Volume 45, Issue 4 In This Issue: ANotefromtheChairP1 AwardsandRecognitions! KenLyleis2015ACSOutreachVolunteerof theYearP2 MarceyL.WatersisNC‐ACSDistinguished Lecturerfor2015!P3 TheNC‐ACSProjectSEEDTeamselectedto receive2015MarcusHobbsaward!P4 WeitaoYangwinsFloridaAwardofACSP5 AlCrumblissandTimKreulenreceive2015 ACSDivisionofInorganicChemistryAward P5 MaryGlesnerwinsLillyTravelGrantP6 Events NC‐ACSDurhamBullsNightAug3P6 FormerACSHeadMadeleineJacobsSpeaks atStateoftheSciencesonApril21P7 SERC:BuildingtheDye‐SensitizedSolar FuelDeviceP8 25thISHCCongress,Aug23‐28,UCSBP9 TriangleSoftMatterWorkshop,May11P10 2015TriangleChromatography SymposiumandInstrumentExhibit,May 21P11 EducationOpportunity! NCSSMSummerAcceleratorProgramP12 CallforVolunteers TriangleSciTechExpoin2015 P13 NC‐ACS at the FestivalfortheEnoRiver! P13 1stAnnualGreenHopeHighSchool ScienceFairneedsjudges!P14 SpotlightonLocalBusinesses! ReichholdP15 ProjectSEED Sponsorsneededtoprovidein‐lab summerresearchexperiencesfor disadvantaged studentsP17 FromtheNC‐ACSHistorian FrancesCampbellBrown,theFirst WomanontheDukeChemistryFaculty P18 nextpage April 2015 A Note from the Chair Dear Fellow Chemical Professionals and Enthusiasts, In January, I attended the ACS Leadership Institute with Dorian Canelas, our Chair‐Elect, and had a wonderful opportunity to meet the President, CEO and the Board of Directors and discuss local sections matters. Some of the themes that we brought up for discussion resonated with the efforts the ACS is trying to achieve nationally. Increasing the participation of our industry affiliated members was one of the main agenda brought forth by the new CEO, Thomas M. Connelly Jr, and this is certainly something that we have been trying to achieve as a local section. I would like to appeal to our industry members to put forward suggestions on how we can forge industry partnerships and increase our industry membership participation in our local section. During the interactions with other local section leaders, it became obvious that we all face the challenge of organizing events that engage our members across large geographical distance. It is wonderful to see a number of our section members travel to RTP area to be part of our Local Section Conference; however, it would be outstanding if we can organize events to engage our members who are not located in the RTP area. Through this note, I would like to request our members working outside to RTP to contact me or the members of the Executive Committee to discuss ideas and options to organize local ACS event that will engage and benefit local ACS members in your immediate surroundings. ACS Leadership Institute in Dallas also introduced me to a significant number of our section members contributing at the national ACS level in various capacities. It was wonderful to meet our section members at a national event of such magnitude. I am certain that more members of our section are contributing at the national level, and we will like to recognize your service to the ACS. As a part of this recognition we are going to start a new series in the TarHelium highlighting our local section members contributing at the national ACS level as committee members, career counselors, editors of the April 2015 Page 2 The TarHelium ACS National News News from the March 2015 National ACS Meeting in Denver Colorado P19 Local Section Discussion Groups and Committees Dinosaurs to Dinosaurs? P21 Younger Chemists Committee‐ Networking Social P22 LOCAL SECTION DISCUSSION GROUPS AND COMMITTEES!! P23 Connect to Triangle Area Science Cafés and Pints of Science! P24 New Education List Serves!!!! P25 NC‐ACS ListServs P26 NCACS is on Facebook and LinkedIn P26 NC‐ACS Local Section Executive Committee Meetings P27 Welcome New Members for January and February 2015! P28 NC‐ACS Local Section Executive Committee P29 The TarHelium is a publication of The North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society (NCACS) Suraj Dhungana, Chair Dorian Canelas, Chair Elect Caroline Sloan, Secretary J. T. Bursey, Treasurer Jamie Saunders, TarHelium Editor TheTarHeliumispublished4timesayear. Thenews‐lettercanbeviewedat http://ncacs.sites.acs.org/tarheliumnewsle tter.htm. Theviewsexpressedhereinarenot necessarilythoseoftheSection. Articles,Announcements,Advertisements andotherContentmaybesenttoJamie Saundersforconsideration.Pleaseusethe emailaddress: jamie@saundersgraphics.com Thephonenumberis 919545‐9581. ACS publications, etc. Please help me in identifying and highlighting the efforts of our section members. With this request, it is only fitting to have this issue of TarHelium highlight the some of the national and local awards and recognitions received by our section members. Congratulations to all the recipients!!! The NC ‐ACS has hit the ground running in 2015 with a number of successful activities. Both SCC and YCC have already hosted engaging and unique local sections events. We have a number of other events that are coming up (Triangle SciTech Expo in 2015 on April 11, P13) or have been scheduled (NC‐ACS night out at the Durham Bulls for August 3, P6). The former CEO and executive director of the ACS Dr. Madeleine Jacobs, P7 will be speaking at the NCSU campus on April 21 (Details inside). Please look for the announcements on our upcoming events and volunteering opportunities, some of which are listed in this issue of TarHelium. As always, we look forward to seeing you in one of our events. If you have other ideas, or other questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me or other members of the Executive Committee, all of whom are listed on the last page of every TarHelium. Sincerely, Suraj Dhungana suraj_dhungana@hotmail.com Awards and Recognitions! Ken Lyle is 2015 ACS Outreach Volunteer of the Year Dr. Ken Lyle received the 2015 ACS Outreach Volunteer of the Year award for his extraordinary outreach activities to the local schools and museums over the past decade. Ken has served thousands of school children using an army of undergraduate and graduate students at Duke University to give chemical demonstration presentations. He also developed and hosts a huge local event called Science under the Stars. Our sincere gratitude to Ken for all his efforts and Congratulations!!! Return to Index April 2015 Page 3 The TarHelium Awards and Recognitions! Marcey L. Waters is NC‐ACS Distinguished Lecturer for 2015! Marcey L. Waters received her BA in 1992 from the University of California, San Diego and Ph.D. in 1997 from the University of Chicago working with Professor William D. Wulff. After