CHURCH STAFF PRAYER LIST Rev. Jason Dorriety Pastor Rev. Josh Coates Minister of Music Mr. Chris Clegg Student Minister Mrs. Patricia Kerr Organist Mrs. Susie Turbeville Pianist Mrs. Patti Lusk Secretary AT HOME: Ricky Ables, Seth Ables, Denise Ashley, Bill Bagwell, Martharee and Debbie Bowen, Charles Brooks, Cathy Bryant, Wilma Burden, Eddie Burdette, Kevin Byington, Matthew Carroll, Cheri Chapman, Pauline Christmas, Morgan Collier, June Collins, Ruth Collins, Evelyn Dariety, Bill Davis, Jeff Davis, Keith Dobbins, Norris and Marjorie Dobbins, Jacob Benjamin Doyle, Tara Driver, Austin Fagg, Chase Faircloth, Susan Fletcher, Brittney Fowler, Jack Freeman, Jo Galloway, Cynthia Gilbert, Jeff Goode and Family, Scott Goode, Wanda Hart, Danny Hawkins, Linda Hawkins, Ray and Martha Hawkins, Walt Haynie, Jack Heiskell, Trudy Hendry, Bob and Gloria Hill, Bill Holliday, Autum Jennings, Connie Kelly, Gary Kelly, Joe Kelly, Milford Lowie, Charles Macomson, Corbin Martin, Laurie McCall, Keith McCoy, Laura McCoy, Doy McKinley, Kevin McKinley, Helen Medlin, Jake Meeks, Mike Moody, Robert Nix, Lois Owens, Annie Mae Oxindine, Cory Peace, Mary Peace, Linda Pierce, Russell Ray, Dave Riddle, George Riddle, Donnie Shirley, Jerry Shirley, Betty Smith, Jean Spearman, Bobbie Speed, Kathy Stephens, Vidella Stephens, Mike Strickland, Ginger Tadlock, Jimmy Tate, Michelle Chadwick Thomas, Ruth Tiller, Ruth Timmerman, Micah Traynum, Brian Tribble, Eddie Turner, Nathan Turner, Ottumn Turner, Shane Urquhart, Brooke Wagoner, Benny Walker, A. V. Watkins, Rodney Watkins, Boyce Wilson, Brieann Wilson, Imogene Wilson, Joanne Wilson M A R C H 2 9 , 2 01 5 IN THE HOSPITAL: NHC Rehab – Peg Wilson WORKERS FOR CHRIST NURSERY Today: OFFICE HOURS Tues. Wed. Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. SERVICE TIMES SUNDAY Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Service 11:00 am AWANA 5:00 pm Evening Service 6:00 pm WEDNESDAY RA’s & GA’s 7:00 pm Youth Bible Study 7:00 pm Adult Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm AM – Renee Leaf, Donna Candiotti PM – Ron Hall Wednesday: Stephanie Mitchell Next Sunday: AM - Kelli Horne, Gail Meyer PM – Kelly Wood CHILDREN’S CHURCH Today: 2-3 - Ann Dorreity, McKenzie Kay 4-5 - Lauren Ashley, Abby Reid Next Sunday: 2-3 - Adam and Jennifer Simmons 4-5 - Jeremy and Kendra Powell USHERS Today: Marc Sorrow, Ray Stephens, Jimmy Thomas, James Vaughn, Chris Wood, Todd Wood Alternates: Jeff Kay, Tim James Next Sunday: Roy McCoy, Jody Alewine, Donnie Ashley, Bobby Branyon, Calvin Burden, Jerry Carver GREETERS Today: Diane Brooks, Annette Shirley Next Sunday: Charlie and Kathi Davis APRIL TELLERS DEACON FOR APRIL John Garrett, Jenny Madden Bill Erskine Alternates: Kassie Holliday, Susan Holliday 3204 Amity Road Extension, Anderson, SC 29621 864-226-6825 ANNOUNCEMENTS EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE The Easter Sunrise Service will be held at 7:00 a.m. at the home of Ken and Susan Holliday. Breakfast will be served following the service. NO SERVICES EASTER NIGHT There will be no evening service or AWANA on April 5th. SENIOR EGG HUNT The Senior Egg Hunt will be held in loving memory of Carolyn Strickland Friday, April 3rd, from 11:00 a.m.