vYi dkyhu fufonk lwpuk m-iz-uohu ,oa uohadj.kh; ÅtkZ fodkl vfHkdj.k foHkwfr[k.M]xkserhuxj] y[kuÅ&226010 nwjHkk"k la0 0522&2720652] QSDl la0 0522&2720779] 2720829 Website:http://neda.up.nic.in E-Mail: nedaup@dataone.in fufonk la0 ;wihusMk@LVs'kujh@2015 vfHkdj.k eq[;ky; esa foRrh; o"kZ 2015&16 gsrq dEi;wVj dUt;wesfcy ,ao LVs'kujh vkiwfrZ gsrq ,d o"kZ ds vuqHkoh LFkkuh; fuekZrkvksa@ vkiwfrZdrkZvksa ls eqgj cUn ,ao vyx&vyx fufonk;sa fnukad 8-5-2015 le; 3-00 cts vijkUg rd vkeaf=r dh tkrh gSaA fufonk dk foLr`r fooj.k ,ao fufonk izi= vfHkdj.k dh osclkbZV Website :http://neda.up.nic.in ls MkmuyksM fd;k tk ldrk gSA fdlh Hkh fufonk@fufonkvksa dks fcuk dksbZ dkj.k crk;s fujLr fd;s tkus dk vf/kdkj funs'kd] ;wihusMk ds ikl lqjf{kr jgsxkA funs'kd] ;wihusMk Registration of Suppliers and approval of rates Supply of the stationary and Computer stationary/consumables at UPNEDA Head Office for Financial Year 2015-16 Tender No. UPNEDA/Stationary/2015 Signature of Document Issuing Officer UTTAR PRADESH NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (UPNEDA) (Deptt. of Additional Sources of Energy, Govt. of U.P.) VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTINAGAR, LUCKNOW, 226010 Tel. No. –91- 0522 – 2720829 Fax: 2720779 E-Mail:nedaup@dataone.in Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency, U.P. (UPNEDA) (Deptt. of Additional Sources of Energy, Govt.of U.P.) Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010 Tel.No. 91-0522-2720652, Fax: 0522-2720779 Website:http://neda.up.nic.in E-Mail: nedaup@dataone.in Short Term Notice Sealed and separate offers from local suppliers/ Manufactureres (having 01 year experience) are invited for registration of suppliers and approval of rates for the supply of stationary and computers consumable for UPNEDA head office for the financial year 2015-16. The supply item list with other terms and conditions with registration form can be obtained from the office of the undersigned by paying of Rs. 525/(including VAT charges and non refundable) through bank draft in favour of Director UPNEDA on any working day up to 5.00 PM from dated 24 -4-2015 to 7-5-2015. The offer shall be received on UPNEDA's prescribed format accompanied with earnest money in the form of bank draft of Rs. 15,000/- in favour of Director UPNEDA. The under signed reserve all the rights to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reason. The decission of Director, UPNEDA will be final and binding in this regard. Director, UPNEDA fufonkvksa ds ek/;e ls rduhdh ,oa foRrh; fcM vkea=.k gsrq fooj.k %& 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fufonk dh /kjksgj /kujkf'k fufonk izi= dk ewY; oSV lfgr 24-424-4fnukad 8-58-511-5- 5 3 : 15000-00 : 525-00 5 5 5 5 3 ; 33 vijkUg vijkUg vijkUg fufonk;sa ;wihusMk m-iz-uohu ,oa uohadj.kh; ÅtkZ fodkl vfHkdj.k] foHkwfr[k.M]xkserhuxj] y[kuÅ eq[;ky; ij d{k la0 107 esa mDr frfFk rd vkeaf=r gSA /kjksgj /kujkf'k ,ao fufonk izi= dk ewY; fdlh Hkh jk"Vªh;d`r cSad] LVsV cSad vkQ bf.M;k ,ao muds lClMjh cSad vFkok Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad ds f'kM~;wy cSd ls tkjh MªkQ~V ds ek/;e ls fufonk vkQj ds lkFk tek fd;k tkuk vfuokZ; gksxkA fufonk vkQj rhu ekg gsrq oS| gksxkA fuEukuqlkj izi= fufonk esa tek fd;s tkus vfuok;Z gksxsa] mDr ds fcuk fufonk fujLr le>h tk;sxhA List of Enclosures: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tender Fee Earnest Money Pan no. copy self certified Commercial tax registration Signed copy of Tender document One year mandatory experience of Government supply of following: (a) Computer consumabel of at least agreegrate Rs. 50000/(b) Stationary items of at least agreegrate Rs. 50000/- (Experience in only one part (i.e. a or b) will liable to rejection of offer.) (copy of supply orders/ bills is to be enclosed mandatory.) Covering Letter: From, (Full Name and Address of the Tenderer) M/s ............................................ .................................................... .................................................... To, THE DIRECTOR, UTTAR PRADESH NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (UPNEDA) VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTINAGAR, LUCKNOW, 226010. Subject:-Offer in response to Notice no. UPNEDA/Stationary/2015-16. Sir, We hereby submit our offer in full compliance with terms and conditions alongwith Earnest money vide Demand Draft of Rs. 15000/- D.D. No.............. dated: .......... which I understand will deamed as security money on matrilization of the offer, and Tender fee vide Demand Draft of Rs. 525/- D.D. No.............. dated............. of the attached notice. (Signature of Supplier) General Particulars of Supplier- 1. Name of Firm 2. Postal Address 3. Telephone, Fax No. : 4. E-Mail : 5. Website : 6. : : Name and designation of the : representative of the supplier to whom all references shall be made: 7. Amount of earnest money deposited : 8. Details of Bank Draft (as annexure-1) : (Signature of supplier) with seal TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Bank draft of Rs. 15,000/- (Rs. Fifteen thousand only) as earnest money deposit in favour of Director, UPNEDA should be enclosed with the offer otherwise the offer shall not be considered. The earnest money of the unsuccessful bidder will be returned after the finalization of tender/03 months from the date of opening. 2. The selected quotation/offer shall be valid upto dated 31 March, 2016. The selected bidder(s) earnest money will be treated as security money and shall only be returned after the validity of the agreement i.e. 31-3-2016. 3. The supply against order placed should be made with in 10 days of the receipt of order, failing in which shall be liable for the penalty of 1% per week subject to maximum 10% of the total order value of late supply. After 4 week UPNEDA reserves the right to forefit the earnest money deposit and cancel the order and get the work done by the other supplier/manufacture, however the supply time can be extended/cancelled for any unforeseen cases as per the sole description of ordering authority. 4. Any dispute between UPNEDA and supplier shall be presented to an Director, UPNEDA, whose decisions shall be final and binding on both the parties. 5. UPNEDA reserve the right to reduce/exceed the quantity of or cancell any part of the order place and shall not be liable to pay any compensation etc. in any means. 6. Any tender after due date and time shall not be accepted in any means. The Bid offer should contain all the list as per list of enclosures. Experience in both the parts (i.e. Point 6 of List of enclosure (a) and (b)) is mandatory. Experience in only one part will liable to rejection of offer. 7. The bill shall be submitted by the supplier in two copies and shall be payable only when the material received as per given specification and to the satisfaction of UPNEDA. 