively and offer advice in a fair manner. Every student has the right to choose any member of the boarding team as their confidant. A Policy on Smoking We recognise the dangers of smoking. It is our policy to discourage any pupil from smoking who already smokes and to educate those who do not smoke as to the dangers of starting to smoke. Smoking is prohibited throughout the campus. Child Protection We are committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all children in school. All North Yorkshire schools, including Queen Ethelburga’s, follow the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board procedures and the LA Education procedures. The school will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their child/ren. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Social Care and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with Child Protection procedures). The school will of course always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents. Also see our website for our safeguarding policies. The Principal, Mr Steven Jandrell, is happy to provide the school policy, or guidelines, on any matter particularly specific to your child. Complaints Procedure Parents and Guardians 1.If the Parent(s) and Guardian(s) of a Pupil have causes for concern, they should address them in writing for the attention of the Principal (but see below for Chapter House and Kindergarten*). The Principal will investigate the matter of concern and will reply in writing within five school working days. 2. The Parent(s) can initially ask for the complaint or concern to be considered on an informal basis, in which case, the matter will be dealt with during a meeting between the Principal and the Parent(s) within 7 working days. If Parent(s) are not satisfied with the matter being dealt with informally, they can request, in writing, that the matter or concern be dealt with formally. The Principal will then formally investigate the matter or concern and write a formal report which will be sent to the Parent(s) and copied to the file within 10 working days. 3. On the rare occasions that the Parent(s) feel that their concerns have still not been adequately addressed, they should write to the Governing Body with their complaints or concerns, and ensure the same is delivered by recorded post. The address for the Chair of Governors is: Mr B.R.Martin, The Coach House, Thorpe Underwood Estate, Ouseburn, York. YO26 9SS. The matter will then be acknowledged by a member of the Governing Body and a written reply will be sent to the Parent(s) within 10 working days. The Governing Body will convene a panel of at least three members who are not directly involved in the matters detailed in the complaint. At least one member of the panel will be independent of the management and running of the school. W ithin 15 working days from receipt of the complaint, parents will be invited to attend and may choose to be accompanied, but not by a legal representative. 4. The Panel will make a finding and recommendations and will make these available to all parties concerned. Copies of the findings and recommendations will be sent to the complainant and, where relevant, to the person complained about. 5. All complaints addressed to the school will be fully documented and a written confidential record kept, to include at what stage the complaint was resolved. A written record will be kept of all meetings. A copy of the findings and recommendations will be available for inspection on the school premises by the proprietor and the Principal. During Collegiate holiday periods, complaints will be dealt with as quickly as possible, but timescales may be longer as people relevant to the matter may not be easily contactable. Records of complaints are held by the Foundation for at least three years. Correspondence, statements and records relating to individual complaints will be kept confidential except where the Secretary of State or a body conducting an inspection under section 162A of the 2002 Act requests access to them; and where the school provides accommodation is drawn up having regard to Standard 5 of the National Minimum Standards for boarding Schools (2011), or, where applicable, of the National Minimum Standards for Residential Special Schools. The Foundation will also provide Ofsted [and ISI], on request, with a written record of all complaints made during any specified period, and the action which was taken as a result of each complaint. If this issue is not dealt with to the satisfaction of the complainant, and they wish to take further, they can contact the registering authorities directly: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD; general helpline 0300 123 1231; textphone number 0161 618 8524. email and/or Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), Ground Floor, CAP House, 9-12 Long Lane, London EC1A 9HA; telephone 020 7600 0100. Students If students are unhappy about the way they are treated, and want to complain, the procedure is set out for them in the Student Charter, to which they all have access. They can talk to a member of staff, but if they feel they cannot do that, they can telephone or write to: their parents; Mr or Mrs B R Martin (Mr Martin is Provost and Chair of Governors, and lives on site at The Coach House); the school Medical Officer (or any of the medical staff); the Chaplain; the school’s Independent Listener. If the matter cannot be easily settled, they can make a formal representation. They can write to their House Parent, Form Tutor, Head of Key Stage, Head, or the Principal. A note will be sent back, stating that the comments have been received and are being given attention, within two days. The student will then be asked to talk to a senior member of staff. He or she can be accompanied by a friend or another member of staff, if they so wish. If the matter is not satisfactorily sorted out within another two days, the student is entitled to contact any of the people listed on the Student Charter. Whoever is contacted can speak to the student at school - again with support, if required. The student will be advised about what to do and will be able to make a final decision. If the student has made a complaint about a serious matter and feels that it has not been dealt with, he or she may get advice from Childline - 0800 1111 - on how to take the complaint further. It is Collegiate policy that pupils and staff have the right to direct access to Mr. Martin, if they so wish. Student complaints will be taken seriously, and, where there is a genuine grievance, there will be no repercussions. If the issue is not dealt with to the satisfaction of the student, and they wish to take it further, they can contact the registering authorities directly: Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), Ground Floor, CAP House, 9-12 Long Lane, London EC1A 9HA; telephone 020 7600 0100 and/or Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD; general helpline 0300 123 1231; textphone number 0161 618 In all cases the aim will be that complaints are resolved either to the complainant’s satisfaction, or with an otherwise appropriate outcome which balances the rights and duties of pupils, without unreasonable delay. Complaints Procedure for Chapter House and Early Years *If a parent or carer of a pupil in Chapter House has a cause for complaint, which cannot be dealt with informally by the staff with whom they have daily contact, he or she should first address this to the Head of Chapter House, Mrs Karen Kilkenny (address below), rather than the Principal. For the Kindergarten, complaints should first be raised with the Kindergarten Manager, who will investigate the issues raised and hopefully draw them to a satisfactory conclusion. Should a parent or carer still remain dissatisfied, he or she is also invited to write to: Mrs. Karen Kilkenny, Head Teacher, Chapter House Prep. School, Thorpe Underwood Estate, Ouseburn, York YO26 9SS. Telephone 01423 33 3729. Email: If this issue is not dealt with to the satisfaction of the complainant, he or she should then follow the formal complaint procedure, by contacting the Principal, Mr S. Jandrell, at Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate, Thorpe Underwood Estate, Ouseburn, York YO26 9SS. As above, if still unsatisfied, complainants should contact the Governing body. The address for the Chairman of the Governors is: Mr. B.R. Martin, The Coach House, Thorpe Underwood Estate, Ouseburn, York, YO26 9SS. Any complaints relating to EYFS requirements and their fulfilment will be investigated and the complainant notified of the outcome within 28 days of the school receiving the complaint. Kindergarten and EYFS parents who feel that they have a serious complaint, which they wish to take further, can contact the registering authorities directly: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD; general helpline 0300 123 1231; textphone number 0161 618 8524. email and/or Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), Ground Floor, CAP House, 9-12 Long Lane, London EC1A 9HA; telephone 020 7600 0100. Thorpe Underwood Estate, is where my family and I have lived for decades. In 1990 we became responsible for Queen Ethelburga’s. Since that time our Martin Family Charitable Foundation has invested, and continues to invest every year, substantial amounts of capital in new resources ~ to date £65 million. So is the reason our Collegiate has more than doubled in numbers and become so academically successful, all due to the magnificent facilities our pupils enjoy? Our facilities are but part of the answer. Over the years our huge investment in new academic, boarding and leisure resources, ensures our pupils have every opportunity to be successful, with over 98% gaining a place at University or Specialist Colleges. It is pleasing that QEC has a history of being a top UK School for results. Whilst ensuring that our facilities are the very best we have been careful to ensure that the old country house charm has not been lost. Many parents are surprised that our classrooms are fully carpeted and much of our furniture was especially made for us. We rightly have the reputation that our boarding accommodation and care is the best of any independent school in Europe. However we ensure our day pupils are well looked after too. Our new £16m Sports Centre has been a huge success and is the reason some parents and their children choose us, despite living a long way away from us. So whilst it is true our pupils lack for nothing, there is still something else that creates our special ethos. Our arrangement of 4 Schools ~ 1 Campus, means every pupil is treated as an individual. Many parents pleasingly comment that our common sense approach to the day-to-day needs of our young people is different to the approach taken by some other schools. As Provost of the Collegiate, Principal Trustee of the Charitable Foundation and Chairman of Governors I continue to live and work on the campus with my wife. As the lives of my wife and I are inextricably bound up with the school, we notice the care and dedication shown by all of the staff. Perhaps the difference is our staff are really concerned what happens to our pupils. When necessary, sensible and fair discipline puts a wayward young person back on course. On another day a member of staff will go out of their way to help. Parents and pupils find it reassuring that they can talk easily with Steven Jandrell our Collegiate Principal, the Heads of the individual schools, or any of the staff. I am pleased our team strives to work in partnership with parents. In essence the community that is QE is a family. As a family orientated school we are intensely proud of our children. We rejoice when we see the children mature and move on into the wider world as confident and successful young adults. To attempt to define our ethos into specific areas is almost impossible. Suffice it to say that being a little different and so special works very successfully for our pupils. A respected graduate of Sussex University, Steven Jandrell has a wealth of teaching experience, as well as 4 years working at university level. He has held senior posts in two independent schools followed by positions as Academic Vice-Principal, Deputy Head and Head of Senior School before becoming Principal. His wife Margaret is also a teacher and, between them, they have nearly 40 years experience of Independent Education. At the forefront of innovation at Queen Ethelburga's, he has been the architect of many of the initiatives that have raised our standards and placed our schools in the prominent position that they now enjoy. His wide range of interests include; skiing, travel, fitness and building projects. The best education is about developing individual potential and that is central to our ethos. It is this foundation that makes our schools different; by recognising the uniqueness of each person we are able to provide a very wide range of opportunities that allows each child to achieve excellence in their own field. Mr Jandrell believes that learning should be fun and encouraged for its own joys. Good education is also about building special relationships between teachers and pupils which enable boys and girls to develop into mature young adults; people who are confident without being arrogant, friendly but not familiar, relaxed but not casual, but who have the courage to live by sound moral, social and spiritual values. Mr Jandrell believes in encouraging good manners, courtesy, honesty, compassion and tolerance through a fair and consistent framework of discipline and praise. At our Schools the pursuit of excellence is underpinned by security and stability. Learning to take responsibility is an important part of the pastoral life at our schools, an area that Mr Jandrell strongly promotes. The ethos here encourages lifelong friendships and the chance to belong to an extended family, sharing and celebrating success academically, artistically and on the sports field. This environment allows boys and girls to acquire an element of spirituality; they learn how it enriches their lives and helps them to understand themselves, the school community and the wider world. Mr Jandrell admires how our leavers have individually succeeded and become mature, balanced individuals, imaginative, participating and with the skills of lifelong learners. His vision for the schools and the focus of his leadership is to help students understand that there are many ways to be successful and the secret of a fulfilling life is to find the way that will work best for them. The parents of a Sixth Form student who left us recently write… “Our child has progressed year by year, and we are delighted with her academic achievements at GCSE and await the A-Level results with confidence. What is also very satisfying is the pastoral care which exists in supporting all students. You have created, in our child, a well-rounded and very considerate individual. Queen Ethelburga’s has seen a continuous programme of development since our child joined the school. This has not only been in the facilities but in the quality, energy and the commitment of the teaching staff. Once again many thanks to you – it has been seven very pleasant and satisfying years. Mr & Mrs Peters Page 1 INTRODUCTION Welcome. So now, as a parent or a pupil, you are part of QE College, QE Faculty, King’s Magna or Chapter House Prep School. Or perhaps you have been for some time? In whichever case, there will be arrangements about the schools that you need to find out / check up on. The pages in this booklet will tell you all you need to know from after school care to full boarding and from extra lessons to examinations. A great deal of information is now provided to parents via the “parent portal”. This is available at: Contact the School Office if you have not received your login details. Our main email address is: Our website: There is no need for anyone at our schools to feel worried or confused about what is going on. If you cannot find what you are looking for, ask me, or your Head Teacher or Mrs Willis. Our Head of Pastoral, Miss Papaglimis, will also be more than willing to help you. Not only will we help, we will make sure our booklet is updated to include the relevant information. Communication in a school is vital for everyone to feel secure. We hope this booklet will communicate to you what you need to know. Steven Jandrell ~ Principal GENERAL INFORMATION School Office and Administration staff telephone numbers School Office Hours 8:00 am – 5.30 pm (Voice Mail is available after these hours) Management & Executive Administration 01423 333601 Main School Number 01423 333300 Main School Fax 01423 333310 Registrar 01423 333332 Admissions Office 01423 333330 Bursar & Accounts 01423 333350 Abbey Chambers 01423 333400 Benedict House 01423 333500 Court Apartments 01423 333620 Genesis Apartments 01423 333668 Boarding Office Miss Ginger Mobile Mr Dawson Mobile 01423 333418 For Emergency Use only For Emergency Use only 07763 472198 07597 113895 Chapter House 01423 333442 King’s Magna (Year 6 boys and girls) 01423 333992 King’s Magna Girls (Year 7 to 9) 01423 333682 QE Girls 10 & 11 01423 333469 QE Girls Yr 12 & 13 01423 333468 King’s Magna Boys (Year 7 to 9) 01423 333317 QE Boys 10 & 11 01423 333466 QE Boys Yr 12 & 13 01423 333668 School Medical Sister 01423 333314 Mr Martin Office 01423 333330 Mr Martin Home 01423 333901 Postal Address for Boarders Dependent on which House your child is living in the postal address is: (Child’s Name) (Pupil Number) Abbey Chambers Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate Thorpe Underwood Estate, York. Y026 9SS England. (Child’s Name) (Pupil Number) Benedict House Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate Thorpe Underwood Estate, York. Y026 9SS England. (Child’s Name) (Pupil Number) Court Apartments Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate Thorpe Underwood Estate, York. Y026 9SS England. (Child’s Name) (Pupil Number) Genesis Apartments Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate Thorpe Underwood Estate, York. Y026 9SS England. It is very important to remember this because we receive in excess of 3,000 letters per week, and to ensure that personal mail is not opened in error it is essential that it is addressed as above. When a pupil leaves, post will be forwarded to the last known address. All children of any age look forward to receiving a letter or a package. Why not post a small package containing a few little “goodies”? The arrival of your package will bring delight and happiness. Page 2 WHO IS IN CHARGE OF WHAT? Position Provost, Executive Trustee, Chairman Principal ~ Collegiate Head of Collegiate Management Head of College Head of Faculty Head of King’s Magna Head of Chapter House Head of Boarding Deputy Head of Boarding Head of Pastoral Kindergarten Manager Director of Elite Sport Head of PE/Games Bursar Accounts Section Registrar Buildings & Maintenance Manager Capital Buildings Project Manager Conference, Lettings, Catering Section Health & Safety Name Mr B R Martin Mr S Jandrell Mrs D Willis Mr D Machin Mr K Oldershaw Mrs H Midgley Mrs K Kilkenny Miss S Ginger Mr M Dawson Miss E Papaglimis Miss H Rigby Mr R Mayhew Miss T Sargent Mr C Hall Miss R Foster Mrs P Jewitt Mr L Metcalf Miss A Martin Mr D Lewis Mrs J Hales Throughout this booklet: CH = Chapter House KM = King’s Magna QE = Queen Ethelburga’s I HAVE A QUERY TO DO WITH... Absence Academic Accounts After School Care After School Clubs & Activities Bullying Buses Discipline Doctor/Dentist Appt Examinations Extra Lessons Food Future Events Local B&B/Hotels Lunchtime & After School Activities Medical Prep/Homework Pastoral Rehearsals School Events-Tickets Sickness Sports Issues Staff Problem Staying for Supper or Overnight Term Dates Tickets & Travel Trips & Excursions Unexpected Delays Uniform – Lost & New Visas Head of Key Stage Heads of School or Mrs D Willis Mr C Hall / Miss R Foster Mrs K Kilkenny Miss C Bridges - QE & KM, Mrs Kilkenny - CH Miss E Papaglimis Mrs J Olver Heads of School Medical Centre / Heads of Key Stage for day students Mrs D Cranney Mrs S Last Miss S Ginger / Mr D Lewis School Office School Office Miss C Bridges - QE & KM, Mrs K Kilkenny - CH Sports ~ Miss T Sargent. Elite Sport - Mr R Mayhew School Sister - Mrs K Sawyer Heads of School Miss E Papaglimis Miss L Woodward - Drama, Mr K Box - Music School Office Medical Centre Miss T Sargent. Elite Sport - Mr R Mayhew Mr Jandrell School Office School Office School Office ~ Mrs K Richardson School Office (Academic) Boarding Office (Weekend Trips) Boarding Office -Boarders, School Office-Day Pupils School Office-Lost, Mrs J Morrow-New Ms T Harrison - new entrants Mrs K Richardson - existing Page 3 SCHOOL DAY TIMES CHAPTER HOUSE SCHOOL QUEENS KINDERGARTEN Activity Open from 9.00 am 12.00 am to 12.30 pm Afternoon Tea 4.00 pm Closes All Ages Registration 8.00 am (7.45am if 24 hours notice given) Drink & Toast Lunchtime Activity All Ages 6.00 pm 8.30am Morning Break 10.15am – 10.35am Lunchtime & Clubs 12.10pm – 1.15pm Afternoon Break 2.40pm – 2.50pm Finish 3.30pm or 4.00pm After School Clubs 4.15pm – 5.00pm KING’S MAGNA & QUEEN ETHELBURGA’S Activity Transition & Key Stages 3 + 4 Key Stage 5 8.30 am 8.30 am 10.20 am to 10.40 am 10.20 am to 10.40 am 12.40 to 2.00 pm 1.20 pm to 2.40 pm 4.00 pm 4.00 pm 4.15 pm to 5.45 pm 4.15 pm to 5.45 pm Registration Morning Break Lunchtime & Activities School Finish Afternoon Activities Boarding Contact Names, Telephone Extensions and Email Addresses Head of Boarding: Deputy Head of Boarding: Head of QE Boys' Boarding: Head of QE Girls' Boarding: Head of Junior Boarding: Weekend Activities: House Teams: Sixth Form Boys Head of House: Houseparent: Houseparent: Houseparent: Year 10 & 11 Boys: Head of House: Houseparent: Sue Ginger Mike Dawson Betty Holt Lynda Lynn Tracy Holt Alex Ralls 3668 Deborah Mills Julie Day Matthew Hallett Ezra Nash 3466 Sara Stothard Aaron Jones Alonso Morales Houseparent: Colin Sandford Year 6-9 Boys: Head of House: Steve McKee 3317 Erin Cooper (Yr 8/9) Houseparent: Helen Anthony (Yr 6/7) Chapter House: 3442 Head of House: Barbra Burbidge 3418 3418 3380 3693 3414 3761 Sixth Form Girls: Head of House: Houseparent: Houseparent: Houseparent: Year 10 & 11 Girls: Head of House: Houseparent: Debbie York Gwen Gray Elizabeth Terry TBC Houseparent: TBC Year 6-9 Girls: Head of House: Barbara Fairclough Carley Weston (Yr 8/9) Katy Tinman (Yr 6/7) Houseparent: 3468 3469 Rhonda McMullan Jenny Rowlinson 3682 Page 4 Student Charter Chapter House, King’s Magna Queen Ethelburga’s College & Faculty This is for all pupils regardless of age, boy or girl, day or boarder. It explains what you can do, should you feel worried about something and what you may do if you wish to comment about how you are treated. It is important that you read through this charter and keep it somewhere safe. If you lose it, or want a separate copy, or there is something you need to talk about, you can obtain a further copy from your House Parent, Form Tutor or from the School Office. There are two things to remember: a) You may wish to talk to someone, or b) you may wish to make a point about something. Either way this Student Charter will help you decide what to do. What to do if you just want to talk to someone Remember you have close friends who may be able to help, or an older pupil to whom you may feel you can turn. Your House Parent or Form Tutor is always ready to help, or any other member of staff you know. There may be times when you feel you can’t talk with a member of staff. Then you can talk, telephone or write to any of the following: ► Your Parents ► Mr or Mrs B R Martin ► School Doctor (or any of the medical staff) ► The Chaplain ► Independent Listener ►School Counsellor In trouble It is particularly important for you to realise that if you are in trouble over something you can have your Form Tutor or a friend with you when you are talking with a senior member of staff. Bullying We are very proud of our reputation as a caring, family community and we do not tolerate bullying in any form. If bullying does occur, all pupils should be able to tell someone and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively, and they need to feel supported. There is a “virtual” bully box on the student intranet where victims, their friends or any