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JUNE 4, 2015
The Federal Emergency Management Agency and Ad Council Release new
PSAs in Partnership with New Movie San Andreas
Beach Dangers
Hurricane Preparedness: Home Edition
Webinar For Faith-based and Community Organizations on Youth
Preparedness Resources and Partnerships
Dates for Your Calendar!
The Federal Emergency Management Agency
and Ad Council Release new PSAs in
Partnership with New Movie San Andreas
In an effort to raise awareness of earthquake preparedness, the
Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) and the Ad Council have partnered with Warner Brothers to
launch a new series of public service advertisements (PSA’s) featuring
scenes from the action thriller San Andreas, starring Dwayne Johnson.
The PSA’s educate audiences on the three steps to take if an earthquake
strikes; “Drop, Cover and Hold On.” The PSA’s direct audiences to, where visitors can access more information on how
to protect themselves, their families, and property before, during, and after
an earthquake.
“Earthquakes can occur anywhere in the U.S. without warning,” said FEMA
Administrator Craig Fugate. “The PSA provides earthquake safety tips that
are vital to preparing yourself and your family to react quickly, which will
save lives.”
For more information about the PSA’s, please read the full press release.
Beach Dangers
Now that warmer weather is here, you may be planning some fun in the sun
with a beach getaway. But before you hit the sand, check out the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) safety tips for Nine
Dangers at the Beach, including lightning.
According to NOAA, lightning strikes the United States about 25 million
times a year and an average of 33 lightning deaths occurred in the United
States each year from 2006-2013. Although most lightning occurs in the
summer, people can be struck any time there is a thunderstorm.
Remember, if you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to strike you!
There is no safe place outside when thunderstorms are in the area. When
thunder roars, go indoors! Move immediately to a safe shelter: a
substantial building with electricity or plumbing, or an enclosed, metaltopped vehicle with the windows up.
As you plan your beach vacation, follow these NOAA tips to reduce the risk
of being struck by lightning:
Plan ahead and know where to go for safety;
Monitor weather conditions;
Cancel or postpone activities if thunderstorms are in the forecast;
Take action early so you have time to get to a safe place; and
Stay in the safe shelter at least 30 minutes after you hear the last
sound of thunder.
Hurricane Preparedness: Home Edition
The Atlantic hurricane season runs June 1 – November 30! Now is good
time to prepare your home for hurricanes, which are often accompanied by
harsh winds and flooding. Taking a few simple, but important steps before a
hurricane strikes can help you mitigate property damage. The How to
Prepare for a Hurricane guide from America’s PrepareAthon! has valuable
information about these powerful storms and how to protect yourself and
your property.
On page 12 of the guide, you’ll find information about ways to protect your
home, including:
Cover your home's windows using impact-resistant glazing or
permanent storm shutters, which offer the best protection. You can
also board up windows with 5/8 inch plywood, cut to fit and ready to
Install metal brackets and straps to strengthen the connection
between your home’s roof and wall systems;
Bring patio furniture, garden tools, garbage cans, and toys inside;
Elevate the furnace, water heater, and electric panel if the location is
susceptible to flooding; and
Keep gutters and drains free of debris.
Since flooding often occurs during a hurricane, it is also important to
consider flood insurance protection. Flood insurance is the only way to
financially protect your property from flood damage. Visit
for more information about flood insurance.
Webinar For Faith-based and Community
Organizations on Youth Preparedness
Resources and Partnerships
The Department of Homeland Security Center for Faith-based &
Neighborhood Partnerships, FEMA’s Individual and Community
Preparedness Division and whole community partners invite you to join a
co-hosted a webinar intended to help connect faith-based and community
organizations to tools and resources for youth preparedness activities.
Audience members will hear from organizations that are affirmers of the
National Strategy for Youth Preparedness Education and how they can work
alongside youth and leverage existing resources and partnerships to
increase preparedness in communities.
Title: Getting Youth Involved In Emergency Preparedness
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm (EDT)
How to Join the Webinar:
Adobe Connect Registration Web Link.
Please register for the event. Be sure to test your Adobe Connect
connection prior to the meeting.
The webinar will conclude with a 10-minute Q&A session and offer
closed captioning.
Dates for Your Calendar!
June 10: New Hampshire Emergency Preparedness Conference –
Manchester, NH
June 17 – 20: New York State Association of Fire Chiefs Conference &
Expo – Verona, NY
June 19 – 22: U.S. Conference of Mayors – San Francisco, CA
June 22 – 25: National Fire Protection Agency Conference & Expo –
Chicago, IL
June 23: Getting Youth Involved in Emergency Preparedness Webinar
Disclaimer: The reader recognizes that the federal government provides
links and informational data on various disaster preparedness resources and
events and does not endorse any non-federal events, entities, organizations,
services or products. Please let us know about other events and services for
individual and community preparedness that could be included in future
newsletters by contacting
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