Grow Share Serve The Water’s Edge May 2015 Minnetonka Lutheran Church We Are Easter People!!! 16023 Minnetonka Blvd | Minnetonka, MN 55345 | 952.935.3419 FYI Prayer Requests Call the church office at 952.935.3419 or email with your prayer requests. If you want a pastoral visit or would like to be included in pastoral prayers during worship, please call the church office. Sunday Worship 9:00am Traditional Worship 10:00am Friendship and Education Hour 10:00am Adult Forum (meets occasionally, watch bulletins for details) 10:45am Contemporary Worship Communion Sundays First and Third Sunday of the month at 9:00am Worship Second and Fourth Sunday of the month at 10:45am Worship We practice an “Open Table” at MLC. All who welcome the presence of Christ in the bread and wine are welcome to celebrate regardless of church membership. Grape juice is available from the final server. Gluten free wafers are available upon request. Welcome to the Lord’s Table. Address, Phone Contact Us and Email Email Online Office Hours Church Office Fax Corrections MLC maintains a database of all its members. If you have had any changes to your address, phone number, marital status, etc. please contact the church office with your name, phone number and the changes that need to be made. If You Are Ill Hospitals no longer notify churches when their members are admitted for care. Call 952-935-3419 and let us know so we can support you with prayer and with presence. Publication Deadlines Check website for occasional worship schedule changes. Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm 952.935.3419 952.931.9341 MLC Staff Bob Rusert Sue Lungstrom Rachel Coen-Tuff Tim James Pastor /x201/ Office Administrator/x200/ Intern Director CYF /x202/ Chancel Choir Director/Edgy Waters leader x 206/ MLC Organist / x 204 Property Manager Weekend Custodian Diane Tuseth Norm Gehrke Thomas Whisler MLC Council Sue Hlavac Matt Haakenstad Stu Deuring Joanna Koenig Rae Vanek Pastor Bob Rusert Pam Grossmann Jean Schlemmer President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Weekly Bulletin: Thursday at Noon June Newsletter: May 18 Grow in Faith, Share the Good News, Serve in Love All in Jesus’ name. 2 The Water’s Edge May 2015 “Life in Tune and Eager!” 3 Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live. Isaiah 55:3 A rough running car is taken in to a mechanic who has instruments for a “tune up.” When the car is returned, firing on all cylinders with the right timing and measure of fuel, it runs like new. A singer or an instrument if sharp or flat sets the listener’s ears on edge like nails on the old chalk board. But instruments and voices “tuned up” to a particular pitch played by a leader make glorious music with notes on pitch and pleasant. I recall “inclining my ear” in college choir to the keeper of the pitch pipe before each song we sang. Our goal from beginning to end of each selection was to stay “on key.” Tuning in to the piper, starting “on pitch” gave us opportunity to be successful. Periodically MLC hires a professional to “tune up” the organ and the pianos with special tuning devices so God and the gathered are graced with beautiful tones. Sound for broadcasting in radio or television when not “tuned up” by an engineer with the tools to identify a particular frequency yields a fuzzy signal and an audience straining to understand. When digitalized for clarity to capture the ear the message comes through loud and clear. Tuning instruments and experts are essential to the harmony of fine-tuned performance. 20 My child, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. 22 For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20 & 22 I am coming to realize that I was blessed as a child with the gift of a few wonderful life-tuning instruments: 1} God’s Spirit, 2} God’s Word, and 3} God’s family of faith, the Church. Attending Lutheran grade school meant being attentive to some Bible memorization five days a week for eight years. While my life is far from perfectly on pitch all the time, I find God’s Spirit using the Words of God from way back in my childhood to get me in tune even now some five decades later. When those childhood Words from God amplified by the Spirit reverberate from the back of my memory to the forefront of consciousness, life seems harmonized. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build up each other… 1 Thessalonians 5:11 For some years, when greeted and asked, “How are you?” I would quip, “Willing.!.” You know, a selected portion of the cliché, “Ready, willing, and able.!.” I’m not sure I’m ready or able… but I’m almost always “willing”. Recently though… I have found myself with a new reply, “Eager!” Now asked, “How are you Pastor?” ̶ — suddenly I realized that almost without my own choosing or even knowing… I’m finding myself delightfully replying with a spirited, “Eager!” It has dawned on me like an epiphany… sitting in the pews weekly or more, studying with others regularly, meeting weekly with a prayer partner{s}… this has all been “good for me.” Because of these “instruments and experts” today I find myself “tuned up” and encouraged and built up in and for new life. 16 Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom… and let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts… Colossians 3:16 & 15 This older clay pot I inhabit isn’t all as sound as I would like it to be, but thank God the Spirit of God has chosen to join me in here. The flesh may be weak, but my spirit is eager and at some peace, renewed by the tuning instruments with which God has blessed me. If you are in need of a tune up… give me a call or stop by the office… I have some good news to share. 3 The Water’s Edge May 2015 News of the MLC Community Got Stuff? Happy Birthday, Helen! John Nerge and Kirsten Hedin are pursuing adoption to grow their family, and are holding a garage sale fundraiser on June 4-6 at their home in Eden Prairie. As you start your spring cleaning, if you find anything you were planning to donate or trash but would be willing to donate to their sale instead, they would be very appreciative. They are willing to pick up items from your house or from Minnetonka Lutheran. Helen Neuman, a long-time member of MLC, turns 90 in May. It’s time to celebrate! Please join Helen and her family for a birthday celebration and light lunch on Sunday, May 31 at 1:00 pm in Friendship Hall at Minnetonka Lutheran Church. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, please call Beth Jones at 952-935-5341. Contact them at or 763-592-9664 for more information. Thank You! To all my dear church friends: Thank you for the prayer letter with all the names. Special thanks to Rae Vanek for driving me to the doctor & therapy sessions, Arline Ringstad for the wonderful loaf of bread, and Sandy Peterson for personal care. We are blest with a loving family at our MLC church, the care cards, many prayers. I am blessed by all of your support & love. God is Great, His love is shown in His family. Cam Pearsall Continuance of Annual Meeting Sunday, May 3 12:00 Noon Friendship Hall Lunch served by Youth as Mission Trip Fundraiser! Thrivent Choice Dollars for Youth Mission Trip Funding! Godspeed, Rachel! On May 17, Rachel Coen-Tuff will graduate with an M.A in Children, Youth and Family Ministry from Luther Seminary. Let’s come together to celebrate her time with us on Sunday, April 26 during the 10:00 Hospitality Hour. There will be a basket for personal cards in Friendship Hall that day. Come send Rachel off with thanks for her ministry here and prayers for a wonderful ministry going forward with her new church family. If you are a Thrivent member, you can direct where some of Thrivent’s charitable outreach funds go through Thrivent Choice Dollars. We hope you will consider directing your Choice Dollars this year to Minnetonka Lutheran Church, which is enrolled as an eligible recipient. We would like to use this funding to support our 2015 Youth Mission Trip. To learn more about Thrivent Choice, please: Visit Call Thrivent at 800-847-4836, and say “Thrivent Choice” when prompted. Contact your local Thrivent Financial Representative The Last Supper The final Wednesday supper for the program year will be a barbeque on May 6 beginning at 6:00. Join Us! Thank You! 4 The Water’s Edge Recipe for an Egg-cellent day! 20 enthusiastic children 1 Easter Bunny 1 Easter story 1 "Jesus Loves Me" 1500 Easter eggs A whole lot of "Son Shine" Mix them all together and you have a fantastic Celebration! Thank you to all who stuffed all those eggs!! Our Egg Hunt was a great success! Women’s Book Group We