5th Sunday of Lent Sacred Heart Parish 1701 Wilder Avenue Honolulu, HI 96822 (808) 973-2211 Fax (808) 973-2209 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm (Lunch: Closed 12-1:00 pm) Closed all State & Federal Holidays Daily Mass: Mon-Tues, Thurs-Sat 6:30 am Wed. 5:30 pm Weekend Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm Confessions: Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm or by appointment Sacred Heart & St. Pius X Baptisms: Contact Kuulei Leslie Lockwood at 220-1956 Annunciation of the Lord Triduum Schedule Holy Thursday, April 2 7:00PM @ Sacred Heart Combined SH & PX service There will be NO morning Mass Adoration: April 2-3 (Thur-Fri) Begins after Holy Thursday Service and ends on Good Friday at 12am midnight Good Friday, April 3 Passion Service (No morning Mass) 3:00pm: St. Pius X 7:00pm Sacred Heart *For both Sacred Heart & St. Pius X will be held at Sacred Heart Church. Rediscover Penance this Lent. We encourage you to make going to confession a part of your spiritual life during Lent. You can seek the Sacrament of Reconciliation at Sacred Heart Parish. Join us for this spiritual communal reconciliation service. Several priests will be available to hear confessions during this service. (Regular confession hours are still available during Lent) EASTER: April 5, Sunday St. Pius X: 8:30am *Easter Egg Hunt after 8:30am Mass For Sacramental Emergencies 7:00am / 9:00am */ 11:00am services *Easter Egg Hunt after 9am Mass Saturday 5:00-5:30 pm or by appointment March 24, Tues. at 7:00pm at Sacred Heart Church 4:00pm: St. Pius X 7:30pm: Sacred Heart Sacred Heart: St. Pius X Parish 2821 Lowrey Avenue Honolulu, HI 96822 (808) 988-3308 Fax (808) 380-9871 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 am-11:30 am Closed all State & Federal Holidays Food Pantry Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00 am-11:30 am Weekday Mass: Monday & Thursday 7:30 am Weekend Mass: Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am Confessions: Lenten Reconciliation Sacrament* Easter Vigil, April 4 Saturday kuuleilockwood@gmail.com please call 973-2211, press 1 March 22, 2015 Stations of the cross: Wed @ 6:00PM Through April 1, 2015 @ Sacred Heart There will be NO Benediction at the Wed. Mass during Lenten Season. What is Reconciliation? “To reconcile” literally means to bring back together, to be reconnected. Jesus wants each of us to be free, full of joy in being reconciled and healed through the merciful love of God. Reconciliation (also known as Confession or Penance) is a special healing sacrament in which God calls us to be reconciled, to be forgiven of our sins, to repair the bonds that are broken by our sins. It is a celebration of God’s amazing grace, welcoming us back home. The Sacrament is basically our examining our conscience, confessing our sin, asking for forgiveness, being forgiven and then committing ourselves to changing our lives and helping others change theirs. “You are mine. You are precious in my eyes. You are honored and I love you. Do not be afraid. I am with you.” Isaiah 43: 1-4 Visit Our Website: www.mp-cc.net • Email us at general@mp-cc.net Weekly Mass Intentions Mar 23 - Mar 29, 2015 Mon, March 23 6:30am Keumju Lee (D) SH Tue, Mar 24 6:30am Keumju Lee (D) SH Wed, Mar 25 5:30pm Kenneth Rogers (D) SH Thurs. Mar 26 6:30am Keumju Lee (D) SH Fri, Mar 27 6:30am James Wong & Family (T) SH Sat, Mar 28 6:30am Albino May (D) SH 5:00pm Pro Populo Sun, March 29 7:00 a.m. Keumju Lee (D) SH 8:30 a.m. Thomas Papandrew (D) PX 11:00 a.m. Leonardo Simbajon (D) SH 5:00pm Keumju Lee (D)SH Requests for Mass Intentions may be either in person or by mail. Please specify a date. A donation of $10.00 per mass is requested. ! Prayer Tree Please keep in your prayers: For Health & Healing Anne Mello, Claire Dang, Sharon Weddle, Henry & Ellen Murata,Leann Martin, Sister Rosario, Tony Guillen, Ron W, Kathy F, Bill C, Gerhard F, Sam H, Kennedy R, Anna T, Shingeko Bualuay, Kamalani, Moufa, Joanita Pagelinan, Manny Sound, Mariann B Setik, N Kim Chaiko, Cushman Pinao, Greg Reis, Russell Reis, Val o Brien, Cindy CAmelang, Diane Michibata and Iwie Tamashiro, Annette Aguon, Jun Okazaki, William Ho, Charlize Mae, Evelyn Gogue, Marianne B Setik, Pua Kapele, Robert King, Robert Costa, Malia Calabanos, Lei Beckery Furrtado, Granpa Stan, Granma Faye Faithfully Departed: JoAnn Murata Sakuma MHS ‘69, Joseph & Isabelle Cabrinha, Joseph W. Cabrinha, Raymond Setik 5th Sunday of Lent Gospel:(John 12:20-33) SCRIPTURE Some Greeks who had come to worship at the Passover Feast came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, “Sir, we would like to see Jesus.” Philip went and told Andrew; then Andrew and Philp went and told Jesus. Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me. READINGS “ I am trouble now. Yet what should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name.” Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it and will glorify it again.” The crowd there heard it and said it was thunder; but others said, “An angel has spoken to him.” Jesus answered and said, “This voice did not come from my sake but for yours. Now is the time of judgement on this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out. An when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” He said this indicating the kind of death he would die. Prayer: God of the cross and resurrection, you ever beckon us to the glory of new Life. May we willingly give ourselves over to following Jesus to the cross, and one day share in the fullness of his glory in everlasting Life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Gospel Message no one wants to talk about. Jesus tells us today that we are to be dying grains of wheat, producing much good fruit. What does this mean for us today? Not that we are supposed to become doormats, letting the world walk all over us. Nor does it mean we are to actively seek out suffering, to “play the martyr” and tell everyone around us about all the sacrifices we are making. Not even Jesus wanted to suffer! Today’s Gospel provides an absolutely core message for us about being Christians. Yet, this message is rarely discussed in “polite circles.” The message? If we follow Jesus, we will still suffer. (Anticlimactic, right? Think about it some more and you’ll see it is actually pretty deep.) Following Jesus or not, we are still going to have heartache, pain, death. That said, Holy Week and today’s Gospel also tell us this: though we will suffer, God promises to transform. We will grow, become. And God will also transform others through our sufferings. Die and know that God brings forth new life, through you. Reflections of Kristina M. DeNeve, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, Diocese of Honolulu Sunday, March 29 Jer 31:31-34 Ps 51:3-4,12-13,14-15 Heb 5:7-9 Jn 12:20-33 March 30, Mon Dn 13:1-6,15-17,19-30,3362 Ps 23:1-3a,3b-4,5,6 Jn 8:1-11 March 31, Tue Nm 21:4-9 Ps 102:2-3,16-18,19-21 Jn 8:21-30 April 1, Wed Is 7:10-14;8:10 Ps 40:7-8a,8b-9,10,11 Heb 10:4-10 Lk 1:26-38 April 2, Thu Gn 17:3-9 Ps 105:4-5,6-7,8-9 Jn 8:51-59 April 3, Fri Jer 20:10-13 Ps 18:2-3a,3bc-4,5-6,7 Jn 10:31-42 April 4, Sat Ez 37:21-28 Jer 31:10,11-12abcd, 13 Jn 11:45-56 www.usccb.org Cleanliness is next to Godliness. A call for Linen Ladies ASAP Jesus was transfigured by his Father and made dazzling white. Our altar linens need your help to keep their dazzle. If you would like to volunteer your services, please contact Noel at SH 973-2211 or Faye Wozniak at 9438721. STEWARDSHIP of TREASURE March 16 — March 22, 2015 SACRED HEART Saturday…. $919.00 Sunday 7:00am……$863.00 9:00am..... $1161.96 11:00am….. $796.00 5:00pm......$1429.38 Weekly Offering.$610.00 Total…………$5779.34 Budgeted Offertory: $7,318.00 ( -$ 1538.66) Maintenance..…$ 5.00 Rice Bowl……….$ 38.60 Debt Reduction..$ 5144.27 Debt Reduction Collection Jan—June 2014 …...$29,333.31 July—Dec. 2014….$32,928.58 Jan—Jun 2015……$19,080.85 ST. PIUS X 4:00pm:………...$1263.25 8:30am…………...$536 Weekly Offering..$ 83.00 Total…...$1882.25 Budgeted Offertory $2,286.00 (-$403.75 ) Food Pantry……...$500.00 Bldg. Maintenance..$767.00 Building Fund Collection Jan—June, 2014…...$6,800.00 July—Dec., 2014….$6,543.00 Jan—Jun 2015……..$2,884.50 Outreach Ministries wishes to thank Hawaii's Hearts for holding a canned good food drive to benefit our MPCC Food Pantry & the Hawaii FoodBank. Since January, Hawaii's Heart founder, Sarita Corn has been diligently working to serve the needy of our community by holding a canned food drive at Bistro! Downtown. We have just learned that the drive has been extended through March. Stop by Bistro! Downtown in the Davies Pacific Center and show your support. Mahalo to Hawaii's Heart and Bistro! Downtown for joining our fight against hunger. The gift that keeps on giving! Fill an Easter Basket with Love! Outreach Ministries will be preparing 80 Easter Baskets for needy children. We are seeking plastic eggs for these baskets and for Sr. Bea's Easter Egg Hunt for the homeless children in Waianae. Please drop your donations off in the Outreach collection baskets in the back of the church. Be sure to label it “For Outreach Easter Baskets.” Mahalo. Thank you, Thank you parishioners for buying tickets and coming to the Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast on March 1, 2015! We hope you experienced good food, friendship & fellowship while supporting our parishes. Watch for a new church sign soon at Pius X! Next breakfast: Sunday, May 17. See you You can be the Easter Bunny! Looking for a volunteer to bring joy to our SH Children! Suit provided! At SAcred HeArt’S AnnuAl Easter Egg Hunt ... We need your donations of plastic eggs and Easter candy to be distributed to our parish children on Easter Sunday morning. Please leave contributions in the basket at the rear of the SH Church, and be sure to mark it: For Sacred Heart Easter Egg Hunt. World Meeting of Families: Sept. 21—28, 2015 Contact Kristina M. DeNeve, Ph.D., Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation & Evangelization Email or 808.203.6767 / 877.263.8855 Ext. 767) Includes Mass with Pope Francis Sept. 27 Join Bishop Larry Silva and Dr. Kristina DeNeve for an 8-day Pilgrimage to Philadelphia: September 21-28, 2015. Cost: as low as $1884/ Early registration ends April 1! Timothy Mullner, Director of Program Develop. will present details about this pilgrimage by webinar: Mon, March 16 from 6:30-7:00PM. This webinar will be 15 minutes. Details at: www.catholichawaii.org, including brochure. Space is limited. Register by email or call Faith Journeys: 1-877-732-4845 Option 1 James Hochberg Attorney at Law For legal issues regarding - buying/selling real estate or business - real estate/business dispute resolution - mortgage foreclosures condominium and time share issues Fax 534-1514 - construction and mechanic lien issues - contract disputes - religious freedom constitutional rights Ph:534-1514 email: jim@jameshochberglaw.com Topa Financial Center700 Bishop St. Ste. 2100, Hon, HI 96813 WAIALAE PLAZA FUN! FUN! FUN! Visit One of Our Many Eateries KIM CHEE II CAFÉ LAUFER feed the koi 737-7733 735-7717 BIG CITY DINER 738-8855 MAGURO YASUSHI 732-3775 TO THAI FOR 734-3443 feed the ulua feed the turtles feed the ducks feed the family at the 3571 WAIALAE AVENUE IN THE HEART OF KAIMUKI Your Ad could be here! Contact Noel at 973-2211 ext. 23 Plans are being made to form a circle of the Daughters of Isabella in Hawaii. A meeting will be held to introduce Catholic women of the area to the Daughters of Isabella, one of the largest Catholic women’s organizations. The Daughters of Isabella is a spiritual and charitableoriented organization whose members are devoted to assisting churches and charities through volunteer services and contributions. Some of the issues for which these women support are Respect for life, vocations, the missions, scholarships for our youth, aid to the needy, Mon, April 13, 2015 visiting the sick and elderly, and breast cancer aware@ 6:30pm - 7:30pm ness. Although the Daughters of Isabella was originally Daughters of Isabel- founded as an Auxiliary to the Knights of Columbus over 117 years ago, today it operates separately, and memla to form Circle in bers need not have husbands who are Knights, nor are Hawaii at members restricted to any one parish. Membership is Sacred Heart open to all Catholic women, age 16 and above. If you Church 1701 Wilder would like to learn more about the organization and how you can become part of the new circle being planned for Avenue Hawaii, please contact Melba Amaral: Ph 294 -9634 / melbahawaii@gmail.com. Spiritual Pilgrimage to Major Holy Sites in Europe October 8—Oct. 25, 2015 With Chaplain Fr. Louis H. Yim Tour Hostess: Ms. Fe Rodillas Pilgrimage Join us on a spiritual Pilgrimage to visit the Marian Countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Shrines of Fatima &Lourdes, Assisi (St. Francis), Belgium Italy, Belgium (St. Damien), and Rome / Cost: $5,499.00 Vatican City (Pope Francis). includes roundtrip For details contact Fr. Yim: (808) 545-4267. airfare from Honolulu. Bathing Meal Preparation Medication Reminders Light Housekeeping Call Feli at (808) 202-2010 Pray the Lenten Rosary from Sat, March 7, 2015 @ 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace The St. Damien Prayer Group invites all the faithful to join them in praying the Lenten Rosary every Saturday through Lent at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. The Lenten Rosary will take place immediately after the Noon Mass, incorporating titles from the 14 Stations of the Cross and Jesus’ 7 last words into the Sorrowful Mysteries. The St. Damien Prayer Group will end the Lenten Rosary on March 28th, and resume with the Joyful Mysteries on April 11th. Information: Venny Villapando at vvvision@lava.net.
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