completing an NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship at Columbia University working with Professor Ronald Breslow, she joined the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1999. In her fourteen years at UNC Chapel Hill, Marcey has established herself as a recognized leader in two related but distinct areas: the role of aromatic interactions in biomolecular recognition and the factors that control beta‐sheet structure and function. Marcey’s breadth of impact in chemical sciences research is particularly impressive; her work spans peptide structure/function to supramolecular chemistry to chemical biology. Marcey’s research has achieved international recognition in a wide range of fields, as illustrated by her invitations to speak at a diverse set of international conferences, including recent conferences in Canada, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, and Japan. In 2013, Marcey co‐ chaired the 23rd American Peptide Society meeting/6th International Peptide Society meeting and in doing so was the first woman to co‐chair this meeting in its 23‐year history. She serves on the advisory board of the International Symposia on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry as well as for the Journal of the American Chemical Society. In addition to her leadership and research achievements, Marcey is a respected mentor and teacher. In support of the NC‐ACS Project SEED Program, Marcey served as a mentor from 2002 – 2012. In 2014, Marcey was named the Gordon and Bowman Gray Distinguished Term Professor and received UNC’s Tanner Award for Undergraduate Teaching. Marcey began her independent research career investigating controlling beta‐sheet folding, and her work in this area has provided seminal insights into the factors that drive folding and influence function. Her studies provide valuable fundamental insights into protein structure/function relationships that provide a basis for understanding beta‐sheet structure in both native protein function and disease. Marcey has also utilized the beta‐hairpin model system to investigate the nature of aromatic interactions in water. Her work provides the broadest study of aromatic interactions in a single biologically relevant model system and provides insights into little understood interactions such as carbohydrate‐pi interactions and the binding of post‐translationally modified amino acids that mediate protein protein interactions involved in controlling gene expression. This has led to the ability to study a wide range of noncovalent interactions and critical new insights into key protein‐protein interactions involved in gene expression. Her accomplishments in her field led to a significant research award from the W. M. Keck Foundation. Marcey has over 60 publications and over 100 invited academic, industrial, and conference lectures. Dr. Waters will deliver a lecture at the 129th Local Section Meeting in the fall and will also receive a monetary award and a plaque. http://ncacs.sites.acs.org/History/Distinguished%20Speakers%20Award/index.html Paige Presler‐Jur pjur@rti.org Return to Index April 2015 Page 4 The TarHelium Awards and Recognitions! The NC‐ACS Project SEED Team selected to receive 2015 Marcus Hobbs Award! By Laura Sremaniak Mary Ellen Budzyna Barrington Ross Michael Cherry Donald Guth Faye McNeal Tyjuanna LaBennett The NC‐ACS Team of long‐time staff and volunteers includes Ms. Mary Ellen Budzyna, Mr. Michael Cherry, Mr. Donald Guth, Ms. Tyjuanna LaBennett, Ms. Faye McNeal, and Mr. Barrington Ross. This team has participated in the selection of disadvantaged students to our program and supervised them during their summer research projects, teaching them laboratory safety, research methodologies, teamwork and problem solving skills. They have reviewed their research presentations and reports, accompanied them to numerous science competitions, assisted with college applications and scholarships, and coordinated the financial and administrative aspects of the program. Well over 100 students have benefited from their collective efforts and nearly all of those have been accepted to and completed bachelor's degrees, often with full scholarships, and Return to Index April 2015 Page 5 The TarHelium many have gone on to graduate and professional schools. Many SEED alumni stay connected with them, which is a tribute to the impact they have made on the lives of these students. This group of Marcus Hobbs awardees truly embody the spirit of the award for longstanding service to the local, North Carolina section of the ACS. Weitao Yang wins Florida Award of ACS Weitao Yang has won the Florida Award of the ACS; he will receive the award on May 10, 2014 at the Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition where a symposium will be held in his honor. Prior Duke Chemistry awardees include pioneering colleagues Paul Gross (1952) and Charles Hauser (1957). Congratulations Weitao! From: Duke University, Trinity College of Arts and Sciences website: http://chem.duke.edu/news‐announcements/prof‐yang‐wins‐florida‐award‐acs Al Crumbliss and Tim Kreulen receive 2015 ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Award Al Crumbliss and Tim Kreulen (B.S. Chem, ’14) were selected to receive the 2015 ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry (DIC) Award for Undergraduate Research. Tim gave a presentation on his work at the 2015 Spring ACS meeting in Denver, and he received a cash prize in addition to a plaque. As the student's preceptor, Al also received a plaque for permanent display. It’s a well‐deserved recognition that stems from thoughtful undergraduate student mentoring. From: Duke University, Trinity College of Arts and Sciences website: http://chem.duke.edu/news‐announcements/crumbliss‐and‐kreulen‐receive‐2015‐acs‐division‐inorganic‐ chemistry‐award‐0 Return to Index April 2015 Page 6 The TarHelium Awards and Recognitions! Mary Glesner wins Lilly Travel Grant Mary Glesner of Duke University, Department of Chemistry won the WCC/Eli Lilly Travel award. Ms. Mary Glesner is a graduate student in the group of Dr. Michael Therien. The Eli Lilly travel grant is a competitive award and Mary was one of 8 female students recognized at the WCC poster session and luncheon, and at a private breakfast with ACS Executive Director and CEO, Tom Connelly. See also the Duke University, Trinity College of Arts and Sciences website: http://chem.duke.edu/news‐announcements/glesner‐wins‐lilly‐travel‐grant Events! Please mark your calendars for the NC‐ACS night out at the Durham Bulls on August 