8. The rates shall be quoted including all the taxes, excise duties, service tax, toll tax, vat, concessions etc what so ever. 9. The offer for brand makes other than if specified shall be treated as cancelled. The tender shall be accepted on the prescribed format of UPNEDA only. 10. The validity of the offer can be increased by mutual consideration of both the parties. Decision of UPNEDA in this regard will be accepted by supplier. I have read all the terms and conditions stated above and I fully agree to abide with them. (Signature of supplier) with seal Tender No. UPNEDA/Stationary/2015 UTTAR PRADESH NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (UPNEDA) Stationary and Computer Consumables. Name of Firm M/s : S. no. NAME OF ITEM MAKE/SIZE RATES PER Rate quoted for F.Y. 2015-16 1 2 3 4 5 A- Office Stationary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Allpin Celo tape transparent pvc Celo tape transparent pvc Celo tape transparent pvc Celo tape transparent pvc Dak pad Dak receipt / Dispatch register Dak receipt / Dispatch register Dak receipt / Dispatch register Duster Cloth Envelopes (Brown with cloth lining) Envelopes (Brown with cloth lining) Envelopes (Brown with cloth lining) Envelopes (Brown ) Envelopes (Brown ) Envelopes (Brown ) Envelopes (Brown ) Envelopes (Brown ) File bord with cloth strip File cover with printing 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Glue stick large Gum bottle 700 ml Gum tube Hi-lighter Milkey file cover with strip Note sheet pad (100 sheets) Paper knife Single Punch Plier Pen Pen Bell Size 1" x 50 mts Size 1.5" x 50 mts Size 1/2" x 5 mts Size 1/2" x 50 mts Jeen (Cavender) 2 quir 4 quir 6 quir Cotton size 10" x 12" size 11" x 5" size 12" x 16" size 10" x 12" size 11" x 5" size 12" x 16" size 8" x 10" size 9" x 4" Printing /matter as desired Kores/camel Kores/camel Kores/camel Luxer thick large green kangaroo celo cristal clear ronald pkt PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC Hundred Hundred Hundred Hundred Hundred Hundred Hundred Hundred PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC Tender No. UPNEDA/Stationary/2015 UTTAR PRADESH NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (UPNEDA) Stationary and Computer Consumables. Name of Firm M/s : S. no. NAME OF ITEM MAKE/SIZE RATES PER Rate quoted for F.Y. 2015-16 1 2 3 4 5 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Pen Pencil Pencil sharpner Peon book Photostat Paper A4 size Photostat Paper A4 size Photostat Paper A4 size Photostat Paper FS size Photostat Paper FS size Photostat Paper FS size Pitot pen Timex pen Timex refil Pitol pen ink Pin cushan (Plastic body) Plastic file with pocket Plastic scale 12" Post IT Pad 1" x 1-1/2" Post IT Pad 1-1/2" x 2" Post IT Pad 2" x 3" Post IT Pad 4" x 4" PVC sheet lower (Comb Binding) Refil (Boll pen) Refil (Boll pen) Refil (Boll pen) Register Register Register Rubber (pencil eraser) Short hand note book sketch pen set Slip pad A6 Slip pad A8 Slip pad 4"x4" 500 sheet cube color rotomec apsara/natraj apsara/natraj Power JK Trident Power JK Trident V5 renold renold Luxer Natraj 3m 3m 3m 3m cello renold rotomec 2 quir 4 quir 6 quir camel VIP Luxer VIP VIP VIP PC PC PC PC pkt pkt pkt pkt pkt pkt PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC Tender No. UPNEDA/Stationary/2015 UTTAR PRADESH NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (UPNEDA) Stationary and Computer Consumables. Name of Firm M/s : S. no. NAME OF ITEM MAKE/SIZE RATES PER Rate quoted for F.Y. 2015-16 1 2 3 4 5 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Spico / combs 12 mm Spico / combs 14 mm Spico / combs 16 mm Spico / combs 18 mm Spico / combs 20 mm Spico / combs 22 mm Stamp pad 70 x 110 MM Stamp pad ink Stepler 24/6 Stepler Pin Small Stepler Pin Big Stepler 10N Stepler 10D Stock book Stock book Stock book Transparant sheet A-4-size 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Type Carbon Type Carbon (cotton) Eraz-x (white erasing fluid set) U' Clip U' Clip, plastic Fax roll 30 mts File tag (100 pc bunch) Glossy paper (A4 size 100 sheet) Card sheet Plane ( A4 100 sheet) Spirel PVC coil for binding 10mm Spirel PVC coil for binding 15mm Spirel PVC coil for binding 20mm