observer can inform the Head of Pastoral Care or Head and Deputy Head of Boarding. What happens if you want to make a comment about something? Sometimes you may feel that you would like to make a comment on something that is worrying you. This might be about how you are being treated. The first thing you should do is to speak to any member of staff you trust (e.g. House Parent or Form Tutor); you can have a friend with you if you wish – another pupil, an older pupil or another member of staff. If the matter cannot be easily settled, then you can make a formal representation. You can write to your House Parent, Form Tutor, Head of Boarding or Head Teacher then: You will get a note back saying that your comments have been received and seen and that it is being attended to within 2 school days. You will then be asked to talk to your Head Teacher and you can have a friend with you who may be another pupil, a senior, your Form Tutor or any member of staff. If within two more days you have not had the matter satisfactorily sorted out, you may contact any of the people whose names and addresses are listed. Whoever you contact can speak to you at schoolagain you can have a friend with you-and you will be advised about what to do and it will then be up to you to make a final decision. If you have made a complaint about a serious matter and you felt that it had not been dealt with you may get advice from Childline - 0800 1111 - on how to take your complaint further. It is Collegiate policy that pupils and staff have the right to direct access to Mr. Martin (Provost & Chairman) if they so wish. The School is regularly inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate to ensure we are providing high quality care. If you ever need to tell an inspector about something serious happening where you are being looked after, you can tell an inspector when they visit, or you can contact them on the telephone number below. You can find out more about your rights on Contacts Mr or Mrs B R Martin (Live on campus) The Coach House, Thorpe Underwood. Mrs Pru Robertson - Independent Listener OFSTED- Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Priory Medical Group Independent School Inspectorate –Ground Floor 9-12 Long Lane, London, EC1A 9HA Father Christopher (School Chaplain) Tel: 01423 333 901 Tel: 01937 520 174 Tel: 03001 231 231 Tel: 01904 781 423 Tel: 02076 000 100 Tel: 01423 330 928 Page 5 ADDRESSES OF LOCAL ACCOMMODATION - Prices are approximate Name and Address Telephone Number B&B Cost Classification per room Single £ Double £ Comment The Churchill 65 Bootham York YO30 7DQ 01904 644456 01904 663322 (fax) 80 130 **** Commended Crook Lodge 26 St Mary’s Bootham York YO30 7DD 01904 655614 55 75 *** Commended Millfield Lodge 34-36 Millfield Road York YO23 1NQ 01904 653731 20/ 28 38 ** Approved Warrens Guest House 30 Scarcroft Road York YO23 1NF 01904 643139 01904 658297 (fax) 55 75 ** Commended Crown Hotel Horsefair Boroughbridge YO51 9LB** 01423 322328 01423 324512 (fax) 75 106 / 142 **** Elm Bank Hotel The Mount, York (Special rate to QE parents) 01904 610653 39 60 *** Holgate Hill Hotel 122-124 Holgate Road York YO24 4BB 01904 653786 01904 643223 (Fax) 55 90 *** The Hazelwood 24-25 Portland Street York, YO31 7EH 01904 626548 01904 628032 (fax) 70 80 / 125 ** Commended The Grange Hotel 1 Clifton York, YO30 6AA 01904 644744 01904 612543 (fax) 85 120 *** Lady Anne Middleton’s Hotel Skeldergate York, YO1 6DS 01904 611570 01904 613043 67/ 77 92 132 **** Approved Poppleton House B&B 3 Main Street, Nether Poppleton, York. YO26 6HS 01904 781160 Twin rooms Mobile: 0770 960 649 £80 - £100 Email: Also Primrose Lodge, 01423 322835 The Old Cottage, Little Ouseburn, Mrs Lodge 01423 330408 ** The Crown Hotel Boroughbridge offers a 10% reduction for Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate Would parents please note that if they use the services of any of the above and have strong feelings (good or bad) on what the stay was like, we would be interested to know. Page 6 ADVICE TO PARENTS OF BOARDERS PLEASE DOsend 6 passport photos for school use; ensure that your child has at least 2/3 personal items he or she can display in a bedroom to help him or her feel at home; write often as letters and e-mails are an important link with home; name ALL possessions, including all clothing; complete travel arrangements through the parent portal at the beginning of each term and ensure that they reach your child’s house parent at least 21 days before the date of travel PLEASE DO NOT send your child with excess clothing: the uniform list contains exactly what he or she needs. AFTER SCHOOL CARE After school care is available after school hours up to 6:00 p.m. each weekday evening during Term Time. The cost of after school care is charged at £12.35 per day. BEDROOMS Pupils may not bring toasters, kettles, coffee makers, lamps, rice cookers, or music centres for use in their personal living area. All of these items are provided or available close by. BICYCLES The Collegiate has a number of BMX bikes of various sizes for use by any boarder. Pupils are allowed to ride a bike for exercise within the school grounds, subject to sensible, safe behaviour. Protective headgear must be worn. (We do not normally provide this). Bicycles brought to school are subject to the following: A) B) C) Parents must give permission in writing, naming the owner and those allowed to ride the bike. Borrowers must have permission from their parents. All bikes must have battery lights, in addition to, or instead of dynamos The Collegiate can accept no liability for loss or damage for bicycles brought by pupils. You are therefore advised to provide a bike lock and chain. BOARDING TELEPHONES & COMMUNICATING Should you wish to telephone your son or daughter in the boarding house or they wish to telephone you there are a number of methods which can be used: Every boarding bedroom has a card swipe payphone which can make and receive calls. Your child will be able to tell you his/her telephone number. You can ring in direct to their bedroom. If they are not there you can leave a message in their room voice mail box. Note: At the time we would expect a boarder to be in bed the payphone in their bedroom will cease to function and all incoming calls will be automatically redirected to their voice mail box – this avoids phones ringing after lights out. There are still several payphones accessible to your child for emergencies when this function is activated. Parents may ring the boarding house office. This will connect you with a member of staff who can then help you with any query or help to find your child. If you are unsure what your child’s direct dial telephone number is, or they have moved rooms, a member of staff should be able to tell you the correct telephone number. Parents are please asked not to make calls during prep or after your child's bedtime. There are also a number of payphones for local, national and international calls available all over the campus which pupils may use. Page 7 BOARDING TELEPHONES & COMMUNICATING Cont’d ET says “Phone Home” If you are an overseas parent and you want your child to be able to phone you from his or her bedroom, you can, if you wish, make specific arrangements with the national telephone company of the country in which you live. If you contact your own telephone company, they should be able to give you an English 0800 number followed by their own series of numbers. This will mean that your child can telephone FREE from England and your telephone company will put the cost of the call on your bill. If you provide your child with an unrestricted telephone credit card, you lay yourself open to abuse of it. We have had instances of one child “lending” a charge card number to a “friend” and wondering why the telephone charge card becomes general information and several people are using it, phoning all over the place. We advise you to restrict the available numbers your child can phone on a telephone charge number; this then avoids possible abuse. Many countries’ individual telephone companies can give you a code number which will mean that your child can telephone only the numbers you agree to i.e. your own, a relative etc. In addition, some companies can also put a limit on the cost of calls made, either daily or weekly. 0500 Mercury Freephone numbers have been discontinued. Pupils can use BT personal charge cards in the normal way by telephoning 144, the PIN number and then the required telephone number. Mobile Phones Whilst over half of young people these days have a mobile phone, their use on campus causes many troublesome and disciplinary problems. There are now restrictions and conditions relating to pupils’ mobile phone usage. If your child already has a mobile phone, or you are going to get him or her one, you will be well advised to provide one that is “Pay as you go”. At boarding school pupils are forever sending “text messages” to one another even if their friend is within speaking distance! We have had instances of children using other children's phones. One parent not on “Pay as you go” was faced with a mobile phone bill running into hundreds of pounds as not only their child, but a friend had used it heavily. Reception is not perfect on campus for mobile phones and due to our thick walls some calls have to be made whilst outside in the open. Many parents have complained about their own children and telephone calls made during the night time from / to boarding children at school using mobile phones. E-Mail There are on campus various e-mail centres. At these places pupils can send/receive and print out email. If your child does not have an email address our IT staff can best advise on how to open a school email address and give training if required. Pupils can only use a school email address (not Hotmail, Yahoo etc) whilst on campus as our system is “screened” against unpalatable emails. A pupil using a school email address can also utilise their email address anywhere in the world, not just on campus. If you need help and advice, as a parent, on how to send /receive email we will gladly help you. Fax Pupils can send / receive faxes via the main school office. This is chargeable. Video Conferencing / Skype Our IT department can set up streaming on-line video conferencing / Skype via the Internet if you have a reciprocal arrangement. Page 8 CALENDAR Day pupils, weekly and full boarders are all expected to make a contribution to the extra-curricular life of the school including special occasions such as drama productions, house competitions, open days, social functions and sports fixtures. CAN MY CHILD ACCESS THE INTERNET AND EMAIL? Yes, unless you tell us you do not want them to. School Internet access and email is through a wireless filtered software system. Whereas this should stop access to most unsavoury sites and pornographic emails it cannot be guaranteed to be 100% effective ~ no system can. Students may not bring their wireless routers to school. CAR PARKING Day & Boarding parents / visitors / pupils – Car Park entrance F. We respectfully remind parents that we have been asked by the Emergency Services that no cars should go beyond the barriers and in no circumstances be parked close to the entrances in particular of Abbey Chambers or further into the Campus near the Phoenix Centre. Car’s parking in these areas can block access by Fire Tenders / Ambulances and have in the past been involved in accidents with other vehicles and children. We need to ensure that the central core of the Campus, as used by pedestrian children, remains as free from moving vehicles as possible. Even though it may be raining or you may have heavy luggage or small children, PLEASE obey this safety code. CARS – STUDENTS Sixth Form day pupils who have passed their driving test may drive a car to and from school and park it in the main car park, provided that proof of driving licence, insurance details, MOT and registration documents have been shown to the School Office. Annex K must also have been completed and handed in to the School Office. Car keys must be handed in to the School Office whenever the car is on site. Sixth Form boarders may drive to and from school on Sunday and Friday evenings, provided they have a full driving licence and have produced the above documents. Sixth Form boarding students may not drive locally during the week, or at weekends and the car keys must be handed in to houseparents whenever the car is on site. No liability can be accepted by the school for loss or damage however caused. If you wish your child to drive a car at school please complete Annex K. We reserve the right to clamp a student’s car if they do not follow these basic procedures. CIGARETTES, ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND RELATIONSHIPS It is against school rules for any student to bring cigarettes to school or smoke on campus – so we ask parents please to check their children's luggage to ensure they are not bringing cigarettes to school at the beginning of term, after half-term or after weekends at home. No pupil is allowed to bring alcohol onto school premises. The School reserves the right to breathalise any student about whom they are concerned. There are social events at which Sixth Form may be served alcohol, but no spirits. Bringing prohibited drugs onto school premises, or the consumption of drugs, is the quickest way to be suspended or expelled. The Collegiate operates a drug testing system and reserves the right to test any pupil at any time – this system is expensive but fool-proof. If you suspect your child of taking drugs please tell us. Together we can resolve this problem. At worst drugs can kill, at least they can damage a young life. We encourage friendship but not public displays of affection. Sexual impropriety or “inappropriate behaviour”, regardless of where occurring, will usually result in expulsion. Page 9 CODE OF CONDUCT – DISCIPLINE POLICY In school Not ready Stage 1 to LEARN Verbal Planner Warning Strike 3 verbal warnings Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Detention 2 hour Detention Missed lesson Missed detention Swearing Out of bounds 3 Detentions Accumulative sanctions 3 planner strikes Leaving a lesson Defiance Rudeness to staff Fighting 3 electronic strikes 3 uniform strikes 3 missing planner strikes Department removal 3 Late strikes Stage 5 5 Detentions HOKS Tutor report Report Letter Home Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 8 Detentions DHOS Report Letter Home 10 Detentions HOS Report Letter Home Refer to Pastoral EPA Report Letter Home In Boarding BOARDER Stage 1 Verbal Strike Warning 3 verbal warnings Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 2 hour board- 3 Boarding 5 Boarding 8 Boarding 10 Boarding Refer to ing detention detentions detentions detentions detentions SBT Houseparent Head of DHOB HOB 3 Strikes Swearing Report House Report MMT Report Report Report Out of Letter Letter Letter Letter Defiance bounds Home Home Home Home Missed Rudeness to Boarding staff detention Fighting 3 electronic strikes Missed breakfast 3 failure to sign in/out 3 Lates From Stage 8 other sanctions and support methods can be applied to support the student and modify behaviour INTERNAL ISOLATION INTERNAL ISOLATION FROM LESSON OR PREP Full day or prep GATINGS/ACADEMIC SOCIAL ISOLATIONS Green 3 Days Amber 1 Week Leaving site without permission Entering a room or Found in possession of house of the smoking materials opposite sex Public displays of affection Misuse of electronics HIGHER LEVEL SANCTIONS This is a full isolation and is only enforced when students cause 'significant disruption to the learning environment'. A prep isolation is enforced when a student misses three pieces of prep. This is a five day sanction and requires the student to complete prep in a supervised environment. Stage 2 Boarding detention Red 1 Week + Full Isolation Black SUSPENSION Smoking Drinking or bringing alcohol onto site Swearing at a member of staff Taking, dealing or being associated with any mind altering substance or in possession of paraphernalia Bringing the school into disrepute Bullying / Theft / Sexual misconduct / Vandalism / Racism / Fighting/aggressive behaviour Failure to complete a sanction requires the student to complete the level above. High level sanctions can also be enforced for an accumulation of lower level sanctions. The Principal reserves the right to Exclude/Expel any student should he feel it necessary. Page 10 CODE OF CONDUCT – GENERAL Students must be courteous at all times both to each other and to adults. This includes: a) at all times be polite and courteous b) holding doors open for staff, other adults and other students c) standing back to allow visitors to pass d) using appropriate language to other students. There should be no swearing or abusive language or any language which could cause distress to others. e) stealing and damage to property are considered serious offences. f) the administration corridor may only be used by staff and School Prefects In order to facilitate movement around our schools: a) pupils should keep to the left and walk, not run, along the corridors b) pupils must place bags and files on the shelves provided, not leave them on the floor Food and drink should not be taken into the classroom, libraries or any teaching area. Pupils should eat and drink in the dining hall. Food should not be consumed by pupils walking around the schools. Classrooms should be kept tidy and litter placed in the bins provided. Chewing gum is not allowed in school; tippex may not be used. All possessions should be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Boarders must keep their bedrooms and common rooms tidy. No alcohol may be brought onto campus. Smoking is forbidden. All farm land, roads and the area around the outside of the school, are permanently out of bounds for ALL years - this includes Years 12 and 13. No pupil may leave the campus without the express approval of a senior member of staff. CCTV All the School grounds, classrooms and other proper areas are monitored 24 hrs by CCTV for the safety and protection of our pupils, staff and visitors. The School subscribes to the standard nationally agreed Code of Practice relating to CCTV usage in such circumstances. CONDUCTING OR INVOLVEMENT WITH…. No pupil may be involved with; a business, trade, company, organisation, society, charity, web site, betting, gaming, gambling, publication, exhibition, demonstration, or the like, on or off the campus, without the permission of the Principal. DAMAGE All pupils will be charged for damage and breakage for which they are responsible. DAY ACTIVITY CENTRE - Muggles This is available to Day / Boarding Pupils from Year 6 up to Year 13 subject to conditions. EXTRA All examination fees (eg GCSE, A-Level, IB, BTEC, IELTS etc.,) are recharged to parents, as also are the costs of Awards, Badges, Insignia, Trips etc., For a full list of possible “extras” please speak to the Bursar’s Office. Also see Annex F . EXTRA MEALS Day pupils who stay on for supper in the evening or lunches at weekends will be charged an extra £9.10 per meal. If you wish your child to take advantage of the facility, please inform the School Office by mid-morning of the day concerned. FAXES Faxes can be received for your child on the School fax number. They can send faxes via the School Office. £2.95 is charged per page, for sending, regardless of destination. FIRE ALARMS Students will be fined £200 in the event they irresponsibly cause a fire alarm and thus mass evacuation of a building. Parents should note the Government Fire Service now has the ability to charge £600 for a call out resulting in Fire Engine attendance due to irresponsible actions. Aerosols are banned in the boarding houses as they have been the cause of many fire alarms. Page 11 TERMLY FEES UNACCEPTABLE CONTENT There are three School terms per year. Fees valid Sept 2014 ~ Aug 2015 UK International Boarding Boarding CHAPTER HOUSE JUNIOR SCHOOL Day Nursery AM £1,060 Nursery £1,700 Reception £2,090 £8,880 £10,860 Year 1 £2,395 £8,880 £10,860 Year 2 £2,395 £8,880 £10,860 Year 3 £2,510 £8,880 £10,860 Year 4 £3,035 £9,540 £11,685 Year 5 £3,065 £9,540 £11,685 Day fees include lunches KING’S MAGNA MIDDLE SCHOOL Year 6 £3,085 £10,085 £12,350 Year 7 £4,265 £10,085 £12,350 Year 8 £4,265 £10,085 £12,350 Year 9 £4,295 £10,085 £12,350 Day fees include lunches QUEEN ETHELBURGA’S Year 10 £4,320 £10,580 £12,965 Year 11 £4,320 £10,580 £13,330 Year 12 £4,320 £11,095 £13,685 Year 13 £4,320 £11,095 £13,685 Pre A Level £4,320 £11,095 £13,685 Day fees include lunches You can also pay by credit / debit card and monthly. Childcare Vouchers accepted for activities such as After School Clubs, Music Lessons etc and boarding. Occasional After Hours Facilities £12.35 per day After Hours Facilities £546 per term Occasional Supper £9.11 per meal Occasional Boarding £89 per night Computers, Laptops, Electronic Devices and the like The Collegiate has strict rules regarding computers, laptops and any other device which is (a) capable of either communicating with the internet and / or other equipment / devices / systems, (b) capable of storing text or images. Parents are responsible for ensuring any such equipment is insured. We cannot be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever caused. Parents must ensure such equipment has adequate software safeguards wherever possible, to prevent access to, or storage of, offensive or unacceptable content. Pupils who bring onto campus, or who disseminate in any way, such electronically stored content, or access such content whilst on campus, or who illicitly, or without permission, connect to systems, networks, or the web, or who fail to adhere to the rules concerning such usage, will have their equipment confiscated, be barred from bringing the same ever onto campus in the future, and risk suspension or expulsion. Pupils who think being involved with offensive or unacceptable content, or connecting, or attempting to connect to, campus networks or systems is funny, harmless or “no big deal” will find we take this seriously and will react accordingly. In bringing such equipment onto Campus premises, parents and pupils agree that the Collegiate reserves the right to “search” through any stored text or images if it suspects unacceptable content or usage. Kindergarten Per full day £51 Full 5 day week £208 BUS CHARGE ZONES (£) 2014~2015 Fare Code A B C D Incidental Basis ~ Single Journey Incidental Basis ~ Return Journey Termly Basis ~ Daily Single Journey Termly Basis ~ Daily Return Journey E 7.65 11.20 13.40 14.20 15.10 Boarding ~ Single Room Supplement (Chargeable where a boarding student is the sole occupant of a bedroom or apartment designed and laid out for two) An additional Charge of 30% of the applicable Boarding Fee 10.25 15.15 17.50 19.00 20.10 275 396 452 478 508 358 539 612 649 685 Fees can be paid by cheque or bank transfer. For an extra charge you can also pay by Visa or American Express or spread the payments over several months. Please see Page 12 for the up to date Terms & Conditions which supersede all previous versions and apply to all parents and pupils. These may be different from those on the rear of the original Registration & Enrolment Form you signed. Commencement and / or continuation of your child in School / Collegiate will be deemed to be acceptance by you of these updated Terms & Conditions. Page 12 FEES – ATTACHING CONDITIONS Terms and Conditions (r evised Apr il 2011): Queen Ethelbur ga’s College Foundation (no: 1012924) and The Martin Foundation (no: 110184) are charities registered in England and Wales. In all terms hereafter: (i) “School” shall include Queen Ethelburga’s College/Academy/Classic Company/School Ltd, Chapter House Preparatory School Ltd, King’s Magna School, Faculty of Queen Ethelburga’s Ltd, Thorpe Underwood Services Ltd, The Collegiate Charitable Foundation Ltd, The Collegiate Foundation Ltd, Queens Kindergarten, Queen Ethelburga’s College Foundation, The Martin Foundation and all other associated companies, organisations or partnerships together with the Governors, Trustees, Principal, Headteachers, staff and professional advisors thereof; (ii) “Parent(s)” shall include natural, adoptive, step and foster parents, guardians together with any other person(s) be they individually or collectively responsible for the physical, emotional or financial wellbeing of the Pupil; (iii) “Pupil” shall include all persons enrolled at the School such enrolment occurring upon receipt by the School Registrar of an Application for Registration & Enrolment signed by the Parent(s) enrolment is subject to acceptance by the School of the Pupil’s previous educational history and confirmation that all previous financial obligations were met. iv) “International Pupil” as (iii) above and the Pupil’s Parent(s) work or reside outside of the UK for in excess of 26 weeks a year or the Pupil is normally resident outside the UK or the Pupil or Parent(s) do not hold a British passport [excluding members of HM Forces, Foreign Office and Diplomatic staff] These terms and conditions may by varied by the School Governors at their sole discretion or by the Parent(s) upon written request to and receipt of written confirmation from the School Governors. The Parent(s) accept that commencement or continuation of a Pupil at the School or settlement of an account in whole or in part is deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions. Where a Pupil’s sibling (be they natural, half, step, adoptive, fostered, or the like) is enrolled at the School, the School reserves the right to apply any or all of these terms and conditions to one or all of the siblings as the School deems appropriate. 