3, 2015! More information to follow in May including EventBrite registration. Game Date: 8/3/2015 Game Time: 7:05 PM Opponent: Indianapolis Indians Tickets will be $15/Person and include a Picnic Dinner! Return to Index April 2015 Page 7 The TarHelium Events! College of Sciences Former ACS Head Madeleine Jacobs Speaks at State of the Sciences on April 21 What: Dr. Madeleine Jacobs, the former CEO and executive director of the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific group, will deliver the College’s annual State of the Sciences lecture. Jacobs will address the importance of diversifying the STEM workforce pipeline and supporting underrepresented students in the sciences. Who: This event is free and open to the public. Space is limited, so please RSVP to marla_gregg@ncsu.edu to reserve a seat. When: 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21. A reception with the speaker will begin at 5 p.m. Where: 2203 SAS Hall on NC State’s North Campus. Parking is available adjacent to the building and in the Reynolds Coliseum Parking Deck. More information: This event is part of the College’s Science Unscripted Events Series. Return to Index April 2015 Page 8 The TarHelium Events! Building the Dye-Sensitized Solar Fuel Device A symposium on energy conversion and storage held at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SAVE THE DATES: October 15 ‐ 16, 2015 ‐ Held at the William and Ida Friday Center We are excited to announce the 6th annual Solar Energy Research Conference. The topics will focus on solar energy conversion, light driven electron transfer and energy transfer. Our speakers will include faculty from the University of North Carolina, Duke University, and North Carolina State University. Graham Fleming Marc Baldo Laura Gagliardi Tobin Marks UC Berkeley MIT University of Minnesota Northwestern Ben Schwartz Mark Ratner Yiying Wu UCLA Northwestern Ohio State Significant progress has been made since our first conference six years ago and we hope you will join us to learn more at this day and a half long event. Conference Organizers: Thomas J. Meyer Gerald J. Meyer James Cahoon Director Co-Director Assistant Professor Events! Return to Index April 2015 Page 9 The TarHelium Events! Return to Index April 2015 Page 10 The TarHelium Events! Return to Index April 2015 Page 11 The TarHelium Events! Mark Thursday, May 21 on your 2015 calendar! for the 2015 Triangle Chromatography Symposium and Instrument Exhibit Sponsored by the Triangle Chromatography Discussion Group and the North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society Thursday, May 21, 2015 at the McKimmon Conference and Training Center North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina A symposium of 4 invited Keynote Speakers covering a wide range of topics of interest to practicing chromatographers in all fields of endeavor. See the TCDG web site for Registration Details and Updates of event information: www.TCDG.org CALL FOR POSTERS – Student posters (4' × 8') are solicited for any aspect of chromatography, its application, and ancillary areas. DEADLINE for submission of an abstract ≤ 150 words is May 15, 2015 (email to poster chair). Cash prizes will be awarded for the best posters submitted by students and meeting submission requirements. [See www.tcdg.org Symposium page for details] KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Carolyn Q. Burdette, Ph.D., Chemical Sciences Division, NIST “LC‐MS Techniques for Vitamin D and Vitamin D Metabolite Measurements” Megan Grabenauer, Ph.D., Center for Forensic Sciences, RTI International “Can drug use be distinguished from external contamination in hair drug testing?” Richard Robinson, Senior Research Scientist, Metabolon, Inc “Chromatographic separations of polar metabolites in non‐targeted metabolomics” Lee Ferguson, Ph.D., Associate, Professor, Duke University Currently Registered Exhibitors Chiral Technologies, Inc. Spectrum Chemical Government Scientific Source Thermo Fisher Scientific Metrohm USA VORTEX Sales Group Neta Scientific, Inc Waters Corporation Pace Analytical Wheaton/MicroLiter Up to 4 Exhibitor Seminars will be presented concurrent with the Symposium and Exhibit. Return to Index April 2015 Page 12 The TarHelium Education Opportunity! Summer 2015 Applications Open A summer program that propels learning and expands horizons. The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) Summer Accelerator and Early Accelerator programs offer an experience for talented students from anywhere in the world that fuses hands‐on learning with collaboration while diving into unique STEM topics. Our featured course this week is Computational Chemistry. What are the goals of this course? 1. Describe the capabilities and limitations of studying chemical systems in a computational environment, 2. Create and submit "jobs" to the North Carolina High School Computational Chemistry server, and be able to interpret and analyze some of the basic results of those calculations, 3. Describe some of the underlying mathematics of computational chemistry, and 4. Conduct a number of structured and unstructured "case studies" in various areas of chemistry. Who can apply? Talented rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students from anywhere in the world. Please note that we have a number of other courses for students in grades 7 ‐ 12. What does the cost cover? Tuition & fees, Room & board, Activities, Shuttle service What are the dates? There are three seasons to choose from. You can find the dates for this course and others on our website. Learn more and apply www.ncssm.edu/accelerator Return to Index April 2015 Page 13 The TarHelium Call for Volunteers Triangle SciTech Expo in 2015 The North Carolina Section of the ACS is returning to the Triangle SciTech Expo in 2015! The Expo is part of the North Carolina Science Festival, a statewide celebration of science and engineering (http://www.ncsciencefestival.org/) in mid‐April. The SciTech Expo will be held on Saturday, April 11th, 2015 and will run from 9 am ‐ 5 pm. NCACS will be at the event, where we will perform demonstration activities themed around "The Chemistry of Life," or the chemistry that happens every day inside and around our bodies. We are searching for volunteers to perform demonstrations for visitors during the day. We will have three shifts, a morning, a lunch, and an afternoon shift, but the shift times are flexible (and lunch will be provided to volunteers working 2 or more shifts by the Museum of Natural Science). The event averages over 