are reading Lila by Marilynne Robinson in preparation for gathering on May 18 at 7:00 at the home of Diane Reishus, 17021 Creek Ridge Trail, Minnetonka, for our book discussion. “Marilynne Robinson, one of the greatest novelists of our time, returns to the town of Gilead in an unforgettable story of a girlhood lived on the fringes of society in fear, awe, and wonder. Lila, homeless and alone after years of roaming the countryside, steps inside a small-town Iowa church-the only available shelter from the rain-and ignites a romance and a debate that will reshape her life. She becomes the wife of a minister, John Ames, and begins a new existence while trying to make sense of the life that preceded her newfound security. Neglected as a toddler, Lila was rescued by Doll, a canny young drifter, and brought up by her in a hardscrabble childhood. Together they crafted a life on the run, living hand to mouth with nothing but their sisterly bond and a ragged blade to protect them. Despite bouts of petty violence and moments of desperation, their shared life was laced with moments of joy and love. When Lila arrives in Gilead, she struggles to reconcile the life of her makeshift family and their days of hardship with the gentle Christian worldview of her husband which paradoxically judges those she loves. Revisiting the beloved characters and setting of Robinson's Pulitzer Prizewinning Gilead and Home, a National Book Award finalist, Lila is a moving expression of the mysteries of existence that is destined to become an American classic.” All are welcome—even men. 5 May 2015 The Water’s Edge May 2015 Children, Youth and Family Ministries Farewell, Rachel! On Sunday, April 26, we bid a fond farewell to Rachel Coen-Tuff, our energetic & effervescent Children, Youth and Family Intern Director from Luther Seminary. We are grateful for her leadership over the last 20 months in Sunday School, Confirmation and High School ministry. Below is just a small sampling of pictures reflecting the breadth of her ministry at MLC. We will miss you, Rachel! God bless you in your new CYF ministry position in Fargo, ND! 6 The Water’s Edge 9th Grade Confirmation Retreat Important Events @ a glance: On Sunday, April 19, our 9th grade youth and their families “retreated” to The Farm, along with Pastor Bob, Rachel Coen-Tuff and Susan Bronken, where they shared a meal and made final preparations for their Confirmation on Sunday, May 17 at the 9:00 service. Please keep them in your prayers! Pictured (left to right): Cole Voigt, Wyatt Nelson & Nick Lowden. 4.26 RachelCoen-Tuff Farewell 1st Communion Class 5.3 1st Communion Youth Serve Lunch at Annual Mtg Affirmation of Baptism Service will be May 17 at the 9:00am worship service, followed by a reception in Friendship Hall. We will have rehearsal and dinner on May 13 beginning at 6:00pm. 5.6 Last Confirmatiion Class First Communion Maija Kangas and Amanda Barnes will be participating in their 1st Communion on May 3rd at the 9:00 service. Please keep these young ladies and their families in your prayers as they prepare for this significant faith milestone. 1st Communion Preparation class is scheduled for April 26 following the 10:45 service. HS Graduate Recognition Graduate Recognition is Sunday, MAY 31 the graduating seniors will be recognized during the church service and there will be a cake reception following worship in their honor. Congrats grads! Hailey Becker, Payton Bailey-Ede, Maddy Garrison, Jack Hambor, Carissa Hilgers, Maddy Lattery, Georgie Lowden, Whitney Nelson, and Marie Olson. May 2015 Sunday School Singing! The Sunday School youth will be singing on Mother’s Day, May 11 at the end of the 1st service and the beginning of the 2nd service. Please remember to invite Grandparents to this service! We will also be presenting all mothers with a gift! See you there. 2015 High School Mission Trip Update Thank you for the continuing support for our High School Mission trip to the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit. We are so grateful to have Kathryn Schmidt , Pastor Bob & Anne Deuring as our chaperones this year! We have had terrific response to our fundraising efforts, with only $700 left to raise in order to meet our goal. It doesn’t look like we will need to pull out the flamingos this year! As an additional fundraiser, the youth will be serving the lunch at our May 3 Continuance of Annual Meeting. We promise you will be well fed and have lots of sustaining energy for the meeting! 