1) a) the School account must be settled in full by the Invoice Due Date; b) leaving accounts and all other monies owing must be settled in full no later than 7 days from the Invoice Date thereon. 2) Failure to settle the School account in full by the Invoice Due Date permits the School to: - a) charge interest upon the outstanding monies at the rate of 2.5% per month; b) disallow the Pupil’s bursary/remission/ award; c) disclose any or all information concerning the Pupil or the Parent(s) to a third party; d) not enter or withdraw the Pupil from any external examination; e) withhold disclosure or confirmation of examination results or the release of examination certificates; f) execute a lien over all property belonging to the Parent(s) / Pupil or in the possession of the same whilst at the School; g) suspend the pupil from attending / boarding at School. 3) International Pupil(s) must provide an additional enrolment deposit of one terms fees. The School will repay this money on completion of the Pupil’s education at the conclusion of Year 13 (following deduction of any monies due and owing) subject to the Parent and the Pupil’s strict compliance with these terms and conditions. 4) The Pupil must follow an Educational Pathway or a course of study and enter examinations as directed by the Headteacher. In the event of dispute between the Pupil or the Parent(s) and the Headteacher, the Headteacher’s decision is final. 5) The Pupil must: a) work diligently and conform to the standards required by the School; b) attend and participate in School functions and extra curricular activities, courses or functions (which may occur at evenings or weekends); c) attend School during the standard published term dates. Term time holidays are at the sole discretion of the Headteacher and are rarely approved. 6) The Parent(s) consent to the Pupil’s participation in all School games, extra curricular sports and activities whether or not they occur upon School premises. 7) The School does not accept liability for:- a) any property, personal possessions, animals, vehicles, cash, credit cards or the like owned or in the possession of the Pupil, the Parent(s) or any associated person; b) any accident, loss or damage (including sickness and disease) howsoever caused; c) consequential losses. 8) The School operates anti-drugs and smoking policies and reserves the right to test any Pupil at any time. 9) In sensitive matters pertaining to the disclosure of the Pupil’s emotional, physical, psychological or moral welfare the School will, if appropriate, respect the Pupil’s right to confidentiality. 10) The School will take all reasonable steps to ensure the emotional and physical health, safety, moral welfare and reasonable educational progress of the Pupil but will not be held legally, financially or consequently liable for:- a) the Pupil’s unwillingness, failure or inability to study or achieve academic expectations or examination results whatsoever the cause; b) the Pupil’s incorrect, inappropriate or illegal actions/behaviour or interaction/behaviour with other Pupils, anyone or anything else whether occurring on the School premises or not; c) the School’s failure to react appropriately to the Pupil’s medical, educational, psychological or emotional needs unless the same has been previously disclosed in writing to the Headteacher by the Parent(s) and thereafter receipt by the Parent(s) of an agreed designated plan of action from the Headteacher. 11) The Parent(s) must provide to the Headteacher one full terms’ notice in writing and receive a written acknowledgement therefrom to:a) discontinue charges for additional tuition or facilities (i.e. music, riding, livery, transport etc); b) withdraw the Pupil from the Schools for whatever reason (including the non-return of the Pupil following suspension or exclusion and / or a Pupil not progressing from Chapter House to King’s Magna or from King’s Magna to Queen Ethelburga’s, c) to change from boarding to day status. Failure to provide such notice entitles the Schools to make a charge of one terms’ fees and/or charges in lieu thereof. 12) The School reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice or reason (if appropriate), to:- a) suspend, exclude, expel or remove the Pupil; b) change the basis (be it financial or otherwise) on which the Pupil commences or continues education; c) vary or cease the provision of educational or boarding practices, d) cease providing education and/or welfare where the Pupil fails to conform or adhere to the expected standards including (but not limited to) behaviour, moral welfare, dress/ appearance, education, health, School rules, codes of practice or conduct regardless of whether the failure occurs during term time or upon the School premises. 13) The School may, without notice or liability and at its own discretion, introduce, vary, cease or withdraw any bursary/remission/award or the like, courses, facilities or educational or boarding practices, staff or the like or for any reason to vary or cease providing educational or related services as it deems necessary. 14) (a) The School may withhold, disallow or cease any bursary/ remission/award and/or receive full repayment of all bursary/remission/ awards previously settled where:- (i) the Parent(s) and/or the Pupil act in breach of any of these terms and conditions; (ii) the Parent(s) and/or Pupil fail to adhere to any terms and conditions relating specifically to a bursary/remission/award, be they express or implied; (iii) the Pupil shall fail for any reason, including exclusion and expulsion, to complete his or her education until the conclusion of Year 13; (iv) HM Forces bursary/ remission/award holders only - (iii) does not apply. 15) Parent(s) agree and accept a bursary/remission/award will not be granted where a Pupil’s IQ is below 90; if any such bursary/remission/ award is granted in error all assistance received is repayable to the School immediately. 16) The School does not accept any liability for loss, injury, damage, illness, death or legal liability, directly or indirectly, caused by, happening through, in consequence of or contributed to by war, invasion, act of foreign enemy or hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution or insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation or nationalisation or requisition or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority, riot, civil commotion, looting in connection with any of the above, strikes or lock outs, nuclear or radioactive escape, accident, explosion, waste or contamination, aircraft or other aerial devices, Influenza or any pandemic or derivation or variant thereof, arising from any fear or threat (whether actual or perceived) of such Influenza, any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any outbreak of Influenza 17) On occasion of an occurrence expressed in clause 16 above and/or any Authority or Government advice/recommendation/instruction suspending or closing the School, the School will not reduce/refund/ waive fees or additional charges, except at the discretion of the School and in exceptional circumstances. 18) The Parents(s) agree and accept they must comply with the School’s rules on quarantine of Pupil(s) and the disclosure of medical information. 19) The School does not accept any liability for, be it financially, consequentially or otherwise, any acts or omissions of the Pupil nor will it reduce/refund/waive fees or additional charges where the Pupil does not attend, participate in or otherwise make use of the service provided due to sickness, accident, loss, damage, suspension, exclusion, expulsion, withdrawal (be it temporary or permanent) or study leave. 20) The Parent(s) / Pupil agree and accept the School will from time to time make use of CCTV, photographic, video images, sound or digital files or biometric data, of Pupils in; the running of the School, School publications, its website, marketing, advertising, films, video, DVD or electronic distribution system or the like. 21) The School will at all times comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 (including without limitation the data principles set out in the Act) with guidelines and guidance notes issued thereafter by the Information Commissioner. Parent(s) / Pupil agree and accept any information maybe utilised or disseminated as the School deems necessary. 22) a) The Parent(s) agree to provide the School with their full support and cooperation in all matters relating to the Pupil, particularly to ensure the Pupil’s adherence to these terms and conditions; b) If the Parent(s) or Pupil has cause for concern s/he should address them in writing for the attention of the Headteacher; c) If the Parent or the Pupil feels his/her concerns have not been adequately addressed s/he should address them in writing to the Governing Body of the School and ensure the same is delivered by recorded post. If the Parent or the Pupil is not satisfied with the response of the Governing Body s/he may bring the matter to the attention of a specially convened meeting of the School Governors. 23) The School reserves the rights and interest in any intellectual property rights (IPR) arising as a result of the actions of a Pupil in conjunction with any member of School staff and/or other Pupils for a purpose associated with the School. Any use of IPR by a Pupil is subject to the terms of a licence to be agreed prior to use by the Pupil or Parent (s). 24) The proper law of these terms and conditions shall be the law of England and the terms and conditions are subject to English Law and Practice and English Law of Jurisdiction. 25) A person who is not a party to this contract has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this contract but this does not affect any right or remedy or a third party which exists or is available apart from that Act. 26) Bona fide errors and omissions shall not prejudice the rights of either party to this contract but shall be rectified as soon as possible. A copy of these conditions, or any of our literature, is available in big print for those who require it. Please ask the Registrar Page 13 TERM DATES ACADEMIC YEAR 2014 - 2015 AUTUMN Monday 1st September 2014 Y13 School Prefects arrive 10.30 Y11 School Prefects arrive 13.00 - 17.00 Y12 International Boarders arrive 13.00 - 17.00 nd Tuesday 2 September 2014 Y12 Day students arrive 9.00 Y12 UK Boarders arrive Before 13.00 Y10 Boarders and 1 year GCSE Boarders arrive 13.00 - 17.00 Wednesday 3rd September 2014 Y12 Day students expected in school 8.30 Y10 Day students arrive 8.30 CH Boarders arrive 11.00 King’s Magna Boarders – Y6, 7, 8, 9 arrive 12.30-16.30 King’s Magna Day students Y6, 7, 8, 9 arrive 15.00 Y11 Boarders and Y13 Boarders arrive 13.00-17.00 Thursday 4th September 2014 Term starts for all schools 8.30 Friday 5th to Sunday 7th Sep 2014 Closed weekend (All Boarders (full and weekly) are expected to remain on-site) th Friday 24 October 2014 KM and QE Half term holiday starts after the School Birthday 15.30 CH Half term holiday starts (students with siblings in QE or KM may leave at 15:30) usual time Monday 3rd November 2014 Term starts for all schools 8.30 th Thursday 11 December 2014 CH Term ends usual time KM and QE Term ends 16.30 SPRING Tuesday 6th January 2015 Term starts for all schools 8.30 Friday 13th February 2015 KM (Y6,7, 8) and QE (Y10, 12, 13) Half term holiday starts 12.40 KM (Y9) and QE (Y11) Half term holiday starts 15.00 CH Half term holiday starts (students with siblings in QE or KM may leave at 12.40 or usual time 15.00) rd Monday 23 February 2015 Term starts for all schools 8.30 Friday 27th March 2015 KM and QE Term ends 15.20 CH Term ends (students with siblings in QE or KM may leave at 15.20) usual time SUMMER th Tuesday 14 April 2015 Term starts for all schools 8.30 Monday 4th May 2015 Bank Holiday Friday 22nd May 2015 KM and QE Half term holiday starts 15.20 CH Half term holiday starts (students with siblings in QE or KM may leave at 15.20) usual time Monday 1st June 2015 Term starts for all schools 8.30 Friday 19th June 2015 CH Term ends 16.00 th Saturday 20 June 2015 KM Term ends 12.00 QE Term ends 16.00 Boarders must arrive by 20.00 on the day before Term/Half Term starts. Boarders may leave after the end of Term/Half Term, and must leave before 6pm on the following day. Boarders must remain at school after 20th June if they still have further public examinations. Key:- CH - Chapter House (Nursery - Year 5), KM - King's Magna (Years 6-9), QE - Senior Schools College and Faculty (Years 10-13) PARENTS' MEETING DATES Monday 15th September 2014 Y6 Appointments with Form Tutors 15.00 - 16.30 Tuesday 16th September 2014 Y7 Appointments with Form Tutors 15.00 - 16.30 Friday 24th October 2014 Y6-13 Parents’ Meeting (Boarding students only) 15.30 – 17.30 Monday 24th November 2014 Y6-13 Parents’ Meeting (Day students only) 16.15 – 18.00 Friday 13th February 2015 Y6 Appointments with Class Teacher for core subjects followed by Parents' Meeting 13.45 / 15.00 Y9 & 11 Parents' Meeting 15.00 - 17.30 Friday 27th March 2015 Y7, 8, 10, 12, 13 Parents’ Meeting 15.45 - 17.30 Friday 22nd May 2015 Y6-13 Parents’ Meeting 15.45 - 17.30 Friday 24th October 2014 Wednesday 10th December 2014 Thursday 11th December 2014 Friday 13th February 2015 Thursday 21st May 2015 Friday 22nd May 2015 Friday 19th June 2015 Saturday 20th June 2015 SCHOOL EVENTS School Birthday CH Carol Service at Ripon Cathedral KM and QE Carol Service at Ripon Cathedral Y9 & 11 Options Exhibition CH Sports Day KM Sports Day CH Speech Day KM Speech Day QE Speech Day 12.00 - 15.30 14.00 - 16.00 14.00 - 16.30 13.45 - 15.00 13.00 - 15.30 13.00 - 15.20 14.00 - 15.30 10.00 - 12.00 14.00 - 16.00 GOING TO FRIENDS’ HOUSES, PARTIES, STAYING OFF CAMPUS Parents are reminded that we need to receive written permission from them (or guardians) for a boarding pupil to be absent from school (e.g. going to a friend’s house for the weekend) by the Wednesday evening. Experience has shown us that what we, or parents, are told about the nature of a stay at a friend’s house is not always quite what one might expect. Therefore it is the parents’ (or guardians’) responsibility to personally satisfy themselves as to the nature of any stay away from school and that there is a responsible adult present: this should be done by the parents (or guardians) personally speaking to the other adult(s), where the stay will take place, before giving their permission to school. We obviously cannot be responsible for what may or may not happen when a pupil is temporarily out of our care. If a “party” is involved you may wish to decide whether the person in charge can cope and would exercise the same level of care and consideration as you would. Likewise what precautions are in place to avoid inappropriate use of alcohol, drugs or unsavoury behaviour and who else may be invited or may attend. It is Collegiate policy that no student may stay at the home of another student of the opposite sex. Students may not stay at hotels, guest houses, or the like unless they are accompanied by a parent or a guardian. Page 14 GUARDIANS Pupils of overseas residents are reminded that a guardian must be appointed for emergency purposes and for visits at Half Term. All Guardians must be on QE’s “Permitted Guardian List”. SEE FORM ~ ANNEX B. Without this form completed no student may be admitted to the Collegiate. GUM SHIELDS, GLASSES AND NAMING All pupils doing sports must have their own gum shield / mouth guard and wear it while participating in interactive sports. No responsibility can be taken for a pupil who ignores this requirement. A simple mouth guard can be purchased from the School Shop for a few pounds. Much more preferable is a mouth guard made specifically for your child's mouth / teeth by your own Dentist. Whereas this is more expensive (circa £30-£45) it can save you considerably more in dental charges in the longer term. The school therefore strongly recommends that you ask your own Dentist to make a fully fitted mouth guard for your child. All articles of uniform and personal clothes / possessions brought to school must be clearly marked with the pupil’s name. If you wonder why we say this, just take a look at the huge amount of un-named lost property at the end of every term! Pupils who wear glasses for sports must have a pair with unbreakable, safety lenses. HELICOPTERS Our Campus has its own Helipad to CAA standards including night landing lights. If you wish to land on our Helipad, it is essential you phone ahead and gain permission first giving an expected arrival time. We have a large number of children and staff all over our campus. We have a recognised Health & Safety procedure of alarm lights, sirens, roadway and pathway barriers that must be activated before any helicopter may land or take off in order to maintain the safety of our children, staff and HIGH ENERGY DRINKS High Energy Drinks such as “Red Bull”, “Relentless”, “Rockstar” and “Blue Charge” are banned from campus. These drinks can be addictive and due to the high sugar content can lead to diabetes. Protein Shakes are also banned as they can cause health issues. HOUSE AND SOCIAL FUND SUBSCRIPTIONS Every year pupils take part in House competitions in order to gain points, and various social events are organised throughout the year. Boarders are offered a range of weekend activities (including discos, parties and cooking). A charge of £5.00 is made on the termly bill to cover this. INCIDENTAL BOARDING There is no extra charge for changing from weekly boarding to full boarding. For temporary boarders there is a charge each night of £89 inclusive of supper and breakfast. There are no reductions for missed school, early leaving etc. The Bursar can supply details of school insurance to cover incidents such as these. Day pupils are welcome to stay to supper. Prior notice must be given to the School Office and they will then be billed at a cost of £9.11 per evening. LAUNDRY All laundry is washed by members of staff for all the boarders. Limited washing may be done by students if they wish, in which case they must bring their own washing powder. However, senior pupils normally iron their own uniform and clothes. Junior boarders will have their clothes ironed for them initially but help and supervision will be on hand in order to teach them this skill. LOCKERS All Day Pupils from Year 4 upwards may have their own locker in school. There are also lockers available for any boarders who want one. Any damage to, or misuse of, lockers will be charged to the person concerned. All boarders, regardless of age, have their own personal lockable cash box in their bedroom. Lost locker keys will be recharged at £10 for each key replaced Cash in excess of £5 should be handed to a House Parent for safe keeping. Page 15 LUNCHES All boarders’ normal meals are included within the fees. All day fees include the cost of lunches. MEDICAL SERVICES The Collegiate employs its own Nurses who run the Medical Centre full time. Any parent or guardian is most welcome to ring the Medical Centre to discuss any problems. Tel: 01423 333314, Fax: 01423 333912. Our school Nurses are in daily charge of the Medical Centre and provide immediate care for all pupils, as well as deal with administration. All boarding pupils are registered with a local NHS Medical Doctors Practice (Priory Medical Practice) to whom pupils will be referred to by the Nurse if the need arises. NEW OFFICES The “Management & Executive Administration Centre” ~ The Undercroft Offices is between Thorpe Underwood Hall and Abbey Chambers. Undercroft Entrance Use this entrance to either go down the stairs to the Undercroft or turn right into the School Office foyer. The Head and Deputy Head of Boarding is also located here. This entrance is used by Staff and Pupils. School Reception This is the main entrance used for visitors to the School, Head and Deputy Head of Boarding, Registrar & Waiting Room Side Entrance This entrance is around the corner - nearest to Abbey Chambers. Use this entrance if visiting: the Estate Centre Reception, Pupil Testing Rooms, Provost ~ Brian Martin, Registrar ~ Pat Jewitt, and the Admissions staff. By going through this entrance you can also access the stairs to the First Floor and Top Floor. In this entrance foyer you will find snack, chocolate and drink vending machines plus a vending machine for essential pupil supplies, an ATM and a change machine. From this foyer you can access the stairs down to the School Shop. First Floor Bursar ~ Chris Hall, Building + Maintenance Dept -access by side entrance Top Floor Property Portfolio Investment Office, Intranet & Communication Manager ~ David Millington, Boardroom, Special Projects and the Office of Elizabeth Martin access by side entrance NOTIFICATION OF EXTRA CHARGES & PERMISSION FOR TRIPS It costs the School/Collegiate several pounds in labour, stationery and postage to write to seek parents’ permission for (a) an extra charge to go on the bill or (b) for permission for a pupil to go on a trip/outing. We will only write to you in cases of (a) or (b) where the charge would be £30 or over. If you require prior notice of each additional charge going onto your account below £30 or require notification to give permission for one off trips etc there will be a mandatory £5 notification charge for each occasion. You need to let us know in writing if you require individual notification thus accepting each £5 extra charge. In CH permission is sought for every trip organised by teaching staff. POCKET MONEY FOR BOARDERS We recommend the following guidelines for appropriate amounts of pocket money which should be a cheque with your child’s name on the back made out to Queen Ethelburga's Collegiate and handed in a sealed envelope to your child’s house parent on arrival each term at the boarding house. A) Juniors - approx. £130 per term. B) Years 6~9 inclusive - approx £175 per term. C) Yrs 10~11: approx £265 per term. D) Years 12~13: approx £415 per term. Page 16 POSTERS, MAGAZINES, BOOKS, VIDEOS & DVD’s Students are welcome to decorate their rooms with posters – HOWEVER if unsuitable ithey will be removed. Likewise magazines/books/DVD’s. If common sense would tell a pupil that staff or parents would be embarrassed by the content of a poster, a magazine of the “top shelf” style, or a book/DVD with strong content, then it must not be brought to school. Only videos/ DVDs of the correct age category for the pupil and / or friends can be brought to school. SEARCHES The School / Collegiate reserves the right to search any boarding bedroom, locker, safe, bag, car, belongings or the like, or carry out a personal search (using two appropriate staff), if it is considered necessary in the interests of health, safety, discipline etc. (Note we keep master keys for all lockers etc.) A search may be carried out without the pupil being present. SHOPPING, CASH, CHANGE & PRE-PAY PHONE TOP UPS There are shopping trips to local supermarkets. The School Shop