A growing family of faith that welcomes you into our midst!

March 2015
A growing family of faith that welcomes you into our midst!
From The Rev…
Journey of Stones
The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my
shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.
Psalm 18:2
Lent is a time of reflection, a time to think and ponder our relationship with God, our relationship with ourselves and our relationships with others. It is time to slow down and to remember WHO we are and WHOSE
we are. This was the main reason in crafting the sermon series “Journey of Stones”. Throughout our Lenten
Journey together, we wander through the wilderness learning from the stones that we encounter in the Bible
in the following lessons:
March 1-Rejected Stones
March 8-Sticks and Stones
March 15-Hearts of Stone
March 22– Upon This Rock
March 29-Crying Stones
April 5-The Stone Rolled Away
Each Sunday as we gather together for worship, you will be given a stone. If there is something you desire to
give to God during this season, please feel free to place this stone back into the offering plate as it is passed
to you as a sign of your willingness to let go and LET GOD. If there is something you want or need to claim in
your life, please feel free to take this stone with you as a reminder of this challenge/commitment to God or
yourself. My hope is that no matter where you are in your spiritual life, you will find God to your ROCK, your
fortress, your savior, in whom you find protection. Your shield, the power that saves you and your place of
Grace and peace,
Jennifer Eastman Hinkle
Dublin Presbyterian Church
5775 Dublinshire Dr.
Dublin, OH 43017
Sunday Worship
Adult Study 9:15AM
Worship 10:30AM
Rev. Jennifer Eastman Hinkle, Pastor
Randy Warner, Director of Music Ministries
Barb Blanke, Director of Program Ministries
Nola Taracko, Office Manager
Tel: 614.793.8694; Fax: 614.799.1375; Email: dpc@dublinpresbyterian.org; Web: DublinPresbyterian.org
March 2015 Newsletter
page 2
Deadline for articles
For April Newsletter
March 20, 2015
Page 3
Change is Coming
Thank You from Nancy and Janet
Multiplying Joys / Dividing Sorrows
Daylight Savings Time Reminder
Page 4—5
Page 5
Page 6
Second Sunday
Women’s Bible Study
Pages 7
Kid’s Klub
Sunday School Schedule
Pages 8
Worship and Music Committee article
Page 9
Ash Wednesday Recap
Continued Prayers for:
 The Townley/McKenna Family
 Jessica Hirth (Sarver)
 The Triplett Family (Gerace)
Prayers for:
Herb /Sharon Hayes’s son (cancer)
Marisa Schoening’s father (brain surgery)
Nancy Pratt’s brother-in-law (heart attack)
Susan Davis’s friend (brain cancer)
Carter Leinberger as he prepares for another surgery
The families of those needlessly killed by terrorists or accidents.
Residents of the snow-laden Boston area.
Anna Pratt Hubbard
Page 10
Prayers of Joy and Thanksgiving for:
 Doug Dalstrom who underwent successful heart
Easter Flowers
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Page 11
New Members Feature
Every Other Month Book Club
Page 12
Valentine’s Day
Page 13
Per Capita
Page 14
Mission Trip 2015
Page 15
One Great Hour of Sharing
Page 16
Max & Erma’s Fundraising
Page 17
Trinity in the Garden recap
Page 18
Meetings and Upcoming Events
March 1
March 3
March 4
March 5
March 7
March 8
March 9
March 12
March 14
March 16
March 20
March 21
March 22
March 23
March 30
Jane Kapp; Amy Shoaf
Dave Jeggle
Riley Buck; Ashley Goble
Betty Baxter
Peter Youngs
Kyle Buckley
Annika Reichley
Claire Taylor
Amanda Holcomb; Chad Holcomb
Austin Wyner
Liz Troxell
Audrey Beisler
Bob Sarver
A.J. Beisler
Colin Reynolds
March 2015 Newsletter
page 3
Beginning Sunday, March 1, those of you who enter through the back door will notice a change. Sunday morning greeters will be stationed at both the front doors and the back doors (Sunday school wing). As our church
continues to grow we want to be welcoming and hospitable to everyone coming to worship with us.
While we want to be welcoming and hospitable, we are also mindful of security for our church and the children
in the Sunday school wing when everyone is attending the 10:30am worship service. Therefore, going forward,
the back doors will be locked at 10:40 am and remain so until after the worship service. A sign indicating the
locked doors will be placed at the back sidewalk and on the door itself directing late arrivals to enter through
the front doors.
