May 2015 New Vision - Mountville Church of the Brethren

Mountville Church of the Brethren
The New Vision
Volume 33, No. 5
Inside This Issue
Regular Features
2 - Bits ’n Pieces
4 - Monthly Offering Report
4 - Health Ministry Corner
6 - Birthdays & Anniversaries
6 - Members & Friends
7 - May Calendar
8 - May Servers
8 - Just for Kids
Around the Church
2 - Mountville Responds to Crisis
in Nigeria
2 - Adult Sunday School
3 - Jazz Quartet Joins Us . . .
3 - Graduate Recognition
3 - Hot Dog Challenge
4 - Congregational Forum
4 - COVT Quarterly Update
This ‘n That
6 - It’s Messenger Renewal Time!
All are invited to participate in our Adult and
Children’s Sunday School Classes at 9:00
a.m. & Coffee Hour at 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Worship Service begins at 10:15 a.m. with
Children’s Worship for ages 3 through Grade
4. Nursery is available for younger children.
Our Staff:
Becky Fuchs – Pastor
John Hess – Director of Music
Gloria Hess – Organist
Amy Boshnaugle – Puppet Ministry
Jackie Sands – Secretary
George Schwert – Custodian
Mountville Church of the Brethren is
located at the corner of College, Hoover, &
Clay Streets in Mountville, PA. If you have
further questions regarding the Mountville
Church, please feel free to call the church
office at 717-285-5122 or 717-285-7424.
May 2015
Worship Opportunities in May
May 3 We will receive new members through baptism and
reaffirmation of faith. Becky Fuchs will preach
Chopping Down Icicles based on 1 John 3:16-24. Plan
to be present for this very special time in the life of
our church family. A covered-dish luncheon will
follow worship.
May 10 On this Mothers’ Day we will be treated to the
special music of Temple Avenue, a jazz quartet.
Becky Fuchs will preach Called to Improvise based
on Psalm 98. Puppets will be in worship. We will
collect the Two Cent Offering.
May 17 Graduate Recognition and Teacher Appreciation. We
will honor our graduates from high school, college,
graduate school and technical schools in our worship. We will also say a sincere thank you to all
those who have been serving as teachers in our
Education and Children’s Worship programs. Becky
Fuchs will preach The Cure for Neck Strain based
on Acts 1:1-11.
May 24 Join us as we celebrate the birth of the Christian
Church. Becky Fuchs will preach. We will serve
bread and cup communion as part of our observance of Pentecost.
Bits ‘n Pieces
Thank you for "best wishes" cards, the beautiful flowers and most of all thank you for all your
prayers. Love, Ruth Harper
We express our sincere sympathy to the family of Kenneth Myers who died on March 23 at
Calvary Fellowship Homes. Ken is survived by a son and daughter-on-law, Louis and Dorothy
Myers, 2865 Pickwick Drive, Columbus, OH 43221.
We extend our prayers and sympathy to Daryl and Karen Strine following the death of Daryl’s
mother, Miriam Strine on April 11.
Dear MCoB Youth, Thank you so much for the care package you sent. It helped me get through
my studying. It was very thoughtful and I really appreciated it. Joel Musser
Mountville Responds to Crisis in Nigeria
We received a thank you from the Nigeria Crisis Response Team, acknowledging the $15,890
received from Mountville. Here are excerpts from that letter.
Thank you for your generous support of the Nigerian Crisis Response. With this gift, you are
walking in solidarity with Nigerian people who have been left homeless, hungry, and in mourning by the escalating violence of the terror group, Boko Haram. With more than 3 million people
affected, and over 170,000 members of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the
Brethren in Nigeria) displaced, the need is great. Together we are providing shelter, feeding the
hungry, and building peace. Together we are the hands and feet of Christ for “such a time as
this” (Esther 4:14). We encourage you to visit the Nigeria blog site for
weekly stories, EYN devotions, and reports from church leaders and volunteers in Nigeria.
Finally, please pray for peace in Nigeria. Your prayers serve as a lifeline of grace to comfort and
strengthen our Nigerian sisters and brothers during this painful crisis.
In Christ, Nigeria Crisis Response Team, Carl & Roxanne Hill, Roy Winter, Jay Wittmeyer
Adult Sunday School News, Topics, Schedule
The combined Guide to Biblical Studies and Seekers Class will conclude on May 17, the final
Sunday of our spring semester of adult studies. The group will gather again on September 13,
following summer vacation.
Discussion topics for May include:
May 3 – Peacemaking and Non-violence
May 10 – Doing Justice
May 17 – Living in the Presence of God
Classes begin at 9:00 a.m. in Room 102 on the lower level. Everyone is welcome.
