Keeping Minnesota Ready SEVERE WEATHER AWARENESS WEEK IS APRIL 13-17, 2015 This is the time to reach out to your community and help them get ready for the severe weather season. Minnesota media outlets will be highlighting this information, so this is a great time to encourage your local residents and businesses to review their emergency preparedness plans and teach them how to be prepared and ready for a safe and enjoyable summer season. STATEWIDE TORNADO DRILLS ARE SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY, APRIL 16 AT 1:45 P.M. AND 6:55 P.M . Be aware! Sirens and NOAA weather radios are expected to sound for the two tornado drills across the state, so use this excellent opportunity to conduct community outreach and safety education. During Severe Weather Awareness Week each day’s theme highlights one of the top weather threats in Minnesota and how to be informed and prepared for them. Each day of the week focuses on a different topic. • • • • • Monday — Tuesday — Wednesday — Thursday — Friday — Alerts and Warnings Severe Weather, Lightning and Hail Floods Tornadoes (with statewide tornado drills) Extreme Heat PREPARE YOUR COMMUNITY Include preparedness activities at community events. Consider local events already scheduled in your community, such as state or county fairs, festivals, parades, or sporting events. Encourage local businesses and civic groups to help. Ask local Scouts, Lions, chambers of commerce, etc. to set up a booth to distribute emergency preparedness information, recruit volunteers, and discuss preparedness plans within your community. Host a Local Preparedness Fair. Reach out to prominent organizations in your community, such as faith-based and community organizations, businesses, and schools to help coordinate a preparedness fair. Help local organizations and businesses conduct exercises or drills. Schedule an emergency exercise or drill. Once completed, help evaluate and decide if new procedures or training are needed. HELP PROMOTE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS IN YOUR COMMUNITY Specific information about these topics, including factsheets, checklists, data and other resources, is provided on the HSEM Weather Safety or at the National Weather Service, Chanhassen websites. Contact us for comments, questions or support at
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