6000 attendees, making it a great opportunity for us to help to get people excited about science and chemistry! In addition to the public benefits of the activity, it's also a good chance to learn about an area of science that you may not have used recently. The event is supported by professionals from a number of companies in the Triangle, making it an ideal venue to meet professionals in an area you’re interested in. If you are interested in taking part in the activity, please fill out the Volunteer Response Form at: http://goo.gl/forms/ueAeQqvXzh If you have any questions about the SciTech Expo or other NCACS outreach, please contact James Harrington at mailto:mhtorringjan@yahoo.com. We're looking forward to seeing you! James M. Harrington Outreach Coordinator North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society http://ncacs.sites.acs.org/ Summer is coming, and that means the Festival for the Eno River! For the past three years, the North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society has held a booth at the Festival to share our love of chemistry and the environment with guests. The festival is an annual celebration of the river and its ecosystem that is held at West Point on the Eno Park around the 4thof July. This year’s festival will be held on July 4‐5, 2015 (Saturday and Sunday) from 10 am to 6 pm both days. Presentations in the past have included interactive demonstrations and discussions of climate science, sustainable energy, and environmental chemistry. The booth is a free‐flowing presentation where visitors will cycle through at their leisure during the day. NCACS is seeking Co‐coordinators to organize this year’s efforts. The festival serves as an important outreach activity for the local section during the summer months that allows us to speak to the role of chemistry in the Return to Index April 2015 Page 14 The TarHelium environment and in addressing large scale environmental problems. The Co‐coordinators will work with together with guidance from the previous coordinator to organize the volunteers’ schedules, plan activities, purchase supplies, and organize the efforts on the ground at the event. Why you should volunteer: ‐ Leadership development opportunity ‐ Get experience managing a budget ‐ Opportunity to educate the public on the importance of chemistry in their lives ‐ Connect with professionals and other members of ACS ‐ Free entry to the Festival on all days including all musical performances and craftspeople If you are interested in assisting to coordinate the booth at the Festival for the Eno this year, please contact me by April 20th at: mhtorringjan@yahoo.com or 336‐508‐6692 Please provide your name and contact information, and I will get in touch with you to discuss the position and the event further. James M. Harrington Outreach Coordinator North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society Website: http://ncacs.sites.acs.org/ Twitter: @NCAmChemSoc Follow us on Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn 1st Annual Green Hope High School Science Fair Hello, I would like to invite any science professionals as a judge to the 1st Annual Green Hope High School Science Fair. If you are a researcher or in any profession in a science related industry in Research Triangle Park, please consider this volunteering experience. This is a public event and we hope to have a great turn out. The event is on May 1st at Green Hope High School. If you are interested in volunteering your time to this event please reply to this email as soon as possible. The GHHS Science Fair is hosted by Green Hope's very own Stop Hunger Now Club. This event is conducted as awareness to our cause and as a possible fundraiser. Stop Hunger Now is a global charity headquartered in Raleigh to end hunger around the world. As a judge you would score each participant and choose winners. If you are unable to join us at this amazing event, please forward this email to your colleagues and other science professionals. If you are unable to join us as a judge, please consider coming to the event as a visitor. If you would like to join us, please email me back at Gkdass113@gmail.com. Thanks, Gokul Dass Return to Index April 2015 Page 15 The TarHelium Spotlight on Local Businesses! Reichhold is one of the world’s largest suppliers of polyester resins (UPR) for composite applications as well as a leader in coatings and graphic arts with annual revenue of Reichhold is headquartered at the Imperial Center in but has a global presence with 19 manufacturing sites and 5 centers located around the world. Reichhold has 1,300+ worldwide with about 120 residing in the Durham, NC headquarters facility. unsaturated market $1.1B. Durham, NC technology employees Reichhold world Headquarters and Technology Center in Durham NC. Reichhold got its start in 1924 when Henry Helmuth Reichhold moved from Europe to the United States and started working for the Ford Motor Company in the paint department where was tasked by Henry Ford to develop a quick‐drying automotive paint. Borrowing technology created by the Reichhold family in Austria, Henry was able to deliver a new resin‐based paint that reduced the drying time from days or even weeks to hours while imparting better color and durability. In 1927 Henry Reichhold went on to form his own company which has continued to offer a history of innovation and commitment to customer service. Henry H. Reichhold Today, Reichhold is composed of two business units; Composites and Coatings of which Composites makes up roughly 70%. In the Composites division, Reichhold produces resins and other products used to fabricate products such as windmill blades, pipes and tanks, solid surface countertops and sinks, tub and shower enclosures, boats, and automotive parts. These resins include unsaturated polyesters, gelcoats, vinyl esters, and bonding pastes that are used in markets ranging from aerospace to marine for both reinforced and non‐reinforced applications. In the Coatings division Reichhold produces resins and other polymers for paints, stains, varnishes, and other coating products. These resins include waterborne, solvent borne, solvent‐free, and powder coatings for the architectural, industrial maintenance, protective coatings, and original equipment manufacturing markets. In both the Composites and Coatings products color and light can play important roles. Many composite resins are yellow to amber in color and are promoted with cobalt and a tertiary amine that can result in a purplish to brown hue. For color critical applications