April,2015 Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Praying through... Well-known Christian preacher and teacher, Tony Campolo, often declaimed a sermon he had heard at his predominantly AfricanAmerican congregation in Philadelphia. The message has come to be known as: It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Coming! It deals with the harsh realities of Good Friday: the betrayal, denials, and desertions, the injustice and agony of the cross, the sorrow and fear of Jesus’ followers, and the dreadful sense that evil had won and something wonderful had ceased to be. But punctuating the message periodically came the expectant refrain: It’s Friday, (long pause) but Sunday’s Coming! Later in that same letter, Paul says something hauntingly unexpected and spiritually powerful about the cross: May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. (Galatians 6:14) Remember this Easter Season, that it’s Easter that makes our Good Fridays good! Let’s pray through... Your brother in Christ, ~ Pastor Gary Bits and Pieces: And the only way you and I can make sense of the hurts and pains and fears and disappointments of our lives is to pray through our Good Fridays all the way to Easter. Youth Pastor. As of this writing, the Staff Parish Relations Committee has just (last night) hired our next Youth Pastor. His name is Eric Gordon. He and his wife, Jen, are returning to this area, with their 6-week old baby. Eric has served as a lay pastor in a church in Astoria, New York. Prior to that, he was a Community Center Program Director for the Salvation Army in Peoria. In the May FOOTPRINTS, we will have a more detailed biography and welcome for Eric and his family. Stay tuned. If it’s illness we battle, we pray with our eyes on Easter—whether an Easter miracle of healing in this life or the ultimate healing of the next. If it’s separation, sin and loneliness that besets us, we pray through our Good Fridays all the way to the reunions and restorations of Jesus’ Easter season appearances, where the sad and lonely see Christ, the doubting believe, the separated are restored and the fearful are made brave. Church Family Council. Thanks to everyone who attended, watched or participated in our annual Church Family Council last month. The mortgage burning was a fun first for me! Our next steps include the establishment of a Building Committee and the fine-tuning of our Phase 2 expansion plans. As we said on February 22, please continue to give to our Building Fund! Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could pay cash for Phase 2? Whatever your cross, pray through it. Praying through our cross to the Easter God has in mind for us helps turn our crosses into victory symbols and our crucifixions into resurrections: Listen to the Apostle Paul: Easter Week. Turn to the next page for more about plans and possibilities for Holy Week, including Monday through Friday morning “Prayer Services” at 6:30 a.m., a Passover Seder service on Maundy Thursday at 6:30 p.m., our Noon Good Friday service, and our Sunrise Service at Ackerman Farms on Easter Sunday at 6:30 a.m., followed by our three regular Easter Services at 8:00, 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Bring a friend, for Sunday’s Coming! The only way we Christians can look at the cross and make any sense of it at all is by looking at the cross through the lens of the empty tomb and through the eyes of the resurrected Jesus! For I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:20) Contact Information 420 N Tennessee Ave Morton, IL 61550 309-266-7174 phone 309-263-1498 fax info@mortonumc.org www.mortonumc.org Worship Services Sunday Celebration 8:00 & 9:30 am Praying through 2015 Here’s our Holy Week Schedule: Mar. 29 Palm Sunday afternoon, Pastor Gary will be leading services at Hopedale Commons and Hopedale Nursing Home at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. Would anyone like to come along? Mar. 30—April 3 PRAYER SERVICES, each morning at 6:30 a.m. April 2 MAUNDY THURSDAY Passover Seder at 6:30 p.m. in the Gym. Come experience the Passover Seder as it reflects what Jesus and the disciples celebrated on Maundy Thursday. The Seder is for all ages; children are key in this celebration. Please sign up by calling the office or turning in a sign-up sheet from the bulletin! This way will know how many places to set! April 3 GOOD FRIDAY Service at Noon! The theme for the service is Praying through Pain and will allow us to re-live the three prayers Jesus prayed from the Cross! April 5 EASTER SUNDAY Sunrise Service at Ackerman Farms at 6:30 a.m. (just 5 minutes after the actual sunrise!) Let’s rise up as early as Mary Magdalene on the first Easter! Cross Connections 10:45 am Tuesday Communion 8:00 am Sunday Christian Education September-May 9:30 or 10:45 am Sunday School Ages 2-High School Adult Classes WATCH Wednesday night At The CHurch SCHEDULE September-May 5:00-5:30 children’s choir/ cherub choir 5:00-6:30 family meal 6:00-7:30 methodist kids 6:45-8:15 youth 6:30-8:00 adult studies PALM SUNDAY. The message at all of our services: Praying a Last Prayer John 17. Jesus’ last long prayer for the disciples and the believers he was about to die for! TRADITIONAL EASTER SUNDAY Services at 8:00 & 9:30 with our CROSS CONNECTIONS CONTEMPORARY Service at 10:45. The message is entitled Resurrection Power and the text is Philippians 3:7-11 After Easter, we begin a new sermon series on the Prayers of the Early Church. How did the first followers of Jesus pray when the going got rough? What can we learn from them? Come and find out! Apr. 12 Praying for Leaders Acts 1:24-26. How did the first followers find a replacement for Judas? And how did they pray? Apr. 19 Praying in the Face of Persecution Acts 4:24-30. How would we pray if the Christianity in America came under attack? Would we pray for protection? Safety? Deliverance from our foes? Wait till you see how the first Christians prayed! Apr. 26 CONFIRMATION SUNDAY. Praying for Enlightenment Acts 9:5-6. Does the Lord listen to the cries of hateful people? The Bible says that Saul (Paul) was “breathing threats and murder” against the followers of Jesus. Surely, the Lord wouldn’t listen to his prayers! Au contraire... May the Lord bless every effort we make to understand and to practice prayer in 2015! Connect to God/Connect to People of God Blood Pressure Sunday April 19th is Blood Pressure Sunday. Stop by the table in the Gym to get your blood pressure taken. Your privacy is maintained with trained nurses from our church. Take time to spring into action towards better health by lowering your stress and enjoying warmer weather. Walking outside is a great way to enjoy the world that God has created for us. Hug a tree or pick a flower. Give thanks to God for all our blessings. Morton Relay for Life “ For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me some thing to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,” Matthew 25:35 So many people have been affected by cancer. The Morton Relay for Life event is a fundraising event for the American Cancer Society. It also is a way to help raise awareness of how many people have experienced cancer either within their own life, a family member or a loved one. Help us form a team for the Morton Relay for Life event on Saturday, May 30 from 3-10 p.m. You can sign up to walk for an hour or more. You can purchase a luminary for the remembrance walk or you can just make a donation towards our team fund raising goal. Stop by the table on the Gym on the 2nd Sunday morning or the month or talk with Pastor Lori, Yvonne Cole, or Dale and Ellen Hall. Honduras Team We are counting down the days until we travel to Honduras as a team sent from the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. We ask for your continued prayers. There are 15 people on the team: Susan, Kaitlyn, Jennifer, Adrian, Gregory, Lori, Kassidy, David, Bridget, John, Nels, Lisa, Alex and Mark. Pray for the team and those with whom we will serve in the name of Christ. Walk to Jerusalem during Lent “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” Matthew 25:21 Good job. It is the last few days until Easter and our walk to Jerusalem will be complete. We hope this time of walking and praying through Lent has brought you closer to God and God’s people. Thank you to all who have participated. Membership Class So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. (Romans 12:5) Are you (or someone close to you) interested in becoming a member of Morton UMC? Join us for 2 membership classes on Sunday, April 12, and