is open regularly. In the Foyer of the School Office there is a “Link” ATM Cash Machine which accepts all the usual Bank / Building Society credit / debit cards, plus a Change machine, coin + prepay / credit card payphones, and vending machines providing canned drinks, chocolate, snacks, school essentials, postage stamps and pre-pay phone cards. Pre-pay mobile phone top ups are available from the Finance Office. TOYS & GAMES Children are allowed to bring some inexpensive toys to school, for example when there is a craze (ie Pokémon cards). The children can play with them at break time, but they would not be allowed to have them out during lesson time. No valuable possessions please! TRANSPORT CHARGES To save parents the cost of taxi fares to and from airports and railway stations, the Collegiate can sometimes provide a mini-bus with an Estate member of staff to escort pupils if there are not less than 10 students travelling to the same place at the same time. It is sometimes not practical to provide Collegiate transport. In such circumstances parents will have to pay for the cost of the taxi fare for their child (shared if more than one child is involved). See table below. Escorted short duration trips to Doctors, Dentists & Opticians cost about £20. Standard Schedule (travel days only) Escorted Transport (16 years and under) Travel Day Non Travel Day Non Escorted Transport (17 years +) Travel Day Non Travel Day Solo Shared Solo Shared Solo Shared Solo Shared Leeds 31 88 57 98 57 62 41 72 41 Manchester 57 165 98 221 113 124 77 180 93 Heathrow 139 515 268 535 319 412 216 432 268 York 11 46 26 51 31 31 16 36 21 Birmingham n/a 283 144 319 160 221 113 257 129 Gatwick n/a 504 257 571 288 396 201 463 232 Stanstead n/a 427 216 484 242 345 175 402 201 Newcastle n/a 206 103 232 118 154 77 180 93 Doncaster n/a 139 72 154 82 93 46 108 57 Durham n/a 134 67 149 77 93 46 108 57 Liverpool n/a 216 108 242 118 160 82 185 93 East Midlands n/a 206 103 232 118 154 77 180 93 Luton n/a 391 196 443 221 309 154 360 180 Please note that Standard Schedule (travel day) transfer include ALL costs including escort for students aged 16 years and under TRAVEL Parents/guardians are please asked to submit their travel arrangements through the parent portal at least 10 working days prior to the relevant travel day. Page 17 VALUABLES, CASH & THEFT Valuables, and cash, must be handed to a House Parent for safe keeping. There is a lockable facility in each bedroom but this offers only limited security. Thefts do occur - be warned. VEHICLE TRAFFIC Over the years our Campus has seen a marked increase in vehicle traffic. For the safety of our day and boarding children, staff and to create order, there is now a system of strictly enforced Entrances and Exits. Vehicles not adhering to the rules WILL be wheel clamped. This is our Main Large Car Park. Parents are to use ONLY this Car Park please. On “travel days” luggage should be unloaded in this Main Car Park. Estate Staff Entrance F will be available on travel days between 12 noon and 6.30 pm to assist with Exit E transportation of luggage to the relevant boarding house. If you find the gate closed please follow the instructions on the intercom pillar by the Entrance. Entrance G No entry Entrance H Is strictly for deliveries to the School Kitchens Entrance I Is a Personal Entrance for the Coach House Entrance J & K Are Personal Entrances for the Monks House Entrance L Reserved for Emergency Service vehicles only Entrance M Reserved for Emergency Service vehicles only Entrance N, O & P Are Personal Entrances for the houses of people who live on the Estate We respectfully remind parents that to use the wrong entrance, to park in an unauthorised area or to park on a roadway, not only causes a nuisance, but may likely get your vehicle damaged inadvertently by larger lorries or tractors and of course impedes the progress of EMERGENCY VEHICLES. With so many children on site we receive over 100 arrivals per year by Fire Engines, Ambulances or Police. In the past there have been numerous “near misses” and accidents involving our children or staff and visitors’ vehicles. This is why we have a strictly enforced system now. Thus regardless of rain or shine and to avoid being wheel clamped, please observe the Safety Code system above. WEEKEND EXCURSIONS Boarders have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities on and off site on a voluntary basis which broaden their horizons and give them an opportunity to venture outside the Collegiate. WORRIES Whether the parent of a day pupil, or of a boarder, there will be times when you may have concerns or worries. Your child may not be happy. You may believe something is not going well for them. Something may be happening at home that will cause a problem at school when your child becomes aware of it. We, like you and your child, are all human and we all can make mistakes. If we are doing something wrong then please tell us. We believe in the saying; “If you are happy, tell your friends, if you are not happy, then tell us.” Over the years it would be fair to say we have encountered just about every problem there is associated with young people. Common sense can usually sort out most situations. A wise old Head Mistress once said “Do not believe everything you hear from your child about school and we will not believe everything they tell us about home!” A quiet word with the House Parent can often resolve something that may be worrying you or your child. Miss Sue Ginger, Head of Boarding, has overall responsibility for all boarding matters whilst Miss Erica Papaglimis Head of Pastoral, has overall responsibility for pastoral care in School. The Heads of each School have responsibility for Academic matters and for students in their School. Approaching your class teacher should be the first step. For Nursery and Reception children, their Class Teacher is their Key Person. There are Key Stage Heads responsible for all matters regarding academic and pastoral work. All general enquiries regarding a particular student should go through the Key Stage Head in the first instance, who may then refer the matter on to another member of staff. The Heads of School are always available for more serious matters. At all times, Steven Jandrell, Principal, is happy to assist you when you need help. Brian Martin, The Provost, Chairman and Executive Trustee is always available for any assistance he may be able to provide to you or your child. Sometimes the problem is small but that does not matter. To a child it may appear big. Please do not assume we already know. Growing up was full of angst when we were young; it is no different for our children. The solution is a partnership between you and us. Working alone makes it more difficult. Together we can make a difference. Page 18 WHO’S WHO The Provost Charitable Foundation Executive Trustee Senior Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Project & Trustee Manager Chairman of Governors Board of Honorary Governors Brian R Martin FinstD, FCMI, FFA Mr B R Martin Mrs E Martin Mr C Hall Mr M Calvert Mr F D Martin Ms A Martin Mr B R Martin Ms D Bode Mr M Calvert Mrs E Granville-Edge Ms K Howells Ms A Martin Mr B R Martin Mr A Webster Mr S Jandrell Mrs D Willis Mrs K Kilkenny Mrs H Midgley Mr D Machin Mr K Oldershaw Miss S Ginger Mrs K Bunting Miss E Papaglimis FinstD, FCMI, FFA MinstD FCA MinstD MinstD MSc, BA (Hons), MinstD, FinstD, FCMI, FFA Mrs L Woodward BA (Hons) Leeds, PGCE Cambridge Mr D Payne Miss E Brown Mr A Ralls Mr D Lewis Mrs P Jewitt BA (Hons) Nott. PGCE Newcastle Ad Cert TEFL BA (Hons) Leeds QTS Leeds Dip SM AMRFT HLMND, AMDIS MinstD, Dir Collegiate Foundation Head of Art & Design Mrs L Jefferson-Hallett BA (Hons) Leeds PGCE Leeds Art & Design Art & Design Art & Textiles Art and Photography Mrs E Bradley Miss A Philpot Miss E Ralph Mrs B Swain BA (Hons) Birmingham PGCE Cambridge BA (Hons) Sheffield BA (Hons) Nottingham Trent, PGCE Reading BA (Hons) Chelsea PGCE Roehampton Art & Design Miss M Wellington BA (Hons) Chester MA York St John PGCE Hudd. Art & Fashion Head of Engineering & Design Tech. Engineering & Design Tech. Engineering & Design Tech. Technician (Engineering & Design Tech.) Careers Head of Careers Careers Coordinator Drama Head of Drama Drama Drama / English/Pastoral Drama Mrs H Woodcock Mr T Gosling Mr C Haggart Mrs S Wilson Mr E Harrison HND York Cert Ed Huddersfield BA Sheffield Hallam BA (Hons) Leicester PGCE Huddersfield BA (Hons) Derby PGCE Sheffield Hallam BSc Loughborough Miss A Currie Ms C Duff BSc Newcastle BA (Hons) Bournemouth PG Dip Huddersfield Mrs L Woodward Miss M Hudson Mrs S McIntyre Miss A Rofail BA (Hons) Leeds, PGCE Cambridge BA (Hons) Middlesex BA (Hons) PGCE Leeds BA (Hons) Chester MA Chester Principal Head of Collegiate Management Head of Chapter House Head of King’s Magna Head of QE College Head of QE Faculty Head of Boarding Senior Teacher Senior Teacher - Pastoral Care Senior Teacher - Department Development Senior Teacher - Routines Senior Teacher - CPD and Training Head of Co-Curricular Activities Conference & Lettings Manager Registrar QE ACADEMIC STAFF Art/ Engineering/Design Technology MinstD MinstD, QE Foundation Trust BSc, MinstD MSc, BA (Hons), MinstD FinstD, FCMI, FFA ACIOB, MinstD BA (Hons) Sussex ARCM, ARCO, PGCE MA, Cert Ed Wales BSc (Hons ) QTS BEd (Hons) Bradford BA (Hons) Hull, PGCE Warwick BA (Hons) Aberystwyth PGCE Aberystwyth Cert Ed Sussex BEd (Hons) Leeds BA (Hons) with QTS De Montfort Page 19 WHO’S WHO (Continued) English Head of English English English/Dep. Hd. of King’s Magna English English English English English English English English English English/Literacy & PD English as an Additional Language Head of EAL EAL EAL EAL EAL EAL EAL EAL EAL EAL EAL/Dp. Hd. QE College EAL EAL EAL Humanities Head of Humanities Geography & Personal Development Geography/Head of Key Stage 5 Fac. Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography History History History History History / Sociology Home Economics HE / Leith’s HE/ Science ICT/Business Studies/Economics Head of Business Studies/ICT Business Studies Business Studies Business Studies & Enterprise Law Business Studies & Economics Business Studies Economics Business Studies Business Studies & Economics Business Studies Business Studies & Economics Business Studies Business Studies Business Studies ICT & Computing Business Business Studies Business Studies Business Studies Economics, Bus. Stud & Enterprise Business Studies Business Studies Business Studies Business Studies/Dp. Hd. of Faculty Mr D Payne Mr D Bennett Miss L Blakeley Miss H Clarke Ms D Evans Ms Hayes Mrs S Kennedy Mrs A Lingwood Mr M Mars Mrs D Mayhew Mr A Rhind Mr P Taylor Ms R Wood BA (Hons) Nottingham PGCE Newcastle Ad Cert TEFL BA (Hons) Cardiff MA Durham PGCE Durham BA (Hons), PGCE York BA (Hons) Wales PGCE York BA (Hons) Exeter MA London Inst. of Ed. PGCE Bristol MEd PGCE Simon Frazer University BC Canada BA (Hons) Lancaster, PGCE Leeds BA (Hons) Mumbai (India) MA Sheffield PGCE York BA (Hons) Leeds PGCE Leeds BA (Hons) Leicester PGCE Leeds Cert Ed Leeds Carnegie BTEC Wakefield BA (Hons) Open University GTP Open University BA (Hons) Northumbria PGCE Newcastle Mr N Milner Mrs V Adams Mrs C Allen Mrs J Brohier Mrs H Chauvet Mrs E Duran Walker Miss M Hall Mrs B Hawman Mrs A Korzun Mr M McLaughlinStonham Miss S Mulligan Miss J Pett Mr B Russell Miss C Voss BA (Hons) Birmingham PGCE Huddersfield TEFL Cambridge BSc Humberside DELTA London CELTA Newcastle BA (Hons) Wolverhampton PGCE Huddersfield BA(Hons) Leeds PGCE Huddersfield CELTA Cambridge Trinity CELTA BA (Hons) Bradford PGCE Leeds BSc Jt. Hons. Kent MA Open Univ. PGCE, DELTA York BA (Hons) Nottingham PGCE Leeds BA LLC International (Lithuania) MA Leeds BA Bristol MA Nottingham BA (Hons) Nottingham, PGCE York BA (Hons) Hull, PGCE Swansea BA (Hons) Manchester Dip HE Dublin M Ed Manchester BA (Hons) Huddersfield, PGCE Leeds Mrs E Allinson Mrs V Allen Mrs N Askin Miss N Colville Mrs A Oldershaw Mr K Oldershaw Mrs A Perez Mrs J Walton Mrs S Welborn Mrs C Gallacher-Hay Ms K Gardiner Miss J Levitt Miss E Roden Miss G Temple BA (Hons) Southampton PGCE Cambridge BSc (Hons) Hull PGCE Hull B Ed (Hons) Sheffield BA Lancaster PGCE Cambridge BSc (Hons) Agriculture Newcastle, PGCE Newcastle BA (Hons) Aberystwyth PGCE Aberystwyth BA Oviedo (Spain) CAP (Sp PGCE) Oviedo BA (Hons) Hull PGCE Hull BSc (Hons) Open University PGCE Sheffield MA (Hons) St Andrews M Litt St Andrews PGCE E Anglia BA (Hons) MA London PGCE Trinity & All Saints, Leeds BA (Hons) Leeds PGCE Trinity & All Saints, Leeds BA (Hons) Liverpool PGCE Warwick MA Liverpool BA (Hons) Durham, PGCE Huddersfield Mrs T Moss Mrs E Clarkson Cert Ed Battersea BSc Leeds, PGCE Sheffield Mrs A Brayford-Ryder Mrs C Abbot Mr C Chambers Mr R Crewes BA (Hons) Sheffield MA Leicester PCTS, BSC (Hons) Durham PGCE Durham BA (Hons) Bristol PGCE Bristol BSc (Hons) Sheffield, PGCE Huddersfield Mr C Everett Mr D Foy Mr M Good Mr J Hayhurst N Hopwood Mrs H Innes Mr J Lees Miss K Lund Mr D Machin Miss D Manning Mr M Mir Mrs E Neesam Mr L Newton Mr P Newton Mrs S Oates Miss R Purdie Miss J Rodgers Ms S Sidwell Miss A Smith Mr S Turner BA (Hons) Leicester PGCE London BA Northumbria M Level Sunderland MA Leeds, PGCE Wolverhampton BA (Hons) Lancashire PGCE Bradford BA Newcastle PGCE Leeds BA with QTS Trinity & All Saints Leeds BCom (Hons) Birmingham Cert Ed York St John PGCE BA (Hons) Leeds BA (Hons) Hull PGCE Warwick BA (Hons) Leeds PGCE Trinity All Saints BSc (Hons) Leeds PGCE Huddersfield BA (Hons) Huddersfield PGCE Trinity & All Saints, Leeds BA Hull PGCE Huddersfield BSc (Hons) Oxford Brooks BSc (Hons) Keele PGCE Notts BA (Hons) Leeds MA Leeds PGCE Warwick BA (Hons) Manchester PGCE Manchester BA (Hons) Hull PGCE Leeds BA Leeds BA (Hons) Keele PGCE Trinity & All Saints, Leeds MA Bradford PGCE Worcester Page 20 WHO’S WHO (Continued) ICT & Computing Business Studies Business Studies Learning/Personal Development Head of Learning Development Teacher Lead ATA ATA ATA ATA TA TA GTA TA / Community Assistant Pastoral Coordinator / TA Personal Development Head of Personal Development Personal Development Mathematics Head of Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics/Senior Teacher Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics / Cover Supervisor Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Modern Languages Head of MFL Chinese French French French German German Latin / Greek / Italian Spanish Spanish Spanish International Liaison Officer International Liaison Officer International Liaison Officer Music Director of Music Music Music Music PE / Sport Head of PE / Sport Boys PE / Sport Boys PE / Sport Boys PE / Sport Head of Chapter House PE / Sport Girls PE / Sport Girls PE / Sport Girls PE / Sport Girls PE / Sport Girls PE / Sport Mrs A Walker Miss K Watson Mr S Wytwyckyj BA (Hons) Ravensborurne MSc Sheff. Hallam PGCE BA (Hons) Northumbria M Ed Sunderland PGCE BA (Hons) University of Central Lancashire PGCE Mrs S Lancaster Miss S Ingham Mrs S Griffiths Mrs S Kay Mrs J Noble Ms J Tesseyman Mrs J Duston Mrs P Willis Miss E Otieno Mr G Stubbs Mrs L Shirokaya MA SEN Leeds B.ED (Hons) Adv Dip SN (Open) BA (Hons) York St. John Mrs V Allen Mrs H Habberjam BSc (Hons) PGCE Hull BA Leeds BSc Oxford Brookes PGCE Manchester Mrs A L Sellars Miss L Bell Mrs K Bunting Ms K Butler Mr J Calderwood Miss O Forman Mr A Ginty Mrs J Glasby Mr M Glover Miss J Harrison Mr N Herd Mrs T Hoggarth Mrs D Ingham Mr M Miller Mrs E Mitchell Mr C O’Reilly Mrs L Pritchard Mrs E Rofail Miss F Shen Mr N Waights Mr C Waring Mr D Wheable Mr J Wylde BA (Hons) Loughborough BA (Hons) York PGCE York B Ed (Hons) Leeds BSc (Hons) Durham PGCE York BSc Sheffield PGCE Leeds BSc (Hons) Manchester Met PGCE Manchester Met BSc (Hons) Newcastle PGCE Newcastle BSc (Hons) Herriot Watt PGCE Newcastle BA (Hons) Bedford BSc Exeter PGCE Surrey BA (Hons) Open University GTP Hull BSc Leeds PGCE Trinity All Saints BSc (Hons) Coventry BSc (Hons) Hull MSc Sheffield BSc (Hons) York PGCE Oxford BSc Leeds QTS Bradford BSc (Hons) Northumbria PGCE York Cert Ed Liverpool Dip Merit Open University BA China MA Leeds GTP Hull BSc (Hons) Wales PGCE London B Eng Imperial College of Science and Technology BSc Leeds Prof Cert Leeds BSc St Andrews PG Dip St Andrews PGCE York Mrs J Knowles Mrs L Tsang Mrs J O’Hanlon Mrs J White Mrs P Wilson Mrs A Brandt Mr G Duncan Mrs C Zakopoulou Mrs L Camacho Castro Miss L Cuartero Vicente Ms A Paddy Miss A Filon Mrs L Han Mrs C Lin BA (Hons) Bath PGCE York BA (Hons) Manchester PGCE Lancashire BA (Hons) Stirling PGCE York BA (Hons) Nottingham PGCE Warwick BA (Hons) Bradford PGCE York BA Leipzig (Germany) PGCE Liepzig (Germany) MA Lancaster PGCE York BA Athens MA Leeds GTC MA Bradford PGCE Leeds BA (Hons) Alicante (Spain), GTP Canterbury Christ Church BA (Hons) Liverpool PGCE Leeds MSc London BA Krasnoyarsk (Russia) BA (Hons) China MA York BA Huddersfield MA Huddersfield Mr K Box Mr M Cook Miss E Linfoot Mr S Liles BA (Hons) Leicester PGCE Nottingham BSc Keele PGCE Lancashire BA (Hons) Liverpool PGCE BA Bretton Hall PGCE Bretton Hall Miss T Sargent Mr T Asbury Mr J Birchall Mr M Doody Mr C McCully Miss E Brown Mrs H Edger Miss L Gregson Miss C Mason Ms E Papaglimis BA (Hons) PGCE Leeds Met BA Leeds QTS Hertfordshire BA (Hons) with QTS Leeds BA (Hons) York St John PGCE Liverpool John Moores BA (Hons) Liverpool BTEC Sports Sc N Lincs BA (Hons) Leeds QTS Leeds BEd (Hons) Cheltenham & Gloucester College BA (Hons) PGCE Leeds Met QTS Cumbria BA (Hons) De Montfort (QTS) HLTA Leeds BA (Hons) with QTS St. Martins Fdn Cert NCFE BA York St John BA Belarus Page 21 WHO’S WHO (Continued) Performance Sport Director of Performance Sport Director of Hockey Director of Netball Mr R Mayhew Mr L Butcher Mrs A Carter Director of Rugby Mr R Rawlinson Rugby Programmes Manager Director of Swimming Basketball Coach Mr H Paul Mr K Smith Mr JB Kirk Cricket Coach Mr I Dawood Football Coach Sports Facilities Manager Science Curriculum Leader Science Curriculum Leader Science Curriculum Leader Science Lead for BTEC Science Joint Head of Biology Joint Head of Biology Biology/Hd. of KS4 College Biology Biology Biology Head of Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry/Head KS5 College Head of Physics Physics Physics Physics/Head of Key Stage 4 Faculty Physics Physics Physics Head of Psychology Psychology Laboratory Technician Laboratory Technician Technician (HE & Art) Chapter House Prep & Kindergarten Head Teacher Senior Teacher for Key Stage 2 Senior Teacher for Key Stage 1 Senior Teacher for Early Years Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Nursery Teacher Nursery Assistant ATA TA Kindergarten Manager Kindergarten Deputy Manager King’s Magna Head of King’s Magna Deputy Head of King’s Magna Head of Transition Head of Years 8 and 9 Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Faculty Support Staff Senior Learning Mentor Learning Mentor/Senior Tutor Learning Mentor Mr P Bolland Mr C Simpson BSc (Hons) Teeside PGCE Edgehill BSc Teeside PG Dip Univerisity of Central Lancashire BA Psychology Netball Level 2 Coach RFU Coaching Course Level 2 Adv NVQ Rochdale College Barbarians, England U21, Leeds Carnegie Dip IRB Coach Cert ASA Teacher Cert ASA HND Leeds BSc (Hons) Leeds Met PGCE Trinity Leeds. Yorkshire and Glamorgan UEFA B License QCF BA Leeds Met Mrs V Fletcher Miss E Matthews Mr S Smithson Mrs J Mills Mrs J Green-Harding Mrs C Risi Mrs K Flaherty Miss F Hardcastle Mr J Woollatt Mrs G Zeki Miss A Monk Miss S Ali Miss J Booth Mrs E Hajjawi Mr J Highton Dr M Robinson Miss R Alderson Miss K Braiden Mr R Baig Mrs J Holroyd-Morris Mr S Hugill Mrs A Locke Mrs E Stephenson Mrs K Rowe Mrs K Walker Mrs E Vickers Mrs W Kaye Mrs J Ford BSc (Hons) Glasgow PGCE York BSc (Hons) London PGCE Loughborough BSc (Hons) Open University PGCE Leeds BSc Open University BSc (Hons) Aberystwyth PGCE York BA (Hons) Manchester PGCE York BSc (Hons) PGCE BSc Dundee PGCE Leeds BA (Hons) Bradford BSc Cardiff MSc London PG Law York LPG York BSc Cardiff PGCE Leicester BSc Essex MA York BA (Hons) PGCE Sheffield Hallam BSc (Hons) Hull PGCE Southampton BSc Open University MSc London M Ed PGCE Cambridge BSc (Hons) Southampton BSc (Hons) York, PGCE Durham BSc Liverpool PGCE Sunderland BA (Hons) Loughborough PGCE Leeds BSc (Hons) York, PGCE York BA (Hons) Northumbria PGCE Bradford BSc Leeds PGCE Northumbria BSC (Hons) Durham PGCE Durham BSc (Hons) London PGCE London BSc Open University PGCE Huddersfield Mrs K Kilkenny Mrs J Young Miss S Wise Mrs L Schofield Mr D Campbell Mrs S Durston Miss S Grey Miss S Hunter Mrs A King Mrs S Sigsworth Miss J Sutherland Mrs F Thompson Miss H Soames Miss J Smith Mrs G Finnerty Mrs S Scarratt Miss H Rigby Miss E Kendall BSc (Hons) Hull QTS BEd (Hons) Nottingham BA (Hons) PGCE BEd (Hons) BA (Hons) York St Johns, PGCE Leeds BA (Hons) with QTS St Martins BA (Hons) York PGCE York St John BA (Hons) Durham PGCE London BEd (Hons) BSc (Hons) PGCE BA (Hons) Leeds PGCE with QTS York St John BSc Lancaster PGCE York St Jon NNEB Mrs H Midgley Miss L Blakeley Mrs K McCallam Mr C O’Reilly Mrs L Coyle Miss S Hunter Mrs T Still Mrs F Thompson BA (Hons) Bradford BA (Hons) PGCE York MA Scotland BSc Leeds BA (Hons) Dublin PGCE with QTS Manchester BA (Hons) Durham PGCE London Diocese BA (Ed) JHB, SA PGCE Lancaster BSc Lancaster PGCE York St John Mrs S Robinson Mrs A Cook Miss S Nwenwu Cert. Harrogate College MSc Manchester PG Dip Leeds PGCE Durham BSc Open University Cert. H. Ed. Nottingham Trent HND HLTA BTEC Nat. Dip - Early Years BTEC Nat. Dip Page 22 WHO’S WHO (Continued) Pastoral Staff Pastoral Care Pastoral Care Pastoral Care Boarding House Staff Head of Boarding Deputy Head of Boarding Head of Senior Girls Boarding Head of Senior Boys Boarding Head of Junior Boarding/LD Liaison Weekend Activity Co-ordinator Senior Houseparent Senior Houseparent Senior Houseparent Senior Houseparent Senior Houseparent Senior Houseparent Senior Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Houseparent Medical Staff School Sister Deputy School Sister School Nurses Healthcare Assistant/receptionist Intranet & Web Management IT Manager Events Management Conference & Events Manager Registrations & Admissions Registrar Admissions Admissions Admissions Admissions Admissions Admissions Admissions Admissions Accounts Bursar Asst Bursar Kindergarten Accounts Estates, Building & Maintenance Project Manager Estates Manager Building & Maintenance Administration PA to Principal Head of Academic Administration PA to Boarding / Office Manager Press Liaison Officer Examinations Officer Events Manager Old Ethelburgian Administrator Student Receptionist Receptionist iSAMS Administrator Secretary to CH / KM Portal Information Assistant to Faculty Leadership Team Visa, Passport & Travel Co-ordinator Staff Administrator Assistant to College Leadership Team Purchasing Officer Mr E Cook Mr J Cross Miss R Thackray Sacred Theology Bacc. ONC Engineering LDIA BA (Hons) Edinburgh BSc York St. John Miss S Ginger Cert Ed (Sussex) Mr M Dawson BA Manchester Ms L Lynn / Ms E Gibson Mrs B Holt Miss T Holt Mr A Ralls Mr S McKee Mrs B Burbidge Mrs B Fairclough Mrs S Stothard Mrs D York Miss R McMullan—Cooper Mrs D Mills Miss J Rowlinson Mr M Hallett Mr E Nash Miss C Weston Mrs J Day Mrs G Grey Miss E Terry Mrs H Anthony Mr C Sandford Mr A Morales Mr A Jones Miss E Cooper Miss K Tinman Mrs K Sawyer Mrs S Murray Mrs C Merchant Mrs K Chatterton RGN RGN NNEB Mrs S Russell, Ms V Caffrey, Ms J Ketlewell Mr D Millington Mr D Lewis HLMND, AMDIS Mrs P Jewitt Mrs J Carter Mrs H Clear Mrs K Fortescue Mrs T Harrison Mrs S McKee Mrs J Morrow Mrs J Olver Mrs D Selkirk MinstD, AMDIS, Dir Collegiate Foundation Mr C Hall Miss R Foster Mrs E Ellis BSC FCA Miss A Martin Mr L Metcalf Mrs L Burgoyne BA (Hons) MA Mrs T Fitzell Mrs S Hynes Mrs S Last Mrs L Hitchen Mrs D Cranney Mrs R McDowell Mrs G Inchboard Mrs M Child Mrs J Clayton Mrs T Hume Miss K Maxwell Mrs J Nicholson Miss R Nixon Mrs K Richardson Miss C Rofail Ms S Roundhill Miss N Theakstone Page 23 CHAPTER HOUSE PREPARATORY SCHOOL UNIFORM LIST Girls Day Boarder Boys Day Boarder CH Junior School skirts 2 2 CH Grey trousers 2 2 CH White short-sleeved blouses 3 4 CH white shirt 3 4 CH White long sleeved blouses 3 4 CH Tie 1 1 5 5 Grey ankle socks 3 5 5 5 QE White crested top # 1 2 QE blue games skorts # 1 1 QE Rugby shorts # 1 1 QE White top with crest # 1 1 QE Short