JEFFERSON CITY CHAPTER MAY NEWSLETTER Upcoming Events and Meetings Tuesday, May 26, 2015 - JC Chapter Meeting The MSPE Jefferson City Chapter Lunch for May will be held on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at JC Pizza Co located at 1508 E McCarty St. in Jefferson City. We will be meeting in the downstairs room which can be accessed directly through the east parking lot door. There will be a pizza and salad buffet with drink. The cost will be ten dollars ($10.00) per member or three dollars ($3.00) for PDH only.. The speaker for the meeting will be Dr. Elgawady. The topic will discussed will be “Precast Hollow Columns for Accelerated Construction”. The presentation is going to focus on Dr Elgawady’s columns, which have been built and tested, but not been used in the field yet however the lab tests were impressive. No RSVP required. Hope to see you there. Other Upcoming Meetings, Events, and Miscellaneous Issues Thursday, May 7, 2015 - Joint MSPE/ASCE BBQ Our joint ASCE/MSPE BBQ will be held on Thursday, May 7th at the Riverside Park Pavilion located at 320 Ellis Porter Drive, here in Jefferson City. The BBQ will kick off with a Happy Hour starting at 5:00 p.m., with food served sometime between 6:00 to 6:30 pm depending on when the grilling is finished. Feel free to show up and leave as your schedule allows as we have the pavilion reserved until 8:00 p.m. Please bring your family, friends, and an appetite. There will be grilled pork chop sandwiches (mesquite BBQ or marinated garlic herb), cheese burgers (with plenty of toppings), hot dogs, baked beans, corn salsa with tortilla chips, and cookies. In addition, there will be frosty beverages, some made with hops, others with grapes, and some chilled water and soda, since we don't want to discriminate. Any additional sides or desserts are not necessary, but are always welcomed (especially cheesecake was mentioned). The cost for the BBQ is $5 for adults and $2 for children 12 and under. Although an RSVP is not required, Andy Hanks will be using them and past attendance to guess at the quantities of food and drink that will be necessary. If there is a good likelihood you will be there, it would be helpful if you could please send an email to with your estimated group size and drink preferences. Hope to see everyone there! Don't Wait! Register NOW for MSPE's 2015 Annual Convention! Pack your bags for MSPE's 78th Annual Convention at Camden on the Lake resort that will be held from June 14, 2015 to June 17, 2015. Earn 10.5 pdh's for Continuing Competency and enjoy Networking and Business Development Opportunities which support this year’s theme of Boldly Moving Forward. Click below to access this year's Annual Convention Registration Brochure Friday, June 5, 2015 at 5 p.m. is the deadline to register for the convention. In addition, please remember, the deadline to reserve rooms at the hotel and get MSPE's Group Rate is by Monday, May 25, 2015 at 5 p.m. To reserve your room call 1-888-365-5620 or book online at Hope to see you there. Opportunities for Chapter Involvement The Jefferson City Chapter of MSPE is looking for members who would like to assist with chapter activities. Please contact Jason Sommerer at or by phone at 573-659-6745 if you are interested in helping with one or more of the following: • Help plan social and PDH activities Anything from helping think of ideas for PDH presentations to ideas for locations to hold social activities. Help with logistics of those events and benefit from the fun you’ll have meeting chapter members. Level of involvement to be determined by you. • Promote Engineering to Junior and High School Students Give back to the youth of the community! Activities such as tutoring and mentoring in math and science classes. Assist with contacting teachers to find new locations for MSPE to promote engineering to students. Promote and assist with MATH Counts. • Promote Engineering to College Students Assist with chapter efforts to increase MSPE’s presence at Lincoln University and efforts to start a Student Chapter with pre-engineering students. Brainstorm ideas for MSPE to increase involvement at other colleges and universities. • Enhance our Chapter website Any ideas to make our website more appealing? Work on enhancing the chapter’s website design, navigation, content or any other aspect you can engineer up. Board Meetings Board meetings are normally held on the first Tuesday of every month from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. at the MSPE Building on East McCarty. Past Events and Meetings Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - Adopt-A-Highway Litter Pick Up for MSPE JC Chapter The spring MSPE JC Chapter Litter Cleanup for our Adopt-A-Highway section was held on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. The JC Chapter Adopt-A-Highway location is on Christy Drive in Jefferson City, between Stadium Blvd and Ellis Blvd. A total of 6 volunteers participated in the litter pick up for a little over an hour. The JC Chapter Adopt-A-Highway location was still looking fairly good this time, so thanks to all of the volunteers, both past and present that have helped with the cleanups. Volunteers and pictures of the litter pick up are provided below. Elizabeth Duvall, P.E. Bill Fanska, P.E. Tim Leaf, P.E. Jason Sommerer, P.E. Cathy Wylie Bruce Wylie Top Left Picture: The MSPE Adopt a Highway sign located on the south end of Christy Drive. Top Right Picture: Adopt a Highway pickup volunteers (left to right): Tim Leaf, Jason Sommerer, Bruce Wylie, Cathy Wylie, and Elizabeth Duvall are all ready to get started on the clean-up on a . Bottom Left Picture: Bruce Wylie, Cathy Wylie, and Elizabeth Duvall get started on the clean-up by head up the hill. Bottom Middle Picture: Jason Sommerer heads down the median looking for trash to pick up as he goes. Bottom Right Picture: It hard to identify him, but that’s Tim Leaf, Chapter President ducking down to pick trash on the small shoulder behind the guard rail. Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - JC Chapter Meeting The MSPE Jefferson City Chapter Lunch for April was held on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at the JC Pizza Co in Jefferson City. The speaker for the meeting was Mr. Mike Logston, P.E., with Bartlett & West. He talked about the new water tower on Route C for PWSD #2. Those in attendance at the meeting are provided below. Bob Atkinson, P.E. David Bange, P.E. Landon Bodenschatz, P.E. Travis Bruemmer, P.E. Garry Chegwidden, P.E. Randy Clarkson, P.E. Robert Conner Bruce Dawson, P.E. Garrett Depue, E.I. Claire Eubanks, P.E. Don Fontana, P.E. Tom Gredell, P.E. Jennifer Harper, P.E. Drew Henrickson, P.E. Don Jenkins, E.I. Shawn Lange Tim Leaf, P.E. Mike Logston, P.E. Martin, Ryan, P.E. Oscar Martinez Derrick Miles, P.E. Rocky Miller, P.E. Ed Moody, P.E. Don Neumann, P.E. Andy Rackers, P.E. Ed Rackers, P.E Ashley Reinkemeyer, P.E. Art Rice, P.E. Ericka Ross Britt Smith, P.E. Jason Sommerer, P.E. Ken Stumpf, P.E. Gary Vandelicht, P.E. Matt Weber Bruce Wylie Thursday, April 23, 2015 – Prison Tour Approximately 10 to 12 people took advantage of the opportunity to take a tour of the prison on Thursday, April 23, 2015. Sorry we don’t have a list of names of pictures of the event. Friday, April 10, 2015 - P.E. Certificate Presentation Ceremony The PE Ceremony for newly registered engineers was held on Friday, April 10, 2015 beginning at 2:00 p.m. at the Capitol Rotunda and was followed by a cookie and punch reception. MSPE honored each of the 19 new P.E.’s attending the ceremony by presenting them with their P.E. certificate before their family and friends. Former JC Chapter President Britt Smith, P.E. served as the Master of Ceremonies, while Gary Strack, P.E. and Kevin Skibiski, P.E., S.E. P.L.S. served as speakers for the event. Representative Rocky Miller, Missouri House of Representative District 124 served as the keynote speaker for the event. Each of the speakers provided insights and words of wisdom to the new registrants to help convey the special responsibilities taken on by being newly licensed as a professional engineer. Mrs. Judy Kemper, Executive Director for the licensing board, communicated the annual responsibilities for keeping P.E. licenses current to the new registrants, while Mr. Gary Strack, P.E. read the Engineer’ Creed to the new P.E.s. Thanks to those who volunteered their time to support Stacey Meyer, MSPE Membership Coordinator, in making the event a lasting impression the new PE's will remember their entire career. Some pictures of the event are provided below. Top Row Pictures: Nineteen new P.E.’s get their license in the MSPE ceremony. Middle Left Picture: The speakers for the ceremony (listed from left to right): Past JC Chapter , Britt Smith, P.E. Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Gary Strack, P.E., (speaker), Mrs. Judy Kempker, Executive Director for the Licensing Board, Representative Rocky Miller, Missouri House of Representative District 124 (keynote speaker), and Mr. Kevin Skibiski, , P.E., S.E. P.L.S., (guest speaker), Middle Right Picture: Bottom Row Pictures: Jason Sommerer, P.E, State Director, Tim Leaf, P.E, JC Chapter President helped MSPE Membership Coordinator Stacey Meyer register new Professional Engineers for the ceremony at the Capitol rotunda on Friday, April 10th The new P.E.s and their family and friends await the beginning of the P.E. ceremony. Membership Update Please remember that membership is vital for our society. If you know someone who is not a member of MSPE, please give them an application and invite them to attend a meeting. The application is also available online at First time attendees, member or not, will receive a free lunch. Also be sure to tell them about the Professional Development Hours (PDH) opportunities and the other benefits of being a part of MSPE. Request for Educational Foundation Donations The MSPE Educational Foundation needs your donations. The MSPE Educational Foundation provides a tax deductible way for members to benefit the educational outreach activities of our society. It is important to have the resources to reach out to the younger people. We hear frequently that there will be a shortage of engineers in the future and many kids never know that their interest in building, and fixing, and calculating, and discovering can be developed into a wonderful career in engineering. A tax-deductible donation is also a way to help MSPE when you do not have the time to be more actively involved. Please send your donations to: Jefferson City Chapter MSPE Attn: Education Foundation P.O. Box 662 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0662
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