Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 Sacred Heart Parish 1701 Wilder Avenue Honolulu, HI 96822 (808) 973-2211 Fax (808) 973-2209 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm (Lunch: Closed 12-1:00 pm) Closed all State & Federal Holidays Daily Mass: Mon-Tues, Thurs-Sat 6:30 am Wed. 5:30 pm Weekend Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm Confessions: Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm or by appointment Sacred Heart & St. Pius X Baptisms: Contact Kuulei Leslie Lockwood at 220-1956 kuuleilockwood@gmail.com For Sacramental Emergencies please call 973-2211, press 1 St. Pius X Parish 2821 Lowrey Avenue Honolulu, HI 96822 (808) 988-3308 Fax (808) 380-9871 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 am-11:30 am Closed all State & Federal Holidays Food Pantry Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00 am-11:30 am Weekday Mass: Monday & Thursday 7:30 am Weekend Mass: Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am Confessions: Saturday 5:00-5:30 pm or by appointment Alleluia! The lord is risen! Lent has now passed and our soul searching is ended. The dark somber days of lent are over. We have acknowledged our sinfulness and we appreciate more than ever the mercy and love which flow from the cross of Jesus Christ. We appreciate his passionate love for us and his forgiveness of our sins. We are truly contrite. Now, however, is the time to move forward. Now is the time for Easter joy. Now is the time for all to celebrate the victory of Christ over sin and death. His victory is our victory. His rising from the dead is our rising from the dead. The Church tells us that “the fifty days from the Sunday of the Resurrection to Pentecost Sunday are celebrated in joy and exultation as one great Sunday. These are the days, above all others, in which the Alleluia is sung.” These are days of light and joy as the paschal candle burns at all our masses. This great candle is a reminder that the risen Lord is truly present in our celebrations and that he is in our midst. We are now called to live the resurrected life and to become a resurrection people. We now face the dark forces at work in our world with confidence and optimism. We know that in the end Jesus Christ will conquer and prevail. These next fifty days will lead us to Pentecost, the birthday of the Church. The Holy Spirit has come upon the Church and overshadows her as he did with Mary. He makes the Church vivifying—life giving. The Spirit brings us comfort and consolation. He is the sanctifier who works to make us holy. The Holy Spirit helps the Church to evangelize and grow. We will be reading much about the Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles. My dear people let us be moved by this powerful Easter Season to be more authentic Christians and to spread with divine energy the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. Let us share the great gift of the risen Christ with all. Alleluia! Happy Easter! Fr. Gordy, Pastor Visit Our Website: www.mp-cc.net • Email us at general@mp-cc.net Weekly Mass Intentions April 6 - April 12, 2015 Mon, April 6 6:30am Keumju Lee (D) SH Tue, April 7 6:30am Keumju Lee (D) SH Wed, April 8 5:30pm Christopher Borsch (D) SH Thurs. April 9 6:30am Keumju Lee (D) SH Fri, April 10 6:30am Keumju Lee (D) SH Sat, April 11 6:30am Keumju Lee (D) SH 5:00pm Pro Populo Sun, April 12 7:00am Gordon Chun (D) SH 9:00am Debbie Kamana’o & Family (H) SH 11:00am Fr. Herman Gomes (Pastor, St. Ann) (H) SH 5:00pm Keumju Lee (D) SH Requests for Mass Intentions may be either in per- Prayer Tree Please PRINT requests. Please keep in your prayers: For Health & Healing Fr. Gordy, Fr. Tony Bobis, Fr. Herman Gomes (St. Ann, Kaneohe), Anne Harpham, Claire Dang, Sharon Weddle, Henry, Juliet & Ellen Murata, Sister Rosario, Jun Okazaki, Annette Aguon, Evelyn Gogue, Cushnian Pinsi, Diane & Michael Michibata, Cindy Comilang, Iwie Tamashiro, Greg Rein, Zeneyda E., Shakibria Anderson, Yolanda Trejo, N. Kim, A. Chaves, D. Yamamoto, Ms. Lee, Dorothy S., Marianne B. Setik, Manny Sound, Erla Pauole, Leann Martin Thanksgiving: John Spencer Faithfully Departed: Ernest F. & Grace Pereira, Mary Wuocher, Agnes Mello Special: 74 yr.old Nun of Jesus & Mary Congregation Convent, India; John Tsakanikas, Victoria Fujitani, U.S. Military & Christians in the Middle East Justice: Val O’Brien, Tricia C., Trevon Martin, Mike Brown, Easter Sunday GOSPEL John 20:1-9 SCRIPTURE “They have taken the Lord READINGS from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” So Peter and the other disciple went out and came to the tomb. They both ran, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived at the tomb first; he bent down and saw the burial cloths there, but did not go in. When Simon Peter arrived after him, he went into the tomb and saw the burial cloths there, and the cloth that had covered his head, not with the burial cloths but rolled up in a separate place. Then the other disciple also went in, the one who had arrived at the tomb first, and he saw and believed. For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead. Prayer: God of joy and new Life, give us during this holy season of Easter a renewed commitment to live the Gospel as Jesus taught us, to witness to his Presence by our daily good works, and to grow in our love for the gift of his continued Presence in the Holy Eucharist. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. www.usccb.org April 5 Easter Sunday Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/ Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35 Ps 118:1-2,16-17,22-23 April 6 Mon within the *Octave of Easter Acts 2:14, 22-33 Ps 16:1-2a & 5, 7-8,9-10,11 Mt 28:8-15 April 7 Tue *Octave of Easter Acts 2:36-41/ Jn 20:11-18 Ps 33:4-5,18-19, 20 & 22 April 8 Wed *Octave Acts 3:1-10/ Lk 24:13-35 Ps 105:1-2, 3-4,6-7, 8-9 April 9 Thu *Octave of Easter Acts 3:11-26/ Lk 24:35-48 Ps 8:2ab & 5, 6-7, 8-9 April 10 Fri *Octave of Easter Acts 4:1-12/ Jn 21:1-14 Ps 118:1-2 & 4, 22-24, 25-27a April 11 Sat within the Octave of Easter Acts 4:13-21/ Mk 16:9-15 Ps 118:1 & 14-15ab, 16-18, 19-21 Sacred Heart thanks the Mud Ministry members for the beautiful lilies blooming in our yard! Mud Ministry News: Clean, tidy, and filled with coffee, the Mud Ministry’s enthusiasm is seldom threatened. Be it the ever present weeds, leaves that never seem to stop falling, or mechanical difficulties, none have failed to stop our dedication on a Saturday morning. For example, Willie has always been our expert in mowing the lawn and starting up the McLayne mower. But one Saturday morning when he was not present, it was left to George, Joe, and coffee connoisseur, Del, to perform the task. Well, for all you non-grass cutters, the McLayne mower is no ordinary mower. On our particular machine there are two levers to manipulate before you pull the cord. Reading the instructions was of no great help to us. Next, on the “I & O switch,” George and I thought the “O” meant “on.” Del, knowing how to turn on his coffee maker, told us, no, that meant “off.” Always we do things in the Mud Ministry by collaboration. Three heads are better than one and eventually we got our mower started and the grass cut. Hey! There wasn’t a prettier sight that day than the freshly mown lawn. Our recollections of Mud Ministry over the past five years will always remain the same. For the most part, it has been a collective effort. The solutions to problems are macro-embodied by the whole rather than the one. The challenges welcomed. The opportunity appreciated. And the service a blessing. We arrive each Saturday morning, clean and tidy, and soon to be filled with coffee. We depart grateful to be part of a Ministry dedicated to the upkeep of our church gardens. [Dr. Joe Young] Aloha Maryknoll Families, STEWARDSHIP of TREASURE March 23 — March 29, 2015 SACRED HEART Saturday…. $936.05 Sunday 7:00am……$713.00 9:00am..... $1,611.75 11:00am….. $883.00 5:00pm......$1,252.64 Weekly Offering…$200.00 Total…………$5,596.44 Budgeted Offertory: $7,318.00 ( -$1,721.56 ) Arcadia………….$28.00 Easter Sunday…..$5.00 St. Vincent de Paul.$451.00 Rice Bowl……...$477.51 Good Friday…..$138.00 Debt Reduction..$1,429.14 Debt Reduction Collection Jan—June 2014 …...$29,333.31 July—Dec. 2014….$32,928.58 Jan—Jun 2015……$21,724.62 ST. PIUS X 4:00pm………....$1,047.00 8:30am…………...$759.00 Weekly Offering....$25.00 Total….....$1,831.00 Budgeted Offertory $2,286.00 ( -$455.00 ) St. Vincent de Paul....$77.00 Good Friday………..$50.00 Rice Bowl………....$347.80 Bldg. Maintenance...$239.00 Building Fund Collection Jan—June, 2014…...$6,800.00 July—Dec., 2014….$6,543.00 Jan—Jun 2015……..$3,614.50 Mahalo to Maryknoll School Rice Bowl Collection: Grade School…$1,662.77 High School... Mrs. Suzeth Carreon /Freshmen Class: $286.09 My name is Jennifer Tseu, Director of International Programs. With Ms. Stephanie Frank, Multilingual Specialist, our objectives are to promote cultural awareness, community service—Noblesse Oblige, and global citizenship. As part of this program, this summer Maryknoll will be hosting 50 - 100 Chinese students, ages 11 to 17, at our Maryknoll Advantage Summer Camp 2015. We are in need of host families to share aloha with our international friends while at camp. Families will receive $45 per day, per student, and must be confirmed by April 7, 2015. Time frame: : Sunday, July 19, to Sunday, August 2 (2 weeks) An informative and interactive orientation for host families will be held on Sunday, June 28, 2015. Time /venue TBD. About the Program: The summer schedule for our guests from China is very structured with ESL classes and cultural activities [7 a.m.