6*'+4+5 Support, Education, Advocacy Vol 33 No 5 May 2015 Editor, Ann Akland ED/tĂŬĞŽŶƚĂĐƚ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͗ www.nami-wake.org (919) 848-4490 aakland@nami-wake.org )URPWKH3UHVLGHQW V'HVN Anxiety Disorders $Q[LHW\LVDQRUPDOUHDFWLRQWRVWUHVVDQGFDQDFWXDOO\EHEHQH¿FLDOLQVRPHVLWXDWLRQV)RUVRPH SHRSOHDERXWPLOOLRQ$PHULFDQDGXOWVLQDJLYHQ\HDUDQ[LHW\FDQEHFRPHH[FHVVLYH0DQ\ SHRSOHKDYHGLI¿FXOW\FRQWUROOLQJWKHLUVXIIHULQJDQGLWPD\QHJDWLYHO\DIIHFWWKHLUGD\WRGD\OLYLQJ 7KHUHDUHDZLGHYDULHW\RIDQ[LHW\GLVRUGHUVLQFOXGLQJSRVWWUDXPDWLFVWUHVVGLVRUGHU376' REVHVVLYHFRPSXOVLYHGLVRUGHU2&'DQGSDQLFGLVRUGHU&ROOHFWLYHO\DQ[LHW\GLVRUGHUVDUH DPRQJWKHPRVWFRPPRQPHQWDOGLVRUGHUVH[SHULHQFHGE\$PHULFDQV <RXPLJKWZRQGHUZK\ZHGRQRWKHDUPXFKDERXWDQ[LHW\RUGHUV,GRQRWUHPHPEHUOHDUQLQJ DERXWWKHPLQRXU1$0,HGXFDWLRQFODVVHV$OWKRXJKDWRQHWLPHLWZDVFRQVLGHUHGE\UHVHDUFKHUV to be less important than other disorders, such as schizophrenia and mood disorders, recent IXQGLQJE\1,0+KDVJHQHUDWHGUHVXOWVIURPEUDLQLPDJLQLQJWHFKQRORJ\WKDWVKRZWKDWWKH DP\JGDODDQGWKHKLSSRFDPSXVSOD\VLJQL¿FDQWUROHVLQPRVWDQ[LHW\GLVRUGHUV%\OHDUQLQJPRUH about how the brain creates fear and anxiety, researchers may be able to devise better treatments IRUDQ[LHW\GLVRUGHUV &XUUHQWWUHDWPHQWVXVXDOO\LQYROYHPHGLFDWLRQWRJHWKHUZLWKVSHFL¿FW\SHVRISV\FKRWKHUDS\ 0HGLFDWLRQRIWHQLQFOXGHVDQWLGHSUHVVDQWVWRJHWKHUZLWKDQWLDQ[LHW\GUXJVVXFKDV EHQ]RGLD]HSLQHV&RJQLWLYH%HKDYLRUDO7KHUDS\&%7LVWKHPRVWFRPPRQWKHUDS\XVHG LQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKPHGLFDWLRQV)RUVRPHRIXVVXSSRUWJURXSVKHOSXVJDLQIURPRWKHUV¶ H[SHULHQFHVDQGZLVGRP$QGDVLVWKHFDVHZLWKDOOPHQWDOLOOQHVVHVVWUHVVPDQDJHPHQW WHFKQLTXHVJRRGUHVWIXOVOHHSSURSHUGLHWDQGH[HUFLVHDOOUHVXOWLQDUHGXFWLRQRIV\PSWRPV 2QHGD\ZHFDQKRSHWKDWWKHVHGLVRUGHUVZLOOEHFXUHG)RUW\PLOOLRQSHRSOHDUHFRXQWLQJRQLW Thanks to our Celebration of Courage Sponsors Presented by UNC Rex Health Care Silver Bronze The Akland Family The Pearce Family CHAMPIONS Andrea Chase The C. Smith Family Ellen Airs in honor of the Aklands ADVOCATES DRG Counselling Tom & Susan Hadley Josie Douglas Bobby & Louise Jordan L. White Family Paul & Ann Robitaille Patricia Moore SUPPORTERS Ellen & Tom Clemmer Crystal Farrow Dorphine & James Galloway Kelly Goodfellow Kanki Japanese House of Steaks & Sushi Cindy Massey Jeff Mural Kathy Smith William Stanley Christine Taylor Sarah Weathersby Robert & Chary Sundstrom 6*'+4+5 NAMI Wake County Page 3 A Dark & Beautiful Dream Reverie A story like this doesn’t really have a beginning, but I guess I’ll start with the formalities to get them out of the way. In 2012 a certain health care provider diagnosed me with Mood Disorder Not Otherwise 6SHFL¿HGDVRUWRIFDWFKDOOODEHOWKDWWRPHEDVLFDOO\MXVWVHUYHV DVDOLWWOHJROGVWDURUEOXHULEERQDQXQZHOFRPHFHUWL¿FDWLRQWKDW \HSWKHUH¶VGH¿QLWHO\VRPHWKLQJZURQJ,WZDVDVLIVKHKDGVDLG “Congrats! I’m so sorry.” You see, it hadn’t come out of the blue. There was nothing surprising about it. For a long time I had had this feeling growing in me like a nocturne playing constantly in the back of my mind. It followed me from the end of high school to my new life in college and it seemed GHWHUPLQHGWRWLQJHHYHQP\ZHOOLQWHQWLRQHGQHZIULHQGVKLSVZLWK a dull, meretricious sheen. It was my fault, I knew, not theirs, as I pushed away opportunities and connections. How could they be expected to understand? ,WZDVP\GHFLVLRQWKHQWRJRLQWRVHHDSV\FKLDWULVWDIWHU,¿QLVKHG P\¿UVWWZRVHPHVWHUV0\SDUHQWVGLGQ¶WUHDOO\XQGHUVWDQGZKDW was going on at that point—and really, neither did I. In part, I guess that was why the diagnosis felt so empty to me: it didn’t help me understand myself any better. And I believed then, as I do now, that understanding is the key. An old friend of mine once mentioned that she suspected that neuroses 'DYLV0XPDKLVPRP6DOLO0XPD by Davis Muma were a natural consequence of “considering the problems of the self deeply.” For a long time I spiraled around the ideas I considered fundamental to my identity, dizzying myself with the search. I began to pull away from the world, and the isolation caused me to hide more and more of what I was feeling from others. I began to have nightmares every night, the fear of which translated into problems with insomnia and fatigue. At times I became so lethargic that during breaks when I didn’t have to go to class I would commonly lie awake in bed for hours, too exhausted to get up but somehow also unable to fall asleep. Eventually things got bad enough that for my own health I had to withdraw from school. The various medications I had been given by my psychiatrist brought me little respite—and really, the brands I’d tried were starting to add up to a truly formidable list. I won’t bore you here with the details of the lonely and tedious months I spent in VHOILPSRVHGH[LOHIURPWKH8QLYHUVLW\EXW,VKRXOGSUREDEO\WKURZ in a mention of an optimistic attempt at electroconvulsive therapy. 8QIRUWXQDWHO\WKHPRRGEHQH¿WVZHUHVKRUWOLYHGDQGH[SHFWHGO\ accompanied with about a year’s worth of both retrograde and anterograde amnesia. But at this point I’ve dwelt for too long on the problem, when what is far more important is the solution. I began writing today with the intention of explaining the change that came over me that has brought me out of a dark place. Mine is not an exceptional story. Far from it; PHQWDOLOOQHVVLVDQDOOWRRFRPPRQREVWDFOHIRUPRUHSHRSOHWKDQ we’d care to admit. Because of its persistent stigma, those who suffer from abnormal psychological conditions are rarely able to bring their experiences to popularly accepted avenues of discussion and expression. What is exceptional is the opportunity I have now been given, in the form