such as in gelcoats, solid surface marble resins, and translucent Onyx sink bowls, low color potassium and calcium metal promoters or 2,4‐pentandione must be used and special precautions taken in the resin manufacture to limit color formation. In addition, careful selection of appropriate esterification catalysts and polymerization inhibitors must be done to prevent undesirable development of color bodies. For outdoor applications, many composite resins will include a UV inhibitor package to prevent yellowing of the product over time. In addition to color, the surface roughness or appearance of a finished part can be very critical for demanding applications such as in car and truck body parts. Polyester resins typically shrink 7 – 10% upon curing and this shrinkage Return to Index April 2015 Page 16 The TarHelium can result in undesirable surface roughness, fiberglass read through, cracking, or warpage. Low profile additives (LPA) are used to minimize shrinkage and thus limit the resulting surface defects. These materials are typically thermoplastic materials such as polyvinyl acetate, polystyrene, saturated polyester, or poly(methyl methacrylate). LPAs are typically added at about 2 – 10% into the formulation and work by phase separating from the UPR resin as it cures and forming micro‐voids to relieve strain and prevent macro‐part shrinkage through the internal void formation. In coatings applications the color of natural oil‐based polymers is considered from two aspects: the color of the product as it is produced and the propensity for the polymer to yellow or discolor with time. The initial color of the product can vary from near water‐white to dark amber based upon choice of raw materials, in particular the oil or fatty acids, and process conditions. Products intended for use in clear coats like floor varnishes, protective topcoats over white kitchen cabinets and light colored house paints require exceptionally light initial color to avoid producing finished parts with a dingy look. These polymers must have good long‐ term color stability in use for which the choice of the natural oil is a key selection criteria. Auto‐oxidation of the unsaturation in the fatty acids provides cure, but the development of long‐chain, conjugated unsaturation can lead to the development of undesirable yellow chromophores. In other applications metal protection is paramount and color stability is not a consideration. For metal priming on large objects like bridges and tanks, prevention of rust takes precedence over color. Highly unsaturated oils like linseed or Tung that provide very high cross‐link density and positive through‐cure are used even though these oils produce dark colored resins with poor color stability in use. If the interior paint lining of a tank holding hazardous chemicals allows even pinhole‐sized spot corrosion then catastrophic failure can occur. To provide the ultimate in chemical and corrosion resistance, very dark colored polyamide curing agents are often used in conjunction with epoxy polymers for exceptionally demanding applications. Return to Index April 2015 Page 17 The TarHelium Project SEED NC-ACS Project SEED Sponsors needed to provide in-lab summer research experiences for disadvantaged students Student sponsorships SEED I $1200 SEED II $1500 Why give? 100% of SEED alumni attend college (compared to 66% of NC high school graduates) and 65-75% major in a chemical science. The ‘10-’11 class, on average, were each awarded $95k in scholarships; 2 of those had scholarship offerings exceeding $1M. Many alumni hold terminal degrees in their field of study. Give online at http://ncacs.sites.acs.org/ via the sponsor button! Return to Index April 2015 Page 18 The TarHelium From the NC‐ACS Historian FrancesCampbellBrown,theFirstWomanontheDukeChemistryFaculty byMauriceBursey WhenTrinityCollegebecameDukeUniversityinthe 1920s,itwasunderstoodthatyoungwomenwouldbe studentsaswellasyoungmen.AliceMaryBaldwinhadbeen namedDeanofWomenatTrinityin1923,andwiththe College’srenaming,shebecameDeanofWomenatDuke Universityin1925.TheWoman’sCollegeopenedofficiallyin 1930,butevenbeforethenDeanBaldwin(forwhomBaldwin Auditoriumoneastcampusinnamed)hadbeenurgingthe trusteestohirewomenasfacultymembersofdiverse departments,iffornootherreasonthantoberolemodelsfor thewomenstudents.In1931DukehiredFrancesCampbell Brownasinstructorinchemistry. FrancesBrownwasborninJohnsonCity,Tennessee, onDecember12,1906.ShereceivedaB.A.fromAgnesScott CollegenearAtlantain1928andaPh.D.fromTheJohns HopkinsUniversityin1931(threeyearslater!).Shewas immediatelyhiredasaninstructorbyDukeUniversity, wheresherosethroughtheacademicranks,becomingfull Frances Campbell Brown professorin1956.HerresearchinterestsatDukewerequite differentthanthesubjectofherPh.D.dissertation,whichwas From the Duke University Libraries: http://library.duke.edu/rubenstein/findingai astudyofdiffusionratesofdyesinethyleneglycol.Instead, ds/uabrownfrances/ shepublishedonthesynthesisofnitrogen‐andsulfur‐ containingheterocyclesandonstructure‐reactivity relationshipsoforganiccompoundstotheirtoxicitytofungiandbacteria.Manyofherpublications appearedinJACS,theJournalofOrganicChemistry,andtheJournalofLaboratoryandClinicalMedicine. Shewasveryactiveinprofessionalorganizations:tobeginwith,shewasthefirstwomantochair theNorthCarolinaSectionoftheACS,in1955.In1956and1958shewaspresidentoftheDukechapter oftheAmericanAssociationofUniversityProfessors,andthenservedastherepresentativefromDistrict VIIIoftheAAUPfrom1958to1961.Shewasamemberofseveralnational‐levelcommitteesoftheAAUP, gainingattentionprimarilyforherworkonacademictenureandcompensationbetween1960and1966. From1964to1966,shewassecondvice‐presidentoftheAAUP.Duringthisperiod,in1965,she representedtheAAUPattheInternationalConferenceofUniversityProfessorsandLecturersinVienna. ThereportofChemicalandEngineeringNewsontheFall1967ACSNationalMeetingbeganwithalong articleonherpresentationonfacultycompensation,informationshehadgatheredinherroleinthe AAUP.Thistalkcaughttheattentionofmanyacademicmembers,becausethroughthe1950suntilthe middle1960s,thesalariesofacademicshadnotkeptupproportionatelywithindustrialsalaries,and manyyoungchemistsenteringtheworkforcehadhadtochoosebetweenfollowingtheirowninterestsin chemistryandfeedingandhousingtheirfamilies. Sheenjoyedtravelingverymuch.FormanyyearstheonlyimagethenewsbureauatDukehad onlyherpassportphototosendtonewspaperswithpressreleasesaboutheractivities.Asemester’s sabbaticalattheUniversityofBaselwassupportedbyaCarnegieFoundationGrant.Shevisitedthe Return to Index April 2015 Page 19 The