Sunday, April 19. We’ll meet in the Youth Room (NW corner of the building) from noon to 1:30, beginning with a light lunch! In the first session we will review basic biblical Christian beliefs and the story of the United Methodist Church. In the second session, we will explore of the distinctions of our own congregation and what it means to be a member. If interested, please call the church office or contact JoAnn Kraft! Children’s Education and Music April Important Dates 1 2 3 5 12 15 15 19 22 26 Final WATCH Maundy Thursday Worship 6:30 pm Good Friday Service NOON Easter Sunday! Egg Hunt 9:30 am Rotation 7 Begins Children’s Choir and Cherub Choir Pizza Party 5:00-6:30 pm VBS Team Meeting 6:30 pm Children’s & Cherub Choirs Sing at 8/9:30 am VBS Work Night 6:30 pm Confirmation Sunday Baby Time! We are growing again! We want to say welcome to our newest addition in our church family… Briggs Lucas Sancken March 5, 2015 Parents—Zack & Ellen FINAL WATCH April 1! Join us for a “Pajama Party!” Wear your PJ’s and bring your stuffed animals! We are finishing up our WATCH year with a pajama party, serving your breakfast favorites! Then join us around 6:15 for out annual talent showcase! You NEVER want to miss this! EASTER Don’t miss EASTER SUNDAY! A beautiful day for worship! AND you don’t want to miss our annual Easter Egg Hunt for ages 2-6th grade during the Sunday School hour, 9:30am. See you there! Sunday School K-6 Teach Me To Pray 4/12-5/17 Art – Nancy Aune/ Lisa Hutchison Cooking—STILL NEED A TEACHER! Game – Jarrett Brown Movie – Lynn & Sarah Losey Music – Cathy Gale Science - Lindsay Franklin PIZZA PARTY The Children’s and Cherub Choirs will be having a final rehearsal and PIZZA PARTY on Wednesday, April 15, 5:00-6:30pm. Our final date to sing in worship for this “school year” will be on Sunday, April 19. Hope to see ALL of you there! VBS TEAM Meeting, Wednesday, April 15, 6:30 Vacation Bible School WORK NIGHTS LOTS of preparation goes into the VBS ministry! Please join us on Wednesday nights, beginning on April 22 at 6:30 to help us paint, draw, cut out, build and create an amazing learning environment, as well, as prep materials for the daily lessons. WE NEED YOU! MANY hands make LIGHT work and keeps certain people from mental breakdowns! High School Graduates Planning is underway for our High School Senior Recogni on Day. It will be held on Sunday, May 17th. More details will be coming, but in the mean me, anyone with a gradua ng senior needs to send 8‐10 pictures and a brief statement of their post gradua on plans to Lisa Hutchison, lhutch301@gmail.com by April 26th to ensure that they will be included in the slide show. Joint Event: Monday, April 20 at 7 pm United Methodist Women, United Methodist Men and Youth Human Trafficking Panel discussion and video informa on Come to find out ways we can work together to make a difference in our own backyard. Confirmation Sunday April 26 8th grade confirma on class will be presented to the 8 and 11 am services and confirmed at the 9:30 service. A recep on table will be in the Gym between the worship services. WHAW- what happens after the final watch? th No youth events on Wednesday April 8 because of school spring break. Youth will con nue to meet from April 15 un l May 20. 6:15‐9:00 VBS YOUTH HELPER: If youth want to be involved with Vaca on Bible school, June 28‐July 2, you must complete an applica on. Please see Amy or Pastor Lori for the applica on. Space is limited. Also, the youth training event is scheduled for May 13 from 5:45 un l 6:15 with regular youth events following this training. Youth must come to this training event to be a VBS helper. th No youth events on May 27 . Jr High Mission Survivor - June 7-11, 2015 Cost: $105.00 Plans have begun for an ac on packed opportunity to serve our community and grace people along the way. Sign up is located on a clip board in the youth office. $30.00 scholarship is available with applica on. Applica on, waiver forms and $50.00 deposit are due May 20th. Final payment is due June 7th. Overnight loca on is Benckendorf property. For current 6, 7 & 8th graders. Sr High Move Conference - June 14-20 in Holland, Michigan For youth currently in high school. Cost: $300.00 We will include service projects with this Conference and an a ernoon at the beach