inside sandiego American Society of Interior Designers CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO Fall 2009 ATTENTION: This newsletter is interactive. Click on any website address in the newsletter and you will be linked to that website. For more information about advertisers, simply click on the ad and you will be linked to their website. LUXE Interiors + Design is the definitive resource for discriminating homeowners seeking the best and most talented professionals in residential architecture and design. For more information please contact HEATHER CUNNINGHAM at or 619.322.6738. inside sandiego American Society of Interior Designers CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO Fall 2009 On the cover Photo collage of past year events. Want to get more involved with ASID San Diego? Write an article for our newsletter! Please contact Nancy Jackson at the ASID office at 858.274.3345 for more information. Inside this issue 4 2009/2010 Board of Directors 4 Past President’s Message 5 President’s Message 6 2009 ASID 2nd Annual Golf Classic 12 ASID San Diego Launches New Website 12 CEU or Lunch & Learn? 14 General Meeting at Kiva Kitchen and Bath 14 My CLC Experience - Joanne Leverault 16 Eco-Friendly Furniture: 101 18 My journey to the ASID/NEOCON 2009 Conference 18 Industry Partners working together 19 Robin Wilson Carrier - An asset to the Interior Design Industry 19 ASID Leads 20 The Designer’s Round Table 22 New Board of Directors for 2009/2010 San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles magazine Designers, don’t forget that ASID has a co-op ad page every month in San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles magazine. Available only to professional and allied members, this is an opportunity to advertise in this widely circulated publication at a reduced cost. Call today and find out just how easy it is to do. Also available are gift subscriptions – what a great way to say “thank you” to your client. inside SAN DIEGO • 3 2009-2010 Board of Directors PRESIDENT Tina Marie Koch, ASID Tel: 858-577-2020 Dear Members, PRESIDENT ELECT Kellie McCor mick, ASID Tel: 619-299-5591 When I was growing up back in Missouri, this was the time of year that we began looking for a beautiful wild vine with little orange berries growing on fences in the country. It was called Bittersweet, and the very name seemed to denote the sense of the fall season. A bittersweet time at the end of lazy, hot summer days when we began getting ready for the cooler golden days of autumn, not yet thinking about winter. DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT Mark Gauvin, IP Member Tel: 858-549-2442 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Robin W ilson Carr ier, ASID Tel: 619-758-7676 DIRECTOR OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & PROGRAMS Lindsay Hester, ASID Tel: 619-793-7415 DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Christy Mi tchell, ASID Tel: 858 357-7261 DIRECTOR AT LARGE Stefanie Wenceslao, Allied Member ASID Tel: 619-302-4451 STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE TO THE BOARD Nina Punzi, Student Member ASID Tel: 831-566-1008 RECORDING ADMINISTRATOR Nancy Ferrer, Allied Member ASID Tel: 858-577-2020 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Maria Murphy, Allied Member ASID Tel: 619-507-5215 CHAPTER ADMINSTRATOR Nancy Jackson Tel: 858-274-3345 4• Past President’s Message inside SAN DIEGO It’s that time again. October 1 is the beginning of the new Chapter term, time for some new Board members to step in, and time for the new President to take the reins. Such is the feeling I have of bidding farewell to my year as Chapter President. It has been one of the greatest honors and privileges I have ever experienced and possibly one of the most formidable! I will miss being at the forefront of all the meetings, events, and business that combine to make our Chapter one of the best in the nation. My greatest consolation is that no matter how effective and dynamic one Board is, the next one will always be even better. I know you’ll welcome Tina Koch as your new Chapter leader! Kellie McCormick stepping up as President Elect is being replaced as Director of Communications by Robin Carrier; Lindsay Hester will be Director of Professional Development and Programming replacing Kim Hansen; Mark Gauvin will be replacing Lisa Davis as Director of Finances; and Nina Punzi is taking the place of Alison Chandler as Student Representative to the Board. Staying on for their allotted second year terms will be Stefanie Wenceslao as Director at Large (legislation) and Christy Mitchell as Director of Membership. I doubt that any Chapter President ever feels they accomplished enough. Certainly not everything bravely (maybe naively) planned at the beginning of their fresh new year came to fruition. Where does the time go? How among all the thousands of e-mail messages did I miss this, or overlook that? Which committee meetings of dozens do I sit in on, how do I make two Presidential appearances in the same day, and why did I open my mouth and say I’d do that too!? Maybe the most pressing question throughout the year is “How in the world did my predecessor handle all this?” The first part of the answer quite simply is with a truly fantastic Board. They unfailingly supported everything I asked, and stepped up to make the Strategic Plan work to the best of all our abilities. The second part comes from the general membership, Designers and Industry Partners alike, without whose amazing volunteer work and financial participation NOTHING would happen. The third part, and perhaps the most important, is having a staunch, loyal, hardworking Chapter Administrator like our own Nancy Jackson! Together we’ve enjoyed a great year! The Fall Kitchen Tour chaired by Traci (L.) Taylor displayed our members’ wonderful designs and was a definite crowd pleaser. The Holiday Gala under the able and imaginative guidance of Brenda Lanza and Marcie Chartier was a glittering success. The Industry Partner Trade Expo skillfully handled by Mike Napier brought us many new sources (and new IP members!) to augment Designers’ projects. Christy Mitchell directed the New Member Welcoming Breakfast and helped those attending understand how important and how appreciated every new member is to the health of our organization. Ricarda Lopez did an outstanding job of pairing designers and potential clients in the Spring Spruce Up. Stephanie Wenceslao brought out the many animal lovers among us as Chair of the design competition for a gorgeous new cat space in the San Diego Humane Society facility. Lynn Morris worked her usual magic on the Remodel Tour showing the