Nancy and Janet would like to thank the congregation for the surprise salute to their pageant directing history on
February 1st. . What a really thoughtful thing to do—having cake during fellowship plus
receiving framed pictures with signatures for lasting gifts!! Having the children be part
of the presentation during worship made it even more special. Knowing how much the
congregation supports and enjoys the pageant makes it all worthwhile every year.
Thank you so much!!
Nancy and Janet
March 2015 Newsletter
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LENT for Children and their Family
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and runs for forty days until we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord
on Easter Sunday. If you count the days, you will notice that there are more than forty days from Ash
Wednesday to Easter. In the count we leave out Sundays because they are “little Easters”. Now, recount only Mondays through Saturdays.
Lent is the time for prayer and reflection on who we are and how we live our lives as children of God
and disciples of Christ. Many people decide to “give up” something they really like—like chocolate—or
“take on” something that might challenge them to be better people—like exercising daily or serving in a
food pantry. Here are two things you and your family might like to take on: (see below)
#1 One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)
Fish Banks
Each child is encouraged to pick up a OGHS Fish Bank at church (found in
the narthex). During the season of Lent, children and families are asked
to fill their banks with coins on a daily basis, remembering the others in
our world who have lost much in fires, tornadoes and other disasters,
remembering the poor and hungry who give up buying groceries in order to pay electric bills and rent
keeping a warm home for the family, and remembering that we take our education for granted—that
there are many in other countries who value their education on how to grow crops and how to dig a
well for clean drinking water. Not everyone has our luxuries in life. So please, remember to fill your
banks and return them on Palm Sunday.
Marcus Pfister’s book, The Rainbow Fish, reminds us to share with others that which we value and have
in abundance; that it is better to give than to receive. Let us remember to give our coins to help others
in need this Lenten season.
NOTE: Upon returning your Fish Banks to church on Palm Sunday, stop by the large Rainbow Fish in the narthex. Take one of it’s scales. Read the scripture on the scale and then
share it with someone else. Read, Share, and Pass It On!
March 2015 Newsletter
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#2 JOURNEY OF STONES...After Worship Activities
During our “Journey of Stones” focus through the season of Lent, there will be a Kid’s Korner activity in
the narthex for children each week following worship. Here is the planned schedule of crafts and activities:
March 1
Coffee grounds stones
“Rejected Stones”
March 8
Twig crosses
“Sticks and Stones”
March 15
Stone necklace
“Hearts of Stone”
March 22
Rock Foundation
“Upon this Rock”
March 29, Palm Sunday
Egg Carton Holy Week
“Crying Stones”
April 5, Easter
Foam paper craft
“The Stone Rolled Away”
Dates: June 8—12, 2015
9 AM—Noon
ages: 4 years old—completing 5th grade
Registration forms will be available beginning in May.
Too old to be a participants? There is an open invitation to all youth in grades 6-12 to assist VBS leaders through the week. There will be science projects, crafts, grams, singing, snacks and storytelling
each day from 9 AM until noon.
Sign up with a friend and come play, learn and grow through the force of God in our lives.
FIRST VBS MEETING: SUNDAY, April 12, 11:45 AM—12:15 PM in the Youth Room. Interested in
helping with VBS—class leader, games, crafts, science, etc??? Come to the meeting!
March 2015 Newsletter
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Second Sundays at Dublin Presbyterian Church
March Second Sunday is a Two-Part Event…
Saturday and Sunday
Saturday, March 7, 11:00 AM—1:00 PM– Welcome Warehouse Storage Space…Let’s join together in the fun of
doing service. Jesus calls us to serve others and go out in pairs to share the Good News. On Saturday
morning, March 7, from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM our mission project will be to sort donated clothing into
appropriate sizes for storage before it goes to the free store.. Children are welcome but need to be old
enough to follow directions and not need much supervision. We will gather at the warehouse located
on Perimeter Loop behind the Kroger shopping strip on Avery-Muirfield Drive. Go west on Perimeter just
north of the Burger King; drive past the entrances to the Kroger shopping strip, to the driveway behind
the stores. Look for the Welcome Warehouse entrance. Light refreshments will be available. Questions
call or text Barb Blanke, 271-4452.