on Lake Michigan. $100.00 scholarship is available with applica on. Only 10 youth can a end, so SIGN UP NOW! Applica on, waiver forms and deposit of $100, due May 13th. Final payment due June 7th. United Methodist Women Christ Centered & Missions Focused Women of Faith UMW Board Cathy Bowen - President Becky Motta - Vice President April 2014 Carrie Hoefling - Secretary Nicole Potts - Treasurer Traci Sullivan - Education & Interpretation/Social Action Please join us at the following gatherings! Circles Abigail: Mary Barrick - Membership Cheri Patterson - Spiritual Growth Wednesday, April 22nd at 9:15am Program: Service Project Hannah: Thursday, April 2nd at 9:30am Youth Room Speaker: Tammy Grieder Ruth: Wednesday, April 15th at 9am Youth Room Program: “Walking the Bible” Go Forth: From Creation to Abraham Sarah: Monday, April 20th at 7pm Program: Human Trafficking Tammy Grieder - Program Resources Amanda Long - Communications Erin Jones - Nominations Kathy Churchill - Products Barb Howard - Funeral Dinners Sara Losey - Kitchen Coordinator UMW Circle Leaders Abigail Traci Sullivan/Tammy Grieder Hannah Geneva Maple Ruth Jan Sampson Sarah Kathy Dallinger/Melissa Smallenberger Board Meeting Wednesday, April 1st at 9:00am Youth Room Every Daughter Brunch (Once Upon an Apron) Saturday, April 18th at 11am Program by Susan Zurcher See additional details in the form on the following page. Human Trafficking Saturday, April 20th at 7pm Speakers: Stacey Kaiser, Amber Masters from the International Justice Mission in Peoria, and a Law Enforcement Representative. The program will include a short video and a panel discussion with Q&A. United Methodist Women From Presidents Corner: Tell Your Apron’s Story the President Last month’s Footprints included an invitation to attend the Every Daughter’s Brunch on April 18. Sarah Circle members are working hard – as always – to bring us a fun and interesting program. This year it’s all about aprons. We are all encouraged to wear a favorite apron and tell its story. I can’t wait!! I think about the many women in the Bible who must have worn aprons even if they didn’t call them aprons. Mary and Martha, for instance, were always serving meals and attending to the needs of others. And, how about the widow who swept her floor and hunted for that one coin? She was probably wearing an apron as well. The Proverbs 31 woman surely wore an apron as she prepared everything her family needed before the day had barely begun. And so it is with each of us. Our UMW heritage is one of serving others with grateful hearts and eager hands. When we put on our aprons, we are a formidable force for good: serving brunches, funeral dinners, Wednesday night meals, or teas for our sisters in Christ. Every serving opportunity is also an opportunity to be God’s hands and share the gospel with others. By our acts of service we are walking examples of what God has called us to be and do. Well done, good and faithful servants! In Christ, Cathy Morton United Methodist Church ~ MENU ~ Egg Casserole Fruit Kabob Assorted Pastries Coffee, Tea, Juice ~ Child’s Menu ~ (10 and under) French Toast S cks Fruit Kabob Juice, Milk Saturday, April 18, 2015 11:00 a.m. 420 North Tennessee Avenue, Morton WEAR A FAVORITE APRON! Program Presented by: Susan Zurcher Name (please print) All seats are reserved. # Adults # Children High chair? Adults $12.00 Children $6.00 (10 & under) Amount Enclosed: HOW MAY WE SERVE YOU? Sea ng Preference Request: Do you need childcare? Yes No Please return payment, along with this form, to the Church Office by Sunday, April 12. Checks payable to Sarah Circle MUMC. Hosted by the Sarah Circle of the United Methodist Women MEET JANE CHAPMAN Jane Chapman has been our organist at MUMC for 35 years. She had originally agreed to help out while they were looking to fill the organist position. Jane was one of three girls that grew up in Wisconsin. The middle child. She attended church while growing up with her parents and siblings. She really only tried to stay home from church one week and felt so bad about it that she never made that choice again. Jane attended college to become a nurse with a minor in music and when the college discontinued the nursing program she made music her course of study. Jane was introduced to her husband, Jerry