of my recovery, to help elucidate the experience of WKRVHZKRVXIIHULQVLOHQFHDVZHOODV¿JKWWKHODUJHUEHDVWWKDWLVDWWKH root of so many of the problems of today: a societal lack of empathy. For me, one of the pivotal moments in my escape came in the form of, \RXJXHVVHGLWDERRN²VSHFL¿FDOO\7KH&ROOHFWRUE\-RKQ)RZOHVD 1963 novel detailing the abduction and subsequent imprisonment of a young art student by a simple clerk after he wins a large sum of money E\FKDQFH7KHPDMRULW\RIWKHERRNLVIRFXVHGRQWKHWLPHVSHQWE\ the two characters, Miranda Grey and Frederick Clegg, as prisoner DQGMDLORUUHVSHFWLYHO\,WWDNHVWKHIRUPRIDSV\FKRORJLFDOEDWWOHVHW almost entirely in a windowless room underneath Fred’s house. I read the novel quickly, fascinated by the switch in narration and its focus on intense isolation. As I got further and further into the story, I began to interpret the two characters as two potentials for myself. Miranda is idealistic, artistic, and imaginative, believing that genuine experience LVWKHKHDUWRIOLIHZKLOH&OHJJLVLQH[SUHVVLYHOLWHUDOPLQGHGDQG empty. To reinforce this duality, Miranda refers to Clegg as Caliban, alluding that the two of them are mirrored in the characters of the continued on page 4 NAMI Wake County 6*'+4+5 FRQWLQXHGIURPSDJH same names in Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The longer I read, the more I began to understand that Clegg and Miranda were two studies in loneliness, each with a terrifying conclusion. One is oblivious of the PRQVWHUKHKDVEHFRPHZKLOHWKHRWKHUVXIIHUVLQVLOHQFHRQO\WR¿QG relief in death. I found myself alone in my apartment one day, reading, when suddenly I realized that the small improvements I had been trying to make to my life weren’t going to be enough. At the end of a passage in which 0LUDQGDUHÀHFWVRQ&OHJJ,EHJDQWRFU\/\LQJE\P\VHOIRQP\EHG in darkness, I realized that to me, a life without expression, of silent VXIIHULQJZDVQRGLIIHUHQWIURP&OHJJ¶VXQIXO¿OOHGOLIHRI³FROOHFWLQJ´ ,ZHSWWKHQWHDUVRIVKDPHSDLQIXODQGVHOIDFFXVDWRU\ORDWKLQJ myself for turning inward, for the life I chose for myself in order to cope with my own pain. I had left so many caring people behind DQGGHQLHGFRXQWOHVVRWKHUVLQPLVJXLGHGVHOIGHIHQVHLQDQDFWWKDW ultimately only protected an empty husk of a human being. %XWWKHUHZDVVRPHWKLQJHOVHWKHUHWRRMR\-R\EHFDXVH,NQHZWKHQ that I had the power to change myself, that it wasn’t too late to make myself leave Clegg’s cellar. He wasn’t there and he didn’t hold the key. For me, unlike for so many others, the door was open. All I had to do was try it and it would open. I started exercising every day, eating better, taking long walks, reading and writing regularly, drawing, painting, even singing again. When someone stopped me on the street asking for a meal, I would buy it without hesitation. I began to read the