Sunday, March 8 – Habitat for Humanity…At 9:15 AM on Sunday morning, presenters are Bob VanVliet and
Ralph LeVan will discuss Habitat and how DPC is involved. Bring a breakfast item to share…
Please bring a new or used tool to be donated to Habitat for Humanity.
Tools will be blessed in worship for the work of the Lord through HfH.
The next study for Women’s Bible Study will be The Rebel Jesus by Mike Slaughter. The description
on the back of the book reads “Jesus didn’t come to start a religion. The rebel Jesus came with a
renegade gospel to start a revolution. Pastor and author Mike Slaughter presents Jesus and his challenging message to inspire us during Lent, Easter, and through the year.” This study will begin on
Monday, March 30 and complete on May 4. Cost of the book is approximately $12.00. Contact
Sharon Hayes to indicate your interest so that a book can be ordered for you.
On Monday, March 23, prior to beginning The Rebel Jesus, the group will be
taking a field trip to COSI, downtown Columbus, to see JERUSALEM and go to
lunch afterwards. Carpooling from the church will be available. Please let
Sharon Hayes know if you are interested. The movie show time is 12:00 noon
and the cost is $8.00 ($4.00 if you are a COSI member).
“A film that takes viewers above — and beneath — some of the most sacred
places in Jerusalem has the potential to draw together Jewish, Christian and Islamic believers to discuss the historical, cultural, political and social issues surrounding the city they all love,” a local rabbi said.
Please consider joining us for one or both of these activities.
March 2015 Newsletter
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Kid’s Klub Leads Worship on March 8
Kid’s Klub and Fireside Singers will rehearse on Sunday morning, March 8 from 9:45 AM until time for
worship. Kid’s Klub children will lead worship on that Sunday, March 8. Tuesday, March 3, will be rehearsal.
Kid’s Klub Last Tuesday is March 10.
We will gather at church and go to Emerald Crossing for singing and visiting around 4:30 PM; returning
to church around 5:00 PM for dinner. Families are invited to join us for dinner and fellowship from
5:00—6:00 PM. Permission slips are required for transportation to Emerald Crossing.
Fireside Stories and Story Tellers
Children's Message
Barb Blanke - all children to Fireside Room
Barb Blanke
Barb Blanke
Jennifer Eastman Hinkle
March 2015 Newsletter
page 8
No one needs to tell us that we are still in the winter season here in central Ohio. The sub-zero temperatures in February are all too recent reminders of the fact that winter isn’t over yet. This winter season brings to mind the Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter
under heaven….” These Scripture verses inspired a painter by the name of John August Swanson to create his narrative serigraph titled Ecclesiastes. John is a world famous contemporary artist whose works
include many colorful depictions of Biblical stories. He was born in 1938 and has lived and worked most
of his life in Los Angeles, California.
Joan Chittister tells us in her
There is a Season book, “to
look clearly and consciously
at Ecclesiastes…..” According
to Joan, the painting shouts
out at us to look at it with
fresh and open hearts. “What
you do not know in your own
life, see in the other. Look
again. Look newly. Look at life
once more, and where you
have been blinded, see, and
where you have become
numb to the point of the
senseless, the dead of heart,
now glory.” (p.3)
Joan believes that the Ecclesiastes verses tell us to view life on this Earth as a mosaic made up of small
pieces of human experience common to us all but lived uniquely by each one of us. May the vibrancy
and message of this serigraph (a print made by the silkscreen process) inspire you to look at this winter
season with fresh eyes and an open heart.
Peace and Grace,
Janet Tornow, Worship and Music Committee
March 2015 Newsletter
page 9
Ash Wednesday 2015 Recap
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses
its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no
longer good for anything, except to be thrown out
and trampled underfoot. 14 “You are the light of the
world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a
bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives
light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let
your light shine before others, that they may see
your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:12-16
Thanks to all who were able to come out and share in a beautiful Ash Wednesday worship. We gathered together to recognize from where we come as told in the first two chapters of Genesis. Creator
God, crafted Adam (from the Hebrew "adamah" meaning of the earth) from the dust of the earth and
breathed the breathe of life through his nostrils animating humankind. God had created the first
man and woman, Adam and Eve, to worship God, love one another and care for the rest of creation
in the Garden of Eden. However, in one disobedient act, humankind was thrown out of this earthly
paradise as consequence for our desire to be gods ourselves.