eager and adoring public how important it is to hire a professional for something so important as “doing it right”. The Design Excellence Awards competition and presentations were ably chaired by Robbie Maynard and provided a glamorous evening of food, drink, music, and recognition of the work of some of our best designers. The Second Annual Golf Classic led by Tracy (F) Taylor, was an outstanding success photographed by our talented shutterbug Jason Holmes. Leslie Leinbach and Anjum Razvi made the ASID information booth at the Fall Home & Garden Show into an eye-catching “design studio” where the public could ask questions about how to use a professional designer, see materials samples they’d never be able to find on their own, and receive a bit of free “design-on-the-hoof ” from our volunteer members. Besides all this we juried both Arizona South and Georgia Chapters’ Design Excellence Competitions. Besides these grand events, Maria Murphy has been stalwart in editing the Chapter quarterly print newsletter “Inside San Diego”, and Kellie McCormick has done an outstanding job with the monthly E-newsletter, “Creative Brief”, both directed to keeping members up-to-date and informed. We also succeeded in revamping the ASID San Diego website, making it easier and more user friendly for the benefit of all our members, and last, but certainly not least, Bill Baker established the Industry Partner Lunch Meetings to further bring together the IP’s and Designers and encourage the cohesive synergy and mutual support so necessary to our overall membership success. WHEW! That’s a LOT! In closing out my year I want to say THANK YOU to EVERYONE for making it happen. I wish the best of luck to the new Board, and continued success in all they endeavor. A fond adieu, Norma Byrd,ASID President San Diego Chapter President’s Message Dear Members, As your ASID San Diego Chapter President for the 2009-2010 fiscal year, I am excited and honored to be working for our chapter and you, and with our new board which is bursting with energy and ideas. Kellie McCormick, ASID President Elect, has been on the board for a couple years now as Director of Communications and has been instrumental in reimaging our chapter by way of our New ASID San Diego website, updated Newsletter and strategically aligning ourselves with multiple media sources. Also, continuing on the board is Christy Mitchell, ASID Director of Membership who guides new members into our organization and assists existing members with information about advancement opportunities and benefits of membership. And, Stefanie Wenceslao, Allied Member ASID Director at Large, whose focus is on legislation, monitors legislative activities regarding our right to practice and informs members about potential issues. New to the board is Robin Wilson Carrier, ASID Director of Communications; she will be working to increase visibility and marketability of members to the public through our website, newsletter and local media and promote ASID as the leading source for interior design and design related products and services. Also joining our team is Lindsay Hester, ASID Director of Professional Development and Programs. She is organized, open minded and focused, so look for many interesting topics and educational programs throughout the year. And, Mark Gauvin, Director of Financial Oversight is responsible for monitoring the fiscal health of the chapter and keeping it financially in order. On the student front, Nina Punzi, Student Member ASID will be sitting as our Student Representative to the Board. She is already in planning mode to organize the many student chapters in our region. SOFA DESIGN FLEXSTEEL This year we have two Nancy’s working with the board: of course, Nancy Jackson our amazing Chapter Administrator whom we could not function without and Nancy Ferrer, Allied Member ASID Director of Records who will be in charge of taking and archiving the board minutes. In preparation for the upcoming term, the 2009-2010 board of directors attended the ASID Chapter Leadership Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. I wish everyone could attend this yearly educational and motivational training program created for all ASID Chapter incoming and continuing board members to help give us the tools to organize our chapter; plan, develop and execute worthwhile programs; grow our profession and continue the success of our Society. The depth and breadth of information was overwhelming and energizing at the same time. Beyond the training, the conference provided opportunities for individual chapter‘s board members to come together as a group, and chapter leaders from around the country to meet, mingle and gain knowledge from each other’s experiences. If you are interested in learning more about the CLC and other programs provided by ASID go to the ASID website ( You will be impressed with the amount of information at your fingertips. We are well underway with our Calendar of Events for the year and have some exciting things planned in the months ahead. Check the Calendar regularly on our new website at for new and updated information. And, while you’re at it, take charge of your membership and participate in your chapter by clicking onto the “want to volunteer?” page and register or contact Nancy Jackson at the ASID office 858-274-3345. I can’t say enough about the relationships and benefits I have gained from volunteering. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Norma Byrd, ASID San Diego President 2008-2009 for her dedication and unwavering service to our chapter this past year. I look forward to her guidance and continued support during the upcoming year. Tina Marie Koch, ASID, CID ASID San Diego Chapter President 2009-2010 inside SAN DIEGO • 5 2009 ASID San Diego 2nd Annual Golf Classic By Tracy F. Taylor, Allied Member ASID Chair – 2009 ASID San Diego 2nd Annual Golf Classic After many hours and days of phone calls, emails, meetings, coordinating with all the sponsors and the golf course it all came together on a beautiful August afternoon and it was fantastic! If you weren’t there, you really missed out on a good time. We went back to Lomas Santa Fe CC to have our 2nd Annual Golf Classic, the course was thrilled to have us back and all the sponsors and players were stoked to be playing such a beautiful golf course. The course was in great shape as were the players, the defending champs (Danmer Shutters) were back to defend their title and a lot of other teams were looking to take it from them. Congrats to BKM Officeworks for winning this years event! Participation was great this year; the Industry Partners really stepped up to the tee with sponsorships and players. The