white socks # 2 2 QE blue swim costume # 1 1 QE Navy swim shorts # 1 1 Royal blue swim hat 1 1 QE Football socks # 2 2 QE Gold sports socks (winter) # 2 2 QE Gym Shorts 1 1 Cooking Apron - Girls & Boys 1 1 Football / Rugby / Hockey Top for Years 3 to Years 5 # 1 1 QE Tracksuit Crested 1 1 Football Boots 1 1 QE Netball Top 1 1 Tracksuit Crested 1 1 CH white Knee-length socks or black thick-knit tights Short white socks for summer Girls and Boys 1 CH Javelin Jacket with School Crest * 1 pr Black leather flat school shoes 1 Scarf * (Optional) 1 pr Wellingtons 1 pr Gloves or mittens * 1 QE blue drawstring bag for PE * 1 Bag for school books * (not fashion or shopping bag) 1 pr Swimming goggles * 1 pr Trainers 2 CH Gold V-neck pullovers * 1 Swimming Bag * 1 Wristwatch (optional) ALL items must be named clearly and permanently. All items in the coloured boxes above and all other items marked * are available from the School Shop # These items must be named on the OUTSIDE of the garment (For girls all accessories must be black) Most items of uniform are now available in the school shop, called the Trading Post. Those items marked with an asterisk are available from the school shop. Parents are welcome to ring to arrange a convenient time for an appointment. An order form with sizes and prices is also available.. Stationery and toiletry items can be placed on the school bill with parents permission. It is recommended that a limit is set for each pupil. Page 24 CHAPTER HOUSE PREPARATORY SCHOOL BOARDERS – PERSONAL ITEMS 1 1 pr 1 pr 4 prs 5 4 8 prs 1 3 3 1pr 8 3 doz 1 1 pair Smart outfits for formal occasions / parties / theatre outings Smart shoes Smart trousers and shirt (boys) Jeans / casual trousers / tracksuit style trousers (boys/girls) T-shirts / tops Jumpers / sweatshirts / fleece Socks Full-length dressing gown (warm and serviceable) Nightclothes Vests (optional) Slippers (Suitable to go outside with due to fire alarms - not slips on ones-need good soles) Pants / underpants Spare name tapes - to be handed to house parent Warm waterproof winter coat Wellington Boots Linen Miscellaneous Toilet bag, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, flannels/sponge, hairbrush or comb, spare name tapes Box of tissues PLEASE NOTE WE CAN PROVIDE Brown or yellow/black hairbands (girls) with clips ALL BEDDING REQUIREMENTS Shoe cleaning kit ~ quick sponge shoe polisher type AND TOWELS A few personal items to decorate bedroom Girls with shoulder length hair need to have this fastened back, or a hairband worn. All medicines to be handed to Mrs Burbidge. Storage space for home clothes is very limited. Parents are asked NOT to send more than the suggested amount or it will need to be returned home. ALL clothes (including every item of weekend clothing and non-uniform) needs to be clearly marked with name tapes. Any new items bought during the term also need to be named. CHAPTER HOUSE PREPARATORY SCHOOL GENERAL ITEMS Year 2 Oxford Illustrated Dictionary, Pack of coloured pencils*, Pencil Case with pencil, ruler and rubber* Year 3 All of the above plus: Calculator , Long ruler (30cm)*, Pencils*, Pencil Sharpener* Berol handwriting pen (Blue)*, Pritt Stick* Year 4 upwards All of the above plus: Oxford Primary School Dictionary (instead of Oxford Illustrated Dictionary) for home use Junior Thesaurus, Ink pen with spare cartridges or* Berol Handwriting pen (Blue) / cartridge pen and blue ink cartridges Oxford Illustrated Thesaurus for home use *Items marked with an asterisk can be purchased from the school shop. Page 25 KING’S MAGNA GIRLS (Years 6 to 9) 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 prs 1 pr 1 pr 1 1 pr Javlin outdoor crested coat * King’s Magna skirts * King’s Magna crested jumpers * Collegiate scarf * (optional) Home Economics Apron * School bag for books QE White crested sports tops * QE Gym skirt (skort) * QE White ankle sports socks * Shinpads * Trainers Royal blue swim hat * Swimming goggles (optional) 1 QE Collegiate tracksuit * # 4 4 5 prs 1 pr 1 1 pr 1 1 pr 1 1 1 pr Long sleeve white blouses * Short sleeve white blouses - summer * Black Tights- 70 denier winter *, 40 denier summer * Plain black leather standard school shoes - low heel Bag for PE / Sports QE Hockey socks * # Gumshield * Astro Trainers * QE blue Collegiate swimsuit * Swimming towel Hockey gloves (optional) * Articles marked with asterisk are available from the School Shop. # These articles must be named on the OUTSIDE. ALL items must be named clearly and permanently. The Collegiate provides tennis rackets and hockey sticks KING’S MAGNA GIRL BOARDERS – PERSONAL ITEMS 2 1 pr 2 prs 2 prs 1 2 3 4 prs 1 2 3 Smart outfits for formal occasions Smart black flat shoes Smart trousers Jeans Skirt for formal occasions Blouses / T-shirts Jumpers / sweatshirts Socks Full-length dressing gown (warm and serviceable) Nightclothes Vests (optional) Underpants - as necessary (min 8 pairs) 4 Bras 3 doz Spare name tapes - to be handed to house parent Handkerchiefs 1 Laundry bag to hang behind door for dirty clothes Linen Miscellaneous PLEASE NOTE WE Mug, Box of tissues Plastic tin / cake box CAN PROVIDE ALL Personal stereo headphones Scientific Calculator BEDDING Clothes brush Brush & Comb, toiletries, handkerchiefs REQUIREMENTS Washing powder (optional) Watch, 6 passport photographs Purple hairbands Small sewing kit 2 Bath towels Shoe cleaning kit Pyrex casserole dish & lid (2.25 litre) 2 Hand towels Posters to decorate bedroom Collins Pocket English Dictionary 2 Face flannels Pair of slippers Girls with shoulder length hair need to have this fastened back. All medicines are to be handed to the School Sister Storage space for home clothes is very limited. Parents are asked NOT to send more than the suggested amount or it will need to be returned home. EVERY ITEM OF CLOTHING/ FOOTWEAR / EQUIPMENT ETC MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED. Any new items bought during the term also need to be named. Please note girls should not bring to school casual clothes, for use out of school hours, which show the midriff or which could be considered in any way provocative, slightly risqué or deliberately tatty etc. This includes very low waistband trousers and very short hot pants. As a co-ed campus we wish to keep students decently dressed and their emotional temperatures near normal! Your co-operation is appreciated. Page 26 KING’S MAGNA BOYS (Years 6 to 9) 2 pr 1 Dark grey school trousers - permanent crease SEWN in down the front * Briefs (not boxers) for use under sports shorts for ALL sports lessons / activities Also available is a Collegiate Football strip - optional - only required if in Collegiate Team 1 Javlin outdoor crested coat * 4 Long sleeve white shirts * 2 King’s Magna crested jumpers * 6 prs Dark grey socks * 1 Collegiate scarf * (optional) 1 pr Black leather standard school shoes 1 Home Economics Apron * 1 Bag for PE / Sports Kit 1 School bag for books 1 Plain black narrow leather belt for school trousers 2 QE White crested sports tops * # 2 prs QE football socks * 2 prs QE Rugby shorts - navy * # 1 Gumshield * 2 prs QE White ankle sports socks * 1 pr Football boots / astro trainers * 1 pr Shinpads * 1 QE Collegiate navy swimming shorts * # 1 pr Trainers 1 Swimming towel 1 Royal blue swim hat * 1 QE Rugby / Football Collegiate crested shirt * # 1 pr Swimming goggles (optional) 1 set Cricket whites (summer) # 1 QE Collegiate tracksuit * # 1 King’s Magna School Tie * 2 prs QE Football shorts * Articles marked with asterisk are available from the School Shop. # These articles must be named on the OUTSIDE. ALL items must be named clearly and permanently. The Collegiate provides tennis rackets and hockey sticks KING’S MAGNA BOY BOARDERS – PERSONAL ITEMS 2 1 pr 2 prs 1 2 3 3 doz 1 Smart outfits for formal occasions Smart shoes Smart trousers, 2 prs Jeans, 2 prs Casual shoes / trainers, 2 Tops / T-Shirts, 4 prs socks Full-length dressing gown (warm and serviceable) (It’s winter, there is a fire alarm - you are asleep - you need to leave the building quickly). Pyjamas (boys are reminded that if they need attention from the San Sister or there is a meeting when they are ready for bed, pyjamas are required instead of boxer shorts) Vests (optional) Underpants - as necessary (min 8 pairs) Note 2 pairs white briefs are required for ALL sports - NOT boxer shorts Spare name tapes - to be handed to house parent Laundry bag to hang behind door for dirty clothes Linen Miscellaneous PLEASE NOTE WE Mug, Box of tissues Pair of slippers CAN PROVIDE ALL Personal stereo headphones Scientific Calculator BEDDING Clothes brush Brush & Comb, toiletries, handkerchiefs REQUIREMENTS Washing powder (optional) Watch, 6 passport photographs 2 Face flannels Plastic tin / cake box Small sewing kit 2 Bath towels Shoe cleaning kit Pyrex casserole dish & lid (2.25 litre) 2 Hand towels Posters to decorate bedroom Collins Pocket English Dictionary All medicines are to be handed to School Sister Storage space for home clothes is very limited. Parents are asked NOT to send more than the suggested amount or it will need to be returned home. EVERY ITEM OF CLOTHING/ FOOTWEAR / EQUIPMENT ETC MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED. Any new items bought during the term also need to be named. Please note boys should not bring to school casual clothes, for use out of school hours, which could be considered in any way provocative, slightly risqué or deliberately tatty etc. As a co-ed campus we wish to keep students decently dressed and their emotional temperatures near normal! Your co-operation is appreciated. Page 27 QE GIRLS UNIFORM (Years 10 to 11) 1 2 QE Javlin outdoor crested coat * Collegiate skirts * 4 4 Long sleeve white blouses * Short sleeve white blouses - summer * 2 1 1 1 QE Royal blue crested jumpers * Collegiate scarf * (optional) Home Economics Apron * School bag for books 5 prs 1 pr 1 1 pr Black Tights- 70 denier winter *, 40 denier summer * Black leather standard school shoes - low heel Bag for PE / Sports QE hockey socks * # 2 1 QE White crested sports tops * QE Gym skirt (skort) * 1 1 pr Gumshield * Football boots / Astro trainers * 2 prs 1 pr 1 pr 1 1 pr 1 QE White ankle sports socks * Shinpads * Trainers Royal blue swim hat * Swimming goggles (optional) QE Collegiate tracksuit * # 1 1 1 pr QE Collegiate swimsuit * Swimming towel Hockey gloves (optional) * Articles marked with asterisk are available from the School Shop. # These articles must be named on the OUTSIDE. ALL items must be named clearly and permanently. The Collegiate provides tennis rackets and hockey sticks QE GIRL BOARDERS – PERSONAL ITEMS (Years 10 to 13) 2 1 pr 2 prs 2 prs 1 2 3 4 prs 1 2 3 Smart outfits for formal occasions Smart black flat shoes Smart trousers Jeans Skirt for formal occasions Blouses / T-shirts Jumpers / sweatshirts Socks Full-length dressing gown (warm and serviceable) Nightclothes Vests (optional) Underpants - as necessary (min 8 pairs) 4 Bras 3 doz Spare name tapes - to be handed to house parent Handkerchiefs 1 Laundry bag to hang behind door for dirty clothes Linen Miscellaneous PLEASE NOTE WE Mug, Box of tissues Plastic tin / cake box CAN PROVIDE ALL Personal stereo headphones Scientific Calculator BEDDING Clothes brush Brush & Comb, toiletries, handkerchiefs REQUIREMENTS Washing powder (optional) Watch, 6 passport photographs Blue hairbands Small sewing kit 2 Bath towels Shoe cleaning kit Pyrex casserole dish & lid (2.25 litre) 2 Hand towels Posters to decorate bedroom Collins Pocket English Dictionary 2 Face flannels Pair of slippers Girls with shoulder length hair need to have this fastened back. All medicines are to be handed to School Sister Storage space for home clothes is very limited. Parents are asked NOT to send more than the suggested amount or it will need to be returned home. EVERY ITEM OF CLOTHING/ FOOTWEAR / EQUIPMENT ETC MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED. Any new items bought during the term also needs to be named. Please note girls should not bring to school casual clothes, for use out of school hours, which show the midriff or which could be considered in any way provocative, slightly risqué or deliberately tatty etc. This includes very low waistband trousers. As a co-ed campus we wish to keep students decently dressed and their emotional temperatures near normal! Your co-operation is appreciated. Page 28 QE BOYS UNIFORM (Years 10 to 11) 2 pr 1 Dark grey school trousers - permanent crease SEWN in down the front * Briefs (not boxers) for use under sports shorts for ALL sports lessons / activities Also available is a Collegiate Football strip - optional - only required if in Collegiate Team 1 QE Javlin outdoor crested coat * 4 Long sleeve white shirts * 2 QE Royal blue crested jumpers * 6 prs Dark grey socks * 1 Collegiate scarf * (optional) 1 pr Black leather standard school shoes 1 Home Economics Apron * 1 Bag for PE / Sports Kit 1 School bag for books 1 Plain black narrow leather belt for school trousers 2 QE White crested sports tops * # 2 prs QE special football socks * 2 prs QE Rugby shorts - navy * # 1 Gumshield * 2 prs QE White ankle sports socks * 1 pr Football boots / Astro trainers * 1 pr Shinpads * 1 QE Collegiate navy swimming shorts * # 1 pr Trainers 1 Swimming towel 1 Royal blue swim hat * 1 QE Rugby / Football Collegiate crested shirt * # 1 pr Swimming goggles (optional) 1 set Cricket whites (summer) # 1 QE Collegiate tracksuit * # 1 QE School Tie * 1 pr Tennis Shorts # 2 prs QE Football shorts * Articles marked with asterisk are available from the School Shop. # These articles must be named on the OUTSIDE. ALL items must be named clearly and permanently. The Collegiate provides tennis rackets and hockey sticks QE BOY BOARDERS – PERSONAL ITEMS (Years 10 to 13) 2 1 pr 2 prs 1 2 3 3 doz 1 Smart outfits for formal occasions Smart shoes Smart trousers, 2 prs Jeans, 2 prs Casual shoes / trainers, 2 Tops / T-Shirts, 4 prs socks Full-length dressing gown (warm and serviceable) (Its winter, there is a fire alarm - you are asleep - you need to leave the building quickly. Pyjamas (boys are reminded that if they need attention from the San Sister or there is a meeting when they are ready for bed, pyjamas are required instead of boxer shorts) Vests (optional) Underpants - as necessary (min 8 pairs) Note 2 pairs white briefs are required for ALL sports - NOT boxer shorts Spare name tapes - to be handed to house parent Laundry bag to hang behind door for dirty clothes Linen Miscellaneous PLEASE NOTE WE Mug, Box of tissues Pair of slippers CAN PROVIDE ALL Personal stereo headphones Scientific Calculator BEDDING Clothes brush Brush & Comb, toiletries, handkerchiefs REQUIREMENTS Washing powder (optional) Watch, 6 passport photographs 2 Face flannels Plastic tin / cake box Small sewing kit 2 Bath towels Shoe cleaning kit Pyrex casserole dish & lid (2.25 litre) 2 Hand towels Posters to decorate bedroom Collins Pocket English Dictionary All medicines are to be handed to School Sister Storage space for home clothes is very limited. Parents are asked NOT to send more than the suggested amount or it will need to be returned home. EVERY ITEM OF CLOTHING/ FOOTWEAR / EQUIPMENT ETC MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED. Any new items bought during the term also need to be named. Please note boys should not bring to school casual clothes, for use out of school hours, which could be considered in any way provocative, slightly risqué or deliberately tatty etc. As a co-ed campus we wish to keep students decently dressed and their emotional temperatures near normal! Your cooperation is appreciated. Page 29 Page 30 CCTV System Policy 1. Introduction 1.1 The purpose of this Policy is to regulate the management, operation and use of the closed circuit television (CCTV) system at Queen Ethelburga’s hereafter referred to as ‘the school’. 1.2 The system comprises a number of fixed and dome cameras located around the school site. All cameras are only available to selected senior staff. 1.3 This Code follows Data Protection Act guidelines. 1.4 The Code of Practice will be subject to review bi-annually to include consultation as appropriate with interested parties. 1.5 The CCTV system is owned by the Estate owners.. 2. Objectives of the CCTV scheme 2.1(a) To protect the school and Estate buildings and their assets (b) To increase personal safety and reduce the fear of crime (c) To support the Police in a bid to deter and detect crime (d) To assist in identifying, apprehending and prosecuting offenders (e) To protect members of the public and private property (f) To assist in managing the school and the Estate 3. Statement of intent 3.1 The CCTV Scheme will be registered with the Information Commissioner under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 and will seek to comply with the requirements both of the Data Protection Act and the Commissioner's Code of Practice. 3.2 The school will treat the system and all information, documents and recordings obtained and used as data which are protected by the Act. 3.3 Cameras will be used to monitor activities within the school and Estate and its car parks and other areas to identify unsocial activity actually occurring, anticipated, or perceived, and for the purpose of securing the safety and well being of the school and Estate, together with its visitors. 3.4 Staff have been instructed that static cameras are not to focus on private homes, gardens and other areas of private property not under the direct control of the Estate. 3.5 Materials or knowledge secured as a result of CCTV will not be used for any commercial purpose. Recordings will only be released to the media for use in the investigation of a specific crime and with the written authority of the police. Tapes will never be released to the media for purposes of entertainment. 3.6 The planning and design has endeavoured to ensure that the Scheme will give maximum effectiveness and efficiency but it is not possible to guarantee that the system will cover or detect every single incident taking place in the areas of coverage. 3.7 Warning signs, as required by the Code of Practice of the Information Commissioner will be placed at all access routes into and out of the Estate. 4. Operation of the system 4.1 The Scheme will be administered and managed by the Principal in association with the Estate owners, in accordance with the principles and objectives expressed in the code. 4.2 The day-to-day management will be the responsibility of both the Collegiate Leadership Team and the Site Manager during the day and the Site Team out of hours and at weekends. 4.3 Any Control Room will only be staffed by CLT and the Site Team. 4.4 The CCTV system will be operated 24 hours each day, every day of the year. 5. Control Room 5.1 The Site Manager will check and confirm the efficiency of the system daily and in particular that the equipment is properly recording and that cameras are functional. 5.2 Access to any CCTV Control Room will be strictly limited. 5.3 Staff must be sensitive to any areas they direct cameras towards. 5.4 Visitors and other contractors wishing to enter any Control Room will be subject to particular arrangement as outlined below. 5.5 Any Control Room Operators must satisfy themselves over the identity of any other visitors to the Control Room and the purpose of the visit. Where any doubt exists access will be refused. Details of all visits and visitors will be endorsed in a Control Room log book. 5.6 The system may generate a certain amount of interest. It is vital that operations are managed with the minimum of disruption. Casual visits will not be permitted. Visitors must first obtain permission from the System Manager, or his deputy and must be accompanied by him throughout the visit. 5.7 Any visit may be immediately curtailed if prevailing operational requirements make this necessary. 5.8 If out of hours emergency maintenance arises, any Control Room Operators must be satisfied of the identity and purpose of contractors before allowing entry. 5.9 A visitors book will be maintained in any Control Room. Full details of visitors including time/date of entry and exit will be recorded. 5.10 There must always be at least one Control Room Operator present within any Control Room out of hours and weekends or any Control Room must be locked. During the working day when not manned any room must be kept secured. 5.11 Other administrative functions will include maintaining hard disc space, filing and maintaining occurrence and system maintenance. 5.12 Emergency procedures will be used in appropriate cases to call the Emergency Services. 6. Liaison 6.1 Liaison meetings may be held with all bodies involved in the support of the system. 7. Monitoring procedures 7.1 Camera surveillance may be maintained at all times. 8. Video tape procedures 8.1 In order to maintain and preserve the integrity of the recording of events from the hard drive and the facility to use them in any future proceedings, the following procedures for their use and retention must be strictly adhered to: (i) Any tape must be identified by a unique mark. (ii) Before using any tape must be cleaned of any previous recording. (iii) The controller shall register the date and time of any tape insert, including tape reference. (iv) Any tape required for evidential purposes must be sealed, witnessed, signed by the controller, dated and stored in a separate, secure, evidence tape store. If a tape is not copied for the police before it is sealed, a copy may be made at a later date providing that it is then resealed, witnessed, signed by the controller, dated and returned to the evidence tape store. (v) If the tape is archived the reference must be noted. 8.2 Tapes may be viewed by the Police for the prevention and detection of crime, authorised officers of North Yorkshire County Council for supervisory purposes, authorised demonstration and training. 8.3 A record will be maintained of the release of tapes to the Police or other authorised applicants. A register will be available for this purpose. 8.4 Viewing of tapes by the Police must be recorded in writing and in the log book. Requests by the Police can only be actioned under section 29 of the Data Protection Act 1998. 8.5 Should a tape be required as evidence, a copy may be released to the Police under the procedures described in paragraph 8.1 (iv) of this Code. Tapes will only be released to the Police on the clear understanding that the tape remains the property of the school, and both the tape and information contained on it are to be treated in accordance with this code. The school also retains the right to refuse permission for the Police to pass to any other person the tape or any part of the information contained thereon. On occasions when a Court requires the release of an original tape this will be produced from the secure evidence tape store, complete in its sealed bag. 8.6 The Police may require the school to retain the stored tapes for possible use as evidence in the future. Such tapes will be properly indexed and properly and securely stored until they are needed by the Police. 8.7 Applications received from outside bodies (e.g. solicitors) to view or release tapes will be referred to the Principal. In these circumstances tapes will normally be released where satisfactory documentary evidence is produced showing that they are required for legal proceedings, a subject access request, or in response to a Court Order. A fee can be charged in such circumstances: £10 for subject access requests; a sum not exceeding the cost of materials in other cases. 9. Breaches of the code (including breaches of security) 9.1 Any breach of the Code of Practice by school staff will be initially investigated by the Principal, in order for him/her to take the appropriate disciplinary action. 9.2 Any serious breach of the Code of Practice will be immediately investigated and an independent investigation carried out to make recommendations on how to remedy the breach. 10. Assessment of the scheme and code of practice 10.1 Performance monitoring, including random operating checks, may be carried out by the Site Manager. 11. Complaints 11.1.1 Any complaints about the school’s CCTV system should be addressed to the Principal. 