TarHelium UnitedKingdom,theContinent,andAsia,andlistedtravelasoneofherfavoriteactivitiesonthenews bureau’sformforbackgroundinformationonfacultymembers. Imetheronlyoneortwotimes,whenIwasanassistantprofessor.Ihadthefeelingthatshewas notonafirst‐namebasiswiththerestofthechemistryfaculty,because,toaman,theyreferredtoheras “MissBrown.”Shewas,nevertheless,universallyrespectedasapioneer,bothforherresearchandasa mentorandrolemodelforyoungwomen.ShestayedactiveinUniversalsocialeventsafterher retirementinthemid‐1970s. FrancesBrowndiedinDukeUniversityMedicalCenteronOctober14,1994,andamemorial serviceatDukeChapelwasheldforheronNovember6ofthatyear. ACS National News News from the March 2015 National ACS Meeting in Denver Colorado Meeting attendance was 13,940. Recent years have seen an increase in student attendance with Denver student attendance at ~5,000 of the total. A summary of relevant news is as follows. Financial Issues The Budget and Finance (B&F) Committee reported that in 2014, ACS generated a Net from Operations of $17.9 million, which was $4.2 million favorable to budget. Total revenues were $499.0 million, $0.7 million or 0.1 percent higher than budget. Expenses ended the year at $481.1 million, $3.5 million favorable to the budget. This variance was largely attributable to a continued emphasis on expense management across the Society. Despite favorable operating results, the Society’s financial position weakened in 2014, with Unrestricted Net Assets declining $62.3 million, to $144.7 million at year‐end. This decline was the result of a significant accounting charge related to the Society’s two closed postretirement benefit plans. The bottom line is that ACS remains in strong financial condition, although each operation must be managed closely as noted below. The Board Committee on long range planning for the National Meetings proposed to Council that the registration fee for the meetings be raised $15 per year until the deficit accumulated over the past 10 years has been recouped and the meetings are at a financial break‐even point. During this time the Exposition has continued to operate in the black, but currently is producing only half the revenue it did ten years ago, whereas the Technical Session deficit has been as high as $0.8M. The principal source of the Technical Session deficits is cited as the rapid increase in AV costs. When this plan (the $15/yr/mtg surcharge) was presented to the Council, a motion respectively requesting that the Board delay implementation of this plan until a more complete analysis of the meeting finances including analysis of the finances of the Exposition(preferably at the Fall meeting in Boston). In the discussion of the motion various suggestions to be considered as alternative approaches for bringing the National Meetings back into solvency were made, including considering having only one meeting per year, drastically reducing the size of the Exposition, and considering raising the Society dues by a few dollars to include a contribution to the cost of the National Meeting. This motion was supported by a 2 to 1 majority of Councilors present. ACS National dues will have a modest inflationary dues increase for 2016 at $162. Return to Index April 2015 Page 20 The TarHelium Other News Local Sections are encouraged to submit Innovative Projects Awards proposals for the June 30 deadline. Program information and grant applications are available at www.acs.org/getinvolved. Task Forces: Donna J. Nelson, ACS President Elect, announced she has formed a jobs task force in response to a member survey showing that employment for chemists is a predominant concern. Tom Barton, ACS Immediate Past President, will lead a task force on equipping community college students with more relevant skills that CEOs of industry are seeking. The American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) is ramping up activities with 1900 members, 88% of whom are teachers. Regional meetings will include programing for high school teachers and some funding is available to assist their travel. Our NC Section is developing a program to subsidize AACT membership for local science teachers in our region. $2M has been pledged to the ACS Scholars endowment. Drs. G. Bryan Balazs, California Section. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California and Allison A. Campbell, Richland Section. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington will be the two candidates for 2016 ACS President Elect/2017 President. There was discussion in Council about discontinuing the printed, meeting program book in the future in an attempt to have a greener meeting. An App was tried at this meeting with reports of mixed success/acceptance. The Committee on Patents and Related Matters is reworking a 5th edition of What Every Chemist Should Know about Patents to reflect the recent changes made by the America Invents Act (AIA) and the recent Supreme Court decisions on Issues Surrounding the patentability of biotechnology innovations and technologies using gene sequences. Requests from the ACS Office of Public Affairs to respond to requests from the USPTO about 1.) Efficiencies and/or quality in the patent system can be improved 2.) Whether treatment of chemical patents could be dealt with differently than patents in the electronic/software industries could be crafted in a fair and reasonable fashion 3.) Whether the chemical enterprise should be concerned that for the first time, US patents come from mostly non‐US companies or non‐citizens or if this merely a reflection that the chemical enterprise is a global one. A related concern is whether this portends the loss of jobs in the U.S. to the rest of the world. The International Activities Committee met in open session to discuss the status of its various initiatives which include 1.) Recommending whether new International Chapter affiliates should be granted status in more countries, the latest being India and Taiwan. The committee evaluates their leadership, their financials, and the prospect that they would be able to sustain the chapter if granted status. With the approval by Council, there are now 11 International ACS affiliate chapters. 2.) The announcement of a new initiative called the International Network of Young Chemists (IYCN) which will officially launch in Boston in fall 2015. This meets a crucial role of bringing young scientists throughout the world in a networking environment. 