—5 p.m.] during the week. On weekends, cultural excursions will take place. Primary Host Family Duties: Host families provide a bed, daily breakfast and dinner, and ensure transport to and from Maryknoll daily. If you are interested in hosting a student, either for summer 2015 or in the future, or would like more information, please contact Multilingual Specialist, Ms. Stephanie Frank, at stephanie.frank@maryknollschool.org or (808) 952-7169. Pope Francis: Pray for our persecuted brothers in Christ. “We think too of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted because they are Christians,” he said, “the martyrs of our own time. They refuse to deny Jesus & they endure insult and injury with dignity. They follow Him on His way.” Palm Sunday, 2015 A Special prayer of gratitude for our Military serving overseas. Let us ask St. Michael to protect them. God Speed! Electronic Offerings: A New, Easy way to give your offerings to our Church! Sacred Heart & St. Pius X are pleased to announce the introduction of an electronic option for making regular offerings. Easter Offerings During the Easter season, it is encouraging to see both new and familiar faces at our worship services. Throughout the year, many of you already support the congregation with your time, talent and financial contributions but greater participation is always welcome. We encourage you to look into our electronic giving program. It takes just a few minutes to set up a recurring giving plan. Visit our church website: www.mp-cc.net and locate the donation link or complete a paper authorization form. Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet. Simply follow these easy steps: Visit the church website: www.mp-cc.net // Click on the [Give Now] button Click on the Create Profile button, then follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions. God blesses those who bless others! James Hochberg WAIALAE PLAZA Attorney at Law FUN! FUN! FUN! Visit One of Our Many Eateries For legal issues regarding KIM CHEE II - buying/selling real estate or business CAFÉ LAUFER - real estate/business dispute resolution - mortgage foreclosures condominium and time share issues Fax 534-1514 - construction and mechanic lien issues - contract disputes - religious freedom constitutional rights Ph:534-1514 email: jim@jameshochberglaw.com feed the koi 737-7733 735-7717 BIG CITY DINER 738-8855 MAGURO YASUSHI 732-3775 TO THAI FOR 734-3443 feed the ulua feed the turtles feed the ducks feed the family at the 3571 WAIALAE AVENUE IN THE HEART OF KAIMUKI Topa Financial Center700 Bishop St. Ste. 2100, Hon, HI 96813 Your Ad could be here! Contact Noel at 973-2211 ext. 23 Retreat: April 11, 2015 A Blessed Easter Season to you all! "How can we live as Easter People?" Join us for the 2nd Saturday Session, April 11, which is a mini-retreat for anyone and everyone who does any ministry for their parish. Lector, Deacon, Business Manager, Catechist...Everyone!! Time: 9:00am to Noon, Saturday St. Stephen Diocesan Center, 6301 Pali Hwy, Kaneohe, HI 96744 No Cost but Bring a Snack to Share! RSVP Requested - Email your name to Kristina DeNeve: kdeneve@rcchawaii.org Sacred Heart & St. Pius X Offices will be CLOSED April 6 (Monday) & Call Feli at (808) 202-2010 April 7 (Tuesday) Regular hours will resume on April 8, Wednesday. Mahalo for your patience. For Sacramental emergencies please call 973-2211, press 1. Spiritual Pilgrimage to Major Holy Sites in Europe Mon, April 13, 2015 @ 6:30pm - 7:30pm October 8—Oct. 25, 2015 Daughters of Isabella to form Circle in Hawaii at Sacred Heart Church, 1701 Wilder Ave. With Chaplain Fr. Louis H. Yim Tour Hostess: Ms. Fe Rodillas Join us on a spiritual Pilgrimage to visit the Marian Shrines of Fatima &Lourdes, Assisi (St. Francis), Belgium (St. Damien), and Rome / Vatican City (Pope Francis). For details contact Fr. Yim: (808) 545-4267. Bathing Meal Preparation Medication Reminders Light Housekeeping Pilgrimage Countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Belgium Cost: $5,499.00 includes roundtrip airfare from Honolulu. Contact Melba Amaral Ph. 294-9634 / melbahawaii@gmail.com for details. Founded over 117 years ago, Daughters of Isabella is a large Catholic charitable organization open to all Catholic women, age 16 and above. They assist churches & charities through volunteer service and contributions. Please come to this inaugural meeting for Hawaii!
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