11.2 Complaints will be investigated in accordance with Section 9 of this Code. 12 Access by the Data Subject 12.1 The Data Protection Act provides Data Subjects (individuals to whom "personal data" relate) with a right to data held about themselves, including those obtained by CCTV. 13. Public information Copies of this Code of Practice will be available to the public from the School Office and the Principal. Summary of Key Points This Code of Practice will be reviewed every two years. The CCTV system is owned and operated by the Estate owners. Any Control room may be manned 24 hours a day. Any Control Room is not open to visitors except by prior arrangement and good reason. Liaison meetings may be held with the Police and other bodies. Any recording tapes used will be properly indexed, stored and destroyed after appropriate use. Tapes may only be viewed by Authorised School Officers, Control Room staff and the Police. Tapes required as evidence will be properly recorded witnessed and packaged before copies are released to the police. Tapes will not be made available to the media for commercial or entertainment. Tapes will be disposed of securely by incineration. Any breaches of this code will be investigated by the Principal. An independent investigation will be carried out for serious breaches. Breaches of the code and remedies will be reported to the Principal. Page 31 Chapter House Uniform Policy The school uniform should be worn with pride and so that all students are smartly dressed. If your skirt or trousers become too short or other clothing wears out then you will be required to replace it with new uniform from the school shop. Girls: White, long-sleeved revere blouse Gold school jumper Brown/Gold tartan skirt Black tights or long white socks Black low-heeled leather school shoes Javelin coat Girls Summer Term: White short-sleeved revere blouse White socks (ankle or knee length) Black low-heeled leather school shoes or white sandals Boys: White long-sleeved shirt School tie Gold school jumper Grey trousers with seam down front Grey ankle socks Black leather school shoes Javelin coat Boys Summer Term: White short-sleeved shirt Grey trousers or shorts Foundation Stage: as above, but boys do not wear ties Jewellery and hair No jewellery should be worn with the exception of one pair of small stud earrings for girls. No other piercings or stretchers are permitted. Make up and nail polish are not permitted. Extreme hair styles or unnatural colours are not permitted. Boys' hair should not touch the shirt collar and girls' hair which reaches the shoulder should be tied back. Only prescription glasses may be worn. King’s Magna Uniform Policy The school uniform should be worn with pride and so that all students are smartly dressed. If your skirt or trousers become too short or other clothing wears out then you will be required to replace it with new uniform from the school shop. Girls: Kings Magna skirt worn no more than 5 cm above the knee Kings Magna jumper White blouse with a revere collar Black 40 or 70 denier tights— opaque Plain black leather flat shoes Hair tied up and off the face Boys: Grey trousers with stitched in seam Black leather shoes and grey socks Kings Magna jumper White shirt Kings Magna tie Hair not touching the shirt collar and no shorter than 5mm (no.2) Jewellery and hair No jewellery should be worn with the exception of one pair of small stud earrings for girls. No other piercings or stretchers are permitted. Make up and nail polish are not permitted. Extreme hair styles or unnatural colours are not permitted. This includes tram lines and dip dyed hair. Only prescription glasses may be worn. Queen Ethelburga’s KS4 Uniform Policy The school uniform should be worn with pride and so that all students are smartly dressed. If your skirt or trousers become too short or other clothing wears out then you will be required to replace with new uniform from the school shop. Girls: Queen Ethelburga’s skirt worn no more than 5 cm above the knee Queen Ethelburga’s jumper White blouse with a revere collar Black 40 or 70 denier tights— opaque Plain black leather flat shoes Hair tied up and off the face Boys: Grey trousers with stitched in seam Black leather shoes and grey socks Queen Ethelburga’s jumper White shirt Queen Ethelburga’s tie Hair not touching the shirt collar and no shorter than 5mm (no.2) Clean shaven at all times Jewellery and hair No jewellery should be worn with the exception of one pair of small stud earrings for girls. No other piercings or stretchers are permitted. Make up and nail polish are not permitted. Extreme hair styles or unnatural colours are not permitted. This includes tram lines and dip dyed hair. Only prescription glasses may be worn. Page 32 Queen Ethelburga’s Sixth Form Uniform Policy Girls: Dark business suit (black/navy/charcoal grey) with skirt and jacket. No trousers. Tops can be smart t shirt or blouse but must be plain – no logos /emblems or bright colours. Tops should also cover shoulders and midriffs at all times. Skirts to be no shorter than 5cm above the knee and no splits above knee level. No lycra/tight fitting skirts. Enclosed, black court shoe with modest heel. Plain tights must be worn. Discreet jewellery and single earrings may be worn in the earlobe (any other piercing and stretchers are not allowed). Discreet makeup is permitted. Boys: Dark business suit (black/navy/charcoal grey). Black lace up or slip on shoes (must have black soles) with black socks. No trainers or casual shoes. Plain white shirts must be worn on formal occasions. Plain shirt and tie must be worn during the school day and must not have large logos/emblems/bright colours. Collars, cuffs and ties must be fastened correctly. Body piercing, stretchers, earrings, jewellery and make-up are not allowed. Facial hair or unshaved appearance is not permitted. All: Suit jackets are to be worn when moving around the school but may be removed in lessons if permitted by the teacher. If casual clothes are required for any lesson, time must be allowed within that lesson to change back into suits. A formal, dark coloured coat which is longer than the suit jacket, and dark plain scarf (black/navy), may be worn in bad weather. Casual, quilted, fur or fur-collared, or short outer jackets are not permitted. A fine knit jumper may be worn underneath your suit jacket in cold weather. Again, no bright colours/logos or emblems. No cardigans. No extremes of dyed hair or hairstyle. This includes tram lines and dip dyed hair. Senior staff will give permission to leave jackets off and wear short sleeved shirts/blouses in hot weather. Only prescription glasses may be worn. KS5 Performing Arts Students Dangerous Thoughts tracksuit should be worn for all KS5 Performing Arts lessons comprising of black tracksuit bottoms, black polo shirt and black sweatshirt all with the Dangerous Thoughts Theatre Company logo on. PE kit Students may only go into the Undercroft in PE kit if they are wearing their QE tracksuit bottoms. Students are at no time permitted to wear their QE shorts or skorts and are expected to take their full QE tracksuit on sporting fixtures. Dress Code out of School Hours - all ages Girls ~ When students are in or around school, out on extra curricular trips and outings ~ at times other than during the academic day they should always be properly dressed. This means that they should not be: exposing any bare midriff, wearing swimwear unless using the school pool, wearing backless tops or dresses, wearing shorts or skirts that are too short, wearing an item of clothing with “slogans” that are liable to offend, wearing tops that are low cut, wearing ripped or torn trousers, jeans or tops. Girls are expected to be wearing clothes that are not provocative or see through and to always wear underwear. Boys ~ When students are in or around school, or out on extra curricular trips and outings ~ at times other than during the academic day they should always be properly dressed. This means that they should not be: bare-chested, wearing swimwear unless using the school swimming pool, wearing very short shorts, wearing ripped or torn trousers, jeans or tops, wearing an item of clothing with “slogans” that are liable to offend. Boys are expected to be wearing clothes that are not provocative or see through and to always wear appropriate underwear. Dress & Appearance Codes. We have covered the main areas, HOWEVER some may think of ways around the words that are written! Thus as the final comment please note Mr Jandrell, Principal, has absolute discretion to decide if someone's apparel or appearance is contrary to the spirit of our Codes. If he decides that it is, that student must correct the problem. A pupil may be suspended until such time as a problem is resolved to the satisfaction of the School / Collegiate. School Shop - The Trading Post Opening times: Midday - 2 pm Wednesday Most items of uniform are available in the school shop, called the Trading Post. Parents are welcome to ring the Admissions Dept to arrange a convenient time for an appointment. The Trading Post is open for senior students during Wednesday lunchtime, and for junior students through their teachers/ house parents. Day students are required to pay for items on the day of purchase while boarders can put items on their school bill with a signed permission slip from their house parents. Vending machines are available in the “Estate Centre” foyer which sell the top twenty school “essentials” required by students. Page 33 SIXTH FORM SCHOOL DAY TIME FORMAL SUITS X √ X √ Page 34 Changing Currency ~ No Commission Charge Pupils are able to change currency from/to sterling with no commission charges. We keep stock of the majority of the currencies below. Maximum value any 1 exchange £200. Minimum £1 (Subject to minimum note value). The rates quotes below are used as examples only and were valid at the time of going to press. Rates change daily. The rates we use are commercial rates and as such usually provide pupils with a better exchange rate than that often referred to as the “tourist rate”. (Only notes exchanged ~ no coins other than Euro ) 1.00 GBP▲▼ inv. 1.00 GBP▲▼ Argentine Peso 13.850502 0.072200 Lithuanian Litas 4.318801 0.231546 Australian Dollar 1.809232 0.552721 Malaysian Ringgit 5.481267 0.182440 Bahraini Dinar 0.642052 1.557506 Mauritian Rupee 51.679463 0.019350 Botswana Pula 14.962901 0.066832 Mexican Peso 22.167623 0.045111 Brazilian Real 3.759002 0.266028 Nepalese Rupee 163.9917 0.006099 Bruneian Dollar 2.128317 0.469855 New Zealand Dollar 1.943147 0.514629 Bulgarian Lev 2.446343 0.408773 Norwegian Krone 10.469747 0.095513 Canadian Dollar 1.823997 0.548246 Omani Rial 0.655488 1.525581 Chilean Peso 936.8294 0.001067 Pakistani Rupee 168.2359 0.005944 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 10.600006 0.094340 Philippine Peso 74.7080 0.013387 Colombian Peso 3212.4433 0.000311 Polish Zloty 5.185979 0.192828 Croatian Kuna 9.474214 0.105550 Qatari Riyal 6.199507 0.161303 Czech Koruna 34.334863 0.029125 Romanian New Leu 5.485174 0.182310 Danish Krone 9.325834 0.107229 Russian Ruble 57.3650 0.017434 Emirati Dirham 6.254210 0.159892 Saudi Arabian Riyal 6.386648 0.156577 Euro 1.250811 0.799481 Singapore Dollar 2.128317 0.469855 Hong Kong Dollar 13.199932 0.075758 South African Rand 18.11854 0.055191 Hungarian Forint 385.8756 0.002592 South Korean Won 1730.5756 0.000578 Icelandic Krona 193.0615 0.005180 Sri Lankan Rupee 221.8372 0.004508 Indian Rupee 102.4408 0.009762 Swedish Krona 11.477217 0.087129 Indonesian Rupiah 20616.741 0.000049 Swiss Franc 1.521530 0.657233 Iranian Rial 43638.841 0.000023 Taiwan New Dollar 50.9566 0.019625 Israeli Shekel 5.840661 0.171214 Thai Baht 55.3005 0.018083 Japanese Yen 173.2262 0.005773 Trinidadian Dollar 10.9522 0.091271 Kazakhstani Tenge 312.4739 0.003200 Turkish Lira 3.628498 0.275596 Kuwaiti Dinar 0.479832 2.084062 US Dollar 1.702788 0.587272 Latvian Lat 0.879070 1.137566 Venezuelan Bolivar 10.7189 0.093329 Libyan Dinar 2.047602 0.488376 British Pound▲ British Pound▲ 1.00 GBP▲▼ inv. 1.00 GBP▲▼ Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Please Note Boarders are reminded that they should be adequately dressed in all public areas within their boarding house at all times. A public area is any area other than a bedroom, toilet or shower. Therefore, corridors and common rooms are public areas. Female pupils on the way to/from a bedroom to a shower for example, should be wearing a proper dressing gown so if they are seen by a male (eg: parent, workmen called in for an emergency, Mr Jandrell, Mr Martin, or some other male with a legitimate reason to be in the Boarding House), they will not cause embarrassment to themselves or the visitor. Pupils should be aware that, on a regular basis, there is the need for a man to come into a boarding house, often at a late hour, to sort out some urgent problems of flooding or fire alarms usually caused accidentally by pupils. There could, alternatively be an electrical or heating fault, security or maintenance requirement, discipline or staffing concern ~ any of which needing immediate attention. Obviously a Provost or Principal of a school are legally responsible for management, control and safety of the whole of their school campus. They need to be able to see staff at work, be able to properly assess situations that may need attention and generally be aware of what is going on everywhere. Clearly to achieve this they would not always wish to give advance warning of where they will be and when, because if they did this, they would never have the opportunity to assess situations in their true light. As we have a male Principal and Provost / Chairman, they could not do their job properly if they were always to let pupils know in advance when checks or inspections will be made. In non-emergency situations, when visiting female boarding areas, they will normally have a female member of staff or female member of the Sixth Form with them. Pupils’ privacy and modesty are important concerns but as a school we still need to ensure that we balance our approach in a sensible and practical way. Pupils remembering that they need to be adequately “covered up” at all times whilst in public areas within the boarding house ensure that all those that have a job to do, whilst visiting a boarding house, can do it properly without embarrassment being caused to anyone. Parents/visitors are also asked to be mindful of pupils’ needs for privacy. If you wish to enter a boarding house, even with your child, you must first make your intention and presence known to a member of staff. Please do not be upset if you are “challenged” as to who you are and why you are here. The safety of our pupils is paramount. Page 38 This form is available electronically through the Parent Portal which allows for more accuracy and routing to the correct department ANNEX A The information on this form is processed electronically for administration purposes and is subject to the terms of the Data Protection Act 1984 PLEASE COMPLETE IN BLOCK CAPITALS Pupil’s Forenames Please underline the name by which the pupil is usually known These are the names, which will appear on public examination certificates. Pupil’s Preferred Name if different Pupil’s Surname Pupil’s Date of Birth Eg: 14th June 1984 Sex (male/female) Brothers and Sisters at Queen Ethelburga’s (if any) Name(s) Parents / Guardians living at pupil’s home address (see overleaf) Relationship to Pupil e.g. Mother Title Forenames Surname Can be contacted in an emergency during the day Yes No (Please tick) Parents email Address: If yes give whereabouts (eg at home or name of workplace) Daytime Telephone Number Pupil ‘s Home Address Post Code Home Telephone Number. Letters will be addressed to the parents / guardians named above using the pupil’s address. If this is not appropriate, please write alternative here. Other Emergency Contact (excluding parent/guardians) Pupil’s Previous School Give names, daytime telephone number & Relationship to pupil (eg neighbour, aunt, grandparent or friend Page 39 Additional Parental Contact For the purposes of the school records, a pupil’s parent is defined as his/her natural parent and any other person who is his/her guardian, who has custody of, or who is likely to maintain him/her. Please add below anyone who comes into this category but who is not included overleaf. Relationship to pupil (e.g. Mother, Father or Grandparent) Title Forenames Surnames Date of Birth Occupation Tel: Mobile Home Work. Address Email address Details of Guardian in UK Acting for parents and being responsible for student during half terms (if not detailed in the box above) Name Date of Birth Address Email address Tel: Mobile Home Work Relationship to Student Occupation Request for Guardian in UK Please provide me with details of guardianship services offered by the Collegiate Yes / No I declare the information on both sides of this form (Annex B) to be correct to the best of my knowledge Date……………………………………….. Signed………………………...………….(Parent/Guardian) Office Use Only: ٱٱDay ٱBoarder Date of Admission / / . Date of Leaving / / Page 40 This form is available electronically through the Parent Portal which allows for more accuracy and routing to the correct department ANNEX B GUARDIAN FORM ~ “Permitted Guardian List” It is Collegiate Policy that ALL students, including 6th Form, whose immediate parents live abroad, must have a UK based Guardian. This is mandatory to comply with the United Kingdoms ~ “Young Persons Protection Guidelines”. A guardian should live in the UK, be a responsible, trusted, “safe” relation or friend of the family, be over the age of 30 years, able to converse fully in English and be capable of exercising proper and adequate supervision. If you are using a “family friend” as a guardian they must not be acting as a guardian for any other student, whether with us or any other Educational establishment, and they must not make any financial charge for their services in any way. If they are acting for others or making a charge they are classed as “Professional Guardians” and must be members of AEGIS (see overleaf). If you do not know such a person willing to act as a guardian then please contact us as QE is able to suggest several proper Guardianship firms who are on our “Permitted Guardian List” (see overleaf). Guardians whether “family friend” or “Professional Guardian” must be prior approved by QE and put on our “Permitted Guardian List” otherwise they are not able to act as a QE Guardian. It is Collegiate policy to decline the appointment of former or current staff members or anyone associated with, or related thereto, as guardians; the Collegiate reserves the right to reassess a pupil's guardian at any time. It is Collegiate Policy that students do NOT live in rented, or any accommodation, during UK holidays, or at other times during term time when not at Collegiate, without their responsible adult guardian or parent being present for the whole duration of the stay. Students without a Collegiate recognised guardian will NOT be admitted. Similarly, students {or parents} who discharge guardians or who do not comply with Collegiate Policy in this regard, will have to leave the Collegiate until matters are satisfactorily resolved. Guardians may NOT be discharged without the prior consent of the Collegiate. Guardians are required to agree to all of the following: To arrange transport to and from the Collegiate where these have not been arranged by the parents and to exercise safe, proper and adequate supervision of the student. To be available within the UK for emergencies and where a student may need to go back to the guardians UK home address at short notice. If the student is not returning to parents, the guardian to take full responsibility for the safety and moral, ethical and physical well being of the student in holidays, or at other times, if the student is away from Collegiate. To immediately inform the Collegiate of any issues concerning the student - including any break in their guardianship for any reason, or if the guardian is discharged or a student does not properly and fully comply with the Collegiate Policy requirements above. Please complete the following: Student’s Name: …………………………………………………………………………………...… Full Name of Guardian………………………………………………….. Male Female Guardian’s full UK address……………………………..…………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………….…………………………………... Guardian’s Tel: Office…………...………Home………..…..………Mobile…………..…….…….. Guardian’s Email address:…………………………………………………………………………… Relationship of Guardian to Parents……………………………………………………………….. If the proposed Guardian is not currently on the QE “Permitted Guardian List” are they guardian to any other pupils either at QE or other UK Schools? YES / NO (If yes please supply full details on the back of this form.) Age of Guardian……………..……… Married / Single / Widow…………………………………. Guardian’s Occupation……………………………………………………………………………… Parents both agree the individual named above to be the legal guardian Yes / No We the undersigned agree ALL of the above Parents’ Signature (1)………………………………. (2)…………..…….…………………… Guardian Signature (1)………………..……………… (2) ………………………...…………… Student Signature…………………………………….. Date………………………………….... Page 41 QE PERMITTED LIST OF GUARDIAN ORGANISATIONS Abacus Guardians Acorn Education Services Alpha Plus Guardian Services Bright World Guardianships Ltd Carfax Educational Guardians Clarendon International Education College Guardians Cotswold Guardians Crest Overseas Guardians Ltd Gabbitas Educational Consultants Ltd Gateway Guardianship UK Ltd HEGS - Heart of England Guardianship Services Ltd Heritage Educational Planning High Schools International James-Lee Consultancy Ltd Living Learning English Mission Links UK Educational Consultants Overseas Student Guardianship Email: Parents Abroad Pippa's Guardians Quest Guardians Ltd S-KD Educational Consultants Students International Limited Study Links International Ltd Sutherland Education Ltd UK China Students Union (UCSU) UK 2 Learn Guardianship White House Guardianships All of the above are members of AEGIS AEGIS is the Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students. It brings together schools and guardianship organisations to promote the welfare of international students and also provides a forum for best practice through regular workshops and conferences. The welfare and well-being of International students are increasingly important to UK boarding schools. AEGIS is the authoritative association for inspecting and accrediting guardianship organisations in the UK in accordance with a strict Code of Practice and current child care legislation. All AEGIS Members must comply with their Code of Practice: 1. To promote and provide, best and legal practice in the guardianship and hosting of all international students at independent schools, particularly those under 18 years of age. 2. To respect and support the rights, religion and customs of the international student. 3. To uphold the stated ethos and values of the school at all times. 4. To comply with the Children Act and meet the requirements of the Dept of Health and Social Services. 5. To ensure all international students have 24 hour emergency contact with a responsible adult in the UK. 6. To put in place arrangements which maintain appropriate contact with the international student, the overseas parent and guardianship family and to ensure all appropriate records are up to date. 7. To provide both pastoral and educational support as outlined in any literature and agreements. 8. To adhere to the AEGIS grievance procedures. 9. To have appropriate insurance for guardianship arrangements and to comply with UK legislation. 10. To have read and agree to adhere to the AEGIS Code of Practice and membership criteria. If you ever have a complaint about any AEGIS Guardianship organisation please contact: Janet Bowman. AEGIS. 