designers represented themselves well and we ended up with 19 teams for this year’s event. The pairings worked out well as many of the Industry Partners and Designers were able to establish new relationships and reestablish old ones. This was a very fun day that started off with team photos by our golf photographer Jason Holmes and having plenty of time to warm up before heading out onto the course. After a few words from the pro and a thank you, have a great time and make sure to heckle the other players by me, we dispersed onto the course. While on the course we all were having fun, the heckling was in full effect (I cannot repeat some of the things said) Ha! But it worked and they choked, just kidding, it was all in fun. And speaking of fun, there were sponsors tables and their people working the course (Thank You), with info, treats and games. I cannot forget to mention Diego Delivery for sponsoring the beverage carts which provided libations during the round. This loosened everybody up and made it even more fun. Thanks Richard! As everyone made their way around the course they also got a chance to test drive the awesome outdoor furniture from Sunset West our Bronze sponsor that was on hole #1, it was very comfortable! We all made it back to the 19th hole for some drinks and socializing before the dinner/awards ceremony and I’m glad to report that there were no casualties! The awards part of the evening was a blast Cont. on page 8 Air guitarists 6• inside SAN DIEGO Don’t Settle For Ordinary Shutters. Discover the Danmer Difference. tInspired designs, all hand-crafted here in the USA. tInstalled exactly when you need it…Guaranteed! tAny window, opening or shape. No exceptions. The #1 choice of designers and hospitality Professionals for over 30 years. DANMER SHUTTERS. THE ULTIMATE CHOICE IN CUSTOM WINDOW COVERINGS. For a FREE design consultation call 800-547-0303 Contractor’s License # 574304 Barbara Markoff, San Diego's EXPERT art consultant, national lecturer and writer for the art and framing industry. INDUSTRY PARTNER SERVING THE DESIGN COMMUNITY SINCE 1981 • Original works on paper & canvas • Distinctive custom framing • Giclees • Art consultation • Photography • Photo frames • Custom mirrors • Installation services A RTRAGEOUS ! 5350-A EASTGATE MALL • SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 858.452.7280 w w w. s d a r t . b i z D`YUgYfYZYfhch\YUhhUW\YXdU[YgZfcah\Y5G=86fUbXGhUbXUfXgAUbiU`Zcfh\YdfcdYfDAG Wc`cfgUbXigYcZh\Y`c[c]bV`UW_UbXk\]hY g]b[`YWc`cfUbXfYjYfgYcih" H\YkcfXg¸H\Y5aYf]WUbGcW]YhmcZ=bhYf]cf8Yg][bYfg¹g\ci`XbchVYigYXk]h\h\Y`c[c" Illuminating Interiors Lighting and Home Decor Showroom 7816 Miramar Road | 858.566.3780 inside SAN DIEGO • 7 2009 ASID San Diego 2nd Annual Golf Classic cont. from page 6 with all winners getting some fantastic trophies and great contest prizes. I think the last place team was the most ecstatic, having won baby toilets from Toto. Thanks to all the sponsors for the opportunity drawing prizes, some players walked away with some incredible items and thanks to the course for serving up a fantastic day of golf and a great Mexican Fiesta. I myself had a great time and want to thank everyone involved; our medal sponsors Platinum – Standards of Excellence, Gold – Ferguson, Silver – Fixtures Living, and Bronze – Sunset West, also Diego Delivery and M. Austin Flooring for being our main sponsors. I’d also like to thank all the other sponsors and players who helped make this event such a huge success, without your support this would not be possible. A special thanks goes out to my group of volunteers, you all did a great job and to Norma Byrd the Prez, for letting me run with this baby and also to my committee members; Terry Foster, Marcel Perry and Wes Wilmers. Thanks guys you were awesome! Last but not least I’d like to thank Nancy Jackson for all her help, support and wisdom! You are an awesome lady and the heart and soul of the San Diego ASID chapter, Thank you very much! I hope to see you all at next years golf classic as it is shaping up to be bigger and better, see you then……. Thank you, Thank you very much!!! Golf Classic Volunteers 8• inside SAN DIEGO The Golf Tournament was a blast! I thought about going last year, but never played before and figured it wasn’t for me. Then, I heard how much fun it was and that knowing how to play was not a necessity. In fact, it made it all the better – no pressure! And, what do you know, my team took second place. I say that with a “Cheshire cat smile”, because I was lucky enough to have my husband, an occasional player, and been paired with Chris Von Huben and Wes Stewart, Industry Partner Representatives from Sunset West Fine Outdoor Furniture, and intermediate golfers, as my teammates. We spent the day getting to know one another, laughing, talking business, golfing and meeting other vendors who sponsored each of the holes. Beyond the golf, we made some great connections. In fact, we already hired Marcel from SunPro Tinting after meeting him at the 19th hole he sponsored and plan to specify some fabulous outdoor The Art is in the Frame furnishing from our new friends and golfing buddies. Thank you Tracy F. Taylor and your committee for putting together such a great day for ASID and its members. See you next year! Tina Marie Koch, ASID, CID, President 2009-2010 Finest Quality 3102 REYNARD WAY / SAN DIEGO, CA 92103 619-260-2600 / FAX 619-260-2606 Custom Hardwood Shutters for the discerning Industry Professional • Family owned and operated since 1977 • We are the manufacturer • Custom-Personalized service to your customer • Refinishing • Closet Doors • Showroom available by appointment • Professional References Available Upon Request RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • 2 1/2, 3 1/2, 4 1/2, 5 1/2 LOUVER SIZES AVAILABLE 619.667.2636 Marty French 9248 Olive Drive, Spring Valley, 91977 Fax 619-667-2638 By Appointment Only • Contractors Lic #780072 Email: inside SAN DIEGO • 9 2009 ASID San Diego 2nd Annual Golf Classic This was our first time participating in the ASID Golf Tournament. We were quite impressed with the turnout and how well the event was organized. It was exciting to see some old friends and to meet some new ones. Golf Classic Committee members, Tracy F. Taylor, Marcel Perry, Terry Foster and Wes Wilmers JoAnn's chocolate chip cookies seemed to be a big hit on hole #14 as all six dozen were consumed. There were several other hole sponsors that had products that I can use myself, which leads me to believe that the overall cost of the tournament may be going up for us. We proudly have our third place trophy displayed in our office. With the magical formula used by the club pro