QHZVSDSHUVRPHWKLQJWKDW,KDGIRXQGLQ¿QLWHO\GHSUHVVLQJEHIRUHEXW now instead of focusing on the violence and materialism and suffering Page 4 in the world, I marveled at the fact that there was so much life being lived. I developed a taste for foods I’d never eaten before, and every person I saw, I thought then: “I hope someone falls in love with them. They deserve it.” I know it sounds terribly cheesy. It wasn’t all about that book. It was about recognizing that I had been given this enormous gift called life and that I was young and that I still had so much to experience. A friend of mine who I had hurt in my own sadness inadvertently helped me to get over the past. Another had listened to me at a vulnerable WLPH6WLOODQRWKHUZHOFRPHGPHEDFNLQWRKLVOLIHZLWKRSHQDUPVRU LI\RXSUHIHUWKHDFWXDODJODVVRIEHHU,ZHQWWRP\SDUHQWVDQGP\ grandparents and I told them that I loved them, and then I kissed my dog rubbed my nose against her hair and sneezed. My point here is that at a critical moment I was able to recognize the importance of both seeing things for their beauty and expressing that appreciation to others. That’s what saved me from my own demons. Now I am determined to give voice to all modes of experience, even the painful or uncomfortable ones. I know that for me, the idea of becoming a writer is propelled by an unstoppable desire to understand the experiences of both myself and others—beyond that, the desire to link those experiences. I believe that that desire hinges on the practice of empathy, and that we as humans have an obligation to each other to try to understand their perspectives. To all of my friends who I lost touch with: I’m sorry. And to those who I haven’t met: I’m ready for your stories. Next to Normal SURGXFWLRQE\WKH1RUWK&DUROLQD7KHDWUH 1&7LVSDUWQHULQJZLWK7KH)RXQGDWLRQRI+RSH1$0,:DNH&RXQW\1$0,1&DQG7ULDQJOH)DPLO\6HUYLFHVWRDPSOLI\D PHDQLQJIXOFRPPXQLW\FRQYHUVDWLRQDERXWPHQWDOKHDOWKGXULQJWKLVSHUIRUPDQFHUXQ7KH3XOLW]HU3UL]H:LQQLQJ1H[WWR1RUPDO is the story of what appears to be a typical American family, yet their lives are anything but normal, as the mother struggles with ELSRODUGLVRUGHU)HDWXULQJDSRZHUIXODQGFRQWHPSRUDU\VFRUHE\7RP.LWWDQG%ULDQ<RUNH\1H[WWR1RUPDOWDNHVDXGLHQFHV LQWRWKHPLQGVRIHDFKFKDUDFWHUDQGSUHVHQWVWKHIDPLO\¶VVWRU\ZLWKORYHV\PSDWK\DQGKHDUWDVWKHIDPLO\GHDOVZLWKWKH XQSUHGLFWDELOLW\RIWKHLUPRWKHU¶VPHQWDOLOOQHVV 1H[WWR1RUPDOZLOOUXQ0D\DWWKH$-)OHWFKHU2SHUD7KHDWHULQWKH'XNH(QHUJ\&HQWHUIRUWKH3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV DQGZLOOIHDWXUH5DOHLJKQDWLYHDQG%URDGZD\VWDU/DXUHQ.HQQHG\DORQJVLGH5DYHQVFURIWDQG1&7&RQVHUYDWRU\DOXP(QJOLVK %HUQKDUGW%RWKDSSHDUHGWRJHWKHULQODVW\HDU¶VSURGXFWLRQRI/HV0LVHUDEOHV )RUWLFNHWVWR1&7KHDWUH¶VSURGXFWLRQRI1(;7721250$/ YLVLW1&7KHDWUHFRPRUFDOOWLFNHWPDVWHUDW NAMI Wake County 6*'+4+5 Page 5 Reprinted from April 16, 2015 Washington