As typical in most all Ash Wednesday services, ashes were placed on the foreheads of worshipers as a
reminder of our mortality and sinfulness, but we also remembered that Jesus called us salt and light
in the world and named some of the important benefits of each brings to this world. The phrase "You
are dust, but you are also salt and light in this world. Make the world flavorful and shine the light of
Christ in all that you think, say and do, was shared to each participant in worship. The choir generously shared this gifts of music with the community and all left feeling a little lighter than when they
had entered the sanctuary. There was laughter, there were tears, but most importantly, the presence of God was felt in this place.
May you feel God's presence as you walk this Lenten Journey of Stones. May you bask in the blessings that God has given to you and may you know that though you are dust and to dust you shall
return, know also that you are salt and light in this world!
March 2015 Newsletter
page 10
On Easter morning, April 5, 2015, the Dublin Presbyterian Church sanctuary will be decorated with
Easter flowers. The Worship and Music Committee is coordinating this effort. The cost, again this
year, will be $10.00 per plant with proceeds benefiting our summer Mission Trip to Neon, KY.
Order forms may be found as inserts to the bulletin, at the connections center or on the website.
Place your order form, along with your payment in the collection plate or leave it in the church office. Completed forms and checks may also be mailed to the Dublin Presbyterian Church.
The order deadline date is March 15, 2015 so if you are going out of town for Spring Break you
may want to place your order early. Checks should be made payable to Dublin Presbyterian Church
with a notation, “Easter Flowers”.
Contact Debbie Sundheimer (614-537-6695) or debbiesun@earthlink.net with questions..
DPC Sponsors
Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, March 29, 2015 (Palm Sunday)
12:00 Noon after worship
Children of all ages are welcome. Candy and Prizes!!
Bring your Easter Baskets.
Please RSVP to reserve your place by emailing (dpc@dublinpresbyterian.org) or calling
(614-793-8694) the church.
March 2015 Newsletter
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This month features Jim, Katy, and Amelia Arenschield
Where are you from originally? Katy grew up in New Lenox, IL, a suburb of Chicago.
Jim grew up in Brunswick, OH, a suburb of Cleveland. We both attended Miami University.
Katy moved to Atlanta, GA to start her career in education, first as a teacher and then after earning
her Masters she moved into counseling; first at a high school and then in high education at Wake Forest and now Ohio State!
Jim began his post-college career working in professional baseball for the Pittsburgh Pirates, and later
went back to pursue an MBA at Wake Forest. He transitioned careers into Marketing for HanesBrands and now ScottsMiracle-Gro.
What brought you to Columbus area? We wanted to be closer to family, as our parents still live in New
Lenox and Brunswick and felt Columbus had a lot to offer as we looked to lay down roots and start a
family in the future—we actually found out we were expecting our first child the week Jim started his
job in Columbus!
What attracted you to DPC? After attending services at other congregations and denominations, we
attended our first service at DPC and quickly felt a connection with the family atmosphere and style
of service; singing, strong sense of community, and being involved with helping people.
Tell us something interesting about you and your family members? Katy and Jim attended Miami Univer-
sity at the same time and were friends from living in the same dorm freshman year. We stayed in
touch after college but started dating 4 years after graduation! Amelia has been to campus twice and
seems to already love it.:) She’ll have a tough choice between there and OSU in 17 years from now!
What do you look forward to in the new year? Continuing to watch Amelia grow and change right in
front of our eyes. Anytime we get out as a family; running, the zoo, swim lessons. Summer trips to
see family and friends and celebrate at a few weddings.
Wednesday, March 25
11:00 AM
Panera Bread in Dublin
All the Light We Cannot See
By Anthony Doerr
We are missing those of you who haven’t joined us for a while. We look forward to seeing you in March.
Contact Sharon Hayes with any questions about Every Other Month Book Club.
March 2015 Newsletter
page 12
At their February 11 gathering, the Women’s Bible
Study group celebrated Valentine’s Day. Thanks to
the artful hands of Peggy Holcomb we shared
yummy decorated sugar cookies. Peggy and Julie
Swan put on quite a spread for the celebration.
Meadows Academy
One of the school themes for February was
“Friendship and Kindness”. We read the book “Let’s
Be Kind” by P.K. Hallinan about the many ways children can be kind at home and at play. We talked
about the virtue of kindness and how to practice it
(e.g., picking up toys).