to determine winners, I've decided to use him to do my next year's taxes. It was a fun day and we look forward to participating again next time! Rich, JoAnn, and Brad Carlton Diego Delivery Team Standards of Excellence our Platinum Sponsor 10 • inside SAN DIEGO PUMPKIN armchair. Design: Pierre Paulin. Ligne Roset Ligne Roset 7726 Girard Avenue La Jolla (858) 454-3366 401 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach (949) 644-6600 BBDO Live beautifully. ASID San Diego Launches New Website Committee page that links to their updated blog about green products and services. The Design Excellence Awards page linking you to the article featured in the magazine, as well as all the winners that are featured on the rotating home page field. We will also be featuring a Kitchen Tour and Remodel Tour page and much more! By Kellie McCormick, ASID Director of Communications 2007-2009 ASID San Diego has partnered with DSA Publishing & Design to offer our members a new website that features many new upgrades.The new Designer Referral Service, has been launched and DSA Publishing & Design will be running full page ads in LUXE magazine. They will also be promoting the Referral Service throughout the year. This exciting, new website feature is now being utilized by many chapters across the nation and the results have been terrific. Every current ASID San Diego designer is listed on the website for free, but profiles which include your selected photos may be purchased by logging into the Member Login with your current information. Profiles cost $250.00 plus $50.00 for any additional categories you may wish to have a profile under. You may have already been contacted by DSA Publishing & Design to review your options and walk through the easy step by step process to create your own profile! ASID San Diego has also launched the new and improved Industry Partner Design and Services Search that has easy access directly from the ASID San Diego home page! It is very important that all Industry Partners login to the website and review their information. All information that is on the website comes directly from the ASID National database. We continue to update our information based on the information you provide them. In addition to being listed on the website, profiles are also available for purchase by logging into the Member Center. We’ve added a volunteer submission and suggestion box. If you would like to be a volunteers’, please submit your name and membership type in the comment box so we know whom we are contacting. ASID San Diego is proud of our new look but we are also proud of the look we had before. Our previous website stood out from the rest, but with advancing technology, we needed to upgrade our system. Bobbi-Jo Romanishan from did a wonderful job designing, maintaining, and helping ASID San Diego have a great presence on the World Wide Web! Thank you Bobbi-Jo! We are very excited about this new change and hope you will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. “The superior man acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his action.” Confucius BC 551-479 Also, under Chapter Info, you will find many different informative pages that showcase our dedicated volunteers work. We have the Eco CEU or Lunch & Learn? Most everyone wants to share and learn something new these days about the products and services that our Industry Partners offer, and how to do that is the question. The second is the “Lunch & Learn”. These are independent programs put on by our own Industry Partners. They are not accredited by ASID National, but are an opportunity for the Industry Partner to provide a learning component with lunch. The Lunch & Learn format is a great way to introduce a product or service, provide information and or give a demonstration to designers in the IP’s own environment. There are two avenues that are available for everyone to continue to learn and work together in business to foster success for all our members. It is important to use the correct title for the program in order to not confuse the host or attendees and ensure that everyone understands what program is being offered. Both of these offer the opportunity for all members of ASID, both Designer’s and Industry Partner’s to share knowledge, make business contacts, and get to know one another better. If you are unsure if a CEU is accredited or not please call Nancy at the ASID office and she can assist you with that information. First there is the “CEU”. This stands for Certified Education Unit which is a course that has been approved and is endorsed by ASID National to fulfill the continuing education requirement which every designer needs to maintain membership in ASID. Thank you to all of you who are so gracious to offer and attend these programs which continue to build a stronger Chapter through working together. By Kimberley B. Hansen, Allied Member ASID Director of Professional Development & Programs 2007 - 2009 12 • inside SAN DIEGO IS YOUR CLIENT ASKING FOR HOME CINEMA? MUSIC SYSTEMS? LIGHTING CONTROLS? WE CAN HELP! LEVAS & SON Draperies For over 20 years Music & Movies by Mastercraft, Inc. has worked with the best designers to seamlessly incorporate technology into the most elegantly designed homes in San Diego. Call us with your questions. Floorplans / Seating Distances / Acoustic Treatments CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS...SINCE 1957 8464 Commerce Ave, Suite B, San Diego 858.490.1244 (858) 566-6604 Collection Series: Stylish Shaker, Timeless Modern, European Classic, English Cottage closets | offices | garages | media centers | pantries | laundry rooms | wine rooms ©2009 Closet Factory. All rights reserved. Closet Factory builds beautiful and functional custom storage solutions. Ask for your ASID Design Specialist 800.729.2567 ® 29 inside SAN DIEGO • 13 General Meeting at Kiva Kitchen and Bath Kathie Missett and Kim Hansen Diane Swenson, Allied Member ASID SPONSOR’S CORNER The Chapter wishes to acknowledge the generosity of those members who have so graciously donated to our events this year. Thank you. Fall Kitchen Tour 2008 Benefactor STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE Greg Rohl, Danielle Aldrich from Rohl & Sharon Burns My CLC Experience By Joanne Leverault, Student President Design Institute San Diego’s ASID Student Chapter I was fortunate to have the chance to attend the commerce and industry soaring to extreme levels of prosperity, econ- the Chapter Leadership Conference this past omists traveling to and from the city to share ideas and new industrial July in Cincinnati, Ohio as the incoming Student growth. It was a place to connect with others willing to make the