Post Editorial 0HQWDO+HDOWK&DUHLQWKH861HHGVD&KHFNXS 7KHFRXQWU\¶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¶VKHDOWKV\VWHPQHHGVWR GREHWWHUDWWUHDWLQJDOOW\SHV 7KH$IIRUGDEOH&DUH$FWKDVVLJQL¿FDQWO\LQFUHDVHGLQVXUDQFHFRYHUDJHIRUPHQWDOKHDOWKFDUH%XWWKDWPD\ QRWEHHQRXJKWRH[SDQGDFFHVVWRVSDUVHPHQWDOKHDOWKFDUHUHVRXUFHV%HVLGHVWKHJRYHUQPHQWLVDOUHDG\VSHQGLQJ ELOOLRQVRQPHQWDOLOOQHVVWUHDWPHQWLWKDVDQLQWHUHVWLQPDNLQJVXUHWD[SD\HUVJHWUHVXOWV 5HS7LP0XUSK\53DKDVDELOOWKDWZRXOGGRVR7KH+HOSLQJ)DPLOLHVLQ0HQWDO+HDOWK&ULVLV$FWLVPRUH comprehensive than other recent efforts to reform the system and perhaps has the brightest prospects in a divided &RQJUHVV7KHELOOZRXOGUHRUJDQL]HWKHELOOLRQVWKHIHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQWSRXUVLQWRPHQWDOKHDOWKVHUYLFHVSULRULWL]LQJ LQLWLDWLYHVEDFNHGE\VROLGHYLGHQFHDQGWUDFNLQJWKHLUVXFFHVV,WZRXOGFKDQJHWKHZD\0HGLFDLGSD\V²RULQWKLV FDVHXQGHUSD\V²IRUFHUWDLQPHQWDOKHDOWKWUHDWPHQWV,WZRXOGIXQGPHQWDOKHDOWKFOLQLFVWKDWPHHWFHUWDLQPHGLFDO VWDQGDUGV$QGLWZRXOGSXVKVWDWHVWRDGRSWSROLFLHVWKDWDOORZMXGJHVWRRUGHUVRPHVHYHUHO\PHQWDOO\LOOSHRSOHWR XQGHUJRWUHDWPHQW 1RWHYHU\RQHLVVDWLV¿HG6RPHSDWLHQWV¶DGYRFDWHVKDYHFRQGHPQHG0U0XUSK\¶VDSSURDFKDVFRHUFLYHDQG KDUPIXOWRWKRVHZKRQHHGKHOS7KHJRYHUQPHQWVKRXOGQRWEHH[SDQGLQJWKHV\VWHP¶VFDSDELOLW\WRKRVSLWDOL]HRU LPSRVHWUHDWPHQWRQWKRVHJRLQJWKURXJKVHYHUHHSLVRGHVWKH\VD\,WVKRXOGLQVWHDGEHLQYHVWLQJLQFRPPXQLW\FDUH WKDWKHDGVRIIWKHQHHGIRUPRUHVHULRXVWUHDWPHQW :HGRQRWVHHWKRVHDLPVDVPXWXDOO\H[FOXVLYHDQGQHLWKHUGRWKHELOO¶VEDFNHUV,WPDNHVREYLRXVVHQVHIRU WKHJRYHUQPHQWWREDFNFRPPXQLW\EDVHGFOLQLFVWKDWSURPLVHWRSUHYHQWLQGLYLGXDOV¶PHQWDOLOOQHVVHVIURPVSLUDOLQJRXW RIFRQWUROZKHQSRVVLEOH%XWVRPHSHRSOHZLWKYHU\VHYHUHGLVRUGHUVGRQRWNQRZRUGRQRWDGPLWWKDWWKH\DUHVLFN )RUDVPDOOFODVVZKRZLOOQRWDFFHSWWUHDWPHQWEHWZHHQKRVSLWDOYLVLWVRUUHSHDWDUUHVWVVWDWHVKDYHJRRGUHDVRQWR UHTXLUHWKHPWRDFFHSWFDUHXQGHUMXGLFLDOVXSHUYLVLRQ 0U0XUSK\¶VUHIRUPSDFNDJHPD\QRWSUHYHQWWKHQH[W6DQG\+RRNRU)UDQNOLQ5HJLRQDO%XWWKHFKDQJHV ZRXOGKHOSUHOLHYHDORWRIVXIIHULQJWKDWGRHVQRWPDNHWKHIURQWSDJH 5HDGPRUHDERXW7KH+HOSLQJ)DPLOLHVLQ0HQWDO+HDOWK&ULVLV$FWKHUH KWWSPXUSK\KRXVHJRYKHOSLQJIDPLOLHVLQPHQWDOKHDOWKFULVLVDFW 6*'+4+5 NAMI Wake County Page 6 1$0,:DNH6XSSRUW*URXSV&ODVVHVwww.nami-wake.org PEOPLE LIVING WITH A MENTAL ILLNESS :DNH&RXQW\$I¿OLDWHRIWKH1DWLRQDO$OOLDQFHRQ0HQWDO,OOQHVV 1$0,:DNHLVRIIHULQJfUHHSHHUVXSSRUWJURXSVZKHUHSHRSOH IDFLQJGLI¿FXOWLHVKDYHDVDIHSODFHWRYRLFHWKHLUFRQFHUQVDQG H[SORUHRSWLRQVIRUPDNLQJSRVLWLYHFKDQJHVLQWKHLUOLYHVZLWK RWKHUVZKRKDYHVLPLODUH[SHULHQFHV1RPDWWHUZKDW\RXU GLDJQRVLVRULVVXHVMRLQRQHRIRXU)UHH*URXSV1RQHHGWR FDOO-XVWFRPHE\DQGSDUWLFLSDWHZKHQ\RXFDQ7U\GLIIHUHQW JURXSVWR¿QGRQH\RXOLNHEHVW Connections Support Groups: +LJKODQG8QLWHG0HWKRGLVW&KXUFK5LGJH5G5DOHLJK 1&5P)LUVW0RQGD\VRIHDFKPRQWK *DUQHU8QLWHG0HWKRGLVW&KXUFK6HQLRU&HQWHU 0HWKRGLVW'ULYH*DUQHU1&127(7KLVJURXSLVRQ YDFDWLRQ´:HZLOOEHPDNLQJDQDQQRXQFHPHQWZKHQWKH FAMILY SUPPORT GROUPS )DPLO\IULHQGVRILQGLYXGDOVOLYLQJZLWKDQ\PHQWDOLOOQHVVHV +LJKODQG8QLWHG0HWKRGLVW&KXUFK5LGJH5G5DOHLJK 1&5RRPVSPRQWKH¿UVWWKUHH0RQGD\V RIHDFKPRQWK BASICS is an education program for parents and other caregivers of children and adolescents living with mental illnesses. The NAMI Basics course is taught by trained teachers who are the parent or other caregivers of individuals who developed the symptoms of mental illness prior to the age of 13 years. The course consists of six classes, each lasting Family to Family NEXT CLASS: Now accepting names for waiting list. Program Details: Free to family members, partners DQGVLJQL¿FDQWRWKHUVRILQGLYLGXDOVOLYLQJZLWK $VHULHVRIVHVVLRQVLVVWUXFWXUHGWRKHOSFDUHJLYHUV XQGHUVWDQGDQGVXSSRUWLQGLYLGXDOVZLWKVHULRXVPHQWDO VHVVLRQVFRQWLQXH,QWKHPHDQWLPHFRQWDFW+HDWKHU6FRWWIRU LQIRUPDWLRQKVFRWW#JPDLOFRP NEW Connections Group in Knightdale 1RUWKVLGH&RPPXQLW\&KXUFK1)LUVW$YHQXH .QLJKWGDOH1&0HHWLQJVHYHU\7KXUVGD\)RUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW/LVD3LUDW]N\OKSLUDW]N\#JPDLOFRP Stress & Depression Support Groups: 6W%HUQDGHWWH&DWKROLF&KXUFK:LOERQ5RDG)XTXD\ 9DULQD1&0HHWLQJVHYHU\0RQGD\SP &RQWDFW$UOLQH2¶+DUDDUOLQHRKDUD#JPDLOFRPIRUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ :DNH&RXQW\+XPDQ6HUYLFHV6ZLQEXUQH6W5DOHLJK 1&(YHU\)ULGD\SP5P &RQWDFW*HUU\$NODQGJDNODQG#QFUUFRPIRUPRUH :DNH)RUHVW8QLWHG0HWKRGLVW&KXUFK60DLQ6W:DNH )RUHVW1&SPQGDQGWK7XHVGD\VRIHDFKPRQWK )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW*RUGRQ*RJRODJRJRODJV# KRWPDLOFRPSKRQH &KULVWWKH.LQJ/XWKHUDQ&KXUFK5P:DOQXW6WUHHW &DU\1&QGWK7KXUVSP&RQWDFW-XG\ 'HKDYLOODQGIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQMXG\GHKDYL#PVQFRP for 2 ½ hours. Classes are scheduled once 15 people sign up for the waiting list. All instruction materials are FREE to participants. Please contact Shea Cleveland at shea.cleveland@ IUFRIUDOHLJKRUJRUWRUHJLVWHUDQGIRUPRUH information. LOOQHVVZKLOHPDLQWDLQLQJWKHLURZQZHOOEHLQJ7KHFRXUVH LVWDXJKWE\DWHDPRIWUDLQHG1$0,IDPLO\PHPEHU YROXQWHHUVZKRNQRZZKDWLWLVOLNHWRKDYHDORYHGRQH VWUXJJOLQJZLWKRQHRIWKHVHEUDLQGLVRUGHUV:HLQYLWH\RX WRHPDLOIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ$QGUHD:KLWHKRXVH&KDVH NAMIWakeF2F@gmail.com Les Girls Social Group - Dutch Treat Luncheon Saturday, May 23, 12:00 Noon, Golden Corral, 6129 Glenwood Ave. This is a social opportunity for people living with mental LOOQHVVDQGIDPLO\PHPEHUV(YHU\RQHLVLQYLWHGQRWMXVWJLUOVJX\VDUHZHOFRPH /XQFKLV'XWFKWUHDW 6*'+4+5 NAMI Wake County Page 7 Don’t forget that you still have time to be entered into our drawings for a free NAMI tote bag and $50 Visa Gift Card! When you help spread the word about the wonderful things NAMI Wake County does and how membership helps us VXVWDLQRXUPLVVLRQ\RXDUHKHOSLQJWRPDNHDGLIIHUHQFH:KHQDQHZPHPEHUMRLQVDQGQRWHVWKDWKHRUVKHZDV