Spirel PVC coil for binding 30 mm modi gbc modi gbc modi gbc modi gbc modi gbc modi gbc ashoka/supreen ashoka/supreen kangaroo Kores/camel Kores/camel kangaroo kangaroo 2 quir 4 quir 6 quir 175 microns modi/garware Kores/camel Kores/camel Kores/camel Kores/camel Kores/camel godrej machine made Andhra paper J.K. PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC pkt pkt PC PC PC PC PC PC pkt PC PC pkt pkt pkt pkt pkt pkt kg kg kg kg Tender No. UPNEDA/Stationary/2015 UTTAR PRADESH NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (UPNEDA) Stationary and Computer Consumables. Name of Firm M/s : S. no. NAME OF ITEM MAKE/SIZE RATES PER Rate quoted for F.Y. 2015-16 1 2 3 4 5 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 B1 2 Glass for drinking water Jug (Plastic) Calculator (Casio 12 digit) Sprial Diary 100 pages 1X8 aprox Seasors 8 "/ 10 " Paper weight Dust bin Tea Tray for 6 cups paper clip 1.5" metal Marker pen for CD Correction pen (Eraz X) Pen stand 4 pen (plastic) Cup Plate set (6 ) pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc set Computer Stationary/Consumables Paper Rim (70 GSM) 10 x 12 x 1 10 x 12 x 2 10 x 12 x 3 10 x 12 x 4 Tirupati 15 x 10 x 1 15 x 10 x 2 15 x 10 x 3 15 x 10 x 4 Tirupati 3 Plastik folder Size 10 x 12 Size 15 x 12 4 Printer ribbons HQ. 1070 + DX Epson LQ 1150&2 DMP Tirupati Tirupati Tirupati Tirupati Tirupati Tirupati Alcon/Amket Alcon/Amket Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt pc pc pc pc Tender No. UPNEDA/Stationary/2015 UTTAR PRADESH NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (UPNEDA) Stationary and Computer Consumables. Name of Firm M/s : S. no. NAME OF ITEM MAKE/SIZE RATES PER Rate quoted for F.Y. 2015-16 1 2 3 4 5 5 Toner cartridge Hp- lazerjet-2300 DN Hp- lazerjet-1010 Hp- lazerjet-1020 & 1022 (12-A) Hp- lazerjet-MFP-M1005 Hp- lazerjet-MFP-M1136 (88A) Hp- lazerjet-1505 (36-A) Hp- lazerjet-1566 (78A) Hp- lazerjet-1008 (88-A) Hp- Hot Spot M1218HFS MFP (88A) Xpress SCX-3401 9c61-04462A Monocrome Lazer printer ML2546 hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp Samsung Samsung 6 Printer cartredge hp-5652( Black ) hp-5652( Color) hp-D-4268 (Black ) hp-D-4268 ( Color) hp desket 2050 (Black ) hp desket 2050 (colour ) hp desket 2520 (Black ) hp desket 2520 (colour ) cartridge colour /black 21 No 22no 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dust cover for computer Dust cover for Laser Printer Dust cover for MFP Printer Dust cover for color/ desk jet Printer mouse pad Mouse (optical) Keyboard Power cable Computer sheet for photo printing pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc set logitech pc pc pc pc logitech pc pc pc pc 100 pc Tender No. UPNEDA/Stationary/2015 UTTAR PRADESH NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (UPNEDA) Stationary and Computer Consumables. Name of Firm M/s : S. no. NAME OF ITEM MAKE/SIZE RATES PER Rate quoted for F.Y. 2015-16 1 2 3 4 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 CD (recordable) CD (re-writable) DVD-recordable DVD-RW Pen Drive (4 GB Kingston) Pen Drive ( 8 GB Kingston) UPS for computer (800 VA with 2 7 AH battries 23 Battries (UPS) 7 AH 12 V UPS Microtech/ Luminious Exide Safe Power/ Luminious/ Amco/ Amron/ Ponta pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc NOTE:1. Certified that rate quoted above are as per specification terms & condition mentioned in the tender. 2. The rates are inclusive of all taxes & duties what so ever, as detailed in technical offer.. If any new tax/duty is levied during the contract period, the same will be absorbed by the firm exclusively. (Signature of Tenderer) with seal -
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