best out President to Design Institute of San Diego’s of what America had to offer its guests. We couldn’t have asked for a ASID student chapter. I was somewhat better venue to participate in a leadership conference. The Hilton informed of past President’s experiences, but, Cincinnati, which was restored in its original French Art Deco design, was no one could have described the feelings I felt an ideal place to celebrate, learn about a national organization which was when I returned from the four day excursion. developed to provide guidance to groups of individuals whose passion lies in creating surroundings which inspire and generate a sense of well being My arrival into Cincinnati was a change from the sunny shores of the for all who inhabit them. As my experience came to a conclusion, I can Pacific Coast; I had been brought back in time to an industrial city which only think that with my time at CLC, I can inspire all students to become was influenced by the American dream and the appreciation of American involved in an organization which will benefit their careers as designers goods and services, hence the nickname “Boomtown.” I could almost feel and individuals for years to come. 14 • inside SAN DIEGO I think the ASID Kitchen Tour is invaluable. It gives you a chance to share your work with a broader audience that you typically would not be able to. Having a kitchen published is one thing, but inviting potential clients to experience a space is something entirely different. If you have a project that you're really proud of I would recommend the tour in a second." Traci Taylor, Allied Member ASID SPONSOR’S CORNER The Drapery Shop CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS & MORE SINCE 1972 • Wholesale to the Trade • Full workroom & Upholstery Facilities • In-House Installers • All Fabric & Valance Treatments • Bedspread, Headboards and Pillows • Very Competitive Pricing • All style Shades, blinds, shutters available • Hunter Douglas Gallery Showroom • Most major brands INTRODUCTORY OFFER: 10% OFF 1ST ORDER * EXCLUDES SHUTTERS The Chapter wishes to acknowledge the generosity of those members who have so graciously donated to our events this year. Thank you. Design Excellence Awards SAN DIEGO MAGAZINE JASON HOLMES PHOTOGRAPHY WINFIELD FLOOR & WINDOW COVERING 2253 S. Santa Fe • Vista, CA 92083 760-727-1617 Beautiful Doors...AND...Beautiful Hardware • Grand Entrances showcases some of the world’s finest decorative hardware lines. • Designated Baldwin’s “Preferred Showroom” for superior product selection and expertise. Ashley Norton Baldwin • Exclusive San Diego Baltica Representative. • Rocky Mountain, Helios, Ashley Norton, Valli and Valli, Omnia, Emtek, and more. Helios Baldwin Visit our Showroom Design Center with over 250 interior and exterior doors on display alongside exquisite hardware lines. Baldwin Archetypes Rocky Mountain Baltica 8228 Miramar Road 858.586.7585 inside SAN DIEGO • 15 Eco-Friendly Furniture: 101 By Sharon Burns ASID, CID Art Consultants + Design As an ASID designer, where do you go and what do you specify for sustainable furniture for your client’s LEED or Eco projects? The world has changed and as designers we must all be responsible for making it cleaner and healthier by specifying ‘green’ furnishings. Here are some helpful guidelines that promote the use of healthy furniture in your contract or residential projects. WHY SUSTAINABLE FURNITURE Manufacturing and shipping furniture draws significantly on unsustainable natural resources and demands a great deal of energy. Furniture-grade wood is often sourced from tropical rainforests. Not only are some of the most diverse forests destroyed in the process (over 80% of the world's old growth trees have already been razed) but also the great biodiversity they support. Furthermore, furniture manufacturing is rapidly moving overseas, which necessitates greater fuel consumption for shipping. Over the past eight years China has assumed 1/3 of the world trade in furniture. And the US furniture industry accounts for $80 billion in annual sales. That's a lot of wood, fabric and tanker fuel! Then there is the healthy office / home interior factor. Furniture manufacturers typically use finishes, paints, adhesives and other chemicals that contribute significantly to indoor air pollution. This pollution is caused by off-gassing, a process of emitting chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. And the bonding agents used in furniture made of pressed woods (like particle board) often have high formaldehyde content. These toxins have been linked to many illnesses and allergies, and they leach out into the air we breathe. Only a small number of the 80,000 chemicals registered with the EPA have been tested for harmful effects. TEXTILES Organic wool - offers many benefits for us and the environment. It creates an unsurpassed, luxurious and healthy sleep environment and durability in carpeting, upholstery and batting/padding fill for upholstered pieces. It is completely chemical-free, avoiding pesticides and dyes. In non organic wool, pesticides used in sheep dips have consistently been linked to nervous system damage in exposed workers. Cotton - is one of the most intensively sprayed field crops in the world. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that more than 53 million pounds of pesticides and 1.6 billion pounds of synthetic fertilizers were applied to cotton fields in 1996. Organic cotton is grown without chemical agents (fields must be free of synthetic chemicals for three years before they are certified), and so minimizes damage to soil, water and air. On chemical-use cotton farms - farmers are constantly exposed to synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, endangering them and their families. In developing countries, poor, untrained and ill-equipped farmers are often forced to deal with the most hazardous of chemical agricultural agents. Organic farms are chemical fertilizer- and pesticide-free, keeping their soil and water protected and usable for longer periods of time. Grown and processed without toxic chemicals, organic cotton is free from synthetic poisons that could be absorbed into the bloodstream by 16 • inside SAN DIEGO contact with the user's skin. Many organic cotton products are also free of irritating or damaging colors and dyes. Additionally, you and your clients acquire the peace of mind associated with being a part of a global solution toward sustainability. Bamboo - the miracle material! Bamboo is renewable, durable, and versatile. It's a grass and one of the fastest growing plants on earth. It requires no replanting, fertilizers or pesticides. It’s often manufactured