Hot Dog Challenge
Summer time brings a new
challenge for the Columbia
Area Food Bank. Many children
do not get breakfast and lunch
without school in session. Can
we help?
Worshipful Jazz Quartet Joins Us
on Mother’s Day
On Sunday, May 10, our guest musicians will be “Temple
Avenue”. Temple Avenue is a jazz quartet that combines
young energy and creativity with respect for the music's
Known for its fresh interpretations of jazz standards
and its inventive, exciting soloists, Temple Avenue features
three Temple University music majors.
They're saxophonist Seth Ebersole of Mohnton, bassist
Jack Synoski of Hazelton and drummer Austin Wagner, a
Manheim Township graduate. The fourth member is pianist Colin Mekeel, another Manheim Township graduate
who attends HACC's Lancaster Campus.
Bring a mother or bring a friend to enjoy our special
musical guests on May 10.
Graduate Recognition
Please contact the church office, 285-5122 or, with the names of those from our
congregation graduating from school, college, training
program, etc.
There will be a time of recognition for these individuals in
the 10:15 a.m. worship service on Sunday, May 17, 2015.
The greater need to provide for
families in June, July and August is the perfect outreach for
us at Mountville COB. In the
past we have collected hot dogs
for the food bank and they were
able to divert their funds to buy
more fresh fruit and veggies.
During the month of May, we
will again provide the food bank
with as many 1 lb. packages of
hot dogs as we can. We hope to
give at least 200 lbs, if possible.
In the past, we have been know
to give even more!
Just bring your hot dogs at any
time during the month of May
so we can deliver them to the
food bank in early June. Please
place them in the freezer or refrigerator and we will give you
a running count each week in
the bulletin.
Thank you,
Outreach Team
Congregational Forum Outcomes Renovations Scheduled
The final actions of our snow-interrupted Congregational Forum occurred on March 15 with the approval
to proceed with installing air-conditioning in the
Fellowship Hall and Kitchen, and new lighting in
Fellowship Hall. The contract with the firm installing
the air-conditioning has been signed. They are proceeding with the permit approval and planning the installation. Work dates have not yet been established. They
will be publicized as soon as they are known.
Forum requested that illustrations of possible lighting fixtures be provided before installation, and those
options are currently being explored. Leadership Team
has appointed a Renovation Coordinating Committee of
Dell Boshnaugle, Harry Light, and Tom Musser to
oversee the project. Questions or concerns regarding
the project may be directed to the committee or any
member of the Leadership Team.
Forum approved the use of “Continuing Our
Vision…Together” capital campaign funds and $30,000
from the Endowment Fund to finance this project.
Continuing Our Vision…
Together Quarterly Update
For January through March
of 2015, MCOB received COV
contributions totaling
$55,978.97 from Mountville
members and friends. These
generous contributions to our
latest capital campaign have
made it possible to reduce the
principal owed on our church’s
debt to approximately $488,000.
We celebrate this excellent
March 2015 Offerings
For General Fund
$ 26,018.48
Continuing Our Vision
$ 3,162.97
$ 14,977.00
Health Ministry Corner: High Blood Pressure
May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month according to the National Institute
for Health, and that means it's time to find out what your blood pressure is and what you can to
to prevent or control high blood pressure, if you have it.
High blood pressure is dangerous! It can lead to heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease,
and you might not even know you have it, because you usually don't have any symptoms.
The good news is that you can get your blood pressure checked every month right here at
Mountville Church of the Brethren by your Parish Nurses! They can even give you helpful information about blood pressure.
More good news is that high blood pressure can be controlled and even prevented by making
some simple changes in your lifestyle such as: Maintaining a healthy weight; Eating less salt
and sodium (salt causes your body to retain fluid, which makes your heart work harder to
remove that fluid); Limiting your alcohol consumption; Being physically active; Eating more
healthy - which includes more fresh vegetables and fruits, low fat dairy products, foods with less
saturated fat and cholesterol, and more whole grains.
Take control of your blood pressure!
May Birthday Blessings & Anniversary Wishes
Birthday Blessings to:
Happy Anniversary to:
1 Dell Boshnaugle
Carey Taylor
4 Kevin Wolford
5 Gretchen Brock
6 Michael Graham
Jeff Harmes
7 Tess Wolford
8 Margo Smith
12 Brenda Yoh
13 Art Thomas
Betsy Thomas
14 Bryce Eberly
Walt VanderHeijden
3 Wayne & Shirley Smith
4 Brett & Sherri Barto
15 Steven O’Day
17 Ruth Boshnaugle
20 Foster Eckenrod
21 Caitlin Berrier
22 Beverly Ritzman
24 Michael Wagner
28 Mary Jane Winters
Mark Yoh
29 Janice Booz
Clyde Burkholder
30 Carolyn Berrier
31 Sara Wagner
6 Glenn & Ruthie Bushong
Harry & Dorothy Light
11 Jack & Cindy Abel
15 Walt & Kathy VanderHeijden
24 John & Chris Musser
25 Mike & Pey McAllister
28 Lloyd & Bertha Finkbiner
29 Steven & Nancy Hess
30 Jim & Kathy Long
Please contact the church office if your birthday or anniversary was missed. Thank you.
