Mother of Good Counsel Parish & School April 19, 2015 Mother of Good Counsel Parish & School ~ April 19, 2015 6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Main Number: 414 442-7600 website: ~ Parish FAX: 444-0408 ~ School FAX 442-0644 Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM ~ Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 8:15 AM Calendar for the week of April 19 ~ Third Sunday of Easter Sunday, April 19 ~ Faith Formation Classes from 8:30-12:30 10:00am Mass Michel Baptism 11:15am Iwanowski Baptism Monday, April 20 ~ 7:00pm AA/Al-anon ~ Paulik Hall 8:00pm Young Men’s Basketball ~ Gym Tuesday, April 21 ~ 8:15am Mass 9:00am St. Vincent de Paul ~ SVDP Room 9:00am Wellness Nurse ~ Bride’s Room 6:30pm Finance Committee ~ Parish Living Room Wednesday, April 22 ~ 3:20pm Choir Practice ~ Church 4:30pm Practice: Hand Bells ~ Church 6:30pm Practice: Choir ~ Church Thursday, April 23 ~ 8:15am Mass 9:15am Staff meeting ~ Parish Living Room 1:30pm School music Practice ~ Church 8:00pm Men’s Basketball ~ Gym Friday, April 24 ~ 10:00am Close-Knit Friends Ministry Group ~ PLR Saturday, April 25 ~ 7:45am Rosary 8:15am Mass followed by individual reconciliation 5:00pm Mass of Anticipation Sunday, April 26 ~ Faith Formation Classes from 8:30-12:30 10:00am Mass McCully Baptism 11:00am 1st Eucharist Banners ~ Church 12:00pm 1st Eucharist Rehearsal ~ Church Linen Ministry pickup for April 19 is Mary Ann Hammond Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday: 8 to Noon, 1 to 4 Friday: 8 to Noon Sunday, April 19 10:00am † John Babich Tuesday, April 21 8:15am For MGC Parish Thursday, April 23 8:15am For MGC Parish Saturday, April 25 8:15am For MGC Parish 5:00pm † Clarence Gabor Sunday, April 26 10:00am † Helen Fernando Remember your loved one with a Mass intention "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Readings for the Week of April 19, 2015 Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk 24:35-48 Monday: Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51--8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14/Mk 16:15-20 Next Sunday: Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18 SCRIP volunteers for April 25 & 26 Saturday ~ K. Kohut & R. Babich Sunday ~ A. Cross & L. Gross SCRIP can also be purchased at the Parish Office during the week. There’s a great selection of scrip cards. Help support the good works of MGC. Good Steward Weekly Report Week 41 Weekly YTD Budgeted 4/5 & 4/12 04/12/15 Week 41 Envelopes $12,371 $202,207 $208,942 Offertory $1,300 $13,796 $13,404 School $292 $7,544 $6,623 Totals $13,963 $223,547 $228,969 Short of budget ($5,422) Those who serve April 25 & 26 Saturday, April 25 ~ 5:00pm Servers: B. Dompke & E. Berthold Lectors: V. Hetzel Eucharistic Ministers: V. Hetzel, K. Kohut, C. Jacobson, L. Schultz, P. Sovey, M. Gundrum Sunday, April 26 ~ 10:00am Servers: G. Mortell, C. Mortell Lectors: G. Stanosz, Sr. C. Thresher Eucharistic Ministers: M. Grant, A. Kallman, L. Maigatter, M. Moritz, C. Nilssen, B. Ninnemann, T. Rowan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weekdays, April 21 ~ M. Monteagudo, M. Voss April 23 ~ L. Willis, L. Gleesing Happy Birthday to our MGC Kids and Teens April 19 ~ Olivia Alvarez Lucas Budziszewski Nicholas Kallman Frances Monteagudo Jennifer Pacheco Amos Tamanji Ella Wlodyka April 20 ~ Miguel Monteagudo Mamaa Yorke April 21 ~ Iyionia Crawley Cloe Hoffmann April 22 ~ Nicolas Atchison April 23 ~ Brooke Barnes Tremaine Knowles April 24 ~ Kyle Mettlach Amare Nixon April 25 ~ Janiya McGee-Crawl PASTORAL STAFF: MGC Main Number 414-442-7600 Parish Director: Deacon Andy Meuler.....................x125 Assisting Priest: Fr. Dan Pekarske SDS..................x103 Deacon Dean Collins................................. 262-782-0535 Deacon Arturo Ysmael SDS…..……..…..………….x147 Director of Faith Formation: Rebecca Scholz…….x107 Director of Music: Dr. Mark Konewko..................... x117 Business Manager: Sue Puls……........................... x105 Director of Compliance: Rachel Baker…………….x104 Director of Facilities: Adolfo Delgado……............. x168 Parish Secretary: Theresa Boeckeler......................x102 SCHOOL STAFF Principal: Regina Shaw …….................................... x119 School Secretary: Barb Berthold …........................ x118 Director of Extended Care: Denise Schienke…..... x123 Cafeteria Director: Lisa Klug…………….…………...x122 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trustees Mary Moritz & Bob Ninnemann Pastoral Council Chairperson: Steve Prueher......414-640-0190 St. Vincent DePaul: 414-442-7600 x155 Other Ministries: Contact the Parish Office at 414-442-7600 x102 or the School Office x118. For a more complete listing of our ministries check our website at 2015 Easter Memorials In Memory Of Robert Steger Bernice Steger Rita Giese Remembered by Nancy Steger Nancy Steger Nancy Steger From the Desk of Father Dan Dear friends, The one word that keeps popping up in our prayers and reflections this Easter season is “joy”, a very interesting word. We don’t say contentment, gladness, or even happiness. We say Easter joy. How is this one word different from the others? How is it special? Contentment is obviously a welcome feeling. It is a kind of fullness, a satisfaction when something we began has been completed well and we can rest content. It is often a word we use when we have just finished off a great meal. We are content, satisfied, and we can’t eat another bite. But the experience of Easter does not engender contentment because it points to something more, something further off, the completion of which we still long for. In this way Easter Joy is not felt as contentment. What about happiness. Certainly we are happy with the Easter season. We are happy to recall Christ’s death