as a textile but also as a wood it’s harder than furniture-grade maple. SOLUTIONS, THOUGHTS AND QUESTIONS BEFORE SPECIFYING FURNITURE • The California Air Resources Board recommends avoiding products that emit significant amounts of formaldehyde or other gaseous pollutants. These include some types of plywood and particleboard. • Price isn't necessarily a reflection of purity, one way or the other - flatbox furniture marketer IKEA has some of the world's highest environmental standards, while very expensive furniture could contain large quantities of medium-density fiberboard to achieve perfect-looking veneers. • Ask the manufacturer or distributor to air out the product for a few weeks before it comes to the job site. Then, let the product sit outside or in the garage for a while or make sure it's in a well ventilated space inside. • Consider purchasing solid wood furniture that's unfinished and therefore should contain only the small amount of formaldehyde that occurs naturally in wood.Then, finish it or have it finished and/or painted in lowor no-VOC stains, paints or lacquers. • Unless for healthcare, avoid upholstery that has been treated to resist stains and water or look for Nano-Tex, a new technology that attaches molecules to fibers without coating them. • Consider buying used furniture or antiques which may no longer be emitting VOC’s. • The old-fashioned way to make sure your new furniture comes without undesirable chemicals: Have it made to your specifications by a local artisan. • Use paints, stains and finishes that contain low or no VOC’s (e.g., shellac, beeswax, milk paint) and reduced the use of glues, sealants and formaldehyde. • Specify natural fabrics, organic cotton, recycled fabric content and toxinfree upholstery 100% natural latex foam or soy foam and materials that have been and can be recycled. • Minimal packaging. • Local manufacturing, which saves fuel and associated emissions • Recondition, Reuse, Recycle. Reusing that old door as a desktop or putting new fabric on a piece. • Explore your local vintage stores, antique shops, and flea markets- you'll be amazed at what people give away and at how much you can save. Speaking of which, if you do decide to get rid of any furniture, please be sure to donate it or consign it for sale. Just do whatever you can to keep it out of the landfill. • What are the products made of? If made of wood, was it legally harvested? • Where and how were the materials procured? • How are they processed into finished goods? • What is the environmental impact? • What will happen to the product after it’s served its purpose? RESOURCES Greenguard (, Green Seal ( and Scientific Certification Systems ( Greenguard and SCS deal specifically with air quality, while Green Seal also examines environmental impact. Sustainable Furniture Council ( is an industry partner without independent testing, but its 120 or so members represent a good place to start shopping and asking questions; all of their links are on the council's site. Some of the better-known names include American Leather, Century, Harden, Lee Industries, Palecek and Room & Board. Laura Birns ASID, our own San Diego designer has a sustainable furniture line. She uses ‘Preserve Foam’ which is a soy-based foam that meets all California Codes. BIFMA, Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association. Sustainability guidelines for office furniture manufactures and suppliers. – go to sustainable furniture. Cisco Brothers’ Inside Green™, a collection of 100% organically constructed, naturally upholstered, fine furniture. The lumber used in the Inside Green™ collection is FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Certified and Reclaimed timber. Inside Green™ also uses 100% pure, natural latex and pesticide-free wool for padding and fill. Pure, beautiful sustainable furniture designed by Ami McKay. Designers will love this furniture line. Eco-terric,, certifies to use healthy, nontoxic materials in its products. High Point Furniture Market, green was declared "the new beige." Bernhardt, a leader in contract/office furniture eco-options, introduced an eco-friendly collection of residential case goods; Rowe showed upholstered furniture cushioned in plant-based foam; C.R. Laine premiered an upholstery package it's calling "down2earth"; and Palecek, a longtime user of sustainable woods and fibers, came out with all-natural fabrics of hemp, bamboo, cotton and linen. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a non-profit organization that offer ‘green’ furniture certifications which certifies timber cut in an environmentally and socially responsible manner; the FSC seal can be found on furniture from hundreds of manufacturers and distributors ( Now you have some responsible tools in which to specify and buy Eco furniture without sacrificing design. Next time you select furniture, don’t only ask yourself, “How does it look and how much does it cost?”, I encourage you to ask, “How was it made?” ASID San Diego thanks the ASID Eco Committee for helping us stay informed about green! Closets • Wall-Beds Garages • Media Centers Wall Beds 760-735-2545 inside SAN DIEGO • 17 My journey to the ASID/NEOCON 2009 Conference By Tracy F. Taylor, Allied Member ASID I hadn’t been to an ASID Interiors conference since the San Diego event and I only hit the party at that one, which was great! When national decided to combine the Interiors conference with NEOCON at the Merchandise Mart in Chicago and the fact that I had never been there, well it was a no-brainer, I had to go! Now I know why people from the big cities say that San Diego in not a city, not to take anything away from the city that I love, but Chicago is huge, the architecture is incredible, the history is amazing, the Mart was a city within itself, the people were really nice and the streets were clean. It was fantastic! It was a crazy four days of seminars, cruising showrooms and attending parties. The seminars were great and I was able to knock out all my required CEU’s. They ranged from accessorizing for the Luxury market, LEED subjects, color forecasts, to how to incorporate scents into the marketing of products. Yes, I said scent, like in smell! I wont’ bore you with all the details but that one would have been a bore fest if not for the guys computer acting up and he had to improvise, which was pretty entertaining….. The Keynote speakers were great and they were all informative and educational. The showrooms were fantastic, in fact there were so many I didn’t have time to take them all in. And the parties WOW! ASID did a great job putting these on and they were a blast. I didn’t make them all, but the one’s I did make were really fun. I also ran into fellow SD designers Norma Byrd, Rita Orland, Dale Kolins and Robert Wright, it was great to see some familiar faces amongst the crowds. SPONSOR’S CORNER The Chapter is especially grateful to those industry partner members who so graciously hosted our monthly meetings this year. Thank you for your hospitality and generosity. Monthly Meeting Sponsors AJA RUGS ARCLINEA SAN DIEGO BELLLINI’S ANTIQUE ITALIA DISCOUNT GLASS & MIRROR I met designers from all over the United States and they were all very cool and fun to hang out with, especially the gals from Pennsylvania and Atlanta, Georgia. They were a kick in the pants…One of the hi-lights amongst all the others was meeting Bruce Brigham, the ASID National President and his wife, really great people. I also met a majority of the national board members thanks to our legislative friend Bruce Goff. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet these people and spend time getting to know them and talking about ASID. I now have a better understanding of ASID as a whole and the direction we are heading in. My journey to NEOCON was educational and fantastic! I will be going back, there are more sites to see, people to meet, showrooms to check out and I never did get to eat one of those famous Chicago Hot Dogs!! Industry Partners working together By Tom Hadder As a manufacturer’s sales representative and ASID industry partner I handle 21 companies. Products include fine wool carpets & area rugs, drapery hardware, fabrics, wallcoverings, trimmings, lighting and leather. I work from my office in Carlsbad and work with designers in Orange and San Diego counties as well as the desert communities of the Coachella Valley. In San Diego county I am also working with showrooms that are also ASID industry partners and show several of my products in their showrooms; M. Austin Designer Floors & Fabrics showcases fine wool carpets and area rugs from Almar Carpets along with fabrics from AST, B. Berger, Bailey & Griffin and drapery hardware from Chase & Company, Finial Company, and Paris Texas. Harsey & Harsey showcase fabrics, wallcoverings and drapery hardware from Stroheim and JAB plus trims and drapery hardware from Houles USA. KIVA KITCHEN & BATH WINFIELD FLOOR & WINDOW 18 • inside SAN DIEGO Working with other ASID industry partners offering compatible products is beneficial for the designers, the IP members as well as the companies I represent. Robin Wilson Carrier An asset to the Interior Design Industry By Krishna Devi Mainali Over nineteen years as an ASID Member, and 18 years in the Interior Design industry, Robin Wilson Carrier has provided quality residential interior design services for her clients. With both a Bachelors in Fine Arts Degree in Interior Design from the Design Institute of San Diego, and a Bachelors in Business Degree from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Carrier proves herself knowledgeable and ready for anything that comes her way in the business. “There is never a dull moment,” Carrier states, “each day is different and never a day goes by where I don’t learn something- how terrific to be inspired and to learn and grow every day.” A true trait of the Interior Design industry- there is never a dull moment between the time spent with vendors, contractors, architects, all leading up to installation day. Joining ASID in 1991, Carrier has been an ongoing active member in the organization, and recently returned from the CLC (Chapter Leadership Conference) in Cincinnati. “I learned further how to work best with a team of people. The strength of a team is the variety of ideas and personalities, the magic is how to blend those to create a successful outcome of teamwork. I also learned that our ASID National website is incredible. It has so much information to run our businesses better, “says Carrier. Through a diverse clientele and project history, Robin Wilson Carrier Interior Design comprises a business that Robin prides herself on providing quality Residential Interior Design. who is a contractor on the remodel of some prominent residential projects.” Not only that, Robin is also married to San Diego architect Gordon Carrier of Carrier Johnson + Culture. “You could say the passion is in our blood,” Carrier remarks. Considering the recent slowdown in the design and architecture industry over the past few months, staying immersed in the design industry by attending events, networking and marketing, really is the way to go. “ASID provides continued opportunities for education and opportunities for exposure through events and publication.” As many people have noticed with the state of the economy, many recent graduates have suffered from lack of new opportunities in the field. “Don’t give up,” Robin says, “keep exposed to the industry by volunteering, attending meetings, or joining a committee.” ASID student members can benefit as well by networking with future employers, Robin states “it really is an amazing tool that we can use to better ourselves as Interior Designers.” Staying active in the design industry and persistent in her passion for Interior Design, Robin Wilson Carrier’s activeness in the industry and ASID helps to bring business and promote quality work she provides to her clients. It shall be said once more, network, network, network! ASID Leads By Diane Swenson, Allied Member, ASID So what makes a good designer? “The ability to listen to your clients needs, provide detailed service, and manage your clients expectations.” Carrier states her style as the clients lifestyle, “each project, like each client, is unique. My insistence on attention to detail and provision of quality service is my consistent style.” Growing up Carrier had a mother who designed window treatments, bedding, and refinished and reupholstered furniture. “My mother works with me, and I am working with my brother Marketing on the ASID referral website has been beneficial to my business. I have recently received several calls and secured some good quality jobs as a result. Clients are directed to the website when they are searching for a designer on line and Industry Partners are making clients aware of the website. The new and improved referral website is a great way to showcase your work and direct clients to your business. SPONSOR’S CORNER The Chapter wishes to acknowledge the generosity of those members who have so graciously donated to our events this year. Thank you. Home Remodel Tour Benefactor STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE Patron ARIZONA TILE THE RAPID CONTACT MEETING IN AUGUST WAS FABULOUS! You people were all awesome. I believe in spite of the uneven numbers that every IP talked