Of course, each classroom celebrated Valentines
—Susan Bolongaita, Director
Meadows Academy is looking for a part time or full
time Early Preschool Teacher 2-3 year olds) and PreKindergarten Teacher (3-4 year olds). Applicants
with a degree in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education or a related field are encouraged to
Applicants should have 2-3 years teaching experience, hard working with good moral character, good
communication skills, experience with creating lesson plans, team player, and professional.
Interviews are ongoing. We are hiring immediately
for the Early Preschool teacher and flexible for the
Pre-Kindergarten teacher. Please email your cover
letter and resume to:
susan@meadowsacademy.org or
For more information about Meadows Academy,
visit meadowsacademy.org.
March 2015 Newsletter
page 13
Why We Should Care About Per Capita?
Two-thirds of the 2015 per capita payment of $31.00 is for the Presbytery of Scioto Valley. (The
rest goes to General Assembly and Synod.) Dublin Presbyterian Church owes its creation and continued existence to the Presbytery. They have supported us in so many ways. On the financial side
alone, they made loan payments for us when we were unable to do so, they waived interest on our
loans for extended periods, and they gave us money to use for operating expenses. Most recently,
in 2012 they extended an offer to pay off our Presbytery loans at a 30% discount, which we did after a successful “Forgive Us Our Debts” fundraiser.
Presbytery is no longer in a financial position to assist many churches in those ways, but some
churches in our region may not survive without their help. Dublin Presbyterian Church pays its full
per capita payment ($6,138 this year) to support those efforts, in part because we have benefitted
so much from Presbytery. If you haven’t already done so, please consider paying your per capita
to lessen the burden on DPC’s bottom line this year. Remember, per capita for 2015 is $31.00 for
confirmed member. Thank you!
Look for the Per Capita Apportionment Envelopes …..
in the sanctuary pew racks
 at the connections center
 in your envelope boxes
March 2015 Newsletter
page 14
Mission Trip 2015
With the recent cold temperatures probably the furthest thing from your mind is making plans for the week of
June 21-27. That is the week for our Annual Mission Trip and we would love to have you join us.
God continues to call us, along with our sister churches in Plain City, Hilliard, and Marysville, to help those in
need with home repair, rebuilding or new construction.
We will be traveling to Neon, Kentucky, a depressed area of Appalachia. This is the same area we worked last
Mission work: H.O.M.E.S. Inc.
Dates: June 21-27, 2015
Ages: Entering the 9th grade (fall 2014) to 95+
Group Size: Approx 25 in total
Work Location: Neon, Kentucky
Sleeping arrangements: Women's and men's large dormitory rooms
Transportation: Rental vans and a luggage truck
Meals: Our cooking team is led by our own Carolyn Buchanan
Type of work: Not yet confirmed, but most likely repair and rebuilding
Skill level required: NONE, we use what skills you have and train you on what we need. There is no such thing
as unskilled.
For more details check out the H.O.M.E.S. Inc website http://www.homeseky.com/ or talk with Bob VanVliet,
Doug Spalding or Barb Blanke.
Fundraising: Max & Erma's (first Thursday of each month), Kroger Plus Card signup, check on the DPC website.
Also our Annual Sub Sale
Registration forms can be found on the Connection Center. Completed registration form and deposit
($200) are due by March 8 to Bob VanVliet (bvanvliet@aol.com)
March 2015 Newsletter
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One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)
Churches of the PCUSA sponsor Four organization wide special offerings
during the year. The first one of the calendar year is the One Great Hour of
Sharing (OGHS). This offering is collected during the Lenten season.
OGHS started in 1949 as an appeal on the radio aimed at raising funds necessary to provide relief and reconstruction in the aftermath of disasters.
Today projects supported by OGHS are underway in more than 100 countries.
The funds raised are divided into 3 programs:
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) 32%
Presbyterian Hunger Program (PH) 36%
Self-Development of People (SDOP) 32%
The first offering collected in 2015 will be the One Great Hour of Sharing, which is currently using
donations to respond to the Ebola epidemic and human trafficking.
If you would like more information on any of these programs go to presbyterianmission.org
Envelopes for OGHS can be found in your weekly offering boxes or at the connections center. The
offering will be collected on Palm Sunday 3/29; however your offering will be received anytime during the Lenten season. Thank you for considering this worthy cause.
- - -The Mission Committee
March 2015 Newsletter
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Support Mission, Fun, Fellowship, Good Food!!!!