The Health Ministry Team is providing this list of
Members and Friends who are unable to attend church regularly.
Merlin & Flora Jean Beam
1400 Enterprise Dr.
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Birthdays: Merlin
Flora Jean 8/7
Ethel Good
3604 Horizon Dr.
Lancaster, PA 17601
Birthday: 9/26
Olive Kline
203 Greenbriar Circle
Lancaster, PA 17603
Ruth H. Bushong
3001 Lititz Pike
Betty Mowrer
Lancaster, PA 17606
Market House
Birthday: 10/10 41 S. Poplar St., Apt. 303
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Mary Diehl
c/o Duane Diehl
435 Hamilton St.
York, PA 17406
Birthday: 3/2
Miriam Sampsel
2401 McKee II
551 Free Mason Dr.
Elizabethtown PA 17022
Birthday: 10/19
Frances Shaub
3001 Lititz Pike
Lancaster, PA 17606
Birthday: 4/28
Gene & Barbara Swords
3001 Lititz Pike,
Lancaster, PA 17606
Birthdays: Gene
Barbara 1/31
Please remember these persons in your prayers, cards, phone calls and visits.
We suggest you contact the church office, 285-5122, with any additions or changes.
It’s Time to Renew Your Messenger Subscriptions!
It is time again to renew your subscription or start a new subscription to Messenger.
Messenger is the Church of the Brethren’s monthly magazine that keeps you informed
on what is happening in the denomination.
Please fill out the form below and return it to the church office along with your check by
Monday, May 17, 2015. Checks should be made payable to the Mountville Church of the
Brethren. Call the church office, 285-5122, with questions. Thank you!
------------------------------------Messenger Subscription
Name ______________________________________________________________
Street: ______________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: __________ Zip: _____________
_____ First Time Subscribers $ 7.25
_____ 1 Year Renewal $14.50
_____ 2 year Renewal $27.00
Payment enclosed. Amount $ __________
*Foreign postage additional
A Brief History of Messenger
MESSENGER traces its beginnings to 1851, when Henry Kurtz published the first issue of
The Gospel Visitor. The next 30 years saw 33 more periodicals begun. Numerous consolidations
and name changes occurred in the years leading up to 1883, when the first issue of The Gospel
Messenger was published. It was considered the official church paper, though it was not
actually owned by the church until 1897, when the church assumed ownership of the Brethren
Publishing House.
Many years later, in 1965, editor Kenneth I. Morse brought dramatic changes. The paper
became a biweekly magazine, took on a completely new look, and shortened its name—to simply
As magazine publishing became increasingly expensive, MESSENGER became a monthly
magazine in 1973. It currently has 10 issues annually, with a combined issue in January/
February and July/August.
MESSENGER continues to be the official magazine of the Church of the Brethren and is
published in Elgin, Ill. Wendy McFadden serves as publisher.
[adapted from The Brethren Encyclopedia]
Jeff Harmes
Worship Leaders
3 - Kathy Long
3 - A J Taylor
Geoff Hess
10 - John Graham
10 - Alexa Taylor
Joel Musser
17 - Linda Bushong
17 - Amanda Ritchie
Daryl Strine
24 - Lois Silver
24 - Alex Wolford
31 - Dave Fuchs
31 - Love Simegn
Children’s Ministry
3 – Joyce Kerns, Sue Beiler, Joan Boshnaugle, A J Taylor
10 – Kitty Collier, Lois Silver, Lisa Boshnaugle, Amanda Ritchie
17 – Kitty Collier, Steve Hess, Amy Boshnaugle, Love Simegn
24 – Sarah Repkoe, Betsy Thomas, Carey Taylor, Devon Ritchie
31 – Nanette Bushong, Holly Mele, Lisa Boshnaugle, Jackie Hart
Thank You
Sunday School
Summer Schedule Begins on May 24.
No Sunday School
Music for Children begins at 10:00 a.m.
Worship for Adults & Children begins at 10:15 a.m.
Nursery care available for children 2 years and younger.
June 19-21 - National Jr. High Conference, Elizabethtown
Please note the deadline for the June 2015 newsletter articles is Sunday, May 10, 2015.
Articles received after this deadline will be included in the next issue.
Address Service Requested
Dated Material Enclosed