with every designer. I have at least three, possibly four of the IP’s that were there lined up for a little client project I’m starting. I’m so thrilled with the broad range of IP services and products we’re getting into the membership. Norma Rapid, ASID inside SAN DIEGO • 19 The Designer’s Round Table By Nona Griffith, ASID Once a month a group of independent designers, meet to socialize and network. We call ourselves “The Designer’s Round Table”. It originated in 2005, by Janice Eppel. The group members are Marcie Chartier, Isabella Fung, Leslie Larralde and Nona Griffith. All of the group members have a degree in the profession of interior design. We are all ASID members. Before the group formed, we were out there “alone” and now we have a continual support and resource system. Our mission statement has been quite simple. “Support our group members without judgment. What is brought to the table stays privately within the group.” Janice Eppel, Marcie Chartier, Nona Griffith, Leslie Larralde, and Isabella Fung Each month a member is responsible for running the meeting. It could be a meeting where we can address the business of our companies, or a meeting with a sales representative to show us what is new. We have also taken “field trips” to a variety of sources. We all go to West Week and Laguna Design Center for Market together. We attend Pasadena Showcase House. It is wonderful to share these events with each other. We also attend various ASID functions as a group. Each member of this group has something unique to offer and we have enriched every member. One of our members was not ASID and she saw the benefits of becoming a member. One of the members was more involved in volunteering for ASID functions and our group members SPONSOR’S CORNER The Chapter wishes to acknowledge the generosity of those members who have so graciously donated to our events this year. Thank you. 2009 ASID 2nd Annual Golf Classic Platinum STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE KITCHEN AID/JENN-AIR increased their participation in ASID. One member advised us of the Gold different trade show events and we have attended theses functions FERGUSON together. Another member had been in the business longer than the others and shared several sources and years of work experience. We all Silver FIXTURES LIVING originally shared our Letter of Agreement ideas and how to run our independent businesses. We are always sharing new ideas. Bronze SUNSET WEST Our Round Table brought us together professionally, but we have devel- Honorable Mention oped friendships that will last over the years. Each of us would strongly M. AUSTIN DIEGO DELIVERY recommend joining or forming a Round Table that extends beyond ASID meetings. It gives so much back and takes you forward into the business of interior design. 20 • inside SAN DIEGO “Couldn’t have done it without you.” YOUR FINAL IMPRESSION • White gloved installation of your special furnishings • Experienced, professional and uniformed delivery agents • Large warehouse for receiving your furniture • Five-year warranted fabric protection available • Family owned and operated DIEGO DELIVERY 8160 Miralani Dr. San Diego, CA 92126 • (858) 549-3343 • Fax (858) 549-8336 inside SAN DIEGO • 21 ASID San Diego Chapter Board of Directors for 2009-2010 Nina Punzi, Student Rep to the Board, Lindsay Hester, ASID, Kellie McCormick, ASID, Robin Wilson Carrier, ASID, Mark Gavin, Industry Partner, Tina Koch, ASID, Christy Mitchell, ASID, Stefanie Wenceslao, Allied Member ASID Industry Partner and Publisher for your ASID Chapter Newsletter Support your Advertisers INDUSTRY PARTNER INDUSTRY PARTNER We at Ferguson wanted to thank the San Diego chapter of the ASID for the opportunity to sponsor this years golf tournament. We had a great time seeing old friends and making some new ones. “Hats off” to Tracy and his crew for putting on such a first class event. We are already looking forward to next years event! Donald Miller Ferguson, a Wolseley Company SPONSOR’S CORNER The Chapter wishes to acknowledge the generosity of those members who have so graciously donated to our events this year. Thank you. Holiday Gala Sponsors TO THE TRADE For Advertising Information INDUSTRY PARTNER 972-562-6966 • INDUSTRY PARTNER 22 • inside SAN DIEGO THE FRAME MAKER Felipe Pallares makes a move to Peru Dear Friends, After 30 years in the USA, I have decided to move to Lima Peru. This the monthly meetings, clearance sales, and move will allow me to be closer to my family, and to start a new chapter all other functions such as the great galas in my life. I have been planning this move for awhile already and it is now we all have enjoyed. ASID has been a very a reality. important part of my career and of my development as a designer. I am planning to practice Interior Design here, where the field is wide opened, full of great and different products and styles. I started a Please come and visit whenever you come to the land of the Incas. I will company and am planning to do business back and forth with Designed love to show you my new home which I am designing as we speak. It is a Spaces in the USA. brand new building, so I don´t have an address or phone number yet, but my contact information will remain the same. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone in ASID. I have made a lot of friends and have enjoyed many wonderful moments with the Thank you for everything, and good bye for now, chapter. The energy of the group has always sorrounded me, helped me, and welcomed me unconditionally. For this, I will be eternally grateful. Felipe Pallares Designed Spaces I will keep each one of you in my heart and thoughts. There is no such an 858 551 4040 organization here in Lima, so from now on, I am on my own. I will miss Let us ORCHESTRATE your dream. When it comes to designing your clients’ kitchens and baths, what they can dream is the limit. For perfect project solutions, stop by a Ferguson showroom, where you’ll find the largest range of quality brands, a symphony of ideas and trained consultants to help orchestrate your projects. With showrooms from coast to coast, come see why Ferguson is recommended by professional designers everywhere SAN DIEGO: 4699 MERCURY STREET (858) 974-5100 VISTA*: 1725 HACIENDA DRIVE,SUITE B (760) 643-4240 *INCLUDES LIGHTING AND CABINETRY ©2009 Ferguson inside SAN DIEGO • 23 ~Since 1892~ 858 . 576.1892 5710 Kearny Villa Road San Diego Hardware continues to expand it’s product line of unique and stunning bathroom suites, tubs, plumbing and accessories . . . plus kitchen fixtures, as well. So stop on by our showroom or visit our website at
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