5.10 SS Children Sing & Mother’s Day 5.13 Confirmation Rehearsal 5.17 Confirmation Sunday Last day of Sunday School 5.31 High School Graduate Recognition 6.15 – 6.19 Camp Vertical VBS 7.14 - 7.19 National Youth Gathering in Detroit Camp Vertical VBS 2015 CAMP VERTICAL 2015 is scheduled for June 15-18, with registration forms available at the visitors desk or online at CAMP VERTICAL is an awesome adventure through which students experience what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ. Daily service and recreation activities will serve as our “classroom” for exploring what the Bible has to say about Christian discipleship. We will learn about servants in the Bible as we practice being joyful servants ourselves. The program will run from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. COST: $85 (includes a VBS T-shirt). For current 3-year-olds through Kindergarten, CAMP VERTICAL is a half day jam packed with Bible stories, games, crafts, age-appropriate service projects, and more. The program will run from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Cost: $40 (includes a VBS T-shirt). Scholarships available. Speak to Pastor Bob. 7 The Water’s Edge May 2015 Mission Partnership Opportunities M.M.M. Good! Did you know Introducing…Member Care Meal Ministry…it’s M.M.M. Good! Are you interested in supporting fellow MLC members through meal ministry? Free community meals are provided at local area churches each week? No reservations are necessary and all are welcome. The Member Care team is seeking caring souls who are willing to provide an occasional meal as needed for members who are recovering from surgery, illness, have experienced loss, financial hardship or are going through other unexpected life situations. Monday & Tuesday: We are working towards developing a regular rotation of meal provision to those who would be uplifted by this support. We would love to have you join us as we minister to our church family. Meals need not be gourmet! 3rd Thursday Wednesday: 1st Thursday Last Thursday 3rd Saturday Please contact Heidi Peterson to be added to our list of providers or for more information. 4th Saturday Thank you for helping us be the hands and feet of Christ! St Gabriel's 5:30-6:30 1310 Mainstreet, Hopkins Grace Lutheran 5:30-6:30 18360 Mtka. Blvd., Deephaven Mtka Methodist Church 5:30-6:30 17661 Lake St Ext. 5:30-6:30 Faith Church 5:30-6:30 12007 Lake St. Ext Mt. Calvary Lutheran 5:30-6:30 301 Co. Rd. 19, Excelsior Excelsior Methodist 9-10:30 881 Third Ave, Excelsior Gethsemane Lutheran 11:30-1 715 Mtka Mills Rd., Hopkins Pass the word along to anyone you think might be interested. Heidi Peterson, Member Care Team Leader 952-936-9670 (h) | 612-990-0427 (c) | Did you also notice some meal gaps? Would MLC be able to fill in? ICA A HUGE thank you to all who participated the the MN Food Share drive in March. Your generosity and compassion resulted in a gift of over $1000 and 106 pounds of food. You provided meals for many of our neighbors in need. A good day starts with breakfast! A bowl of cereal (the kind without too much sugar) is one way to get that good start. And so CEREAL is the Food of the Month for May. You may leave your donation in the basket by the entry door or in the box in the hall. And please don't forget to bring your extra paper grocery bags. Families Moving Forward A Call For Volunteers A HUGE THANK YOU to all of the wonderful volunteers!! We couldn’t do this without you. We were delighted to have some new faces among the volunteers this round. Special thanks to our set up and take down crew, our grocery shopper Linda Peterson, our recruiter Sue Hlavac, and Sue Hanus on laundry duty . Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital is looking for volunteers to serve in a variety of services in the hospital as well as surrounding clinics. They are especially looking for volunteers willing to commit to four hours a week for 6 months. To volunteer or for more information, you may contact Amy Homstad, Manager, Volunteer Services, 952-993-5086. We had four families the first week: six adults and nine children. The weather was perfect to play on th eplyaground every day. Our families loved playing with the big kids!! The second week we had three families: four adults and 11 children. Busy bunch, but again great volunteers! Thanks! 