66 Humphreys Close, Randwick, Stroud. GL5 4NY .Tel: 01453 755160. Email: QE would welcome any comments, good or bad, that parents have on any of the organisations above. Page 42 This form is available electronically through the Parent Portal which allows for more accuracy and routing to the correct department ANNEX C Medical Form - To be completed for EVERY pupil. This form should be returned to the School Nurse before your child enters the school Pupil’s First Name Last Name Date of Birth (eg 21st June 1998) O Day Pupil Please provide the following details Your child is a O Boy O Girl Height Their current age is Weight O Boarder years months UK Home Address Post Code International Home Address (if applicable) Parent(s) Emergency Contact Details - Name Phone Number Mobile Guardians Emergency Contact Details - Name Phone Number Mobile Current Doctors contact details - Name Address Phone Number If your child has a UK National Health Number provide give details: FAMILY HISTORY Has any member of your child’s close family (mother, father, sister, brother etc) had either of the following illnesses before the age of 60 years? Heart Attack O Yes O No Stroke O Yes O No ILLNESS Has your child had any serious illnesses? Date Is this ongoing? Yes No Illness Does your child have any special needs that would render school games, gymnastics, swimming or other activities inadvisable? O Yes O No If Yes please provide details: ALLERGIES Does your child have any known allergies? If Yes please provide details: MEDICATION Is your child taking regular medication If Yes please provide details: O Yes O Yes O No O No Page 43 IMMUNISATIONS: Has he / she been immunised against the following diseases? Yes No Date Given Date Given Date Given Date Given Date Given Diphtheria Tetanus Polio Pertussis (whooping cough) Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (hib) Meningococcal Infection (Menc) Pneumococcal Infection MMR Influenza BCG (Tuberculosis) Other (please provide details) CONSENT FOR IMMUNISATION I consent to a course of immunisation to protect my child against Yes No Diptheria Tetanus Polio MMR Influenza Is there either anything else you would like the School Doctor or Nurse to be aware of, or is there any medical condition, ailment or concern you would like the Doctor or Nurse to speak to your child about? O Yes O No If Yes please provide details: ALL BOARDERS WILL BE REGISTERED WITH THE PRIORY MEDICAL CENTRE Please tick the relevant box as to whether you wish your child to have private or NHS treatment if necessary O NHS O Private Please note all emergencies will be taken to Harrogate District hospital or York District Hospital in the first instance. I / We give permission for the School to authorise any necessary medical examination or treatment that my child requires whilst they are at the School. (Where possible the School will make every endeavour to contact parents or guardians before such authority) I / We give consent to my child being given non-prescribed and prescribed medication for minor ailments by the School Nurses / House Parents / Staff. Signature of Parent or Guardian Date (Please state whether parent or guardian) Throughout the school year your child may need to go to a medical appointment e.g. dentist, opticians. If you would like us to take your child to these appointments there is a £19 Escort Accompaniment Support fee for each visit. On signing this form you are giving your consent for us to take your child to ALL medical appointments, unless otherwise stated. Page 44 This form is available electronically through the Parent Portal which allows for more accuracy and routing to the correct department ANNEX D DATA AND CHILD PROTECTION Schools hold information on pupils in order to run the education system, and in doing so have to follow the Data Protection Act 1998. This means, among other things, that the data held for pupils must only be used for specific purposes allowed by law. We are therefore writing to parents to tell you about the types of data held, and why that data is held, and to whom it may be passed on. The school holds information on pupils in order to support their teaching and learning, to monitor and report on their progress, to provide appropriate pastoral care, and to assess how well the school as a whole is doing. This information includes contact details, National Curriculum assessment results (where appropriate), attendance information, characteristics, such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information. In order to administer the National Curriculum tests we are required to pass on some of this data to the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), which is responsible for the National Curriculum and associated assessment arrangements. QCA uses information about pupils to administer the National Curriculum tests and assessments for Key Stages 1 to 3. The results of these are passed on to DCSF in order to compile statistics on trends and patterns in levels of achievement. The QCA uses the information to evaluate the effectiveness of the National Curriculum and the associated assessment arrangements, and to ensure that these are continually improved. Please be aware we only ever pass on the absolute minimum information required by law to any Government Agency or the like. As part of the requirements of the Data Protection Act and Child Protection legislation, we need permission from parents for the use of certain information. For examination entries we are required to gain parental permission for the submission of names, dates of birth etc., Please be aware that if permission is not granted the school is unable to enter the student for public examinations. I give permission for Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate Foundation to submit the name, date of birth and any other information essential to the examination board in respect of entries for my son/daughter/ charge to take part in public examinations. This information will remain confidential to the schools and relevant examination board. Pupil Name (block capitals)………………………………………………………………………… Date of birth……………….. Form………………………. Name of Parent/Guardian (block capitals)………………………………………………………… Signature of Parent/Guardian……………………………………………… Date……………….. Page 54 This form is available electronically through the Parent Portal which allows for more accuracy and routing to the correct department ANNEX E STUDENT ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (SAU) All students must follow the rules outlined in this policy when using school ICT resources and equipment, including internet access and the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), accessed from both in and outside of school. Breaking these conditions may lead to: close monitoring of the student’s network activity, investigation of the student’s past network activity, withdrawal of the student’s access, in some cases, criminal prosecution. The school is not responsible for any loss of data on the network, computers connected to the network or data storage used on the network (including USB memory sticks). Data held on the network will be backed up for a limited period. Students are responsible for backups of any other data held. Use of any information obtained via the network is at the student’s own risk. Student access to networked resources is a privilege, not a right. Students will be expected to use the resources for the educational purposes for which they are provided. Students are expected to use the network systems in a responsible manner. It is not possible to compile a complete set of rules about what is, and what is not, acceptable however the below should be a guide and in cases of dispute, the decision of Senior Management will be final. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I will not create, send or post any material that is likely to cause offence or needless anxiety to other people or bring the school into disrepute. I will not use language or images that could stir up hatred against any ethnic, religious or other minority group. I will use appropriate language – I will remember that I am a representative of the school on a global public system. Illegal activities of any kind are strictly forbidden. I realise that data held on the school network will be regularly checked by the IT Department or other members of staff. I will not reveal any personal information (e.g. home address, telephone number) about myself or other users over the network. I will not trespass into other users’ files, folders or emails. I will not share my login details (including passwords) with anyone else. Likewise, I will never use other people’s username and password. I will ensure that if I think someone has learned my password then I will change it immediately and/or contact my Head of Key Stage. I will ensure that I log off after my network session has finished. If I find an unattended machine logged on under another user’s username I will not continue using the machine – I will log it off immediately. I am aware that e-mail is not guaranteed to be private. Messages supporting illegal activities will be reported to the authorities. Anonymous or unnamed messages, unsolicited commercial mail (junk mail/SPAM) and chain letters are not permitted. I will not use the network in any way that would disrupt use of the network by others. I will report any accidental access to other people’s information, unsuitable websites or being sent inappropriate materials that make me feel uncomfortable to my Head of Key Stage. I will also report any security risks or suspicious behaviour involving the network or school equipment. I will take responsibility for any portable devices, including those using USB, which I connect to the network and the data they contain. I will only use these devices when logged on as a student and will take care to avoid introducing viruses. I will not attempt to visit websites that might be considered inappropriate or illegal. I am aware that downloading some material is illegal & the police or other authorities may be called to investigate such use. I will not download and/or install any unapproved software, system utilities or resources from the Internet. I realise that students under reasonable suspicion of misuse in terms of time, activity or content may have their usage closely monitored or have their past use investigated. I will not receive, send or publish material that violates copyright law. This includes materials sent / received using Video Conferencing or Web Broadcasting. I will not attempt to harm or destroy any equipment, work of another user on the school network, or even another website or network connected to the school system. In particular, I will only connect my laptop to open network sockets and will not remove any school equipment including cables to do this. I understand that unapproved system utilities and executable files are not allowed in my work areas or attached to e-mails. I agree to comply with the acceptable use policy of any other networks that I access. I agree to follow the school rules on the use of school network recourses and electronics. I will use the network and all mobile devices in a responsible way and observe all the conditions explained in both the E-Safety Policy and AUP Policy. I understand and accept the consequences of breaking these rules. Student Name…………………………………… Student Signature………………………………… Date……………………. I understand that my son/daughter/ward has agreed to accept the terms of the E-Safety and Student AUP Policy and confirm that I accept the terms of the agreement. Print Parent/Guardian Name……………………………………………………………...………… Parent/Guardian Signature……………………………………………. Date……………………. Page 55 Page 46 This form is available electronically through the Parent Portal which allows for more accuracy and routing to the correct department ANNEX F PARENTAL CONSENT FOR SCHOOL VISITS As a consequence of the large number of outings and activities available to pupils at school, and the administration burden for both parents and the school in obtaining individual permissions, we would be grateful if you could complete the following proforma and return it to school at the start of the academic year. Where a charge of over £30 is levied for an activity or a visit, parents/guardians will always be informed in writing and given the option of the child / ward not taking part. Name of Pupil (capitals please)…………………………………………………………………….. Date of Birth…………………… I give permission for the above named pupil to take part in organised school activities, outings and matches, which may involve pupils leaving the school premises under staff supervision. The school undertakes to take all reasonable measures to ensures the safety and well-being of pupils on all such outings. I understand that, in the event of an accident or illness, and where the school is unable to contact parents or guardians, I will allow a member of staff to act in loco parentis and give permission for any emergency, medical or surgical treatment to be carried out, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. I include below a list of any medical conditions, allergies or ongoing treatments of which the school should be aware that may affect the above. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Signature of Parents / Guardian…………………………………………………………………… Name of Parent / Guardian (block capitals)……………………………………………………… Date……………………………... Page 47 Page 48 This form is available electronically through the Parent Portal which allows for more accuracy and routing to the correct department ANNEX G EXTRA ACADEMIC LESSONS Parents who are concerned about their son/daughter’s progress should contact the Head of Key Stage to discuss the problem. If you require your child to have any of the following, please indicate by completing and returning this form. I would like my child to receive Extra Academic Lessons (please tick as appropriate): O Learning Development Support Lessons @ £33.75 per 40 minute lessons. O Individual Academic Lessons @ £33.75 per 40 minute lessons. O Shared Lessons O Two Pupils @ £25.50 each 40 minute lesson O Three Pupils @ £22.85 each 40 minute lesson O Four Pupils @ £20.15 each 40 minute lesson Extra lessons will be billed in arrears on your termly account after the lessons have taken place. The School regrets that no refund can be given for missed lessons. A term’s notice, in writing, is required to terminate extra lessons. SUBJECT REQUIRED 1. ……………………………………………….. 2. ……………………………………………….. 3. ……………………………………………….. 4. ……………………………………………….. Pupil’s Name: …………………………………………………. Form: ……………..…………… Parent’s Signature: …………………………………………….. Date: …………………..……… Please complete and return to the School Office. Please note no form of Extra Tuition / Activities can be taught by other than a School / Collegiate employee, or take place on the Campus, unless it is officially booked through the School Office and is at the standard School / Collegiate published rates. Page 49 Page 50 This form is available electronically through the Parent Portal which allows for more accuracy and routing to the correct department ANNEX H EXTRA ACTIVITIES If you require your child to have any of the following, please indicate by completing and returning this form prior to the commencement of term. The standard charges are for 10 lessons per term, and each lesson is of 40 minutes duration (except Music, Diction, Chapter House Riding, Ballet lessons and Tennis Coaching, which are 30 minutes duration. Terms vary in length and so lessons may be redistributed so as to give 30 lessons in the year. Archery (Group) £182 Drama (Group) £182 Modern Dance (Group) £182 Ballet (group) £182 Fencing (Group) £182 Tap Dancing (Group) £182 Diction £229 Golf £182 Tennis Coaching (Shared) £182 Diction (Shared) £182 Karate (Group) £182 Bassoon £229 Guitar £229 Piano £229 Brass £229 Guitar (Shared) £182 Saxophone £229 Cello £229 Music £229 Singing £229 Clarinet £229 Oboe £229 Viola £229 Double Bass Flute £229 £229 Percussion Percussion (Shared) £229 £182 Violin £229 Standard Riding Lesson - Group (Maximum 8 students per class) - 30 minute lessons £369 Riding - BHSAI - (1:1) 30 minute lessons £884 Riding - BHSII - (1:1) 30 minute lessons £1170 Notes Riding: Prices shown are per term. BHSAI and BHSll lessons cover the riding skills required for this level of Award. Examination charges will be extra to the cost quoted above. There can be no reduction or part credit made for missed or failed lessons, non-attendance of rider for any reason (including sickness, study leave, examinations, holidays, trips etc or absence / sickness / suitability / usability of horse/pony etc. If for any reason a booked riding lesson fails to take place due to a decision or fault of the Riding Centre or Collegiate, a parent or rider should notify the Principal, Mr Jandrell, within 48 hours in order that a replacement lesson can be arranged. One term’s notice is required for removal of horse or ceasing lessons etc, made in writing to the Principal. Charges for all of the above are required to be paid termly in advance. ALL EXTRA LESSONS ARE PAYABLE TERMLY IN ADVANCE. A TERM’S NOTICE IS REQUIRED IN WRITING TO THE PRINCIPAL IF A PARTICULAR SUBJECT IS TO BE DISCONTINUED. THE SCHOOL REGRETS THAT NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN FOR LESSONS MISSED. If your child is taking extra music lessons, it may be that his or her tutor believes he or she will require specialist music books, scores, lyrics, etc. In order to ensure that these are not ordered without your consent, please indicate below what financial limit you would like to place on such music books per term. I agree to: O £30 O £50 O £70 Other: Please specify £…………. Pupil Name:……………………………………………………… Form: ………………………... Previous Experience: ………………………………………………………………………………. Age:…………………. Parent’s Signature: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………………… Please return to the School Office. Please note no form of Extra Tuition / Activities can be taught by other than a School / Collegiate employee, or take place on the Campus, unless it is officially booked through the School Office and is at the standard School / Collegiate published rates. Page 53 Page 56 This form is available electronically through the Parent Portal which allows for more accuracy and routing to the correct department ANNEX J PERMISSION TO DRIVE CAR TO COLLEGIATE Request for permission for my child to drive a car to school (please tick as appropriate): ONLY APPLICABLE TO STUDENTS IN YEARS 12 & 13 Day Pupils O Daily O Occasionally during week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Boarders O Friday and Sunday O Half Terms O Beginning/End Term The pupil must be in possession of a valid full driving licence. Particulars of the vehicle (type, cubic capacity, model, registration number, distinguishing features) must be given to the school in writing (see below). The vehicle should be comprehensively insured, in possession of a valid MOT (if required), safe and complying with all Road Traffic Act legal requirements. No responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage to the vehicle while it is on the premises. The vehicle may be used for journeys only to and from home/Collegiate. It may not be used for journeys within the boundary. It may not be used for “trips out” during the week, or at lunchtimes / after School. Upon arrival at Collegiate the car keys must remain in the safe keeping of the House Parent. No lifts may be given to other pupils without the Head of Sixth Form’s prior permission. The Head of Sixth Form will also need written permission from the parents/guardian of the driver + passenger. Permission may be withdrawn by the Head of Sixth Form at any time, either for non-observance of these regulations, or for any behaviour with the vehicle which is considered unreasonable or detrimental to general welfare. The School Office will require a photocopy of: a) full driving licence b) valid MOT c) valid insurance details Permission to use the vehicle will not start until one copy of this form has been returned to the School Office / Head of Boarding with appropriate photocopies and the form has been signed and dated by the Head of Sixth Form and returned to the parents. Note: Any breach of school rules may result in this permission being rescinded. Pupil’s Name: …………………………………………………. Form: ……………..………… Vehicle Type:………………………………………..Vehicle Make:…………………………… Cubic Capacity:…………………………………….. Registration No: ………...……………… Distinguishing Features………………………………………………………………………… I give permission for my child to carry the following passengers (please specify): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Parent’s Signature: ……………………………………………….. Date: …………………..……... Head of Sixth Form / Boarding Signature: …………………………………Date: ………………... Page 57 Page 58 This form is available electronically through the Parent Portal which allows for more accuracy and routing to the correct department ANNEX K PERMISSION TO BE A PASSENGER IN A CAR DRIVEN BY AN AUTHORISED MEMBER OF THE SIXTH FORM Request for permission for my son / daughter to be a passenger in a car driven by a member of the Sixth Form who has been granted permission from the Head of Sixth Form to drive to and from school FOR INFORMATION: RULES FOR CAR DRIVERS ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► The pupil must be in possession of a valid full driving licence Particulars of the vehicle (type, cubic capacity, model, registration number, distinguishing features) must be given to the school in writing (see below) The vehicle must be comprehensively insured, in possession of a valid MOT (if required), safe and comply with all Road Traffic Act legal requirements No responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage to the vehicle while it is on the premises The vehicle may be used for journeys to and from home/Collegiate. It may not be used for journeys within the boundary. Permission must be obtained for occasional visits during the week No lifts may be given to other pupils without permission of the Head of Sixth Form/Boarding. The Head of Sixth Form/Boarding will also need permission from the parents/guardian of the drive and passenger Permission may be withdrawn by the Head of the Sixth Form at any time, either for non-observance of these regulations,or for any behaviour with the vehicle which is considered unreasonable or detrimental to General welfare The School Office will require a photocopy of: (a) full driving licence (b) valid MOT (c) valid insurance details I give permission for my son / daughter to be a passenger in a car driven by an authorised member of the Sixth Form as follows: (Please delete as appropriate) Any authorised driver in the Sixth Form - the following named drivers only: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. I understand that I will accept full responsibility for any consequences that may result from my son / daughter being carried as a passenger and that the Collegiate is free of any liability. Parent’s Signature…………………………………………….. Date………………………… Student’s Name………………………………………………… Year………………………... Page 59 Page 60 Please find in the following pages the School Transport Request Form for the new school year. We would like to encourage your children to use this service as it can save you time and money, as well as being kinder to the environment. Whether you are a new or existing user, would you please complete and return the form and include your home and mobile contact numbers for use in emergencies. Detailed below are the names and contact numbers for the drivers. Please be aware that these phones are not “hands-free” therefore, should you need to contact the driver, this is best done using text message. Also included is the school emergency out of hours number which is operational between 6 am – 8.30 am and 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm. Route Driver Telephone Number Route 1 Malcolm Bainbridge 07904 694055 Route 2 Graham Simpkin 07976 395947 Route 3 Colin Olver 07929 081959 Route 4 David Wilson 07958 736561 Route 5 Alan Cage 07960 013662 Route 6 Bruce Snowden 07985 467332 Route 7 Ron Bird 07790 471660 Route 8 John Hughes 07415 711524 Out of hours emergency number (Bus enquires only) 07989 382625 We have added more routes and more stops. Now 8 bus routes and 52 pick up / drop off points. We offer a bigger daily bus network than any other school. By School Bus Route 8 (Red) Route 2 (Purple) Route 1 (Blue) Thirsk Hovingham Asenby Summerbridge Sheriff Hutton Cundall Ripley Stillington Ripon Harrogate Easingwold Boroughbridge Starbeck Gt Ouseburn Cattal Station Farnham Haxby Clifton Allerton Park QEC Wetherby Nether Poppleton Boston Spa Woodthorpe Snaith Saxton Tadcaster Road East Cowick Tadcaster ~ Sherburn Bishopthorpe NRM - York Thorne Riccall Doncaster Ferrybridge Route 6 (Yellow) Askham Lane Selby Fork Aberford Route 7 (Brown) Route 3 (Orange) Long Marston Alwoodley Roundhay Strensall Shipton Moor Monkton Collingham