-until at the home of Ken and Susan Holliday. Please sign up on one of the sheets at the Sanctuary entrances. CHILDREN’S EASTER EGG HUNT The Children’s Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, April 4th, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the home of Ken and Susan Holliday. All children are invited. ISRAEL REPORT The Sunday evening service on April 12th will be in the FLC for the Israel Report. TWIX MEETING TWIX will meet Thursday, April 9th, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of April Hendry, 1126 Blue Ridge Avenue, Belton. AWANA MARCH MADNESS Tonight will be March Madness Night for AWANA. Be sure to wear your favorite team colors. HANDBELL PRACTICE There will be a handbell practice today at 5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. BUSINESS MEETING The Church Business Meeting will be held Wednesday, April 1st. CARE NIGHT Care Night will be Tuesday, April 7th, at 7:00 p.m. ANNIE ARMSTRONG OFFERING We will have our Annie Armstrong March for Missions Sunday, April 5th, in the morning service. Our goal this year is $2,500. BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST The Brotherhood Breakfast will be Sunday, April 12th, at 8:00 a.m. in the FLC. FAMILY NIGHT Family Night is Wednesday, April 8th. DEACONS MEETING The Deacons will meet after the service on Wednesday, April 8th. Prelude Rev. Jason Dorriety Call to Worship Choir and Congregation _____________________________________ _____________________________________ “Jesus, We Crown You with Praise” Hymn of Praise #353 Congregation “Victory in Jesus Call to Prayer #305 Congregation “Jesus Paid It All _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Prayer Choral Response Sanctuary Choir “The Journey to Calvary” Offertory Hymn #327 _____________________________________ _____________________________________ “Behold Calvary’s Lamb” Phillip Wood Erskine CPO 625 P. O. Box 1001 2 Washington Street Due West, SC 29639-1001 Congregation _____________________________________ Ms. Emma Gambrell _____________________________________ “The Old Rugged Cross” Offertory Music Choral Anthem Sanctuary Choir “Jesus, We Crown You with Praise” STEWARDSHIP REPORT TITHES AND OFFERINGS Weekly Budget Requirements Regular Offering Regular - Memory of Leon Ellison Regular - Memory of Butch Allred Children’s Fund - Memory of Butch Allred Breezeway - Memory of Leon Ellison Youth Fund Youth Fund - Memory of Leon Ellison Marriage Retreat Great Wolf Lodge Children’s Pancake Breakfast Special Missions - Memory of Leon Ellison Cemetery Fund Cemetery Fund - Memory of Leon Ellison Cemetery Fund - Memory of Doris McKinley Annie Armstrong Offering Total Giving Mrs. Patricia Kerr Welcome KEEPING IN TOUCH SUNDAY SCHOOL March 15 March 22 SERMON NOTES MORNING WORSHIP Honored, Glorified, Exalted 160 147 $5,226.11 $5,136.72 115.00 20.00 50.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 254.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 330.00 120.00 $6,950.72 Message _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Rev. Jason Dorriety Invitation #487 Congregation _____________________________________ “Room at the Cross for You” Morning Announcements Mr. Chris Clegg Closing Prayer Postlude Mrs. Susie Turbeville EVENING SERVICE Prelude Mrs. Patricia Kerr Welcome and Fellowship Offertory Hymn #772 Congregation “When We All Get to Heaven” Worship Through Giving Mrs. Patricia Kerr FIFTH SUNDAY NIGHT SINGING Closing Prayer Postlude Mrs. Patricia Kerr The first time You came they crowned You with thorns as on an old rugged cross You were raised; But the next time You come, it won't be as before, for this time we'll crown You with praise. Jesus, we crown You with praise. Jesus, we crown You with praise. We love and adore You, bow down before You; Jesus, we crown You with praise.
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