8 The Water’s Edge May 2015 Refresh MLC! In an effort to make the MLC facilities a welcoming and effective ministry tool, the Refresh Enhancement Team has been busy interviewing and choosing an architectural firm that can provide us with some renderings based on a list of potential enhancements that could be included. We are hopeful that we will have something concrete to share by late May! April Council Meeting Highlights Nominations Ministry Team will have candidates to suggest for election to open positions at our May 3 Continuation Congregational Meeting. Treasurer Jo Koenig reports income for the year to date, $91,162.22, exceeds budget for the same period, $86,750.00. Expenses for the year to date, $101,047.09, also exceeded budget of $99,084.87, however. Pastor Bob, Stu Deuring, and Gary Schmidt will attend Minneapolis Area Synod Assembly next month, and Olivia Olson will be our Youth Representative. We’re looking forward to welcoming Nick Lowden, Cole Voigt and Wyatt Nelson as confirmed members. Council will select water-related Good Gifts for MLC’s firstquarter mission giving. Consider Electronic Giving Please know that the work of the church goes on all summer, and your regular offerings are vital to our ministries. Many people enjoy the ease and convenience of fulfilling their monthly financial obligations online—did you know that you can set up your church offering the same way? It is... Safe Secure Your Offering arrives faithfully, on time Annual Meeting Continuation— May 3, 2015 Try it out for a couple of months, if it doesn’t work for you, it is easy to cancel. The continuation of the Annual Meeting of Minnetonka Lutheran will be on May 3, 2015 at 12:00 pm in Friendship Hall, beginning with lunch (of course) prepared and served by our youth as a Youth Gathering fundraiser. Talk with John Winberg for more details, or call the church office. The Titanic was built by experts. The Ark was built by amateurs. 9 The Water’s Edge May 2015 Worship Sunday Morning—Narrative Lectionary May 3: Fifth Sunday of Easter (Annual Meeting Continuance Noon) 9:00am and 10:45am Romans 1:1-17, Matthew 9:10-13 “At the Beginning Was… the Gospel!” St. Paul starts his communication of the Gospel with the Gospel May 10: Sixth Sunday of Easter Romans:1-11, Matthew 11:28-30 “J C… The ‘Means’ of Grace!” St. Paul shares what Jesus Christ means to us 9:00am and 10:45am May 17: Seventh Sunday of Easter 9:00am (Confirmation) and 10:45am Romans 6:1-14, Matthew 6:24 “Newness of Life… for the Baptized!” St. Paul gives encouragement beyond same old same old May 24: Festival of Pentecost 9:30am (Summer Schedule begins) Romans 8:18-39, Acts 2:1-4 “When We Are Weak… the Spirit Is Strong for Us!” St. Paul inspires hope with promising words of comfort Summer Worship Beginning May 24, Memorial Day weekend and continuing through Labor Day weekend we will worship at one service on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. The worship styles will rotate: First Sunday: Contemporary Second Sunday: Blended Third Sunday: Traditional Fourth Sunday: Blended Fifth Sunday: Guest Musicians Prayers Cried Out! Healing Prayer Service Sunday, May 24, 10:40 AM {after 9:30am Worship} Library in Friendship Hall Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD. 2LORD, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications! Psalm 130:1-2 Crying out in affliction? Crying out for hope… Crying out for encouragement in isolation? God cares and still offers healing. Whether for you or someone you care for…prayer in Jesus’ Name and the power of the Spirit may yield the answers to your cries. Healing Prayer Service takes place monthly at MLC, capturing the power of God to console and comfort, refresh and strengthen. Claim the blessings and power of prayer in Jesus’ Name with the advantages of caring prayer warriors sharing burdens and celebrating joys. Respectful, Confidential, Discrete, Non-invasive, and Sincere Let your need and the urging of the Holy Spirit inspire you to come and capture the hope and blessings of gathering and praying in the power of Jesus’ Name. Member Care Healing Prayer Team 10 The Water’s Edge May 2015 May 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 9:00 AM Friday Boys 3 ICA Emphasis Sunday 9:00 AM Traditional Worship with HC / 1st Communion 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship 11:00 AM Great and Mighty Ministries in Youth Room 12:00 PM Annual Meeting Continuation 4 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study 7:00 PM Boy Scout Parent Meeting 5 9:00 AM Quilting Group 9:30 AM Al-Anon Meeting 6:00 PM Scout Parent Meeting 6:30 PM Forward XIX AA 6:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 PM Scout Troop 426 - Activity Rm 6 9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 6:00 PM Final Wednesday Night supper—BBQ. 6:30 PM Confirmation Class 6:45 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Rescue from Shipwreck - AA 7 9:00 AM Al - Anon 12:00 PM Painting Group 5:30 PM Worship Team Meeting 6:00 PM Edgy Waters Rehearsal 6:30 PM Tiger Cubs in Activity Room 8 9 9:00 AM Friday Boys 10 Mother's Day and Sunday School Choir 9:00 AM Traditional Worship 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship w/ HC 11:00 AM Great and Mighty Ministries in Youth Room 11 Newsletter Deadline 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study 12 9:30 AM Al-Anon Meeting 9:30 AM Hannah Cirlce Nancy Sorebo Host 4:15 PM CMTMT Mtg 5:30 PM Witness Team Meeting—Conference Rm 6:30 PM Forward XIX AA 6:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 PM Scout Troop 426 - Activity Rm 13 9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 6:00 PM Confirmation Rehearsal 6:30 PM Confirmation 6:45 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Rescue from Shipwreck - AA 14 15 9:00 AM Al - Anon 9:00 AM 1:30 PM Naomi Circle Friday Boys - Ephame Dehn Host 6:00 PM Edgy Waters Rehearsal 17 9:00 AM Traditional Worship with HC / Affirmation of Baptism 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship 11:00 AM Great and Mighty Ministries in Youth Room 18 Newsletter deadline 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study 7:00 PM MLC Book Group, Diane Reishus host 19 9:00 AM Quilting Group 9:30 AM Al-Anon Meeting 6:30 PM Forward XIX AA 6:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 PM Scout Troop 426 - Activity Rm 20 9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Rescue from Shipwreck - AA 21 9:00 AM Al - Anon 6:00 PM Den 3 in Youth Room 6:00 PM Edgy Waters Rehearsal 6:30 PM Pack 426 in Activity Room 7:00 PM Council Mtg - Conference Room 22 23 9:00 AM Friday Boys 24 9:30 AM Worship 11:00 AM Great and Mighty Ministries in Youth Room 12:00 PM Healing Service 25 Memorial Day—Office closed 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study 26 9:30 AM Al-Anon Meeting 6:30 PM Forward XIX AA 6:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 PM Scout Troop 426 - Activity Rm 27 Newsletter Assembly 9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Rescue from Shipwreck - AA 28 9:00 AM Al - Anon 6:00 PM Edgy Waters Rehearsal 6:30 PM Pack 426 in Activity Room 29 30 9:00 AM Friday Boys 31 9:30 AM Worship and HS Graduate Recognition 11:00 AM Great and Mighty Ministries in Youth Room 1:00 PM Helen Neuman Birthday Recognition 1 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study 7:00 PM Boy Scout Parent Meeting 2 9:00 AM Quilting Group 9:30 AM Al-Anon Mtg 6:00 PM Scout Parent Meeting 6:30 PM Forward XIX AA 6:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 PM Scout Troop 426 - Activity Rm 3 9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Rescue from Shipwreck - AA 4 9:00 AM Al - Anon 12:00 PM Painting Group 5:30 PM Worship Team Meeting 6:00 PM Edgy Waters Rehearsal 6:30 PM Tiger Cubs in Activity Room 5 6 9:00 AM Friday Boys 11 16 9:00 AM Fantastic Prayer Shawl Ministry Minnetonka Lutheran Church 16023 Minnetonka Boulevard Minnetonka, MN 55345 May 2015 Return service requested Inside From the Pastor page 3 News of the MLC Community page 4 Children, Youth and Family page 6 Mission Opportunities page 8 April Council Highlights page 9 May Worship Themes page 10 Summer Worship page 10 Healing Service page 10 May Calendar page 11 www.mtkalutheran. org 12 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #181 HOPKINS, MN 55343
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