by her church camp counselor. (Jerry’s mother) Jane married at 19 and became a mother of three children. Jane first played the piano for children’s choir in Bloomington by invitation of Alan Newhalls’ mother. Jane moved to Morton in 1977. She was married 28 years. She ended up divorced and found great peace in her friends that stayed close. In 2001, Jane was diagnosed with breast cancer and is a survivor today. Don Chapman became a friend and companion and they are blessed by marriage. Two things Jane is…a caregiver and a trusted friend. Jane has always thought faith is a wonderful thing and has been fascinated by where it comes from. She was always interested in what's the rest of the story. Her two sustaining verses are Phil. 4:4-7 and James 1:2-3. Jane never asked, “why me”? She always asks, “why not me”? Cathy Bowen’s Book Launch Party Do you ever feel like a dirt sandwich? All “look-at-me-I’ve-got-it-all-together” on the outside while you’re all “if-you-only-knew-how-bad-I-feel” on the inside? Author, Catherine Bowen, wants you to know you are not alone! Find compassion and understanding in the real-life experiences of the author as she shares her own struggles to find hope, peace and joy while fighting the pain of hidden depression, illness and loss. Her personal relationship with our Savior is expressed with humor, honesty, and a faith that speaks to the human condition. You find yourself in her every day challenges and may very well be drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus, too. Discover comforting words in her unique style: If we can find joy, hope and peace through faith, love and prayer, we are livin’ the dream! Please join me as I launch my new book! Morton United Methodist Church Sunday, April 26, 2015 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. I will be signing purchased* copies! Refreshments will be served. *10% of all sales will be donated to Morton United Methodist Church Building Fund. BOOK CLUB: The next UMW Book Club meeting will be on Monday, April 13 in the Gathering Area at 6:30 p.m. The book choice is, In Every Pew Sits A Broken Heart, by Ruth Graham, daughter of Billy Graham. In the book, Ruth Graham reveals her personal struggles in a not so perfect life. She searches scripture for hope, help, and guidance to deal with life’s hurts and failures. The book also gives guidance to us about how we can help those who are hurting and who sit beside us in church. Building Use Requests: In light of the many activities held at Morton United Methodist Church, and because the primary purpose of the building is to gather to worship God, give and receive instruction, initiate Mission, and enjoy Christian fellowship, it is important to manage the use of the building well. If you would like to use the church for an activity please: 1. Contact the church office to check the availability of the date. 2. Complete the CHURCH FACILITY USE REQUEST and room setup diagram and return it to the church office ASAP. (Pick up from church office or receive via email) 3. The complete request form will be forwarded to the Trustees committee for approval. 4. The church office will contact the group’s contact with the Trustees committee's decision. Priority for use of the church building will be given as follows: Priority 1. Church groups: gatherings/meetings to carry out the ministries of the church. (Worship, Christian Education, Outreach, Evangelism, Youth, Small Groups, Prayer, Congregational Care, Fellowship, Stewardship, Men's/Women's) Priority 2. Church related groups: Church sponsored organizations; interfaith groups, youth development groups and groups which carry out the purposes of the church. Priority 3. MUMC Members: Includes members personal use and their use on behalf of groups they formally sponsor or take responsibility for. (i.e. Community service organizations, community interest groups, receptions, non-church sponsored recitals, recreation and fellowship activities, club or group meetings.) On occasion, previously scheduled meetings may need to be moved to accommodate an event of greater significance, such as a funeral. When this happens, alternate arrangements with the preempted group will be attempted. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the church office for additional information. A special thanks to Pastor Gary for Galen’s service, the women who prepared and served our lunch. Also for the special music by Amy & Jane. It was very much appreciated. ‐ The Galen Ivey Family Upcoming Events: April 10 - First (second) Friday Game Day - 11:00 a.m. We’ll play Farkle after lunch (provided). April 14 - Mid-Month Lunch - We’ll meet at the church @ 11:00 a.m. and head to Kutchies on the Water. April 17 - Movie Day we’ll show “Unbroken” @ 1:00 p.m. in the Youth Room with popcorn. April 26 - Lunch for the Bunch at Avanti’s in East Peoria following the 10:45 worship service. Walking for Exercise—every Monday, Wednesday and Friday @ 8: 00 a.m. in the Gym We are walking to Jerusalem….help us get there! Please let Kerry know if you are interested in attending the following theater productions: April 25 - Jesus Christ Superstar at Eastlight Theater @ 2:00p.m. May 3 - Happy Days at Bertha Frank—3:00 p.m. OUR EASTER OFFERING We will again be blessing two organizations, The United Methodist School in Saclapea, Liberia and Peoria Friendship House of Christian Service with our Easter Offering this year. On Sunday, April 5, we will once again benefit families here in our community and families in Africa. The United Methodist School in Saclapea, Liberia, has reopened after the Ebola emergency. Praise the Lord! Our prayers have been answered and the love and care we sent across the ocean has helped our brothers and sisters in their recovery. More good news is that the enrollment of students in the school has increased to 305. It is wonderful that we were able to partner with them in adding two rooms to the school in 2014 and more recently to assist in purchasing needed desks. However, we still have the opportunity to offer scholarships to students at $45 a year. Part of our special offering will benefit the families with scholarships. “Peoria Friendship House of Christian Service has served the poorest neighborhood of Peoria for the last 64 years. In a neighborhood that has seen generations of poverty, we sit here in the midst of them as a beacon of light bringing the Lord's message that He ‘knows the plans for you, says the Lord, plans not to harm you, but to bring you a future with hope.’ The need is great. Since August, the number of meals we have served has risen over 300%. The men, women and children in this community live in deep poverty and they are hungry. Friendship House comes alongside people in need by providing services that lift them from hopelessness in times of crisis, such as food, clothing, education, after school care, rental and utility assistance. We offer short and long-term case management that works with the neighborhood as we help them learn how to help themselves. We are committed to reaching out a helping hand with respect and instilling dignity to a neighborhood that has mostly lost hope. By providing GED classes, citizenship classes, employment preparation and clothing for interviews and work, we help to lift them to a better place for employment, which allows them to acquire suitable housing. All year long, we pick up children after school and tutor them with homework assistance in our After School Program. In the summer, they are safe and learn with us during an 8 week long summer camp. But the best help we offer the children comes from the fact that we help the whole family by providing guidance, parenting classes and caring support. The prayer of Friendship House is that we can help lead families to transformed lives and a hope that comes from knowing the Lord Jesus. We invite you to partner with us and be a source of that hope.” ~ Melanie McNiff, President and CEO, Peoria Friendship House of Christian Service On a side note, Melanie, the President and CEO of Friendship house is the daughter of Dick & Carol McClelland, who attend our Cross Connections service. Prayerfully consider giving generously to make a difference in many lives. LADIES OF MORTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to a fellowship time with a group of ladies from the Islamic congregation in Peoria on Tuesday, May 19, here in our Gym. We will meet from 10:00 a.m. to about noon for a time of conversation and then a light lunch. Last fall a group of ladies from our church visited with them in Peoria and because we