Adel Earswick Whixley Knaresborough Route 5 (Green) Route 4 (Black) We operate a daily pick up / drop off service to / from Cattal Station to School By Train Knaresborough Cattal Station Hammerton Poppleton York Station Starbeck Harrogate Hornbeam Park Pannal Weeton Horsforth Headingly Burley Park Ulleskelf There is an excellent train service operated by “Northern Rail” which means children can easily travel to School by train. Their website is: Our local station - CATTAL - is only 5 minutes away and we offer a pick up / drop off service to meet the trains at the beginning and end of the School day. In order to ensure there is always a bus available to pick up / drop off your child you do need to let us know that you intend using the rail service. By rail to York City Main Line Railway Station we are 100 minutes from London (Kings Cross) 100 minutes from Manchester 150 minutes from Edinburgh Church Fenton Sherburn In elmet Leeds Cross Gates Garforth East Garforth Micklefield South Milford Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate ~ Chapter House ~ King’s Magna ~ QE College ~ QE Faculty Thorpe Underwood Estate, York - midway between Harrogate, York, Leeds and Wetherby Tel: 01423 33 33 30 ~ Fax: 01423 33 14 44 ~ Email: ~ web: Route 1 ~ Blue Thirsk Times 7.10 / 17.20 Zone Route 4 ~ Black Times E Ricall Bus stop by water tower National Rail Museum Car Park - lower entrance 6.55 / 17.35 Market Square Asenby 7.20 / 17.10 D Crab & Lobster Cundall 7.25 / 17.05 D Village Centre by phone box Ripon 7.40 / 16.50 D Sainsbury’s car park Boroughbridge 8.00 / 16.30 B 8.10 / 16.20 A Market Square Great Ouseburn Crown Inn QE 8.20 / 16.10 Route 2 ~ Purple Hovingham Times Zone 6.55 / 17.15 E Opposite Worsley Arms Sheriff Hutton 7.10 / 17.00 E 7.20 / 16.50 D Castle Inn Stillington White Bear Inn Easingwold 7.30 / 16.40 C 7.32 / 16.38 C White Bear Inn Easingwold York Road School QE 8.00 / 16.10 Whixley (am) 8.05 / A Near Princes Lodge am only Cattal Station (am) 8.10 / Route 3 ~ Orange Earswick A Times Zone 7.00 / 17.15 D Willow Grove Strensall 7.02 / 17.10 D Strensall Park Strensall 7.07 / 17.05 D The Ship Public House Haxby am Rydale Centre 7.13 / 16.55 C pm Village Hall C C C Incidental Basis Return Journey Termly Basis Single Journey Each Day Termly Basis B C 7.65 11.20 13.40 10.25 15.15 275 396 17.50 452 Roundhay Times Zone 7.00 / 17.20 E Park Lane / West Park Avenue junction Adel 7.15 / 17.05 D am Bus stop - Holt Lane Greenfield Court by Lawnwood Arms Alwoodley 7.25 / 16.55 C C Collingham C Pull in by Lady Elizabeth Hastings School. Junction by Linton Rd / Harewood Rd B B 7.45 / 16.45 Wetherby 7.50 / 16.35 QE E E Ripley Harrogate E E E 7.20 / 17.15 D 7.30 / 17.05 D 7.40 / 16.55 C 7.45 / 16.50 C 7.50 / 16.45 B Methodist Church York Place car & coach park Farnham 8.00 / 16.35 C Farnham Lane opp. Main St Bus Stop Allerton Park 8.10 / 16.25 B Whixley (pm) / 16.20 A Near Princess Lodge pm only / 16.15 QE A 8.20 / 16.10 RAIL TIMETABLE E D E Knaresborough Road bus stops by Halfords Cattal Station (pm) E 7.05 / 17.30 Trinity Church Knaresborough Zone Zone Parking area near Boar’s Head Pub Starbeck E Times Bus stop by church Starbeck E C 8.20 / 16.10 Summerbridge E C Mercure Hotel Route 8 ~ Red Zone Times A Route 7~ Brown The Dexter Pub, Wigton Lane From To Leeds Departs Departs AM PM Cattal 7.13 5.22 Burley Park " 7.18 5.11 Headingley " 7.20 5.09 Horsforth " 7.26 5.05 14.20 15.10 Weeton " 7.33 4.56 19.00 20.10 Pannal " 7.39 4.52 Hornbeam Park " 7.44 4.47 Harrogate " 7.49 4.43 Starbeck " 7.53 4.38 Knaresborough " 7.59 4.34 8.08 4.26 BUS CHARGE ZONES (£) 2014 ~ 2015 7.35 / 16.35 8.20 / 16.10 D Ferrybridge 7.00 / 17.30 Motorway Services area Sherburn in Elmet 7.10 / 17.20 JP Plant Hire Nr Betteras Roundabout By Saxon Court Estate 7.15 / 17.15 Moor Lane - B1222 Saxton 7.30 / 17.00 Church - Main Street Aberford 7.40 / 16.50 Main Street, White Swan Boston Spa 7.55 / 16.35 Clifford Moor Road bus stop by Wickham Ave QE 8.20 / 16.10 Clifton QE Times Route 6 ~ Yellow Fare Code Incidental Basis Single Journey Millfield Lane near Honda Garage D Doncaster 6.55 / 17.40 Wheatley Retail Park - T.K. Max Thorne 7.10 / 17.20 Bus stop by bridge - entering Thorne East Cowick 7.25 / 17.05 Bus stop by school 7.30 / 17.00 Bus stop by school 7.50 / 16.35 Quality Hotel QE 8.20 / 16.10 C 7.45 / 16.25 7.15 / 17.15 Route 5 ~ Green 7.25 / 16.45 Nether Poppleton E +£10 7.25 / 17.05 Main street bus stop by library Tadcaster Road 7.30 / 17.00 Bus stop opposite York College Woodthorpe 7.35 / 16.55 Moor Lane bus terminus - large bus layby Askham Lane 7.40 / 16.50 St Joseph’s Court Bus Stop Long Martston 7.55 / 16.30 Sun Inn Moor Monkton Village 8.05 / 16.20 Village Centre QE 8.20- / 16.10 Shipton D. Arms Bus stop close to Dormouse pub Zone D 478 E 508 Priority : Number of seats on a route is Return Journey 358 539 612 649 685 limited. A) Priority given to parents Each Day requiring return journey 5 days a week. B) Next priority is given to parents wanting min of five single journeys per week eg every am. C) Finally parents requiring two or three single journeys per week will be accommodated if there is space. It is a condition that parents booking under the situations of ( B ) or ( C ) above accept, if a bus route is at passenger capacity and then there is a request for an additional booking under the situation of ( A ), the child travelling the least number of journeys per week must lose the facility. This ensures the buses are used to the maximum possible capacity on all journeys. Booking under ( B ) or ( C ), even at the beginning of a term - for the whole term, cannot guarantee a seat for the whole term if demand increases under ( A ) part way through a term. Arrive / Depart Cattal York Cattal 7.57 4.45 Poppleton " 8.01 4.33 Hammerton " 8.09 4.26 8.12 4.24 Arrives Cattal Note: Stop points and times may change before the start of term. If you may wish to use our bus service please email Jane Olver on: and she will ensure you are on the email list to receive the updated details. SCHOOL TRANSPORT REQUEST FORM ~ Until June 2015 Please tick or complete the appropriate boxes Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 Route 7 Route 8 1. Select Route 2. State pick up point 3. Select Pass State drop off point Season Ticket Single Journey Mon Tues OR Thur Wed 5 day return Fri Please note : By signing this form you agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions incl giving one terms notice to cease. am pm Any Comments: Name of Student Signed Year Date Home Mobile Emergency contact telephone numbers Route 1 ~ Blue Times Mobile Mobile Zone Thirsk 7.10 / 17.20 E Asenby 7.20 / 17.10 D Cundall 7.25 / 17.05 C Ripon 7.40 / 16.50 D Boroughbridge 8.00 / 16.30 B Great Ouseburn 8.10 / 16.20 A Times Zone Hovingham 6.55 / 17.15 E Sheriff Hutton 7.10 / 17.00 E Stillington 7.20 / 16.50 D Easingwold 7.30 / 16.40 Easingwold 7.32 / 16.38 QE 8.00 / 16.10 Whixley (am) 8.05 / A Cattal Station (am) 8.10 / A Route 2 ~ Purple Route 3 ~ Orange C Route 7~ Brown Times Zone Roundhay 7.00 / 17.20 E Adel 7.15 / 17.05 D Alwoodley 7.25 / 16.55 C Collingham 7.45 / 16.45 C Wetherby 7.50 / 16.35 C Times Zone Summerbridge 7.05 / 17.30 E Ripley 7.20 / 17.15 D Harrogate 7.30 / 17.05 D Starbeck (Halfords) 7.40 / 16.55 C Starbeck (Methodist Ch) 7.45 / 16.50 C Knaresborough 7.50 / 16.45 B Farnham 8.00 / 16.35 C Allerton Park 8.10 / 16.25 B Whixley (pm) / 16.20 A Cattal Station (pm) / 16.15 A 7.02 / 17.10 D Strensall 7.07 / 17.05 D Haxby 7.13 / 16.45 C Shipton D. Arms 7.25 / 16.45 C Clifton 7.35 / 16.35 C Nether Poppleton 7.45 / 16.25 C Zone E +£10 D D C C C B B Pick Up Pick Up Drop Off Drop Off Route 8 ~ Red Pick Up Drop Off Bus Charge Zones (£) Fare Code Zone A Pick Up Drop Off Pick Up Drop Off Pick Up Drop Off Pick Up Drop Off E E E E E C Strensall Version: 06/08/2014 6.55 / 17.40 7.10 / 17.20 7.25 / 17.05 7.30 / 17.00 7.50 / 16.35 E E E E E D D Tadcaster Road Woodthorpe Askham Lane Long Martston Moor Monkton Zone 7.00 / 17.30 7.10 / 17.20 7.15 / 17.15 7.30 / 17.00 7.40 / 16.50 7.55 / 16.35 7.00 / 17.15 6.55 / 17.35 7.15 / 17.15 7.25 / 17.05 7.30 / 17.00 7.35 / 16.55 7.40 / 16.50 7.55 / 16.30 8.05 / 16.20 Doncaster Thorne East Cowick Times Ferrybridge Sherburn in Elmet By Saxon Court Estate Saxton Aberford Boston Spa Earswick Ricall Route 5 ~ Green Times Zone Times Drop Off Route 6 ~ Yellow Times Route 4 ~ Black Pick Up B C D E Incidental Basis ~ Single Journey 7.65 11.20 13.40 14.20 15.10 Incidental Basis ~ Return Journey 10.25 15.15 17.50 19.00 20.10 Termly Basis ~ Daily Single Journey 275 396 452 478 508 Termly Basis ~ Daily Return Journey 358 539 612 649 685 By Road We are easy to reach by road, rail and air. Pupils come from all parts of the UK and overseas. By road we are 10 minutes from the A1, 25 minutes from Leeds and 35 minutes from the M1 / M62. from York / Harrogate, 40 minutes Driving From A1(M) Leave the A1 (M) at junction 47 signpost York/ Harrogate. Follow A59 (York) for 3 miles before turning left on to B6265 (Boroughbridge). Follow B6265 for 1½ miles watching for the signpost to QE on the right hand side. Take this right hand turn and follow road for 1 mile until you come to the main car park (Gate F). From York Leave York on A59 following signs for Harrogate. Continue for approx 9 miles. On the left hand side are the A59 services (Sweet Basil Chinese Restaurant / BP Service Station). 1½ miles after services, on the right hand side is junction with B6265 (Boroughbridge). Turn right and follow the B6265 for 1½ miles watching for signpost to QE on the right hand side. Take right hand turn and follow road for 1 mile (taking care of the sharp bends and oncoming traffic) until you come to the main car park (Gate F). We are easy to reach by road, rail and air. Pupils come from all parts of the UK and overseas. We can operate transport to and from airports and railways stations for the beginning and ends of terms, ● Leeds - Bradford (LBA) ● By Air The North Scotland To fly to Newcastle Aberdeen Edinburgh Glasgow Liverpool Manchester Humberside Ireland (LHR) - 50 mins SCHOOL Belfast Dublin ● London-Gatwick (LGW) - 75 mins The Midlands Birmingham East Midlands Norwich London ● Aberdeen (ABZ) - 65 mins ● Belfast ● Edinburgh (BFS) - 75 mins The South West Cardiff (EDI) - 65 mins ● Glasgow (GLA) - 65 mins ● Southampton (SOU) - 55 mins Bristol UK AIRPORTS Heathrow Gatwick Luton Stansted The South Southampton By Helicopter Our Campus has its own Helipad to CAA standards. (Hard surface, with full markings, night lighting and wind direction “sock”). If you wish to land on our Helipad it is essential you phone ahead and gain permission first, giving an expected arrival time. We have a large number of children and staff all over our campus. We have a recognised Health and Safety procedure of alarm lights, sirens, roadway and pathway barriers etc, that must be activated before any helicopter may land or take off. If we know when you will arrive we can meet you with one of our golf buggies. Contact telephone numbers: Estates Department: 01423 33 32 91 Admissions Department: 01423 33 33 30 Out of hours number: 01423 33 39 01 Email: When approaching the helipad be mindful of nearby trees AND the tall rugby field flood lighting posts! The nearest Air Traffic Control: RAF Linton on Ouse. See normal approach and position of helipad below. This approach causes the least noise to our neighbours! OS X 446242 OS Y 459141 Post Code YO26 9SS Lat (WGS84) N54:01:34 (54.026200) Long (WGS84) W1:17:44 (-1.295612) LR SE462591 mX -144226 mY 7140514 The Collegiate Foundation Queen Ethelburga’s Academy ~ College ~ Faculty ~ School Chapter House Preparatory School Thorpe Underwood Estate York. YO26 9SS. England Tel: 01423 33 33 00 Fax: 01423 33 14 44 Email: Web: SCHOOL TRANSPORT Enquiries regarding the buses & rail travel should be made to: The School Transport Co-ordinator : Tel: 01423 33 33 00 The buses are available for booking on a termly basis in advance and the charge can be placed on the school bill. A full term’s notice is required to cease use of the bus service or the bus charge will be billed in lieu of notice. It is also possible for students to book the bus on an incidental basis, if there is a space available, 2-3 days in advance through the school office, and the associated cost will be charged to the school account. All the times are approximate, but as a general guide, parents should be at the stopping points prior to these times to be on the safe side. Once you have checked availability, please complete the form and return to the school office. The school office is open from 8.00 am - 5.30 pm. It is possible that the buses will return after this time. If you are unable to collect your child from the bus stop at the correct time, you may need to ring the number below. Out of hours telephone number: 07989 382 625 Terms & Conditions Priority ~ The number of seats on each bus route is obviously limited. A) Priority is always given to parents requiring a return journey five days a week. B) The next priority is given to parents wanting a minimum of five single journeys per week eg every morning. C) Finally parents requiring two or three single journeys per week will be accommodated if there is space. It is a condition that parents booking under the situations of ( B ) or ( C ) above accept, if a bus route is at passenger capacity and then there is a request for an additional booking under the situation of ( A ), the child travelling the least number of journeys per week must lose the facility. This ensures the buses are used to the maximum possible capacity on all journeys. Booking under ( B ) or ( C ), even at the beginning of a term - for the whole term, cannot guarantee a seat for the whole term if demand increases under ( A ) part way through a term. Travel time between stops will vary according to traffic and weather conditions. Scheduled times are therefore subject to small variation. There may be a restriction in the amount of time a bus can wait safely at scheduled locations. It is therefore essential that students must be at their respective stops a minimum of 5 minutes before scheduled departure time. Similarly, parents collecting their children from the return service must also be present 5 minutes before scheduled arrival time. If parents are not able to reach the bus service to collect their child, the child will be retained on the bus and returned to school to be taken to the boarding house from where they can be collected. If an emergency occurs and you are unable to collect your child until quite late, we can make arrangements for your child to have supper and if necessary, we can provide overnight accommodation, night clothes etc. Unless the school office has received prior notification, children will not be handed over to friends or neighbours. All buses are fitted with seatbelts. It is therefore conditional that children wear their seatbelts at all times. Each We reserve the right to exclude any child from the bus service for the breach of these terms or for continued misbehaviour. Important Note: Buses will only stop to pick up or drop off pupils at the stops designated in this booklet / form. Asking the bus driver to do you a “favour” and pick up / drop off elsewhere will mean, when this becomes known, the practice will be stopped and the driver will lose his job. Only the Governing Body has the authority to vary a bus route. Thank you. The Collegiate Trustees wish to draw to your attention the opportunity that exists to make payment of all, or part, of the School fees by means of a lump sum advance payment. In this way you can save substantial amounts of money. The QE Scheme is competitive and the rates of discount offered are kept under frequent review. Moreover, since its use helps the Collegiate, it indirectly benefits both present and future generations of Ethelburgian’s. Further details of the scheme are covered in the question and answer format that follows. Any person may pay an advance fee payment if the child in question is already attending one of our Schools or is registered to attend at some future date. Please ask our Registrar’s Admissions Department for further details Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Can any person pay an “Advance Fee Payment”? Yes. An “Advance Fee Payment” may be paid by parents, grandparents, guardians or any other person, company, firm, partnership or Trust able to help a child’s education. So my Company can make a payment? Yes. Your own Company Accountant or Financial Advisors will be able to tell you if this is deductible against your Company Tax but we can send the Invoice to absolutely anyone. We can accept payment in virtually any currency from any Country in the World. This can be useful for people living overseas who have problems making several overseas bank transfers per year. One payment transfer can often be very beneficial to them. How much money do I need to have available? This depends on when the money is paid, for what period in advance you wish to pay for, the age of your child and whether they are a day pupil or a boarder. Each case is different. Ask our Accounts Department, to work out some, no obligation, figures for you. If you have a particular amount of money in mind let them know and they can see how long this can provide cover for and what is the total amount of savings it will bring you. Can the conditions be changed once the “Advance Fee Payment” has been paid? Normally no changes in the conditions of the contract can be made. However, the Collegiate does reserve the right to vary the conditions in the event of there being some change in the law. In such a case the Trustees would make every effort to ensure that subscribers to the scheme did not suffer any financial loss. What does the “Advance Fee Payment” provide? It secures fees at a given rate per term for anything normally between one year and three years. The arrangement can just be for the basic fees or it can be wider, at your choice, to include other things such as extras and uniform etc. The further ahead you pre-pay fees for, the bigger the “discount” given. There is no minimum or maximum period - you decide. What about fee increases that happen each year? We can estimate future increases and you can thus freeze the price. If fees actually go up more than we estimate for coming years you pay no more. If they go up less, the difference is re-credited to your scheme! This is one of the attractions of the Scheme - the ability to protect against large and unexpected increases in fees in coming years. What is the position if my child is receiving some form of Scholarship, Award or Bursary? Fear not. Full allowance is made of any remissions you are currently entitled to. It simply means you need to make a smaller “Advance Fee Payment”. When we work out the amount needed we show you the full calculation so you can see quite clearly how the figure you need to pay has been arrived at and the amount of the savings you will make. Are there circumstances in which the “Advance Fee Payment” may be repaid? If a child leaves the school prematurely we simply re-work the calculation for the period they have been with us and you are refunded the balance. It is important, however, that proper notice must have been given, otherwise one term’s fees may be deducted from the refund; also, any fees/extras outstanding at the time will be deducted from the refund. Question Answer Question Answer Why is now a good time to make an “Advance Fee Payment” When you start your Scheme the “deal” becomes fixed, so if the “discounts” offered at another time are lower you do not lose out. When deciding what “discounts” should be applied, the Trustees look at current and predicted long term interest rates, inflation and the future costs of them providing independent education. The Trustees believe that the “discounts” currently being offered under the QE “Advance Fee Payment” Scheme are as high as they are ever likely to be and that in future they are likely to be considerably less. Why else is this Scheme attractive? There can be many reasons. We had, for example, a father who, aware he had a terminal illness, wished to ensure he provided sufficient money whilst he was able to control what his money was spent on. In this case he wanted to cover absolutely everything until the child left QE, so provided for basic fees, extras, uniform, trips - even pocket money. Grandparents, anxious to ensure their grandchild receives a first class independent education can forward pay all the necessary fees. The QE “Advance Fee Payment Scheme” can for example be used as part of a divorce settlement where one party, or the other, wishes to ensure that independent school fees will be paid regardless of a change in circumstances or some reduction in willingness to carry on with something agreed previously. Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer In all the circumstances above the contract can be very specific as to who would receive any repayment if a repayment was due. In this way parents, relatives or others, can ensure the money they wish to give to provide for independent education is not diluted or spent on other things, even if they are no longer around to be able to intervene. What sort of “discounts” can I expect? If you pre-paid boarding fees for the next several years ahead the “discount” applied to your scheme keeps rising from 0.5% for the first term up to a maximum of 50% per term. For example for a child who is a boarder, starting in Year 7 and going through to complete Year 13, you could possibly expect to save anything up to £25,000 compared to what you might expect to pay in total, paying one term at a time. In the event of the “Advance Fee Payment” securing more fees than are required, may the excess be applied to a brother / sister with us? Yes. What if at a later date my child switches from being a day pupil to being a boarder or vice versa? If you know that this is likely, for example, your child might be a day pupil up until the last two years of 6th Form - Year 12 and Year 13 - and then wish to be a boarder before going off to University, then this can be taken into account from the start when calculating the amount of money needed. If it is an unexpected change of circumstances then either you would need to pay more into your Scheme or you become due a refund. How quickly do I need to decide? You take as long as you wish. However be aware the “discounts” applied can change from month to month. The “discounts” applied to you will be fixed at the time you enter the Scheme. When we give you your official quotation calculation we guarantee the “discounts” for a period of one month. Thereafter they may be subject to change. If you join the Scheme before the expiry of the one month you enjoy the guarantee that the “discounts” will be maintained at the quoted rate for the duration of your pre-paid time. If you join the Scheme later when “discounts” may be lower, then your Scheme will utilise the lower “discounts” for its duration. At the present time the Trustees are very confident that the current “discount” rate will be the highest it is ever likely to be and that in the near future they are very likely to be reduced. Are payments subject to inheritance tax? Private UK payments made from capital for education are usually wholly exempt from inheritance tax if they are made by the child’s parent or person responsible for their education and maintenance. Payments made by grandparents and others are exempt provided the donor survives for 7 years, and are subject to reduced rates of tax if he or she survives for more than 3 years. In addition, certain gifts are exempt from tax whether or not the donor survives for 7 years, namely the first £325,000 of gifts made at death or during the previous 7 years. As UK taxation rules constantly change, and if you wish to use this Scheme to reduce your potential inheritance tax charge upon your death, you should seek the independent advice of a qualified professional Financial Advisor. Many people have utilised such “Advance Fee Payment” Schemes for just this purpose of tax savings and of course get the huge added benefit of the big “discounts” which are also made. Are there set times when I can join the Scheme? No you can start at any time during the year and this applies to both Senior and Junior Schools.
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