UHIHUUHGE\\RXWKLVLVUHTXLUHG <2851$0(:,//%((17(5(',172285'5$:,1* :HNQRZWKDWRXUPHPEHUV³JHWLW´QRZKHOSRWKHUV*(7,7WRR -XVWJLYHSRWHQWLDOPHPEHUVDFRS\RIWKHWKLVSDJHRIRXUQHZVOHWWHUDQGDVNWKHPWRDGGDQRWHZLWKWKHFRPSOHWHG form saying you referred them to NAMI Wake County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card by completing the information below or pay online by HPDLOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB JRLQJWRZZZQDPLZDNHRUJ0HPEHUVKWPO 3UHIHUHQFHIRUUHFHLSWRI,ULV1HZVOHWWHU &UHGLW&DUG7\SH9LVD0DVWHU&DUG'LVFRYHU&DUG (PDLOQRWL¿FDWLRQBBBBBBB86360DLOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1XPEHUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &KHFNDOOWKDWDSSO\ 1$0(RQ&DUGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,DPDPHQWDOKHDOWKSURIHVVLRQDOBBB)DPLO\PHPEHUBBB ,QGLYLGXDO/LYLQJZLWK0HQWDO,OOQHVVBBB)ULHQGBBBBBBBBBB 6HFXULW\12RQ5HYHUVHBBBBBH[SLUDWLRQBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 6LJQDWXUHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1$0,:DNH&RXQW\LVDFRUJDQL]DWLRQ and donations and dues are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Make checks out to NAMI Wake County and mail with the form to 1$0,:DNH&RXQW\32%R[5DOHLJK1& 0D\ZHVKDUH\RXUHPDLOZLWK1$0O1&"BBBBB $UH\RXLQWHUHVWHGLQYROXQWHHULQJ"BBBBB 1$0,LVDWKUHHOHYHORUJDQL]DWLRQ:KHQ\RXMRLQ 1$0,:DNH&RXQW\:(3$<\RXUGXHVWR1$0,1RUWK &DUROLQDDQG1$0,QDWLRQDO 1$0,:DNH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV *HUU\$NODQG 3UHVLGHQW $PDQGD-RKDQVRQ $W/DUJH $QQ$NODQG 3DVW3UHVLGHQW /RXLVH-RUGDQ $W/DUJH $QGUHD&KDVH 3UHVLGHQW(OHFW 0DU\2¶1HDO $W/DUJH (OOHQ%HWWV&OHPPHU 6HFUHWDU\ 3DXO5RELWDLOOH 7UHDVXUHU 'RURWK\&OLIW $W/DUJH :LOOLDP6WDQOH\ $W/DUJH -XGLWK'H+DYLOODQG $W/DUJH &KULVWLQH7D\ORU $W/DUJH 7RP+DGOH\ 0HPEHUVKLS6HFUHWDU\ $QMX9HUPD $W/DUJH NAMI Wake County P.O. Box 12562 Raleigh, NC 27605-2562 1RQSUR¿W2UJDQL]DWLRQ U.S. Postage PAID Raleigh, NC NAMI Wake County May2015 1R0D\0RQWKO\(GXFDWLRQ0HHWLQJ May Is Mental Health Month Each year millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental health condition. During the month of May, NAMI and the rest of the country are bringing awareness to mental illness. Each year we ¿JKWVWLJPDSURYLGHVXSSRUWHGXFDWHWKHSXEOLFDQGDGYRFDWHIRUHTXDOFDUH(DFK\HDUWKHPRYHPHQW grows stronger. In 2013, President Obama proclaimed May as National Mental Health Awareness Month and brought the issue of mental health to the forefront of our nation’s thoughts. We believe that these issues are important to address year round, but highlighting these issues during May provides a time for people to come together and display the passion and strength of those working to improve the lives of the tens of millions of Americans affected by mental illness
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