enjoyed it so much we want to return the invitation. The Sisters in Faith and the United Methodist Women invite you to this special event. Please let us know your attendance by signing the sheet on the Welcome Center counter by Sunday, May 10. Contact JoAnn Kraft with questions. IT IS BLOOD TIME AGAIN! The annual Red Cross Blood Drive in our Gym will be held on Monday, June 8, from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. For participating we will provide our usual “healthy snacks” of fruit, veggies, cheese and crackers plus a few unhealthy snacks! You will have the opportunity to sign up here at the church or online. We all rely on this life-saving supply of blood at our local hospitals. NOTE: THE LAST DATE TO GIVE WHOLE BLOOD BEFORE JUNE 8 IS APRIL 14. Administrative Flower Ministry April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 Financial Stewardship Report Lilies & Mums Brian & Beth Wirth Attendance February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 189 398 353 371 Total 1,311 Average 328 Hospitalized Doreen Warfield Joyce Kovalcik Mike Kovalcik Ellen Sancken Elizabeth Dinschel Pat Allen Kent Buffington Clarence Stocks With Sympathy to Roger Kolb, whose daughter died February 22. The family of Galen Ivey, who died February 25. The family of Mary Starr, whose nephew Michael Petersen died February 28. The family of Barbara Ort, who died March 1. The family of Tammy Grieder, whose mother Toni Adams died March 7. The family of Sharon Gilbert, whose mother Vera Livingston died March 11. The family of Leone Wayman, whose brother Eugene died March 14. April 20, 2015 John Pfeifer Mike Tewksbury Finn Tewksbury Ashley Diemer Scarlet Long Connie Stephens Melissa Strunk Traci Sullivan N. Jean Benckendorf M. Gene Davis Jan Pontius Rachel Thompson Wyatt Franklin Rush Hoehne Carolu Kizer J. Eugene Morse Caroline Potts Janet Wells Robert Behle Rylan Jones Luke Wiegardt Jennifer Williams Malia Kimmerle Julie Bethel Sheila Raubach Michelle VanEtten Norma Westbrook Michele De Couto Benjamin Harrison Justin W. Sager Kacy Sager Marilyn Formhals Broc Schmidt Bailey Meiner Jo Uhde Kelly Fort Randall Walker Andrew Majors Russell Young Clark Boers Teresa Hanback Jayne Benckendorf Jacob Uhlman Alex De Couto Judith Poole Sarah Wefer Daniel Wefer Austin Weyland James Benckendorf Connor Loudermilk Susan McCuskey Lily Tewksbury Heather Armistead Jacob Cole Grace Gilbert 04/01 04/01 04/02 04/03 04/03 04/03 04/03 04/03 04/04 04/04 04/05 04/05 04/06 04/06 04/06 04/07 04/07 04/07 04/08 04/08 04/08 04/08 04/09 04/10 04/10 04/10 04/11 04/12 04/12 04/13 04/13 04/14 04/14 04/15 04/15 04/16 04/16 04/17 04/17 04/18 04/19 04/20 04/20 04/21 04/21 04/21 04/21 04/21 04/22 04/23 04/23 04/23 04/24 04/24 04/24 Jim Linder Joanne Merchenthaler Norah Sager Debra Schultz Donald Smith Adam Tisdale Alexis Moore Mark Kumpf Caleb Alt Grace Mulconrey Erma Opperman 04/25 04/25 04/25 04/26 04/26 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 04/30 04/30 BULK RATE NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE 420 n tennessee ave morton il 61550-9706 PAID MORTON, ILLINOIS PERMIT NO. 26 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED MORTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH MINISTRY STAFF LEAD PASTOR Gary Motta garym@mortonumc.org ASSOCIATE PASTOR Lori Harvey lorih@mortonumc.org MINISTER OF MUSIC AND EDUCATION Amy Smith amys@mortonumc.org MINISTER OF CONGREGATIONAL CARE JoAnn Kraft joannk@mortonumc.org MINISTER OF CROSS CONNECTIONS MUSIC Kerry Brenkman kerryb@mortonumc.org OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Michelle Loudermilk info@mortonumc.org Barbara Maison FINANCIAL SECRETARY Michelle Loudermilk michellel@mortonumc.org BELL CHOIR DIRECTOR Kerry Brenkman kerryb@mortonumc.org ORGANIST Jane Chapman CUSTODIANS Russ Johnson russj@mortonumc.org Randy Thomas COMPUTER COORDINATOR Zack Smith A/V COORDINATOR Nick Graff FOOTPRINTS EDITOR Kim Gregurich 420 N Tennessee Ave Morton, Il 61550 office: 309-266-7174 fax: 309-263-1498 email: info@mortonumc.org www.mortonumc.org Monday–Thursday 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. - Noon NURSERY COORDINATOR Leslie Wenzel DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT Mary Katherine Pearce
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