Join us on Thursday, March 5, 2015, for dinner at Max & Erma’s for DPC night. Every first Thursday, 20% of the
proceeds of each check go to support our Mission Trip fund raising. Clip the coupon below and enjoy a family
night out. Additional coupons are available on the Connections Center and on the church website.
March 2015 Newsletter
page 17
Thank you to all who supported our
Trinity In The Garden (ITG) mission in
February. DPC members are so generous with their donations and time in
support of this awesome mission. We
wouldn’t be able to do what we do
without all the support we receive from
this congregation.
We started the day learning about the
Trinity ITG mission as well as some eye
opening statistics related to homelessness in Columbus from special guest
speakers, Karen Peeler and Deni Ray
from Trinity Episcopal Church. It was
fascinating to learn about their passion
for helping the homeless which goes beyond the Sunday meals to lobbying in D.C.! We recorded the
presentation and hope to be able to provide a link for those of you interested in hearing about this mission for the first time (or those of you that were so moved, you'd like to hear it again!).
Pastor Jennifer and Sarah Flanigan were recognized by Trinity Episcopal church on behalf of DPC and
presented with Ecclesia Crosses. If you've never seen one, please make a point to locate Pastor Jennifer
or Sarah Flanigan who will no doubt be proudly wearing theirs and happy to show you.
We had a large turnout in February for the ITG mission; both in diners as well as volunteers. DPC supported with 10 adults and 3 youth. We were also able to meet our Presbyterian neighbors from Delaware First Presbyterian church who brought a class of confirmands and their parents to observe and
lend a free hand as well. Did you know that Delaware FPC opens their doors monthly, every fourth
Thursday, to support their community with a free meal as well? There were over 126 diners who were
nourished and warmed with our lovingly prepared meal of chili, cornbread, mac-n-cheese, applesauce
and cookies. We were able to provide seconds and emptied every pan of food we brought. Rest assured, no one left hungry that afternoon J
If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience this wonderful mission, please consider supporting in
July. Please see Sarah Flanigan if you have any questions .
March 2015 Newsletter
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5775 Dublinshire Drive
Dublin, OH 43017
Dublin Presbyterian Church
5775 Dublinshire Dr.
Dublin, OH 43017
Sunday Worship
Adult Study 9:15AM
Worship 10:30AM
Rev. Jennifer Eastman Hinkle, Pastor
Randy Warner, Director of Music Ministries
Barb Blanke, Director of Program Ministries
Nola Taracko, Office Manager
Tel: 614.793.8694; Fax: 614.799.1375; Email: dpc@dublinpresbyterian.org; Web: DublinPresbyterian.org
Monday, March 2
Tuesday, March 3
Friday, March 6
Monday, March 9
Sunday, March 15
Monday, March 16
Sunday March 22
Monday, March 23
March 1
March 2
March 3
March 5
March 7
March 8
March 9
March 10
March 15
March 17
March 22
March 23
March 24
March 25
March 29
Staff; Worship/Music Committee
Membership Committee Meeting
Finance Committee Meeting
Staff; Session
Mission Committee
Staff; Deacons
CE Committee Meeting
Adult Study 9:15 AM; Worship (Baptism/New Members) 10:30 AM; Fellowship 11:30 AM;
Confirmation 4:00 PM
Women’s Bible Study, 12:30 PM
Kids Klub 4:15 PM; Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM
Max & Erma Fundraiser
All Church Mission Project: Welcome Warehouse
Second Sunday 9:15AM; Worship (Communion) 10:30 AM; Fellowship 11:30 AM;
Confirmation 4:00 PM
Women's Bible Study 12:30 PM
Kids Klub to Emerald Crossing 4:15 PM; Choir 7:00 PM
Adult Study, 9:15 AM; Worship 10:30 AM; Fellowship 11:30 AM
Choir 7:00 PM
Adult Study 9:15AM;Worship 10:30AM;Fellowship 11:30 AM; Confirmation 4:00 PM
Women’s Bible Study to COSI to view JERUSALEM
Choir 7:00 PM
Every Other Month Book Club, Panera Dublin, 11:00 AM
PALM SUNDAY: Adult Study 9:15 AM; Worship (Parade of Palms) 10:30 AM; Fellowship 11:30 AM
(One Great Hour of Sharing offering received.) Community Easter Egg Hunt