and resurrection; we are happy with the warm weather and flowers and budding trees; we are happy with the chocolate bunnies, dyed eggs and jelly beans. But this happiness tends to be very superficial. Once we bite the ears off our chocolate bunnies our happiness peaks and simultaneously fades. And once all the stuff is gone, our happiness too recedes. Joy is different. In the Mass we speak about waiting for our Savior “with joyful hope.” Unlike contentment, joy is forward looking. We await its completion. Unlike happiness, it is not superficially linked to material things. So joy does not fade as the things around us change. In fact, we can be joyful even in adversity, even in our sufferings. Joy is deeper and more long-lasting than mere happiness. Joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. It is a precious gift. It is connected with the other gifts of the Spirit: mildness, peace and patience. Joy is a refuge in times of trial. When Pope Francis speaks of the “joy of the gospel” he is pointing too the deep radiating peace and good will that come from believing that in dying Christ destroyed our death, and that by rising he restored our life. Even if the events of life can shake us, they can never destroy the joy that flows from placing our trust in the words of Jesus, and in his promise of everlasting life. May the deep joy of Easter that far surpasses contentment, gladness and mere happiness; continue to grow in our hearts this Easter season. And may we take that joy to all who are sorrowing. Love, Fr. Dan MILITARY OUTREACH ~ USA Let us know of any family members or friends who are currently serving and we will add their names to our prayer list. [Submit the information below to the parish office.] Name of military member: Rank and branch of service: Where deployed: Relation to: / name of parish member: (e.g. Son of John Smith) FYI Elvira Hanauer would like her friends at MGC to know she is now in residence at Luther Manor. Visitors are most welcome. Milwaukee County GO Pass for Seniors The MCTS has begun to hand out the free transit pass to Milwaukee County residents 65 and older and residents with disabilities. The pass is known as the GO Pass. MCTS will process applications and hand out the free passes at the MCTS Administration Building (1942 N. 17th ST, Milwaukee) between the hours of 9am-2pm Monday through Friday. Applications can be downloaded at Military Prayer list Coleman Harrington, son of Kevin and Kathy Harrington Bradley Dompke, Godson of Tony and Gail Dompke Please keep them and all people affected by war in your Prayers and thoughts! In Loving Memory God has called to Himself the following Parishioner Nancy Kapusta Let us pray as a community of faith that she may experience the joy and peace of eternal life. Our deepest assurance of prayer for her and her family. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL AKNOWLEDGEMENT The Saint Vincent de Paul South Side Meal Program, would like to acknowledge the service of a longtime volunteer, Alan Buenning who died suddenly, Thursday, March 26th, 2015. Thank you Alan! And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. Jn. 6:39 FaithSeekers Invitation Monthly faith sharing group, FaithSeekers, invites interested adults to watch the series and discuss: “Catholicism– The Journey of a Lifetime”, produced by Fr. Robert Barron. When: Begins April 23rd, 2015 Where: Donna Bieser’s home, in the Enderis Park Neighborhood How often: 4th Thursday of every month What time: 6:30pm to 8:00pm Cost? There will be no cost to participate If interested call: Donna @ 414-476-7610 Retreat Weekend Invitation! This is an open invitation for MGC parish members to experience a retreat weekend at New Melleray Abbey. This is an opportunity to make a personal retreat with the monks in prayer, solitude, and spiritual reflection. New Melleray Abbey is a Trappist Monastery in farm country just south of Dubuque, Iowa. The cost is $70.00 per night including meals. Men and women are invited. If you are interested please contact Dick Mason (414) 614-7724 or Theresa at the Parish Office. Limited space is available. Religious Education First Eucharist Retreat The children of our parish celebrating First Eucharist this May will be attending a retreat. Through storytelling, banner making, and a number of interactive experiences, parents and children will explore themes central to our understanding of the Eucharist. This retreat will take place on Sunday, April 26 from 11 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. in the parish living room. Call Rebecca Scholz @ 414-442-7600 X107 or email for more information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vacation Bible School Sign up is approaching fast for VBS. Watch for banners, letters, and bulletin on information on how to register. VBS will take place June 15 through June 19 at St. Sebastian. We appreciate if you have time and would like to become a volunteer. Please contact Rebecca Scholz at Wellness Nurse Tuesday, April 21 9:00am-10:30am Please stop in after Mass and visit the nurse to assist you with any of the following: 1. Health Screening (i.e. blood pressure checks) 2. Health Education 3. Medication Management Worldwide Marriage Encounter Are you looking to put Christ in your marriage? Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on May 1-3 in Rockford, IL or June 12-14 in Brookfield, WI. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information, visit our website: or call (888) 574-5653. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Sunday April 26, 2015 Let us remember all vocations in the Church today. Say a special prayer, light a candle, thank someone you know who serves the Church in some form.
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