3.) The committee continues to financially support the travel costs to the Pittsburgh Conference of young scientists from mostly Latin and South America as it has done for the past 20+ years. The Senior Chemist Committee, which was newly established 2 years ago, met to discuss several of their key initiatives. 1.) Encouraging local section senior chemist committees (as opposed to retired chemists) by making two Chemluminary Awards this year 2.) Sponsoring the long running (20+ years) senior chemists Return to Index April 2015 Page 21 The TarHelium breakfast which for quite a few years now is a sold‐out event and showcases chemistry luminaries including Nobel Prize winners, etc. This year, Professor Marvin Caruthers from the University of Colorado‐ Boulder spoke on the balancing act of “Wearing Two Hats‐ Basic Research and Biotechnology” having success as both of DNA/RNA synthesis research professor as well as applying his skills to become founder of Amgen and Applied Biosciences. I was particularly impressed with his stories about creating the biotechnology company as a startup and quickly able to synthesize epogen, used by dialysis patients worldwide, to bolster their hematocrit levels to normal levels making almost 100% of these patients no longer bedridden. It now is a $2B industry for this product which is what Neil Armstrong confessed to using to win the many Tour de France bicycle races. 3.) Sponsoring the Senior Chemists Newsletter, this reaches ACS members over 50 years of age and which contains a variety of personal interest stories about Senior Chemists and what they are up to. A request for submissions went out and these are always welcome to the newsletter editor (~500 words + jpeg pictures). Reported by NC/ACS Councilors: Jim Chao Al Crumbliss Richard Palmer Laura Sremaniak Local Section Discussion Groups and Committees DINOSAURS TO DINOSAURS? Senior Chemists Outing to the NC Natural History Museum’s ‘The World's Largest Dinosaurs’ exhibit The Senior Chemists Committee organized a visit on March 18 to the North Carolina Natural History Museum’s exhibit ‘The World’s Largest Dinosaurs.’ This exhibit exploree the amazing biology of a group of uniquely super‐sized dinosaurs: the long‐necked and long‐tailed sauropods that were able to thrive, as a group, for approximately 140 million years. Through innovative exhibits — including the exhibition centerpiece, a life‐sized, detailed model of a 60‐foot‐long Mamenchisaurus —The World’s Largest Dinosaurs takes visitors beyond the bones and into the bodies of these titans, shedding light on how heart rate, respiration, metabolism, and reproduction are linked to size. After the tour, the attendees adjourned to the Daily Planet Café in the Nature Research Center for lunch. The attendees were unanimous in their appreciation of the exhibit and expressed increased interest in the offerings of the NC Natural History Museum. Senior Chemist Committee Ken Tomer, co‐chair Brad Kosiba, co‐chair Return to Index April 2015 Page 22 The TarHelium Local Section Discussion Groups and Committees Younger Chemists Committee Networking Social On March 16th, the NCACS Younger Chemists’ Committee hosted a networking social at BackBar in Chapel Hill. An excellent panel of local chemists early in their careers shared their personal experiences and tips to landing and loving a career in science. Our panel included Dave Nicewicz, professor at UNC‐Chapel Hill, James Harrington, analytical chemist at RTI International, and Claire Siburt, assistant director and STEM learning specialist at Duke. This diverse panel had lots of great advice to share. This included discussing how they worked to find a job they loved, and how to recognize your strongest passions. After a lively discussion, everyone enjoyed an informal social hour over great appetizers and local beverages. The Younger Chemists’ Committee would love to put together more great events for the many young chemists in the Triangle area. If you have a specific idea of an event you would like to see, or if you would like to become involved with the group, contact Nick Pinkin at npinkin@live.unc.edu. The Audience Listening to the Panelists. Dave Nicewicz, James Harrington, Claire Siburt Discussions After the Panel Return to Index April 2015 Page 23 The TarHelium LOCAL SECTION DISCUSSION GROUPS AND COMMITTEES!! Information on the NC ACS Local Section Discussion Groups can be found at the following web link: http://membership.acs.org/N/NCarolina/Discussion_Groups.htm. Discussion groups include: Triangle Area Mass Spectroscopy Discussion Group o Chair: Will Thompson (will.thompson@duke.edu) Triangle Chromatography Discussion Group o Chair: Stephen Cooper (sdcooper@rti.org) Triangle Magnetic Resonance Discussion Group o Chair: Marc Ter Host (terhorst@unc.edu) (new for 2014) Sustainability Discussion Group o Chair: Melissa Pasquinelli (melissa_pasquinelli@ncsu.edu) Senior Chemists Committee o Co‐Chair: Ken Tomer (ktomer@mindspring.com) o Co‐Chair: Brad Kosiba (brad.kosiba@bkcollaborative.com) Women Chemists Committee o Chair: Claire Siburt (clparker@vt.edu) Younger Chemists Committee o Chair: Jamie Rogers Soft Matter Discussion Group o Jan Genzer (jgenzer@ncsu.edu) Check them out and consider joining a discussion group. Return to Index April 2015 Page 24 The TarHelium Connect to Triangle Area Science Cafés and Pints of Science! CAROLINA SCIENCE CAFÉ Pints of Science http://www.pintsofscience.org/ Events are Held at: Tir Na Nog 218 South Blount St Raleigh, NC 27601 Phone: 919.833.7795 https://www.facebook.com/PintsofSci ence https://www.facebook.com/periodic tables?directed_target_id=0 “Science Cafés are live—and lively—events that take place in casual settings such as pubs and coffeehouses, are open to everyone, and feature an engaging conversation with a scientist about a particular topic” (from http://www.sciencecafes.org/what/) Return to Index April 2015 Page 25 The TarHelium New Education List Serves!!!! Do any of these questions pertain to you…if so, please see below to find out how to grow the readership of the NC‐ACS Education Committee listserv! **Are you interested in supporting K‐12 Educators? – Sign up for the Listserv! **Do you have a child in a K‐12 Science classroom? – Please send this email to their teacher to see if they would like to sign up! **Do you know a K‐12 Educator or Administrator? – Please forward this email to them and encourage them to sign up! The NC‐ACS Local Section is hosting a listserv focusing on supporting K‐12 Science Education! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The listserv is called ncacs_ed, and it features announcements about supporting and advancing K‐12 Science Education. The NC‐ACS is committed to assisting K‐12 Educators, and the NC‐ACS Education Committee has upcoming programs we’d love to tell you about through the ncacs_ed listserv! To subscribe to the ncchemed list, send this one‐line message to mj2@lists.ncsu.edu: subscribe ncacs_ed email@domain.com replacing "email@domain.com" with the address you want to subscribe to the list. Helpful Hints: 1. Don’t hyperlink the email address in the one‐line message. Make sure it’s just text. 2. When you receive the confirmation email, use Option 3 to confirm the email address and accept the sign up. You can opt out of any of these lists at any time by doing the previous steps, replacing “subscribe” with “unsubscribe”, and where email@domain.comis the address used for you by the list. The NC‐ACS Education Committee (If you have any trouble, just email ncacs_ed‐owner@lists.ncsu.edu) Return to Index April 2015 Page 26 The TarHelium NC‐ACS ListServs The official email listserve of the membership of the NC‐ACS Local Section, based on the membership rosters from ACS, is ncacsmembership@lists.ncsu.edu . Inclusion on this email listserve is automatic for dues‐paying members. The following email listserves are also hosted by the NC‐ACS Local Section but are open to anyone who is interested in the chemical sciences and engineering in the region: ncacs: Announcements of job opportunities and activities that are NOT sponsored by NC‐ACS ncacs_ycc: Announcements of the Younger Chemists Committee (<= 35 years old) ncacs_scc: Announcements of the Senior Chemists Committee (>= 50 years old) ncacs_wcc: Announcements of the Women Chemists Committee ncacs_ed: Announcements about supporting and advancing K‐12 Science Education To subscribe to the LISTNAME list, send this one‐line message to mj2@lists.ncsu.edu: subscribe listname email@domain.com replacing "listname" with the name of the list and replacing "email@domain.com" with the address you want to subscribe to the list. You can opt out of any of these lists at any time by doing the previous steps, replacing “subscribe” with “unsubscribe”, and where email@domain.com is the address used for you by the list. NCACS is on Facebook and LinkedIn Our facebook address is: http://www.facebook.com/NorthCarolinaAC S?ref=ts&fref=ts Once you have become a member of LinkedIn, you can join the group named the North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society. There are many ongoing interesting discussions and job postings as well. Return to Index April 2015 Page 27 The TarHelium NC‐ACS Local Section Executive Committee Meetings The NC‐ACS Local Section Executive Committee meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Meetings are held at the Hamner Institute in the Research Triangle Park at 4:30 p.m. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend! Get to know your Executive Committee! Get involved! Volunteer! Address: The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences 6 Davis Drive PO Box 12138 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709‐2137 The next 4 meetings are: May 6, 2015, 4:30 @ the Hamner Institute June 3, 4:30 @ the Hamner Institute August 6, 4:30 @ the Hamner Institute September 2, 4:30 @ the Hamner Institute Return to Index April 2015 Page 28 The TarHelium Welcome New Members for January and February 2015! Katherine Alser Charles Earl Bettis David Bezier Dr Volker Bornemann Mr David Christopher Boyles Ms Kate Brandon Sutton Mr George Bullard Mrs Lyndsay Bell Cone Jocelin Deese‐Spruill Danae Elizabeth DeRaad Dr John R Dickson Ms Kimberly Harvey Alexis Henry Ms Carol Johnson Mr Saurin Kantesaria Shawn Kuruganti Guoqing Li Christina Martinez Dr Sue Jewel Mecham Dr Agostino Migliore Dr Janice L Paletta Demps Pettway Mr Evan W Reynolds Ms Christina Roselli Kevin Santa Maria Brendon Travis Sargent Felicia B Scott Dr Linghong Sun Wujin Sun Julian Erastus Taylor Dr Harold J Teague Dr Phillip T Weinbrecht Sarah White Jennifer Wingeart Mary Zeller An Zhang Dr Hong Zhang Zhenfa Zhang Jeffrey Zurawski Mr Abdelrahman Abdelgawad III Chase Beisel Dr Soumya R Benhabbour Miss Thais Marie Bonilla Ms Esme Candish Jonathan Conway Taylor Anne Davis Xueyu Du Mr Cody Leland Evans Ms Carrie Francis Dr Elliott J Franco Dr Reza A Ghiladi Ben Hanson Erman Javed Mr Bradley M Kearney Dr Kenneth Kustin Dr Brian M Lamb Lixia Liu Dr Andrew Lucero Duncan I Mackie Kelly Mastro Richard Merwin Mr Manuel Montano Mr Almon Augustus Muehlhausen Samuel J Pellock Dr Joachim Dieter Pleil Khristian Rodriguez Mr Thomas Schaefer Dr Mustapha Soukri Michael Thomas Tudesco Mr Sameer Tyagi Nagib Ward Carrow Wells Justus Williams Mrs Kelly R Wiltberger Members who have passed on Peter Johnston Leonard Pierce. Return to Index April 2015 Page 29 The TarHelium NC‐ACS Local Section Executive Committee Name Affiliation Office Term Phone Voting Members Suraj Dhungana RTI International Chair 2015-2016 919-541-6601 Dorian A. Canelas Duke University Chair-Elect 2015-2016 919-660-1537 Caroline Sloan Fayetteville State University Secretary 2016-2016 919-541-7422 Joan T. Bursey NCBA at EPA Treasurer 2014-2015 919-5412253 Jamie Saunders Saunders Graphics TarHelium Editor 2012- 919-545-9581 Alvin L. Crumbliss Duke University Councilor 2013-2015 919-660-1540 Richard A. Palmer Duke University Councilor 2013-2015 919-672-7991 Laura S. Sremaniak NCSU Councilor 2014-2016 919-515-2937 James Lee Chao IBM (retired) Councilor 2012-2014 919-481-2060 Melissa Pasquinelli NCSU Councilor 2014-2016 919-515-9426 Paige Presler-Jur RTI International Alternate Councilor 2014-2015 919-541-6813 Alan E. Tonelli NCSU Alternate Councilor 2014-2016 919-515-6588 Sara Paisner PN&S Consulting, LLC Alternate Councilor 2014-2015 919-830-5275 Alexandra (Sasha) Ormond Meredith College Alternate Councilor 2014 - 2016 919-906-8431 Paige Presler-Jur RTI International Past Chair 2014 919-541-6813 Melissa Pasquinelli NCSU Past Chair 2013 919-515-9426 Keith Levine RTI International Past Chair 2012 919-541-8886 Kenneth Tomer NIEHS Past Chair 2011 919-541-1966 Marc ter Horst UNC-CH Past Chair 2010 919-843-5802 John Hines RTI International Past Chair 2009 919-541-6647 Non-Voting Members Melinda Box NCSU WebMaster Maurice M. Bursey UNC-CH (retired) Ex Officio 919-493-3025 Kenneth A. Cutler NCCU Project SEED, Ex Officio 919-530-6172 Stephen D. Cooper RTI International TCDG, Ex Officio Thomas M. O’Connell UNC-CH TMRDG, Ex Officio Michael C. Fitzgerald Duke University TAMS, Ex Officio George M. Bodner Purdue University Director, District II 919-483-1535 Return to Index
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